Indiana Pacers re-sign Obi Toppin — is it a good deal and what comes next? | free agency day 1 recap

Indiana Pacers re-sign Obi Toppin — is it a good deal and what comes next? | free agency day 1 recap

it’s day one of free agency done Obby to and resigns with the Pacers so much other chaos happens in the league the salary cap is a little lower than the league said it might be who there’s a lot to get to on today’s lock on Pacers podcast and Derek Kramer is going to help us break it all down let’s get to it you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Monday hope you had a great weekend and welcome into another edition of the lockon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today free agency is off it’s running Paul George had a meeting so bad with the Clippers they put out a statement who knows what team hell be on We I think we all have a pretty good hunch the Pacers what you hear about today resigned OB time happen or are going to what does that mean for the Pacers is that a good deal for your 60 million what does that mean for jarus Walker there’s so much to get to the salary Cap’s different the Pacers team’s almost full and Derek Kramer from my Pacers blog is going to join us to break it all down from day one of Pacers free agency and what comes next for the Pacers given we already know with top and back in the fold is that a good move I think it is but why we’ll deliver all of that to you guys today talk about the next steps for the Pacers let’s just get right to it with Derek Kramer day one a free agent has come and kind of gone it’s still the first day but the first hours were dramatic is X Pacer Paul George dominating the headlines by the time you’re listening to this kind have picked the team we’ll see I have to stress this on every free agency podcast ever it’s 11:47 PM Eastern Time on June 30th and the Pacers did their second Big Move of the offseason today Obi toppen resigned we’ll talk his contract the money the years is that a good deal what is the market rate say for this position what does this mean for the Pacer’s new Financial reality and what comes next in free agency there are young guys so much to get to and it’s been over a month so he’s back to help me do it it’s Derek Kramer from my Pacers blog Derek were you surprised at anything about Obi toppin resigning or was this as simple as we all thought all offseason I thought maybe it wouldn’t happen before free agency started I mean I think he probably got the word from his agents that like not going to anybody knocking at your door immediately looking to make you a big Mammoth offer this is probably going to be is what we’re going to get um so yeah like I I think the the money total like sounds good the amount of years makes sense to me um yeah I don’t nothing nothing too surprising kind of the Pacers kind of I think it just makes perfect sense to want to resign this guy who was a just perfect offensive role player for for the team shooting 70% on twos 40% on threes just unbelievable efficiency yeah and he’s back yeah uh I had often predicted on this show something in the three for 45 range this is just one more year of that which is actually a little surprising to me and I only say that because in my head he’s 26 like I don’t know if this is a real thing but this is like when stuff is selling for $1 1999 instead of $20 right like a 29-year-old free agent soundss better than a 30-year-old old free agent maybe there’s nothing to that but I thought a three-year deal get back out there when you’re 29 would be potentially appealing the the money to know here is the first two years of this deal are above the non- tax paramid level exception the third year is basically exactly what the non- tax paramid level exception will be that year and the fourth year is under so if that was your barometer for about what he would get or if you’re him what you would hope to get from someone else as a restricted free agent you got a little bit over that for a team that this has kind of been my thesis with ob summer is like the perfect fit for your skill set right he he needs to be a better Defender like to really grow with the Pacers but he get brought got brought here to be a transition threat and Fly Above the Rim and I thought that’s that’s cool but you know I wasn’t so like stoked about that what that could be for the team and then he made a bunch of Threes And I was like oh this is the perfect fit for their team right like you just keep that guy and that’s why I thought he’d get 15 million a year if he stayed with the Pacers and he got 15 million year with the Pacers so we’ll talk structure in a second but to me that all makes a lot of logical sense like there’s what what is there to I don’t feel like I’m missing anything it felt very easy to me yeah and just like even there’s G to be a ra a rotation crunch now like of course Pacers have a lot of guys that deserve to play and not enough spots for uh for everybody but like this also gives the Pacers another $15 million salary to potentially make a trade in a some kind of a two for one or whatever situation um down the line like obviously Obi is a perfect fit but they do have multiple players that like could fill in his spot and