EP. 432 – KCP – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 432 – KCP – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six man show today is July 1st 2024 Jonathan Osborne here and today joined by by co-host Luke Sylvia and Kevin Tucker boys canavis cwell Pope is in Orlando Magic how are we doing I I mean I’m I’m great it feels like a the load has been lifted a little bit where I didn’t believe what anybody was saying about the magic wouldn’t do anything but at the same time I was like please do something significant so that I can just continue trusting this front office and we’ll talk more about it but kcb kcp checks all the boxes for the identity the magic have built and give us a glimpse into what they’re going to probably just continue looking for in free agency they don’t want to sacrifice defense uh potentially or maybe they’re satisfied with where they’re at with kcp and they’re like okay we’ve got enough defensive Talent we can move on and sacrifice some of that defense for offensive gifted players but regardless kcp is a fun Talent Championship pedigree I’m I’m I’m on board yeah where I am right now um just think about like the roller coaster ride the last 24 hours obviously we’ll talk about this in a little more detail later talking about Paul George and Magic getting a meeting and then apparently not get a meeting by the way we’re recording this at like 9:20 p.m. Eastern on Sunday night just a little bit of context in case something happens later tonight I don’t know we’ll see but the other part of me is like okay that’s you know about half just under half the money that we have so what’s going to happen to the other half I’m kind of at this point just like a little bit eager to find out what’s next but maybe we’ll get some info right now while we’re recording who knows but yeah as it stands kcp cool Edition and we’ll talk more about him of course as the show goes on if you’re watching on YouTube and we we just seem to be like staring off into space or like checking our phones or something like that it’s because like frency is still very much going on yeah we’re checking our phones to see if anything else crazy has happened as of now I think it’s been about almost 40 minutes since the yonas valent chunis to the Wizards news broke which surpris us we we don’t really understand that for either party but it’s been quite a while since any news has broke so it should be any minute now until we hear something else uh and we’ll talk about some of the particulars and and maybe what we hope will happen with the Magic’s remaining money here over the course of either tonight or the the next couple of days and then later in the episode we have an interview from producer Kevin that he met with Pat Rooney from The Daily Camera and buffzone.com Tom he covers the uh Colorado University Buffalos and and covered uh Tristan D Silva ble for his entire career so Kevin had a great conversation with him so if you want to hear more about the Magic’s new rookie and First round picking Tristan D Silva be sure to stay tuned for That interview a little bit later but since the last time we recorded folks uh we had the second round of the NBA draft and I just wanted to ask did either of you have the ability to sit and watch any of the the television coverage of the second round and just overall what were your thoughts and then we’ll talk about what the magic of course did I personally did not watch any of Noe I don’t know about luk no I mean who was convinced we were going to use that pick anyway and I’m a magic fan before I’m an NBA fan as uh most of us here are obviously so I just had no interest to be quite honest I did think it was kind of cool the fact that they brought some of these guys like into essentially like a green room and they had like a whole Studio set up for the draft But ultimately it was the bronny James show for you two three hours whatever it was yeah absolutely yeah for me it was like the magic traded we had 47 pick the magic made the trade at like 43 or 44 something like that like 45 maybe it was really close to I had my phone I was ready to tune in for the 47th pick but it happened a couple picks before so I didn’t have to so yeah I didn’t I didn’t watch I didn’t watch the bronny pick live I went and watched it later so yeah yeah I I didn’t tune into it it but it was kind of a cool format I don’t think they’ll do the 4 pm thing ever again though uh just because of uh they only did it this year because of the some thing that was televised Thursday night at like 9: Eastern that was whatever but but yeah I don’t think they’ll do that again which was really really something yeah the magic end up moving uh that 47th pick for like a 2020 a 2030 and 2031 uh second round picks everybody expected as always I think the only only second round pick in the Jeff welman area that they’ve used I believe has been Caleb Houston and every other one of those picks they’ve ended up trading you know at some point so yeah not a ton of surprise there what what are your guys feelings on uh bronny James being drafted to the Lakers at 55 and just sort of you know the grossness that went into making sure that he was available there at 55 and when I say that rich Paul was literally teams don’t draft bronnie or we’re going to send him to Australia for the year uh that part was stupid and this is the part where it’s hard to feel bad for or give maybe benefit of the doubt to a a guy a superstar son in general when it comes to whatever it is in life honestly just because like he’s got it made and whatever but I will say I feel for bronny James in in that because that’s not his fault like he wants to do what his dad has done arguably in my opinion the best to ever do it like he is that is his father so I’m know for his entire life there has been that weight of I need to be the guy or I need to make it the league at least to whether LeBron has said this and I don’t think this is the case at all but to make my dad proud I I want to make it to the league and so it’s awesome that he’s there and there’s pictures of like him as a baby sitting next to LeBron or like as a toddler sitting next to LeBron and like one his first couple years in the league that stuff is cool the full circle moments are cool Rich Paul and the negotiations around it to make this happen were gross and that it’s unfortunate because I love it for bronny cuz it’s just crazy cool scenario but just the path to get there it’s like I wish I didn’t know the details of how this happened yeah it’s it’s gross but I mean it’s what we all expected you know I mean we we knew this what happened 12 months ago it’s just kind of the way it is um not cool in a lot of aspects but yeah I I 100% agree with what you said feel bad for bronnie stins that he’s caught up in this thinks that he’s been the brunt of so many jokes and comments and all that stuff you know but is what it is I I hope for his sake that he plays well honestly like I want him to go out there and prove to everybody that yeah he belongs because there’s a chance he does you know um but yeah definitely a little bit little bit of slimy action for sure I’m super happy for Brony like none of this is his fault and I I don’t blame him for any of the stuff that was going on just like the recent talks of how like LeBron isn’t having any influence on where bronnie gets drafted like just blatant lies and then the manipulation to make sure that he’s there at 55 like gross but you know ultimately good for bronny and I really do hope that that it works out well for him and I hope he’s an NBA guy for a long time sorry it’s also similar we I don’t think we mentioned I don’t think this happened maybe it did before the last episode did you guys talk about JJ I don’t remember if you talked about JJ I haven’t talked about JJ we haven’t talked J the Lakers the only thing only thing I was going to say to that though number one for a magic guy but number two does anyone believe that LeBron had nothing to do with that like come on like just be honest just be yeah JJ’s my guy I really wanted him cool like I’m LeBron James you know I make stuff happen yeah when AJ was asked like yeah LeBron’s my guy we talked about it he was cool so I wanted the job like don’t sit there and tell us that LeBron had nothing to do with it that there’s no way there’s just no way anyway that’s all Le liar straight up always has a lie for whatever reason okay anyways folks we’re going to bring it back to the magic here now I promise uh some Orlando Magic news some exciting stuff broke this week Jamal Mosley uh for the second straight summer is going to be the head coach of the men’s USA select team as they prepare for the Olympics and the USA basketball program is writing one of their wrongs from last summer where Jaylen sugs was not even invited toh take part in the USA select team this year he has been invited to play for the men’s USA select team so both of those guys incredibly deserving like super fulfilling to see Jaylen not get the invite last year have the awesome season that he did probably going to get a pretty big pay increase this summer and now also getting the