Instant Analysis – Timothy Liljegren Signs 2-Year/$3M Extension + Maple Leafs Qualify 4 Players

Instant Analysis – Timothy Liljegren Signs 2-Year/$3M Extension + Maple Leafs Qualify 4 Players

after signing Max DOI earlier today the Leafs have extended Timothy lilin and some other news we’re going to talk about the lilligren extension we’re going to talk about the qualifying offers that the Leafs extended to several players and the ones they didn’t and we’re going to look ahead to tomorrow Canada Day July 1st free agency Day first things first Timothy lrin is a leaf and a rather expensive one let’s talk about it now you might be saying to yourself steeve that’s not very fair Max DOI just signed an extension for more than what lren got yeah yeah it’s what else though last year Max DOI made $3 million against the cap he just signed a four-year extension at 3.75 against the cap that is a raise of $750,000 last year Timothy lilligren was in the final year of a contract that paid him $1.4 million against the cap and he wasn’t even an everyday player in their lineup he was is still the occasional healthy scratch and his reward for all that is 3 million bucks a $1.6 million raise I saw some people say wow they doubled his cap hit no they didn’t they more than doubled it 1.6 is bigger than 1.4 I’m not great at math but I do know that so here’s the thing with Timothy lren he’s tantalizing he’s he’s so so deeply frustrating as a player but he shows you signs he shows you signs and when he shows you signs you’re convinced he’s arrived there’s been a narrative going around and it’s almost insulting um it is kind of insulting the Leafs were worried about losing Timothy lilin because he could be there Gustav forsling not he could be as good as Gustav forsling for them as in he could be as good as Gustav forsling for somebody else because once upon a time forsling was on the Blackhawks and the Blackhawks said meh and he wasn’t a Blackhawk anymore then the Carolina Hurricanes smart hockey team they’ve had a lot of recent success went me and they put forsling on waivers it wasn’t until he joined the Florida Panthers they were like hey this guy’s pretty good and gave him a whole Bol load of money but the money is still not like dude he makes less than six that’s crazy you saw him in the playoffs he was Unreal they constantly had him matched against the best opponents and then they won the Stanley Cup Gustaf forsing is the Stanley Cup champion if lilligren becomes like 75% of Gus forsling this will be a good contract but right now he’s got quite a bit of work to do on account of he’s not even an everyday player on the Toronto Maple Leafs or at least he hasn’t been but letting him walk for nothing that would have been terrible asset management and there was a deadline at 5:00 this late afternoon to give him and all the other restricted free agents on the team a qualifying offer what by the way is a qualifying offer as puckpedia describes it it in order for a team to keep a player’s restricted free agent status they must provide a qualifying offer if they do not provide a qualifying offer the player becomes an unrestricted free agent qualifying offers must be provided to the player by the later of the Monday after the draft or June 25th and then it goes into the qualifying offer requirements hold that thought for later in this video so lilligren and guys like Nick Roberts and Connor derer they all needed a qualifying offer and that’s basically I don’t know it’s it’s like a sign a good Faith kind of it’s not a contract a qualifying offer basically allows you to just keep talking to the player and negotiating with them otherwise they become an unrestricted free agent and they can go anywhere and you don’t want that it doesn’t make any sense so if lilligren is not an everyday player on the Toronto Maple Leafs then why did they bother keeping him besides they’re going to go out and get a bunch of guys in free agency I mean what do they need lilligren for and they just got tanv I I mean what do they need lilligren for well here’s a tweet from Darren drer lilligren agrees to a 2-year extension with Toronto at 3 million per Leafs are still in on Oliver emman Larson ooh Nikita zadorov is likely too expensive ooh they like Matt Roy oo but sounds like he may be headed in a different direction ooh hence lilligren provides some affordable insurance basically the Leafs are in a position where right now if they sign Chris tanv and they have only a few hours left to do so it’ll be tanv and lilligren as the only right-handed shots in the lineup and before um you ask yourself don’t don’t aren’t you leaving out Connor Timmons no I’m not I’m not leaving out Conor Timmons the Leafs are he is not going to be a top six player for this decor and if he is please provide a list of how many guys are injured here’s what it is at $3 million against the cap for the next two seasons Timothy lilligren has to be better he has to take a step there’s no other option at that amount of money he has to be a bigger part of this team than he has been we all know what he can do offensively he can score the occasional goal and his stretch passes out of the Zone oh my gosh sometimes a few times a season he’ll fire a dart a javelin up the ice and you’re like this guy could win the Norris this guy’s Eric Carlson and then you’ll see him cough the puck up or just be a net front presence or rather a netf front absence and you go oh there were a couple weeks in the late winter where lilligren got an increased role in the lineup and I went he’s arrived here he is and as he’s done a handful of times in his career in recent memory down the stretch leading into the playoffs you’re like where’d he go Tim where’d you go there was one shift in particular in the Leafs breu series that summed up the up and down of Timothy lilligren all too perfectly I don’t remember who it was on but Timothy lyrin laid what might have been the biggest nastiest hardest check of his NHL career less than 5 seconds after laying that hit he was demolished with the hardest most violent brutal body check he has ever taken in his NHL career by two guys actually at the same time listen he’s a right-handed shot we’ve seen the potential there the organization is very familiar with him he’s only 25 years old he can get better and he has to get better because I got bad news for you there’s no Cavalry coming over the hills none not in the prospect system they just got Ben Danford he was a first- round pick this year he’s not playing in the NHL for a few years guys topi Nima is the closest thing the Leafs have to an even sort of ready defensive prospect who shoots right and all the guys behind him are there are no guys and in terms of free agents the only two guys the leaf seem to be in on are Chris tanv whose rights they acquired at the second day of the draft yesterday and Oliver emman Larson who doesn’t shoot right lilligren has to take a step there’s no other option now here are the qualifying offers that the leaf signed and it’s actually kind of dry from the Leaf’s official PR account the maple leaf have extended qualifying offers to Nick robertsson Alex Steves Connor derer and Timothy lilligren that was obviously before they signed the big extension the club did not extend a qualifying offer to Noah Gregor so they announced that they’re not qualifying Noah Gregor which is fine and I understand the problem is he’s not the only guy they’re not qualifying from Kyle kushman no qualifying offers for Noah Gregor Keith Petrelli who’s a goalie in the miners and Max Lis for the May police why Wen petrell and Lis in the announcement what did they ever do to us Lis played NHL games last year Petrelli fine you don’t want to name everyone and his last name’s got a lot of letters but lah I don’t