Mavs Rumors: NBA Free Agency, Dallas Mavericks Chasing Klay Thompson, Derrick Jones Jr?

Mavs Rumors: NBA Free Agency, Dallas Mavericks Chasing Klay Thompson, Derrick Jones Jr?

and welcome in live stream Dallas Mavericks free agency happening right now decided to just let’s go live see what happens let’s have some fun with it hopefully my internet is good CU right now it does not look like it’s holding up am I coming in hot am I coming in hot it is lagging a little yeah is lagging a lot what is going on with this okay I think we caught up I think we caught up all right thank you for jumping into the lockdown Mavs live stream Nick anged here host of lockdown Mavericks 5 day a week Dallas Mavericks podcast and we talk about the Mavs every single day here on this show if you’re watching this or listening on the podcast feed this is going to be a live reaction I’m starting at 4 pm Central Time and uh we’re just going to see what happens we’re going to talk about some of the things that will happen we’ll react to them in real time I may have some friends join we may have some news that breaks for the Mavericks we’ll talk about that we’ll absolutely do an actual Dallas lock on Mavericks show and uh show a little bit later and uh the Wi-Fi is definitely not locked in no it is not on the live stream I’ve had such internet issues uh I’m going to put Spectrum on complete blast on this one because my ethernet cables just stopped working uh looks like it’s it’s doing a little bit better let me know in the the stream if it works or if it’s lagging or anything like that and uh I don’t know I don’t know what can do to fix it this is why I don’t stream that that much because of how bad my internet has been recently but slightly is gone and so I was like all right well we need somebody needs to uh somebody needs to get going and somebody needs to to stream on this because we absolutely need somebody needed to fill that spot and guess what I’m not the stepdad I’m the dad that stepped up right now the Dallas Mavericks if we’re talking about figuring out what the Dallas Mavericks are doing what it seems like right now is the Dallas Mavericks have Dallas is going to get a seat at the table they’ve got a seat at the table and it may not be the guy that you want I’ve already seen some people say I don’t want Klay Thompson with the Dallas Mavericks I get that I completely get that you don’t want Klay Thompson with the Dallas Mavericks I understand that at this point I understand why you wouldn’t want him there but I have the same kind of questions about about Klay Thompson but you cannot turn down the idea that that Dallas now Dallas is going to get a seat at the table that they have a seat at the table that they’re there that they’ve got a you know meeting or offer or whatever they’ve got like you know a spot to talk to Klay Thompson one of the best free agents that are out there right now slightly everybody’s asking where slightly is slightly is in Europe slightly is on a vacation he decided to take a vacation he decided to uh be away and uh and so something that we’re going to do I’m going to try to do on this stream I’ve got Twitter pulled up for you right here and we’re going to do maybe I’ll do this maybe I’ll do this more often than not I got Twitter pulled up and I’ve got the list you and I will start come up with the list of things for slightly so slightly is going to be gone he’s going to try to stay away from his computer for the entire time stay away from notifications news all that kind of stuff especially like the little stuff and so he’s gonna try to stay away from it and then he then I’m gonna come back and I’m gonna host him I’m gonna host on his stream and I’m gonna list all the things that happened I’m gonna list all the different things that happen for slightly and so it’s going to be super fun so we’ll keep a running list of them there we’ve got Twitter going on the right side if you want to watch if you can watch that let’s do that instead because that seems to be a better is this a better user experience if you watch if you can you read the the Twitter on the side and then my video is smaller so that it doesn’t make it as big of a a thing uh the Mavericks right now Klay Thompson they’re in on him there’s you know there’s talks between the Mavericks and and Clay there’s talks between the Lakers and Clay the Clippers and Clay I I don’t understand the Lakers part of it I don’t understand the uh I don’t understand how the Clippers can get the money they may lose Paul George we’ll talk about that in a little bit um the Lakers part of it LeBron is going to take less money it seems like LeBron is going to you know he turned down his his deal his $51 million imagine being able to uh imagine being able to turn it being able to turn down $51 million uh Insight says I’m playing this at 144p yeah you’re not going to be able to read anything you’re only reading it if you’re only reading it at 144p all right I’ll do this I’ll I’ll leave the CA small and I’ll have Twitter up on the side so we can watch some of the yeah the news things come in um and see all at the same time we’ll see we’ll see when this stuff happens Klay Thompson I’m gonna give you let me give you the pitch for clay because I think there’s a lot I see a lot in the chat about uh about people not wanting clay Alex just said clay not for the money he wants it depends on what money he wants he turned down a deal for the you know with the Warriors turns out he turned out a down a deal like 120 million something like that and he feels disrespected and wants a new you know wants a fresh start Chris Haynes reported that he wants a fresh start and so if he wants that feels disrespected by The Warriors maybe he’ll uh maybe he’ll be you know maybe he’ll want to take less somewhere else Jake fiser reported that he’ll take less to go to La take less to go to the Lakers or the Clippers and do that couple and couple other people Connor said don’t get clay he is cooked now here’s the thing about Klay Thompson okay in the off season the Dallas M so far have just taken Tim Hardaway and made him Quinton Grimes it was not science it was not a biological biological experiment it was just a trade well they turned him into Quint Grimes and if they can turn Josh Green’s contract into Klay Thompson which is what it would be right now then all of a sudden you’ve upgraded from Josh Green to Quinton Grimes I believe that’s an upgrade some other people don’t but I do and then you’ve upgraded from Tim Hardway to Klay Thompson that’s it how could you not want that upgrade for all the complaining that has been done about about Tim Hardway Jr the inconsistency of the shooting the defense all that kind of stuff at least Clay is a credible Defender he’s not a good Defender anymore he’s not a great defender anymore but he’s also not a liability on defense and I think that is notable I think that is super notable at this point and so I think that you you can’t look at it and go oh well the the starting lineup will be bad the defense will be bad with Clay let kid figure that out let Jason kid figure that part out and have nicoo Harrison just get bring in the upgrades I don’t think you know Omar just said do you think Klay is coming off the is is okay coming off the bench no I think niik Harrison’s going to have to make some promises sure I think he’ll have to come in and make promises and be like hey I think clay I think you’re gonna you know you’re gonna be a starter like we have such a big role for you all that kind of stuff sure he’s gonna have to make those kind of promises to him but I think that at a certain point during the season I think that you can have uh Jason kid try and figure out how to make this work and figure out how to to make it happen I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s a big deal so think about it in this sense if you’re against Klay Thompson if you’re against the idea of Klay Thompson just think about it as an upgrade on Tim Hardway Jr he won’t come off the bench he’ll start and do all that but you still if you keep Derrick Jones Jr and you have Quinton Grimes now you at least still have those same type of lineups that you started with to close with potentially and like imagine all the shots that Derrick Jones Jr was getting the corner and that Maxi was getting at the top of the key and that you know uh that Tim harway Jr was getting Klay Thompson is now getting those shots that’s that’s the case for for Klay Thompson it makes a lot of sense who said not if he bricks threes he’s not uh Jason I’m watching just like you guys kid we’ll figure we’ll figure stuff out honestly I’m not playing I’m watching just like you guys I’m done doubting Jason kid he just took a team to the NBA finals I’m done you gotta you got to now give him credit and you’ve got to be like all right this is the this is the guy he’s the coach he’ll figure it out he’s got you know he’s got this team in a spot where they they feel good they felt good about their roles he figured out how to do The Gafford Lively thing he figured out how to do the Dereck Jones Jr Tim Hardway Jr thing he figured out all all the way into the end and the Mavs just got outclassed by talent and so yeah put put that Pro put the problem of Klay Thompson in the starting lineup closing lineups whatever put that problem on Jason kid put it on Jason kid he’ll figure it out he’ll figure out what’s happening we got 50 minutes let’s start doing some questions let’s start going through and uh put some questions in the chat let’s see what kind of questions we can get there hasn’t been a lot of news oh I guess there’s a couple other news stories but here’s one um Spencer coming back that’s the other that’s the other thing I’m interested in so our friend CBA Mavs get ready for this if you can’t the if you can’t read the tweets on the screen right now get ready not be able to read this our friend CBA Ms created this where it’s this is how the Mavs can create another another roster spot get Klay Thompson keep Derrick Jones Jr um and also have the biannual exception so Klay Thompson threeyear $52 million deal1 18 million to start 17 million the next year 17 million the year after that and it’s a it’s an option A Team option that’d be ideal that’d be great I don’t know if they’re getting that but they could Jones Jun on the full mid- level that’d be a great deal for him and then you also get the biannual exception $ 4.68 million that’s that’s an option where you can bring in at Spencer dwy or somebody like that another ball handler and things like that um you can everybody’s like Mega squinting the eyes here we go how about this is this better uh that’s bigger so this is how you you figure out how to get a Spencer dwy type you put him into the biannual exception and then I think this roster I think this roster has a lot of things that you know to figure out and a lot of things to to work but a lot of things to work with a lot of things to figure out but a lot of things to work with so it’s it’s all right now I there’s a lot of people that are talking about oh the you know can they do this can they do this what kind of exception there’s a lot it’s a lot of order operations it depends on what the Mavs want to do depends on what order the Mavs want to do it in 50 minutes 48 minutes left until free agency we’ll we’ll see what happens uh would Naji Marshall take a biannual exception I think so I think Naji Marshall would take a biannual exception Naji Marshall last year we just go with what he did what he made last year well let’s do this let’s do it this way a marsh has not made a ton of money in his career and he’s he was not like a really high level player for the Pelicans he played 19 minutes a game last year played 66 games but only started one and he made he made $1.7 Million last year he made $1.5 million the year before that and he made $120,000 the year his first year in the league on a two-way contract so 4.6 would be a great deal for Naji Marshall if that’s what he wants he made 1.9 million last year sorry but still I I think that that Naj Marshall would take a biannual exception I think that that’s something that that he could absolutely do um Jacob says what does what does Dallas’s pivot if Klay stays in California it’s this definitely possible are I wor like got a lot of questions on subex and things like that are you worried about Klay Thompson in the Lakers absolutely absolutely you’re right now you’re at least in the mix you’re in the mix for Klay Thompson and I think that’s a great thing and I think that that’s something that is good for the Mavericks and if it works out it works out if it doesn’t you still have this pivot you PIV it to you know figuring out a different player maybe you go to the Jeremy Grant thing and you add Maxi and Josh Green into that kind of trade you try to do that maybe you pivot to uh I don’t know what what other players you pivot to but you bring back Derrick Jones Jr you’ve got Quinton Grimes like you didn’t really take a huge step forward but you also still have some flexibility you’re under the first apron and you can make a move during the season you don’t have to make all your moves in the offseason a lot of teams that make all their moves in the offseason and then don’t have a way to Pivot in the middle of the season struggle really struggle oh my God what the there you go get get rid of that guy oh my gosh uh I have to moderate myself and I didn’t I didn’t check into the comments so there you go um that’s that’s what the Mavericks pivot do you think that uh how about Paul George I don’t think the Mavericks can get Paul George too much money $50 million create $50 million out of this Mavs roster it’s very hard very difficult I I don’t think that that’s possible but I do want to talk about Paul George because I think that this is a huge thing for the Mavericks Mark Stein reported that the M like the 76ers are trying to go after Paul George they’re also trying to figure out how to land both Paul George and kcp if both of those guys go to Philadelphia they both leave the West that hurts the nuggets and it hurts the Clippers big time then Chris Haynes report that Paul George is you know there growing optimism in Philadelphia that Paul that that um that the Sixers will land Paul Georgia free agency like they’re feeling confident about it at this point that would be amazing if the Sixers could get both KP and Paul George then all of a sudden you hurt two teams in the west that were you know were your competition basically go ahead go to the east that’s great love that go to the east have fun go hang out with Joel EMB go make the Celtics life life life a little bit harder great love that I’m I’m honestly rooting for the Sixers right like at this point I’m like yeah Sixers go get Paul George because you don’t want anybody else to get Paul George Sixers magic sure go get them seen a lot of Larry marketing I’ve seen a lot of people ask about there’s just no way there’s just no I I don’t see a feasible way unless the Mavericks are giving up Derrik Lively for them to go get a Larry Mark in I see this a lot he would be he would be a great fit he’d be awesome you have a you know guy that can stretch the floor get his own shot you know the the offense would be incredible with Luca Kyrie Larry marinan I understand the appeal I understand the appeal for it but I don’t think that the Mavs have what it takes to get Larry Markin in think about what you know Mel Bridges just got the the he got five first round picks I think four first round picks probably for Larry marinin because I don’t think Danny Angel is going to take whatever and then like you got Mavs fans that are like I wouldn’t trade Lowry for lively straight up there’s a comment we just got like I I kind of agree like I would rather just roll the dice with Lively and see what he can be sounds crazy but I’d rather go for the guy that fits exactly what the Mavericks need I’d rather go for exactly what the Mavericks need and keep that and just roll with that um so this is this is where we are with it uh yeah so the the 76ers thing trying to go after Paul George trying to go after kcp I’m with it I like it I like the idea of it I think that it would really help the Mavericks and that’s what you really want the lineup of Luca Kyrie Klay Thompson Lively PJ that’s a that lineup spaces the floor a lot especially if if he can take like he can take a step back if Lively can take a you know know step back to the three-point line start hitting some threes then all of a sudden like there you go you know response just said Lively Corner three-point Sharpshooter next year you heard it here first that’d be awesome Jamal asked about DeAndre Hunter and bogdanovich I I don’t get the DeAndre Hunter thing I think right now the maps have Quinton Grimes and that’s that’s just as good as DeAndre Hunter like I don’t think DeAndre Hunter is that good if he’s that good then why are the Sixers or why are the Hawks always struggling like you know defensively struggling to win games it’s like he he’s not that good of a player the Hawks have all these players you’re like man it seems like this guy’s a good guy a good player he’s got this big contract I just don’t I just don’t see the appeal with DeAndre Hunter for that big of contract bogdanovich I do get I do get bonovich as somebody that could come in and that could be a Mavs pivot if the Mavs pivot to bogdanovich for a signning trade then that it wouldn’t even be a signing trade just be a straightup trade for Josh Green maybe some you know a second it may take a first round pick but what if they did Josh Green maybe it’s just Josh Green maybe they just want a younger player and just like roll the dice