Should Steelers’ Omar Khan Value Future 1st Round Draft Picks Over Trade Targets Like Brandon Aiyuk?

Should Steelers’ Omar Khan Value Future 1st Round Draft Picks Over Trade Targets Like Brandon Aiyuk?

I’m Chris cter this is the locked on Steelers podcast and on today’s Monday episode I want to talk about whether the Steelers should be trading away first round picks for Star Talent like Brandon iuk it’s an interesting debate that I think has multiple sides to it we’ll break that down a lot more here in the locked on Steelers podcast let’s get into it you are locked on Steelers your daily Pittsburgh Steelers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day hello welcome to the lockon Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter binging you your daily dose of all things in the Pittsburgh Steelers as always you can find the show on your favorite podcasting apps and on YouTube like this video if you enjoy it subscribe to this YouTube channel to get all of your daily Monday through Friday episodes as well as our bonus content thank you for making us your first listen every day because we’re your team remember day and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel 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why not use that why not get that instead of trying to guess in the draft every year with guys you’re not sure of in your first round picks and I thought this is an interesting debate because I I we we get a lot of calls on our call-in line by the way if you ever want to call into the show to get potentially get your question on the show you can call in at 41222 36644 leave your name your question and keep your question under leave your name where you’re from and keep your question under a minute um but this was an interesting there’s been an interesting back and forth because there’s a lot of opinions on on this and I I think generally everyone’s kind of scene I’m more of on the side of not trading for Brandon iuk um unless the right price comes around both in paying him and in what they’d have to give up to the ners but I want to turn to two callers who kind of pitted two the two different sides against it against it very well we’ll start with John from Woodstock who brings up the question about first rounders and value versus a proven commodity uh like Brandon iuk here’s John from Woodstock Georgia hey Chris uh my name is John I’m from Woodstock Georgia I had a question for you uh that I was hoping that you could break down for me because I’ve never really quite understood it uh but with how many first round picks we had that were bust for us uh as Steeler fans in the last seven years or so um and knowing that we can give up a first rounder for a first for sure Talent like we did with Chris Patrick for example why wouldn’t we jump at the opportunity to give up a first rounder for someone like Brandon IU uh or Deo Samuels I just I never understood taking the first round pick uh uh and gambling with it when we know for a fact that we can give it up uh to a team that’s looking to get rid of four Shar Talent thank you so much so John very good question thank you for calling in um and I think that that’s the interesting side of this is that you’re right the Steelers have had some busts now I don’t think they’re all busts I think they’ve had quite a few really good first round picks some of them are the best defensive player in the football in the NFL right now um but I I I think that that’s that’s an interest it’s a good question because there is depth to it about you know Brandon auk being a proven commodity a lot of people talk about where he’s going to go he’ll be a Difference Maker where he goes there so I’ll address that in a minute but I want to present the other side of this where we have Ralph who’s called into the show before Ralph from Pittsburgh and he had the other kind of side of like do you really need Brandon I but listen to Ralph asket B Chris what’s up man this is Ralph again from pixburgh hey man so you know how this Brandon you talk is going on and stuff right tell me if you agree I don’t think we should grab him because I do believe in the receivers that we got now especially Calvin man and this is his year for sure but my thing why I don’t want him is because I don’t believe he’s worth the money he’s asking for and plus it’s like his attitude I mean you know how he is he already gonna come in thinking he’s the number one and that’s already GP like he got that H down so I feel like them two were butt hiss even if he was to pick up at IU you know but I think IU got like a couple more years to produce like he did last year to get the money that he’s asked for but any I believe we should uh keep that money and just you know pay our gas next year especially our quarterback CU one of them’s going to shy man getting lot of show man keep up the great job and I hope to see you at Camp again this year I was there last year but I see you at that bar I’mma get you a drag by have a good one thank you Ralph and I do look forward to seeing you as well as all the all the Steelers fans who love this show at at the Ste Steelers training camp later this summer which is actually in a few weeks so that’s also crazy that that’s that’s coming around fast okay so let’s let’s put these against each other you have one side that’s like hey Brandon auk he’s good but he’s not that good he’s not give up a first round pick and pay $30 million good then you have the other side he like but he is good he did have 1300 yards receiving last year he did have seven touchdowns why not bring that in versus waiting for draft help and that might never come