Raiders Tyree Wilson GOES VIRAL at NFL Sack Summit

Raiders Tyree Wilson GOES VIRAL at NFL Sack Summit

in Las Vegas yesterday we had the defensive line sack Summit actually happened and we had a ton of Las Vegas Raiders defensive linemen that ultimately showed up and there’s one guy that’s kind of going viral on social media right now because this guy looks massive this guy looks strong as hell this guy looks like an absolute beast and that’s our seconde defensive end Ty Wilson tyry Wilson is going viral because people are saying this guy looks absolutely Jack just compared to some of the other defensive lineman there I mean if you guys just look at Tyreek Wilson compared him to the guy standing right next to him in John Jenkins who’s the Raider starting defensive tackle he’s he’s like our nose he’s our one Tech and you can see how much bigger Tyre Wilson is than John Jenkins which is kind of crazy to think and for those reasons Tyre Wilson is going viral now I want to talk about the sack Summit as well as kind of what we learned from the sack Summit what some of these other Raiders defensive lineman could have learned as well if you guys don’t know we basically had from left to right Malcolm Coons David agoa Charles Snowden jius Robinson Max Crosby John Jenkins and Tye Wilson so the Raiders essentially had seven defensive linemen that went to the sack Summit it was officially hosted by Von Miller Cameron Jordan and Max Crosby so of course you would expect a ton of Las Vegas Raiders defensive lineman to be there especially since Max Crosby’s one of the host but it wasn’t just the Raiders defensive lineman you know you had guys like Von Miller Warren Sapp Brian Burns Greg rosale you had guys like Cameron Jordan and quiddy pay there so there are a ton of really really good good pass forers that attended the summit and these guys just kind of talked about defensive line play you know a lot of people don’t realize this but there’s a legit science to pass rushing there’s a legit thought process behind it and you had Max Crosby talking about what he thinks cros it’s the same thing I’m getting through this dude and he’s got to and Sap’s got to sell and then just make me ready so yeah it’s never going to be perfect that’s Rush that’s what makes it so beautiful because guys come in all different shapes and sizes and all rushes you don’t know exactly what’s going happen you might think or have an idea what’s going to happen but in the middle of it you just got to be able to get to that X at all times so you get Max cross to basically tell us how he pass rushes and what he’s kind of thinking and how he wants to get after the quarterback and I think if you’re Malcolm Co or if you’re tyry Wilson or if you’re one of the younger guys David agoa Charles Snowden if you’re one of the guys that’s maybe not as experienced you want to be at this pass for Summit because you want to understand what Max Crosby’s doing you want to understand what Cameron Jordan’s doing what Von Miller’s doing Brian burn you want to understand what some of the best pass rers in the world are doing that’s allowing them to have success and you want to try to implement that into your own game you know Malcolm Coons has been going to the sack Summit for at least two seasons so this will be his third year attending the sack Summit and if you guys think about how Malcolm Co has taking the next step you know how much of the sack Summit allowed him to take that step how much did he actually learn and apply and we might not know the actual answer but I can guarantee you malun learned a lot all right going into the sack Summit and realizing the science behind pass rushing I think Cameron Jordan did a really really good job talking about how his thought process is when it comes to pass rushing and I can almost guarantee you every single defens man takes the same approach hey hey literally I’m I’m literally pointed where exactly I’m going I’m I’m here with I’m B and then you like all right sit down that time and I’ll go right back to it all my boy set all right cool I like he still Ain sit down and eventually about that second third time cuz you know offensive linemen are not smart people like let’s just be let’s keep it a bean bro you you can trick them into anything if you set them up with power they’re GNA like oh I got to Anchor so now I’m setting up I’m here with the he sense and now I’m into a chop and now I’m into a chop arm over and I’m I’m setting off my power angle so now now I can be freaky now we now we going to the second quarter and I’m over here like Oh I like that Brian burn I’m out here you know what I’m saying like and I was like oh now I got that Josh Allen now I’m hit him with the I want I want all of it and I’m literally setting all mine off because yeah like get off his fire cuz I’m timing a lot of up but at the same time I’m like what am I good at if I’m bringing power to the table to me this is one of the things that I’ve criticized when it comes to Tyreek Wilson you know Tyree Wilson play in play out is going to just really bull rush he’s going to really just try to beat guys using his power but one of the things tyry Wilson has to develop is he has to develop that mindset on the first two or three plays Bor Rush this guy but then on that third fourth or fifth Play Chop his arms down you know take the you know take your you swat him take your arm over the top of him right do different pass rush moves and Cameron Jordan sums it up perfectly and if Tyreek Wilson and any of these other defensive linemen