Denver Broncos Rookie Savant Is Rocketing Up Depth Chart

Denver Broncos Rookie Savant Is Rocketing Up Depth Chart

in Broncos Country we all hope that Bon knck is the quarterback in 10 years but the million-dollar question is who’s the quarterback tomorrow who’s going to be starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos when the season opens we get news about that today we also hear from an unbiased Source about the potential of Bon Knicks can’t wait to break that down and a ton more in this video if you’re new to this Channel and you love the Denver Broncos as much as I do it would help me out a ton if you like And subscribe uh so let’s dive in so it’s easy to dismiss some of the raving about B Knicks and claim that the people have been saying great things about him the fact that Shawn pyton couldn’t hop on the pat mck ify show he couldn’t even wait for the first round of the draft to end until he facetimed him awkwardly uh and just raved about him and just rattled off all the stats and the things bonck was good at and you could in your mind convince yourself well he’s got to say that bonck fell to him he has to convince himself that he likes him but we can’t really like believe just one person’s opinion when he has such a Prejudice for that opinion being right like he’s got his prerogative and his bias but we’re hearing from more and more people who have no reason to say good things about B Knicks and I think their opinion we can wait even higher than the opinion that we’re waiting Shawn Payton’s of uh and so the article that I’m reading today that just had me crazy excited is reading um B Nick’s former coach who I never really liked because I’m a CU fan and I remember him like dogging on Coach Prime but um basically uh what we’re seeing is Dan Lanning hopped on uh Colin coward’s show and was talking about B Knicks and just like what a good influence he was on the Ducks program in Oregon and and so a couple of the the lines in there that just really stuck out to me in his interview was that he’s as good of a person on the field as he is off he’s insanely mature he’s married all of that kind of stuff we’ve known that and we’ve known mature people who don’t it doesn’t translate to skill on the football field like Tim TBO was a good dude wasn’t the best at throwing on the Rock even though I got his book over there and I love Tim TBO um but here’s a couple of the lines that made me be like oh good dude plus great quarterback so this thing right here that uh he said I felt like we had another coach in the building what separates Bo from every other quarterback he’s ever worked with including Justin Herbert uh is that how much time Bo puts into the work and he gets specific with it he said Bo watches More film than our coaches there’s no one who’s to step on a field and be more prepared than Bo and that that attitude of like Hey we’re going to grind at this and we’re going to figure this out spreads throughout an entire program we’re seeing that already from Shawn Payton who’s talking about the youthful energy and I think a lot of that is coming from B Knicks like I have zero doubts that Russell Wilson spent a ton of time working I just think the things that Russell Wilson spent time working on is different than what B Nicks is spending time working on that he is you know it’s like I used to to be a teacher in my former life actually I still kind of am but there’s this teacher I taught next to who spent hours and hours and hours and hours on bulletin boards in the hallway and they were the best bulletin boards you’ve ever seen in your life but then they spend no time on coming up with cool lesson plans to make the kids not riot in her class and she lost her job and so like you can work hard but not work hard at the right things and I think we’re seeing that bonix works hard uh at the right things uh seeing in another huge thing was that uh Jordan Palmer just released an amazing video and I have a couple of my favorite Clips in it and Jordan Palmer’s worked with Patrick Mahomes he’s worked obviously with his brother Carson Palmer with Josh Allen uh with uh Watson deshun Watson like a lot of really really good quarterbacks in the league and comes out and just Raves about him uh let’s let that breathe a little bit about some of the amazing things he said about Bon knck right here sorry I’m not the one who’s surprised that we’ve seen this Ascension I’m a huge fan of B Knicks lead 11 I’m an offensive coordinator on the team he’s my quarterback get a chance to see the way that bow ticks get a college football record in completion percentage years ago I was quoted I said his potential is to be a top pick in the NFL draft sorry I was off by 11 picks physically he’s significantly more athletic than you realize second or third fastest 10 yard split on the team it’s an SEC school they got speed B Knick was one of the fastest 62 almost 63 215 he’s built the way you’d want to be belt this is the son of a coach the trifecta in terms of growing up playing quarterback he’s one of the guys because of his faith he