Cincinnati Reds Settle For Series Split at St. Louis Cardinals; Yankees Next | CBox Reds | Game 84

Cincinnati Reds Settle For Series Split at St. Louis Cardinals; Yankees Next | CBox Reds | Game 84

High Drive left Center Fe racing back to the world B the Rams are National League Central Division champions in the air left center field did he he again R wi win the right field the first round with home runs in game you believe it in the air down the White Field line doesn’t have a chance the r have won on a free run home R an opening day by raon Hernandez strike away and out way is Homer Bailey round ball to third Fraser gloves throw to first and Homer Bailey for the second time in his major league career has toss the [Music] no the second player in major league history to hit seven home runs in the first game in the air the best win what a dream beginning to the career [Music] Bruce all right Nick here we are on another Sunday night it’s a losing edition of Chatterbox Reds Reds blanked Two To Zero by the St Louis Cardinals and um I know that I couldn’t say this on the show yesterday and I made the joke to you when we got off the show that this ser series is inevitably going to be a 2 two split and we’ve screamed and yelled I’ve screamed and yelled and all this craziness and people are going to be mad tonight and I understand why but it’s a series split in St Louis 22 and you move forward and it just seems like kind of the beat goes on uh anything to add kind of before we do the usual Box schore recap and uh jumping into obviously all the sorts of topics that we have I like that you have Wilson contras on there too by the way and um yeah I don’t have very nice things to say about him that might be the only thing that might kind of fire you up tonight not a whole lot really not a whole lot really that I I feel like it’s really all that that passionate tonight so we had to kind of throw that in there to to make a little feisty yeah I mean I I can get going from time to time I do think that there uh there are some folks that probably lean into that a little too much from time the time but uh you know what I’m here I’m here for a reason and my reason is uh to try to be sounding board for some that’s my plan at least um I guess we’ll just jump right into it really before we get into too too deep into the uh you know no pun intended the Deep drive but before we get too deep into the uh the subject matter nick uh just run us through the Bosco recap I don’t really know how much there is a recap considering there wasn’t a whole lot of offense I got a couple paragraphs we found a way all right hunter green navigated around base runners in the first second and third Innings he threw a dominant fourth inning had two strikeouts but in the fifth green gave up three singles none of them were hard hit balls and the Reds trailed one nothing David Bell went to Sam Mo with two outs and the Bas is loaded to face the Lefty Brenan Donovan and he got a weak ground out to end that inning Maul would give up a leadoff single to nland Aeron in the sixth and then Aeron scored when f o Cruz gave up a double to Mason win that gave the Cardinals an insurance run that they didn’t really need because the Reds only got two hits on Sunday Cardinal starting pitcher Lance Lyn threw six shutout Innings then the Cardinal Bullpen was dominant they retired the final nine batters of the game Reds settle for a series split despite outscoring the Cardinals 2211 this weekend Reds finished the month of June 14 and 13 and are now 39 and 45 on the season Nick at this point is uh trying to make sure that he he uh he makes the local crowd happy apparently which is fine kiss the babies Nick kiss the babies the Deep Drive of the day Nick northcut it his Southern League leading 15th home run of the year the chattano Lookouts uh they’re like 20 and 50 7 uh regardless they did defeat the the the Rocket City 7 to2 northcut played at the Mason High School the comets and the the Reds acquired him for Tommy fam remember him he’s the guy that slapped people over fantasy football but if you didn’t remember Tommy fam’s actually playing pretty well so shout out to Tommy but the Deep Drive of the day is sponsored by DSC and uh we all know a DSC they are a leader a leader in renewable commodities for biofuel production specializing in used cooking oil collection aggregation and sales visit southc for more information um all right I I know we have on here the very first thing the series blah split uh it was a big series and I don’t want to get overly frustrated by it I don’t want to get overly pessimistic by it I don’t want to uh sound like I’m never going to be pleased with this team but I think I’ve come to grips with that this is who they are and if you don’t want to believe that I understand because ultimately it leaves a little bit of a bad taste in your mouth if this is what you actually believe they are and that is an average team at best a very mediocre offense at best and you can blame whoever you want to blame for that and I know that the blame has been literally passed everywhere Nick but they did split this series which means it’s not a disaster I think I think I said before we went into the series Nick if they split it feels like you just kind of push you move on in the season you’re not dead yet if they got swept season was over Nick if they would have swept then we would have been talking about you know quite honestly we talking about the postseason again and what we do with Marte you know Marte being out when the postseason comes around it’s what a wild what a wild turn of events we can have here on Chatterbox Reds in a short period of time but here we are Nick in the little series split yeah I I was trying to find the number I can’t remember I saw it once before I think like four game series I think it like 75% of the time ends in a split or something like that so I believe it you you have to expect that coming in even if you’re a bad team you’re a good team like it’s just what happens the majority of the time um I mean certainly that game on Friday proba probably the most frustrating out of all of them um this this weekend but yeah I mean look they they kept themselves alive I mean uh and now they got another really tough series with the Yankees coming up but after that they do have a really good stretch up to the all-star break that you hope that they can capitalize on is it is it too much to say that I would like them to pick one side of the aisle here to figure out which which lane they want to go down um and I know I say that little tongue and cheek are going to think that I’m kind of you know like oh what an idiot do you think they’re going to try to lose no I don’t think they’re going to try to lose but I would definitely I definitely at the deadline don’t want to be in the spot Nick where you’re kind of uh you’re kind of up in the air and you feel like I already know how this fan base is going to act and I I don’t know Nick maybe you maybe you be interesting how you feel about this like I really hope that over time the fan base and some of the media uh Talking Heads and I know we’re part of that kind of I hope it doesn’t get to the front office in the sense that they’re going to find themselves maybe at the deadline again Nick with a mediocre team at best and people are going to be screaming and yelling about how they need to go out and get somebody at the deadline to give them a boost they’re only two games out of the playoffs this team hasn’t w a playoff series since 1995 we’re going to hear the whole song and dance again and I get why but at the same time you know this isn’t a this this just to me I’ll say it again I just don’t see it you know I don’t see it and maybe it’s because I’m too pessimistic in regards to the fact that Levi Jordan pinch hit today espanol pinch hit today I mean it’s it’s not a good spot to be but I don’t know how you feel about the whole situation with the deadline coming up but if the Reds do get hot Nick it does feel like that the front office is going to be a little bit of a tough spot personally and if they don’t get hot they actually have some pieces Nick that probably could yield some return that it would be wise to trade I’ll leave it at that yeah I mean there’s only two teams right now in the National League that are going to be sellers so you’re pretty limited on the teams you can even trade with and one of those teams already traded their best asset already the Colorado Rockies is there really anyone that anyone wants off the Colorado Rockies the Marlins obviously got rid of the um yeah Lis Rai so I know there’s a few teams in the American League but it when you have this many teams that are going to be in playoff contention there not going be a whole lot of sellers so it would be a good idea if you um can sell to sell so I I I fully get what you’re saying I just unless the Reds get crazy hot I just don’t see them being buyers of anything substantial um I mean unless they’re like two games up or something but getting two games up being four and a half back in a month seems pretty unlikely so I just I I think that you probably adding at the trade deadline it’s probably would be smarter just to get that out of your head because it’s not going to happen um and it’s more likely the Reds sell than they buy and I think by a wide margin but I’m also not giving up on the season either I mean Giving Up On The Season’s one in which I think you say there’s zero chance I’m not going to give up on the season but I’m also going to be realistic and say what I what I see what I see is clearly an incompetent offense clearly an offense that has little to no big league outfielders and I guess I’ll jump into that here real quick because he’s not really on the rundown in the back half I obviously got a little uh I got a little back and forth today about the whole steuart Fairchild stuff I’m not here to try to say that steart fairchild’s like an unbelievable baseball player and you there’s no room for criticism but I think we’re at a point now where it’s like why do why do we keep picking on the one guy that’s actually semi decent out there going to pick on somebody how about I don’t know Jake maybe pick on him why don’t you pick on TJ freed he’s out every other week you did it with Nick senzel don’t talk about will Benson he he literally is like I mean he’s he’s terrible we all love him but he’s he’s terrible Levi Jordan’s out there I mean at this point is espanol an outfielder I don’t know Levi Jordan has never played Outfield espanol’s never played Outfield but they’re in the Outfield now I know people are going to kill Nick crawl for some of this and I’m not saying Nick craw is not to blame at all Nick but it it like there should be a real hard conversation and I I’m not I’m not honestly intellectual or I don’t say intellectual I’m not intelligent enough to know I’ve not paid attention to the farm