and and change it but it could be Josh green and Hardy for bogdanovich would you do that would do Josh green and Hardy for bogdanovich I’ll think about that uh Deone says we could use the third ball handle absolutely and that’s where they maybe getting Spencer dwy with the B anual exception that’s where the bogdanovich thing comes in I would do B I I would try to get bogdanovich for Josh green and Hardy you give up some some youth but you get a guy right now trading Hardy would be tough Dez was like I don’t know how I feel about trading Hardy I I don’t either but I do know that I the longer we see Hardy and the more we see from him the more I’m like I just don’t know what you’re GNA be I just don’t know what I just don’t know what you’re going to bring to this team and I don’t know what you’re gonna uh I don’t know what you’re going to turn into like what’s his what’s his ceiling what does he become cuz I was on I was on the track last year he could be a Jordan pool on theack of an Anthony Simons a Tyrese Maxi not maybe not as good as those players definitely not as good as Maxi like he’s on the track of those type of guys and then he just took a step back last year and growth’s not always linear but do the Mavericks have time to let him figure out what he’s going to be if he breaks out this season and has like a huge great season what does he become does he become like a a better version the ideal version of what we thought Tim Hardway Jr would be all right okay great that hasn’t help the Mavericks a ton but to be to to be maybe a map’s third scorer to be what Jordan P was for the Warriors a couple years ago that’d be great that’d be a good outcome for him but I just didn’t see that second year that second year jump from him and that’s where that’s where it’s tough with with Jaden Hardy where you’re like all right well can you use him to sweeten a deal where someone else could believe in him a little bit more than than you do at this point answering questions in the chat if you guys got more questions they’re coming in they’re coming hot my dog’s barking when you speak did that help did that did that help at all I get dogs all the time with that and my uh my dog does not fall for it anymore my dog does not fall for that anymore uh Steven Savage asks if omx is getting any run I’ve seen this a couple times about omx we we can’t pencil we can’t like pencil him in like a starting lineup or like where uh you know where where he’s going to play or like oh we’ve got to expect the progress from omx I don’t know it’s tough with some of these young guys especially coming into a team that wants to win right now I hope that omx can take a step forward and become up you know rotation player and like basically take drick Jones Jr’s you know bench spot is Derek Jon Jr now you know is a starter or you if they get clay then I don’t know but but I don’t think we can guarantee that omx will get any Run next year we can’t guarantee it maybe he maybe if we start here in the Train the training camp like oh my gosh everybody’s really excited about omx nope we don’t hey we you got to say the full name Raccoon by the way don’t you can’t you can’t do half the word you can’t do half the word uh but yeah I don’t know I don’t know that we can have omx like we can can definitely pencil in omx to what he’s going to be next year just let it let it play out see what happens what if he dominates summer league what if he comes in and all of a sudden you start hearing training camp stories where you go okay all of a sudden omx is starting to turn Ines on the Mavericks are very high on what omx Prosper could become this season then all of a sudden you can start maybe having some expectations for him here we are we’re what 37 minutes away from training camp or not train Camp God bless 37 minutes away from free agency there’s some you know the news about Paul George out there there’s the Mavericks Klay Thompson Mavericks Derrick Jones Jr rumors there was all the back and forth about the uh yeah Marco I’m just about to talk about this Marco said any comment on the KO Derrick Jones Jr story so the KO Dereck Jones Jr story is not I didn’t think was like such a huge thing so KO reports you know dere Junior’s agency cast doubts upon Maverick’s return so the big thing that that KO said was that there all of a sudden there there’s doubts you know this the sentence in there was there’s actually some you know there’s finally some doubt about drik Jones J’s return and it wasn’t that the Mavericks are not interested in him anymore it’s not that the Derrick Jones Jr is not interested in in him any in the Mavericks anymore it’s that all of a sudden you have this weird thing with the agent where he changed agencies and they usually have to wait to negotiate until July 11th like then the Mavericks the Mavericks and Derrick J Jr will be stuck in this Purgatory until July 11th like two weeks trying to figure out how to make this work now he mentions in the story later there are ways to go around it and I’m sure that’s what’s going to happen and all that uh but yeah you do have you know for the first time it cast doubts on upon the likelihood her return to Dallas because it just it’s just a tough thing I don’t know about like I think that this sentence makes it sound so much more dramatic than it really is in there but what he reported not wrong right I mean not wrong so then you know then you have Mark Stein and them coming out and saying well there’s no there’s no doubt that he’ll return to Dallas I don’t think I don’t think Kato was really saying that in his story but I think that line was added and that line was the pull quote and that line was the one that got tweeted and that’s all that anybody read literally like you know the Mavs FFL account the guy I know I think he’s been on this podcast before he’s like well you know why would you say this and then I was like well he’s and then Tim KO came out and clarified it and said hey this is what I actually meant and then the Mavs FFL account was like you’re backtracking I was like no he’s clarifying what he’s actually saying all you did was read the one tweet and not really read the context of the story yeah so that’s what I think about it I think that the doubt is the doubt that he’ returned is that it’s complicated now to bring him back with the agency change it just changes the dynamic of it who are you negotiating with are you negotiating with his old agency or his or clutch which you legally can’t do until July 11th so that is doubt all right this guy this guy I’ve been waiting for this I’ve been waiting to go actually live so I can talk about this guy this is the biggest Mavericks hater that’s that comes on this channel Extreme gamer Mac I’m giving you your attention Bud here you go this is your attention you come in you literally watch every single stream that we do you watch every single one Dallas is the joke of the West trash Mavericks Celtics clowned you guys hey man you’re still here you’re still here who’s the who’s the clown the one that you know talking about the team that they love people are enjoying the you know the team that they love and and wanting to know more about it or you that just comes in here and trashes those that do that no I’m not Banning him I’m I’m letting him enjoy your life man enjoy your life in here just trashing the Mavericks every time he’s a big exactly he’s a bigger Mavs fan than some of you he’s here every day putting in the work oh man amazing yeah he’s gone now now now I don’t see him at all put him on put him on blast and he he closed the stream probably I’ve been waiting on that one for a while because I see him in the chat all the time I see him trash the Mavericks every single time and then all of a sudden you call him out and he’s gone he’ll come back in a minute watching what the Lakers are doing right now because the Lakers in the Mavericks are in talks both with you know Klay Thompson they’re both rumored to be involved with Klay Thompson I feel like the Lakers are the the one real uh the one real like competition for Klay Thompson I don’t know if you’ve seen the tweets of if you have you seen the tweets of uh Michael Thompson Michael Thompson is Michael Thompson Klay Thompson’s dad he was a Lakers player for a long time and then he is now the like the Beloved broadcaster for the Lakers he’s the color commentator and so Michael Thompson was replying to all these tweets today I really hope that Klay Thompson goes to the Lakers and Michael Thompson’s like yeah me too well of course he wants his son to go play there plays from that area obviously grew up there his his brother played for the dodgers for a little while I think and so to me it makes perfect like logical sense if you just think about the two areas with Klay Thompson guy that loves going out on his boat and doing stuff outside things like that like it’s from La would he want to go to Dallas Texas have you guys stepped outside today if you’re from here if you’re from here have you stepped outside like you live here would Klay Thompson want to come here or would he want to go to the Lakers I mean just logically just thinking about the player and where he would want to be uh it makes more sense for him to go to the Lakers his dad his dad played there there’s Legacy there all that kind of stuff Brandon said I’m so tired of these dads man I know we go from Tim Hardway Jr to uh Tim Hardway Senor to Michael Thompson but I will say Michael Thompson is much more enjoyable of a person and uh has much better comments than what Tim Hardway Sor had Michael th is much more levelheaded in the the comments about the people around his son’s team so but yeah we would get another dad if you want from Tim Mar Jr to Klay Thompson also our boys back Luca will leave in two years they just went to the finals my guy so you I mean I guess you could be right but but we’ll see you could be two years he’s still still under contract you going to trade him the Mavericks are going to trade Luca donic yeah we went Jim’s right Jim said we went from Brunson we went from brunson’s dad to Tim hard Junior’s dad which I guess he was still on the team uh to then I guess they could bring in Lonzo and get Lavar ball just do the dad trifecto about 30 minutes away from free agency starting we’re seeing uh all the rumors dry up right now basically all the rumors have dried up they’re waiting everybody’s just holding on they’re like all right let me just let’s hold on to our rumors until the T the tampering stops Dallas say has your opinion shifted on clay at all here’s where my opinion started with Klay Thompson I was against it at the beginning because I looked at it as defensively if you bring in Klay Thompson I thought they’d have to lose Derrick Jones Jr then all of a sudden they talk about the machinations of them keeping him and if they can if they get Klay Thompson and lose Derrick Jones Jr I’m out on it because then all of a sudden you turned Tim Hardaway and Josh green into Klay Thompson which like if you think about it he probably is as good as those two guys together and probably better than those two guys together what they bring to the table but he’s 34 he’s going to be 35 in February he’s coming off he’s got those two injuries a couple years ago defensively what are you asking him to do at this point and so I was against it at the beginning and then I started thinking about well if they keep Derrick Jones Jr that’s that’s what changed to me if they keep Derrick Jones Jr then all of a sudden you’re just upgrading from Tim to Klay Thompson and then kids got to figure out the lineups but at least you have that option and at least you have the Klay Thompson shooting 39% from three out in the corners hitting those shots that nobody else was hitting last year for the Mavericks and that changes things a lot uh he said I’m I’m tripping clay destroys that bum thj yeah absolutely yeah he’s he’s better than Tim Hardway and that’s what eventually got me around to it is like uh which by the way saying you’re loyal to trash I shouldn’t have put that on the screen probably get out of here uh but yeah he’s definitely better than than Tim Hardway and so then all of a sudden I’m like all right well if you’re just upgrading from Tim Hardway Jr to Klay Thompson and kids got to figure out what role he plays great that’s great Nob brainer that’s why that’s why Klay Thompson actually makes sense NBA needs to do something with clutch T temper tampering with Dallas because first it was bronny James Clay and then it’s Jones uh I think with Jones I don’t know that they’re tampering yet if if Derrick Jones somehow goes to the Lakers then maybe we can have that conversation they are still just a legit agency they’ve got a lot of they’ve got a lot of like power in the NBA for sure but I Le Brony James thing if you’re upset about that part of it is yes he want they wanted him to play with his dad the star player if Luca had a son wouldn’t you be like oh let’s try and get Luka on the Mavericks as in any way we can the tampering for a 55th pick it’s like we’re really freaking out about a guy that the kid that was a second round pick going in the second round late in the second round yeah what even is tampering that’s right here’s one that says Josh green has you know to be in discussions for Klay Thompson will miss his defense at times on guards and forwards I think Klay right now is as good of a Defender as Josh Green is and definitely a smarter because he’s just a four-time champion and it’s hard to be you know more intelligent than a guy like that but I I Josh green has really not stepped up as that Defender that we’ve really wanted him to be and I think Klay Thompson you know talking to lockdown Warriors people that he is at least you know not a liability on defense he’s not going to be great he’s not gonna be the Klay Thompson that you hope like the All-Star Klay Thompson but he’ll come in and not be a liability and that may be enough just for the starting lineup and then you change the lineup and bring in Grimes and bring in Derrick Jones Jr and like okay then you can calm down then you can like then the defense will calm down and hopefully you scored enough with luuka Kyrie and clay maybe Lively spacing the floor PJ Washington hoping working on his shot this season bring him along with the Mavericks he can add a couple things to his game bring a couple more things to the Mavericks it all kind of the offense it all kind of works like that I also saw somebody on Twitter today I can’t remember who it was say I don’t understand why the fit oh I think it was Jason Tim don’t I don’t understand the fit with with Klay Thompson on the Mavericks yeah Cole Cole literally just said what I was just saying his fit on offense imagine Klay Thompson getting all the wide open threes that he has to like run around and move like for the Mavericks or for the Warriors he has to do all these things off movement and all that imagine he just has to stand there and Luca gets him those wide open shots without running maybe he’s better on defense if he doesn’t have to run all over the place on offense I don’t get that I don’t get I don’t get the the thing about like about why he would he wouldn’t fit on the offense he’d fit he can attack a close out and take a little you know step in into the three-point line take a jumper he can hit a wide open three better than anybody so I didn’t understand that at all it’s like yeah it’s not the offense he’s working in right now but a 35-year-old Klay Thompson being just a catch and shoot guy in the and like taking nine threes a game doing what Tim Hardway did last year come on I don’t I don’t understand why you don’t understand the fit with him offensively it’s the defense that’s the problem that’s that’s the part that I just don’t get and you’re not adding more creation but as long as LCA and Kyrie are are playing and on like on the team the Mavs like Klay Thompson would not be the guy that adds more shot creation to your team necessarily but he adds more ways that you can do it all the stuff that we want the Mavs wanted to run with Tim Hardway Jr coming around screens and Tim Hardway Jr getting these shots in the move and things like that Klay Thompson does that 100% better than him yeah eena now said now now do his defense yeah that that’s right that’s the problem is that how do you how do you make the defense work with Klay Thompson and to me that that’s a that’s a harder scenario because you need him to guard point of attack probably so now he’s doing that Luca and Kyrie it is a it is it is a defense where the MAV scheme works if everybody is just in the right spots and is doing their doing their jobs it makes it easier for everybody else around you now everybody’s got to work and that’s why Luca looks terrible defensively sometimes because he doesn’t work and then all of a sudden you’re like okay this is terrible because uh this is terrible because one guy is a weak link and then boom it’s all it all falls apart but if everybody does their Job Klay Thompson does his job that’s fine he’s not he’s you know he’s not a a liability on defense as of right now maybe maybe he takes a step back as you know becoming a 35-year-old the injuries and all that and that could be a big issue so yeah like the defense could be a huge issue and that’s why I have questions about this here we go we’re like under 30 minutes away from the from free agency starting I’m ready for it to start going fast and Fast and Furious my internet is not ready the the lagging I don’t think has stopped so I apologize for that blame Spectrum blame Spectrum for it I’m G to see if I can get some friends on here all more questions in the chat yeah hit the likes