deserve to play like jarus Walker um so yeah like it’s Johnny Fury Derek Johnny Fury yes so sorry we have no idea no idea [Music] gonna make every judgment I need to know about this uh Johnny Fury at summer leag and I’ll I’ll have him figured out I actually think someone could have made me laugh today with are they burying Johnny Fury tweet after they signed out I would have laughed very hard at that Enrique Freeman is just getting what are they doing they just picked this guy at 50 unbelievable unbelievable give toin $5 million after that okay so let me throw you some other contracts that exist in the NBA really quick um and those are not on this Excel spreadsheet I’m in the wrong place okay okay those contracts are uh Royce O’Neal Royce O’Neal with the Suns like two days ago yesterday four years 44 million that’s 11 million per year Obby toppen is just better than him that’s very easy so he got more than him that makes sense um I once again went to the wrong Excel spread she okay Patrick Williams with the bulls five years 90 million player option that’s 18 million a year I would say right now today Obie’s probably probably a little better but I think Patrick glooms will be better very soon I like Patrick Williams a lot and he got more that makes sense to me these values make sense so far number three last year off season ruie haimura haimura no h ruie haimura three years 51 million 17 million per year that’s close Reserve four fits very well with their team okay great last year PJ Washington and I have to stress last year because he was amazing after he got traded but prior to people knowing that he could do that PJ was Washington three years 46.5 million just over 15 million per season and how about an exact contract comp and a very similar statistical production player Isaiah Stewart’s rookie scale extension with the Detroit Pistons is exactly four years 60 million and starts this season Isaiah Stewart last year as the fourman for Detroit averaged 10.9 points and 6.6 rebounds per game and missed a like half the season with an injury exactly the same as toppins i s this to say good backup fors who fit your style this is what they cost and so I think that if you’re coming from top inside of the table that would have been about where negotiation started and the mid-level exception was kind of this line for the Pacers of the decisions they can make with the external free agent and there’s not a lot of gap between those numbers I just said the mid- level exception so it seemed very easy to me that around this range made the most sense and if you run through those other players it’s very easy to to view this as I would not say an underpay or overpay just a a fine contract yeah I agree completely um kind of the PJ Washington like also similar restricted free agent yeah end up waiting a long time before he gets that deal hoping to get more Patrick Williams restricted free agent like I think he’s just kind of got that body type and the much better defense where you think like his potential could take him higher than where Obi can get to defensively just because of the type of body that Obi has so yeah I think it makes makes perfect sense right in line with all those contracts you mentioned and he’s better than some of those players and maybe slightly worse than some of those players so the next part of this is like the their their rubric for success is no longer development it’s winning he got better last year like the shooting is the reason I think he turned out to be a better fit than I totally expected but he’s got to keep getting better because like see hakam’s on the team now like his role this season is probably capped at what 20 minutes a game and that would require him playing with zakum for a few minutes every night and who knows if that’ll even happen so that kind of player to be worth this kind of deal has to be at least the level of player he was last year and then maybe add even more in some other way whether that’s he got better as a rebounder but more consistent rebounding a little better defending even better shooting like that can be a thing the other thing would him just being the backup five often if that ended being the case I don’t know if it should be or whatever but um and we’ll get to that in a second but I think for for this contract to age well that that he’ll have to keep getting better and that’s certainly possible there only been the NBA four years but if he if this is who he is what he was last year it’s fine but no more than fine and I I’ve said the whole time you keep the player rights in a small market like Indiana and figure it out later and they did that but for it to be a good contract to one that they’re like psyched about the whole time I don’t think it can be bad unless he gets hurt or just forgets how to shoot he’s got to keep getting better because he certainly does have some deficiencies and his role is not going to be huge yeah and obviously he’s got jarus Walker like who the Pacers obviously expect to be getting better too so if he eventually supplants him and then yeah it’s like are you gonna play more small with the backup five instead of Isaiah Jackson all the time or yeah like there’s a there’s just a number