because you might have a bust and let’s go let’s go over it first of all Steelers recent draft history um you know they’ve they you know they they certainly had their the first round picks Troy falanu most recent of course but we don’t know what what he’s going to be like we’ll see how that goes first round the year before that rodick Jones still jurries out but first year returns looking very good uh two years back Kenny picket that didn’t work uh and you and there’s people out there that that still think that Kenny pi could be the guy maybe he ends up being the guy in in Philly or somewhere else but it didn’t work in Pittsburgh so you can call that that pick a bust for the Steelers niji Harris there’s some people who say Naji Harris is a bust I’m not one of them three years at a thousand plus yards at a time when they really needed a running back he doesn’t fumble the ball he’s really good and again he’s been doing that with a bad offensive line with a bad offensive system and bad quarterback play uh I think he’s I think he’s he’s living up to being the 24th overall pick of that of that draft class but we’ll just make him neutral we say he’s a bust we only say he’s a hit we we’ll make will make him neutral so there Devon Bush was a bust certainly the injury played a factor there and Terrell Edmonds wasn’t a good was wasn’t a good first round pick so you have a slew of picks there but then you also have other picks that have really worked out for the Steelers like TJ watt at at at first overall like Bud dpri like Ryan shayer and Ryan shayer maybe it’ be different if he if if he didn’t suffer if he wasn’t paralyzed in by like year what was it year five for him you also have David decastro cam Hayward mares pouncy you know going going back and yes again the Steelers have their plenty of misses at times just like every other organization out there but at the same time this is also a new Administration you know for front office I guess would be the way to say it with Omar Khan and I think that front office deserves the chance to kind of build on what they’ve already been been putting together I mean let’s also look at it these last two draft classes everyone’s felt really confident about them so far I mean last year’s class had a heck of a a rookie season brck Jones was a significant part of why the Steelers became one of the better rushing teams in the NFL in the second half of the Season Joey Porter Jr showed all the signs of being a future star cornerback with the way that he was able to run with with top receivers Keanu beton showed a lot of promise at defensive line and looks like he’s on the right direction Darnell Washington looks like a solid depth tight end who can give you really good blocking and if he can just be throwing a jump ball or two maybe that’s another facet of the game and even guys like Nick hering had a really good season as a guy coming off the bench and there’s still promised for other guys like Cory Tron Spencer Anderson so like I hear I hear your qu question there um uh John about you know the validity and the value of first round picks but I think there’s another aspect of this is that like one Omar Khan’s crew I think might yield some better first round picks but there’s another aspect of this that that goes into the development and to the value of what a Brandon iuk is versus because you brought up M Fitzpatrick who they did trade a first round pick for and I think there’s a big difference between how they got Minka Fitzpatrick and why they traded for Minka Fitzpatrick and why that was such a rarity for them to do that versus what people want them to do with this brand in iuk train I want to explain that in a minute here on the lockon Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter stick with us we’re going to get go over this all in a minute here because I still think there’s a lot of angles to cover here so we’ll be right back right after this but first want to remind you this show is brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook the number one sports book in America I love sports and I I I love this so much I never want them to stop but as the n NBA and the NHL have now ended we get fewer games that doesn’t mean that there still isn’t any action there’s plenty of action out there in fact FanDuel can have you locked in on all that action to have your best plays in Major League Baseball WNBA the big fights that are always coming coming during the summer and so many more options all you have to do is open up the app and and and dream up the bests anytime that you’re that 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season they need to pay him when they traded for M Fitzpatrick he was in his second year in the NFL and very early into his second year in fact he had just played two games for the Dolphins when they when they traded him so in effect they really got his second year his third year and his fourth year and his fifth year with his fifth year option all in his rookie deal so four years of M Fitz Patrick before they had to start paying paying him top dollar and I think they ended up paying him top dollar last year anyway anyways than the last year of that but that’s what why they traded for him then because they got control of him and they projected M Fitzpatrick was going to be the best safety in in the NFL which in my opinion he is last year he had he had a rough year because of how they were using him but I think this year he’s going to get back to what he was doing before and then you’ll see him lead the NFL in interceptions again at the safety position and he’ll be first team All Pro I think that he’s I still