system enough to know Nick if Nick crawl was the reason that there’s a significant gap between what the Reds have right now obviously the quadruple Big League level and call it single a where clearly there’s some talent in Dayton um I I don’t I don’t know if I have that answer maybe you feel strongly one way or the other about that it’s just it it’s it’s always somebody it’s either David Bell or Nick craw’s fault or someone else like what about Jake fry like can Jake fry not get any of the blame here Jake fry is a guy that came into this season that you know was pretty solid in regards to what you come to expect from him this he was supposed to be one of the periods not the question marks of this roster and he’s been a no-show and you can say whatever want and I like TJ frel next guy but also a no-show and I get it you can’t predict injuries bck but why do we always want to pick on genuinely maybe like the brightest spot of the Outfield now might not be the best player but at least it’s something I don’t know yeah I would say the biggest reason right now why there’s there’s a gap is the Red’s 2020 draft was atrocious um and I mean I guess if there’s one year that you can get a pass for having a bad draft it’s that when there was only five rounds when you couldn’t go see players um you know there was a lot I mean the number one pick in that draft was Spencer Tolson who’s looks like I think every Tigers fan wants him thrown in the ocean right now um so I mean that I think that’s probably the biggest contributor to why there’s there’s a gap right now but it’s exactly why you can’t just go trade your prospects for you know rental players because then you’re going to have a gap at some point and the Reds aren’t going to be able to spend their way to make up for those gaps even if the Reds you like like look at the Chicago Cubs right now I mean the Chicago Cubs have a substantially higher payroll um but it doesn’t matter because they’re still not spending $300 million so I mean I really think unless you’re one of the top like five Spenders which I don’t think there’s any rational Reds fan that ever thinks that that’s even a reality or something that should happen you have to you have to dig deep with prospects and you have to keep them so um yeah I mean you just hope that you do this long enough you continue to um you know work be able to work around that but you’re still going to have years where things just don’t work out um and I I don’t you could say whatever you want about this year but there’s going to be you know years down the road like look at the Cleveland Guardians I mean that team won 78 games last year they turn around this year and they have like the best record in baseball pretty much much the exact same roster yeah and I mean the other thing too to add is like I I don’t I don’t think anyone on this show and I I guess I’ll speak with for Craig as well and and um I I don’t think we’ve ever thought that this you know team for lack of a better term this year was was was going to basically be like a runaway train guaranteed clinch to to make to make the postseason we were excited about certainly the young group but when the young group isn’t there what what what what’s you know what is there actually left to be super super critical of of you know I even even like I get there needs to be some blame somewhere right like the buck stops at the top you’re going to blame Nick craw you’re going to blame you’re going to blame David Bell but I guess like you know I I see Pat in the chat he’s like um 652 Ops deserves criticism stop acting like he’s good in regards to Fairchild I I just said I just said he’s not I just said he’s not a great player I I I I don’t like I don’t come to the come to the game and be like wow why in the hell I is steuart Fairchild not Jim Edmond this year I thought that’s what we got it’d be like it’d be like almost like in in a weird way like in in a weird way Pat did you watch did you watch uh what’s the backup quarterback’s name uh Jake Browning did you watch Jake Browning play football this this year and you’re like I can’t believe they didn’t have a backup serviceable enough to replace Joe burrow like why the hell can’t he make the same throws Joe burrow can make I just don’t get it get someone better yeah okay well yeah it’s kind of hard to do that I don’t know if you’ve looked around the league but if you have three or four or five of your outfielders that are basically non-existent aren’t playing up to their level it’s hard to just to replace them with three or four five more that doesn’t happen I mean there’s there’s a there’s a team in this division right now that spends a a load of money I think they spent $10 million on a manager because a manager is so damn important I must I must find out that a manager is so important that the manager that was so damn good went from the Brewers and then he went to the Cubs got paid $10 million with supposedly a better roster and now they’re in the last place yet I I look over from the team that he just left and they’re in first place by a wide margin I might add so I’m not trying to sit here and suggest that everything’s perfect but I also want somebody to be somewhat realistic and I do get tired of seeing the same old stuff where it’s like Fair child this Fair child that and maybe again I got to sit here and be the guy that’s just going to take a beating because I’m trying to say that hey of all of the guys maybe fairchild’s not the one to be picking on maybe it’s the fact that our two through five hitters today were over maybe it’s just the fact that candelario isn’t healthy all the time TJ fredel again not healthy Marte gone for peeds now he’s starting to catch some heat hell hell Marte didn’t catch any heat all year long comes back for two games Nick doesn’t get a hit and all of a sudden Marte you’re a piece of [ __ ] I explain that to me mlan nobody says a damn thing about mlan hasn’t been around literally in about a year and a half so what do you want what do you want I mean honestly at this point if you want to win the fan base over just get hurt or suspended or take steroids that’s even a better idea at least you’ll be strong yeah I mean there a lot of that’s tongue and cheek by the way if you can’t see that go ahead Nick but I me yeah really when you look at this roster there’s only two players that have that are healthy that have underperformed significantly steer maybe a little bit but I I don’t think it’s enough to really be too upset about it’s fry and Benson those are the only two players that are healthy that have underperformed the rest l m too kind of be honest yeah he’s a backup catcher though so I don’t care when you play you got to be somewhat serviceable I guess I’m just saying Nick put it this way Nick if Luke meeley played the same he played last year I bet the Reds win one or two more games than they did yeah maybe yeah that’s all that’s all I’m saying that’s fair but again it it’s not like there’s this whole lineup full of guys that have underperformed that you have acve right now pretty much everyone is has done just about what you would expect um that least that was in the starting line up today so it’s you know it’s three guys that are that are hurt and three just brutal guys I mean three of the the top five or six players on the entire roster going into the year well I mean today okay I I I know it was a swinging miracle that he got a hit but Fairchild gets a hit he he legit he delays steals heads up play gets the second base with one out I can’t help that nobody else can drive him in I can’t help that Luke meeley can’t get him in with two outs if he gets him in with two outs Nick we’d be talking about how great of a how great of a a play that was it was really smart play Shout out to Fairchild for stealing second base but no not going to give him credit for that anyways hter green you want talk about something positive I don’t know if it’s positive or negative anymore to be honest with you I feel sorry for hunter green I don’t know what he’s done to deserve the the the lack of run support and or every time this guy throws the ball incredibly well it feels like there’s nothing to show for it now maybe I’m wrong I’m sure you can go back through their archives Nick but it just feels like every Big start that I can remember him having to where he’s absolutely dealt he’s been let down by the offense and or the defense quite honestly four times this season the Reds have been shut out in the game that hund green start started eight out of his 17 starts eight out of 17 they’ve scored two runs or less so yeah it’s been it’s been brutal for for hunter green um it’s got to be tough to constantly pitch with such a small margin for air I thought he threw the ball fine today if the Reds has scored a couple runs he goes he gets through that fifth inning and his line looks a little bit better and people go oh he me five innings instead of four and 2/3 because that that somehow going five innings is like such a benchmark or whatever um I thought David Bell made the right decision there going to Sam Mo you have a day off tomorrow this is a the kind of game you want to go for it a little bit more um and you know it worked there but it didn’t matter in the long run but if the Reds has scored a you know run or two then you know I think that move is is maybe the top talk rep of the day on this show I also think that uh Mo needed to get one of the two right-handed guys out he clearly was he clearly overmatched the two left-handed hitters that came up to the plate they they didn’t stand literally a chance and unfortunately what’s the kid’s name that literally is hitting a buck 25 this year had three hits um what’s his name Austin Austin wins no no it’s the Cardinal backup catcher yeah right the Cardinals backup catcher regardless kid got three hits today and um you know I mean I’m not saying that it was lucky but it was a it was kind of a cap shot if you want to call it that center field that that it was a hit so give him credit unfortunately Mo wasn’t able to get out of it and then uh you know Cruz Cruz’s honestly hit that he gave up wasn’t really you know I mean that was just good piece of hitting and you got to tip your cap a little bit and at some point the Reds got to do that in order in order to win but hunter green threw the ball incredibly well uh I I did think and one thing that I did like out of this which is maybe weird is um you could see him pleading his case with with David Bell though at least you know like guy you could tell he put his he put his glove over his mouth seemed pretty pretty Stern on what he was trying to get across to David Bell it didn’t matter because David Bell had already made up his mind clearly and how many times did did pitchers talk managers out of making a decision very rarely if ever the one that I vividly remember is when Pedro Martinez uh shat out back in the