know I just I just thought this that was a little dry anyway I told you to save a thought because this affects what the Leafs can do tomorrow in free agency and tonight because they still have some other guys who they could sign tonight Chris tanv they have his rights Tyler bruzi they have his rights they can sign these guys tonight basically what puckpedia says for the qualifying offer number that you give a player if your contract last year last season’s contract was between $750,000 and $999,000 a qualifying offer pays that player 105% of last year’s deal up to a million if you go to a player’s player card on puckpedia it actually says what their qualifying offer is supposed to be upon the expiry of their contract and for Connor derer and Nick Robertson who I’m focusing on mainly uh it has those numbers I’m not focusing on Alex Steves because he wasn’t a regular Leaf last year Connor derer made 800 Grand against the cap last year Puck pedia says he’s going to go up to $893,000 that’s if he signs the qualifying deal Nick Robertson made $797,000 and that will go up to $814,000 if he signs the qualifying deal now we don’t know if derer or Robertson are signing their qualifying offer we don’t know they might sign for more than that and there’s also an option to sign less for that if you wanted you might say why would a player do it well because they’ll they’re going to sign like a multi-year deal and it gives them a better shot at staying in the NHL players have done it before but I bring this up because we need to look at how much money the Leafs actually have to spend on free agents tomorrow heck I want to look at what they have to spend on their own guys tanv is a leaf they have his rights and they need him they don’t have a full Decor right now also Tyler bruzi where is he going hopefully Toronto at what number and you can say to yourself well the cap went up the salary cap went up last year it was $835 Million $ 83.5 million and this year it’s going to be $88 million that means the salary cap went up by $4.5 million that means the Leafs have an extra $4.5 million except unfortunately no they don’t according to my calculations let’s look at the Leafs line by line and Pair by pair Matthew n and Mitch Marner they both make the same amount of money this upcoming season Austin Matthews gets a raise he gets a raise of 1, $69,700 so subtract that from the 4.5 the second line John tovaris makes the same amount of money Bobby McMahon who you might have forgot got a raise of 587,589 $500 and William neander this is the biggest one on the team got a raise of 4,537 634 uh where do I sign up for that third line Kelly Arro makes the same amount of money Max doy gets a raise of $750,000 and Nick Robertson we don’t know what his raise is but unless he signs for less he is going to get a raise because of his qualifying offer we just we don’t know the dollar amount so an asterisk attached to Nick Robertson then there’s the fourth line whoever you have on it Holberg Camp Reeves they all make the same amount of money Connor derer again because of his qualifying offer likely gets a race ignoring Nick Robertson and Connor de the Leaf’s forwards this upcoming season are going to make an additional [Music] 7,484 1884 against the app and that’s with adding nobody and that number by the way does not include Tyler berzi at all so they’re going to be spending over 7 million more on forwards this year not including Tyler berzi without adding a single living breathing human being let’s look at the back end let’s look at the defense Morgan Riley will make the same amount of money Timothy lrin is going to get a $1.6 million race Jake McCabe is going to make the same amount of money Simone benoa is getting a $600,000 raise by the way let let me throw this in there I’m not saying that none of these players deserve the raises they’re getting like is Steve seriously sitting here griping about Bobby McMahon making 1.35 or Simone benoa making 1.35 no I’m not I’m just pointing out the Leaf’s cap situation and wondering aloud if they can afford it I’m throwing it in there to say that the Leafs without adding to their Decor will be giving guys who played for them last year on their back end an extra two $2.2 million against the cap does some money free up yeah of course some money frees up TJ Brody is coming off the books there’s 5 million John kingberg there’s 4.5 million except eh that’s skewed people are acting like John kingberg was a leaf all year last year he played 14 games and then was ltir into Oblivion even though it was retroactive then in net we have Joseph wo and obviously Sammy is coming off the books but for this upcoming season the Toronto map Leafs will be awarding an additional 9,684 1884 against the cap to players who they had last year so even though the salary cap is going up by $4.5 million because of those raises the Leafs actually gain uh negative 84,85 so TJ Brody’s $5 million cap hit coming off the books and the additional $4.5 million that the Leafs get against the cap and everyone get against the cap because the cap went up that is wiped out by the raises that they handed out now does that mean the Leafs have no more wiggle room no of course not they have wiggle room Sammy is coming off the books and there’s other guys coming off the books as well but keep in mind what I just told you they still need to go out and resign Tyler berzi and if they don’t resign Tyler berzi they have to replace him and if they don’t replace him with a free agent or a trade they’re going to have to replace him from within and that’s going to have to be either nce or Robertson or somebody elf this also doesn’t include the money that the Leafs are going to be giving to Chris tanv how much money are they going to give Chris tanv how much money are they going to be able to give Oliver emman Larson that’s if they even get Oliver emman Larsson and worth being concerned about they only got one goalie they need another goalie unless you’re going to have Joseph wall and a rook back there which you can do if you really want you’re going to need to sign a goalie like Laurent bris Anthony stallers Cam talit and that’s probably going to cost you at least a few Mills listen the leaves have chosen listen unless the leaves do something big tomorrow with a trade getting rid of one of the core four they’ve made their bed their bed is we’re going to run the core back and that’s fine they’ll probably do well with that core they usually do they have a good regular season they make the playoffs and they have well competitive playoff series they’re always tight but adding to this roster in free agency is going to be incredibly hard and the only way it’s going to work is if Craig barui can find it in the players and the players can find it within themselves to be better this upcoming season because right now looking at last year’s roster it looks like the Leafs are adding tanv which is good adding Oliver emman Larson which is good and a backup goalie or tandem goalie which is good that’s it now look it’s not even July 1st at the time I’m shooting this they got lots of time they can still do lots of moves the team that the Leafs have today is not the team that they’re going to have in October but the team either has a lot of work to do or this is the team so let me know what you think in the comment box down below for now that is it for this one thank you very much for watching click like if you like this video click subscribe if you really liked it tell all your friends stay tuned to this Channel and especially the sdp YouTube channel we’re going to be churning out videos all day tomorrow Canada Day free agency day and it’s going to culminate with a 1hour stream starting at 5 o’clock Eastern on the stpn YouTube channel see you there