recognition and playing for the select team yeah deserved I think it be awesome to see him not just you know his own teammates on the select team but you know for the week or whatever it is he’s coming up against not just any like Team USA like that is like the best it’s the Olympics so like that is the best group of dudes and so jaylen’s going to get to go up against those guys for like five days or whatever their Camp is I don’t remember that’s pretty cool and then also that list of Select guys that Jamal MOS is coaching love seeing him recruit those guys in a couple years just a few of them that’d be awesome yeah well I mean yeah same sentiment obviously echoed happy for Jaylen and Mo and continuous networking uh potential that they’re building and Jaylen getting the respect that he deserves that super cool to see and some magic related items to go through before we get too deep into free agency here the magic sort of started the pre free agency process we talked talked about the deadlines you know a few weeks ago several magic players had deadlines uh just to give you all some updates here trevol and queen the magic extended the qualifying offer as we record this I don’t know if he signed that qualifying offer just yet but they did not extend qualifying offers to Kon Harris Admiral scoffield who has actually signed a deal overseas so we’ll be playing internationally and the magic did not extend a qualifying offer to chuma okk which is effectively ending chuma time here in Orlando do we want to talk about chuma just for a moment here before we mention some of the other moves good luck I don’t know man I don’t genuinely I don’t know uh had high hopes for truma and it just didn’t pan out uh I will never forget his offand in front of the ball and his face on the jumper um you know he gave us some fun flashes early on but ultimately just just wasn’t a fit I’m really not trying to be disrespectful but I am being that and um but I I do wish the best to him regardless um stinks because that is a person that’s a player that uh just ultimately is going to have to find a new home whether that be in the NBA uh or overseas or whatever it might be but I I assume he’s going to try to get in with a team there in the league obviously and then they go from there but yeah I agree all right let’s move on to free agency so first of all I think where we have to start is that yesterday so what was that Saturday we got the reports from Shams and I think wge that Paul George was set to meet with a few teams at the start of free agency the Clippers the 76ers and the Orlando Magic the fact that we even were in consideration to have a meeting with Paul George and maybe use all that cap space that we had to bring Paul George in I think it’s just a massive step for the organization and shows that hey like we actually are becoming a destination again now it doesn’t seem like that meeting ended up happening just how quickly things and we’ll talk about kcp in a minute here but just how quickly that deal happened after news started to come out that Philadelphia looked like they were the Front Runners to sign Paul George but what were your guys’ reactions to getting the news that we were you know going to get a meeting with Paul George we’re back we’re back we’re back in the mix and and it was a respect thing and also just an acknowledgement that like the magic these this isn’t the magic of the past decade and that was what it meant the most to me because going into that you know you hear that and then quickly after you you come to the uh you you come to the point where you’re like I I understand that we probably don’t get Paul George but to be there with the the the other two teams and the Clippers and Philly like both have you know their their history and Clippers being where he was at with Kawai and just you know them trying to do stuff there that’s still a big you know obviously large market and you know notable team and then you get to Philly and it’s like they’re trying to get over the hump they’ve got Joel embiid and those that’s the conversations you’re you’re in and people could say like oh you guys just have cap space But at the end of the day like the Detroit Pistons weren’t getting a Paul George meeting or even a report about link trying to link them so for me it wasn’t a cap space thing as much as it was a the magic are building something special and so from that aspect and and who knows what happened between now and you know then and now why the magic moved so quickly to kcp and why that pivot and if the meeting even was a thing but you have to think that something happened something transpired between last night and now for people to all be officially in agreeance like the magic were one of the three meetings and then it’s just maybe the magic CAU wind of he’s probably not coming here let’s not waste our time and you you pull the pivot which Kudos star front office for not being blinded by the lights of like oh Paul George wants a meeting and instead just doing what’s best for the team they earned a lot of front office like brownie points points in in my opinion for for what I think of them yeah holding on to that thought really fast before I talk about my reaction I love what what you said earlier in our group chat it was like yeah maybe they got win that he was just using them for leverage and I like immediately started imagining like Jeff welman you know FaceTiming Paul George is this true us this for leverage well take this meetings cancelled hang you can’t fire me we quit exactly I just like his glasses falling off oh yeah no dude never happening oh man but yeah so yeah kudos to the front office for whatever reason cancelling and not not just sitting there waiting like that’s what we talked about we were terrified when they talked about Shams reported that the meetings were going to be late Pacific time Sunday night I’m like well dang if we wait that long and we’re the last meeting everybody else is signed and we’re left you know with what so yeah K is the front office but yeah yesterday when that report came out I was just shocked like I’ve been very open about not wanting to sign Paul George at least for like a four-year Max like yeah even like a three there’s a lot I didn’t want to do with Paul George thought he was too old too expensive all that kind of stuff but when that when that report came out yesterday in the last 24 hours I slowly like talk myself into like okay this is this is cool like this is good like he’s a good player and he’s gonna be able to like train pal and frons for four years like that’ll be cool I mean we won’t have any money but you know whatever so now that it’s coming out that he’s you know more than likely barring some kind of miraculous move by the magic he’s not going to come to Orlando I’m back to being okay with it case it be’s a cool move we’ll talk more about him and everything but uh but yeah it was kind of a wild 24 hours yeah I don’t have a lot to add uh I think both of you guys sort of hit every important point there the magic are back kudos to Jeff and Anthony Parker for yeah sure this is a great opportunity but hey if this is going to put us at risk for something that we don’t really know how likely it is anyways we need to Pivot and start making moves to improve our our team regardless and there were a lot of Whispers that our front office wasn’t going to do anything I feel like most of that was done in just but when you refer back to the previous seasons and even this year’s trade deadline where we sort of wanted the magic to push on the gas a little bit and they didn’t it’s like okay at some point we we’ve talked about this really since the playoffs ended at some point you need to make the move forward and what was most shocking to me about the potential of meeting with Paul George is like to this point you haven’t decided to step on the gas at all and you’re just saying f it and slamming the NOS button cuz that’s what that would have done to this team just in terms of like expectations and you know the ability to contend which would have been really cool I can’t lie you bring Paul George in and all of a sudden you’re you’re one of the favorites to come out of the East that’s that’s what would have happened but again just to their credit for being aggressive enough to pursue a meeting like that but also having you know the the ability and the awareness to say like hey this probably isn’t very likely we’re probably just being being used as leverage here let’s go ahead and pivot and go after the guys that we know we really want and that we know we can get and let’s lead that end of the conversation to talk about cavius cwell Pope who earlier this evening I think it was Jeff zilet first of USA Today and then Shams and Chris Haynes and W all came through to confirm it that sha uh the magic and cavius callwell Pope have come to agreement on a three-year $66 million deal with that thirdy year being a player option just want to talk a little bit about cavius cwell Pope here so first of all he is 31 years old going to be 32 years old but a two-time NBA champion 2020 with the Los Angeles Lakers and then