New York Mets lose series to Houston Astros – Rico Brogna Live Episode 294

New York Mets lose series to Houston Astros – Rico Brogna Live Episode 294

[Music] [Music] it’s the amazing Rico bronia podcast with your host Evan Roberts welcome to a very special on the road edition of Rico bronia uh we talk about the New York Mets losing back-to-back games to the Houston Astros and and I have to be perfectly honest with you I was in the building Friday night it was freaking awesome I took my oldest son jet to the game the Mets had another really Feelgood victory in which the offense continues to click they’re whipping ass then we get the OMG show we get fireworks we’re above 500 and we’re at the top of the world and something happened over the next 12 hours if we can all be honest I started fighting with people I started arguing with some friends of mine who said what’s wrong with the New York Mets how can you guys be partying and celebrating and having a concert when you’re one game above 500 and I got very defensive I did I I said why can’t we have fun like why can’t the New York Mets and us as Met fans just enjoy ourselves like wh why does them celebrating or singing or dancing have to be a negative and as I was fighting with a few of my friends all of which non-met fans by the way though I did get an email from negative which we’ll get to in the RICO B email in which he did poke some alarm Bells off of the partying that occurred Friday night which we will address but as I was arguing with a few of my friends who are Yankee fans who are non-met fans I started having this queasy feeling this queasy feeling of two things number one the Mets are bound to cool off you know we’ve talked about that for a while I mean as well as they’ve played over the last four weeks or Never As hot as you are when you’re hot you’re never as bad as you are when you’re bad we’ve certainly seen a lot of that this baseball season so number one they’re due to cool off and then number two I just had this vibe that after sitting there for way too much time arguing with people defending the right for the Mets to celebrate and sing and dance to OMG that they’re going to face a losing streak and then this will be blamed the the reason for the Mets beginning to struggle will be blamed on what happened on Friday night this started to hit me early on Saturday now little did I know that on Saturday the Mets would put together a huge lead six to one I’m feeling good like screw it this OMG party can’t ruin anything and then we saw the first example of the Mets losing a game with the effect of not having Edwin Diaz doesn’t mean Edwin Diaz would have dominated it means everyone moves up one spot and when everyone moves up one spot you saw what happened on Saturday and we’ll get into more details about that game but that was my worry my worry after Friday is great as it was and it was a wonderful Victory and the atmosphere at City Field was amazing I was glad I was there and I never had an issue with them singing and dancing the OMG before the fireworks show but I started to get that pit in my stomach Saturday afternoon this is going to now be used as the reason why the bets cooled off it reminds me of two years ago I had no issue I’ll say it again for anyone who still disagrees I had no issue with Timmy trumpet being at City field for the Dodgers series I didn’t think it was the Mets celebrating like they won the World Series I thought it was fine like the trumpet song had become one of the big parts of the 2022 season one of the big parts of Edwin Diaz’s success and if they wanted to have Timmy trumpet there to perform live like it’s not a big deal and as we remember after that Dodgers series that was really the high water mark of the season because the Mets then began to really struggle through the month of September at least be mediocre in the month of September against teams that they were supposed to crush they struggled against them they were fortunate to even get to that Atlanta series being up a game the way they were being up two games I guess they were up two games going into that three- game series they were fortunate and then we all know what happened in the Atlanta series the San Diego series blah blah blah blah blah but the Timmy trumpet Edwin Diaz celebration was oddly blamed as something that derailed the Met season which I still don’t believe so it it’s not that I believe the OMG singing and dance party led to the Mets losing these two games to the Houston Astros but it was a little bit of deja vu and I started to have a pit in my stomach but if we’re being honest there’s a lot of reasons why the Mets lost these last two games the biggest is their Bullpen that’s the biggest and you go back to the beginning of this season when we kind of formulated how this team would be good how this team would be competitive they were going to have to score a lot of runs which they have been doing which they have sort of been doing I mean Saturday they scor six runs in the first three Innings they don’t do anything after that on Sunday’s