day decided he was going to try to stick it out and uh that that did not pay off for the Red Sox but nonetheless um it was just nice to see that he was fighting to stay in the game and then when they made the decision that he was coming out of the game I’ll be honest Nick the thing that I was most appreciative of he didn’t really throw a pity party you know what I’m saying like he kind of he accepted it and then he was standing on the top of the Dugout you know whether he whether he was rooting his guys on or whether he wanted to see if those runs came in to count towards his ER I don’t know but I do but I do know he was there he was watching he looked like a team player yeah I mean look you won H green to want the ball there but I that also and I tweeted it out earlier I mean that was the poster child of oh the emotional I saw like five people on on Twitter when they I want hunter green to be able to to get through and as a baseball fan you do like I’m not I’m not saying that’s wrong but you like oh I want I want to see Hunter Green get that last out finish on a high note like you want that but if you actually like take a step back and you yeah that’s a terrible move you you bring in MO against the Lefty and uh good to see David Bell not falling into the emotional trap there because I think David Bell has done that at times I think there’s been a few times where David Bell has has has um you know made some emotional moves to try to be because he’s a players manager yep did it with Ashcraft did it with Ashcraft backfired and he and he didn’t hear today and if the res won that game again it’d be a huge talking point tonight yeah um Mid ice Che I’m trying to think there really wasn’t anything that was controversial today outside the fact that the whole Levi Jordan pinit espanol I don’t know man pinit and espinol there seemed kind of like a I don’t know a little bit of a stretch personally so so it was steuart Fairchild yes against a right-handed pitcher yep bringing a left so the Reds pinch hit Martini Cardinal counter bringing a lefty then the Reds go back to yes Santiago espanol yeah I mean the the numbers would probably tell you that espanol versus a left-handed pitcher is better than Fairchild versus a right-handed pitcher the one thing I will say about that move is the one thing that and maybe maybe David Bell almost wanted them to kind of do that he was thinking ahead because that was a logical thing but I remember Sak said that Martini’s On Deck like when the the batter before is that bat started so maybe what you should have done in that spot is you should have waited and let Fairchild stay in the on Deck Circle and have Martini kind of hidden and then when Fairchild comes up to the plate and he’s like all the way up to the plate then you bring in Martini at the last second because Sak mentioned on the broadcast that Romero their Lefty he was like is he even hot because they waited to get him warm so maybe you should have done that and then you could have had Martini get a chance against a right-handed pitcher because you I think that would honestly be the The best scenario out of the three options that you had there because obviously Martini has the best chance of tying the game up on on on one swing so that would maybe be the only thing but I don’t know maybe David Bell didn’t think that he would be able to pull one over on oi marmal so he was just you know that that was his thought process of how was going to play out well I think we’re grasping for straws a little bit here but I I’m playing this out in a very hypothetical situation but let’s just say for instance it’s a it’s a at the time I think it was what a one-run game maybe it was a two-run game I don’t remember I think it was I think it was two I think it was two because I remember I think thinking in my head espanol needs to hit a home run to tie the game that’s probably not GNA Happ and that was where I was at it’s almost like Martini even though Lefty on Lefty is probably not even still ideal I guess in my brain it tells me that Martini can get lucky and run into one it feels like espanol is incapable of doing that even though I know he’s hit home runs I’m not trying to say that he’s uncapable of hitting one out but point is the other side of this uh this this equation as well where I wouldn’t have done that is that if you’d have found yourself in a tie game late in the game or a situation where you need kind of somebody to run for somebody you’ve exhausted already everybody Nick there was literally nobody left now I don’t know you could say maybe a reliever could run for somebody but I’m just kind of hypothetically throwing that out there if got Luke meley on you know second base or whatever with with one out and it’s you’re down by one you kind of feel like you need a pinch Runner there you’re left with literally nobody right I’m doing this in my head I did it during the game and I know it didn’t matter but I I just I’m just saying like that’s something to think about towards the end of the game that I don’t think David Bell was thinking all the way through and sometimes that’ll happen and I’m not trying to make excuses for David Bell it’s his job to know but to be fair David Bell he hasn’t really had the same roster here and there as of late at all it’s like one guy’s here the next guy’s gone and probably turns around time to time he’s like oh that’s right I don’t have him anymore I don’t know I know I shouldn’t say that out loud because it sounds like I’m making excuses for David Bell but that’s my point I I think in In fairness to to how that played out I think D in David Bell’s head he’s saying I’ve got to try to tie the game right now because if we don’t we’re not scoring off Ryan hillsley I think he converted his 30th consecutive save today I mean this guy’s been unbelievable so I think that was where it was at in hindsight he probably should have a either waited to bring up Martini like I like I laid out or just let Fairchild hit because while Fairchild is very bad against right HED pitchers he still does have the ability to accidentally get a hold of one we saw it against Ryan Hesley um just two days ago so he probably should have done one of the other but again we’re really grasping for straws for you know we’re arguing should you have gone to Martini Fairchild or Santiago and that’s yeah I mean what are we do it exactly and that’s where everybody starts getting pissed at Nick crawl and I think that’s a fair point I mean I got to be honest it’s a semi Fair Point that that that David Bell is is he’s he doesn’t have a lot at his disposal right now and and and you know what I don’t I I just think that at some point crawl will pull the trigger on what exactly he feels like he needs and I would not be shocked in the slightest if they decide they’re that they need to find some semblance of a center fielder and I know that sounds crazy because TJ Fredo this that and the X but I think it’s been proven clear as day to me that they need to go get a center fielder period Point Blank and from there if if TJ Fredo’s healthy that’s great that’s great he can play one of the Corner positions and maybe we’ll have a really great Outfield but I would love for them to find a center fielder I know they don’t grow on trees but uh we’ll see what they end up doing we all can agree that the Reds need to have a better Outfield headed into the 2025 season who knows maybe even the late 2024 season we’ll see trade deadline’s not over you never know now I’m not holding my breath but I’m just saying all right well Wilson contras I seen this during the day I mean I I I got to be honest Nick this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen I this guy tries to get hit okay two or three times in the abat literally sticking his his uh if you want to get me going I guess if you want me you want me to you want me to go I can go if you want me to go because I mean here’s the thing with Wilson contras yeah I put it out there you got to be a douchebag basically in order to be that that must be the prerequisite to be a catcher for the uh for the St Louis Cardinals now having said that uh I do think that that that yot a Molina unbelievable player like awesome player I I wish y a Molina played for the Reds I get it you know he’s kind of one of those guys you love him when he’s on your team but everyone else kind of sees him for what he is kind of a little bit of a dirt bag however great player not take anything away from him Wilson conteras today I don’t know what what exactly he was doing he’s sitting there with his elbow guard that’s my favorite thing about all this is these guys act like tough guys they got an elbow guard on and they’re sticking their they they they’re chicken winging their elbow out there trying to get hit on the elbow with the guard on there because ultimately it doesn’t hurt it it obviously doesn’t hurt B bad if you’re willing to stick your elbow out there I’d like you to see you stick your elbow out there when it doesn’t have any padding on it and see if you’re still doing that because I know this if you get hit in the elbow guard after you’ve already attempted to try to get hit two or three times already in the abat and then you get hit and then you want to try to act like a tough guy you are an absolute pansy you’re a Pansy you’re a poser you’re a loser call it whatever you want you’re nobody I wouldn’t be getting beers with that guy okay because it’s like Oh Mr tough guy yeah you didn’t you didn’t have any confidence enough to get a hit so you stuck your elbow out there also just so you know I didn’t forget the night before when you Tred to show up the Umpire because you thought that there was a pitch that was a ball and it was actually a strike and then you got a hit because of it because you had to come back to the plate after you threw your bat acting like it was a walk and then you were all mad at the Umpire like wow I can’t believe you called that a strike hey I don’t know if you know Wilson but we got this thing called stat cast and we got all these metrics and we got all this data we can see if it’s a ball or a strike so before you start running your mouth all the time maybe you should check to see before you I don’t know make a fool of yourself thinking that it was an actual ball when it was a strike just so you know just saying this isn’t the first dbag move of the series now I don’t know Wilson kras I have no clue I don’t watch him all the time now I do know he came from the Cubs so he probably didn’t you know he probably didn’t uh win too many brownie points from me there but at the the end of the day what exactly was the point in getting mad at hunter green when you already tried to get yourself hit two times in that in thatat I’ll never know that I’ll never understand that ever yeah clearly Hunter Green’s not trying to uh to uh to hit him with a pitch in that spot either um the the I