scruncher is going to be eventually so yeah Obie’s got to keep earning his spot just because he’s got this contract doesn’t mean that his spot in the rotation is safe for anything hey guys short little break let’s talk about fanuel I love sports I love SP Sports so much I never want them to stop and I watch something almost every day but as the playoffs wind down in the NBA and the NHL we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like we all want them to but FanDuel oh boy they let you keep the sports 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slightly smaller than that uh we can get into theories about why the M NBA’s Revenue was tinier this is not what this podcast is for but that matters because they signed a player to a foure $60 million contract that day so I have to I’m doing some estimating because I am putting Johnny Fury already on into their tax space because I think he’s going to get a roster spot so you’ll see a lot of differences between the number I’m saying and uh what you’ll read online that said if you count furen uh I have the Pacers at 13 players um that would be halberton Turner nce Smith McConnell maen Walker Jackson Shepard nard and Kendall Brown under contract that’s 10 and then sakam toppen and fury as either agreed to were going to be agreed to Deals and with those 13 players they’re pretty dang close to the now lower 17.8 million tax and so I have a guess I don’t know this but because it came in a little lower and because they were already close to the tax I bet topin deal starts as low as it possibly can in year one and then gets those Max eight% raises every single year and if that’s the case his first year salary would be 13.39 million and if that is the case and my estimated Johnny Fury contract which could be plus or minus a couple hundred, I currently have it at 1,850,000 I have that as puty the Pacers 4.25 million from the tax with two roster spots left that is doable two minimums great you did it rookie minimum you cut Kendall Brown and get a cheaper minimum in there there’s lots of very feasible ways to do that but that’s hairy stuff and there’s bonuses for McConnell and Turner that are like hard but attainable like it It’s tricky I’ll be very curious how they kind of manage the back end of their roster now because this all made sense but they do have to deal with that line going forward for sure now yeah so when uh when we heard the Pacers were on the prowl it was always going to be a very very challenging situation to find I hated that to find somebody that was gonna be like worth making a trade for and that they could also like salary match and make sense with just the financial reality of what they have going on um like even just using the the full mid level I don’t think fans realize that that’s not gonna happen oh no no oh let me let me be more clear that’s now impossible because the difference between them and the first apron is less than the full mid level now that’s not even possible anymore they can use some of it but not all of it yes and they can they can’t like they can only use it up to that first apron right because once they get go over with your mle hard capped immediately yep yeah and right now that like you said they’re about four million so they can’t even use the the full like taxer they could they’d go into the tax which would be stupid but they they could so like there’s there’s no reason like you shouldn’t just go into the tax to go into the tax like that doesn’t make sense to do so like if you’re still expecting the Pacers to use their midlevel like just get rid of that expectation because it’s if if you have that expectation you should have a second expectation they’re gonna trade away yeah they gotta get yeah and I don’t currently have that expectation their team makes a lot of sense to me right now right like they have a rotation they have young guys ready to play right like maybe they’re missing a a front Court player but like it makes sense to me they’re just financially like this is it right now and and if the cap does go up 10% every year they’ll be fine like they have ways to wiggle and keep who they want in fact M we’ll see what happens with McConnell and an extension but like there’s a chance the only guy completely out of their control for next year is Miles Turner right like it’s pretty good spot to be still but they still have to to to get to that point they have to do the dance this year still and it’s going to be close without a trade and wowe Derek Jones to the Clippers that surprises me because uh in one of my so I keep for let’s do some inside baseball Derk I keep a list of notes of like if I get to a point in a free agency podcast from out of stuff to say say this bring this thing up and one of them is like if Derrik Jones is actually leaving the Mavs he’d be a sick fit on the Pacers like unreal good he can defend guards and forwards uh that is not the case anymore but that is a great contract for the Clippers anyway uh that is my financial reality for the Pacers update for the many people that ask and and unless they make a trade I would do what Derek just said and caution you all that they will if they do anything else it’s probably like the most veteran