We may not be at the top of the standings yet but there is one thing we definitely hold the title for.

We may not be at the top of the standings yet but there is one thing we definitely hold the title for.

  1. Pour it on each other for fun, or down the drain. It’s “wasted water” regardless. Do you expect them to bottle and donate it? (I get the joke though, I think it’s fun when they do it)

  2. I continue to be adamant on insisting that the statue the Royals eventually commission to depict Perez shows him joyously upending a big Igloo cooler that also functions as a fountain, dousing anyone that dares to stand under or in front of it with a constant torrent of water. I’d want to be first in line to get my photo taken with it.

  3. Actually the team saves a lot of water by dumping Body Armor instead

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