A Cardinals Milestone For Lance Lynn! And Time For A Tough Nolan Gorman Discussion…

A Cardinals Milestone For Lance Lynn! And Time For A Tough Nolan Gorman Discussion…

well how about that from Lance Lynn and the Cardinals what’s going on everyone and welcome in to this edition of beef shave daily Brenan schaer here with you in the evening hours of Sunday June 30th 2024 my last podcast of my 20s that’s right a whole new era starting on Monday not quite sure how to feel about it but we move on it’ll be good it’ll all be good appreciate you guys for being with me here tonight we’re going to be breaking down a Cardinals win on Sunday as the red birds did find a way to split that Series against the Reds two nothing win at Bush we’ll talk about Lance ly’s outing as he was able to string another really good one together how do Cardinal fans feel about his place in the Cardinal rotation right now after a couple of really solid ones in a row also hitting a milestone moment that we’ll talk about from this afternoon for Lance Lyn we’ll tell you how they scored their runs as they only a couple of runs scored for the Cardinal so that won’t be a very long conversation and we’ll go down on the farm with the latest from the miners today in Cardinals baseball as well as getting into a little bit more of a detailed conversation about Nolan Gorman who yes he still leads the Cardinal in home runs but he is really I mean really going through it right now at the plate so we’re going to have to Circle back to that conversation and and face the facts on where things are right now for Nolan Gorman so that’ll be something we get to on today’s episode of B shave daily shout out to the bsha Daily gang membership if you’d like to get involved in that the link is in the description to this video you can certainly do so I would appreciate it after wrapping up last night by the way I noticed that my Spotify follower account for bsha daily was up higher than I remembered it being by like a couple dozen or so I couldn’t remember exactly what the number was I just knew it was higher than it used to be like a day ago because I can see that and access that every day uh much lower though still by the way than our YouTube subscribers so if y’all want to go to Spotify follow rate and review bsha daily that would be sick uh but anyway I eventually figured out that someone had asked on the Cardinal subreddit on Reddit there’s a a page for just Cardinals talk what Cardinals podcast people like to listen to and thanks to my guy here for the shout out I’m not going to out him for his Reddit username because I don’t know if other people know but he did send me a message and tell me who he was but his comment became the top comment on the thread where he said talked about my podcast and said I like Brennan Schaefer’s podcast so I think some new Cardinals fans may have found us which is awesome I mean that’s great I did think it was funny though that one of the more comments when people were asking for the name of the podcast somebody said the podcast needs a better name and I said that’s probably true I honestly I don’t know what compelled me to call it B shave daily four and a half years ago when I started it I I think it was more like one of those deals where if I’m trying to remember I was like procrastinating and kicking the can down the road on knowing like I had a vision to be a daily Cardinals podcast done by someone who covers the team boots on the ground has media access to interview players the whole nine yards like that and thinking that that would be something that maybe people would find interesting and I like to talk I was doing radio at the previous in my career I wasn’t doing the Big Show or the stuff that I had then circled back to with 590 the fan more recently that’s over now but I was that was something like a podcast I thought would be something that could fit in this space in terms of from somebody who covers a team but to do it daily and that was kind of the idea that I had and I mean I had been covering the Cardinals 4K mov since 2016 writing for their website going to games going to the Press Box all that but I didn’t start the podcast until like 2020 I think it was like right around January 2020 if I’m remembering and I think just not having a clever name for the podcast was holding me back for a while from starting it so if I’m remembering right I think it was just one of those nothing matters the name doesn’t matter just start doing it today sort of moment so that’s the backstory with the name be sha daily if anybody like there there are people in my life that through High School through college independent of one another B shave was a nickname that I had at various times so I was like yeah not being the guy to give himself his own nickname but that was part of what I put it in there but I did reply in the subreddit and tell the guy that he was right it’s a dumb name but I didn’t know that people would end up listening to it so I’m kind of stuck now I guess anyway I appreciate my guy for saying hey Brendan schaer he’s that guy talks about the Cardinals every day check him out I do do that so subscribe and consider a channel membership if you want to support the grind on the content I really do appreciate all