last year with the Denver Nuggets and this year averaged 10.1 points per game 2.4 rebounds 2.4 assists 1.3 steals shot 46% from the floor shot 40% from behind the Ark on 4.1 attempts and received all defensive team votes borderline Elite defense Elite three-point shooter fits the magic DNA perfectly people have been saying hey you need to surround fron and poo Shooters and they went out and got one of the best Shooters in free agency and in that they did the things I talked about at the top of staying true to the identity they’ve built being that he’s a great defender and like you said borderline Elite he also you address the need of what you needed three-point shooting and I think maybe what hasn’t been talked about yet that I would love to highlight is that they address the need for durability in cavius cwell Pope’s career I did the math out of 892 possible games he has played 835 of them he has played 93.6% of the possible games in his 11-year career so far I like that that is what I I love about this too is just that everything that they did make sense like every every part every way that cavius callwell Pope fits in fits into all those things durability staying true to your identity and also addressing need you hit all three of those main points within one signing and that in my opinion makes it a home run signing so that cavius man he’s going to be awesome do I wish he was a little younger of course but I still think that he’s he’s got some juice in the tank despite playing so many miles on those legs but he uh he still has been producing in addition to all those things for me he’s got he’s got two rings yeah you know I mean you can’t argue with that two rings and not just two rings like he was the starting two guard on two NBA championship teams mhm that’s that’s worth worth its price right there like the the amount of experience um that he’s going to bring to this team you know he’s got he’s got more rings than the whole well yeah the whole team combined that was obvious but I was going to say something else but uh yeah he’s got he’s got two rings that you can’t that you can’t put a price on that that’s incredible experience that he brings to this team and then I do want to add I like I hesitate to say this I don’t want to say this as like bringing up this or anything like we all make mistakes or whatever I’m genuinely genuinely saying this when is the last time the magic hired somebody with like a criminal record like I I I I don’t want to shed light on it like it was a mistake like all those things people make mistakes but I’m being serious like this almost feels like a change a little bit in the front offices and even maybe ownership’s mentality again those were years ago Casey P’s mistakes has he’s been out of trouble for like three four five years whatever it’s been now probably three years seven seven years it’s been that long I’m so that’s when that’s when the original uh arrest was I that’s when he got in trouble for like violating the probation but no I’m glad that you brought that up because we not to plug our patreon but we just had an exclusive uh Zoom call the other night with our patrons and we were talking about this exactly yeah plug in the patreon patreon.com theix man show but we were having this conversation of like so far like the magic have tried to bring in guys that are blemish free right and at some point like hey you may need to stray away from that a little bit if you’re looking to bring in more talent and again we’re not trying to you know like paint kcp you know in any type of negative light but that’s just a fact about his history and you know that that’s a difference from what we’ve seen with this front office and I I’m not mad at it by all means like the last several years cavius callwell Pope has been you know an outstanding guy and they wouldn’t bring him in by any means if they were worried about him being a bad influence on this not being a chemistry fit so I have no issues with it at all but it is notable because it is different from the way that they’ve approached things in the past yeah let me just circle back to it so I can put the bow on my first statement yes like you said he great guy the last you know several years has be I went on his Instagram today obviously had to follow him beautiful family like he’s got seven kids I think something like that like looks like obviously we don’t know him looks like he’s got his life together it’s all beautiful so I just want to make sure I come back to the end there after I after I open that can of worms but yeah it’s interesting it’s definitely different um for this front office but hey I am certainly not mad about it at all yeah the uh I jokingly in our group chat said like magic have have an edge to him now like we’re hiring someone with a with any type of uh background like that is uh is something that is off the beaten path for for our front office but to be fair you’ve not really had a chance to sign guys that are long tenured in the league you’ve really been focused on building through the draft a lot of these guys way too young to have gotten into much uh legal trouble because they’ve been married to basketball their entire life but and too busy in the gym but um and distracted from everything else so yeah still still interesting but a lot of fun in the sense of just like we’re building like the front office has now just locked eyes on like building for the future you sign a guy like cavius cell Pope with his his championships and all that and they in the last few years just goes to show you that that they’re ready to to move forward and this is no longer officially official not a rebuild like we established that last year but now moving forward with these signings like kcp it’s like oh you’re addressing needs and you’re just continuing to put your your foot on the ass at this point and can we just like talk about the defense like for just a moment crazy like it’s it’s been what everyone’s talked about on Twitter but I just feel like we have to talk about it like Jaylen and kcp in that back court and then obviously pal and frons they’re no pushovers and then even if it’s Wendell or hardstein or whoever I mean or Jonathan Isaac sliding in there sometimes like come on now that’s insane like literally two of the probably five seven at worst 10 best defenders like backourt defenders in the same back court I mean good grief that’s going to be so much fun yeah I think one of the the biggest pieces for me Kevin you already alluded to it but the fact that he has the championship experience part of what excited me about bringing clay in was the guy’s bringing four rings in you know he’s bringing that level of experience and he can like speak to what that requires of you if you want to get to that level now the clay stuff we talked about that on the last couple episodes never got close it seems like he hasn’t officially signed anywhere but it was reported that he’s only meeting with the Clippers the Lakers the Mavericks and the 76ers from what I understand so it doesn’t seem like I mean we probably still have money to make that move if I I just don’t know that it makes sense now that we brought in kcp you would assume that if you’re bringing clay and it would be to start and just doesn’t seem like there’s enough minutes to go around in that scenario but I think that’s one of the things that I’m most excited about is bringing that just experience like playoff experience Championship pedigree being around guys like LeBron James and Anthony Davis and niika yic like we have France and we have Paulo guys that are trying to get to that level and here comes the guy that can speak into like what those guys do on a daily like day-to-day basis and bring that to those guys now as excited as I am about the the kcp signing some people are Express ing their concerns or or maybe their disappointment with the fact that we’re not using this cap space on getting Paul George which seems a little bit odd to me because up until like two days ago the the Klay Thompson stuff the Paul George stuff all seemed like the longest of long shots and it seems like maybe with that news coming out that the magic were getting a meeting people got their hopes up super quickly and I would just want to remind people that yes you’re missing out on Paul George but most of the time these days free agency doesn’t happen through free agency it happens through trades and adding a contract like kavus Caldwell Pope and if you add additional guys you’re you’re going to be able to like put enough money together to make a move for a guy like that if they become available so just because we’re missing out on that right now doesn’t mean that it makes it impossible like moving forward right the also like yeah the bottom line there is that the the team is Young like we just because you decided that we were ready to move forward and take a leap that big as Paul George in the last 24 hours and that the front office entertained it doesn’t automatically put you on that timeline just you know regardless like at that point what you’re looking at right now is you’re still building and you’re putting