game they had a great opportunity to win the game in the 10th inning they didn’t and they didn’t do much in the latter Innings of that game but for the most part this offense has clicked and this Bullpen has been a big problem this Bullpen needs to be a strength and right now not only are they down their closer which forces everyone up a spot this Bullpen is not good enough that’s the bottom line Bullpen is not good enough when you are asking a guy like Matt Festa to come up to the major leagues and get big outs in the 11th inning you’re in trouble and so when you look at these last two games it really does come down to the bullpen let’s go to Saturday’s game I mean I guess we could talk about Friday’s game I mean it was a nice Victory it was it was enjoyable uh Jose canana did not give them Innings and the Met Bullpen did do a for the most part pretty good job of getting the last five innings which I think contributes to Saturday and Sunday like when you need to get five innings out of your Bullpen which is what they needed on Friday getting the inning out of ovino the two out of dead Nell Nunes the inning out of Dean the inning out of Reed Garrett all of a sudden you don’t really have that much left I mean deell Nunes wasn’t going to be available on Saturday and Sunday so in a weird way you can blame some of the struggles that the Met Bullpen had on Saturday and Sunday on Jose canana because there’s been a problem all year with this guy he threw 93 pitches in four Innings he gives up a lead off hit in the fifth inning and I don’t even blame meny for doing it he’s got no other choice he’s got to go to the bullpen the thing I will criticize Mendoza for on Friday that led to Saturday and Sunday because it’s all connected when you have a short Bullpen is I thought after the Mets added the tack on run in the eighth inning and they had opened up at that point a 7even to2 lead I thought can you get away with not using Reed Garrett can you get away with going to let’s say Adcock who ended up pitching on Saturday to get the last three outs on Friday and if he gets into trouble okay fine go to re Garrett so and by the way I admit it’s a minor criticism but I think when you’re dealing with a short Bullpen which the Mets are dealing with and you’re Carlos Mendoza and you have a five-run lead on Friday and even though the Mets have AR rested Bullpen you have to look ahead you have to know hey we’re playing Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday there’s no off day until the All-Star break do you try to steal outs maybe steal an inning from a reliever that’s not one of your top relievers thinking ahead to the following day minor critique but I do think that the win on Friday and it’s not the OMG song and the singing and the Performing contributed to what happened on Saturday and Sunday you need more than four Innings out of your starting pitcher and that’s all they got on Friday now Friday was awesome because we saw Jeff mcneel wake up he was given that gifted little popup the shortstop which apparently was on Apple TV plus with Jeremy Peña miked up which I had to go back and watch after I was told about it uh that’s awkward that’s the best part about miking up players to see a situation like that but mcneel gets a gift hit immediately gets caught stealing and you heard the groans from the city field crowd reacting to Jeff but when Jeff mcneel hit the three-run home run in the sixth inning which was really set up by the bad era by Alex bregman that’s the moment that really made you say holy crap I wow we are special the Mets had just taken the lead Pete Alonzo hit the home run on the 02 pitch which was great to see and so it’s still a close game and knowing the Met Bullpen is going to have to get the final nine outs of the game Jeff mcneel’s three-run home run in the sixth inning was a huge moment it was a moment of hey maybe maybe Jeff can wake up not that any of us actually believe that but B giving this Bullpen a cushion by making that a huge inning and turning a one-run lead into a four-run lead that may have been the best part of the night you know seeing Jeff mcneel rip one down the right field line and having it get out but it was just another really solid all-around performance by this offense Pete Alonzo hitting his 17th home run Ty Taylor who’s done a great job playing right field since Marte goes out he hits the home run that actually tied the game in the fourth inning after the Mets had gone down early but very encouraging to see Jeff mcneel do that it was funny I I took my oldest son to the game and we were at work so it was like bring him to work day and then take the train of the ballp part when we walked in we go to sit down we missed the first two batters of the game sometimes it’s tough when you take the train and I look up at the scoreboard and I see one nothing and I’m like what what the hell happened and then I go back and see that Jose Altuve swings at the first freaking pitch and Parks one so I did miss that in the game but it was a fun game it was a great win it