yawn worthy signing like oh the the a 37y old third Center but that’s a fine thing they need to do that so excited yeah Cody Z homecoming we joked about before the yes before the put him in a thumbnail man it’s happening yeah I I’m not saying it’s actually happening but it feels like it’s it feels like a very like that’s like the perfect guy he’s not gonna expect to play does not suck he’s okay veteran guy like Indiana ties like it just kind of makes sense if that’s if they decide to get a third Center that’s like a veteran dude like it would make sense because he’s not like that shouldn’t threaten Isaiah Jackson’s potential for that for doing it but like even if you’re just thinking about like so like yes like the Pacers just made the Eastern Conference Finals it feels like they should be it might feel like to you that they should be going for more right now but it’s just kind of the reality of like this was supposed to still be a rebuilding year they don’t have a lot of contracts to like make a kind of trade to like upgrade a guy like Bridges would have been a guy that they potentially could have like salary matched for but he wanted to go to the Knicks the Pacers don’t have enough like picks yet either to make one of those like crazy trades they gave the 26 picked for SE yakum so like this is just kind of the reality of it like the Pacers have a really good set of players right now like we already talked about they don’t have enough rotation spots for the guys that they have and they’re those players don’t make it they have so many guys on rookie contracts that they don’t make enough money to like swap for something big yet so like it’s just kind of the reality of like where they’re at like they’re in a really good spot it might feel like they should be trying to go for more to some people but like they got they don’t want to skip step like if like you’re G to trade Benedict mathan or jarus Walker for like a mediocre forward that might be an upgrade now but like eventually one of those guys might be better than that person in the future so it’s just like would you trade one of those guys to try to get Cam Johnson or something no no God no yeah it’s awkward when the results skip steps because then it feels like the team should but they they shouldn’t to clear like they re like Pascal seak com’s on their team their goals are clear to win you know so like maybe just thinking of that the premise is like yeah trade the young guys for something great but if they have this whole team of Youth ready to go it’s just a very hard reality to marry but they are like because of their financial situation they’re like a lock to make a consolidation trade in the next 20 months or so you know something like that the 2026 deadline um if you map out the team and the rotation of the 13 guys they have their playoff rotation from last year the 10 for that are back and then the other three are Fury Walker and brown is if you’re looking at under that prism for their free agency is there anything else that they really need with their last two roster spots if you keep 13 into the season you can only do that for two weeks they’re gonna have at least 14 on their team I they might be able to have 15 if they can have cheap enough cont cont TRS Kendall Brown’s reality will be fascinating there but is there anything to you that they that they need like I have an answer but I’m curious what you think I mean they could use a like longer Wing but like I don’t even if you sign that guy like they’re gonna want to play and like even anybody they sign right now is like going to be a guy that like has to be willing to like know that they’re coming into an already crowded rotation so like a like a just one more veteran spot like I If they don’t like a James Johnson is obviously still an option but it’s like a a third Center maybe and then yeah like there’s not a lot that they like need for what they have like there’s obviously places they could upgrade but as we talked about before it’s really hard to make a salary match for a trade to even try to go that way and find an upgrade in that way yeah well there it’s not hard to make the seller match it’s just that if you trade away Miles Turner and whoever else it’s like then you got other problems yeah then you oh you need a center now so if you just like map out their depth chart of you know starting five Halbert and M hard and E Smith yakob Turner bench of pick your backup three I will currently say McConnell Ma and Shepard top and Jackson and then you have brown Fury and Walker I you know you could we talked about this a little before we started like you could say do you need a third big Obby toppen could be Center he showed that at times last year or seaka at the five for a few minutes whatever like you can get away with that that’s fine I would say in the regular season you don’t like want to do that very often so I think there is an argument for a third Center maybe under the the Damen Wilkins kind of contract non- guaranteed to start the season Kela Martin remember when he got waved he was non- guaranteed to start the season for the the whole season um is there anyone else I can’t remember OA brette was not guaranteed but he was never going