don’t I don’t have an issue with guys that occasionally get upset at a getting hit by a pitch because obviously doesn’t feel good even if you have padding on obviously it’s still frustrating but it’s every single time that I’ve ever seen this guy get hit by a pitch it’s like the world is ending that’s the problem um if this was an occasional thing whatever if this was today you know oh man I just I just came up the I whatever I I’ll be like you know hey whatever he’s just upset about it but it’s every single time this guy gets hit by a pitch it’s like like it’s everyone’s trying being out to get him it’s just right he’s a wild player uh Sam lir said he’s on the old tired team I thought that was fantastic on the post game show the old tired team uh so shout out to Sam that was a good one yeah I mean listen he’s obviously a pretty decent player I’m not here to suggest that he’s not but I mean I’d take him being a decent player and being a loser they don’t they don’t always go uh you know they don’t always like have to be one of the other sometimes you can be both I think he’s both just saying so there’s that I don’t know that’s what we got on Wilson contras shout out to all the Cardinals fans in my in my DMs and and uh chat talking about how uh Wilson contarus is is is worth more than our entire franchise I don’t I don’t even know what the hell that means Cardinals are a good good organization so it’s hard to kind of you know when you’re a Reds fan it’s kind of hard to go uh bad forbat from the organization perspective I do want to remind them though we have the Big Red Machine baby don’t forget all right my my hope my hope with the Cardinals My Hope with the Cardinals is this all right that team they have a decent team I’m not saying they don’t but the Run differential is pissing me off they have the SE they have the eighth toughest schedule remaining in baseball so I’m hoping that in the second half that corrects itself in a beautiful beautiful way Reds are 24th in case you’re were wondering all right I don’t know we’ll see it it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter it matters but it doesn’t matter like it it does but it doesn’t one of those well the reds are a perfect example of as to why you can get snake bitten by the Run differential you you win 11 to three and then you turn around and you lose two games by a combined three runs I mean it’s it’s like uh I don’t know it’s frustrating for sure but maybe maybe maybe it’ll all correct Itself by year end but sometimes it doesn’t and uh yeah run differential is what it is I don’t think it matters a significant amount but I agree what you’re trying to say the end of the day how long can they keep getting away with winning baseball games closely and then getting the basically the brakes speed off of them um seems like that might even out at some point all right uh 988 text call if you need it as always game time uh Sunday night there’s no uh trying to think if there’s anything on the horizon here I know that obviously the Reds they got some uh they got some baseball coming up here in July at home I also know that FC is probably playing some soccer I think I don’t know for sure but nonetheless Nick if you need tickets where do you go 10 game home stand starting next Friday uh Tigers Rockies and someone else bad sounds like the wins Marlins maybe yeah Marin yep yep yep that’s it Tigers Rockies and Marlins so um right up to the all-star break so if you want to head down to those series I think you should of course you want to use the game time app because it’s an authorized ticket Marketplace in Major League Baseball that makes getting tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app they actually go down the closer gets to first pitch killer last minute deals all in pricing views from your seat and the lowest price guaranteed game time takes the guest workk out of buying MLB tickets they have Allin pricing you can toggle this feature and it shows you the total of front with with no surprise fees a checkout lowest price guaranteed or game time will credit you 110% of the difference take the guess we got a buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code Cincy for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem the code ciny C ncy for $20 off download the game time app today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed guaranteed all right speaking of a guy who’s uh hotter than a firecracker right now I tell you what man I I don’t I know that you put that stat out earlier today you put out the doubles um Jonathan India it’s one thing to be to be kind of like getting on base at a high clip it’s another thing to not only be getting on base but then on he’s slugging for for what I mean he’s hitting he’s hitting so many balls hard in with some pop and power that I don’t i’ this has to be the the the the best stretch of baseball Jonathan Indie has ever played in his entire life now to be fair I’ve not seen what he did at Florida I’d assume that he played pretty well there at times but to play this well this long we’re uh we’re starting to kind of get to a point now where you like to think Nick like it or not Jonathan India has some value brother yeah India finished the month of June with a 1,41 Ops uh that’s his best month of his entire uh Big League career that was the he the the second best was 998 in July 2021 this is only the second time that he’s had an Ops in a month over 900 this is the first month that he’s had an Ops over 800 over 800 since July 2022 so he went August September whole 2023 didn’t have a month over 800 and then he pulls out a 1,000 month so an incredible month for Jonathan India he extended his Reds record eight consecutive games with a double he’s a doubles machine doubles are power doubles are poweres are power yeah I mean you know we we we think power is home runs well doubles are power too um you know two doubles equals one home run it’s pretty pretty simple math there um but yeah I just one of the most unbelievable turnarounds I’ve seen like you know like with young players you kind of expect like you know as ups and downs and Jonathan India was kind of getting past the point of being young into this is what he is right and then somehow he’s flipped that it’s just it’s a reminder even you know people like me that are the most optimistic people about some of these guys I wasn’t even optimistic about Jonathan India it’s still a game where uh you know there’s a human element and guys figuring things out and learning on the and you know getting better when you think they’re they’re dead or you think they’re great they they come back down to earth Jonathan is a perfect example of you really can’t predict baseball no no it just shows you how valuable players are that can consistantly produce at a high level year in year out like you take those not that I’d say you take those players for granted around the league but really at this point a superstar would be a player that you know you can at least get some consistency out of because it feels like in the game that we’ve kind of evolved into here the modernday game consistency doesn’t exist at least maybe from a perception standpoint nearly as much as it has in the past you know and I know that may be something some to do with the fact that the competition uh in my opinion is higher I know that some old players May disagree with that to a certain extent but it just seems like the talent pool that exists in Major League Baseball is so high now from a pitching perspective specifically that I just think it’s a lot more difficult to be consistent at the plate like you could have been in the past we’ll see if India is able to kind of he’s not ever going to stay this hot clearly but we’ll see if he can kind of uh instead of it be a massive drop off Nick if he can at least kind of stay in a a what we’ll call an average level Big League hitter for the rest of the year and I also think it also brings up the last point I I don’t mean to make this much of a talking point today Nick because I don’t think it’s deserved and I’m very thankful that Jonathan India is playing great for the Reds but I do think that there’s something to be said about the deadline and what you do with a situation that might present itself with Jonathan India I know you don’t think that he’s going to yield a whole lot in return I do think that if he’s if he’s playing well I think that there will be a team that will overcommit and I think at at this point I know people were going to hate me for saying this cuz we we’re tired of waiting we’re tired of waiting and we’re tired of waiting I just think that it’s very clear that there’s going to be a lot of teams that are going to be buyers at the deadline and you can use that to your advantage if you’re one of the teams that’s willing to maybe kind of punt or not maybe punch the wrong word but you’re willing to at least say hey if we make the postseason this year that’s going to be fantastic but we also know that we are not where we need to be and the only way to get where we need to be is to make this type of move and I know that Red’s fans are hate will hate that Etc but that’s that’s just how I personally feel if you want to crush me for that you can crush me for that but I think that’s where the Reds find themselves and I think India is certainly going to be a guy that’s going to it’s going to yield some interest for some teams that are going to be desperate simple simply put the India situation is just so complex for so many reasons when we get to the trade deadline first off he’s still got a month so yeah it’s a lot of so what does he do in July if you told me Jonathan is gonna have a 500 Ops in July or Jonathan is gonna have another 900 Ops in July like yeah I could see either one happening I have no idea um I I agree look the more I think about it yes the it’s it’s definitely going to be a sellers Market there’s no debate about that but you also the Reds had every reason to try to trade him and by all accounts did everything they could to try to trade him this off season and weren’t given anything I GMS most GMS outside of maybe a few irrational ones aren’t going to look at three months of a baseball season and have a completely different opinion so I don’t know but then you also have to think at the same time all the players that have disappointed this year you still have Jonathan India at a very cheap cost for the next two years so I I don’t know I almost like talking myself into well I mean all these other guys are performing you’re not going to be able to replace Jonathan India on the free agent market for it’s if you try to get Jonathan India the exact same player on the free agent Market he’s gonna cost four times what he cost yes that means you believe in him though it all comes down to what is a team offering if a team’s offering me a 19-year-old lottery ticket down in Daytona I don’t know if