nacho is right hit the like hit the like on YouTube helps helps the stream go better we’re sitting here watching free agency seeing what’s going to happen let’s go let’s do where do you want the uh where do you want Paul George to go where do you want Paul George to go the Sixers is one magic is one back to the Clippers I don’t I don’t want to go back to the Clippers and I don’t think you do either if the Mavs lose out on Klay Thompson they need to go get Jeremy Grant says Daniel the Jeremy Grant one is tough because he makes a ton of money they can definitely do it they can make it work they can figure they can figure it out it’s definitely possible to get Jeremy Grant it just becomes a harder issue because then all of a sudden you’re like okay now who else are we losing Jeremy Grant makes 29 million next year so you need to match this a little bit Josh Green Maxi where you at you’re at 23 you got to figure out like six more million or something like that so then maybe do AJ exm oh we getting rid of Dwight Powell now that’s too many players now I got to get rid of a 3 million okay not XOM AJ and Dwight just to make it work that’s actually right on the money do you think that the Portland Trailblazers go for that you think they just want Josh green and some salary then with Josh Green AJ and some salary you think that yeah this is this is this is a little this is a little tougher because he makes 29.7 million Jeremy I don’t know that Jeremy Grant has a ton of like I don’t know that he has a ton of uh value Ross the league right now but the Mavs may have to add a first into this just to make the the Portland Trailblazers do it oh yeah we could do Hardy too that’s right that’s a good call he was down he was down the list because he only makes two million we’ll do Hardy instead of Lawson that one makes that one makes it a little bit better give them hardy hardy and Josh Green Maxi and Maxi and Maxi and Dwight and Portland I feel like Maxi and Dwight would dominate in Portland like like not not on the basketball court but just I feel like their personalities match Portland so well I feel like they would be so great and yeah then throw we have I think they have one second round pick they can throw in this just to sweeten it just to lube it up that’s a Jeremy that’s a pivot that the Mavs could do for sure Maps could pivot to that to Jeremy Grant the thing about Jeremy Grant is he’s bigger he shoots really well he’s not as good of a shooter as Klay Thompson obviously but he shoots well he’s a bigger guy his defense is is not as good but it can be we’ve seen it be good in the past you’re just betting on that you’re betting on two things with Klay and with Jeremy Grant you’re betting that the defense can be okay enough to offset how you’re going to get better on offense by having a great three-point shooter in the Derrick Jones Jr spot Levi says why aren’t we talking about kcp I think he’s gonna get a lot of money I think he’s gonna get more money and the Mavericks don’t have money money to give out to people the Mavs have the uh the Mavs can trade for a guy but because he didn’t opt in I don’t know that you can do a sign and trade with kcp and Mark Stein had that report that the Denver Nuggets didn’t want to facilitate a sign and trade for with the Mavericks because they were being petty and didn’t want to do it didn’t want to help them and all that so we’re not talking about kcp because he’s going to get more money the map’s going to only offer like a know a free agent like 12.9 million that’s what they’re going to offer Derrick Jones Jr but they haven’t they they don’t have that just to offer to anybody to any free agent or they don’t just have the Klay Thompson money to offer to any free agent Klay Thompson can get more money because he can they can do a sign and trade I don’t know that kcb is gonna do that with the Nuggets somebody said ain’t kcp too small anyway uh kcp is is smaller but he’s incredible point of attack Defender like you have him and then Luca is bigger so all of a sudden you’re like okay we feel feel good about that and then you have PJ to guard the bigger guys so you actually need a Defender like kyp to make it work cu the Mavs needed to improve their point of attack defense already I went on I went on Mavs Reddit a couple weeks ago and somebody was talking about point of attack defense and then some somebody replied if I never see point of attack defense ever again I’ll be okay here we go this is our first big like free agency thing Chris Paul gold State Warriors are waving him and he’ll become an unrestricted free agent they’re clearing space the Warriors are clearing all this space not not the Rockets the Warriors are clearing space because Chris Paul was going to make 30 million now this doesn’t mean he can’t come back to them oh my gosh that’s insane he was gonna make $30 million or year what a bad contract who’s interested in Chris Paul in theat chat let me know on a uh on the the B anual would you be interested in Chris Paul on the B anual the backup guy can play if Kyrie or Luca are out can’t play with Kyrie probably but can play with Luca my internet is killing it today love spe love you Spectrum I’m SE I’m seing a lot of I’m seeing a lot of nose I’m seeing a lot of NOS about Chris Paul let’s see can I make a CA can I make a case can I just like make a case for Chris Paul here I’ll do it I’ll do it like as I’m actually doing a lock down map segment the thing with Chris Paul is that the Mavs have needed for so long a guy to just set them up on the second unit they need a guy that sets up the offense that puts things in in place and they need a guy to push some of the other guys every once in a while when the Mavs have a night where people don’t have it all that you need just a little guy up in your face saying hey gaffard get where you’re supposed to be Maxi get where you’re supposed to be and it can’t just be from Luca all the time it’s got to be from somebody else and that player is Chris Paul need to sign this guy they can get him they can bring him in col says this is the spin room yeah the the slightly spin room I’m in the slightly Spin Zone right now no I’m out on Chris Paul too small doesn’t bring enough he’d be like a regular season like a relief pitcher in baseball yeah I’m bringing you the Tweet deck today everybody everybody that misses tweet deck I kind of honestly started paying for Twitter first of all I get revenue from it but also because I miss tweet deck too for moments like this I just wanted tweet deck back and so I was like all right I’ll I’ll pay for Twitter just for that I’m not putting that in the NBA moves list what do you think Jeremy says what do you think you’re getting for the bay I don’t know for the bay like slightly is Bay Isaac is Bay Durk is Bay oh man 15 minutes away from free agency seeing what kind of moves pop up we’re about it’s about to go crazy right now so everybody get a snack get some water get ready Naj Marshall could be baay Naji Marshall absolutely could be baay he could be baay if they bring back Derrick Jones Jr and get Klay Thompson but I think they’ll go with a guard I would go after Chris Paul if he was 6’4 well he’s like 38 years old so you’re like 38 years short for him to hit 64 what do we got we got a weather advisory this is the r this is the rumors these are the free agency rumors heating up all over the heat index thanks to our friend Pete delkus at WFA they’re heating up 15 minutes away J Jaden I almost put that comment up there and I’m glad I read it first Dez is right he says we desperately need a backup point guard you do they still do need that they just don’t need one that’s as old as Chris Paul and as short as Chris Paul and as grumpy as Chris Paul and I I think all the culture stuff the Mavs had last year I think would all go away with Chris Paul I just think he’s that kind of guy that sucks 15 minutes away from RE agency es brangers says in Nico we must trust there’s another thing I want to reiterate from the other day is that I have full confidence in this front office now when’s the last time you had full confidence in the Mavericks front office to be like you know I did the I did the Sabrina Carpenter line I’m going to do it again like uh heartbreak is one thing my ego is another I beg you don’t embarrass me mother like I don’t think the the Mavericks will embarrass Mavs fans anymore with in the front office the Tim Hardway Jr trade was good The Gafford and PJ Washington trades were great Derek Lively got omax for free got to trust Nico Harrison and you can you can you don’t have to but you can you can trust I’ve also I want everyone know soon as anything news happens I’ve got I’ve got this ready it’s not as flashy as what the you know the jump used to do with all the like confetti and all that kind of stuff but Mar said I know she’s massive now but I’ve never heard of Sabrina Carpenter song then you’ve never opened Tik Tok in your life that’s what it all that’s what it is just Tik talk is all that uh my camera is absolutely CL clipping it’s my internet I can’t figure out how to change it can change my camera quality down a little bit does that make it better probably should have gone down to 720 from 1080 but here we are my camera is absolutely clipping it’s a problem it’s my internet Spectrum I’m G to blame I’m going to blame Spectrum let’s see Jake fiser Golden State Warrior waving Chris Paul now positions the Warriors to access their 122.8 million mid-level exception should it also lose Klay Thompson so there’re the Warriors are expecting to lose Klay Thompson the Warriors planing to be creative and how to spend that salary slot so they’re another they’re another player let’s say the Lakers get Klay Thompson then all of a sudden the Mavs and the Warriors are competing against the same guys for that spot if Sean I think Shan Shar I don’t think he would write this if it wasn’t said on the show Brian wior the lickers can’t sign Klay Thompson right now we need to be talking about the Mavericks and other teams Malika over over to Bobby marks how can the Lakers get this done it’s really funny J the position like ranor saying it can’t happen and Malica asking Bob Marks how happened but that is actually how the uh that is how the that is how the NBA works now it’s a lot like the NFL all of a sudden where you go hey we can’t do this how can we make it happen because all you have to do is just change things around and then change some throw some money around here and there or not throw you know throw around contracts here and there trade some trade one guy here blah blah blah it can be it can it can work you can make it work 10 minutes from free agency David lock doing a live lock on jazz even think he can talk about free agents we don’t know the summer league roster just yet I think after free agency settles a little bit we’ll know they usually don’t tell us until right before the the practices will start and summer league doesn’t start till what is it July 12th we got a we got we got a week or so we got a week until when though the summer league roster Jack is living in uh 2023 Ja Jack is Jack Jack you’re one year late think Kyrie will will resign I saw him at the Lakers playoff game not looking good this is also I wanted to bring this up because I thought about um I thought that uh oh here we go we got we got one we got a news thing James Harden plans to sign a two-year $70 million contract to return to the Los Angeles Clippers okay James Harden going back to the Clippers I was not was not that’s not a big surprise what do we got 70 million two years I can do math that’s 35 million years that’s not bad not great but going back so they at least have James Harden back so they lose Paul George James Harden and Ka why yeah no I didn’t think I don’t think there was a single person that was thinking that that wasn’t going to happen everybody telling me what the math is I know I’m sorry I just didn’t want to be wrong when I did it in my head okay I guess we can write that down James Harden there you go two years 70 million that’s the first one on our on our uh slightly unplugged list make this bigger there you go first one first one down first news story down we’ll keep track of it it’s the slightly unplugged list I wanted you guys to be part of it because it is kind of fun slightly is in Europe which is why he’s not in the Stream right now not doing his own stream and so he’s in he’s in Europe and he’s going to try to stay away from his phone he deleted Twitter he deleted all social media and all that kind of stuff and he’s he’s not going to see anything and I’m going to I say signs in Philly dang it fraudi and slip I was thinking about Philadelphia that’s too funny um and so slightly is not going to see any of the reports and I’m gon to tell them all I’m gonna tell him everything and I’m gonna make up stuff oh in the chat let’s do this now what we got 10 minutes before the the actual free agency tell me um tell me what things I should make up to tell slightly I can type I can type real good okay M’s got Paul George I think he would know that that’s too that’s too good to where that’s too good to where I think he somebody would text him that’s the that’s the one thing it’s like it’s got to be good enough to where slightly will not hear it from another source Paul George to the Pistons the LeBron retired Lively for Anthony Davis Brown to Cleveland which Brown Hardy for Paul George Brandon Ingram traded to the Spurs that’s a good one that’s the first one that I saw who said that one uh yeah Brandon INR with the Spurs that’s a good one I’ll come up I’ll come up with like who it was and everything after that sabonis to the ABS man he would freak out oh my gosh there Mark Stein says that there’ll be no Sage of Chris Paul suitors once he becomes a free agent but League sources continue to say that San Antonio has strong interest in Chris Paul that’s pretty good couple people saying Mavs signed Seth Curry let’s do we got to throw that one in we got to throw that one in that one that one’s fun eight to the Mavs no it’s a year late he’s not going to believe any s Spencer Spencer gen 3 or 70 he I think slly would fall fall out of his chair I think he would fall out of his chair if I said I don’t think he would believe it Kevin herder Trad to the Cavs for Mo no he’s not gonna believe that you gotta add I gotta add more of that MAV signed to Rosen KD back to the Thunder there we go KD back to the Thunder that’s another good one I can type real good okay maybe beacan loved me in school Ben Simmons to Dallas Ben Simmons to Dallas would be insane right now is Eisen came back to lock if right in the middle of it I’m like and then another move that was made the offseasons Isaac har is coming back to lockon and you will no longer appear on the program that’d be really funny I think I’m GNA use that one shout out to you valunas to the Lakers yeah that’s this is a good one LeBron took a pay cut to get yonas malunis he just laugh at that one oh LaVine to Dallas I want to take a second and take a Victory lap from 5 years ago six years ago when Isaac and I were against Zack LaVine coming to the Mavericks this was before honestly like before Brunson popped off before Kyrie obviously we didn’t want Zack LaVine and now he’s getting traded with a first round pick we hated that contract it was before his contract actually before before Zack LaVine made an All-Star team and I was like I’m I’m out on Zack LaVine and now like five years later he’s not getting cassim I I don’t need a dentist man I got a dentist I’m good I’m all dentists up bowan is back that’s another good one Bon do I still have the bowon drop I got a have it oh Bo let’s go that would be the best Boby and Toby to the Mavs that’s a little too much I guess tobi’s hairs could be a pivot player all right I’ll put with with Tobias Harris on there he he would be in on that Frank Nina 3 years 25 3 minutes away from NBA free agency we’re talking about the slightly biased unplugged list this slightly is away and he’s going to be gone so I’m making up some moves to tell him on on the way back I’m keeping track of all the moves that we see got them all listed here on the on the Tweet deck apologies for my camera my internet uh spectrum is doing an incredible job being awful at internet providing for me and so we’re waiting we’re waiting on stuff that’s going to happen about 3 minutes away from just everything exploding James Harden just signed a 2year $70 million deal to come back to the Clippers so we’re we’re fine with that we I didn’t know that was expected we’ll see what happens with that with Paul George on him I love these Bobby marks is doing a great job with these Graphics so without now without Chris Paul without Klay Thompson too he’s expecting Klay Thompson to be gone Curry psky Andrew Wiggins kuminga Draymond Green Trace Jackson Davis cavon Looney coming off the bench they got two best big men coming off the bench Gary pton Moses Moody it’s tough Klay Thompson probably leaving they’ve got $147 million so they’re like without Chris Paul now and without Klay Thompson they’re under the the first apron that’s huge for them because they were a second apron team for a long time that is a tough one also skin makes a good point here that they’re not hard Capp then can do a sign and trade for for for because they if they’re a second apron team then they’d be hard capped and couldn’t and couldn’t do one let’s see who else wants to join this stream I’m having fun are you guys having fun one more minute till free agency it’s about to pop off oh this guy Josh he has a family event starting in two minutes no you screw you skipped the family today you skipped the family today and you