think that he is that guy at the safety position so you turn around and you look at well what about Brandon auk nobody is saying that Brandon auk’s the best at the wide receiver position and he’d be asking for more than M Fitzpatrick he’s he’s asking for $30 million and so I I’m not even going to go into Ralph’s point about the receivers being fine with because I do think that if in in a in a perfect world where Brandon IU wouldn’t cost you a first- round pick and wouldn’t cost you $30 million against you cap he would make this receiving room really good right away uh you know there’s a lot of question marks right now I think George Pickins is is certainly a talent I think Calvin Austin has potential I think Roman Wilson has potential I think there’s there’s there’s options there but there’s no doubt that the room becomes immensely better with with him in it however getting him there is a bigger challenge Than People realize with not just the money that you’re or not just the trade value that you’re giving out the money that you have to pay him that $30 million that’s right up there with Tyreek Hill who’s making 30 million $30 million a year that’s above deamonte Adams that’s above Cooper cup that’s above DK Meda you’re like right around like where am man rth St Brown just got a big deal and here’s my thing about this is is that you’re also getting at 26 years old which is a good age to get a wide receiver but here’s my thing with this is that if you’re not like that level of wide receiver like Jamar Chase Justin Jefferson those type of guys Tyreek Hill Cooper cup if you’re not in that Cate I it’s I don’t think he’s in that category yet and to Ralph’s point he had one season he had 1300 yards season before he did have a thousand but he hasn’t been a superstar wide receiver yet he’s been a very good one but this is where I think that a lot of teams historically make mistakes is they pay number one money for or or super Elite money for good to to good to very good talent and that’s where I think the Steelers need to stay out of in the Brandon iuk department and this is where I think a first round pick is a lot different here because a first round pick yes you can whiff on a pick and the Steelers have have certainly whiffed on quite a few but you can also land on a pick just like they’ve also landed quite a few and if you land on that pick you get four to five years of them under a rookie deal where you can build the roster we build them as part of a roster and they can be part of your culture from start to finish and then that does so much more and the best ERA that eras of the Steelers they have a couple free agents scattered here and there but they’re built by a core of players that they’ve usually brought into the organization either as a rookie or shortly after their rookie season whereas Brandon auk’s more of a veteran and again if if it could work out that they didn’t give up a first- round pick great and he didn’t cost $30 million a year great but those those are not the realities that I believe are available to the Steelers right now so I that this is why I’m where I’m trying to get to to with John and I hope that you that your understanding where I’m coming from here is that it is better to develop that talent inhouse and to watch it grow every day to work with it to cultivate it and then that way when when it’s time to pay him if you want to pay him they yours and and you know what you’re getting there then to go out and spend on a guy who you’re hoping fits in with your culture and you’re hoping understands how things working I think M Mike tommen even brought this up years ago and if you remember Melvin Ingram uh the uh uh the out the edge rusher the outside linebacker that they signed in free agency and he said he was fine with Alex heith getting starts with over him and then all of a sudden he wasn’t after a few weeks and he said trade me because I don’t want to be here because I thought I’d be the starter and you know Tom after that was like now you see why we prefer to draft our guys because we don’t have to do with stuff like that because we can get and if you do have to deal with stuff like that they can see it coming because they’re with these guys every day and they can plan around it and that’s where I think the Steelers would be with Brandon auk and not that I think that Brandon iuk he’s getting paid $30 million he’s getting paid $30 million so he’d love that but you’re overspending at the position go back and look at where a lot of the Steelers of yester year and how they would leave and then come back like I think perfect examp examples of this are guys like Antoine randel and Bryant mcfaden if you look back at Antoine randel Antoine randelle was a very good number two number three wide receiver for the Steelers and then got paid number one money by by the by Washington and then was not a number one wide receiver he was let go years later and then the Steelers brought him back for cheap and he was part of the 2010 team that all that almost won the Super Bowl and then uh Bryant mcfaden similar situation really good for the Steelers you know left for a little bit you know came right back and was effective effective with them but again not as the number one guy that you pay all the money to and that’s where I think in free agency unless you are getting the best of the best it is not worth to pay best of the best money which is what Brandon auk is asking for which is why I think in this situation you take the first round picks and you also you trust your front office I I I really believe last year’s draft class was a grand slam of a of a of a draft class