was a fun win um the negative just being you need to get more than four Innings out of your starters but great effort by dead Nell Nunes who continues to pitch really well coming out of the bullpen you know even Adam ovino was brought into a tricky spot comes into the fifth inning in a tie game they went to him early but it was a close game so it wasn’t Adam ovino just cleaning a mess up and did a pretty good job getting through the inning so it was a great effort by the bullpen and it was a fun Friday night and to get above 500 it’s a it’s an awesome feeling and I admit when Jose glacius came on the field and started Hamming it up to the camera by singing oh my God that’s my version of it I was laughing I a good time what would I ask the Met fan and there are a few of you that I believe was pissed off at the time like negative Dan who did email me I guess I can read some of his emails he wrote A lot of them he was not he was not happy about the celebration uh this is the latest one he wrote I I I give you the one he wrote after the fact but he did write it immediately if you really want this LOL met stigma to go away thr throwing a public postgame concert where you mob the field and celebrate like you just won the World Series after a win in June and then immediately losing the next two games one where you at a five run lead is probably not going to help your case you just can’t do those types of things especially when you’re playing a team playing a team with a multiple time world champions just sitting there watching you do it in front of them while you are a group that hasn’t won a thing since you’ve been together they continue to do this whether it’s like every time they have some success they push it too far basically spitting in the face of the baseball Gods which we all know they don’t take kindly to it’s almost like they don’t know how to handle winning I’d love Tiki’s opinion on this as a former athlete I will certainly ask him and as much as we’ve been praising all the leadership this year where is somebody to stand up and say hey guys I know this is fun but maybe let’s just keep it in a house instead of making it a public spectacle I don’t care what anyone says this team is has not been the same since the trumpets incident another midyear public spectacle against the upper echelon team and that is just a fact you cannot continue to do the same thing over and over and then act surprised when it comes back to bite you in the ass I know it doesn’t have a direct correlation and you’re just going to say all this doesn’t matter and it’s just overblown nothing but if you want to really change the culture here start with changing that type of stuff well Dan’s right about my answer which is it’s not nothing it because look do we think that the Houston Astros who who no doubt are champions I mean one thing I haven’t done on the radio is count the Houston Astros out you know even when the Yankees were burying them early in the season so I’m with you about respecting them and believing in them and they are champions so I have no disrespect towards who they are and what they’re still going to accomplish but do you really think that the Houston Astros one Saturday and Sunday and were extra motivated because of Jose glacius lip syncing to his song and the Met players having fun with it after the game like look around baseball in 2024 that’s what players do that’s what teams do I mean every team that hits a home run has some kind of hat or some kind of sign or something that they have on in The Dugout and the Mets are basically using Jose glacius is music success if you I guess it is I think it’s the number one Latin Pop song in America but they’re basically using that as their rally cry and while I had the pit in my stomach after the Celebration The Pit in my stomach is more knowing that baseball’s baseball the Mets are going to cool off and we’re going to hear things like this to blame this is why they’ve been cooled off and the truth is no this is not why they’ve been cooled off they’ve been cooled off because they’re bull sucks because Edwin Diaz is out for five more days so look and here’s where I will defend Dan Dan’s first email about this OMG celebration occurred before they lost the game in fact I’m gonna P I’m gonna pull this up here we go Jose trumpets plus a World Series celebration it brings back memories and he sent pictures of the Mets celebrating on Friday along with Timmy trumpet performing two years ago and the Mets doing that pregame uh World Series celebration that they did in spring training back in 2021 World Series celebration concert after a mid-season win where have I seen this one before I wonder what happens next I’m sure nothing bad so while I disagree with Dan I give him credit because he writes this Friday night and what happens they follow up with two straight losses which are not not equated to the Celebration but I do know that the non-met fans some Yankee fans and some just met haters are going to point to this and say this is what happened when the truth is Reed