yourself in a position where year two down the line like next offseason the offseason after setting yourselves up for like people want to come play for you and and also makes it easy to trade for those players too we are shifting toward not many guys not big not many big names are going to make it to free agency anymore they’re just going to sign extensions demand a trade whatever they want to do right because ultimately we’re in the player empowerment empowerment era which we’ve been in for a while but now it’s getting to the point where players have gotten smarter and like oh I can just get an extension and then we can request a trade and work from there or I just demand a trade in general and I think teams teams prefer that because now they’re not losing the asset for nothing right yeah exactly nobody’s walking and so it it makes sense all the way around so the Paul George thing like him this whole scenario is very unique and I think maybe one of the last of its kind in terms of like in in any type of large volume too so from here on out I do think like even this coming uh trade deadline in February you’re going to be hearing there’s a disgruntled star and maybe you’ll be hearing that the magic are working on a package to trade for someone or we just get the news right I think that’s a very real possibility just because we don’t do something now with a superstar or a star in general doesn’t mean that’s not possible come you know the New Year basically I also think it’s weird when you’re talking about fans reactions to the Paul George thing free agency it takes two to tango right like the magic can have all the money in the world which in some ways we did or could have at least we wanted to you could throw all the money in the world of Paul George Paul George still has to desire that and desire to come here right and so money isn’t everything just because the magic had money doesn’t mean we should have been first place second place to get Paul George we were always going to be last place if you ask me if the teams had enough money to actually afford what Paul George W and we were always going to be last place it doesn’t mean we’re not in a good position just means we don’t have a Joel embiid right like Joel embiid is unlike anything that we have on our roster now is he annoying yeah he’s an MVP though right like that’s a championship containing team oh yeah and they also have this guy named Tyrese Maxi who’s going to come back too so the idea for Paul George which it looks like it’s inevitable going to Philadelphia it makes sense for him it makes sense for Philadelphia all those things and so to be mad at the front office for like quote unquote missing that I just I really don’t understand that like it’s not like were Front Runners this whole time and then fumbled it like we’ve always been the underdogs in this and so yeah it’s it’s weird to me it’s also not like he’s 30 Paul George isn’t 30 with two big contracts left in his career he’s got one big contract left and understands that even though like the the big quote that that that circulated was Paul George talking about on on his podcast most recently or two episodes ago or something at this point him talking about like I want to go to a team that plays the right way everyone’s like oh I bet that means you don’t want to go play with Joel embiid who shoots all these it’s like bro Joel embiid Still is Joel embiid and he gets to the free throw line it doesn’t matter like sure you can say it’s the disgusting way and yes it is boring but they win like they they’re able to win games when Joel embiid is healthy that’s the caveat but he Paul George said all this but he’s like I want to I still want to be on a winning team doesn’t mean chasing a ring but guys that doesn’t mean that he didn’t want doesn’t want a championship he’s he’s Paul George he’s looking for one he’s looking for it and I I think like that’s that’s ultimately what it’s coming down to he he’s 34 he’ll be 35 next May he’s he’s got a couple good Seasons left so well that is like he just never fit the timeline he was a fun pipeline dream for the magic just to have a cool couple years but like Kevin said takes two the Tango Paul George ultimately wants a ring and I I understand it I mean he’s he is getting the end of his career and a lot of these guys value it and I can’t say that if I was not in the same spot that I’d be like oh man I’m a great player and I know it but but just to further that and submit my legacy I want to win a rank so last thing for me on Paul George the reason that I will have zero issue sleeping tonight is we still have Paulo banero If we did not have a guy that I believe could be one of the best players in the NBA maybe I would feel like we missed out a bit more but we still have that guy that I I think we all believe is still going to be good enough to be the best guy on a title team someday and all we’ve been talking about the last couple of years is you need to optimize what Palo banko does well you need to put Shooters around Palo B Caro it looks like Gary Harris is on his way out bringing cavius cwell Pope is literally like if you gave Gary Harris steroids right just as good if not better of a shooter better of of a Defender at this point in his career and is much more reliable healthwise than Gary Harris and has two championship rings and that experience that he can draw from and can pass down to our young guys so this is a a big upgrade at that starting shooting guard position and there were reports that coming out over the course of the last couple of weeks that the magic were comfortable with jayen Suggs being the full-time point guard we had our questions on whether or not that was true this leads me to believe that that is true and whether or not that’s the right answer I don’t know do I believe Jaylen is capable of getting to that point yes do I think he showed that necessarily last season no but the Improvement that Jaylen showed from year two to year three if he can do that just even a little bit from year three to year four in terms of organizing the offense and handling the ball we will be just fine that to me is is yet to be seen But if the front office is saying they’re comfortable with doing that I’m going to give them the benefit of the the doubt until we’re proven wrong in that regard you’ve also got Pao and frons who handled the ball so as much as it would have been nice to have a guy rest in peace mat thas Jones dream as much as it as it would have been nice to have him to set the set the table as Pao put as well and kind of his wish list of really what it felt like a wish list for a point guard to lead the team as nice as that would have been you still have Pao and fron that are able to handle the ball Jaylen can handle the ball like a but I don’t think any of them are going to have fulltime bring the ball up start the offense rolls they’re ju and and honestly I don’t know that you need it it was nice but if it feels a little bit like a luxury not a necessity this team doesn’t need a guy that is just pass first to run this team team I mean you just almost got to round two without one of those guys you had Markel fultz but anyway so you know I I just it’s not the end of the world to me that you don’t have a lead guard and this team will just continue to get better and better whether it be through free agency or trades development and uh this is exciting hopefully we sign one I I think we will definitely sign one more maybe two more if you don’t get the guy that’s like like 25 a year 24 but it’s super exciting well let’s talk actually go ahead Kev I thought I was just going to say it’s just kind of fun fact and and strange obviously there’s a lot of context missing here but in the 2024 25 season our highest paid player will be cavius cwell Pope which is kind of kind of interesting the highest play on the paid player on Magic right for now could be you’re right that’s true got about $30 million to play with but it’s just kind of kind of funny but but yeah we’ll see what happens with the rest of that money I think the last thing that I want to ask you guys before we move on into Kevin’s conversation with Pat Rooney um roughly $30 million in cap space left there are still some guys out there for me I would still like to see us upgrade at the center position and I think most of that just comes from a durability standpoint we’ve talked about we’ve had that conversation about Wendell Carter a thousand times right couple of centers that you could have targeted y valent chunis Andre Drummond both off the board Isaiah hartenstein a guy that magic fans have been talking about for the last several years it feels like uh but especially in the last couple of months as he’s entering free agency he I guess was meeting with the Oklahoma City Thunder earlier tonight in ugene Oregon the Oklahoma City front office team made the trip up there no deals have have been announced there uh but for me I think if we are going to do something with not all of that 30 million but some of that 30 million a good chunk of it I think that would be my Target and people have asked like is hartenstein