doesn’t find his identity opinions from other people he finds it in his faith and so you kind of become impenetrable to the hatred so you’re I mean you’re hearing it there he has the body for it he has the speed for it he has all of the intangible or the tangible skills and then you see his dad being a former quarterback his dad being a former coach his dad being a high school coach the tri fecta there uh that he talks about and then he dives into just the comparisons between B Nicks and Drew Brees and how that you’re seeing the exact same type of things that uh Shawn Payton wanted and Drew Brees to really being manifested in our quarterback B Knicks um the son of a coach all that is incredible and uh right here that even in his last season with Oregon knowing that he was he was destined for higher things going on and playing for the NFL that he’s still on Tuesday and Wednesday spending 12 hours a day in the facility to work with the coaches and so it’s just time time and time again we are hearing people who have no reason to glow and gush about bone Knicks who are doing that and that should have us crazy crazy excited along with this article that comes out right now uh that is saying that b knck is the favorite to be the starter over Jared stum and over Zack Wilson for week one for the Denver br Broncos heading to a real tough place to play the Seattle Seahawks although um I’m very confident that we are walking out of that place with a W it’s what Jalil mlin said in his interview the other day with 1043 The Fan that we’re shocking people and that is starting week one because our team has that culture that we believe in each other and uh that that should have us exciting excited uh and then last little piece here another person who has been quick to throw uh quarterbacks under the the bus for the Denver Broncos also protecting quarterbacks and making sure they win the Super Bowl and Mark sareth who I love uh who was quick to just aband in Russell Wilson and say that was a bad move uh and listen to what he has to say about what he thought was the best move of the NFL Draft when he hopped on uh Jim Rome Show the best fit in this draft was bonick going to Shawn pyton who you know offensively he’s I mean the guy just understands offense he understands all the things you have to have to be a great offensive you know mind and great offensive player and a great offense in general but he’s also a real connective Guy and um you know when people say well he’s so arrogant you know and guy you know he ran Russell Wilson off there’s still what six guys that played for him in New Orleans that decided to sign in Denver so that would tell me if I didn’t like him and if I thought he was a turd and I thought he was that kind of guy then you’re not like you’re not signing to go play for him as a backup and he’s got like six or seven guys that formerly he coached in New Orleans that are playing in Denver right now so it’s six or seven guys who are playing here but it’s we’re talking over 20 people when you look at former coaches who had roles former Scouts who had roles at their other team it wasn’t like they lost their job and came here uh and so that last point he makes there about Shawn Payton is so spoton and if anything Mark sareth probably has a reason to maybe be down on Shawn Payton there were rumors going into it before Shan hired Zack strie as the offensive line coach scher’s name was floated in there as potentially being the guy and on the radio he uh his co-host Mike Evans was touting him and saying like hey you might go coach for him and I think he thought that was a a big possibility and so you could see Mark shareth really not wanting to give Shawn Payton his flowers but I think him right there saying the best fit here is bonick uh hearing Jordan Palmer say hearing just his former coach glow and gush about him I think there’s just a lot of reason to Bo leave and B Knicks now my big question for all y’all in the comments is who do you think is our starter on week one and would you prefer bonick start from the jump even if that reduces our our shot at the playoffs like I I think the bonck is our long-term plan without a doubt but I think if you were to say who has the best chance to win week one I think you would probably say Jarrett stum I still want Bo to to start from the jump but I I think if you said who gives you a best shot to win a veteran who’s played in a bunch of systems who’s in his second year of Shawn Payton system it just makes more sense that Jared stum probably has a better win chance against the Seattle Seahawks than Bo Nick does but I still want Bo to be the starter very curious what you all think about that would you prefer B starting from the jump and missing the Playoffs or Jarrett stum starting our first two three four games and we make the playoffs and then Bo kind of ends our season out but very curious what all y’all think it’s going to be incredible training camp it’s coming fast and we got high high hopes and a lot to believe in I’m starting to not believe leave in my jumper anymore

