Brandon Aiyuk really LEFT RAVENS OFF his list!

Brandon Aiyuk really LEFT RAVENS OFF his list!

if you listen really closely you can hear my daughter crying and the reason she’s crying is because of 49ers wide receiver Brandon auk’s list that we’re going to go over shortly but before we do make sure you leave a like on the video click that thumbs up button it takes less than half a second and also subscribe to the channel and turn your notifications on cuz I don’t want you missing a single video not one single update nothing I love y’all I appreciate y’all let’s get into it even though I ain’t appreciate Brandon I list and what list are we talking about well Brandon auk he has been moving in a very unique way recently well I guess it can’t be too unique because this happens a lot of time especially at the receiver position when a player is just ready to get paid they start trying it they start pushing all kinds of buttons they start being very very outspoken but Brandon auk we’ve seen we saw him pulling up to the 49ers facility he’s saying this my stuff this my stuff and that’s of course the clean versin but he had on that Pittsburgh Pirates hat we’ve seen him on FaceTime a countless amount of time uh with Jaden Daniels Washington Commander’s rookie quarterback he saying the 49 years old they don’t want me back and then we of course heard every single trade rumor about Brandon auk uh but nothing has come to fruition as of yet but what’s going to go down with him well like I said we’ve heard rumors from a lot of different people from a lot of different sources from a lot of different reporters from a lot of different this and that but it’s always nice when you can hear directly from the person who it’s about apparently last week Brandon auk he had a face to-face meeting with the 49ers and according to reports it went good what was said at that meeting hey who knows but it they talked about everything they put everything out there on the table and on the pivot which Brandon auk was a part of recently he had this to say about his uh his job this season and where he could possibly be playing at this season uh first he said that he anticipates being with the 49ers this year uh and the his direct quote from him he said I feel like right now I’m in the right place that being San Francisco uh in the right spot being a 49ers wide receiver they using him to the best of his ability uh with the right quarterback he’s saying Brock party could play some ball which he can except against the Ravens uh right now but we’re not on the right terms so just again he said I feel like right now I’m in the right place in the right spot with the right quarterback right now but we’re not on the right term so straight up he’s saying he wants his money he wants his bread but he was also asked on that same episode of the pivot like all right well what uniform do you think you’ll be wearing this year in 2024 who who you think he going to be playing for well his answer to that this is the list that we were talking about he said probably a Nina uniform okay I mean I can see why he would say that but then he said if not a Nina uniform all right here we go uh probably a Washington Commander uniform okay so they right they right down the street from the Ravens maybe he might feel like he go down the Beltway or something and then but then he said if not a Washington Commander uniform probably a Steelers uniform I was like uh well I mean I had wanted the Ravens to get him I mean I still wouldn’t mind if the Ravens got him I have been wanting them to really shake it up at wide receiver even more this offseason but this pretty much um this pretty much kills that officially even though I mean it wasn’t nothing hot with him and the Ravens wasn’t nothing going on or anything like that but this pretty much lets it be known like yeah it definitely ain’t happening I mean Ravens ain’t really got much money even though they could if they really wanted to make it happen they could but Brandon auk listed those teams and did not include the Baltimore Ravens on that list um but why why would he not include the Ravens on the list of teams that he expect to play for well I think just being realistic I mean it’s not an expectation that they would want to or that that they would trade for a Brandon a not that they wouldn’t want to but they would have to give up a lot uh to acquire him a receiver a young receiver that’s entering his Prime and somebody that’s put up some significant numbers over the past couple of years and somebody who he can get that job done and he’s like that and he’s coming up on his first contract and these receivers they getting paid like 28 27 $30 million now so yeah you know Ravens Eric the look at all that he said oh you know what we straight man we going to go somewhere else when it come to WC we going to stay with what we got uh but it’s all good but can you imagine like Brandon auk in the Baltimore Ravens offense I know we ain’t going to see there a possibility we may see him at least two times a year if he ends up going with a Pittsburgh Steelers but again only time will tell but he could have been playing with a two-time MVP he could have been playing with a future Hall of Famer at the quarterback position and US mentioning Lamar Jackson as a possible Hall of Famer it was not a coincidence at all because this next question from my guy Oreo cookie he talks about Lamar Jackson’s Hall of Fame status let’s see what he had to say he said hello in Graven hope you’re having a good summer and congrats on the baby hey appreciate you my friend he said I wanted to ask if you think Lamar Jackson is a first ballot Hall of Famer already or you like me and think he needs a Super Bowl for that to be the case now um I used to be like you because before when people would talk about and this is obviously recently because the season just ended a couple months ago but when people would talk about oh yeah Lamar Jackson he definitely he already a Hall of Fame I’m be like how like he ain’t got no Super Bowl ring yet it’s coming but he ain’t got it yet and like he only been playing since 2018 like how could he Hall of Fame I don’t know about all that my friend and I to get it he’d be breaking records every single week every other week it’s a new record for Lamar Jackson but I was like uh Hall of Fame I don’t know about that yet really good play really great player obviously but I don’t know about that but then they were like um the MVPs but those MVPs those are that’s nothing to uh to to to to to bat and eye to that’s nothing to turn away from and I was thinking okay but how and then I thought about it I was like okay his MVPs he got two in his short career sure he only been playing since 2018 he not only got one but got two MVPs and on top of that if it wasn’t for that one Bills fan who was Voting then he would have had two unanimous MVPs like literally T to taking all the votes he got 99 for the two MVPs combined he got 99 out of 100 votes that’s amazing but obviously we see Lamar Jackson’s play and we said okay we it is amazing so it makes sense but um the part about the multiple MVPs I looked at that list of people and I was like oh okay then I I I get it the I’ll read it off to you and I’ll pull it up on the screen too so you can look at it for yourself but uh people with multiple MVPs pton Manning he got five of them that is crazy that’s insane Aaron Rogers he got four Tom Brady with three Jim Brown Brett fav Johnny United with three and with two Lamar momes Montana Kurt Warner Steve Young like that’s that’s some serious uh that’s some serious company to be in right there man it it really is and I know like Lamar Jackson being a Hall of Famer wouldn’t be based on those other guys it would be based off of his own accomplishments but uh when you think about it what is a Hall of Fame is somebody who was one of the best at their position at their job at their craft in the NFL uh for a good amount of years and for Lamar Jackson it’s like obviously he he missed the end of those two years with injury um we’re going to talk about that another time but he missed the end of those two years with injury but uh when you look at the seasons that he did finish obviously 2018 that