like really an upgrade over Wendell number one in durability yes and most other statistical categories like per 100 possessions outside of like shooting and spacing you would give the The Edge to hartenstein so um to me I would like to see that move and and that sort of be the the final upgrade of the offseason but what do you guys think so first you got to look at what you’ve got and say what makes the most sense breaking news Mason plumbley one-year deal to the Suns yeah uh so the Bobby marks put out like a digestible roster like depth chart table for people but right now you’re currently looking at your starting lineup on opening night of Jaylen Suggs kcp fron Palo Wendell which I love to be honest with you uh and then for your reserves with obviously the free agents being listed on here as well fultz Gary Harris Joe Engles Mo Vagner we the reports have all said Engles and mo Vagner are likely coming back so your bench and I’ll just break it down from the way of like who played last year like was always in rotation Cole Anthony Jonathan Isaac and then you can put Mo and Joe in there for right now that’s nine guys in a rotation but obviously you’ve got your ab your jet whatever you could say ji or not ji Joe well I guess technically still ji Joe Eng Les takes basically like minimal he doesn’t play much at all so it’s like what do you do in this scenario when you’re looking at a big picture you could sign hartenstein like you said Jonathan and then look for a deal for Dell or you just slide Dell to the bench because ultimately what you’re wanting to do with Dell is upgrade something truthfully I think and I have like I I’m just saying this truthfully I think that if you did trade d you maybe you’re trading Cole Anthony in a package because just the more that you look at this team and the way they’re building trending more towards defense and I don’t know that Cole Anthony like we’ve just seen him struggle especially last season at a lot of points where it’s like maybe he doesn’t really fit the identity of the team anymore and you move on from Dell and Cole and you add another piece but I don’t think that you’re adding anything to the starting lineup especially if you sign hardenstein you’re basically bolstering your bench which I I love and that’s what you should do at this point so that’s kind of the big picture then you know you know we’ll we’ll see what they end up actually doing but that’s where we’re at yeah for me with the remaining money the hearten Stein stuff you know potentially I I I definitely agree obviously that he definitely improves the team in a lot of ways the part that worries me a little bit is where he doesn’t improve the team is a place that we really need to be better as far as like spacing the floor like Wendell obviously spaces the floor a lot more than than uh iHeart as people have nicknamed him um so that concerns me but putting that aside other guys that I might be interested in the biggest question mark for me is jet Howard like who is Jet Howard like we’ve heard a lot of good things so far this offseason about jet Howard from people you know around the magic and stuff but is he good enough to be a backup say two you know right is he going to be the backup to kcp if not then that’s where I think some of this money might need to go like do you go out and get a Gary Trent Jr do you go out and get a Malik Beasley do you go out and get someone like that to back up kcp I think it’s really important um the bench was really good for the magic this past season it helped the magic a lot in large stretches of this season um and so I think it’s really important to keep that continuity I know you talk about the tyus Jones dream being dead maybe it is maybe it’s not you know if if there’s a world where the magic want to potentially move on from Cole Anthony being the backup two or backup one I mean I don’t know if that’s the case or or let me back up actually Anthony black we got to talk about him too like Anthony black is still there like is he the backup one behind jayen Suggs and then what you do with Cole Anthony like so maybe Ty Jones doesn’t fit like if the magic believe in Anthony black then maybe the Ty Jon gam is dead however maybe they don’t believe in him and I don’t know there’s a lot my biggest thing though I would say is the backup to position like what does that look like is it Cole is it going out and siging somebody else um that’s my biggest question mark outside of Center yeah I don’t think there’s necessarily like a wrong answer I think like for me it just comes from like I I know that we’re going to be without Dell for 15 to 20 games next year and what do we do in that instance Mo and Goa were fine last year but I think you know we want to continue to improve the roster and take like another step up this year so uh but we’ve got 30 million left you know you mentioned a few of those guys you know throw buddy hee’s name in there like there’s if if the magic want to go out and get more shooting and bolster the bench there are plenty of opportunities to do that still in in free agency but the fact that we haven’t heard anything else yet leads me to believe that maybe we are in that hartenstein conversation and we’re literally just waiting for more free agency news as everybody’s begging to bring back tampering because this version of free agency kind of sucks right like it it’s pretty boring of just sitting here we we we just got the Mason plumbley news like an hour ago or a few minutes ago and then it was an hour before in between that and the bent Tunis and now we just got news that Naji Marshall has agreed on a three-year $27 million deal with the Dallas Mavericks it’s here’s here’s Here’s the the the Sim the similarity the comparison I will make let’s say you have the answers to an entire test right you have all the answers but to make it Les look less obvious you’re slower to finish the test and it’s like you’re just sitting there like waiting for the clock like I’m going to I’m going to fill this whole thing out it’s done I got 100% I’m going to wait or I missed a couple whatever I’m going to wait and I’m going to turn this paper in like when I see other people start turning it in so you’ve got these teams hypothetically right Luke just hypothetically hypothetically I’ve never been in the situation right of course definitely not yeah no no no uh and then that’s how I feel about this this whole thing you can’t tell me these guys like they respect the the new fines enough with the CBA they respect it enough to not be you know jumping out the gun and like signing a team signing a player from an opposite team at 601 but you’re telling me negotiations and everything were made and the whole conversation about the fit on the team or whatever is done by like 645 when some of these teams like some of these teams jump the gun and be under review for a fine from from from the NBA at this rate but I I do think that’s what’s happening they already know cuz some of these deals were happening way too soon for a whole conversation like that is an in-depth huge decision in your life and and so yeah that’s what I like in it too you got all the answers to the test but you give it some time that’s why it’s like dude just remove the fines again or whatever go back to what it was and uh and let’s just get some news at 601 that’s that’s way more fun or just go all the way go back to midnight and we let’s really get crazy that was it was like it was like an event it was like you know when The Avengers came out it’s like Black Friday though like I’m so glad that Black Friday now starts at like 5:00 p.m. for the people that are Shoppers on Black Friday I don’t need the we don’t need the midnight stuff anymore right we’re all grown-ups we got jobs I just want to sleep man that’s all all right you guys have anything else on free agency before we move on no not me just let’s see what happens all right we want to take a quick second here to give a shout out to our wonderful patrons the folks that help financially support each and every show as I shamelessly plugged a little bit ago you can find us at patreon.com the6ix man show every episode we give a special shout out to our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons so we’ll go ahead and kick it off with the court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains with Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael Sal Michael salop Donkey Punch Dave pal and fron is warn Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez Danel Bobby Skinner go 93 Teddy Sylvia Al Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Emon legone josea squealing cayb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bru halfrey kahim 177 Obi the dawn himo B hro rmpr 221 Ray pastr Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Irish Magic Mike Austin lamp random hustle only fron Maria Keith W britz bral Case green Santi Leon K Eckler the distract Amad Simpson chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magicwire Evo 1980 magic Matt Michael Thompson Mama Richmond next snappa what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay David Duffy Smith Sheiks W time tantino 1995 Suggs mugs Daniel Anderson Barry Mel KY and will Spivey again if you would like to join our patreon you can find us at patreon.com the six man show now let’s get into our interview with Pat Rooney from The Daily Camera in buffzone.com all right Orlando Magic fans as you know we’ve said it many times on this show we are big fans of local sports coverage because there’s no way the national media can actually know everything about every team and every player and so today I’m really glad to be joined by Pat Rooney who covers Colorado University athletics for buffzone.com and the Daily Camera uh Pat Rooney thanks so much for joining the show how’s it going out there in Colorado today doing well weather’s gorgeous uh beautiful day here and uh you know summertime it’s it’s going when we coverge Sports this is H you know your time to maybe take a little bit of a breather although this week has been pretty busy with a big showing for Colorado in the draft yeah absolutely I was going to ask you about that in a moment it’s kind of crazy three guys drafted we’ll talk about that in a second but first I got to ask you you you’ve covered you’ve been around Colorado Athletics for a long time we talked about this before we started how insane was the Dion Sanders craziness that began last year I’m a die hard Florida State fan I know a lot of our our viewers are as well uh how crazy was The Madness of of prime time and that it’s still going on even now it’s still going on and uh yeah it’s it’s pretty wild to go from a team that arguably was the worst Power conference program in the nation uh when when Carl derell was let go uh in 20 22 and and they stumbled at Finish Line one win season that year uh it was just a low point of a program that has had quite a few of them you know to be honest in the last two is decades or so uh you know they had good season in 2016 but it’s been pretty pretty dry other than that football-wise around here uh but to see the excitement around the program to see the attention around the program even before they’d even played a game last year uh which is incredible to watch uh and then obviously the hot starts kind of made them National Darlings you know I still think the jury is out about exactly how good this program can be under Deion Sanders but certainly the excitement and the attention around it has been something incredible to observe yeah it’s it’s pretty crazy to see that turn around so quickly and yeah obviously a lot of us Florida State guys are definitely rooting for for Coach Prime to do well there let’s pivot a little bit to basketball you mentioned mentioned a pretty historic week you know for Colorado having three guys drafted two guys in the top 18 and another at pick number 42 I’d like to ask you just before we talk about D Silva for a little bit of context you know where he’s coming from what was this past season like for Colorado you know 26 and 11 13- s in the Pack 12 ended up uh making the NCAA tournament losing in the round of 32 I do have to add again as a Florida State fan I was thrilled when they beat the University of Florida so thank you Colorado for doing that our audience will be split on that comment but that’s fine yeah how would you kind of summarize this past season you know that that Colorado had on the basketball court yeah Andy lost to Florida State early in November uh at a at a tournament in uh in Daytona Beach uh that that I was at but um yeah you know they got to where they kind of expected and wanted to be by the end of the year uh they won two games in the NCA tournament uh you know were relegated to that first four round so they won there beat Florida in in the game that you mentioned was just a wild I mean both teams hitting a 100 in regulation how often we see that anymore in college basketball just a wildly entertaining game that uh the Buffs won in the last second uh and and they finished on you know they they finished third in the conference they got to the conference Championship game and lost to Oregon and all of that was pretty much where they hoped to be by the end of the year you know kind of that that realm in the N tournament you know threatening for a s Sweet 16 spot but they didn’t get there easily it was a year of a lot of injury issues uh I forget the exact number off the top of my head but I think the top six or seven guys in the rotation are you know kind of on the roster that you you you playing the role out the season with they only played together in like 14 or 15 games injuries were a constant problem throughout the year uh and not not like one guy going down with an ACL for the year and you adjust it was this guy being out for a few games here and Cody Williams the top pick of all those went number 10 overall to to Utah you know he missed think it was 13 games total but he did it like in different time he missed some games early because of a wrist injury and missed some games late because of an ankle injury and then he was really hobbled into postseason he definitely was not himself Cody will wasn’t uh during that NCA tournament run so uh definitely uccessful season to 26 wins was the most in program history uh but they didn’t get there easily didn’t come easily this year uh you know in the middle of the year you kind of felt like this team was underachieving a little bit maybe not so much underachieving but but really falling short of their goals because of injuries I mean guys just were out of the lineup and they were kind of turning into other guys and uh you know weren’t sure game to game who might be available you know like in in in January and late December and and really into February but uh they got healthy uh and they got on a run late and kind of got to where they wanted to be uh but it didn’t happen maybe the way you would have drawn it up at the beginning of the year yeah absolutely and all of that team success culminating this past week with as I mentioned those three guys being drafted as someone who doesn’t follow Colorado Athletics very much I’m sure most of our audience probably doesn’t where does that rank as far as like history of Colorado is that the most they’ve ever had drafted or how special was this this past week for basketball you know I looked it up they did have in the 1981 Draft when it was still uh a 10 round draft they had three guys go but all three guys were I think the the top overall was like Number 96 I think it was so not comparable to to what we saw uh this week with two guys going in uh the top 18 and and and three in in the top 42 so they’ve never had anything like that since the draft was short into two rounds way back in 1989 they’ve never Colorado every had multiple guys go in any draft so uh to to have two at any place in the draft let alone as high as they did in the first round and three uh you know in the two round version of the draft uh completely unprecedented for this this program so uh you it’s kind of a a sign of the kind of guys that they’ve been recruiting at Colorado and uh you know except for Cody Williams you know coach Tad Bole is is he’s a little old school and his he still wants to kind of recruit and and and develop approach to building a program uh Cody Williams is the first one and done they’ve had but most of the guys that do get drafted are guys that have been in the program for multiple years guys that have gotten better every year along the way and that certainly was the case with KJ Simpson and Tristan da Silva yeah that’s awesome that’s great to hear such such Su success there for Colorado and now we are going to Pivot to the guy that magic want to hear the most about Tristan D Silva drafted by the magic 18 overall we’ll talk about some specific some nuances about him and his game of course as we go through but could you just summarize for magic fans in a couple sentence Tristan Sila the basketball player what can magic fans expect what have you seen over the four years at Colorado about Tristan de Silva the basketball player you know he’ll bring a little bit of everything to the table he’s uh you know I think at the NBA they got him now listed at 69 or 68 he was 69 you know it’s funny how they always shrink a little bit after they get out of college and get into the NBA but uh versatile long you know everything I’m sure you’ve read up on in the last few days on him is accurate great cord fishion high IQ uh good shooter you know can can score at at three levels you know he can certainly knock down a three-pointer take advantage of matchups in size that inside that are favorable to him uh can handle the ball a little bit you know there’s probably not one thing thing that he’s I guess spectacular at you know he’s not going to lead the league in three-point shooting he’s not going to go out and get 10 rebounds a game but he’s going to do a little bit of everything for you uh you know he can he can you know get a rebound and even lead a break a little bit like I said he can post up if need be he’s got great vision can can find open Shooters if need be uh he can go in and grab a few rebounds if need be so like I said there’s not one thing that he’s going