watch you watch Twitter like hey just give me an hour give me an hour family I’ll be an hour late oh Tim K here we we go 5:00 pm bunch of stuff about to pop off 5:00 pm here in Dallas NBA free agency is started thank you for jumping in on the lockdown Mavericks stream I’m Nick anged I host a daily Dallas Mavericks podcast five days a week we’ll be talking about the Dallas Mavericks apologies for my camera spectrum is excellent at doing internet um we are keeping track of the we’re keeping track of the moves over here we’re keeping track of wow there you go sham sh just reported well does this count this doesn’t count because we knew this was going to Happ happen but Klay Thompson is departing the Warriors and both sides will begin to work sign and trade options so the Mavericks are one of those options Mavericks are one of the options we’re going to see if here we go oh we got one is this real we’ll count it the first one Luke cornette has agreed to a one-year deal to return to the Boston Celtics the cornette contest did not work he’s back with he’s back with the the Celtics that’s our first one I’m not writing that one down he doesn’t that’s not gonna be part of the stream big if true that’s not it cornet back goodness uh James Harden was technically the first one but I guess he was a player coming back to his own team so like we’ve already seen Pascal SE yakum do that we’ve already seen other guys do that James Harden coming back to the Clippers okay either tweet dech is slow right now or nothing’s happening yet Klay Thompson is officially going to depart from the Warriors we talked a lot about Klay Thompson earlier and talked a lot about what he could bring to the Mavericks you know Shams mentions the three teams Mavs Lakers oh uh oh we’ve got we’ve got somebody in the building in the building Kevin gray what up free agency just started off what you got for me Kevin gray man uh I don’t know man Source Wars um guys guys fighting I know a lot a lot of fighting today um excited though I’m excited I’m excited today’s my daughter’s seventh birthday so I’m a cook congrats look at that the bluey shirt with the dad on it like just doing the dad thing exactly so U but I’m excited man shout out to the raccoon Squad man look like y’all been kicking and having a good time so far we’re having fun give me your thoughts on the Klay Thompson thing are you for it are you against it is a good move for the Mavericks let’s say it’s just Josh Green they do some kind of sign and trade boom and that’s it I’m good with it I’m good with it I know folks will have their reservations about clay at 34 years old and the defensive side of things but honestly I mean this is a guy last year that was fourth in the NBA and three-pointers made he shot 39% from three I mean he made what nearly 220 catch and shoot three three-pointers so he’s going to get a lot of opportunities in this offense so you know maybe you do the thing kind of like how the Mavericks have done with Gafford and Lively you know Clay was really affected last year when he was playing between 20 and 29 minutes so you know I think people get caught up in you know who’s starting who’s not starting but I think clay will be motivated if this does happen to be able to be a contributor to this team and um you know I love the offensive fit I mean luk and Kyrie gonna give him a lot of open shots so if it does happen I like it and if it means to surrender Josh Green okay I mean that’s the price of doing business so um but if it does happen I think ultimately I’d be good with it yeah you’d be in a good spot and to me it’s like it comes down to you’re just upgrading Tim Hardway Jr to Klay Thompson if it’s just Josh green because you’ve already done the you know Josh Green the upgrade is Quinton Grim so you go from Tim Hardway Jr to Klay Thompson and Josh Green to Quinton Grimes those are upgrades in two spots to me I agree I agree and you know you don’t have a lot of you wouldn’t necessar have any bad contracts on this roster too right I mean that’s I think part of what has made this so interesting is that you maintain a lot of your financial flexibility for the next you know several years even with a potential you know Kyrie Irving extension coming you know maybe at the end of this upcoming season LCA gonna get his you know mega super max contract like you still have a lot of financial flexibility over the next couple years and if you don’t have to move off of your 2020 you know your 2031 or your 2025 and 31 first round picks too I mean you still got some ammunition to make other moves if that’s the case so yeah I’m if this is what it’s going to be and you’re able to retain Derek Jones Jr as well I mean that’s a home run if you’re if you’re the Mavericks based off of what you came into this offseason with and what you’ve been able to do so far Kevin we I’ve got to stop you we’ve got oh my we’ve got breaking news free agent Kevin Love finalizing a 2-year $8 million deal to return to the Miami Heat is this what it’s going to be whoever’s on here like you every time the breaking news music that Kevin Love going back I have no thoughts on Kevin Love going back to the heat cool good for him shout out to all Kevin getting their money shout out to all Kev money that’s right yeah every Kevin to get a bag right there is a report from Sean Cunningham a reporter in Sacramento it says sources confirm Sacramento Kings are pursuing a trade for Brandon Ingram I’m told Kings have had disc with the Pelicans it’s worth noting Ingram was an emerging star under Alvin Gentry who works in the king’s front office now the king’s getting Brandon Ingram would be interesting he’s kind of a guy that does some of the things that they need they need a little bit more offens like I guess they need a little bit more defense they need defense on the perimeter I don’t think he’s bringing that to them but he brings them he brings them at least a little bit more offensive variety which they’ve kind of needed I I don’t know how much that pushes them further like pushes them forward but it’s an interesting move it would be an interesting move I mean like you said they’re going to score a bunch of points and play a bunch on offense I don’t know necessarily what that means for them um you know defensively but yeah they’re going to continue to score a bunch every night so you know that’s fine good for them they won’t stop anybody but good for them I guess from more offense so um I mean they brought back Malik monk as well they still got Keegan Murray there they’ve got a lot of they got a lot of offense like a lot of offense but not a whole lot of Defense still we’ve got an official Adrian wowski Klay I guess can I I might as well you never know how many times we’re going to get to use this Klay Thompson plans to have discussions with the Mavericks the Lakers the Clippers and the 76ers in the opening hours of free agency so this is the 76ers are kind of a new one that we haven’t really heard yet but it makes sense they’ve got a ton of money and uh they they could add him for sure if they lose out on Paul George and kcp then they’ll have to Pivot to somebody else um but man we we haven’t seen any real signing so far Luke cornette Kevin Love got the James Harden one I guess and now everybody’s just waiting on some of these dominoes to fall Paul George I guess being the big one Brandon Ingram trade maybe Klay Thompson but yeah the Mavs are getting at least gonna have discussions with Klay Thompson and his people yeah which I mean all indications are that it’s not surprising we heard Chris haes a little bit earlier you know say that Clay is looking for a fresh start so it’s he’s not going back to the Warriors is what you know is obviously going to happen here but I do wonder how quickly we heard from um Monte P who is as close to the Warriors as anyone that you can can think of you know about how hard the Mavericks are pursuing him so I’m sure the Mavericks will try to keep clay as long as they can and not let him leave without that meeting without a deal being in place in order to trying to do something but um you know for clay he’s got a way the idea of staying in Los Angeles being at home versus you know potentially getting more money with Dallas who’s a lot closer to winning a championship and um only he has that you know decision to make so the talk earlier that we had me and the chat had was uh we’d get another NBA dad we’ get we’ get Michael Thompson if the Mavs got Klay Thompson we go from Tim Hardway Tim Hardway senior to Michael Michael Thompson as a another NBA Dad it’s interesting because Michael Thompson though is on the U the broadcast for the Los Angeles Lakers so you know you would see him a few times a year as far as the the television um I can’t remember if it’s the television or radio side of things but um TV yeah TV so yeah so you would see him a couple times a year for sure but uh either way however this happens whether they keep DK Jones Jr get clay you know maybe nji Marshall if you don’t retain Derk Jones Jr whatever the case may be um Nichol Harrison this team is gonna be busy it’s gonna be busy so they got stuff to do for sure they got stuff to do Mavs account just shared the inside the green room with Danny Green podcast logo from a couple years ago remember when that that was what we all all we were doing is listen to the Danny Green podcast and try figure out if Danny Green was gonna join the Mavs exactly exactly we’re a long ways away from that we were long ways this is definitely not Kansas anymore that is for darn if Klay Thompson starts a podcast with some guy he went to high school with like and we just start listening to that over and over again every day every day content content is King if you if you if the Mavs lose out on Klay Thompson they don’t get him are you disappointed are you just okay shrug move on like if what are you if you’re the Mavericks yeah I wouldn’t be necessarily disappointed um I mean you did get to the NBA finals this past season so how do you continue to build on what you have making sure you retainer at Jones Jr and you’re hoping that that quote unquote 10 to 15% better than Nico Harrison is hoping that everybody comes back with uh is true and hopefully you can get a little bit more shooting based on what’s available Quinton Grimes will be you know here once that trade is officially gone down and then you know you go from there so but uh it’ll be interesting but um I did just want to come on and say what’s up I’m excited that you out here doing your thing and um you know again had to shout out to the raccoon Squad man y’all are killing it and um you know I’mma get off here before my wife come here and cuss me out talking about what you doing phone um on your daughter go be a dad go be a dad Kevin yeah but good killing it man appreciate you letting me hop on for a few minutes man yeah go check out Kevin gray Kevin gray Sports on Twitter YouTube all that kind of stuff go check it out I need two subscribers to hit 6,000 two of Y I just two of y’all we’ve got 1600 on the live stream right now so okay if I can get two of y’all to just hit the Subscribe button on Kevin Grace SPS on YouTube that would be amazing so please do that for me yeah you can do that all right uh yeah go check out Kevin G Sports Go be a dad and go don’t get yelled at so yeah no I promise I won’t appreciate you man see you bud all right all right we’re got Kevin gray we’re uh we’re we’re we’re getting close guys we’re getting close to some things happening but this has been slowest free agency St we’ve ever I literally written down one thing James Harden signed of the Clippers and I’m not going to tell him I don’t need the Luke cornette and the the Kevin Love but man this is this is the slowest start to free agency we’ve ever had just waiting on meetings they’re actually not tampering is this the first year they’re actually not tampering did losing all those second round picks here we go Sam es vender Haynes just reported that Bulls proposed Wiggins and Paul for LaVine and Golden State said no and waved Chris Paul the Zack LaVine stuff is crazy Kyle just said that that Kevin got over 6,000 shout out to you guys hey we gotta we got to support the other guy we got to support our friends that are in here covering the Mavs as well Kevin gray good guy doing good stuff over there uh yeah Wiggins and Chris Paul for Zack LV if you were the Warriors would you have done that Wiggins and Chris Paul for Zack LaVine you’re still then you’re still in like luxury tax hell you’re still trying to figure out what to do why are we doing multiple reports on Luke cornette his agent bring back cornette to the defending NBA champions keep him out of free agency oh good job man good job by you Wiggins and Chris Paul for Zack LaVine plus plus it sounded like the the sound like the Bulls were offering draft picks with Zack lven to go to the Warriors or go somewhere else or just get him off the just get him off the the the Bulls just get him off just get his contract off nothing is happening we’re just we’re sitting here and you know what free agency wise NBA wise entertainment wise for me personally it’s great it’s great dude dude it’s great it’s great it’s great brosi bro name it it’s great it’s great it’s great bro it’s it’s great it’s great this like’s great bro I have no complaints I don’t NBA free agency is going as fast as my internet is right now I don’t know what it is about my camera and but it’s loading Pages all fast but just my camera is glitchy and I don’t know why it makes no sense there’s something about the connection there literally nothing is happening actually I should I should put that in there you’re right James Harden nothing happened at 501 we’re we’re almost 15 minutes in that’s a notable thing that nothing happened I should probably open with that refresh my camera capture device I’m doing it on OBS and that’s the thing that make it better did I fix it I don’t think so I don’t think so oh nacho said the audio is all right that’s all I really care about too you can see my face make make a weird face every once in a while uh honestly John makes a good point the new CBA cause of the quit like honestly I think the CBA Ryland just said the same thing wonder if the CBA has any impact on teams being more nervous by the perception of tampering so far we’ve also seen teams get draft picks taken away from them yeah Michael Scot said the Sacramento Kings have expressed interest in trading for Pelicans forward Brandon Ingram I guess we can start doing some I guess we can start doing that he’s staying in the west but I don’t know Brandon Ingram how was really on him for a while and now I don’t know what to think about him he’s also are they going to resign him they’re going to sign him to a long-term deal then you’ll have Fox Ingram and sabonis who’s got to be in this they got to do Harrison Barnes well but the I to me I think that they’re gonna they won’t they wouldn’t do Keegan Murray right like I just I think he’s he’s too good for them they do Kevin hun Kevin herder that actually works I don’t know the king’s cap situation but can you throw picks in there and make that work they literally are not tampering no literally no one is tampering except for maybe the conversations with Klay Thompson the war oh you love to see it the Warriors fans are are like freaking out they’re they’re melting down about this situation they’re melting down they are melting down about the Warriors melting down you ever see that Meme that’s like you’re a sick person if you are happy for the Warriors downfall my temperature is 105 105 I think I can make this bigger actually do you need the you need the last column there we go that’s probably better there is no tampering anymore tampering is dead Mavs burner on Twitter says ESPN clay clay memos L if if the Lakers get clay great addition will make Lakers immediately number one contender in the west one of the great Shooters in history if the Mavs get clay washed bad defensive fit will not get the ball should have gone to the Lakers that’s 100% right 100% right this is so weird we’re 17 minutes into free this is the biggest story 17 minutes into free agency nothing is happened we’ve gotten Luke cor we’ve gotten two white dudes Luke cornette and Kevin Love the only people that have signed in free agency are Luke and Kevin and James Luke Kevin James that could be his name what if Kevin James first name was actually Luke we got we do have to try it unplugging it and plugging it back in again should I just read maybe tweet deck is slow it’s not awkward silence it’s me texting people I apologize should I play so should I play music in the background would it be better would it be better here this one is called feeding the Ducks is this better uh Sean says tweet he will not see Twitter he deleted Twitter off his phone he legit won’t even see anything so that’s why I’m writing him down I’m writing up madeup moves to tell slightly when he comes back is the music more helpful this is so weird this is the weirdest thing play the Let It Ride music I guess so well we can’t let it ride until the maps do something right I gota wait till at least the maps do something oh here we go we got another we got another report is this the Utah Jazz are planning to wave Center om yvan Source tells ESPN another Center into the free agency market free agency is off with a bang biscuit this is this is what W just tweeting at 5:18 when free agency open did the NBA not know did they think it’s midnight do they still think it’s midnight om Ys have been waved it’s new Daniel said it isn’t news it’s news because nothing else is happening W is tweeting it he’s spending his precious minutes 20 minutes into