his rookie had finished that one but 2019 he end up getting MVP 2020 he was in talks as an MVP candidate 2021 he got hurt 2022 got H in 2023 boom finish the season and he wins another MVP so it’s like the trajectory of his career is already amazing as as is but if he just continues to do what he’s been doing playing his game playing his style then yeah and I think even based off of everything that he’s already accomplished he still got a lot more to accomplish again the the next thing is the ring that’s that’s the next that’s the next thing he got to do is get the ring um but I do think now you said first ballot Hall of Famer I don’t know Hall of Famer yes first ballot two MVPs and just again the level of play long as it remains consistent if it remains consistent then I would say yeah for sure and he also said update on his weight loss he said I’m now down 146 PBS and I’m below 200 lb for the first time in 10 years still got more work to do though by for now man we proud of you man for real seriously we we we proud of you man this is great man for you cuz that like again losing like 10 lbs that takes a lot that takes a whole lot and it’s so easy to put the the weight right back on like that but for you you lost down 146 lbs that’s a lot man that’s great so you got to let us know what your secret is ow not so secret about Ravens offense this next question came from my guy John he said first and foremost congrats on the new edition that’s major appreciate you John thank you my friend he said now to the meat and potatoes well that sounds really good actually uh last year Lamar under offense took more under Center snaps than ever in his career and yes I was so grateful for that because we’ve been waiting for that because that opens up the offense so much more keep incorporating that stuff the snaps under Center because it adds another element and another layer to the Baltimore Ravens offense that just had not been there for years but anyway continuing he said this is not a shot at any running back that we have had prior but with the addition of Derrick Henry we have a running back whose name brings fear to other teams defensive coordinators that’s very true and like you said it ain’t a shot at nobody else it ain’t a shot at Gus Edwards JK dobins Mark Ingram Justice hill now Keith Mitchell recently now hey all those guys made plays for the Ravens now don’t sleep all them guys made plays for the Ravens for sure uh Kei Mitchell was one I I think for sure he would he’s somebody that brought fear to defensive coordinators after that first game even just even if they were like you know what that first game is a fluke after the second game too they like hold up now that number 34 for them Ravens hold up now watch him but anyway continuing he said with Lamar under Center this allows for a traditional play action that we have not really seen Lamar do in his career oh that’s a good point again it opens it up cuz he done the play action from the shotgun and whatnot he done it from single back and whatnot but to incorporate play action more from under Center again layers more layers uh he said uh my question is now do you think rpos will increase because of Derrick Henry or will we have more play action to involve the wide receivers more or do you think we’ll have a little mixture of both definitely a mixture of both because with the rpos you could put it in Derrick Henry’s chest and teams are going to be like all right we got to watch for Derrick Henry but then Lamar could keep it team still we got to watch for Lamar so they they got and then if Lamar could keep it he could run with it or he could keep it and throw it so they got they got so much to deal like Addam Derek kenry like you said it adds somebody who defensive coordinators and defensive players they respect that much more so when you add him to the mix with everything that the Baltimore Ravens offense can do already and now you added Derrick hen one of the best and most consistent running backs in the league to everything that you do already oo makes it that much more dangerous man and he said will this offense under Tod monk can grow even more it should especially when you ask somebody like that I feel like it has no choice but to uh and he said uh imagine a play action where teams are focus on Derrick Henry and focus on Lamar to not realize TZ Walker has taken a top off or we all know how Mark Andrews always finds that soft spot in the zone or we could go with the flowers being shifted off of play action and get an open or finally get an opportunity to see Rashad bitman be the wide receiver we hope he will would turn out to be prior to injuries we hope so hopefully this is the year and let’s not forget I say it likely wanted to know every position offensively and Project Pat doing what Project Pat does best surprising everyone with his football talents I I like the way I love the way you thinking and that the way that you put everything gets us even more excited for the season ladies and gentlemen we are literally 10 Sundays away from from week one actually and for Ravens fans for us we even closer than every other NFL team is besides the Chiefs cuz we playing them but we 10 10 Sundays away from week one but we play Thursday in week one so we going to get our game a little bit early special shout out to all the team keep it clean patrons if you would like to become one you can go to Graven vids everything down below to support the channel is in the description uh but if you don’t want to that’s fine as well as long as you leave a like on the video click that thumbs up button then we are good in my book this next question came from a long time team keep it clean Patron my guy Martin and and Martin real quick I appreciate you because you have brought a a widespread of questions um to the channel you brought a widespread of topics and you’re very passionate I I appreciate your passion and I appreciate your honesty um and I appreciate you even I know a lot of times you’ve even shared some personal stuff uh that’s happened in in your life uh in in regards not some sometimes in regards to your question sometimes not in regards to your question but I I just want to let you know that I appreciate you a lot my friend uh but he said what do you think about QB wins as a stat oh oh I like this one this is fun let me just continue before I answer he said I’m a QB wins guy and I just want to say people who argue against QB wins think that we think it’s the only stat when it’s not if you win a lot but have very middling stats the wins don’t offset uh QB wins to me are an additive stat rather than the only stat like in Lamar’s case even if you took the WIS away his other stats are still great the WIS just add to his already impressive case me football is the ultimate team sport because it’s 11 on 11 and you could have 10 players do the right thing 10 players out of 11 do the right thing if one messes up that play is null and void it’s null and void say for instance the offensive line blocks great the quarterback drops back throws to the wide receiver wide receiver catches it he running running running then fumbles it that ain’t none of the other 10 guys fault that’s on that wide receiver for fumbling the ball he fumbles it the other team gets it boom plays done plays n void plays bad because that wide receiver mess it up everybody else did their job right but you can and of course you could pinpoint any single player uh on offense or defense if they mess up how everything can fall apart so what I’m saying is football is the ultimate team sport so I know when you look at it like that a lot of people say all right no QB wins are not a stat I disagree QB wins in my opinion they are a stat depending on the impact that that QB has on your team QB wins for the bore Ravens they are definitely a stat because Lamar Jackson for every little thing and every big thing that he does he impacts the game Heavy like crazy he takes the Baltimore Ravens to another level because you see who the Baltimore Ravens are with Lamar Jackson They a Powerhouse team they could make a lot of stuff happen they can go crazy but then you see the Baltimore Ravens without a Lamar Jackson and to me that sums it up right there

