Will Levis being misrepresented by an incomplete stat

Will Levis being misrepresented by an incomplete stat

[Music] welcome into adz sports prime time on this beautiful Sunday evening in Nashville Tennessee it’s lovely to have you guys for another episode of The Prime Time program we have an abbreviated schedule this week because it is Fourth of July week so we will not be doing shows what uh Thursday and we will be abbreviated this week but we do have some quick hitting type of topics that are worth talking about one in particular that came across my timeline about a number associated with Will Levis that can be pretty misleading and we’re going to dive into that the highest rate of incompletions due to inaccurate passes and where will Levis ranks in that particular stat over the course of this evening show like I said it’s a quick quick hitting topic so we’re going to keep it moving this evening but it is worth diving into because I do think that sometimes like Robert Walsh’s exceptionally made cover photo says numbers can in fact lie when you talk about the quarterback position so we’re going to get into that and that will be the the bulk of our discussion only one question for you this evening and we’ll uh get you on with your Sunday night before we start need you all to share the broadcast around on Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch wherever you are spending your time here with us we do appreciate when you spend your time with us we also appreciate apprciate when you share the show and like the video on Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch you know the drill if you’re hanging out on Twitter please retweet it Facebook live you can share share now to public and YouTube or twitch like the video subscribe to the channel while you are there let’s do it welcome into a toz sports prime time uh from the Zen Sports Studios I’m your host Buck Rising Hello nice to meet you if you’ve never been here before I’m proud as always to be presented to you by Zen Sports download the app plug in the promo code a to ozt TN get up to $100 on your no danger first wager in the Zen Sports app trumav Fitness in The Gulch your first workout is Free as a middle Tennessee resident at truma fitness.com get that summer body right at trab and Two Rivers Ford the South’s most trusted Ford dealer Two Rivers Ford in Mount Juliet or online at Two Rivers ford.com all right uh William Jones says the beard is making a comeback uh it is until tomorrow when I shave it so I mean listen I the facial hair Randy Howard says Buck keep the beard I can’t handle the 18-year-old looking Buck I would love to look I mean I don’t know if 18 I’d like to look about 20 for the rest of my life maybe maybe 30 I don’t know I look pretty good at 30 I’d take you know with all the Botox in my forehead the lasers that they’re clearing all my acne scarring off shout out canvas skin and uh you know shaving from time to time I kind you know it’s nice to not look like a 45 year-old my entire life the way that it’s been but that’s not what we’re here to talk about we’re we’re here to talk about your quarterback and in particular one stat that caught my attention that I feel to be pretty misleading so when you talk about will Levis one of the first criticisms that people bring up about him this was as a college Prospect coming out of Kentucky this is after his nine game sample size as a starter in the NFL the thing that continues to be talked about around will Levis among a variety of different things but one of the most most poignant talking points or bullet points is his accuracy will Levis has an incredible arm will Levis has an absolute rocket launcher the question is how much more fine-tune can that weapon be as opposed to being a missile can we make it a bit more of a sniper rifle that’s kind of the trajectory that the Titans coaching staff need to get him on and so when you talk about inaccuracies and will Levis a lot of times people who are scouting by the box score which is of course the worst possible way to talk about football when you’re just looking at numbers on a page without watching the games for context you can look at will Levis and think oh my God he was really really inaccurate based on this stat that I’m going to read to you in fact considerably further down the list than Ryan tanah Hill who was about middle of the pack um in this particular stat so numbers are not always the best way to analyze football though they can give you important context but when the numbers are taken out of context sometimes it can get you a little turned around or maybe misconstrue how you view the players and and what you believe their trajectory to be so I’m going to tell you the stat here in just a second your two rivs Ford take and the only question we’re going to ask you this evening is this on Facebook YouTube Twitter and on Twitch big deal little deal no deal will l completion percentage from his rookie SE season big deal little Deal or No Deal it’s your Two Rivers Ford take as always your Two Rivers Ford take is presented by Two Rivers Ford the South’s most trusted