free agency tweeting Omar yvan oh man now here’s the here is one thing about the the Klay Thompson trade for the Mavericks is that Bobby Mark says this the Mavs have created a$6 million trade exception for the Tim marway Jr trade because they traded Tim mway Jr and they’ll bring they can bring uh Quinton Grimes into the biannual exception and so if they bring Quinton Grimes into the biannual exception then all of a sudden they have 16 million that they can use to trade um they could they trade Klay Thompson with and do that so there there’s something with that the silence is defening we all get paid for every tweet every if you’ve got a little check you get paid for every tweet it’s just Happ should I put the music back on here this one’s called into space you missed nothing no one has missed anything what is it Matthew says what is happening what is happening is nothing this is so weird a lot of moves have been made I guess like the the Mel Bridges deal was made at the draft a lot of teams can’t do stuff I think this is part of the CBA the CBA like makes it so that certain teams can’t do stuff anymore they can’t sign guys because they don’t have cap space they can’t trade multiple players there’s multiple teams that can’t trade multiple at the same time so it’s it’s it’s just a very it’s very tough environment the owners wanted this oh dang here we go oh here we go here’s some more Warriors here’s some more Warriors meltdown backwards is never an option for me not for us Joe lob the owner the Warriors owner in February first of all backwards is never an option not for me not for us I know that would say it should be but I don’t even think we’re going to be sellers in a situation like this in a big way but you know there were things we could have done that might have looked that way might have been setting us up for something better next year Warriors are warriors Twitter is melting down here for it this is Adam Silver’s NBA the owners he works for the owners this this is this is the owner NBA this is the new owners NBA the new money NBA you guys can see me respond it was actually somebody else’s I’m real good at typing if we get Seth Curry I will die will die laughing yeah so we’re waiting on Paul George we’re waiting on Klay Thompson we’re waiting on the Brandon Ingram trade Kelly EO just says Nick patum will not be returning to the Sixers does that does should does that count does that count Nick Nick patum is not coming back to the Sixers he’d be an interesting guy for the B anual exception too if the Mavs somehow lose Derrick Jones Jr bring in Nick patum even if they don’t springing Nick pum you could use another Wing Defender guy that can play go 15 minutes here or there I’d be down for that here we go uh this guy I don’t know how to pronounce his name I think it’s Yosi yasi he’s very good with salary cap stuff Dallas Mavericks could give Klay Thompson up to three years $ 51.8 million for four years 70 million if they acquire him with the Tim arway Jun trade exception the 122.8 million midlevel exception can run for three years 40 million or four years 55 so the Mavs can can give Klay Thompson more money than what the Lakers could if they trade him because they have that exception with the Timar Jun trade whatever cap guy niik Harrison has if it’s Andrew Baker still or whoever whoever’s doing that killing it right now doing a great job I should retweet this let’s do questions I did not think that 25 minutes into I did not plan for talking points because I 25 minutes in I thought that things would actually be happening at this point we’ve literally not have anything happen James Harden turn returned we’ve literally not have one player change teams James Harden went back to the Clippers Luke cornette went back to the Celtics Kevin Love returned to the Heat uh Dennis Smith Jr for the biannual exception yeah I I would kind of be down for that I think he maybe a minimum guy what he make last year was he he was on a minimum right he may have he may have earned more than that he was a minimum guy last year so I don’t know that they need to use the B anual exception but I I’d be down for Dennis Smith Jr return by he would he would be good for Vibes I think he’s a good vibes guy good good you know perimeter Defender if they need some guy to to lock up the thing is him and Dante exm are pretty synonymous and exm is bigger can is probably better three-point shooter Dennis is definitely a better perimeter Defender but like you’re asking those two guys to do the same similar things yeah Dennis Dennis had a hard time what did he shoot last year Dennis shot 29% from three yeah Dennis is not really a three-point shooter so at least when exom can shoot a three but I’d be down to bring back Dennis it have to be I think it would have to be a bet minimum I actually wouldn’t I actually don’t think I’d be down for the buo exception I go all I went all the way back around I went back around I’m not down for him at the biannual but I would be down Reigns asist and Grimes under the biannual exception we don’t know that yet we think so we think it could happen we think that that they brought in Grimes under the biannual exception but we don’t know that for sure it’s all about order of operations right now and so I try to not like get you guys in the weeds with all that kind of stuff because it all will just it’ll be all figured out in like 24 hours after moves are made it’s like once it all happens then we’ll tell you how it happened not like when we’re in the middle of this it just isn’t worth it to me to like try and figure out all the different ways and things like that it just I think it just confuses people it’s not as fun I really think that the the C BBA the new aprons and stuff have has really messed all this kind of stuff up because you just don’t have teams with space and the teams that do have space you’ve got to really be smart and use it the teams with space right now are the Sixers the Thunder the magic the there’s like six teams with space though the Pistons and the Jazz and like if you’re those teams you’ve got to be really smart with who you get and the Jazz and the Pistons are not getting meetings even though they’ve got free fre agent money there you go Kevin gay shout out to the raccoon squad for getting me 6,000 subscribers on YouTube there you go shout out Kevin gray the squad is strong the squad is strong yeah rain said like you said I know too much now it’s less fun well it’s also less fun because the the owners and the Players Association made it less fun they made it less fun because it’s now more complicated to do all this stuff the aprons made it so much more complicated to make trades and things like that you got teams like legit can’t make trades I like when people confirm wo’s reports shout out to Tony Jones oh my guy my guy Tony East did that earlier today with the OB toin thing I guess Obi toin returned too we got that today but this is so wild we are 30 guys we are 30 minutes into free agency and literally not one player has signed or moved or anything like that you guys want to see my dog literally nothing is happening right now got money the needs to be spent but you’ve got to be really smart sham sh just said with cap space teams Orlando focus on free agents and Utah focus on current roster decisions and Nick’s working to unhard cap sources say that OKC Thunder and Eugene Oregon set to meet with Isaiah hardenstein cool we knew this we knew this Isaiah hardenstein would be good on the Thunder we got yeah we got someone even your dog is yawning at free agency that’s right he is a yapper he is 100% a yapper anybody that walks by my house he’s like barks at them if you guys have any tips in the chat for me uh getting my dog to stop barking at everybody that walks by the house but tomb could be the Maxi replacement possibly possibly but isaah AR s to be good on this on this Thunder team does he start that’s a that’s an interesting question would Isaiah hardenstein start on the who do they got you’d have Chad I guess you could play Chad at the four you go Jaylen but then then you do then you’ve got Caruso coming off the bench oh shout out to Ryland Styles literally just texted me and said hardide wouldn’t start okay well we’ll take him off that take him off that so they’re bringing hardide into to be a backup would still be a good move you could play him with Chad if you wanted in in some lineups that works Devon said I’ve have a 13-year-old yapper dog it never changes yeah I’m kind of thinking that I’ve tried everything the old sham suets are hilarious slow night time for sleep from 2010 oh hardenstein to the Thunder that would make them a tougher team because then you’ve got then you got another big man option they desperately need that against the Mavericks to get hardenstein and Caruso and not and give up what uh Josh Giddy and nothing else that’d be a good offseason I cannot believe how quiet it is right now I I need what’s this one this one’s called daydreaming because that’s what I’m doing right now daydreaming Horvat says uh this sucks yeah it does this sucks I cannot believe I cannot believe there’s nothing I cannot believe there’s nothing happen happening right now no players have changed teams nobody’s signed on their own their original teams this is blowing my mind right now everybody just waiting they’re in a holding pattern we’re 30 minutes into free agency and nothing has happened no tampering I guess they’re just waiting but even like if you’re trying to avoid the tampering yeah ye says ye says as soon as Nick gets off everything is going to start popping off that’s exactly right that’s why I’m staying that’s why I’m staying on cuz as soon as I leave bunch of stuff’s going to start happening oh look we got the Bobby marks Boston Celtics updated thing now that now that cornette is back Bobby Mark should not have time to update his cap sheet for the Celtics because Luke cornette returned he shouldn’t have time for that right now he should be trying to figure out why Zack LaVine is how Zack Line’s going to work with the Warriors he should be figuring out Klay Thompson with the Mavericks now he should be trying to figure out Brandon Ingram with the Kings he shouldn’t have time to go through and post this stupid Boston Celtics they’re over the second apron they’re a second apron team they they’re really stuck this is their team but great team they’re set maybe we’re an hour early yeah maybe since it’s 5:30 right now maybe they thought it was 6 Central nothing is happening will is Will Johnson has fallen asleep Matthew is frustrated that nothing is happening Waka is upset that fre agency is doing no sleep challenge I I’ve got other things to do today I may do a no sleep challenge just because the stream is going long slightly slightly made the call into Adam Silver he put the kabash on free agency till he’s back yeah literally nothing happened we got to update this 5:34 why would the why would the so Jeff Cooper just said the NBA absolutely told teams to not announce deals because this is BS well then wouldn’t they just wait they’ve got these live shows going right now this is one of the most like times when people are locked in we got 1,800 people shout out to the raccoon Squad 1,800 people in this chat right now watching my camera lag live to watch free agency and we got all this interest why wouldn’t they why would they eventually like wait wait 15 minutes and then your deals and we’re 35 minutes in now and nothing has happened I it’s because of the CBA it’s because it’s too too tough to do a lot of these things Reuben the rest of the NBA has Spectrum internet that’s right they’ve made the moves they’ve told them to W but it’s just taking forever for them to show up because they also have Spectrum internet I saw a bunch of people say spectrum is terrible I get it it’s the only one I can get at my place it’s very tough so we’re hanging out I change the music just for fun this one’s called night driving this one going to put you to sleep uh Nick we are bored do a standup comedy set so the New York Knicks have never tampered at all and I’ve always done things above board and I’ve always done things that are for the good of the NBA and for mankind and have never ever stolen somebody that um should have returned back to the Mavericks does that stand up enough yeah Michael just said change your Wi-Fi router I did I tried I tried a new one and it didn’t work they’re going to wait an hour I don’t like we’re 36 minutes in they’re just going to let us sit and speculate Nick have you been watching acolyte I watched the first couple episodes I was like it’s okay but I’ve seen people complain about it but people always complain about Star Wars everything so I’ve not got I’ve not I’m not caught up with it I was doing that I was trying to catch up cuz I didn’t watch gen V so I was trying to watch that I got to the scene in the dorm room when the thing happens and I had to stop so triple D says run ethernet not Wi-Fi this is my th this is my problem is my ethernet stopped working on my on my router so it worked forever I had great internet everything was fine and then all of a sudden all of a sudden my ethernet stopped working and so then I brought in or my internet stopped working at all one day brought in the Spectrum Guy brought in three different guys and they all told me that it was my computer that messed up with my ethernet and not like okay there’s like literally no reports or anything we’ve Nick do a freestyle Nick sing a song what am I’m a like a I’m a circus monkey for you guys okay Jose said Disney broke Star Wars no Disney did exactly what they did with Marvel is that they overdid it and they did too much of it because Disney has done some great stuff with Star Wars Disney did the seventh season of Clone Wars Disney did uh the Mandalorian season one and two were Incredible Disney did uh the moment from the Obi-Wan Kenobi show with with Hayden Christenson comes back incredible incredible stuff that Disney did didn’t they do uh they did so much stuff Andor yeah that’s the one I was missing was and they did freaking Andor they’ve done a bunch of really great stuff but they’ve also done a bunch of stuff that’s just like GH not great either bad batch yeah zombie frog great bad batch is great did Disney do rogue one because if they did Rogue one then they did the best the best Star Wars movie just as a movie thoughts on the Netflix version of avatar Last Air bunder how long ago was that was that like a year seems like that was so long ago slightly biased is not here slightly biased is in Europe he’s staying away from his phone and I’m writing down all the things that happen in free agency so far I’ve written down like nothing nothing has happened and uh I’m going to do a I’m going to be on his his stream and we’re going to I’m going to tell him all the things that happened cuz he’s not going to know what happened and I’m very excited for it and so we also wrote down some madeup moves if you got any madeup moves since apparently there are no moves happening at all right now tell me some moves that I should have that tell me some moves that I should tell slightly even if uh nothing happens I have not watched House of the Dragon yet you guys think I have all this time to watch this TV Jose said 90% [ __ ] 10% decent no they I just named like five things Disney did that was good Star Wars you literally got nothing oh Jake Fisher okay here we go I’m counting this because nothing else is literally happening I’m counting this one Jake Fisher friend of the show with Russell Westbrook having opted into his $4 million for the next season Clippers are now working to find a trade for Westbrook okay okay I’m going to do acoustic SEMA now no I don’t like this one I hate this one actually let’s go back to the feeding I have watched X-Men 97 X-Men 97 was excellent the name’s Gambit remember it that was amazing that was an incredible moment and that’s the same thing with like the marel stuff is that they they’ve done so many things that some of it is excellent like Xmen 97 and some of it is terrible like I haven’t even watched what’s the Echo Show I haven’t even watched Echo yet like I thought moonight was great so many things uh but Russell Westbrook Russell Westbrook trying to find a trade the Clippers are are the Clippers are all of a sudden like they’re they’re they’re powering down they brought back old James Harden They’re bringing back Kawhi Leonard Paul George looks like he’s going to leave how’s the how’s the audio like how’s the how’s the music is it too loud let me know I let slightly and I talked about Russell Westbrook before I think Russell Westbrook would be an okay fit like if you’re if we’re talking about Spencer DWI you might as well talk about Russell Westbrook because I think Westbrook may be better than Westbrook was better than dwy last year westbr may be better if you just want to talk about like a Off the Bench change of pace guy that comes in defends his ass off every once in a while like I don’t know I kind of be fine with Westbrook in a very very limited role is that is that what he wants there we are we’re sitting 42 minutes into free agency I was like hyping you guys up word I was hyping you up for 5:00 Central who shoots better Westbrook or dwy uh deny shoots better but only for the Mavericks apparently because DWI DWI he goes anywhere else and you’re like wait what the heck this spener D witty Dallas 40 % from three Dallas 40% from three Brooklyn 28% from three Brooklyn 32% from three Lakers he shot 39 he played 28 games but Washington 31% from three Mavericks 40 imagine Klay Thompson getting those shots that’s what we’re talking about with Klay Thompson this is