Garrett happened I mean think think about Saturday’s game for a second so the Mets jump all over framber Valdez which is great to see not great for my fantasy team but great as a Met fan they’re jumping all over him right they’re helped out by Jose Altuve not being able to turn a double play Harrison Bader gets a big harbe ey hit Brandon nmo who was very hot over the last couple of days really more than that RBI double Pete Alonzo with that big two- run single and they build a big comfortable six to1 lead they blow that lead and let’s go over the reasons why and and no I don’t think it’s because of uh OMG they blow the lead because Tyler Mill shouldn’t be in this rotation anymore and luckily is not as he’s been optioned a triple A so they blow this lead because Tyler Migel is giving up ahead of the count to Jeremy Peña a two-run double they blow this lead because he’s given up an RBI single to Jonathan Singleton they blow this lead because Tyler Mill even though he pitches into the sixth inning takes a six to one lead and makes it six to4 they blow this lead because the offense after they score All Those runs in the second and third inning do nothing against the Astro Bullpen they take can’t take advantage of Taylor Scott and Seth Martinez and Ryan Presley and they blow this game because Reed Garrett can’t throw a strike and when he had the opportunity to get Alex bregman out he gives up a huge huge base hit they blow this game because Jay deckman walks backto back guys they blow this game because they do not have have dead Nel Lunes available because of Friday they blow this game because they don’t have Edwin Diaz and so you take a bullpen that’s probably average with Edwin Diaz and when you need to get as many outs again as they needed to get because Tyler McGill was only able to get the 16 of 27 which means you still need to find a way to get 11 more freaking outs and somehow you got five of them from the immortal Tai Adcock that’s why they blew the game you can give me the baseball Gods all you want and give me the Edwin Diaz comparison and don’t laugh at the baseball GS their Bullpen blew this game they’re starting pitching not going deep into games blew this game the same reason why the Mets are what they are which right now is an average baseball team they had a hot streak to get back to averageness they’re on Pace to go 80 and 82 which by the way is what a lot of people thought they were I think they’re a little bit better okay and the reason is because their starting pitching doesn’t go deep in the games and they’ve got a bullpen that’s short-handed right now and even when not short-handed ain’t good enough but that was frustrating because Reed Garrett who had kind of recovered his Bad season by pitching as well as he’s pitched over the last month had a terrible may like the rest of the team pitched really well in June he comes in against the immortal you know Trey cabbage and he can’t throw a strike and he walks Jose Altuve and he throws a wild pitch that makes it a one-run game and then despite all of that he’s ahead of Alex bregman he’s got a chance to get through the inning and Alex bregman reminding you the professional he is he’s kind of recovered his Bad season got off to a horrible start his numbers are a little bit better still not fully there comes through with the two-run single and look the metal offense which it’s tough to ever kill the at offense considering what they’ve done lately but the reality is they didn’t do much late in this game that’s the bottom line like their last base hit was a double by Jose glacius in the fifth inning that was it actually they got a base hit by Lindor nine pitch at bat in the eighth inning outside of that they didn’t have a lot of opportunities they couldn’t hit Ryan Presley they had no chance against Josh haer and obviously to let the game slip away late when Danny Young gives up those two runs in the nth they’re down by a run going into the ninth hater still pitches a one two three inning but Danny Young gives up those two runs and look I think the bottom line is with Danny Young who’s already been option at Triple A the uh Bloom is off the rose as they say he got off to a pretty good start when they had first called him up I think the reality is this with Danny Young he is another one of those guys who’s on that train up and down up and down from Triple A and the Mets have used that train quite a bit so Saturday was a very disappointing loss look when you have a six to1 lead you expect to win but that is on Tyler McGill that is on this Bullpen and that’s on the offense doing nothing after a very quick start against fber Valdez uh as far as Sunday’s game is concerned Sunday was a very weird game the MVP of this game was my wife I give her a lot of credit uh I DVR this game I’m in Vermont by the way that’s where I am right now it’s why maybe the microphone quality isn’t as good that’s why the background if you’re watching on YouTube is a little odd I’m up in the state of great state and we’ve had a lot of fun the last couple days and we’re at