Terrible Confession

This has weighed on me for years. Born in 84, remember watching games with my grandpa since 1987.
2018 was the most excited I was for a season until 2023. Coming off a 9-7 and I thought this guy was going to take the lions to a new level. Getting this picture was an extra $100 at the taste of the lions that season.
This was before his first training camp.
Never been so wrong about anything.

  1. I think a lot of us bought into Patricia and still regret it. Don’t feel too bad about it lol

  2. I was all in up until he forced big play slay out. I even called my dad when the news broke that we hired the infamous “rocket scientist” and he laughed and said it was going to be a dumpster fire. I should’ve known, that old man is right about freaking everything.

    Edit: FMP and FTP

  3. If I owned a store I’d have his picture behind the desk with “Do Not Serve” displayed. I don’t care if I served food or sold hub caps. He is not welcome. Then having his stupid face on the wall will piss me off, so I’d rip it down! But I don’t want him sneaking in so ill put another one up! And get pissed and rip it down again!…

  4. Nothing worse than a man with means wearing an ill-fitting suit. Of course, he probably had to buy it from a tent-maker.

  5. Nothing to be ashamed of. Patricia was considered a slam dunk hire, excellent track record as New England’s DC, & supposed to take us to the next level. I had a buddy who dressed up as him for Halloween. No way to know how it would’ve played out.

    Through the first like half of the season there was solid optimism around the team despite their record. iirc there was a close Packers loss on a controversial call that got a “Detroit vs Everybody” rally going. I believe the copium at the end of the season was that we had a 1000 yard rusher for the first time since Sanders, and that was the first step to gearing up to be elite.

    His second season Stafford got injured & the whole season just went down the toilet, that’s when I remember reality setting in for lots of folks. The tank landed us Jeff Ohkuda 3rd overall, & as more players were delt away it became harder & harder to justify “he’s just gotta get his guys”.

  6. I thought Patricia was gonna be OK.

    Then I see this pic and I threw up in my mouth. What a fraud and asshole. Sorry this cost you $100. You coulda got like, 100 tacos for that price back in 2018.

  7. Paid $100 to get a photo where you look like George Clooney compared to the guy standing next to you, I see nothing wrong with that

  8. Who would have thought hiring a guy with an aggravated sexual assault indictment wouldn’t work out?

  9. When they hired Matt Patricia I said to myself, “I’ll wait and see how the first couple games go before I get excited about anything.”

    I was working way out by Jackson and the first game came on. Against the Dolphins, right? We turned on the radio while driving home. 20 minutes later we turned it off.

    I only watched the Thanksgiving games on TV during his tenure and I don’t feel like I missed anything.

  10. You do possess one of the few pictures of him without the stupid pencil isn’t behind his ear. You are not alone in thinking he was going to turn our franchise around. When we brought him in, he was one of the most desirable head coaching candidates in the league and I thought we were lucky to get him. How wrong I was.

  11. All good man, I was at Lions training camp at Wayne State University when Joey Harrington was a rookie way back when. Everyone wanted to see him at the time and get his autograph I remember. He was setup for failure though! I was pissed at Matt Millen then, but even more horrible then him, Matt Patricia was the worse of them all in my opinion! Now days I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Thank God for Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell in Detroit!!!

  12. Stupid fucking pencil behind his stupid ear. What did he even do with it? He sucked and we all should have known it by the way the New England defense was prepared for the Super Bowl the season prior to his start (I was fooled too).

  13. I thought that dumpy little fuck was gonna make Detroit a powerhouse. Hooo boy had I known.

  14. He needs a more slimming sports coat. That’s for sure. He should go on an ear pencil diet. That’s it. Just water to drink down the wood, eraser and graphite.

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