insane what is this music that’s playing right now feeding the Ducks we’re feeding them Ducks they’re not feeding us they’re not feeding us free agent I’m shout out to 1,700 of you that have stuck with this stream right now literally nothing’s happening hoop Central has reported the Clippers are trying to work out a find and trade for Russell West they’re they’re aggregating a Russell Westbrook sign like sign and trade possibility that’s a bad sign that means nothing interesting is happening right now shout out to all of you subscribe to the show I’m trying to hit 50,000 subscribers that’s like my next big goal on YouTube I want to catch locked on fantasy basketball that’s the goal let’s do drian different we’ve got the report that Nick patum will not be part of the 76ers again any cool stories while traveling to cover the finals I think I’ve told a lot of them on the show I keep going back to the Tim Hardway Jr was on my flight going to oh somebody said update your Chrome oh a new Chrome is available ooh if I update my Chrome then this will go away everything everything goes away I don’t want to do that not free agency it’s free chatting just chatting what’s the thing on Twitch the just chatting just chatting that’s what we’re doing do you hoop I hoop with slightly every once in a while I’m 6’3 so I’m bigger than most guys that that play the most people that play like just around but I’m not very good we’ve got the report that Klay Thompson is going to beet with the Mavericks the Lakers the Clippers and the Sixers I guess he’s like legit meeting with them this is not like remember when Brunson was like I’m me meating with the Mavs and the Heat and the Heat and the the Nicks and the heat were like no he’s not remember when that happened I’m an undersized guard at 6’3 yeah but for like a normal human I’m a center even Josh Hart is like 6m was anticlimactic even the NBA players know this is insane like this is this is actually Wild oh everybody says this everybody says met you and slightly at your live stream event and y’all were both taller than I thought yeah everybody says that I get that literally every single time somebody meets me at a at a Mavs game which by the way shout out to all of you if I met one of you at a Mavs game this year that was awesome I love meeting you guys I love getting to see who’s part of the raccoon Squad giving you a sticker all that kind of stuff yeah Tony e makes a good point here a lot of people suggesting the slow start to free agencies because of tampering avoidance which I don’t think that’s what it is I think it’s because anobi SE yakum quickly Harden Claxton monk Patrick Williams Royce O’Neal Obby toop and Kevin Love have already happened you did not also just include Kevin Love that list Ed OB zakum this guy’s getting $100 million and also Kevin Love this is so insane 46 minutes into NBA free agency are we getting new stickers next year so everybody keeps asking me about these stickers the Let It Ride stickers a listener just made these and gave them to me and I don’t know who the listener is so I’ve got to find her and get that to be able to get those new stickers but they’re awesome but like I didn’t create that so I I don’t feel good about making those then oh Shams just reported that Clippers are actively working on trades to move Russell Westbrook Jake fer reported that multiple minutes ago gota wait couple people are saying they think it might pop off at 6 Jen Jenna says is the RAC is the raccoon wearing a condom don’t make me look back at I’m not I’m not looking at it like that you can’t make me look at that sticker that’s a violation yeah W and Shams are both taking a nap they could also be openly brawling and fighting in the streets right now who would win in a fight WJ or Shams Shams is is younger much younger WJ is bigger though W is W is a lot bigger than Shams jams is a is a like a short guy sham is probably like five eight 5’9 W is probably six foot who you got wer Shams in a in a fist fight just straight up their phones let’s here’s the here’s the here’s the scenario Shams and wo are on either side of a street the other’s phone is on the opposite side of the street they have to fight to get to their phone so they can tweet NBA rumors they got to they got to meet in the middle and fight whoever wins gets to their phone first what is Isaac talking about showers what is the what is the best setting for water on the hose this is what it’s come to this is what it’s come this is what it’s come down to we’re talking about wo and Shams fighting I don’t even have a hose at my I have a condo I don’t even have a hose I got ho but no hoes that’s a bar right there nothing is this is insane all right we’re 11 minutes away from 6 o’clock Central couple people are saying it they’re waiting an hour for things to start happening I think it’s because the CBA has made it too difficult for a bunch of things to happen all at once sham says the nuggets have interest in Westbrook that would make a lot of sense is that how you spell like erer Matt George on Brandon Ingram so the Sacramento Kings have been rumored to trade for Brandon Ingram Matt George says in many ways Brandon Ingram would be a dream pickup for Sacramento not trying to rain on any Kings fans parade just putting the complications the Kings pel could be working out through here didn’t even mention sack would have to pay Ingram at the end of the season I don’t understand why were you making a didn’t sound like he was Westbrook has interest in playing in Denver so Westbrook and what do we think about Westbrook and Denver does that move the needle for you at all they lose Reggie Jackson probably lose kcp they get Westbrook can we please bring back Grant Williams uh I would like to find one other person in the chat that wants to bring back Grant Williams Oh wait keep Grant where he’s thriving I’m this is so weird that we’ve been almost an hour and I have not been able to update this list at all not the Mavericks moves not the NBA moves bunch of nose for the Grant Williams thing bunch of nose the Tweet the Tweet deck’s not even moving I’m update it are people just not tweeting the Westbrook thing is like the only movement we’ve had in the last couple of minutes if you’re just joining us I’m Nick angstead I’m the host of lockdown Maps my internet is bad because of spectrum so thank them so that’s my my camera is weird and uh we are also a 5day a week Dallas Mavericks podcast all throughout the offseason we will continue to cover them all throughout the season and I’ll do it every day until stuff stops happening we’re waiting on for the Mavericks we’re waiting on Klay Thompson news there’s the only real report for the Mavericks and I probably don’t have to scroll too far back yeah just scroll like five tweets Klay Thompson plans to have discussion with the bavs Lakers Clippers 76ers in the opening hours of free agency so we’re waiting on Klay Thompson we’re waiting on Paul George he’s kind of the big the big fish that needs to move for all these other little pieces I’m not even going to read that one out loud but we’re waiting on uh we’re waiting on a bunch of other moves to be made and nothing has really happened it’s been almost an hour and we’ve been sitting here James Harden went back to the Clippers no no no players have moved teams literally none not even like a small one but for the Mavericks there is a possibility for them to move there is a possibility for them to go get uh Klay Thompson to keep Derrick Jones Jr and to have the biannual exception as well there’s a CBA Mavs he made this great cap sheet where this is how the Mavericks do that they trade Josh Green they bring Klay Thompson into the probably into the exception a little bit and this is how you can make it work here’s here’s a bunch of numbers we’re waiting on anything to happen literally we’re 54 minutes into this and nothing has happened I’ve been going live for almost two hours I feel like kaai not I should just have he just gets on and nothing’s happening he plays a should I play a game I got I got breath of the wild downstairs I got tears of the Kingdom should I just start playing that that’d be more interesting than this I start streaming a game that’ be fun start building stuff in breath of the wild tears of the Kingdom could play chess could play chess against Bobby carala actually I could bring Isaac on because Isaac he he could there’s nothing to talk about play some Kendrick I can’t play stuff on you YouTube um because of the the copyrights I wish I could just play music I can only play this weird stuff I could bring ISAC on because nothing is happening uh play NBA hoop grids I did not expect to be sitting here oh here we go here here’s something we can debate Zack Ed plans to play at summer league for the Grizzlies rather than playing for Canada in the Olympics I have a duty now to properly prepare for all that is coming my way with being drafted by the Grizzlies what would you rather do let’s say let’s say drick Lively had the same opportunity last year would you rather him play for it would have been Team USA would you rather him play for Team USA select or would you rather he wouldn’t actually play on the team would you rather him play for Team USA select or summer league for the Mavericks if you were if you were the maps what would you rather do cuz I think this is an interesting thing it’s the only interesting thing happening couple people saying team y say select the chemistry is more important well depends on the summer league team you may not be playing with anybody that you’ll play on the regular season team so like literally just what level of basketball do you think is better for a Player Development and you know an international Olympics or when’s the last time W tweeted literally 34 minutes ago W hasn’t tweeted in 37 minutes opening hours of free agency W has tweeted two times in one hour what a weird scenario we’re all in right now this feels like a Black Mirror episode what if a black mirror episode what if we feed them all these NBA rumors for years and years and years at exactly one time at exactly 5:00 Central every year and then we take it away what happens what would they do how would they respond we take away their precious rumors why don’t you just make up a tweet that the maps signed clay Yahoo sports the Denver get have considered Avenues to add where else to Westbrook this is not this is not like a report every team does this I guess we’re all waiting for Paul George I Trey Kirby is right we all wait for Paul there you go I just got I just did a Bible joke that one’s for Isaac oh here we go Keith Pompei I got to text this to Isaac He he’ll appreciate this joke our boy Keith bompe host of lockdown 76ers Tobias Harris receiving free agency interest from Pistons Jazz Spurs and Mavericks we got a rumor we got a rumor finally um Tobias Harris would be an interesting pivot I think he comes off the bench I think he just literally replaces Tim marway Jr you start Derrick Jones Jr but Tobias Harris is the he’s 69 he can hit a three he can get his own shot a little bit here and there he’s really good at like the short mid-range stuff which is something the Mavericks need to add they need one more guy that could do that he’s somebody that could he’s not as good as a three-point shooter as Tim Hardway Jr but he’s better at that creating his own shot kind of stuff Mick said he’s not coming off the bench well if Jason kid tells him to he is who’s stopping them their knees what do you think about what do you think about Tobias Harris let’s say they can keep Derrick Jones Jr and they get Tobias Harris who’s interested in that yes or no in the chat I cannot believe how boring this has been I’ve got chips should I just sit and eat chips bunch of nose on Tobias Harris a bunch of nose Tobias Harris the interesting thing with with Tobias Harris is that how bad he was in the playoffs 17 points a game in the regular season now it’s because of embiid was out for so long but 17 points a game in the regular season shot 48% 35% from three three free throw attempts a game now remember this because embiid was out for a lot of the time so he’s he’s know taking 13 shots the game he’s making up for embiid not being there playoffs eight shots a game nine points a game which just goes way down I mean just changes completely for him I cannot believe how nothing is happening o Zack low just said I don’t think Philly has enough to get this player but a player I would keep my eye on is Larry marinin how would they even do that Stein is even Stein is even saying when hour into free agency a lot of us are openly pining for the good old days of deals already being done at at 601 there you go Isaac Isaac’s proud of me for my my new testament joke shout out to the 1700 of you that are still here trying to wait till something happens in free agency I literally think as soon as I end this stream stuff will happen oh here we go nayas k great multiple year deal stay with the Boston Celtics I’m adding it to the list oh my gosh that’s so dumb oh yeah the Warriors basically Isaac just has been texting me the Warriors just said just turning down a Wiggins for Zach LaVine swap is kind of crazy if you’re the Warriors why do you not do the the Wiggins for Zack LaVine swap you just want to get out from one of the money you don’t like the the the fourth reporter now third reporter now to say that Westbrook is trying to find a trade partner with the Clippers so he’s oh I guess that he took it a step further he the Westbrook is not coming back to the here we go we got one we got a real one here from Michael Scot this exactly what you thought 76ers free agent centor Andre Drummond has agreed to a 2-year $10 million deal the first player to change teams the first player to change teams at 603 back to the Sixers two years $10 million the first guy first player to change teams the first player to change teams there you go Shams just reported it so Michael Scot got him on that one an hour and three minutes in oh my gosh good for them to get Drummond back they needed that backup center wear your Vader mask until the clay news breaks my dog is even upset about this Drummond just texted just tweeted I’m in the mood for a Philly cheese steak it’s pretty good it’s pretty good twittering so uh what else we got in space Audrey Drummond changes teams that’s the big news that’s the first actual oh that’s the first player to change teams it’s Andre Drummond Kristen likes this song Kristen’s in on this song anyone else anyone else in on this song are we out oh my gosh I can’t believe this hey go adamar is on the n on the Westbrook thing westbr on the Nuggets would bring a lot of risk it doesn’t work it could be if it doesn’t work it could be explosive but there are things he brings Denver could really use yeah the defense the attacking a lot of things that make a lot of sense couple people don’t like this beat but a couple people are really in on it so nothing has changed Andre Drummond going back to the Sixers making $5 million a year like just a little over the vet minimum couple people are saying the NBA commissioner needs to be fired tonight like I don’t know he’s taking he’s he’s doing what the owners want the owners did this this for the Mavericks we’re waiting on yeah blame CJ McCall and Grant Williams yeah it’s true they’re part of this oh my gosh the ultimate throwback Jean clavell is it Jean clavell versus PJ doer doer stayed in the NBA longer but they neither of them ever did anything okay people complain about the music all right I’ll get i’ll I’ll change it or I’ll just get rid of it huh if you’re going to complain about the music I’ll just get rid of it Loi is this one going to good map sign Josh pow two your deal way throwback we are all just waiting on things to happen play some trap I only have like a couple options here can we get the intro on repeat not until something has happened we can’t let it ride till something happens I can give you this one or how about this one I’m here because uh I have to be is going to get a seat at the table that’s it it’s me ver the machine don’t let take away from you can rest later you’re young I recover be wait wait one more thing how about that one is that one good we like this one this got a little pep to it step the hearty party one the hearty party music back the NBA has become less interesting the draft and free agency now I mean it’s just I guess we had the muel bridges deal there’s still trades that happen I’m literally just waiting until something happens because I know as soon as I get off something’s going to happen I need a recovery beer I also need a recovery beer I got water instead yeah msman said it’s because of the new CBA yeah this is this is all because of the new CBA the new CBA made it so that there’s teams that just are so limited with what they can do that now the teams that can do something have the time to sit and wait and to like really make sure that what they do is exactly what they need to do yeah Marcus Morris I’m not I’m out on M Marcus Morris I’m here because uh I have to play it again it it’s me oh the three the really old lockedown Ms a 360 in the yeah that was a song we didn’t own the rights to one oh the Pelicans have expressed interest in wend Carter Jr ooh I cannot believe how boring this has been we’re an hour and 10 we’re we’re 71 minutes into free agency and we’ve gotten Andre drumman I guess Paul George is is holding the league hot right now what’s everybody doing this weekend I’m bored too Brendan I thought for sure we’d have stuff to talk about we’re waiting on Klay Thompson the NBA ba is waiting on Paul George I think yeah the $2 million fine if teams announced trades too fast