to get wave that was just what it was and then they have enough point guards between nard starting at the two and Tristan Newton on a two-way so they’re probably good there but that’s the other thing none of their two-ways are centers so maybe it’s external guy veteran player who you’re if you’re Rick Carlile and you have an injur you’re like okay I can trust this guy maybe you try sheway and a pinch they tried that twice last year but the only two times they were comfortable with it were against yaka purle and Rudy goar which is a very specific type of player so that’s the only thing that I can identify is like this is if I had to to pick what they would do with their 14th roster spot right now I would say it’d be someone who can fill in at Center and then from there it’s kind of whatever they see fit and maybe they try to cut Kendall Brown and get a cheaper guy in I don’t know maybe they like him and they will because his contract’s very cheap too but that’s kind of what I think the rest of their free agency looks like yeah I agree and I like even if like the stuff we’re talking about that they kind of need to fill out the roster like the draft picks that they have they can use like even if they’re on two ways you can bring those guys up and give them the shot if they are in need of somebody at those spots um so yeah like it’s just gonna it seems like it’s just going to be a very quiet like they resign their guys they’re running it back and then as you said probably in the future is when a trade is going to eventually happen similar to the 20 2020 sorry similar to the 2021 summer I don’t even remember how many additions they actually had that year uh going into that season but they did not change their team very much from the borran year to the first year of Carlile hardly at all really H Justin holiday left for example yeah except they’re better now than they were back then yes okay so there’s the second part of the top and deal that has been discussed a lot it should be discussed even are that’s jerus right people I think this is wrong there was a lot of takes that’s like this says a lot about what they think about jerus no signing Obby toen says to me a lot about what they think of Obby toppen um and if jerus is good enough very soon that you have to consider that future now that’s good um now here here’s the thing we just built out to rotation with Ben Shepard as the backup three maybe jars can play backup three I would be shocked to not play Ben Shepard so if you want to play Shepard then you move Maan out but that doesn’t make sense either it’s like someone has someone young has to not play unless toa’s your backup center but then Isaiah Jackson is the young guy not playing so something is gonna be feel Something’s Gonna feel wrong or goofy I have said the following a lot and I well I haven’t said it a lot I I said it after they signed Oobi but I would not be looking to trade jarus as the Pacers and an anobi getting five for 2112 I was like like if there’s a 10% chance he’s that impactful not even 10% Like You know how hard it be for me to trade that guy like that’s such an important player for any team including the Pacers like it would take a ton then we got a report from Michael scado after to and agreed that said as the Indian Pacers have done their due diligence work at the phones of the NBA teams across the league rival Executives have inquired about Benedict maadan and jarus Walker League sources told Hoops side both young players however haven’t been made available by Indiana with the team looking to bring back its cor an attempt to make another deep playoff run I don’t know that those two are necessarily like so related to a deep playoff run in particular but I would be doing the same thing as them because I think they’re valuable and they could be valuable parts of a significant trade at some point but it doesn’t make sense to me that they would just be like let’s dump jarus like what for what you can’t you don’t get players now you have too many players already and trading jarus Walker for picks makes no sense to me so like there’s just it doesn’t that there’s nothing that makes sense so I do I obviously understand what everybody’s saying it’s obviously funky that your lottery pick in year two does not have an obvious Ro in front of him and I don’t know what they do about that because I feel like you should play but I don’t know who you take out for him to play and I still would have resigned obit toop and I said that all summer so I think it’s just that they have won too many guys right now and I don’t know how they figure that out at some point they’ll have to certainly um but I still would have done this even when thinking about jarus but I I do think they’ll have to make a decision to get him either minutes or use him to get something awesome at some point in the not too distant future yeah I agree and I think like there’s they’re very high on jarus like the buan has talked about how like the last couple weeks have been great for him and the he’s been working out twice a day all that stuff you always hear about young guys in the summer um but like just he’s so versatile like the Pacers use them as their garbage time point guard