Ford dealer uh they have all kinds of great new and certified pre-owned vehicles for you to check out when you go visit the dealership they always put you in the driver’s seat as the customer and the car buying process is fast easy and fun go to Two River in Mount Juliet or online at T rers for.com for more information big deal little deal no deal will Lev’s completion percentage his rookie season Amar says it’s a big deal we got a variety of different answers here Katie on Facebook live no deal for Titans Kyle Matthew butcher like I said Frederick Ross and Stephen King they all say little deal MB says No Deal not by itself which of course we always appre appreciate MB because uh they helps me flesh out the the the the I guess the thought process that I might have with some of these numbers or some of these questions that I ask you because by itself is the completion percentage because it was under 60% last year in fact will Levis as a rookie quarterback completed under 59% of his passes last year 58.4 now when you see that on paper you make a face like I just did like you smell something bad uh but but with the with the completion percentage there’s a lot of different factors that you have to account for how many drops are factored into will Lev’s completion percentage how many uh hurries are factored into will Lev’s completion percentage right there’s a couple of different ways to look at this now for those of you saying no deal I’m going to I’m going to disagree because anytime you talk about will Levis there are some fine-tuning of the accuracy accuracy and ball placement those are two different things accuracy is can you get it to the general area ball placement is can you put it in the spot where only your receiver can get it over the back shoulder or over the top of a defensive back or all the kind of pinpoint accuracy type of throws that you talk about with guys who Excel that way right Joe burrow is famously one of the best quarterbacks not just in accuracy but in ball placement um that you have to take into account for so will Lev’s ball placement and his accuracy are less than ideal but the 58.9 number is the thing that a lot of people get hung up on and even more so when you narrow it down to a stat like this I’m going to give you the stat that Warren sharp put out there here in just a second that I think is in poor context of both will Levis and Ryan tanah Hill situation right after I remind you that the Primetime program is made possible by trumath Fitness in the gos go to trumath fitness.com your first workout is free as a middle Tennessee resident no workout ever recycled or repeated at truma Fitness um so there’s a lot of different numbers that can be used to tell whatever story you are trying to tell to make whatever point you are trying to make and if I wanted to take numbers out of context say I wanted to open up the radio show there’s not else to talk about on July 1 so maybe I wanna you know I wanna I wanna I want to gash you guys up a little bit I want to come in with a hot take and say will Levis is the let me count it 1 two 3 four five six seven 8 ninth the ninth least accurate quarterback in professional football among qualified quarterbacks who played at least uh or who threw at least 175 passes last year terrible awful garbage blah blah blah blah blah I could do that if I was a hot take artist now I’m not because I like context I don’t like Nuance I don’t like how we can work them into sports discussion because this number that Warren sharp put out there the highest rate of incompletions due to inaccurate passes um Deshawn Watson is at the top of the list uh and the highest rate of incompletions due to inaccurate passes Deshawn Watson is the least accurate on these uh or causing the most incompletions due to his inaccurate passes and in fact you have Ryan tanah Hill about middle of the pack on this list so the top five again this is 175 attempts minimum DeShaun Watson the least or the most the biggest problem basically so from worst to best Deshawn Watson Tyrod Taylor Trevor Simeon Bryce young Lamar Jackson those are the five players with the highest rate of incompletions due to inaccurate passes DeShaun Watson is at the top of the list with 43.9% uh versus the bottom of the list which is Gino Smith who is we we talk about Gino all the time how much more credit Gino Smith deserves because only 21.6% of Gino’s passes uh were incompletions due to inaccurate passes Jake Browning second to last Kirt cousins third to last Patrick Mahomes fourth to last Russell Wilson fifth to last and it doesn’t take into account air yards per attempt right how far they’re trying to push the ball down the field these could be checkdowns these could be you know these could be uh uh nine routes these could be uh outbreaking routes these could these are all routes that the quarterbacks are throwing or All Passes that the quarterback are throwing not the not given the context of what you need the routes and how you know how much of that completion percentage is uh because of checkdowns things like that and just and just kind of dinking and dunking