yeah but now we’re an hour in we if we let go of MBS man can we get Paul George no the Clippers can we trade Chuck the duck the uh the Condor can we trade the Condor for Mavs man no msman is part of the raccoon Squad I have since changed my stance on on Mavs man he is if he’s part of the raccoon Squad that means he’s 100% he’s 100% in how do you eat a mango is Klay Thompson coming to I guess we can redo this it’s been like two hours since I’ve done the Klay Thompson thing so Klay Thompson is having meetings with the Mavericks the Clippers the Lakers and the Sixers to all try and figure out how to how to get Klay Thompson if Klay Thompson is going to be available all that kind of stuff the Mavericks can offer Klay Thompson more money I believe because first of all they don’t have a state income tax so you got to think about that but they have the exception for when they traded Tim Hardway Jr they can bring in uh Quinn Grimes into their biannual exception then created another exception for that so then you can you can make things happen for sure and get Klay Thompson some more money but Klay Thompson has to decide between playing in La I guess Philadelphia and playing in Dallas so and that’s tough Klay ‘s dad played for the Lakers his dad is the color commentator like longtime beloved color commentator for the Lakers Klay is also signed to Anta though which is the same shoe company that Kyrie is signed to the K Kyrie is the chief creative officer for Anta basketball that’s notable they’ got that connection those shoe companies always bringing people together and uh does anybody know somebody that knows shoes companies better than anyone else in the entire world probably yes it’s the Mavs GM president of basketball operations niik Harrison so Klay Thompson for the Mavericks makes a lot of sense he comes in and immediately is that shooter that the Mavs have needed that they wanted Tim Hardway Jr to be he’s a guy that could play in the finals where you go all right clay you can play in that spot and you can knock down some of these threes he can defend defend credibly enough his age is definitely a concern he’s 34 he’s going to be 35 in February so you’re definitely concerned about the age especially if he wants a three-year deal well there are concerns was was I Team Edward or Team Jacob I was neither I didn’t I did not see any of those movies or read any of those books I think I’m Team Jacob because Taylor seems cooler but I guess I guess Edward was uh or whoever who played Edward what’s his name he was a good Batman I cannot believe how boring this is we’re an hour and 15 minutes in we are 75 minutes into free agency and Andre drum here we go Kevin Porter Jr I’m not I’m you can’t you can’t get me to I’m not playing the breaking news music you can’t give me to play the breaking news music for Kevin Porter Jr Kevin Porter Jr is agreed to a two-year deal with the Los Angeles Clippers what are we doing what are we doing what are the Clippers doing yeah all things Mavs pointed out they just they brought in Josh primo and now Kevin Porter Jr what are they doing what what are they doing oh my gosh two-year deal too it’s got probably got an option at the end of it yeah this is got to play music again because I’m just going to sit here in silence thinking about how we’re talking about Kevin Porter Jr in 2024 year of Our Lord yuck yuck I guess I got to write it down damn G that’s disgusting work by the Clippers right there I am not for that jamming that Casio yeah it’s like that one of those those keyboards you hit the hit the automatic music button yeah I do have to Gaslight slightly to think these moves are crazy he’s actually going to be blown away by how slow everything was Porter previously reached a plea agreement on a third deegree Reckless assault misdemeanor in January he’s in the process of completing a court order program and once completed this plea moved to not guilty with no criminal record yeah okay he did it like okay God where’s car where’s this is the greatest question we’ve got here where’s car battery type of all time I got nothing I got zero car batteries go to the gas station oh go to gas station snack I’ve been doing the uh on on the road when I was doing I was going to a bunch of games I would do the uh uh the cheex mix the cheddar cheex mix that was my go-to always water I don’t drink anything else sponsored by eBay Motors car batteries sponsored by eBay Motors oh my gosh how boring is this how is this possible 80 minutes into free agency we’ve got Andre Drummond Kevin Porter Jr nayas K going back to the Celtics Luke cornette Kevin Love that’s literally all the moves that have happened SL honestly somebody’s the subversive since I think slightly peaked oh peaked Oh I thought you me peaked like I cannot believe how this is happening worst character from from Avatar oh it’s the old guy that gives him up in the earth Kingdom that guy sucks the worst one is the fire lord I mean let’s be real he’s like a dictator Nazi like he wants to take out races of people he’s the worst one come on how is this still happening this being nothing best restaurant side dish if you guys have ever been to streets chicken they’re uh Bri mac and cheese is beautiful it’s delicious mac and cheese probably the best side dish right mac and cheese or mashed potatoes a good a great mashed potato is that’s going best best restaurant side dish greetings from Mexico hello Mexico I went to Waka last year it was great I enjoyed my time there ate really great food favorite Seinfeld episode I don’t know if I can think of individual episodes yeah actually Phantom says actually Clay is top tier yeah considering the players that are moving right now clay would be a top free agent right now just literally holding on I did try crickets in waka they were great heat people are doing threads on Kevin Love oh my gosh no soup for you that is what the NBA CBA has said we 82 minutes in free agency we’ve gotten Andre Drummond and Kevin Porter Jr is back in the NBA this is a low for the NBA right here is this live Stephen yeah this is live absolutely live how could I not do this live look how bad my camera is absolutely live John asks what are your thoughts on hakua the act or the viral clip because the viral clip if you’ve SE if you’ve seen it it’s wild that girl got fired from her job that’s why I read that I read that she got fired from her job she was like a either a babysitter or a preschool teacher I read both but that girl her laugh was awesome her energy was great like the the aura around that girl was amazing and that’s why it was so like captivating yeah hunt said the girl lost her job for that clip her dad was a pastor she was just having fun wasn’t it out in like Nashville or whatever some people are saying that it’s fake that she didn’t lose her job but it’s wild it was a hilarious clip but it’s wild it’s wild what can happen in the internet right now just one clip goes crazy viral and it changes your life in either a great way or an awful way oh Jeff ziget whoa oh Jeff ziget is a legit reporter okay wait we might have a thing we might have a f the first real thing I’m doing it Jeff ziget of USA Today reports that kavus Cowell Pope leaving the Denver Nuggets and headed to the Orlando Magic on a threeyear deal this would be absolutely wild the denber Nuggets would lose kavus call Pope that would be huge for any team in the west he’s a great point of attack Defender he’s a credible offensive player now did yic make him better offensively sure yeah absolutely but for the Orlando Magic this is a crazy good move move helps their defense their defense is already great oh my gosh but oh my God can you imagine trying to score on Suggs kcp Jonathan Isaac oh my gosh try to score on that lineup they’re already a great defensive team but also this would take Paul George and yeah this would take Paul George out of their out of the Runnings for them and this is great for every team in the west including the Dallas Mavericks who not now do not have to deal with kcp and who’s going to guard Luca and who’s going to guard Kyrie you’re you’re asking Michael Porter Jr and Aaron Gordon and Jamal Murray two of those three are guarding Luca and Kyrie when the Nuggets play like the nuggets are this is tough man it’s tough to give multiple big contracts to a team to to players and then try and build a team in this new CBA yeah this doesn’t have to be a signning trade a lot of people are saying is this a signning trade no the Denver Nuggets didn’t want to do a signning trade with the with the Mavericks and maybe they didn’t want to do one with anybody else shout out to Jeff Ziggler too shout out to the reporters getting stuff before Shams and wo Jeff ziget gets this one uh Michael Scot got the Drummond thing before W and Shams La Murray says that the uh Casey the Kevin Porter Jr thing is a minimum that’s good at least they didn’t give him actual money but kcp going to going to the east let’s go one less good Defender one less problem without you got one less problem without you and Denver this is tough for them Christian Brown Christian Brown goes to the shooting guard spot so they lose Bruce Brown a year ago they lose kcp now it’s tough to keep to keep a uh Kevin Porter Jr got a player option and a 15% trade kicker what the Dallas that was me flatlining CU why did Kevin B Jing get a player option and a trade kicker on his minimum deal oh my God I’m going to Flatline again he’s flatlining we can’t get him we can’t revive him three years $66 million for kcp in Orlando wow WJ confirms good job Jeff zigg Lett great for him man kcp three years $66 million good for him that’s a that’s a fine deal don’t laugh at me 22 million a year don’t laugh at me for opening up the calculator app oh good job for K wait way to go kcp getting that deal way to go Orlando Magic for getting a free agent they got a free agent their destination good for them you build your team you get good good players you have a good culture with Jamal Mosley at the helm like great for them awesome stuff good move for them love that for the magic he’s got to come in and start right kyb’s got to come in and start so it’s what they got wend Carter Jr they’re making moves and trades on got the two Wings fron and Paulo kyp then as it SU probably what do they do with M like Marquel folz that’s pretty fun we got some actual news got some ACT got an actual free agency news good good for the NBA it only took you 90 minutes it only took you 90 minutes to get an actual an actual trade oh I got a text from a Mavs employee that he’s dying to talk free agency but he can’t it’s his first one as a full as a real employee you guys can decide who it is he’s dying over there shout out to everybody that’s still here 1800 strong the raccoon Squad is strong the brand is strong and uh shout out to Spectrum for making my internet bad so that my camera isn’t working very well right now the stream is not brought to you by Spectrum it is unfortunately but they are not paying me to do it they’re actually giving me bad internet it’s not Bobby CW he’s had many he’s had many offseasons as a Mavericks employee he’s probably sleeping right now taking a nap Bobby Corolla was he the Toyota car uh but Denver though all of a sudden Denver is down bad Denver’s Let’s do let’s do Denver’s cap because all of a sudden now Denver they lose kcp they lost Bruce Brown last year they move up they move Christian Brown to the starting lineup that’s fine he’s going to replace a lot of the things that Casey B could do Bow Trak is is hurting right now too many people trying to log on so this the next couple years for them oh we got to write the kcp deal down that second uh they got yokich obviously great Murray Porter Jr Gordon Christian Brown great that’s like a that’s a fine starting lineup like that’s a really good starting lineup still it may not be the best in basketball it may like be a touch slow but um that’s great but then what do they got after that zek naji’s not been a viable player they just extended Murray got DeAndre Jordan still Strather and Payton Watson Strather was was something here and there Payton Watson was something here or there they drafted Don Holmes got we got chonch Char’s hold Justin holiday’s hold they get off of that kcp hold though so I don’t know wild wild for them let’s add kcp who where was je 623 we got our first actual real deal do I want to do I’m good for them should I write who reported it of course Shams got this one that’ll be slightly will think that’s as funny as the other stuff like that that it wasn’t wer Shams that reported these it that it was Michael Scot and Jeb ziget and zilet I keep saying ziget it’s zilet wolof yeah Clippers are Clippers are Clippers are down better right now because they’re probably going to lose Paul George they just signed Kevin Porter Jr oh my God and then the nuggets are are losing guys now too ziget does sound like a Pokemon ziget is like this the baby version of Diglett pyton Watson and Don Holmes could be solid for them but like they’re young players coming off their bench and O they could get Westbrook though Westbrook could help them but all of a sudden Westbrook could be playing a big role for them kcp player option in year three that makes sense but yeah here’s Bobby marks on the Nugget situation they’re really close to being under the tax they’re under the first apron so they got some breathing room and some Financial flexibility they’ve only got five players plus Don Holmes whatever Don Holmes is Payton Watson is is good but key free agents Justin holiday o that’s a tough one yeah Den get slowly slowly breaking down here and with no real way to like replace him either Christian Brown’s going to replace him a little bit but it can only do really minimums they should have the full mid- level though with kcp gone they stay under that first apron so they should be able to get somebody is it a real shame NBA University is it a real shame for them to lose Bruce Brown and kcp multiple offseasons I think we’re feeling good about that I think we’re good Joker to every a lot of people in the chat are saying Joker to Dallas next year like I don’t know there we go we got a new oh Panda Han tweeted slightly bias is g to come back on July 12th just to catch up on 10 deals uh what else we got nothing happening 95 minutes into free agency we got Andre Drummond Kevin Porter Jr and kyp what a weird weird thing here’s Uncle Drew shout out to Kyrie Uncle Drew in the chat do we really want Klay Thompson on the Mavericks yes if you can keep if you can keep drik Jones Jr and all it takes is Josh Green then you improve Josh Green to Quinn Grimes and you improve Tim Hardway Jr to Klay Thompson and let let kid figure out the lineups and stuff let him figure out the egos let him figure that all out Tyler be says Clay is Old Clay is old AF yeah he is but he’ll be able to shoot threes until the end of time and you pay for that you pay for a guy think about think about the finals run think about all the times that you were like damn I wish they had one more guy that could hit a credible three what if that guy was Klay Thompson what if that guy was Kay Thompson could they do it uh joining me right now gonna bring him in looks like he’s driving are you you driving let me uh let me bring him in right now uh Jimmy Crowther things Mavs driving around you’re missing nothing my friend if you’re driving around not watching the free agency right now that’s exactly why I I picked this time to go pick up some dinner I’m like you know what we’ve been sitting here waiting for an hour and a half and so far I got Luke cornette Andre Drummond and I just saw the kcp news so I decided might as well hop on and make things interesting yeah kcp is now leaving going to the Orlando Magic uh how do you feel about the Nuggets getting worse uh I’m happy about it I’m all for them going out and getting Russell Westbrook uh based on the way the Russell Westbrook that we saw I mean I think he would help them obviously because they just have no depth right now but in terms of threats in the west I mean it knocks him down a peg I know Christian Brown is supposed to take that next step but he’s not quite there he’s definitely not kcp so I’m all about it it’s like if anything he uh Christian Brown steps in and he’s he helps them and can maybe step in and replace what kcp did but then who replaces what Christian Brown did that’s that’s the other part of it it’s like okay and I I like I like pton Watson I I like stur I guess but again like I I mean for a team that’s trying to win a championship not not quite there no it’s tough they Lo they Lo lose Bruce brown one year they lose kcp the next year and uh the the championship nuggets are slowly like crumbling in front of us well it’s funny because I mean when the odds first dropped for Klay Thompson it was all Orlando and then Dallas snuck in you know late last week and then odds dropped for kcp and it was us in Orlando at the top again and so I tweeted it out when it dropped I was like it sounds like the loser of one of those sweep Stakes is going to be the winner of the other so hopefully that’s what ends up happening but we’re gonna see yeah it’s good for the magic I’m happy for the magic they get a free they get a free agent like a pretty big name free agent according to this like free agency yeah I mean does he slots in at the two who’s the starting point guard Suggs that’s that’s what I would think that they would have but then they also have like they also like do it by committee with the two wings and yeah whatever whatever Foltz decides to do I was say folz is a really enticing name for us but I don’t know I mean we have to give him the buy anual I would