at least for how they looked in their rookie season it could pan out differently in in in in uh you know short time you know over the next few years but at least in the first year they looked pretty good I’m very excited for this draft class because as you guys know I went I study a lot of tape and when I put together my rankings all their picks came within like the top 50 uh as far as their first through first round pick through I think was their fourth round no it was all the way up to the third round so and they got four picks in the first three rounds so that being said I do think that there’s answers to um uh I I do think that there are answers to the Steelers problems in the draft and by keeping those draft picks but again it’s a rare occurrence if Brandon auk was in his second year and I think this would be a different story I think that if if he was in his second year coming off of a really big season then I think that that would be a different story but that’s where Minka Fitzpatrick was a very unique situation that was a Dolphins team that was looking to do a fire sale he didn’t want to be part of sticking around that kind of a culture so he he got you know they he left really quickly and the Steelers were a really good fit and then all of a sudden he’s the best safety in football and he’s dominating uh the secondary and that’s where I think the Steelers if Brandon auk was if Brandon iek was Justin Jefferson oh yeah absolutely that’s this is a whole different conversation uh but of course it also would cost a lot more money and cost a lot more uh picks to get a Justin Jefferson type but that’s why I don’t think they should do this Brandon iuk thing you’re not going to get the best receiver in football but you’re going to be paying him top-of-the-line money you’re you’re not going to and then you’re also losing the chance to draft your your future guys your future core that trying to put together uh you know for example like let’s say you really like this upcoming wide receiver class well now that first round pick that you were going to use on it is gone uh same thing for defensive line or any other positions that are that are a priority so all I have to say going back to Jon’s questions and Ralph’s questions I’m on the side of in this situation you don’t trade for Brandon iuk you always keep your eyes open your ears open you always try to learn what’s going on there but I think Omar Khan has it right to just wait on this you know see if the ners come down there asking price if he goes to Washington and become a Commander goes to Washton become a commander but I I truly think that the answer is more about building for yourself building through the draft that’s what that’s what the winning teams do most of the time um and then having things develop that way that makes a lot more sense to me at least and um uh and again I I get wanting to get there and it also would be different if the Steelers core was different like if if we already knew like right now we don’t know if tro ftown is going to turn into some great tackle yet we don’t even know you know how everything’s going to work everywhere you know on on on the team right now um but I if you if this was a team like where the N when the ners traded a lot of second and third run picks to get Christian mcaffry that was a team that had a lot of answers except a superstar Dynamic running back that would be different you know if the Steelers if the Steelers were like an AFC in the AFC Championship game last year and they’re like listen we have to strike well the iron is hot then I would get that but right now they’re trying to get back to that point and throwing away part of your your future investment that you’re trying to build towards while trying to strike at the now that just I feel like that is that’s doing the most to kind of uh mess up your your own development at at that stage and it’s again it’s fine to do it when you’re at a certain point and you’re you’re doing and and you uh you have everything else lined up you just need that one last push a wide receiver but I think that in this situation you have a better chance of putting together a whole roster this way and developing uh the game that way uh so I think that that’s that’s that there we got a couple more questions I want to get to we’ll do so here in the lockon Steelers podcast right after this but first want to remind you this episode is sponsored by better heal therapy online do you ever get caught up comparing yourself to other people in the lives that you see on live online and on the internet you ever feel caught up in social media and think someone else’s life just looks so perfect compared to yours chances are their lives probably aren’t that perfect uh but there Al there is a best and there is a best way to live your life and that’s by focusing on things that you actually want but how do you block out all that outside noise to actually focus on yourself well that’s where therapy can be a great tool to help you get there and sometimes it just takes a great professional to help you refocus on what matters most and if you’re thinking of starting therapy go give better help a try today better help knows that life can be busy and stressful so it’s designed to 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your obvious one George Pickins you know he’s coming you know Calvin Austin’s coming you know Roman Wilson’s coming just because Pickins is the guy he’s the number one Calvin Austin is the guy they’ve been developing um and Roman Wilson’s a rookie third round pick they’re not going to just toss him to the side so that being said you’re really