of you for supporting this podcast listening to it and helping to turn it as well as the YouTube channel into an actual part of my growth and my career rather than me just spending this time talking into the void I sincerely do thank y’all hoping that the first year of my 30s ends up being another big year of growth for the channel and the podcast so tell a friend tell them about us and uh get him in here let’s build this community up let’s talk Cardinals now forgive me the Preamble birthday podcast I’m going to take a little bit of time to reflect on where we’re where we were and where we hope to go so that’s that was but now we’re going to dig into Cardinals I promise Lance Lynn is he suddenly what the Cardinals thought they were getting when they signed him because there was a really rough stretch and now he’s starting to settle in where he’s just dealing that fast ball I read in John Denton’s story 95% fast balls from Lynn today and that’s what he does man like he’ll sink it he’ll cut it ride it he’ll just bring it however he needs to bring it when he’s spotting it the way that he’s able to mix and Miss barrels that’s what’s fascinating about him he doesn’t have to strike out a ton of guys he had 6ks today but it’s really just about missing barrels and being able to guys think oh I’m going to square this up but nope it’s not a sinker it’s a cutter and you thought it was and then it kind of dips the other direction and you’ll still get some wood on it but it won’t be the the type that you thought you were going to get on it that’s kind of Lance Lynn in a nutshell and he just throws fast balls and doesn’t he doesn’t give an f i mean it’s great he doesn’t always have his best stuff we’ve seen some ugly ones from him but when he does have his best stuff this is kind of what you get from him which is a great devel velopment right now for the Cardinals during a stretch where both Gibby and Michael has had rough ones recently Sunny too for that matter was not particularly strong in his start against the Reds so you feel pretty good about that from Lance Lynn look I I remember calling him repeatedly in the off season and and coming into spring like I said Lynn I think could be the number two starter for this team I know he didn’t have great numbers last year I know he gave up the most home runs in baseball last year but that was really the worst year of his career by far and if take that away even 2022 he had a sub4 erra was an All-Star with a 269 RA in 2021 maybe he’s not all that far removed from that I know that he could just be getting nailed by the Aging curve because he is in his age 37 season at this point and coming in maybe that was the fear of of what was going to cause him to be bad he turned 27 uh 27 he turned 37 on May 12th so I guess it was a bit of a gamble by the Cardinals to suspect okay what version of Lyn are you going to get in terms of and he turned back the clock at all at six Innings two hits allowed today just one walk he’s only allowed one walk that’s the only one he’s allowed over his past three starts because previous to this one he had two in a row without a walk at all and this was another shutout outing 3.59 the ra I’m not saying that if you pencil Lance Lynn in for a playoff start I’m hooping and hollering and thinking that’s going to be great I I think it could be good but it also could be a mixed bag you don’t know for sure the confidence level I we’ll see right he’s got to I think do this a little bit more more often but this was really good to see again especially when others that have been pitching better of late kind of took a step back over this last turn third the rotation it is the Reds too so you kind of keep that in mind but they had some games this weekend where they did score runs another really good outing from Lance Lin and hit a milestone today as he he becomes the sixth Cardinals pitcher with a thousand career strikeouts as a cardinal and he’ll also get to Career number 2000 in terms of strikeouts for overall including the other teams played for that’s going to happen like pretty soon maybe his next start if he has a great one probably two stars from now he’s at 19990 strikeouts if I am doing the math correctly because baseball reference says he came into today with 1984 a little orwellian for you and he had six strikeouts today so 1990 yeah he he’ll get to 2,000 uh you know probably before the all start break should be so good for Lance ly that’s cool to have him have a nice moment like that and only six to do it in cardinal history which is which is notable so I don’t know I think that’s pretty cool and the Cardinals fans there at Bush gave him a nice Ovation which was nice to see Ryan Hesley number 30 in a row still the club record for consecutive successful save conversions and he adds to that record list by today tying Lee Smith for the most saves all time by a cardinal before the All-Star break in a single season um surely he will pass him and and be able to hold that record by himself and that one’s not pertaining to having to do it in a row so even if he blows a save before the break as long as he picks one more save up um briyan hillsley will will take that record by himself as well after tying Lee Smith today and this guy is going to get