Thread from Vince on Trouba:

Thread from Vince on Trouba:

  1. The absolute worst take anyone can take from this is: “Fuck trouba for wanting to stay a New York Ranger”

    Listen guys if it were up to me, Trouba would have been gone after 2022, anyone could’ve guessed the contract was going to get ugly.

    Regardless, the guy is clearly a great person, and has been a great leader. He isn’t an asshole or ‘selfish’ like I saw on twitter for excercising a very fundamental right of his contract.

    I saw someone saying ‘but they’re trading him to DET how could he possibly be upset?!?!!?’ As if it at all matters where he was born and he should just accept it. NY has been a home for him for over half of a decade, and Jacob definitely knows this team is close. It’s honestly baffling how many people are surprised he’s excercising his NTC

  2. things that happen when you have an M-NTC. this is the business. we’re here to win a cup, not to be nice.

  3. They absolutely cannot bring Trouba back at this point. Guy is going to force Drury to put him on waivers.

  4. I really just want some resolution to this ASAP so I can stop annoying myself with my own yapping on the subject 😭

  5. Drury got bought out and essentially forced into retirement while he was captain of the Rangers. Can hardly blame him for being a little merciless when he’s put in similar positions, as he was taught this was a business the hard way.

    At the end of the day, you negotiate the contract you get, and you’re the person most in control of your play. If Goodrow or Trouba didn’t want to leave via options contractually available to us, they needed to play up to their contracts. If Trouba was playing as an effective 1RD or even 2RD, like he’s paid, this wouldn’t be an issue. And I’m not saying he or Goodrow showed a lack of effort, but at the end of the day, job security is defined by job performance, in any industry.

    To be clear, not saying he shouldn’t use his M-NTC to fight for his right to stay as much as possible. But Drury trying to clear his cap hit to make this team better is hardly dirty or ill-willed.

  6. I just want this to be over already whether he stays or not. I do agree with the family part of it especially since Trouba has a 6 month old kid. That must suck. But at the end of the day, it’s not personal, it’s strictly business.

    Did like the part about going after Marchessult, Toffoli, and Bertuzzi. As well as the center/defenseman route.

  7. If its true talks of trading Trouba are running through the org, you can’t really back out of it. They’re really kicking their captain in the balls and can’t expect him to comeback and lead like nothing happened

  8. I’m in favor of moving Trouba. And I don’t mind Trouba using all the tools available to prioritize his interests. What bugs me at the moment are these claims that Drury’s “handling” of Goodrow and Trouba doesn’t sit well with teammates. I imagine it is the team’s core that is giving some voice to this. Sorry your feelings are hurt core dudes, but too fucking bad.

  9. It’s part of being a professional athlete. Trouba is lucky enough to only have played for two teams in his NHL career. There’s tons of players with families that get moved every year. Wennberg for instance this last year moved away from his family when his wife was giving birth. I feel he’s being entitled. Not because he wants to stay here, because he’s putting that above the betterment of the team, and the organizations rights to trade him, while his play has deteriorated More and more. This is exactly what a captain does not do.

  10. They feel impervious to the realities the rest of the working class have. Layoffs, down sizing, demotions, shitty bosses. Just because you make $8M a year doesnt mean you get everything you want.

  11. 1. It is business

    2. NHL players make millions of dollars a year playing a game, I don’t really care about them being forced to move every few years when they get traded

    3. If Trouba played up to his contract this wouldn’t be an issue

  12. The Rangers didn’t riot when they fucked Zucc over they’re not gonna riot when their worst defenseman over 3 years gets moved. The way she goes

  13. This is going to be an incredibly toxic debate on here and twitter for the foreseeable future, isn’t it.

    First and foremost you’re not a bad person for wanting Trouba off your hockey team as some would like for you to believe. Yes he negotiated for a NMC, but it’s in that same contract language that the NMC turns into a 15 team list in 3 hours. At that time, Drury can do whatever the heck he pleases. Trouba’s camp being difficult over the last 2 days is just that… *being difficult.*

    The ruffled feathers for uprooting a family is simply an unfortunate part of the professional sports business. But, I don’t hear a lot of outrage for career AHLers who make $80 grand that have to move every 9 months.

    If the rangers fall short of expectations again in the next 1-2 years while Trouba is under contract, then Drury is the one who’s going to lose his job. It’s up for him to cut every corner and make every uncomfortable decision necessary to put us in the best position possible to win the cup… and so I ask, does anyone really believe we have the best possible chance to win the cup if Jacob Trouba is on this team making $8M? No. The answer is no.

  14. Why should I (or any fan) feel bad for this dingleberry? He’s making 8 million and had stability the last few years with us.

    Do you realize the turmoil roster bubble guys go through for a quarter of his earnings? Eat a chode trouba. You’re not worth your contract and your PLAY is detrimental to the team at this point (at least at the $$ amount)

  15. I am concerned about the locker room effect.

    Goodrow and trouba were locker room guys who, to some on the team, can rightfully conclude “they were done dirty”.

    It’s a business, and hard decisions have to be made for the team, but even with potentially 11M in cap space I feel a little icky with how things had to go down.

    They still have to happen…. I just don’t love it

  16. Whoever is upset can go too. Zero accountability on this squad right now.

    If Trouba played to the level that an 8 million dollar defensemen does we wouldn’t be having this conversation but he was a detriment on the ice every time he stepped on it this run.

    This and the Mika comments crying for a winger who will pass to him when he passes every break away opportunity he had this past season has left a bad taste in mine and probably many other fans mouths.

    Hard decisions need to be made if you want to win. This is how cups are won.
    Vegas did it. Tampa
    Is about to let go of Stamkos because of cap decisions. I love the dude but it’s time to move on from the 8mil boat anchor on the 3rd pairing.

  17. Oh boohoo

    Just because he wants to stay is not reason enough for him to stay. His play is why he’s being dealt. His “leadership” is why he’s being dealt. Hell, during this whole season Tro has been the guy on the ice who actually looked and acted like he wore the C. Can’t think of a single game this year where I can say that about Trouba.

    Dude has made MILLIONS off his contract. He can afford to hire a nanny for his kid. He can afford to fly his wife out on a private jet to whatever city he’s at on the days she has off. He’s not struggling and his “problems” aren’t real reasons to keep him.

    If getting rid of Trouba is the path to the cup, I volunteer to help him move. And I hate helping people move.

  18. I’m not interested in feelings. They bought out Lundqvist. They need ruthless business decisions and ruthless hockey.

  19. If players are pissed off bc the FO is trying to make moves to get the team to cup-level, I can live with the consequences of that. Ofc the FO will inevitably handle things poorly from time to time, but they have to do what they think will lead to winning.

  20. I have a certain amount of sympathy for Trouba and his family given that they’ve made a life here and have a young child, along with understanding that the feeling of being unwanted is really shitty no matter who you are. But at the same time realize that no matter what he is still making $8 mil a year and is already richer than 99% of people ever will be. Will it suck to move and start over somewhere else sure, but Trouba has finanical security no matter where he goes and I’m sure after the immediate emotions run their course he’ll realize that leaving is the correct thing to do.

  21. I’m hoping Trouba comes back so he gets the “Rosival” treatment he will beg to be traded.

  22. I’m sorry, this is business. He’s an athlete, doing what many only dream of. You go where you’re dealt. It’s the career you chose.

  23. One last FU from Gorton from. beyond the grave giving him the NTC

  24. If guys don’t like it oh well. I get Goodrow, he was kinda screwed over, but nobody got it done. This is what happens when you don’t win, tough decisions are made.

  25. Who here would relocate from their family for two years for 16 million dollars? I imagine most would.

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