I’m moving Jonathan India for that no if if they’re giving me you know something that I can really feel good about and I’m not talking like a top 50 Prospect or even maybe a top 75 Prospect but if I’m getting something back that I feel really good about yeah I think you have to do it but if it’s just like we’re just trying to get whatever we can get I I don’t know if I move him well if you don’t move him at the trade deadline in my opinion then you’re not going to move him at all I I I I I I don’t I just think that it if he’s playing well like he has been right now listen whenever you’re making a a deal in your life right when you’re when you’re trading something or you’re selling something or or whatever it is there’s risk involved every single time every single time now what degree of risk obviously that can vary but the main point is is the most successful people the most successful people don’t get caught up in emotions they don’t get caught up in you know what what’s right in front of them and I think that there will be someone at the the deadline that is going to be a buyer Nick and my prayer is is that they’re going to have a deficiency in the area in which Jonathan India can help and they will overextend themselves they will 100% overextend themselves we have seen it in the past um and at this point again I don’t know what they’re what what what possibly they could yield in return for Jonathan India but I would be willing to bet at whatever you’re going to be offered at this trade deadline will be the highest that you will ever be offered for Jonathan India ever and I guess to your point you could look at the statistics and you could say okay this is how much he’s this is how much he’s making this is a good value for the Reds you want to keep them Etc I would just push back and say this one thing I I’m not disparaging Jonathan indan any in any regard but I’m going to say out loud that the reality is is that if this team is going to be a team in which you are going to feel confident about making a a great run in the postseason and or you’re one of the best teams in the league close your ears Jonathan India is not going to be your second basem and and that’s that I know some people might hate me for saying that and some people are going to say oh you look at all these prospects and look what they’ve gotten you I understand that too but at the end of the day if you’re not willing to move off of a guy when he’s hot then you’re never going to yield something of value in return and that happened to a lot of guys as well like a lot of guys we moved on from Jesse Winker when they moved to him not a very valuable not or not a very very highly like thing in the city decided not to take Nick castanos decided to trade Luis Castillo now I get that there’s going to be some people that are like oh that trade well what are you bragging about that for I’m just saying in general terms be patient in regards to the fact that you know you’re sitting here acting like the Castillo trades a complete outter utter disgrace we’ll see there’s a lot of years left there’s a lot of years left on the the the value that they got in return for that so and I know people are tired of be impatient and I’m not sitting here saying that they could go make some moves in the offseason to help Shore up some of the some of the Outfield that Etc but if you’re not going to trade any at this deadline Nick you’re never going to trade him I I’ll leave it at that and if you do trade him you’re never going to get nearly the value you would have at this deadline that’s it yeah I mean a lot of it’s going to come down to what he does in July I honestly think if if he doesn’t perform well in July I’m more willing to settle on trading him for a lesser return but if he if if he shows something to me in July where I’m like man I don’t know maybe this guy has figured something out and maybe I’m drinking the cool-aid here again how many don’t drink it well again how many hitters do the Reds need to add this off season three I mean for us to feel for us to feel good about the Reds the for us to feel good about the Reds I’m going to say here’s where I’m at CES is going to have to be a pretty pretty good player mlan is going to have to be healthy and be semi semi close to what he needs to be and Marte you know it and I know it he needs to be relatively pretty good as well we’re only talking I know people are going to kill me for saying this we’re only talk in a couple Outfield spots Nick we’re not that far off all right I know people are going to crush me for saying that people are going to kill me for saying that but if this team is healthy and I know that’s a big if but that’s that that’s that’s what we’re playing with here Nick what that’s what that’s what we’re playing with like my point to you is for you want me to do a cross reference if you’re a Xavier musketeer basketball fan right if you’re a Xavier musketeer basketball fan at the end of this season do you not look back and say you know what if we would have just had the guys that that Shawn uh Shawn Miller thought we were going to have at the beginning of the year we would have been in the we would have been an NCAA tournament team and you would have you don’t have to see her and act like the sky is falling when you’re like oh my God we have nobody the reality is we have some guys okay we need some outfielders and we need some guys to play a little bit better or be healthy and I get that that’s a big if but you know what if we don’t get what I just said Nick it doesn’t matter what you get in return that’s how I feel at least maybe I’m wrong yeah but again again however many players this I guess is more of a broad a broad thing not just just for you but if we to wrap up this conversation from my opinion however many players you think the Reds need to add offensively next year if you trade Jonathan India add one more to that and then remember that Jonathan India only costs $5 million getting the exact same player as Jonathan India probably cost you close to 15 million so that’s I think where you have to kind of add all this together but again if someone’s going to offer you a legit Prospect no-brainer you move him but if we’re talking in the fringes I don’t know I I don’t I I don’t think you just you move him just to to to move him so but there’s there’s so much that can happen as we’ve saw a hundred times this year already there is so much that can happen from June 30th to July 30th hell the Reds may go on a 10 game win streak and we’re we’re thinking about buying everyone the Reds could lose every game and Jonathan India Falls completely flat on his face and we’re like whatever move him for for uh um a 17-year-old from Taiwan I just think that uh you remember another second baseman that played for the Reds that had a pretty good little run scooter Janette and you might have been able to get something for him and everybody was like wow oh my God maybe he’s figured something out I don’t know maybe he’s this unbelievable player well you got a lot in return for him didn’t you scooter Janette I’m not suggesting that that that that Jonathan India doesn’t deserve more respect than scooter Janette I’m just I’m just openly saying you know for those who want to say that that that were that we’re that that I’m a uh that I’m hindsight 2020 guy I’m just openly telling you that I like trading stocks when everybody else in the world thinks that they’re that they’re going to explode and they’re and they’re and they’re and they’re a little higher value than they’ve been for the last 25 years I I like I like selling then I don’t like trying to buy uh GameStop after it’s been out for a year that everybody’s like wow oh my God GameStop let’s take it to the moon you’re going to buy GameStop for $250 a share I’m good idea see how that works out for you I’m okay with try and Jonathan IND at the deadline because I think that’s the highest value you’ll ever get and I personally get and I personally feel like he’s not really a part of the core of the team that can take this if we don’t win the World Series Nick I guess my point is and I know this is a long stretch conversation right now if we don’t win the World Series someone most everyone’s going to be upset at some point about something you can say whatever you want and yeah the Reds win a postseason series we’re all going to feel great about it look at the Bengals they’re a perfect example in this city what happens when you win they they obviously couldn’t find a way to win a a postseason game for a long long time they beat the Raiders and then all of a sudden they turn around and they go to the Super Bowl and then they turn around and go to the AFC Championship game and then now what are the expectations anymore they’re not with that’re they’re no longer is making the postseason and win and playoff game good like it was a couple years ago I might add now it’s super bowl or basically be pissed off or be upset that you didn’t win the Super Bowl that’s the same thing that will happen to your baseball team now I know we’re a long way to get there but my main point is in saying all this is that the goal is to win the World Series and if you look at this team and you watch this team every single day and you’re suggesting to me that they shouldn’t be sellers at the deadline I’m sorry we’re not watching the same thing I don’t I don’t I mean again it just depends on what what the next month is there’s no way this team should be selling with the rotation that they have if they’re within a game of the the Wild Card race and ultimately that could backfire on the Reds but you can’t you cannot punt when you have this rotation that’s healthy as it is especially like especially if Nicko gets through this blister issue and he’s healthy at the trade deadline and you’re within a couple games I get it you could think the offense sucks as much as you can but that is not a rotation that that that grows on trees that’s not a rotation that that you just fall into Reds have a dynamite rotation and I really believe and and this is not I said this at the beginning of the year and I know you know I said this at the beginning of the year I felt like the Red’s pitching depth was better suited for 162 and it might wear teams down like the St Louis Cardinal when you get into August when the St Louis Cardinal have to dip down to God knows who in their rotation because they don’t have the kind of depth that the Reds have um so I I don’t know if the reds are within a game I think you ride this thing out and maybe it completely Falls in your face in the second half but maybe you luck into the playoffs like the Arizona Diamond Backs and then anything can happen maybe I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s really hard to be the guy it’s hard to be it’s hard to be me in this spot because everyone’s going to think that I’m the I’m the jerk saying that they shouldn’t