can apply those Concepts they’re going to have success in their NFL careers tyry Wilson just from the image you can tell is absolutely massive he is different than 99% of NFL defensive lineman and I understand being different is one thing then actually applying it and having success is a completely different thing right so don’t get it twisted in that instance yes you got to be able to do both but do understand if tyry Wilson is able to develop and he is able to pass rush properly the way you want NFL defensive linan to do based off the fact that this guy’s so much bigger than most people he should have a lot of success in the NFL he should be one of those guys that’s almost Unstoppable but the guy has to develop he has to learn the pass rush techniques the guy has to get smarter when it comes to the pass rushing ability he has to be able to you know set guys up he has to be able to come you know two to three things and then on the fourth thing change it up like he has to have the mindset of just being relentless and just keep going show that high effort show that motor and just really get accurate we saw malol put it together this past season and Tyree Wilson may not put it together in his second season but that doesn’t mean I would be out on Tyree Wilson I would still give him a another season right I think year three is usually the guys that have to develop year three is usually the year they ultimately break out right and I think with Tyreek Wilson year three is going to do wonders for him I think it’ll be the same thing with a guy like Trayvon Walker who came a year before Tyreek Wilson very very similar to Tyreek Wilson the guy was raw I think year three Trayvon Walker could potentially have some success as well and I think Tyree Wilson year two might show us some flashes and I definitely want to see him improve year three over the year to really judge Tyree Wilson but I L love the fact that he’s going viral for how big he is now there was also another video that was posted that I kind of want to talk about and that was that Max Crosby and tyry Wilson were essentially running drills they were basically running through hitting the bags showing the band being able to kind of get after it and go through it and you guys can see how explosive and how quick Max Crosby is running those drill and then on the other end you watched Tyrie Wilson do it and it doesn’t look as good you can just see that Max Crosby is so much more Twitchy he’s so much more explosive than Tyreek Wilson and yes he absolutely is and there’s you know no one’s going to argue that Max Crosby’s faster than T Wilson and we knew that right when we drafted Terre Wilson we knew that he would never be that you know Von Miller Edge B and and be able to beat people with the quickness and speed we always knew Tyre Wilson is not going to be able to do that and that’s not a bad thing you can still have success we’ve seen guys like Cameron Jordan have so much success and Cameron Jordan’s been a defensive man his entire career uh we’ve seen other guys in the NFL have success that are bigger and stronger miles Garrett’s a good example of that now Garrett is obviously very Twitchy as well but you know you guys get the point you can be strong and powerful and you don’t need to have a quick First Step uh and you don’t have to be as Twitchy as Max Crosby or oron Miller to get after the quarterback other guys have done it and I’m excited to watch Tyree Wilson actually develop and take that next step yes he looks a lot slower than Max Crosby in that video he doesn’t look as good as Max he doesn’t move as well as Max but I can guarantee you guys Max Crosby is not as strong as Terre Wilson and uh I’m not saying being strong is going to lead to you being a good defensive end but you do lose snaps if the tackle that you’re going up against the stronger right you will lose snaps you will lose reps and I think with Tyreek Wilson because he’s stronger than a lot of guys he can win reps just by by being stronger than guys but it really is going to take him to come together to understand how offensive linemen are trying to Anchor how offensive linemen are going to try to you know handle the bll rush if ter Wilson comes at them with the Bor rush I talked about this in the video I did of Terry Wilson just a couple days ago where ter Wilson has to develop that I can Bor Rush guys I can throw guys to the ground I can absolutely Crush people the way he did against that Dallas Cowboys right tackle where he absolutely tossed his ass in I think his first ever NFL action but you got to be able to take that come back on a second time and use a completely different move right you got to change it up as Cameron Hayward says you got to keep those offensive lineman thinking now obviously Cameron Hayward does say that offensive linemen aren’t very smart I totally disagree with that I think offensive linemen are a lot smarter than defensive linemen that’s just my thoughts and and my personal opinions let me know what you guys think man do you guys think ter Wilson looks impressive in this viral picture do you guys think this guy will take the next step step in year two or year three or are you already riding him off because I know a lot of people are a lot of people are calling him a bust already you guys can go look at that video look at the comments so many people are saying this guy’s too slow to have success but I want to know what you guys think drop a comment down below thumbs up subscribe and I will see you guys next time with another video

