Dodgers vs. Giants Highlights (6/30/24) | MLB Highlights

Dodgers vs. Giants Highlights (6/30/24) | MLB Highlights

on the hill today for the Giants will be the right-handed 30-year-old rookie Spencer Biven Biven 65 205 pounder this is what he has done in five games one one with a 30-0 ER Otani hitting 321 hit his 26th home run of the Year yesterday he swings here and hits a ground ball right side over to backhand of VR from his knees he’ll throw to Biven covering he gets to the bag just ahead of Otani out number one good play David VR and a really nice athletic play by Biven swing and a miss strike three the sweeper strikes out to Oscar Hernandez two down and he hits the first pitch on the ground to First VR is going to call off Biven run it to the bag himself for the put out very nice first inning for Spencer Biven retires the Dodgers James Paxton have failed to get out of the second inning in that game at Pittsburgh June 5th you throw that out and he’s 7 and0 with a 270 Bo Jorge Solair first pitch swing drives one down the left field line that’s a fair ball it’s going to go all the way to the wall soir rounding first and he will make it into second easily the first pitch of the game from James Paxton and Solair pummeled it for a lead off double 3-2 pitch is high ball four he threw the fast ball and he missed up lined into right field base hit he threw another fast ball Ramos was ready for it so air to third he’ll have to stop there excellent job by Elliot Ramos another one twoo got a swing and a miss on the high fast ball for the first out and now the hottest hitter Matt Chapman base is loaded one out the pitch he hits a high fly ball left field going back on at Hernandez he’ll stop on the edge of the track make the catch tagging from third Solair tagging from second Slater Solair scores Slater goes in with a head first slide safely it’s one nothing Giants and both of the other Runners tagged pops his fast ball up and Paxton did exactly what the doctor ordered there what doctor her eyes ordered and able to limit the damage to one two- pitch PES hits a ground ball pass the out to Second Fitzgerald’s got it and he throws out the Dodgers center fielder line to left Matos is there and he’ll catch it short of the warning track two down here’s a swing and a bouncer to first vr’s got it he’ll flip underand style to Biven covering Lux is retired here’s Paxton’s wind up and 3-2 pitch VR hits a Fly ball right center field not deep Hayward late break and it’s going to fall Hayward just didn’t get a good read on that David VR bloops one in for a lead off single he’ll take it one pitch Ahmed pulls one in the left base hit forget about hitting it the other way we are to Second he’ll have to stop there got out so quickly to teoscar Hernandez that was hit hard is hit down the right field line Hayward chasing he’s not going to get to it base hit coming around third VR and he gets a late stop sign now Amed trying to get back and he’s going to be out at second so now Solair first and third one out Solair muscles one to Center going back on it quickly po over his head off the bottom of the wall into score VR coming to Third and stopping there Fitzgerald Solair into second another double for Jorge Solair behind in the count 02 he fumbled that one hit it so hard it whistled right over the head of PES Giants have a two nothing lead second and third one out Slater the one oh is hit to right and that’s going to be deep enough to get Fitzgerald home Hayward is back he’s going to come in make the catch tag from third Fitzgerald the throw is going to be cut off Fitzgerald scores three nothing Giants Hernandez smacks it down the line a fair ball Ricochet right to Slater he turns it on here’s the throw it is in time but he’s in there safe throw beats him but Hernandez somehow gets around the tag of ahed ahed in there with the glove and his head and his arm and Kik in there with his arm and his head it is whoo watch out Giants a play on so it is a double for Kik Hernandez belly flop double almost a face plant double Otani Strikes Out Swinging High fast ball got him at 95 milph what a cool moment for Spencer Biven 02 pitch monos Line Drive left center field that’s going to be a hit and it’s going to go all the way onto the warning track and Out close to the wall PES will drop the ball Matos around second heading for third he’s in there there with a head first slide MOS was starting to ease up into second and P just dropped it so they’re going to give obviously MOS gets a hit he’s going to at least get a double double8 so they’re going to say double and an error here’s David VR VR drives this one down the right field line toward the corner that is a fair ball up into the first Archway Matos into score VR into second with a slide it’s a double a run batted in for David VR 4 nothing Giants hard hit ball and Tyler Fitzgerald’s two for two two good at bats so lir will unhitch the shinard and go to first first and second for Ramos Ramos hit that one hard to Center PES sprinting back and it’s over his head man did that ball carry into score Fitzgerald stopping at third solir it’s a double for Elliot Ramos another two strike extra base hit second and third one away Patrick Bailey Bailey pulls that one and that’s a fair ball that’s going to score two soir is in Ramos right behind him Bailey into second it is seven nothing Giants but seeing as how buin have been used up in these two games he’s got to stay out there now he’s facing Chapman and Chapman just obliterated that one gone up over the wall down the left field line not n nothing Giants the Giants have scored in every inning so far here’s Chris Taylor driven to center field Matos going back out of room Gone Chris Taylor with a home run to center field and the Dodgers on the board little Chopper Chapman’s going to field it and he’ll get the out at first 02 got him what a cool reaction from Spencer Biven what a job by him today is that amazing or what 91 Giants seventh inning here again my pal my partner Dwayne Kyper all right and a little dribbler back to r r digging that Waits on this payoff from R and takes just inside for ball four there’s no way it could be right this Ball’s flyed to right center field picks the deepest part of the yard this time and drops in another extra base hit Taylor stops IT second he’s knocked in both runs locks in to score on to Chris Taylor double struck Him Out Swinging with the Curve Landon rof does give up the run but Giants Edge closer to a series win huge accomplishment for Biven he had to face him three times got him all three times twice he struck him out ohon swings here at a change up and skies one to right Slater in to make the catch strike three call got him with the Sinker coming back to the corner the two two foul tip hung on by Bailey strike three two and two the pitch Ramos drives this one down the right field line toward the corner that is a fair ball right into the first Archway Hayward plays the Kum Ramos into second with a head first slide Bailey hits a drive out towards right center field pah is chasing he’s not going to get there one hop over the wall Ramos comes in to score all right Tyler Rogers Two on Two Out Austin Barnes The Hitter Barn shoots one down the line three straight base runners from the bottom of the lineup Taylor in to score Here Comes Hernandez a two-run double for Austin Barnes Simon four game one and two the pitch swung on and Miss strike three and that’s how the Giants finish off a very impressive win bouncing back from yesterday that was a character win for the Giants right there