the beach today and the way I maintain having a life and being a decent father and a decent wife is I’ll DVR the games I’ll watch them later I still watch every pitch but I’ll do it around my family time so I start this game at I’m gonna say like six o’clock at night we have dinner we’re good we’re feeling nice I start this game Jet’s watching it with me and obvious VI ly if you watch Sunday’s game you see the Mets go down for nothing okay doesn’t feel very good you know Luis srino had this kind of odd performance because he gives up the home run the John Singleton he gives up a couple of runs but he was so efficient he was able to do the thing that no one else does which just go deep into the game so you’re obviously watching the game I’m watching the game I’m way behind I watch it on DVR and then all of a sudden the rains come and my DVR does not extend to that level which is kind of weird usually it does it did not today so I’m like crap what the hell do I do and and as you know the game gets delayed going into the bottom of the ninth inning of a 4 to Four game so the recording is done and I looked to my wife and said look I need a favor I said she’s sleeping right now by the way I was just like looking over because I’m talking about her she’s passed out so I said look I’m going to load the MLB app I’m going to leave uh you may see the score I need you to pull the video up and just pull it all the way to the beginning I I’ll get it to the ninth inning but pull it all the way to the beginning because I don’t know if the game’s still going on I don’t know if the the game ever started you know from my money there’s a rain delay how the hell do I know if they’re gonna play the game I’m in Vermont I don’t even know the weather in New York so my wife did a great job of like pulling the video all the way back to the beginning of the game now I’m able to skip and Skip and Skip and my God a two and a half hour rain delay you know what’s cool about DVR even when it doesn’t extend and you’ve got to go to the MLB app and you need your wife to do you favors what’s very cool is that my two and a half hour rain delay was seven minutes the process of her loading the game and then me finding it after she rewinded took seven and a half minutes so I finally get to the bottom of the ninth inning of this game and I see Gary Cen say two hour and 47 minute rain delay holy crap so I don’t know what you guys did I I mean it’s tough man like if you’re at that game I don’t know how you stay uh there was a time in my life in which I’d be able to stay with me and my dad used to go to all these games Sunday afternoon if I’m taking my family after about 20 minutes we’re probably gone so for those that stayed good for you for those that forgot there was even a game and had no idea what happened maybe I’m the one telling you what happened uh basically the Mets got kicked in the balls that’s that’s exactly what happened we get to the bottom of the ninth inning they do absolutely nothing not a surprise but I am sitting there not knowing how close to live I am because I’m starting to do the math like oh two and a half hours the game started at 140 the game was probably already two I have no idea maybe I’m close to live but they go to Adam ovino to start the 10th inning and Adam anino promptly gives up that little Fly ball the center field that turns into a sacrifice fly and then very quickly gives up the base hit to chase McCormack who’s only in the game because Jose Altuve got ejected on a huge ground out in the seventh inning in which I thought the ball hit his foot too I’m with Jose Altuve but let’s not forget not only is Altuve ejected but in that moment of the game in the seventh inning the Astros have a real opportunity they had second and third two out seventh inning up by two runs they got a chance to break that game open especially without TUV at the plate so mccor gets the RBI single dco down by a run where they lose this freaking game wh which really bothers me and haunts me about this particular loss after the Mets fight back from being down 4 nothing and tie the game Brandon nmo goes left center for the two-run Home Run Mark Vientos with a big two-run double they show fight so despite spitting at the baseball Gods with the OMG performance the Mets show fight on Sunday by coming back granted it was a bullpen day for the Astros I understand they should have pounded sea dolin they didn’t it is what it is they come back against Brian Abu they come back against Seth Martinez two of their better relievers call me na the Met show fight when Brandon nmo immediately Strokes an RBI double to tie that game up because of the ghost Runner you have to win the game in the bottom of the 10th inning have to and it doesn’t matter who’s left in the bullpen you have a run around second nobody out the game is tied you’ve got JD Martinez at the plate at the least you gotta move him to Third Base JD Martinez has had a very rough couple of days uh can’t kill him he’s one of the veteran leaders of this team he’s had a lot of big hits this