paid y’all like just be ready for that I don’t know what that’s going to look like I don’t know if that’s the Cardinals just ponying up to to sign a reliever because look if he ends up saving like 60 games this year and has a sub three er teams are going to notice that and his agent is going to notice that and say hey this this thing is a year away from free agency do it one more time which is the hardest thing to do when you’re a reliever the best thing for Hy would be if this was his free agency year because that’s what would get him paid but you have to do it again and stay healthy and all those things are difficult which I know is a reason that a lot of kind of I don’t know if it’s Forward Thinking or folks that that think a little bit outside the box sort of Cardinals fans have said look trade Ryan Hesley while his value is at its highest when you are the Cardinals and you are trying to like your public facing stance is you’re trying to make the playoffs you cannot trade the closer who leads baseball in saves and hasn’t blown one since like March like you just aren’t going to do it I understand it and there could I’m not saying it would be impossible that a year from now there won’t be a moment like we could be looking back and and going oh they missed their window to trade him because maybe an injury or maybe ineffectiveness or whatever I’m not predicting it I’m just saying with relievers that’s always a possibility so I let the good times roll is what I I would say with Ryan Hy enjoy it because he is really really good at what he does and uh is going to be compensated for it appropriately as long as he stays healthy man that’s got to be the key and look I think part of what can allow him to have this level of success and we know there’s been a little bit of spotty command at times with the fastball and that’s something that I think he’ll continue to work through and continue to fine-tune but because the Cardinals took that step to say you can be a closer and that’s what you are you don’t have to be all things to all people at all times for us you don’t have to pitch in the eighth you don’t to go multiple we do prefer it if you can go back to backs and it’s never been a problem for Hesley I think he just wasn’t keen on backto backs plus multiple inning outings and just just do it all U that’s something that can wear down a guy’s arm expectations for what the role would be I really do believe has allowed for Hesley to lock things in and and be very very good in the role that he’s in there may be some people that don’t love it I am one person that is on board saying I do think that’s been the right call with the Cardinal and Hesley and it’s hard to argue when he’s 30 for 30 with saves and saves is not the end all be all because again there have been some games where the Cardinals have been up by three runs but then he gives up a couple still gets the save and you go well yeah but the ra went up and he didn’t he gave up two runs that’s not it is what it is man the closer roll that ninth inning there’s something different about it I I know that it shouldn’t be that way like logic should dictate that it wouldn’t be that way but it is different to be able to get that last out and Ryan Hesley has demonstrated the ability to do it and I do think that there is a value to that and majorly baseball today and I I believe his contract eventually is going to tell the Tale on on proving that to be the case that there is value to that Cardinals offensively today scored just two runs uh you can’t complain about a couple of knocks with risp though two for seven with runners in scoring position today which is passable it’s like a 286 average you’d like to see maybe more chances with risp but you know it is what it is hunter green pitched well for the Reds so that’s just that’s going to happen he’s got very Dynamic arm as we know the two runs for the Cardinals coming on and RBI Knock by burles and then Mason wi had one and he also hustled out to make his a double RBI double outfielder wasn’t getting the ball in very cleanly very quickly and so wi took advantage there that’s really it for the offense though uh Pedro P has had a three- hit game his first as a big leager and has the average there pretty close to 200 now over 190 but that’s basically all that happened combined with the well pitch game the thing ended pretty quickly I think 2 hours 17 minutes on the game time for Sunday afternoon at Bush I was not at this game I had my uh my nephew’s birthday party him and I share the same birthday July 1st so he had the party today it was a bowling birthday party and I had some fun because my my son he he’ll turn two in September but not quite big enough to do the bowling yet even even if you brought him up there with the they have like these ramps that you can use and the kid can just put the ball on there and push it down the ramp and I’m not really into that because I I think still the ball can go in the gut so I was bringing him up there with me I’m a left-hander so I hold him in my right hand and and and bowl with my left and bull I have a bowling background I don’t know how many people know this about me out there that listen to the podcast casually but I bull League every year and have been taking the summer