Brandon Aiyuk really LEFT RAVENS OFF his list of teams he expects to play for this season!

0:00 49ers WR Brandon Aiyuk left Ravens off his list!
0:12 Like the Video & Subscribe to the Channel!
0:30 Recapping everything happening with Brandon Aiyuk
2:24 Brandon Aiyuk’s list of teams he expects to play for this year
4:43 Lamar Jackson a Hall of Famer?
9:15 Todd Monken’s offense still growing?
12:43 Shoutout the TKIC Patrons!
13:35 Are QB wins a stat?

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  1. Obviously he's not looking for a SB, he's looking at it from a business perspective. I guess only he would know who has the cash he's asking for.

  2. 49ers have more money to pay him than Baltimore does. Naturally, it just isn’t possible for him to come to Baltimore. It’s a nice idea though

  3. I really am not focused on him I'm focused on all those diamonds in the ruff we have and are cheap and hungry. EDC every dollar 💵 counts . Congratulations on your baby hope everyone is well God bless you and your family and Teamkeepitclean 🎉 LOL 😆 enjoy team diaper duty 😊 💙 🎉😂

  4. We ain't paying NO WR 20M+/season. When Zays contract comes up I don't doubt they let him walk too. EDC gave Lamar the loaded team he/we asked for. There ain't no running it back. It's back to business as usual.

  5. The ravens are too cheap and they do not care about winning sure they have a good year here and there once and a while but they are not a winning franchise consistent yes, stagnant most definitely winning , I doubt it they upload defense and it is like pulling teeth to build a winning offense especially at Wide Receiver

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