Las Vegas Raiders DE Tyree Wilson is going viral at the Maxx Crosby/Von Miller pass rush summit. Lets talk about it!

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  1. Apologies for the Audio, I forgot to turn on the "Stereo" feature, so you are only going to get audio through the left channel (mono).

  2. Gotta be honest, here. Wilson still doesn't get low enough. The bend is just not there. Lacks burst. Has strength and size but lacks speed, too. Doesn't have fast twitch muscles. This more or less sort of confirms it.

    I dont want to say that because its unfair to him and still wayyyyyy too early, but hopefully, he's just playing it safe and going through the motions.

    Not saying it, but im saying…. Jalen…. ugh….

  3. I don't think it's possible for Wilson to play DE he has to be well over 300 pounds. Not bad weight. John Jenkins is listed at 325 and Wilson is bigger. He has to be moving inside. Maxx is listed at 260 and looks like a safety compared to Wilson. I would put him right over the center and have him bull rush every play. Centers can't handle him, to strong and he;s quicker then most tackles. He would be a nightmare for QB's under center.

  4. I was a believer in drafting tyree last year I'm not out on him yet at all he will only get better learning from Maxx and koonce sky is the limit for him he will be a beast in time

  5. Tyree reads everything, let the haters hate. Tyree proved the one ability I had about him last year… availability – he played in every game. Anything after that was a bonus. I agree with you though. He was an upside pick at the time and year 3 is when we'll see the best of Tyree. when/If he makes it through this season healthy… lookout.

  6. Wilson still has some time left before people should just give up on him, he's definitely got the physical, he's just got to fill up his toolbox

  7. Tyree is just a different type of football player. His style is different. Hes not as athletic as Max. Tyree just has to perfect his technique that involves speed and/or power. Theres a good handful of pass rush tools that he can use that actually caters to his strengths. If he puts alot of time in tryimg to rush the passer exactly hlw Maxx does, hes gonna waste alot of his years just never reaching bis potential

  8. Wilson can continue to work on his quickness and athleticism. He has come a long way already. It took both Maxx and Miles years as well to develop into the players they are today.

    I think having Wilson with his strength gives the Raiders an outstanding against the run defensive line when it’s Maxx, Wilkens, Jenkins and Wilson's, while providing an End that can potentially give Maxx some rest and be paired with Koonce.

  9. Tyree is never going to be elite foot speed like Maxx where every move is eliete but he can be better at power moves like bull rush, and Howie Long said on the rush there are plenty of HOF guys with just a few goto moves. Howie pretty much played DT and best move was the bull rush.

  10. Power is his game let him master that nothing wrong with just having that I mean just look at Reggie White he was all power he was a monster bulldozer of a man and crushed QBs.

  11. Tyree is Tyree. Dudes like him (and AOC) need time and experience to fully develop. This ‘bout the best situation you could ask for. Trust them.

  12. I expect 10-12 sacks out Tyree Wilson based on a crippled rookie campaign , having an offseason and working with the vets like Maxx . Tyree is going King Kong Reggie White when he is all the way up but expect an arrival to ascend in 2024

  13. Dude, many of you have to remember he was coming off a server oot/ankle injury. Also the them first 8 games was a team low moral spirit. So this is his 2 yr. I think he will have great system. But what he has to do is get in tight crouching position. To get more power on the l8ne. Lol😅😊

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