go for it of course I want him to go for it and win baseball games I just I guess I’m looking at it from the standpoint that I really want a good consistent team and if that means I got to if that means I got to wait another maybe year to to to get another good team versus sitting here sitting on our hands expecting expecting uh you know Jonathan India to perform at the same level in which he’s performed and also playing a different position I might add I don’t know what position he’s going to play but we’ll move on we have plenty of uh months ahead that we can talk about Jonathan IND uh in the whole trade discussion but I guess I just wanted to get out in front of it and say listen I just need him to play this well for at least another 20 25 days and if he can do that baby let’s right off of the sunset you know that’s all we need to retire the number I’ll retire the number if that’s what it takes so so Trace let’s move on to Alexis Diaz who has a 1.90 erra over his last 15 games tra him the trade deadline I mean not a bad idea to be honest I honestly think I might be more team trade d has the let’s just trade them all baby let’s get prospects let’s see if we can’t make the chattano Lookouts instead of them finishing 20 and 62 this year let’s get them up to 40 wins next year let’s go baby let’s go people are going to hate us for doing this Lookouts are gon to be loaded next year they’re going to get all those Daytona players they’re going to be the team to watch they better fix that stream man because there’s like a black bar on the side it is brutal it’s like lagging uh Chatterbox needs to take over the Chattanooga Lookouts broadcast it is brutal it is the most miserable thing I I cannot believe it’s a double a broadcast like I maybe get it if this is Lowa you’re in double A you’re in the southern League baby have a little bit of pride in that broadcast because what I had to watch today and when I try to watch Chase Petty it is unacceptable get it together Chattanooga hey you need toxic Nick to come out you just you just put together a a piss poor broadcast of Moder League Baseball it’ll come roaring out heaven forbid Nick not be able to see his prospects in in in HD how many frames was it were they were they like skipping across the screen just it feel like negative frames the if there’s a negative frame rate it’s that whatever was going on Brutal I’m telling you if you have mbtv pull up their broadcast there’s like this like bar in the side that’s like and it’s got like the their their score bug has like it’s not centered oh you’re so pissed about this I’ve never seen you so upset I mean there’s no doubt about it I mean hell Nick crawl and David Bell could get caught for for uh for money laundering and and you’d be like well they’re good guys but I’ll tell you what have you seen the na have you seen the Lookouts broadcast what piss poor operation they got going on down there and they were the only minor league team in action today so I had to be focused on it I had to be focused on I the Red’s game on one TV I had Chad on the other TV and I keep looking over and my god oh man well they probably seen Austin Hendrick take a couple rounds of batting practice cuz and they’re like ah cut the broadcast budget anyways he was off today he didn’t even want to play under these circumstances he’s been off for a couple years Nick I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention all right uh Alexis Diaz you want to say something nice about him I’m I’m thank listen I’m thankful that he’s throwing the ball well all right I I am I’m glad he’s throwing the ball well and um if nothing else you know it’s just one of those things where I’m tired of sitting here talking about how great guys are played when ultimately it doesn’t I don’t say it doesn’t matter but they just they don’t capitalize on it the Reds haven’t capitalized on it because they have an offense that’s atrocious yeah well good to it’s good to see um Diaz pitch well especially today because it felt like today was the one type of game where he struggled the most a game where the Reds were down two nothing he’s just getting some work it was nice to see him just throw a really nice clean inning today uh I I don’t think we need to go overboard and be like yeah Alexis Diaz man he’s the he he’s the best closer in the league or anything uh but I I think that the early season struggles are behind him and we at least have a competent closer I don’t know if we have a All-Star closer or even a whatever the right below that is but I think we have a competent closer I think we should feel at least a little bit confident going forward which matters because like I’ve said Reds have got a 10 game stretch coming up where this is their best chance to really make a run at it and the last thing you can have is some of these games get blown by your closer in the n spinning yeah Alexis Diaz is in a tough spot this year because ultimately at the end of the day if you’re if you’re if you’re pitching for a baseball team that doesn’t produce or yield a lot of runs it definitely feels like you’re going to be put in some really you know you’re going to be put in some spots where when you blow the lead uh a two or three run lead at that of of a team that doesn’t seem to have many two or three run leads um you know you’re going to get hate I think I think every closer in the League’s ultimately never to be truly liked unless they’re an elite closer um but you know I I am glad you are right though Nick I think that this was the first time that Alexis Diaz has come in to a game that felt like he was he he he didn’t have any air room for air if he gave up a run there it was it just felt like it already had felt like the air was out of the tire type situation where we weren’t going to go anywhere two runs was enough to win a 16-inning baseball game let alone nine uh yet there was some pressure there and he threw the ball well so we’ll see if it we’ll see if it uh continues to progress that way I have a question for you trace I don’t know if I have a good answer in the month of June where did the Reds rank in Major League Baseball and runs scored well what they’ve done is and this is what you do Nick what they’ve done is they they’ they’ve slaughtered a couple teams and they scored 12 13 runs in a couple games so they they they inflate that number and they make it feel like oh it’s it’s all you know song it’s all good and dandy you know what I’m saying but I don’t have a good analogy right now off the top of my head but I don’t I don’t like that I don’t like that what I would rather you do Nick is tell me where the Reds rank in scoring at least four and a half five runs or more in a baseball game that’s what I would like for you to tell me how many times have the Reds scored five runs or more in a baseball game versus the rest of the League I’d like to know that now I do know what you’re getting ready to do to me you’re getting ready to tell me that they finished 14th in the league in runs or something like that this month I don’t know maybe it’s maybe it’s higher you’re you’re telling me it’s better than that 11th baby 11 Major League run scored in the month of June well I’m glad they can score 20 runs in one game and and really make that stat look really really good because there are so many games that I watch that this that this starting pitching staff and bullpen throws a gem throws great they give up maybe two runs maybe three runs at Max sometimes they they give up one run and lose point is is that I need this offense to be a little more consistent that’s my problem maybe not how many runs they score Nick but I I don’t know if my uh if my math going to be able to or my myh statistic looking up is going to be good enough to to to to rebuttal what you’re saying but I would I would venture to say that they are horrible when it comes to scoring a certain number or above just my hunch I need to get an uh another membership for to look that up well we’ll we’ll see you have to you have to have the premium baseball reference and have got enough uh Premium Accounts well I’ll buy it for you if you tell me that the stat that I just brought up was a good one for me it would be in there it would be in there but I don’t I used to have it it’s called stae head I I would use it like three times a year and it’s like 100 bucks a year or something I was like yeah all right well I’ll buy it tomorrow if you want it no problem I’m not signing up for I mean I’ll sign I’ll buy it for you all right um we got some supers you’ll do those after Red’s milb and what’s next we’ll do those at the very very end of this show uh but before you already heard the man he watched the Chattanooga Lookouts in HD prime time every single pitch nick uh you want to give us a little Reds MB presented by Nick Kirby yeah pretty good day of Reds milb overall uh Louisville they won two nothing over Toledo bats now seven and3 in their last 10 now 41 and 39 on the season and good news Blake Dunn back in this one activated off the ilil after that really ugly um hit by the hit by a pitch in in in the face um he had three plate appearances in this one one of them a successful sacrifice bunt dun was pinch hit for by Jacob heres in the seventh inning I watched back a little bit I didn’t see anything that um was glaring I think it was probably just three at bats and he was done in his first game back I don’t think there’s anything more to that but good to see Blake done back to the lineup I know that’s one guy though that’s one guy at Triple A that I think could actually be an upgrade for the Reds Outfield at some point down the road this season uh Jacob her’s 0 for two resigns one for four with a triple that triple hit 401 feet 104 off the bat uh Conor capable he hit his ninth home run of the year and then some really good pitching uh down at Louisville today we’ll start off with Justice Sheffield this was a former first round draft pick that the Reds took a a flyer on really solid outing from him three and a third scoreless um one walk five strikeouts just gave up three hard hit balls in this one his slider was really effective got six whiffs on 13 swings on it doesn’t throw very hard his average fast ball only 90.7 but you know a nice depth piece for the Reds and good to see Justice Sheffield off to a good start Casey Le Mina very impressive today he got went two and twoth thirds Innings just gave up one hit no walks and struck out four ala minina had been really great had a couple bad outings good to see him get back on track Alex Young threw a perfect inning today and then Tony sanon threw a scoreless inning as well and pton berdick he cleared waivers he was outrighted back to the Louisville Bats the Chattanooga Lookouts they got it done today they won 72 over Rocket City they had their three-game losing streaks snapped they are now 22 and 53 on the year Bubba Thompson one for four drove in