off but got in there and I’ll be damned if I didn’t throw five strikes in a row with my son in my arm and then I didn’t want to put him down because I was thinking he was good luck but anyway that was a lot of fun but I was watching and I was like how is this game already almost over I had to go back and rewatch some things when I got home but I was thinking that is nuts that it went as quickly as it did 2 hours 17 minutes kind of cool anyway let’s talk Nolan Gorman because I did tease that we were going to spend a good amount of time on him today 0 for four 3ks I hate to talk too much negative on a day where the Cardinals did win but you look at it they they split the series against the Reds it was the best case scenario coming into Sunday right you you would have preferred to have won this series but anytime you play a four gamer unless it’s the Rockies I’m not letting the Cardinals off the hook for splitting that for gamer a few weeks ago but otherwise it’s it’s possible to not get the win you know you didn’t lose it you didn’t win it it’s different when it’s a three- game series because it feels like the sky is falling when you drop two of three that’s a 333 win percentage and when you win a series 666 nobody’s going to maintain a 666 throughout a full season so don’t lose series but if you split a four gamer it was frustrating to see it play out the way that it did but the Cardinals weren’t too competitive in the two losses they had in the series and the two wins they had they did by the the hair on their chinny chin chin so it is what it is the offense has to be better like that is the overarching picture of what we’re trying to say here but that’s why I wanted to talk some Nolan Gorman because he is one of the guys that’s supposed to be catapulting this offense and Performing as a central figure within this offense and today he was 0 for four with three strikeouts continuing a trend that is I said yesterday I’m not going to read I talked Gorman a little bit yesterday we’re going to talk more about him today when I brought him up yesterday I said we’re not going to read the stats off of the the recency of what his like 4 for 64 or 4 for 70 whatever it had devolved into now we are going to have to read some Gorman stats because it’s pretty bleak when you can look at his last 15 games and this might not even be the whole thing but mlb.com breaks down these stats in a in in quick bites last seven games last 15 last 30 and Nolan Gorman for his last 15 082 is the batting average with a 143 slug four for 49 but if you take it back even further I think you can get it to about and again this is arbitrary end points so it’s not fair like I’m going to make it look as bad as I can so I’m going to skip a day where he got a hit that sort of thing and then started on a day that he didn’t get a hit June 8th it looks like and I usually use baseball reference for these but he that for whatever reason even yesterday’s game on the 29th is not up on here on his game logs but anyway 061 from June 8th to June 28th was his batting average four for 66 then yesterday he went one for three today 0 for four so that’s adding a one for seven some quick math he’s five for his last 73 that’s like an 061 is average 062 something in there two home runs 32 strikeouts has struck out in and then now it’s up to 35 or so strikeouts in his last 73 bats he’s basically got a 50% strikeout rate over the past three weeks or so give or take and he’s not providing I mean he’s got five hits since June 8th so it’s been extremely extremely Bleak and I had said move him down to number eight there’s maybe no too low when it comes to Gorman I would still batani ninth because I like the speed element when he does get on it’s kind of like a second leadoff guy from that perspective even though he doesn’t get on at a at a leadoff man clip I think people understand where I’m coming from with that I said I’d back Gorman eth but then you go Lefty Lefty because can’s a lefty so that kind of that’s I think why he lands seventh but anyway I was I’ve been for weeks saying Gorman can go down the lineup that’s totally fine you want him to be a chief contributor he hasn’t been you just have to live in reality when it comes to that but I have to acknowledge my guy Damien who is one of our channel members on The bave Daily gang here on YouTube and he sent me a message yesterday and I got to be honest when I saw his message yesterday stating that Alli is going to have to justify why he plays Gorman every day that was Damian’s point my response was a little tur I’ll admit because my thing is like it can be a little overwhelming to pick at each individual spot of a roster every day and have scathing takes on it all the time for me that would not be sustainable I realize for fans it’s the passion that comes through and I sometimes have to do a better job of just understanding and recognizing that love you Daman I do but my response was basically to Damian my point was that I don’t know that I am willing to leave Nolan Gorman on the bench to rot because I’m not sure right now who the obvious players to put in that I know are going to be better options and that sounds a little bit counterintuitive because anybody is going to be better than five for 73 I