***This video was recorded before the Nick Robertson trade request**

Steve Dangle analyzes the Toronto Maple Leafs decision to extend defencemen Timothy Liljegren. Then, he goes over the players they decided to give qualifying offers to and takes a look at their current cap situation.


  1. I guess the Leafs brass figure if they can't sign the players they want, Liljegren is going to be their Number 2 defenceman. I figured they would sign Bertuzzi or Domi, but not both. It will be interesting to see how Toronto rebuilds/patches together their goaltending and defence corps.

  2. How can anyone be surprised liljegren got a raise. Despite being set up to fail and always in keefe's doghouse, liljegren looked good to the eye and even better to the analytics. 3 mil is REALLY good value

  3. Steve has hated him all season and then wondered why they were unable to move the puck in transition when he was out of the lineup. He's actually good at that price.

  4. Leafs ruining yet another relationship with a promising young player, making him want out of the organization… How many players have we drafted and developed into NHL caliber players only to throw them in the trash bin prematurely, extremely frustrating!!

  5. Happy to see Treliving make some moves. I want to believe in him desperately, I still don't know where he's going ,but I hope other moves are coming

  6. So basically the Leafs are returning with pretty much the same team as last year except they now will have Tanev who’ll be lucky to play 50 games and is old as dirt. Retaining a one dimensional player like Domi is considered a win. Rinse and repeat. Same old Leafs.

  7. i'll sum it up with this. nothing changes if nothing changes.
    that being said, it could be that the coach change will be enough for who they have and i guess torontos moto is "only one way to find out!"

  8. Steve, stop doing complicated math badly. This isn't hard. They have 18 contracts right now. They can carry a roster of 23. That means 5 more players. They have 12 million in cap space. Once Dewar re-signs, The leafs have 11 mil to spend on 4 contract slots. That's all you need to know coming into free agency.

    Stop trying to convey this information by not understanding the salary raises vs the salaries out.

  9. There has got to be something more to this 37 thing. Why??? He’s making more than Benoit??? 🤦 Are we just recreating the same team? Really hoping Tanev is not our Tavares on D. Fckkk

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