to really stand out at but he’s a really kind of classic jack of all trades yeah that that’s awesome he’s kind of had by some measures at least for wrestle outside looking at a unique path to where he is now Ting up at at Colorado and now in the NBA uh here in Orlando we have a couple of players that are on the German national team you know fron and mo Vagner we know that that Tristan has German Roots you know born and Munich raised it sounds like for a lot of his his maybe all of his upbringing there in Germany what do you know about his path you know his family situation how did he end up at Colorado and ultimately now in the NBA yeah you know it’s interesting he was recruited at the time uh that that covid was going on he never saw the campus before he actually got there wow uh but yes recruited out of Germany and you know I I don’t even know if he spent much time in America before he got here but uh his path to college basketball’s kind of set by his older brother his older brother Oscar D Silva was a very good player at Stanford uh I’m sure playing I don’t know exactly where he’s at now but I know he’s playing pro uh back in Europe I don’t know if it’s exactly in Germany but a very good player at Stanford so he had his older brother to kind of set that path of going to America to play college basketball uh and then there was a familiar are with the Pack 12 uh and with with with Oscar D Silva playing at Stanford you know it’s interesting fans around here remember this but but nationally I don’t know how much this was on the radar the year before I should say even the yeah the year before D Silva Tristan D Silva I should say committed this was in the spring of 2020 Stanford and Tristan’s older brother was playing at The Event Center here in in in Boulder and there was a big Collision the Buffs big man Evan baddy who was just a big hulking forward had a bit of a fast break oos Silva was down there trying to take a charge two big men collided and EXP loed and Oscar unfortunately got the worst of it he was on the ground uh you can see his head was bleeding um it it w he wound up being okay had a bit of laceration uh but it was a you know kind of a silent moment in Arena while they tended to him and the teams kind of regrouped and you know everyone cheered uh for for Oscar as he left the floor it was a bit of an emotional moment right um but it was a few months later that Tristan the Silva uh signed mind as kind of a late sige with Colorado you know all this was freshing their minds like oh even though his older brother got run over and Boulder then at least there was still a good enough connection that uh uh Tristan came here and became teammates with Evan baddy you know the Colorado player on the other end of that play So a little bit of an interesting background there but you know Tristan was in that boat with a lot of recruits were that year that never seeing the campus uh before before he that year uh but as far as Coming to America and that path was set a little bit by his older brother and Trist in his way was kind of following in his footsteps yeah it’s very similar to the Vagner brothers who play in Orlando Mo Vagner the older brother went to Michigan fron followed his footsteps I did not know that story about Oscar or Tristan’s brother Oscar with that injury and everything and then he ended up playing with his teammate with with the guy that did the injury that that’s that’s pretty wild one of the unique things about Tristan de Silva the fact that you know we don’t see this as often as we used to he played all four years at Colorado before going to the NBA Draft so you’ve been able to see the progression of Tristan D Silva over four years as opposed to some guys who cover teams they see him over you know a handful of months you know so you’ve got to see Tristan D Silva a lot over the years where would you say he’s maybe improved the most over the four years from when he arrived to Boulder to now as he’s entering the NBA uh the first thing the physicality you know he came in as a freshman um on a veteran team that made the NCA tournament actually lost to your Florida state in the second round of uh the 2021 tournament the all Indianapolis tournament Tristan was a true freshman on that team I was a pretty senior Laden team uh and uh him and Jabari Walker now with Portland Trail Blazers were both freshman on that Colorado team kind of bench players spot minutes here and there he didn’t play a lot early on on that team but kind of came on later in year uh you know kind of came on for that bench minute roll would would knock down an open three he had a couple really good games I remember Off the Bench uh hitting some shots as a freshman but he wasn’t really counted upon for the big production on that team but that grew every year you know a lot of that group graduated that year uh so as a sophomore he took on a bigger role uh Evan baddy the the gentleman I just mentioned in the Oscar D Silva Collision was a senior on that team and Jabari Walker was a star on that team so Tristan still was kind of finding his way as a new starter and then the last two years he’s really kind of taken off a little bit more um as far as where he’s improved the most you know I think the scoring just kind of come more with with the opportunity you know he’s he played a bigger role the last couple years the shooting numbers were always pretty solid but for me it was it’s the physicality he got a little bit more physical uh he had the highest rebounding average of his career this past year at 5.1 you know probably will never be a great rebounder but certainly made strides in that department and as an interior Defender you know I haven’t mentioned his defense much yet but you know he’s a guy who you know that versatility was will kind of extend to to that end of the floor you know with his length he can kind of guard the wing a little bit and uh you know he showed a little bit more willingness and uh strength to kind of duke it out a little bit in the middle and I think the other thing is uh his court Vision you know he’s always been a pretty good passer but he was a little bit maybe turnover prone uh for this year uh but he turned it around you know had a much more solid assist to turnover rate uh got the numbers to 82 assists against 61 turnovers and that’s with him missing a couple games in the middle of the Season uh because of his own ankle injury so and he came back slowly from that you know he had a couple poor shooting games uh you know as he tried to tried to get back into it while his ankle was still not 100% so uh but those are the things as far as the fouryear growth uh for me it’s the physicality and the way he was able to cut down his turnovers particularly this last his senior year that’s awesome magic fans will love to hear about decreasing turnovers because we have too many of those sometimes so would love to see D Silva come in and contribute to fewer turnovers uh we’ve heard a lot from the national media we heard you it from you as well very well-rounded player good at a lot of things maybe not Elite at everything or maybe any one particular thing but good at a lot of things as he comes into the NBA though what are maybe some weaknesses that magic fans could be looking out for maybe weaknesses that Tristan might be looking to improve on maybe in this offseason before his first NBA season finishing around the rim spring M you know he’s good off the bounce but uh maybe sometimes can’t quite finish those drives at The Rim I think the spacing more in the NBA might help him in that regard and I think the other question might be that physicality I mentioned he improved at College will he be able to keep doing that and keep improving as he takes it to the next level and and starts battling you know even bigger even more physical guys at the next level so for me those are the two things you know I think his scoring will be fine his shooting will be fine uh you know like I said he’s got great basketball IQ he can take it off the dribble he’ll be reversal at both ends of the floor uh but for me you know if there’s a question mark that’s it you know how is that physicality going to translate to the next level Yeah you mentioned basketball IQ that’s that’s one of the favorite buzzword of our magic front office the last several years when they draft guys the very first thing they mentioned High basketball IQ and they mentioned again of course with Tristan D Silva we’ve we’ve heard about his basketball IQ but he’s also seemingly a very smart guy overall I think I read he he’s knows five languages flu in five languages what can you speak to his his smarts maybe both on the court and off the court yeah I mean speaking five languages that kind of says it all right there right but uh uh uh you know I mean the other part of that I he was he doesn’t make you know even when I said he was turnover prone a little bit he doesn’t make dumb plays you know when when he was he wasn’t turnover prone this past year but at the times when he was it wasn’t because of poor decision making it was uh you know maybe trying to make a move too fast and and and goes