With only a few weeks before the start of NFL Training Camp, we are hearing more and more unbiased sources come out and praise Bo Nix! Evidently, Sean Payton isn’t the only one who saw the potential in this first round pick. Today we hear from the Oregon Ducks Head Coach Dan Lanning who raved that Bo Nix watches more film than his coaches. When you add this to Mark Schlereth and Jordan Palmer’s rave reviews it’s hard to not have your expectations for what this rookie QB can do be sky high! Let me know who you want to see start week 1 for the Denver Broncos. Do you prefer Jarrett Stidham who on paper probably has a better chance at winning week 1 at the Seattle Seahawks or Bo Nix who definitely has a better chance at being the future of our franchise!

Check out the full film breakdown of Bo Nix by Jordan Palmer at
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  1. I often think about Tom Brady when I look for a comp in the league for Bo Nix. Nix has Brady's super computer, a better arm than Brady and a better athlete than Brady. If he stays healthy and keeps p[aying, we might see him in Canton in about 20 years. I think Sean should start Bo in week one and start the Bo Nix era in week one.

  2. Some ppl can play music by ear. Some people can only read music. Great QBs are like musicians. And not only read music but also play by ear. BN does both, RW can only play by ear.

  3. Come on Ben…I know you love Bo Nix but quoting an "article" about the betting odds at Fan Duel for Nix starting seems over the edge even for you my friend. If you log onto the Broncos official website it actually says there is no 2024 depth chart yet, which goes without saying. Also….Ben…how do you figure Dan Lanning is an unbiased coach? He coached Nix at Oregon…what would you expect him to say?

    BTW…Jordan Palmer, the QB trainer you are referencing, was also Jarrett Stidham's trainer when he got to the Patriots. Palmer said that his preparation at Auburn & Baylor was some of the worst he had ever seen in terms of preparing him for the NFL. He said Jarrett knew next to nothing of value after playing QB in EXACTLY the same system that Nix has played in for 4 of his 5 seasons. Gus Malzahn developed it, & Lanning used it also with both Kenny Dillingham & Max Stein as his offensive coordinators in 2022 & 2023. In fact, Stein had to promise to use that system in order to get the job with the Ducks so Bo could stay in it.

    But you may want to also consider the opinion of the only coach Bo has had who did not have Nix in the Malzahn system…& that would be former Auburn & Boise State HC Bryan Harsin, who tried to install NFL passing sets & route trees in the Auburn offense after Malzahn was fired. Bo struggled in this system & was temporarily benched in 2021, which is why he then jumped to Oregon to play for Lanning…who had already hired Dillingham when Harsin fired him. Bo Nix may well be a good NFL QB, but I would prefer that THE ONLY quarterback that we KNOW can read NFL defenses because he's actually done well at it & Payton has already praised him for it…be the starter in ALL of 2024. Rookies rarely benefit from starting in the NFL. Stidham has shown in the 4 starts he's had that he knows what he's doing & he has a year in Payton's offense. You might want to call up the 2022 game he played against the NFL's #1 ranked defense when he hung 35 points on the 49ers & drew praise from their vets as a problem for them. Why does nobody seem to be aware of this? Stidham is only the 2nd quarterback in NFL history to throw for 350 yards & 3 TDs in his first NFL start. I think that means something.

    But I'll wait to see what happens. You should too I think, because I fear that if Bo doesn't start this year, what are you going to do? Are you as prepared to support them if it's Stidham? Here's another question; what if Stidham does start & he balls out & leads this team to the playoffs? Then what?

    Then what???😏

  4. I think if Bo Nix doesn’t start week 1, it will be an ill omen for the pick. Not necessarily disqualifying, but certainly a bad sign. Part of Bo’s evaluation is that he’s already in his physical prime, and ready to play.

  5. Technically, when you're sitting in your chair and twisting toward the basket, you aren't taking a "jumper." 😉

    I want Bo to be the starter and I bo-lieve that he will pass Stiddy during this down time. Bo will start camp knowing the playbook like the back of his hand. Playing Seattle will be hard, given their coaching changes. We don't know what all to expect. It's more on Payton to prepare the team. Bo will be prepared to execute the plan. The question is, without any film on the team, can the coaches prepare the correct plan?

  6. #1, he is guided by his faith, he loves his family and is committed to his work…there is no better balance in life.

    It isn't a question of whether Mr. Nix should start…IT IS ALL HE HAS EVER DONE 👀 I can not imagine a world where he DOES NOT start.

    Try and stop him!!

  7. Love the shirt bruh, but I believe Stidham is starting. But the job is his to lose. The old head in me wants Stidham wants to start, at first and then if he sucks it up by week 6 he's going to get benched for Bo Nix.

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