because all three of their point guards are rotation guys like and like at the draft Point like it was kind of wondering like is he G to be more of a five rather than a four and now they’re thinking can yeah so like you can put him anywhere in the lineup like eventually they’ll find a spot where he can contribute with regularity as long as he improves and does the things that they’re looking for as far as playing with more Force being more consistent on defense not relying on kind of gambling on the end like they need that body type like just just as you said like there’s any chance he can be like that OG type of Defender with length on these big wings like that’s exactly what they need so like if there’s no reason to like rush into a trade for him like we talked about like he doesn’t make money you’re gonna have to like combine his salary with Miles Turner’s to get anybody making a decent amount right now it’s like thing like you’re TR pop it just make to try to one of those deal I agree and it’s even trickier because well okay first I agree the other thing I wanted to get in a couple more things to respond to myself I don’t like I don’t think he’s going to become OJ and anobi that’s just like a proxy of a player that you’re seeing get these crazy deal that that’s like oh you know this is something they should think about um but that that is like not insane that on the defensive and that could happen Okay thing two I would say is if jarus is Guy number 11 on the team um I could I could make the argument that if any Center any four any three or any two gets hurt he is the guy who would play he would be the recipient of minutes probably would be a little trickier at point guard because Maan can’t just move down and M hard moving to the backup one doesn’t really open up anything but in my head like toen or SE yakum hurt obviously he could s slide in Shephard or n Smith hurt obviously he could slide in a two gets hurt you just move Shephard down and he slides in a five gets hurt you move top and up and he slides in it’s like he’ll play more right like they have less guys than last year when they had Ty at the beginning of the season and they had Bruce Brown and Buddy heel at times throughout the season and it’s just different they have fewer Doug mcder was on the team to close last season I would say top and returning rules a lot of that out so I bring a lot up to say there’s still gonna be chances for him to play right there it’s gonna pop up at some point that there’s an injury and so that’s another reason to say like it’s fine you need an 11th guy who’s going to hit the floor at some point so again I don’t think he’ll ever be an anobi that’s like an outrageous high-end outcome but the fact that it’s like like that’s a hope would just that that would tether me to him and I think he’ll play more this year because of the chance of injuries I think he’ll play more this year because they need to find chances for him to play more and once he’s good enough to then yeah but certainly they need to figure this out at some point but I still have kept topping with that in mind and you mentioned one more thing that I’ll bring up I hate saying this right when a contract is signed but like if you’re trying to stack contracts to make your big trade in the future Obi toppins is going to be a part of that it’s just very valuable in that way yeah just a just a real reality of it like obviously they’re very big fans of obie they like praised him a ton they want him back they’re not like thinking about that when they sign it but it is just a reality of it that yeah that contract could end up being it’s part of a trade down the line there’s a like a Turner a Turner top in young guy stack gets you like anybody in the league you know like they you can’t think that way you know but it’s just that’s just how it is and that’s how the the mid- tier contracts work right so is there anything else we missed from day one of Pacers free agency Obi toppen is is back and the Pacers team is pretty close to set barring an unforeseen trade someone popping up on the market which doesn’t seem likely I feel like we’re going to see some little stuff I feel like you’re going to see X Pacers signing if they I mean there’s not there’s not room for anyone left right I’m not even saying this because I know anything it’s just like it seems like Jaylen Smith and Doug mcder are not return ease it’s just how their roster set up now so maybe you’ll see that in the coming days talk about all that here but I think that’s day one toppin back their reality is looking pretty set for next year yep Paul George for atet minimum I think is the oh Lord the only thing yep he left he left uh the clippers for three years som the timing has the timing has perfectly slid of annoying impossible things so it’s like PG and then OG and then right when OG ended it was back to PG and then PG ended every was like oh my God now it’s Clay the Pacers can get clay I’m like guys no they can’t get any of these people they cannot do it oh K Casey P snuck in for like two seconds that was so weird what yeah that didn’t make any sense like how what are they gonna trade that would make sense for them to do yes kcp is a wonderful player