assume and I don’t know I mean shout out to CBA Mavs probably saving all of our Lives because I have no idea if we have that by annual or not so I have no idea yeah there there’s people that have talked about if they bring in Quinn Grimes with the biannual exception because they could trade him into that then then you don’t have it assign but then you have a bigger exception and maybe go get clay or somebody else yeah I tweeted out I tweeted out something like oh okay so we’re gonna trade we’re gonna trade Grimes into the biannual and then use mle and then and then everybody called me an idiot and said I need to check my map with CBA Maps so I was like I just deleted it I like forget it I don’t know what I’m talking about so never mind we’ll just that’s one of the things I’m like let’s just wait till it all happens and then then I’ll tell you how it happened after that right yep yep so what’s your uh I know your smoke screen one more thing show you were I know you probably talked about this earlier in the Stream but that’s right it’s been a couple hours yeah so you you weren’t super high up on Clay but I know there was a lot of because of this so where you at now yeah I don’t think it’s a smoke screen anymore it could be from clay side still like he could be using the maps as leverage I mean we’ve been versed in that if you’ve followed the Mavs for a while you know that they’ve been used in the past but to me it seems like the maps definitely have interest in him there’s been enough reports where I don’t think it’s a smoke screen on the the Maverick side anymore my whole thing was both sides could be using each other but now they definitely seems to be interested on the MAV side and it kind of makes sense like it makes sense if you just if you’re upgrading Tim Hardway Jr to Klay Thompson and you think that Quinn Grim’s an upgrade on Josh Green then you’ve just upgraded two spots and you just let kid figure out the like the rotations and the lineups and the Egos and all that kind of stuff of bringing Klay Thompson in because he at least gets you a credible three-point shooter that they desperately needed in the playoffs how many times have we watch this team in the playoffs and go can we just get one more viable shooter out there can you just get one more guy that is okay on defense and can hit a three-point shot and that guy is Klay Thompson yeah yeah where are you at with with Grimes as an upgrade over Josh because I think in certain areas he’s no doubt an upgrade but I still think I mean I’m assuming Josh Green is on the outs assuming Klay Thompson’s coming in but I have Josh Green still a little bit above Quinton Grimes overall but I think Grimes can get there what do you think uh Grimes for the the Knicks two years ago was the guy that guarded the best player on the other team and I think he did a good job I think he’s a better point of attack Defender and that’s a need for the Mavericks he’s been a credible to good three-point shooter unless he’s playing for a 14- win team and so like I think he could I think he could be a step up he’s not going to be the playmaker that Josh Green is he’s not maybe G to be the get the ball and and go get a shot but like Josh really hasn’t become that either Josh really hasn’t taken that step forward in either of those areas in the areas that we hoped um Josh has been fine and Josh has come in and played a role and done some things but yeah I don’t know I just I just think he’s an upgrade in those two areas the like the shooting consistency he’s going to shoot more volume than what Josh green has been and then the defense for sure I think is an upgrade and that’s that’s the area that you need him the most yeah I’m with you um like I said I still think I think if I were just to put him side by side i’ I’d probably put Josh a little bit higher but for what this team needs I’m with you Grimes especially I underrated his point of attack defense I mean watching some of the clips that Panda Hank I mean yeah thank thank God for his highlight videos because it I mean he some of those clips and like you said he was guarding he went from guarding Jimmy Butler to Donovan Mitchell to Trey young to Chris Middleton all in these clips and I mean just locked them all down I know that’s those are the highlights of course but that’s what gets us excited but still like it’s it’s possible for him to do those things incredible uh La maybe last thing for you if you’ve got to go um the the Clippers losing Paul George and kind of kind of crashing down a little bit that’s got to feel pretty good oh crashing out and going with Kevin Porter Kevin Porter Jr and Josh Primo the back court Off the Bench is uh oh my God just quite the quite the move um and I don’t think James James Harden and Kawai best of luck I don’t know what that team going be and frankly I don’t care I’m all about them being a playin team next season so um yeah no it’s good I’m glad I got to jump on kind of impromptu but hopefully we get some good news in the next I don’t know before we go to bed we’re waiting for stuff to happen that’s Jimmy Crowder all things Mavs thanks for thanks for hanging out go go follow him on Twitter allore things Mavs and uh and yeah thanks for hanging out with us man see you Nick yeah we’re still uh we’re breaking down whatever happens and whatever whatever things happened here on uh there’s been no AB news yet and so I think we’re slowing I think we’re slowing down here that we ever sped up at all but I think maybe I’ll go let’s go three hours let’s go to the top of the hour let’s go to Seven Central and then we’ll we’ll call it yeah but so Michael P just tweeted this about the Nuggets I think this is a really good point and all of a sudden it’s going to be like what Lucas had to do I have more faith in Nika yage than any player I’ve ever seen but for the Nuggets to mess around into this Prime like this is borderline forgivable there’s going to be so much asked of joic now it’s going to be like Luca they’re going to be like oh yic has got to do more he’s got to score more he’s got to create more for others he’s got to do all this yeah it’s what Lucas’s had to do for years just keep taking guys away and taking guys away and all that kind of phantom says favorite USB type you know I’m a c guy I’m a type c Orlando could still have cap room with kcp I guess they lose faults that Cole Anthony Anthony black maybe being something I forgot about Tristan da Silva who they just drafted there’s my dog again shout out to everybody that was like a yappy dog never changes that’s right he doesn’t I think there’s some Silver Linings with this free agency situation I’ve been suffering from sleep deoration and this free agency has helped cure it I’m glad glad you got I’m glad you got a nap in that’s a good comment that’s funny oh nuggets are signing OJ mayo I should put that one on the slightly fake moves list oh my gosh we’re waiting we’re waiting for something to happen would you do Josh and XM for Jonathan Isaac the thing about Jonathan Isaac is he’s got to play like you just got to see it a little bit more like yeah it’d be great to have him and to have him as a player but you need guys that are going to play from stats and info on kcp Orlando is getting since the 20134 season kcp has played in 96% of regular season games during the regular season opponent shot 40.6% when coo Pope was the closest Defender per second spectrum that led the NBA among players to defend 500 plus shots great defender yeah the nuggets are losing that that’s that’s tough that is a real tough loss for the nuggets as much as they’re going to try and play it off like oh we got Christian Brown it’s going to be fine big loss for the Nuggets that’s great Paul George leaving the Clippers and kcp leaving the nuggets huge losses for Western Conference teams and now you start looking at these teams in the west and like let’s look at the teams from from last year you got the Nuggets lose Casey B Clippers lose Paul George suns are struggling I don’t know if they’re losing anybody Warriors losing a bunch of guys there’s three teams that at least going to be worse next next year teams will be better next year Thunder get Caruso they’ll probably get somebody else you got to expect the pel well the Pelicans get dejonte Murray maybe they do something else they could be better but and then you got the Grizzlies will absolutely be better than last year have to think that anybody else make any major move maybe the Kings do Brandon Ingram but does that make the Pelicans like how does that change that so you like got three three teams in the west that have gotten worse and three that have gotten better so it’s like not bad odds there all right I’m waiting I’m going 12 more minutes I’ll go a full three hours we’ll go till till 7 o’clock Central and then I’m going to call it I’ve got some other stuff I got to do today for sure and uh the NBA is just making me wait here so NBA is not working with us yeah Warrior’s going to lose clay yeah Le has a good point Thunder were insanely healthy last year but they get Caruso that’s a big win for them defensively they’ll be so locked down D Ro into Orlando four years 110 he is a free agent isn’t he D Ro into Orlando wouldn’t make any sense though they need is that what they need they need shooting magic yeah magic are doing pretty good if Nick sides off and the Mavs make a move will he come back on no I’ll probably just do the episode with with Reggie I’ll just do an actual episode really Nick what more do you have to do on this fine day I got other stuff man I got jobs jobs the NBA is not doing I mean I’m poking with a stick do something we got kyp Andre Drummond Kevin Porter Jr yeah I mean we may be waiting hours and hours for this we may be waiting until midnight tonight to get actual moves this really feels like the NBA is actually taking meetings like they’re actually they actually traded the deadline the start of free agency like it’s real all things M just said Casey beat Orlando feels like West Matthews of Dallas back in the day he’s a little better than that he’s a little he’s not coming off a huge injury big difference stop complaining you’re depressing me well it’s just waiting on the NBA to do something they’re making us pay for complaining about tampering that’s right you guys were complaining about tampering and now here it is it’s really about the CBA though it’s not even about tampering at all well the maps haven’t bring Reggie in for the live show he hasn’t the maps haven’t done anything yet the paint is almost dry that’s right we’ve watched the paint dry we got a little excited with the kcp deal that was a good one that that brought some good talking points how do I feel about trading for only matis thel I’d be interested that be interested in thall he really wants to be a Maverick the elite Defender if Quint Grimes is good at of a Defenders I think he’s going to be for the Mavericks him and thel next to each other would be great do him thel PJ in the center and Luca that’s a lineup right there clay should get more than kyp no he should not Casey we just read that stat from Bobby marks that he’s one of the best perimeter defenders in the NBA yeah he averaged 10 points but he shot 40% from three last year he’s 31 Clay’s four years older than him I don’t think K I don’t think clay should get more than kcp and if he did he’d have to get it from the Sixers the Thunder the Jazz the Pistons or his own team and his own team’s not bringing him back apparently or he doesn’t want to come back to his own team all right in the chat couple minutes left what’s one thing you want the Mavericks to do let me know one thing you want the Mavericks to do average 10 points is a fifth option yeah that’s what fifth options do sometimes not getting his own shot he’s just hitting threes hitting open shots you want the maps to win you want the maps to do something I got a lot of something improve offense get clay get LeBron Bubba’s trick I don’t think I don’t think that’s going to happen is there a chance Mavs get Andrew Wiggins and and and Klay Thompson this summer I don’t think so I don’t think they can do both what wiggin’s making like 26 million it’s just it’s a tough go there’s just not not enough salaries for the Mavericks to do that couple one Jeremy Grant D Ro into Dallas trade for craft dinner I need dinner right now that’s what I need finish 1 a and 1 B yes Laton says you finish 1 a and 1 B that’s the to get drik Jones Jr back we’ve literally got three Deals of players changing teams yeah make Nick extend the stream I will if the Mavs do something I’ll definitely extend it sign Batum on a vet Min that’d be a good move I’ll be down for that Tyler B says Larry Markin or I never sleep again all right well uh get ready to learn how to keep your eyes open for the rest of time there bud they’re not going to get lar marketing it’s too much they’re going to ask for four first round picks and a viable young player like they don’t have to give him away there there’s no incentive for them to do that they’re already they’re already going to be bad enough so they have no guards literally nothing not even like literally not even like the small signings I guess we got a couple returning to teams but everybody’s waiting nobody wants to use their mid-level exceptions Dennis is 2: a.m. right now in the Netherlands shout out to everybody all right if you’re if you’re if you’re in Europe right now or if you’re somewhere where it’s like middle of the night let me know in the chat where are you coming from where are you in the chat from and what time is it let me know where you’re coming from and what time it is there cuz shout out to all of you that are watching at 2: a.m and super late at night and all that Sweden 2: a.m. Netherlands 2 a.m. Croatia 2 am. 2 amm in Spain 2055 in Brazil I don’t know what that means London 1:00 a.m. Mexico Houston Denmark 2: a.m. Holland 2 a.m. Tanzania 3:00 a.m. shout out to you Amsterdam 2: a.m. Iceland midnight I think people are just making up stuff Robbie Lewis from my hometown Cincinnati Ohio 7:55 Germany 2: a.m. Germany 2: a.m. a Austria 2: a.m. oakcliff 655 same here London 1 a.m Estonia 255 New Zealand 12: noon it’s noon in New Zealand right now Portugal Bristol check this out Norway almost 2: a.m. Ireland 1:00 a.m. that’s amazing I think some of you guys are making up names not that you’re making up country names but you’re you’re saying you’re from that place and you’re really not but if you are that’s pretty awesome wakanda 345 that one that one that one I got that one I caught oh man shout out to everybody in the raccoon Squad I love doing these streams I wish my internet was better to to make it work but I also wish the NBA had given us some more stuff to talk about the kcp and potential Paul George things are interesting we didn’t have too many spam bots in the chat either I’m giving it I’m giving it three more minutes I’m I’m giving it three more minutes let it ride until midnight I guess I guess the least I could do is give you guys the music to thank everybody for joining the stream I’m GNA go to I’m GNA go to the end but uh I’m luk and this is lock down Maverick maveri NBA champions it’s good and the mck have won the game thank you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away ah yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing for the Mavericks the NBA free agency we are two hours into free agency and we’ve literally gotten James Harden return to the Clippers Luke cornette and Kevin Love return to their own teams if you know which teams there are that’s great for you Andre Drummond to the Sixers first player to change teams an hour into free agency we got Kevin Porter Jr returning to the NBA to the Clippers God bless and we got Kevin Porter Jr no we got kabius cwell Pope going to the Orlando Magic three years $66 million deal great deal for the magic and a terrible deal for the Nuggets cuz they lose a starting really great defender for them their best defender probably and we’re hanging out we’re waiting on Klay Thompson we’re waiting on Derrick Jones Jr I think the waiting on Derrick Jones Jr is waiting on Klay Thompson they’ve got to make it all work together we made it we made it to seven 3 hours stream right here nothing nothing happened we made it here guys appreciate you and every one of you for jumping in the Stream thanks for hanging out and uh yeah I’ll post I’ll post the audio on uh on the podcast if you’re going to watch you’re going listen to a three-hour audio of me reacting to nothing that’s it’s amazing but yeah I’ll post the audio uh thank thanks everybody we appreciate you for jumping in the Stream hanging out with me and uh yeah we’ll uh you’ll be able to watch more reg I I’ll do an actual episode tonight if when the Mavericks do something or if they don’t we’ll do that and uh yeah guys thanks much for hanging out with us on lockdown Ms peace out boom

Dallas Mavericks Rumors: The Mavs are chasing Klay Thompson in NBA Free Agency, can they land the Golden State Warriors former sharpshooter? Can Nico Harrison find a way to keep Derrick Jones Jr? What can the Mavs do to help Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving?

Nick Angstadt goes live to react to NBA Free Agency and the Dallas Mavericks’ moves.

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  1. I hope we don't pursue this super washed-up dude! Then we could have stayed with THJ! 1 good game out of ten offensively but nothing anywhere else! Don't do it DALLAS!!!

  2. Klay wants the ball most of the time and sulks when that's not happening. With Luka's style of playing he would'nt be getting plenty of chances

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