season I think he’s old for his last 10 but not making contact with a runaround second and nobody out in a tie game is a huge failure they walk Pete Alonzo and then Harrison Bader grounds out tough to kill him he’s had a lot of big hits all season and then mark fanos grounds out and I knew I knew the way you knew this freaking game was over the Mets have been an abomination in Extra Innings not only do they lose every Extra Inning game they play they get their asses kicked like how many times this season have they lost an Extra Inning game by five or more runs it’s freaking insane but the bottom of the 10th inning after nmo gets that RBI double that’s the game that that’s the freaking game JD Martinez not being able to advance the runner Bader grounding out Vientos growing at gr I mean you may as well put the curtains out and obviously when you take into account who’s available this Bullpen you know Reed Garrett’s not available deil Nunes is likely not available Jake Dean’s not likely not available so your options are basically Tyler Jay Ty Adcock if he is available because remember he pitched a lot on Saturday or the new guy Matt Festa and Gary Cohen I mean how many freaking uh Seinfeld Festival references do we need I me I I maybe I would have found it funny if Matt festo wasn’t you know allowing three consecutive hits and basically putting us out of our freaking misery including Trey cabbage hitting that two-run double that’s still rolling in right center field brutal absolutely brutal but as much as I want to kill Matt Fester as much as I want to complain about him the truth is it’s the opportunity that they had in front of them in the bottom of the 10th inning that’s why they lost this game and I I get it it’s tough to kill the offense when they’re scoring as many runs as they’re scoring I mean they’re scoring a ton of runs every night five six runs look at the last two games they lost to Houston they scored five runs and they scored six runs that that should be enough and I acknowledge that but when I think to this loss it’s runaround second nobody out bottom of the 10th inning you have to win this game so here’s the bottom line with all this this sucked this was a very very disappointing close to this home stand you win two games against the Yankees you win the opener on Friday to lose these back-to-back games absolutely sucks I’m not going to sugarcoat it I’m not gonna say oh well you know gee it happens no looks it happens but this still sucked you come back from four nothing down you tie a game at four you’ve got a great opportunity in the bottom of the 10th inning you lose that’s a bad loss you have a six to1 lead on Saturday your Bullpen implodes your starter can’t hold the lead as well I put that on Tyler McGill as well that’s a bad law so it’s not just losing two out of three to the Astros because I think if you would have told me that three days ago I would have said yeah I mean the Astros are as hot as we are like think about it the Astros and the Mets are the two hottest teams in baseball so it’s not that losing two out of three to Houston is bad it’s the way they lost two out of three it’s the way they lost Saturday the way they lost Sunday and yes the idea that now them partying on Friday will be used as the thing that derailed their season but I have good news I have good news the New York Mets are now getting the opportunity to play the Washington Nationals seven out of the next 11 times there is no excuse James Wood is coming up for Washington good for him there is no excuse the Nationals have played like crap they have been kind of coming back to what they probably should be this is an opportunity now for the Mets to write themselves what do they got to do in Washington to me it’s three out of four that’s my expectation what do they got to do in Pittsburgh my expectation is a split believe it or not I’m okay look winning on the road is tough if you can go three of4 and a split preferably the three of4 against Washington the split against Pittsburgh think about what you’re talking about you’re talking about a 5 and3 road trip and I’m good with that I am good with a 5 and3 road trip so I’m not telling you they gotta go out and go seven and one I’d like that we’ all like that but now the Mets have a chance to respond to this two game losing streak respond to this idea that partying on Friday night is going to somehow derail their season and just get this season into kind of where flying at 30,000 ft we’re no longer crashing and then flying up and CRA like it’s no longer a roller coaster level the season off because that’s where we are as we start the month of July they got off to a bad start to start the year they got very hot to get above 500 then they were bad for over a month to drop to 11 games under 500 and they’ve had this great run to get them to where they are which is basically at 500 now they’re a game under 500 and so I look at the month of July and I and I said this on the air going into this stretch of games this 17 game stretch that really started with the