off his foot or you know just either getting a little bit of an in a hurry it wasn’t because he was making the wrong play it was uh you know maybe this little bit of care things that he needed to address and in situations maybe slow down a little bit uh you know to you know make sure the ball doesn’t go Ary so to speak but he makes a smart play every time he makes the right play and I think at the next level that’s you know half the battle he’s not going to come in and try to do too much for one thing I don’t you know I don’t think that’s a problem especially with a guy that’s played as much basketball as him uh being a four-year guy uh you know he’s not going to come in and try to do too much try to show what he can do he’s gonna come in and stay within himself uh and you know I think that IQ kind of show shines through in that he’s not going to make the wrong play you know the other part of that I think comes uh you know IQ and maturity you know he’s a guy that you know he’d be willing to kind of stand up for the team and and and address questions after a tough loss and you know he wasn’t one to Suk or pout or kind of shy away from that you know I think that’s another great asset when you get to that level you know you’re playing more games and there’s you know therefore going to be more tough losses how do you respond to that and so forth and I think Tristan with his maturity and his smarts is well fitted to to kind of handle that Spotlight that that’s great to hear Jamal Mosley head coach of of the magic also Colorado Buffalo uh he that’s one of his mantras we never get too high too low it’s an 82 game regular season then in the playoffs you can’t allow one loss to get you down one big win to get you too high and it’s cool to hear that Tristan Sila will buy into that you know right away uh we mentioned earlier four years at Colorado it allows me for some for some unique uh stories maybe that have come out of that as opposed to maybe a one and done do you have any favorite Tristan da Silva story maybe from you directly or you’ve heard indirectly from someone else throughout his four years there in Boulder yeah you know that’s a tough one he’s not the most uh I mean great great young man and you know and personal but I wouldn’t describe him as most outgoing personality you know uh he’s uh I don’t know if I got a great behind the scenes sour but you know he’s a great teammate you know everyone looked up to him um you know this past year they had an interesting mix of holdovers you know guys that have been in a program like the Silva like KJ Simpson who who went in the second round yesterday uh and then kind of you know some some newcomers they brought in a transfer center they had Cody Williams coming in as a true freshman um and you know even KJ Simpson maybe at the beginning year was a bit of a question mark because he had a bit of an up and down sophomore year and he he ended it in a bit of a slump he was injured and had an illness and maybe not quite sure what they were G to get out of him this past year Tristan was the glue to all that coming into this year uh you know he was the guy that uh you know was was gonna kind of shoulder the load set the example and you know he did all of those things um you know KJ Simpson is more of a fire vocal leader that we saw on the floor but I would describe Tristan as more the glue leader in that locker room uh the guy that the young guys could look up to and approach and and and that sort of thing so you know I know that takes time to develop at at the NBA level but uh you know I think he’ll fit right in he kind of handled himself as a pro especially these last few years that’s awesome I hear a lot of similarities to This Magic roster magic already have you know vocal leaders you know guy like we Jaylen Suggs is of those guys for us you might remember him from his days at Gonzaga Cole Anthony another one but we also have some other guys that lead by example on the floor and it sounds like Tristan da Silva could be one of those guys in between that kind of is one of the glue guys to keep it all together Pat this has been awesome thank you so much for giving some insight on Tristan da Silva on the context of Colorado and all those great things this this has been great why don’t you let the our viewers and our listeners know kind of where they can find your work as you continue to color cover Colorado Buffalo Athletics sure I had a nice uh kind of pre-draft interview with with Tristan late last week catching up with him and uh you can find all our work covering the Buffs at uh our we we kind of Channel our Buffalo’s coverage at the Boulder Daily Camera at at buffzone.com uh so real easy to to find there and we had a lot of draft coverage as well and you you kind of maybe sort through things and uh check out some of the stories from from all this past year obviously it was a a great season for the team like I said up and down it didn’t come easily I think that’s one thing Tristan and I talked about in that pre-draft interview I just mentioned uh you know this season was almost a good primer for the NBA for him because it was a su like I said a successful one uh but but it came with many trials and you know turbulence along the way to get there and uh in an NBA season that’s kind of par for the course so uh you know his four years I think prepped him really well I think this past season in particular prepped him really well that’s awesome yeah we’ll we’ll track down that interview with with Tristan we we’ll share it on our social media as well but anyway Pat Rooney thank you so much for joining the show appreciate it big shout out to Pat Rooney appreciate him joining our show you know it’s I mentioned it on you know my conversation with him the fact that that Tristan of Sila was there for four years you know we we definitely wanted to get some insight from someone they got to see all four years and so definitely appreciate Pat kind of sharing a little bit of of what his experience was watching Tristan for those four years I think the magic got a good one I know you guys talked about it you know on the last episode I haven’t gotten to share my thoughts about Tristan D Silva it just seems like a guy that’s going to fit right in from day one there’s a lot of speculation of will he go to the G league in year one like jet Howard did the more I look at it the more I watch him the more I’m like I’m not sure like I’m not sure there’s a chance he’s second string maybe third string you know forward coming in this season I don’t know we’ll have to see but I think he’s going to contribute right away when he does play he’s be able to contribute right away at least with his shooting but also with his really high basketball IQ he’s not a terrible Defender and then obviously the conversation with with Pat just confirmed all that stuff so yeah I’m pretty pretty high on that that draft pick by the magic yeah again a big shout out to Pat for joining the show and we’re not that far away from being able to see Tristan to Silva at summer league and he’ll be alongside jet Howard and Anthony black and and see maybe what the second unit could potentially look like so looking forward to that but uh yeah guys we’re sitting here 10:16 eastern time and free agency is still just an absolute crawl so crickets uh yeah uh unless something crazy happens in the next few minutes maybe we’ll get back on here and talk about a cool deal but U it looks like we’re we’re going to be waiting for the next few days here hey does anybody know how to do like the the the private plane tracker thing cuz I really someone did it for OKC to Eugene Oregon when they were to like obviously implying and backing up the fact that OKC was meeting with hartenstein I I try I went on the website that I saw it on and I don’t know enough about like where the private this seems like honestly a Kevin Tucker job but I don’t know where going say it but that is exactly where the private jets go from in Orlando what airport whatever so maybe uh that’s something that we uh look into but we won’t post about because we’re not we don’t want to be an evasion of privacy but we we will of course discuss among ourselves I’ll just say I know where the airplanes leave from okay that is going to do for this one for Luke Sylvia and Kevin Tucker this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a festar rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook at 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic go goic goic

The Orlando Magic have come to term with free agent guard Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, 3yr/$66 million. Jonathan, Kevin, & Luke break it down and discuss the latest on Paul George. Later, Kevin is joined by Pat Rooney of The Daily Camera & BuffZone.com to talk about the Magic rookie, Tristan da Silva.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

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  1. time for the magic to win it all now 😉😉😉 really good defender and 3 point shooter lets go Magic 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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