I swear did people even watch that game?

I swear did people even watch that game?

  1. It’s bait, and I fell for it too today. But anyone familiar with our o line situation knew we were missing both Schwartz and fisher at the ends, and we were putting together a makeshift line, with depth guys, out of positions.

    That SB made Veach start investing very very heavily in the o line

  2. I feel like most of us didn’t because all I ever see people talk about is the 3-4 highlight plays and dodge the fact that Mahomes played pretty shit too. Sure he was behind backups against the #1 dline in the NFL throwing to guys who were zonked running plays from a coach in shock but like, Mahomes was ugly most of the game. Everyone was bad. It was just bad.

    I challenge y’all downvoting me to go watch a play by play and tell me Mahomes didn’t have one of his worst games as a QB, even factoring in all the failures around him.

  3. As painful as that game was to watch as a fan, I gotta say, that was one of the best mahomes performances to me, I know it sounds kinda insane considering we lost 31-9, but when you consider the circumstances in which he played in(horrible o-line, injury, nobody could catch), dude was still fucking amazing.

  4. Its a Bunghole fan, save your brain cells and ignore all things Cincinnati related not named Kelce

  5. It is kinda funny that one of his most famous plays is from that game, and it was a dropped pass.

  6. Man. Due to Reid’s car accident, that whole game was just played under a dark cloud.

    Understandably, just never felt like there was any energy.

    Tampa did a great job harassing a depleted O line, but just never felt like chiefs were in the game.

  7. As a neutral fan I turned that one off early because of how boring it was so we can act like it never happened lmao

  8. I just like to remind the Cincy fans that if they didn’t have Apple in the backfield they probably would have won that Super Bowl. Watching Kupp pull that ball out of the air over his head is my guilty pleasure.

  9. Don’t feed the trolls, especially the ones that themselves have weak game like that.

  10. Get used to this kind of stuff. When you’re on the top of the mountain everyone’s gonna be gunning for you.

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