Houston series I said go 10 go 10 and seven that that’s all I’m looking for go 10 and seven I said that on the fan I’ll say it here on the RICO 10 and seven now so far they’re one- two which means they’ve got to go nine and five over the next 14 games but look who they’re facing Washington Pittsburgh Washington Colorado this is their moment now to just Cal us all down and they don’t have to go win nine in a row it be great if they did but just kind of have this season back on track and the opportunity is right in front of them now David Peterson is going to start the opener this series against McKenzie Gore so they’ll face a lefty um I guess Shawn manah is scheduled a pitch the second game the Tuesday game against another Lefty hers and then at some point Christian Scott will enter this rotation I’m assuming it’s going to be on Wednesday against another Lefty they’re actually facing three straight lefties in this series is that crazy so Jose glacia is time baby because that’s how uh he has been deployed by Carlos Mendoza as the right-hand hitting second base platoon with Jeff mcneel so three straight lefties to start this Washington series we will see Christian Scott re-enter this rotation as the Mets are just trying to find ways now to give themselves extra arms until Edwin Diaz comes back Edwin Diaz comes back on Saturday they have to play this entire four game series in Washington shorter reliever though think about it they can make another move like Matt Festa should go down you get yourself another reliever for a couple of days and then that reliever goes down and Christian Scott enters the rotation on Tuesday or Wednesday MLB has Shawn manah listed for Tuesday I haven’t seen if Carlos Mendo officially announced that but Christian Scott will enter the rotation later this week against Washington but but what we need to see now is get this season back on okay I’m looking for the right word like they were bad they were good they were bad they were good I’m looking for just a nice decent solid stretch of baseball where they not they don’t have to win every freaking game but let’s stop with this collapse awesome collapse anyhow let me get to some of your emails the Ricco Jordan writes Miguel to the pen and this was uh an email written on Saturday as I sit here on my honeymoon across the Atlantic watching the Mets play the Astros I have a thought that mckill should be moved to the pen in a Hower like role the starters are not getting any depth and Hower and nunas can’t be used every day to fill Innings having another guy eat outs could help plus Mill seems to struggle a little bit once facing the order the second time around we need to find a way to supplant these starters until s gets back or we start getting more Innings from the starters Christian Scott or Jose budo can easily take the starting spot till sang is back Jordan I agree with you this was an idea I suggested a few days ago of get Miguel out of the rotation let’s see him out of the bullpen give yourself that second long man arm and reinsert Christian Scott and Jose budo now they’re not doing that what they’re doing is Tyler Migel is back in Triple A first time this season because think about it he made the team out of spring training he was hurt he had rehab starts this is the first time he’s going back to Triple A which I think is a huge setback for him but honestly what is he you know is he a starting pitcher in this rotation not really not when this team is healthy so what I would do is and I agree with Jordan is when he goes to Triple A I’d make him a reliever but the Mets actually have a lot of starting pitching depth and if Kodi s is going to get through his rehab which is scheduled to start next week fingers crossed he does and you remember Jose budo and you remember Christian Scott who’s coming back and even Joey LC Casey they have a lot of arms I think this is the time to figure out if Tyler McGill’s a reliever plus the Mets need relievers so when he goes to Triple A I would use him out of the bullpen and then probably come back and help this team but you are right I I think that having another Innings eater in your Bullpen who can get you two or three Innings is certainly a very valuable thing no doubt about it Michael writes fellas the pitching staff needs an utter overhaul canana McGill Mania andet P are generally unable to go past the fifth straining an already short and weak Bullpen uh Michael writes send Mill down for a fresh arm while they already did that Jose budo should take McGill’s next start Christian Scott should start in DC to make a six-man rotation can the blue jays called the Blue Jays up and offer to take Chris Bass or Jose BOS and their contracts and move David Peterson to the pen also at what point does Jeremy Hefner feel the heat he’s been the pitch and Coach under three managers for for five seasons one of which with a winning record the team was Sixth and walks allowed last year and third this year every time they blow a lead it’s the walks so couple of things um and I’m certainly not the president of the