looking at two final positions my two favorites to fill here actually could be really interesting for how this this gets handled um because Cordell Patterson is technically listed as a running back on the roster right now but what if Cordo Patterson listed as a wide receiver just to be part of that um but for this experiment I’ll leave out Cordo Patterson I’ll let him be like a kick returner running back option uh that that the Ste that the Steelers keep after uh Pickins Austin and and Roman Wilson I think I would go with Van Jefferson as the fourth guy because he’s in the NFL quite a bit he has the experience he knows what he’s getting there but that that fifth option is really tricky because Scotty Miller I think could be a really good slot option um I think quz Watkins is another guy who has has shown his his speed at different points in time um but if I had to pick one I think I would go with it’s tough between qu between quz so like I’m making van Jefferson my fourth it’s tough to go between quz Watkins and Scotty Miller but it would I think one of those two will end up being the five uh at in the wide receiver room because quz has the speed Scotty has the routes and I think that either either one could be explosive for the Steelers offense there you have it top five I’m giving you pickings I’m giving you Austin I’m giving you Wilson I’m giving you Jefferson and then I’m gonna go with I’m gonna go with uh I’ll go with quz Watkins for now I could slide back on it another time um you know just want I get to see these guys that’s the bottom line is that in training camp we’re all trying to learn we’re all trying to see we’re also trying to see who’s going to impress who uh move moving forward so um all that being said I I think those those that’s a decent five right there uh for the Steelers to to uh to have at wide receiver but again it could get better if they make moves I want to talk about another guy who’ll be catching passes and that’s Pat Fruth here’s Putty from Camden New Jersey yeah this is my second one Chris I just called a m up but now I have my question this is Putty from kandada New Jersey how successful do you think Pat fire moof will be in Arthur Smith offense being as though he’s going to run a lot of 12 and 13 um packages I think he’s going to have a successful season what do you think thank you puty for your question I appreciate the question here in the lock on Steelers podcast again 412 223 6644 to get your question on the air like we’ve had uh four guests now today so let’s get into Pat fryou and what putty’s talking about I one you know as far as the Breakout I think his breakout was kind of his rookie season when he had seven touchdown catches that was really impressive for for a rookie um you know but since then you’ve seen him have two touchdowns in each of his two other Seasons um he caught 63 passes for 732 yards back in 2022 and he caught just 32 passes for 308 yards in 2023 granted he did miss a significant time uh with an injury and he’s dealt with injuries uh so I I think that that’s uh that’s that’s certainly a question there with Pat fouth I think that he could be a major primary piece in the Steelers offense though I mean we’ve seen him take over games he can go up and get the ball he runs a good route I think if he bulks up and helps more in the Run game a little bit too I think he’ll be the perfect compliment to you know what the Steelers really need at the tight end I think that him Darnell Wason Conor Hayward they have a potential to be really really special also if you want to talk about position groups I actually power ranked position groups with Brian B go on our show on the post Pittsburgh Post Gazette the Northshore Drive podcast which you can find exactly the same way that you find this show on your favorite podcasting apps and on YouTube go check that out but back to Frou I think that I think that he can this can be his year if the offense does work the offense does flow this could be his year where he can show off some of that potential and then he’ll be in a really good spot to uh to demand to make strong demands uh you know for his uh his his his contract negotiation which will be coming up so um all that being said I think that Pat Fruth I think he has a lot of potential this year Russell Wilson gets him the football um and George Pickins is attracting you know you know defense and everything I think that that could be um that could be a chance for Pat fryou to be a person who um who who can be a real Difference Maker in games instead of just two touchdowns uh and I think that he can do a lot more so um I think there especially in Arthur Smith’s offense I think he’ll be running more routes that hit the right part of the defense I think that Russell Wilson will also be locked in on where Pat fry Ruth is and he’ll be making strong reads so all that being said I think that this is I think he will flourish a bit more in Arthur Smith’s offense versus what Matt Canada had him do and I think that we’re starting to uh we’re starting to get a little bit closer here and it’s it’s a lot of fun to feeli some of these questions so with that being said thanks for tuning in to the lock down Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Carter critiques rewr work at the Pittsburgh Post cazette and find this show like you find every one of our shows on your favorite podcasting apps and on YouTube like this video if you enjoy it subscribe to this YouTube channel to get all of those daily daily Monday through Friday episodes we’re back tomorrow with more Pittsburgh Steelers talk right here on the lock on Steelers podcast [Music]