Will is at the bottom of this list and that is why I think that the completion percentage is not something that you should look at solely completion percentage is a number right the number should not be gospel numbers tend to be a little more hard and fast that way right when we think of mathematics when we think of science you know you have to have exact science or exact math to get to the you know the outcome that you’re trying to achieve or the correct outcome that you’re trying to achieve but in football numbers deserve and require context so if I give you will Levis with a 58.9 completion percentage in 2024 or 2023 you would say to me that that’s an inaccurate quarterback but if I tell you that the lowest rate of incompletion that will L us had the ninth lowest rate of incompletions due to inaccurate passes at 27.4% between Josh Allen who he was more uh inac or who who he was more accurate than and Dak Prescott who was more accurate than Levis the top of the list which technically is the bottom is Dak Herbert gof Russell momes kurk cousins Jake Brown and Gino that is an interesting stat which allows you to understand a little more context of how often the passes were accurate but not caught accurate uh but you know defensed accurate but dropped all accurate but it’s a sack right or a or a pressure or a hurry all these kind of things this is a good number to kind of hone in on to marry with completion percentages say okay will L’s overall the biggest possible umbrella that I can put these numbers under will L’s overall completion percentage is 58.9 but when I boil it down to his passes and his accuracy specifically and again they don’t determine how they or they don’t outline here how they uh determine accurate versus inaccurate passes but it is Warren Sharp’s uh football football 2024 football preview which is always a a good resource they use Advanced analytics to kind of forecast the upcoming season I think there’s a there’s a lot of different things that you can uh that you can pull from uh stuff like that football uh football Outsiders Almanac is also a great resource anyway I’m talking too long because we’re only supposed to do 10-minute shows this week point being will Levis that stat in particular his completion percentage is pretty misleading so you have to take into context his performance his receivers performance his offensive Line’s performance and the coaching staff for which he played and that’s why I think that particular number his complete his overall completion percentage is kind of and we well not kind of yeah kind of because he’s working on a variety of different things he’s shown some inaccuracies throughout the course of the early part of the offseason program but that’s also something to take into consideration he’s working on his footwork he’s trying to be a more refined player at the position which he’s talked about with us earlier this offseason I know I mean quarterbacks are weirdos we always twinking with something we always like feel like something might be off like we saw Brady go through a handful of different footworks throughout one season um and just the ball wasn’t coming out the way that I would have liked it to and we just started looking at what could potentially be the cause of it and just been messing around with things specifically with my base that I feel like have gotten me into a good spot Charles Coleman says of will L’s will Lev’s rookie completion percentage it’s a deal William Anderson No Deal little deal for Chris Young uh Caleb Meadow says feet also help with those as well his footwork which is something that he continues to work on so uh this week is going to be a shorter shorter the shows are going to be shorter in length um you know it’s the offseason and we’re only on for three days this week so we appreciate you guys showing up like the video on your way out because we’re only going to do the one question tonight but I did think that that was worth bringing up in the context of what I saw being discussed on the internet today radio show you’re not getting a shortened show three hours Monday Tuesday and Wednesday this week of course we’re off Thursday for the fourth and Friday uh as a result so we will flesh this out more tomorrow on the radio show from 10 to one on 1045 The Zone I also have some pretty interesting left tackle stats to talk about and I I have a discussion about the most undervalued or underrated Titan in the last 10 years of Titans football that we’ll get into as well also it’s July 1 which means Texas and Oklahoma are officially in the c as of tomorrow which will be an interesting uh discussion so Randy Howard says short shows demanda shirtless Bert no berd is licking his wounds and playing World of Warcraft from a a bachelor party that he has returned from so we’ll give bird a break he’s taking his shirt off for me but you can’t see it have a great rest of your evening I will talk to you tomorrow morning at 10: am on 1045 The Zone go home go home go home you’re embarrassing Nashville go [Music] [Applause] home bye

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