two runs um Nick northcut our DSC deep Drive of the day homered and doubled now got 15 homers on the year only a 265 on base percentage but he’s got 15 bombs um Dominic patelli and Austin Hendrick both got the H afternoon off uh Dayton they lost 5-1 to Fort Wayne dragons had their five-game win streak snapped they’re now 39 and 36 on the year uh South Stewart walked twice cam CER he was on base three times Jay Allen he went 0 for four finished the month of June really tough month for him just hit a buck 43 Hector Rodriguez 0 for four as well and then Daytona they lost 3-1 to Jupiter tortugo fall to 35 and 39 and your laurano uh two innings two hits two runs didn’t walk anyone that’s been his big problem this year but did strike out to Sammy stura 0 for three with the walk Ricardo cabera for three did steal a bag um and then East Smith pan Ariel alonte and yurin confidon all one for four that’s your Reds MB it is the Reds MB presented by Nick Kirby all right uh we have a little bit of who what when where and why and uh we get an opportunity with the new Major League Baseball and how they’ve set up obviously scheduling we get an opportunity to see everybody in the league and this is the chance we get to see the old famous Yankees yeah we’ll have a little bit more on H tomorrow’s podcast previewing the series but uh Yankees tied for first place in the AL East 54 and 32 Reds have actually played pretty well at Yankee Stadium 10 and 15 um all time at against the Yankees in New York um the Reds uh did win their last series there in 2022 that Yankees team won 99 games Reds team lost 100 games but the Reds won the series just uh um baseball for you Reds are going to have a really big challenge in game one against a Luis uh Luis heel it’s spelled g but it’s pronounced heel um good news is he’s given up 12 earned runs over his last two starts um bad news is his erra before those two starts was 2.03 he’s currently the uh oddson betting favorite to win the AL rookie of the year and the Reds will have Graham Ashcraft at Yankee Stadium so uh yeah 705 this will be a three-game series uh the rest of the series plays out as Andrew Abbot against Carlos Rondon he’s really struggled of late Rondon has and then Frankie Montas against Marcus strowman I’m excited to see Frankie montis pitch at Yankee Stadium on Thursday maybe I won’t be excited about three Innings into the game but a chance for him to really um uh you know stick it to the Yankees after obviously didn’t go well after the Yankees uh gave up a big big haul to get him and bring him in didn’t work well so you know frankie’ll be fired up for that one but um yeah I mean this is a tough series a really good team on the road you somehow win win this series though TR this would be a really good road trip I I know it may not feel like it but it would be a hell of a road trip yeah no it would it would be a good road trip and I mean I don’t know if they have it in them to win the series we’ll find out ultimately obviously but I I just I I will say this like I I I’m excited at least watch a game you know of yan in Yankee Stadium and I know it’s not the old Yankee Stadium but you know it’s just uh I I I I’m very much appreciative of watching Major League Baseball now with the new scheduling versus what it used to be and I know we’ve brought that up before on the show but just just the the visuals that you don’t really ever get to see I you know i’ i’ I’ve watched plenty of games on TV and Bush Stadium I’ve watched plenty of games at Wrigley I’ve watched plenty of games at at uh PNC and American family and all these other places that obviously we’ve come to know in the National League it’s just cool to be able to see the Reds play in finway last year playing Yankee Stadium this year and um you know we’ll see ultimately uh if it yields good results from the diamond standpoint but just from a viewing standpoint I’m excited to at least see it and this will be Ellie deor Cruz’s first ever time playing the Yankees we know how much Ellie likes to play in these type of games as you know he wasn’t in Dodger stadiums so um it it’s just it’s a it’s a much larger audience that gets to see Ali de Cruz I’m sure a lot of Yankees fans don’t watch a whole lot of National League baseball and they’re going to get a chance to be exposed to uh to our guy Ellie day La Cruz that it would be awesome to see him just go off for three games um in Yankee Stadium uh but yeah I mean res G fac three tough three tough pitchers um they’ve had some success though against strowman and then as mentioned Rond Don struggled a little bit of late so hey maybe the red could find a way to get a series win because you want to talk about a Vibe uh um I don’t know it would bring the booster Vibe booster the vibe booster yeah you’re looking for the booster New York knows a lot about boosters brother I’ll tell you that right now plenty of boosters to go around in New York I jump for that one what just saying I don’t know read the newspaper uh all right anyway um final parting thoughts as we head out is going to be me saying thank you as always to folks that watch the show on a nightly basis I know tonight’s not the night that we all were hoping for but um we’re here nonetheless and I do know that I owe everybody a nice live stream I got to figure out what that’s going to be I have an idea but we’ll figure that out got some super chats to get to here before we leave Joshua Mouse said uh win one of three in New York two of three in Detroit three of four from Colorado two of three from Miami eight and four is doable it is it is doable um don’t tell nobody Joshua that you’re okay with only winning one in New York that’ll get you in trouble I speak from experience uh Clement family said uh good teams have enough good players that somebody always seems to be stepping up keeping a winning record sustaining a winning season we need more of those guys need two more 800 Ops guys he’s not wrong 100% I think that’s a big storyline if you want to get upset at the front office or you get upset at the organization Nick nailed it I guess or mentioned obviously they whiffed on the 2020 draft they have a they have a significant gap between what they called up last season which is probably something they didn’t expect to happen that quickly not to give him an excuse but that’s the truth um and then where the next crop of players that we’re excited about which exist in Dayton right now um there needs to be a replenishment uh uh hopefully between those two gaps now one one way Nick quite frankly to eliminate that Gap is what it’s for these young guys that come up last year to grow up and be good major league baseball players so you I know the vast majority Nick won’t be in this crowd but the vast majority of people that follow the Reds could care less what the farm system looks like if the big league club is playing well so that’s one way to fix the problem is to get a competent Big League team and not worry about what’s in Chattanooga and Louisville this year here and then hopefully that Dayton group of kids will come up and by the time they need some replenishment for the major league roster they’ll be ready to go we will find out but Clemens family is not wrong uh this this Red’s team this Red’s franchise they need to find um some something uh in an outfield perspective that they can get some pop with and you know what I mean Jorge Solair got paid a lot of money Nick and I don’t know if we’d be thankful or happy that he’s on our team either we’d probably be complaining about him he’s average hitter this season um something in which I guess maybe you got to pay that much money anymore Nick to get an average hitter I don’t know point is it’s just not an easy game not an easy game uh Fergie Fowler spending money saying uh AUP stock I knew that was going to happen as soon as I brought up stocks $5.7 uh not ideal for me not ideal I I kind of need them to figure that out uh Michael rol coming in as always said uh good work jents love you chat this team is fun that’s that’s a wild thing to say this team is fun and I’m stupid for investing mentally every day but at least we have seab box sports that you do we’re here we’re here uh this team being fun is a is a is a wild it’s a wild take though Michael I gotta be honest sometimes this team is uh they are basically uh they’re a roller coaster that’s for damn sure one day you’re high next day you’re low and you get dropped to the depths of hell and then they raise you right back out of the Dead that’s one thing I will give credit for this Red’s team they find a way to bring you back every time you it’s like it’s like golf for most people you know you’re terrible all day you get to that 18th hole and you hit the best shot you’ve ever hit in your life and you’re like you know what I might come back again so just a thought there anything else to add before we leave was arguing with the chat well sometimes you just tonight’s been a fun night I I tell you what I’m gonna say something serious nobody’s wrong in the chat a lot I’m reading the chat tonight nobody’s wrong there’s a lot of good discussion in the chat there’s a lot of smart people quite honestly that are making good points on both sides I think it’s I think it’s uh I think it’s a valid it’s a fair and valid discussion it’s almost a reason as to why there’s not a clear easy cut dry answer if it was a easy clearcut dry answer we’ have already had a solution for it but I’m telling you the solution is not easy and you can stand on both sides of the aisle of which side you want to be on and uh at the end of the day we’ll have plenty of time I have a hunch to discuss all the things that we’ve been discussing in this chat tonight moving forward so don’t go anywhere because this is only getting started it’s only getting started maybe I kind of cracked open the can a little bit tonight and swished it around and we all got a little bit of sniff uh of what we might be drinking here soon and if it’s the case we got some good discussion CU I’ll be honest there’s a lot of smart people in the chat man there’s a lot of smart people there’s a lot of people that are knowledgeable and I think that quite honestly it’s a fair and valid discussion and we all want the same damn thing sometimes you know in politics everybody forgets what’s the goal we’re all trying to make a better country some think that that that that the country should be better ran this way and some think the other way and you’re pretty passionate about the sides that you pick I get it we’re all passionate about the sides we pick about this Red’s team and the organization and how they go about winning but we all want the same damn thing and that is is for this red team to win and we all love one team under God individual the Cincinnati Reds and that’s all we really care about go Reds we’ll be back better than ever tomorrow take care everybody [Music] [Music] n [Music]