Jeremy Hefner fan club but when you look at the arms on this team who’s underachieving or are they just not good enough now you can tell me Jose canana is underachieving I mean we all expected more from him but Tyler Miguel and David Peterson they are what they are Shawn maniah has actually had a reasonably good season um dead nil Nunes has had a career year Reed Garretts had a career year so it’s tough to blame Jeremy Hefner when you look at who these arms are because the only way to for me to judge obviously we’re not there we’re not seeing what he does is looking at underperformance and over performance and the Mets do not have a lot of great pitches they don’t so you look at guys and say who’s really really underperforming and who’s overperforming so I wouldn’t put it completely on Jeremy Hefner but you are right the walks are killing this team and it’s been going on all season long one thing they have cleaned up defensively is throwing guys out at second base uh they Luis teren had two of them in Sunday’s game which was great to see uh you can email the pot anytime the RICO B here’s something exciting we’re going to try so I’m in Vermont right now I’m taking next week off so you will not hear me with Tiki but you will hear Tiki you’ll hear Shawn moras you’ll hear lugie at least for most of the week I know the Fourth of July is coming up I’m off for the week and me and my family are doing many mini trips one of those trips includes Washington DC yeah so I will be at the Tuesday game at Nationals Park between the Mets and the Nationals and I was telling Pete about this we’ve done drive home podcasts but on Tuesday night we will do the first ever walk home podcast because I will be staying at a hotel within walking distance of Nationals Park and so while people may think I’m crazy and that’s okay when the game ends while holding my son’s hand I am going to take my phone out and we will live YouTube a recap of the game and a podcast while walking back to the hotel that could either be a complete utter disaster or maybe it’s something new I have no idea so that’s something to look forward to on the RICO coming up on Tuesday after the game against the Washington Nationals so we’ll give you that on Tuesday a full series recap on Thursday at some point on the fourth of July I can’t guarantee it’s going to be too early because you know Pete and I are shooting off fireworks we’re gonna have a damn good time but we will as we always say after a series is over at some point you’ll get the full podcast uh but we do appreciate you listening and downloading and bearing with me as I sit here in Vermont on my laptop on vacation but thank you very much for listening and downloading another edition of Rico bronia we hope you enjoyed this episode of the Ric brono podcast it’s amazing isn’t it make sure you download it now to keep it on you at all times [Music] [Music]

The Mets finally lose a series in a month where they went 16-8. What went wrong in the 3 game set vs the Astros? Evan dives into it all.

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  1. YES!! For Christ sakes they popped champagne and celebrated making the Wild Card a few years ago and then lost the division to the Braves. They do this all the time!! Act like you've been there before!!

  2. Pitching pitching pitching…. we need better pitching. There is not a single pitcher that comes to mind, starter or reliever (save Diaz), that I feel like …. wow, he will have this nailed down.

  3. Can’t wait until deadline to get pen help, even if you have to give up prospects. Also, need a righty bat in outfield against lefties. Taylor has reverse splits and Stewart is useless right now. Having Gamel here makes no sense, imo.

  4. OMG can't believe I waiting thorough raining daily just watch this team coffin up two winninalbe game at home otto need to go by by this mets team can not move runner over close out a series with a off win one playoff contender you will meet face to face a kick in the ball as long mets in extra Inn 29-9 are you kidding me a back breaker at home big know excuses 41 41 should be better especially better at home mets need new bullpen arm shuffle these guys mets need more starting pitching unlity man bounce back tomorrow LGM

  5. We cooled off because Mendoza pitched that bum of a tomato can 🥫 in Tylor McGill on Saturday. There really is nothing more to it than this. Mendoza was the only one naive enough to think that McGill could give us the length we needed to protect our pen. It’s not like we didn’t have options beforehand in Scott,Butto,and even Severino himself. You could have started the bum after clinching on Sunday if he was so inclined. Again,this is squarely on Mendoza,and conversely NOT on the OMG song 🎵 release after the game of Friday. Let’s not be ridiculous please 🙏🏾.

  6. It’s great to have a guy in your company that you work with that plays music. That’s awesome. But. Was Bernie Williams playing his guitar national anthems while he was playing? No.

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