The Pittsburgh Steelers are still rumored to be a potential trade partner with the San Francisco 49ers over Brandon Aiyuk. But should they if it involves a first round pick?

That’s a question Christopher Carter tackles on today’s episode that examines the Steelers’ draft history and why they should value first round picks over trades unless extreme circumstances like Minkah Fitzpatrick’s trade in 2019. But what makes Fitzpatrick’s situation different than Aiyuk is the timing and the cost of the players when they signed.

Also, Chris gives his prediction on which of the Steelers’ wide receivers will make it to the final roster, and how Pat Freiermuth can be used more in Arthur Smith’s offense.

Should Steelers’ Omar Khan Value Future 1st Round Draft Picks Over Trade Targets Like Brandon Aiyuk?


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  1. I feel like BA will be a luxury bonus if acquired! But definitely not willing to give up 30 million nor a 1st round pick period!

  2. RC and The PIVOT, keep hyping up players only to be let downs. Remember what Claypool said in his interview. Thankfully the Steelers are too smart for that. 30mil and a 1st is NOT happening. I also agree with the caller, This move hurts GP's growth and may ruin his Steeler longevity. way too risky imo.

  3. I don't think we NEED a WR2 but would be nice to have someone for a distraction so George can get 1 on 1 deep throws from Russ… Preston Wilson is a rookie but could be a good on the outside and Austin in the middle routes…

  4. Due to GP, the Steelers def shouldn't pay Aiyuk. Don't get me wrong, GP and BRANDON as 1 a& 2 would be , but financially it would damage GP mentality and possibly emotionally if we paid Aiyuk 30M and GP ends up playing better, then GP value would be over 30M when it's time to pay him.

  5. RD1 pick vs trade for proven player isn’t a black and white, blanket discussion, it’s completely based on circumstance. When you’re potentially one position away from contending especially when you have a couple elite vets in their prime (with potentially 2-3 years left in their prime), talented vet QBs with something to prove, and a coach needing to get it done in the postseason…in this instance I would SERIOUSLY consider trading a 1 next year for potentially THAT piece (although my unprofessional opinion is that we can get him for a 2 if we have to pay that big new extension too) to make a serious run. Now, if it was us of a few years ago, then it’s almost a no brainer that you keep that 1 to rebuild a team that is many players away from being a contender. Doesn’t have to be an absolute answer IMO.

  6. There's too much value in players on their rookie contracts to just give one away. I don't care what Colbert record was, khan hasn't missed yet. Plus, aiyuk airing out his demands on social media, he's not steelers material. That's a red flag that you can't ignore.

  7. I am not for it, especially at 30miilion a year. I would rather use a first round pick on a solid trench piece either on the Oline or dline. Personally, I like our WR room. reminds me of the 2010 group. They are going to be solid.

  8. The steelers success rate on 1st round picks far out weighs their misses. Compared to other organizations Ill bet they are in the top 3 in all the NFL. Some of their misses the players were solid starters just not stars, like edumunds for example. I liked the KP pick, thank god we did not draft malik willis like most of the fan base wanted. Overall this team drafts very well.

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