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Story we are following from ESPN:

Reds meet the Cardinals with 2-1 series lead

Cincinnati Reds (39-44, fourth in the NL Central) vs. St. Louis Cardinals (42-40, second in the NL Central)

St. Louis; Sunday, 2:15 p.m. EDT

PITCHING PROBABLES: Reds: Hunter Greene (5-3, 3.79 ERA, 1.17 WHIP, 103 strikeouts); Cardinals: Lance Lynn (3-3, 3.86 ERA, 1.36 WHIP, 78 strikeouts)

: LINE Reds -114, Cardinals -105; over/under is 8 runs

BOTTOM LINE: The Cincinnati Reds face the St. Louis Cardinals leading the series 2-1.

St. Louis has gone 23-18 in home games and 42-40 overall. The Cardinals are 24-7 in games when they scored at least five runs.

Cincinnati has a 39-44 record overall and a 19-21 record in road games. The Reds have a 28-17 record in games when they record at least eight hits.

The teams meet Sunday for the seventh time this season. The season series is tied 3-3.

TOP PERFORMERS: Brendan Donovan has 18 doubles, a triple, eight home runs and 41 RBI for the Cardinals. Paul Goldschmidt is 8-for-38 with a double, three home runs and six RBI over the last 10 games.

Elly De La Cruz has 16 doubles, five triples and 14 home runs for the Reds. Jonathan India is 19-for-37 with 10 doubles and a home run over the last 10 games.

LAST 10 GAMES: Cardinals: 6-4, .258 batting average, 4.04 ERA, outscored by four runs

Reds: 4-6, .254 batting average, 4.19 ERA, outscored opponents by six runs
Story from CBS:

It was always a stretch to include Noelvi Marte in the Prospects Report. He’s a prospect only by technicality, having yet to accumulate 131 at-bats in the majors, and the only reason he was in the minors was so he could hit the ground running when his 80-game PED suspension ended Thursday.

The Reds confirmed as much by having him join the team for its flight to St. Louis even though he had yet to find his stroke at Triple-A Louisville, going 8 for 53 (.151) in 12 games total and 1 for 22 (.046) in his final five games. It’s like nothing could have led to him being optioned rather than activated.

“He’s doing great. The reports are all positive. Physically, he looks good,” manager David Bell said last week, adding that the team is less concerned with Marte’s performance than his process. “We get process grades on every at-bat he has. I’m reading those. Everything has been right on track.”


Warmup •
Busch Stadium


Hunter Greene
5-3, 3.79 ERA, 103 SO

Lance Lynn
3-3, 3.86 ERA, 78 SO
CIN Lineup
STL Lineup
Jonathan India (R) 2B
Elly De La Cruz (S) SS
Jeimer Candelario (S) DH
Spencer Steer (R) 1B
Jake Fraley (L) RF
Noelvi Marte (R) 3B
Stuart Fairchild (R) CF
Will Benson (L) LF
Luke Maile (R) C
Masyn Winn (R) SS
Alec Burleson (L) RF
Willson Contreras (R) DH
Paul Goldschmidt (R) 1B
Brendan Donovan (L) LF
Nolan Arenado (R) 3B
Nolan Gorman (L) 2B
Pedro Pagés (R) C
Michael Siani (L) CF

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