but what are they goingon to trade that would match a salary that would make sense for the Pacers to give up and and an Obie for kcp double signning trade is would not have been legal because that would hard cap the nuggets and they can’t afford it so that that that’s not even possible so OB just obviously it’s not impossible Obi with joic would is like super fun that’d be sick just to know that would be super fun to watch yeah it was impossible I was like wait if he’s like the Nuggets can offer him 25 million right like that what can the Pacers possibly do that was the weirdest thing that was so odd um yeah so there are other reports that are out there we just mentioned one of them with the young guys some trade stuff one other free agent that’s like cheapish that makes sense that came out so if they don’t do anything tomorrow so I’ll talk about some moves that have been made that I would have sniffed around as the Pacers those those reports that are still relevant given what has happened any other guys that leave anything that they do do if they do bring someone else in uh or cut somebody or something we’ll see lots to come it’s it it’s July one now as Derrick and I are talking which means that like they can sign two ways and minimums legally right now like officially they probably won’t but they can so we’ll see how this all changes in the coming days but the Pacers reality for next season looking very set hoping that the young guys get better Derek thank you for the time very weird first day a free agency with all the new rules I hope you enjoyed it I hope everybody enjoyed it work people find you in your work covering the Pacers and what they might do for the rest of free agency yeah if you’re on the prow for more Pacers coverage you can oh my God I follow me on Twitter I Pacers blog check out my uh t-shirts miles high club one popular all the way in Japan some people uh wow cool picture no one in Japan has ever quipped back at me and said doesn’t look like they’re on the prow so go to go Japan people thank you for not being snarky and understanding the rules of the NBA on the internet good job that is the end I can’t wait for the I can’t wait for the dust to settle I I wonder if there’s a chance that nothing H Paul George is going to hold the market I think to to finish this with the next Pacer until he decides which it’s funny decides because as of this moment of information which could change it looks like his decision is one team so if once that’s done if it happen it’s only not out like I think I agree with whoever said it first like it’s only not out because he wants to say it on his podcast first that’s possible like that’s the only reason it’s not out yet uh who said that they were meeting in some some one of the newsbreakers said they’re meeting in La uh tonight which it’s 930 there right now maybe um but that would be funny that would be very funny uh once that happens and then it’s just like the best like Jonas valun signed right it’s like the best player left is clay and then it’s you’re either returning to your own like that’s like yeah you’re either returning to your own team or you’re getting the mle like figure it out let’s go you know that’s that’s G you the rest of it so this could move quick depending on when PG decides to go but if he doesn’t tomorrow be a lot of speculatory stuff here at lown Pacers I’m on Twitter at Tony East writing about as much stuff that comes through as I can uh and summer league stuff will get going in about a week so lots of fun stuff coming in PAC for land give dererk a follow check out his work too he also talked about the on the prow stuff because Tyrus halber made the funniest face he’s ever made when Brian wior said that thank you’all for listening have a wonderful day see you very soon

The Indiana Pacers re-signed forward Obi Toppin to a four-year, $60 million deal on the first day of free agency. Is it a good move? Should the Pacers have done it? Host Tony East is joined by Derek Kramer from iPacersblog to break it all down, including the Jarace Walker element and the Pacers new financial reality.

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  1. So far the Pacers seem to be hoping for internal growth, meanwhile the Knicks made major upgrades and just after this video ended the 76ers landed Paul George. And of course the Celtics are able to run it back. At what point do the Pacers start feeling pressure to do something more?

  2. Cant wait for our playin game next year! Same old shit with the pacers, have a good season do nothing everyone else gets better then bang out of the playoffs. Yes we have young talent but damn our defence is somehow looking worse next season 💀

  3. Does anyone think jarace walker should be played at the 3? With his size and defense all he really needs is to shoot 35% from 3 and he would be good 🤷🏼‍♂️

  4. That money could have been better spent on acquiring Jonathan Kuminga or Hartenstein. Toppin is good but the pacers need in the Center Position nor in a starter role. With this signing Walker will be pushed to play the 3 and I feel that would take a lot of time before that comes into a successful project.

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