Dodgers vs. Giants full game highlights from 6/30/24

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  1. Letโ€™s go Giants!! Canโ€™t believe we won the series and we beat them HUGE today especially on Disneyland Day!! Baseball and Disneyland are my top two favorites EVER!! Canโ€™t believe we were able to be that rivalry team Double Digits!! I am so proud of you all for winning this game HUGE win today!!!! I was expecting us to lose but NO, we so had it today and Iโ€™m so proud of each of you!! Hope you do well against Atlanta on 7/2. See ya Real Soon Giants at the next home game against the Blue Jays on 7/9 and remember, BEAT LA!! BEAT LA!! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  2. La diversitร  di prospettive intrecciate in questa conversazione รจ incredibilmente arricchente. รˆ come un mosaico di pensiero ed esperienza.๐Ÿ˜š

  3. Letโ€™s goooo the giants beat the dodgers and won the series and Bivens played so good he stuck out Ohtani 2 times and Ohtani went 0-5 so the giants did really good against him

  4. Still the Giants Bullpen pitching is still absolutely horrible they almost blew another one if it weren't for the offense they could've swept the series if Game 2 the Pitching hadn't gone Anal again blew another game of horrible pitching

  5. Soler coming around. Matos been looking good. Chapman been having solid games. Spencer looked way bettwr today maybe he'll find his way to the rotation. Maybe we can still manage a wild card spot this year

  6. I know the Giants had a huge lead going into the final inning, but it was still frustrating they had so much trouble getting that final out.

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