What’s their UFA plan?

What’s their UFA plan?

the free agent frenzy is tomorrow and talks around the nhr beginning to intensify what’s going to happen to Sam Reinhardt what’s going to happen to Steven stos what’s going to happen to Micah Mario actually you know what who cares there’s a lot of big names that are going to be available and it feels like the Canadian teams are link to every one of them but tonight we are going to talk about the Mont Canadians who surprisingly might even have their nose in there but before I dive into that free agent septic tank I actually got a trade to break Honda Civic God I hate goodbyes Honda Civic was a very good man a team player he never gave up on a play even during a TV timeout but unfortunately he was also a victim of a blue line that had way too many bodies not only did Kus manage to clean up some room no but he picked up a fourth round pick in 20 26 in the process compliments of the New Jersey Devils so Honda Civic from the bottom of my shattered heart I wish you the best man I know you got a lot of kilometers left to give and if you’re a devil’s fan congratulations you got yourself a beauty so the Canadians they made some room on the blue line tonight they also made a public that qualifying offers have been pitched to arbert Jacko who’s a personal favorite of mine and Justin Baron which which means Kint he’s been pretty busy he’s wide awake right now and tomorrow believe me when I say he’s probably not going to be taking any naps either why because of the free agent frenzy that’s why listen once again there’s going to be a lot of big name players available players that don’t want to be drawn pogy next year no they’re going to be looking to make some big money anywhere they can get it and guess what some of you are probably going to disagree with me and it’s fine but I hope Kint Hughes stay days away from the big names they’re not ready for that yet yeah there’s going to come a time when the HS might need to grab a big fish at a free agency but right now in my opinion is not that time okay they’re doing too good right now you don’t want to get too far ahead of yourselves and become the freaking Ottawa Senators you can’t let that happen I personally don’t see anything crazy happening however hold up just a minute you see earlier today Frank SRA Val you know what he did he tossed on a pair of asess Chad and he stepped on a hornet’s nest he said that the Canadians are actually showing interest in Patrick Kane holy smokes w’t you look at that he’s Twitter started to blow up hornets were flying around everywhere and while I do understand the hype around Patrick Kane the guy’s a beauty I just I don’t see how it really makes sense for him you know what I mean and besides just as I was about to record this video aliot fredman comes out of nowhere and says that Detroit are actually starting to close in on Kane so sounds like it was just smoke now I do expect to see maybe one maybe even two minor signings tomorrow okay maybe they’ll grab a veteran or two if they can get them for a decent price maybe they grab Cory Perry and go all the way to the finals again who knows maybe they’ll get some players for Laval something but you can let me know your predictions down in the comment section let me know how you feel a bit behind the Civic trade please don’t forget to choke slam that like button before you leave here and hey ah see you next time [Music]

OK Guys, the NHL’s free agent frenzy is tomorrow, and one question remains.. Will the Montreal Canadiens make some noise during free agency this year? My guess is no.. My hope is no, I don’t think they should necessarily be in the race for a big name player yet.. However.. I do expect them to be “linked” to many players, as big Canadian Markets usually do.. Let’s chat about it.

The articles that were in the video were screenshots from Habsfanatics.com, I highly reccommend you to check out this site for further Habs News,

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  1. Honda Civic worth at least a 3rd….

    What is up with KANE???? As a rumour????

    I know this may seem not important but some Vets for Laval would be great

    Great Snippet Sir Junkie

    Hey next time at The Duke of Duckworths —- Fish and Chips on me from your Draft show!!!😮

  2. I hope we don't go after anyone unless something insane comes our way, we're not going to win a cup yet so I would like to see young guys getting some time so we can see where they are in their development, are they NHL ready, getting a veteran now would just be a waste.

  3. Norlinder is as good as gone now since he wasn’t offer a contract. I am surprised we didn’t get a little more for Honda Civic considering he his a big right handed shot.

  4. Habs will likely get player like Skinner,Mantha or maybe Cam Atkinson to a one year deal,another way for a player to get a top 6 spot to bounceback after terrible seasons,than Habs flip them for a couple or picks again at Deadline.

    As much as i loveMonahan and Toffoli,i'm sure they will not be back.

  5. Gotta agree. No need for any major FA's unless management does it specifically for veteran leadership. Let this team cook, suck one more season, get a #1 center (2025 draft is center heavy) and the rebuild is ready to cook off.

  6. Too many bad contracts…Gally, Anderson, Dvorak( unless hughesy can cook and get rid of them without giving up valuable assets) and give young guys ice time. Buyout gally after this year, trade Anderson to Calgary/etc after this year with a pick, Dvorak rolls off, trade armia at trade deadline this year, and no more retention after this year! 2025 is the year to strike. Patience.

  7. Might be the first time ive disagreed with you! I want someone who can put the puck in the net. i know we still aren't going to make the playoffs, but adding a Necas, or Zegras, Or Reinhart!! We gotta have something to cheer about man, until our savior arrives from Russia! Im tired of knowing we aren't going to win shit, before the preseason starts. I know i need to be patient, and i have been! lol, it's time to start adding pieces, let's get 'er going, win some fuckin hockey games, i cant take another year of being bottom 10 in EVERY stat again. I just can't Junkie!!!

  8. Did u hear that dude when the draft started, he was a San Jose fan, and when they said San Jose to make their 1st round selection, dude was Rick Flairing out there like it was his last night alive!!! So loud i was expecting them to kick him out! lol. I want to start being at least contending for a wild card spot. I hate that Ottawa took Carter yakemchuk, dude's gonna be a stud. And it sucks that Eiserman went one pick before us, i was so excited, that would have been the top off to the best draft in a while for us!!! 😀. They're already saying that Demidov is the best draft pick since Guy laFleur, no pressure tho, ur the best pick since 1971, lol, but no pressure! lolol.

  9. Just sit tight, this is the year we start making progress out of the cellar while all the players we have acquired over the past 3 seasons start making big strides in their progress. We will be at the draft next year with a pick in the 10-15 range and the year after that is when we start to push for a consistent playoff spot.

  10. Don't care about "Honda Civic" happy he's gone, don't think Habs will be active, at all during free agency, I wanna see a trade for that young top 6 player

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