think even Victor Scott was doing better than five for 73 when he was here so I understand that but the other side is anyone today could be the day that Nolan Gorman goes back to being the guy who still leads the team in home runs that’s what’s so damn Difficult about this one because even as he’s been largely useless for the better part of a month he still leads the Cardinals in home runs that’s how hot he can get that’s how capable of carrying your lineup he is when he’s on but we have to again and I saw and I don’t even remember who had said it but it was early in the year and there was somebody on Twitter that was sort of poo pooing this idea that that oh we always talk about Gorman being so streaky I think that’s overplayed he’s not and here’s the stats that show it and I was like you might be the smartest person in the world I don’t remember if it was a blog or who said it I’d give credit if I did but I I remember seeing that and thinking I don’t know man this he is that streaky as streaky as you think he is he’s that streaky and then maybe a little bit more than that so it’s part of the Nan Gorman experience to go through this but I thought the idea maybe the Cardinal thought and hope too that as he got a little more mature into the league the length of when he slumps could be cut down by his better practices but we are seeing about as bad of a slump it seems like he has one every year at the big league level that’s kind of like this I’d have to go back and look and see if if this one mirrors what had happened in the last couple of Seasons but each year this is year three for him in the bigs it kind of had this sort of vibe to it where there was a spell through the season where you just could not like and I get it I understood where where Damian was coming from because I too have seen Gorman be a Turn Style back to the Dugout for several weeks and it’s happened in each of his Seasons as I mentioned but I realistically just have a hard time with it because for this one there has to be at least I think and tell me if I’m wrong I I maybe I am wrong Cardinal fans you can let me know in the comments to me I always am catered a little bit toward the level of willingness to have him play through the slumps and weather the storms in order to arrive at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow right but I also understand not wanting to see him in there every day if you’re a Cardinal fan because these outcomes have been brutal and Damien messages me saying well how can olly keep playing him every day and I sort of took it like okay another deal where Olli is getting blamed for something that’s not necessarily on him like he’s not going up there and and taking these abs for Nolan Gorman that there’s personal accountability to that now all he does make the lineup he chooses that he gets to be in there and win that’s absolutely true but when this roster was built it was built with an I on Nolan Gorman being a massive contributor not a guy that OE marmal needed to wonder should he play or not today and OE has already moved him down to number seven I think eight would be more than appropriate other than the Lefty Lefty situation that you create and if wi’s not in the lineup which sometimes happens you know Crawford’s down there as well so there are some things you have to figure out with that but I I think his occasional benchings that could be more than appropriate you just don’t want to see him become a paper weight on the bench in my opinion because then I don’t see now the light at the end of the tunnel for how the Cardinals are supposed to get him out of the slump and be able to enjoy the benefits of when he’s carrying your lineup and the moment that starts happening you go okay moving back up for for a while and then when he starts you know not being able to hit water if he fell out of a boat then you move him back down or you you bench him sometimes in matchups that you don’t think are conducive but it’s just so hard because we know what he’s capable of doing and other than just hiding him at the bottom of the lineup the next choice is that o marmal can make anyway is to bench him the next choice that jono Zak could make maybe Memphis now big picture with Gorman you’re seeing why my willingness to capitalize on his value or I guess I should say the perception of what we thought his value was in the off season was where where my take lied on this issue I said when you compare him to Brendan Donovan you’re talking about can the Cardinals trade for a legit starter to make him the number two to Sunny gray I said I’m not trading Brendan Donovan in this or really any scenario I flat out insisted I would not entertain Donovan and trade talks if I were the Cardinals that did not used to be the consensus take I don’t think I think it more so is at this point in time with the way that Gorman’s going but again like I felt like an idiot right when he was hitting six homers on a road trip and and 10 homers and 12 games or whatever it was how dumb did I look then it’s got to stay grounded in where we’re at on these things because a lot can happen in a six-month baseball season it’s why I try not to do too many hot takes there are people right now that that they want Gorman sent to the golog and I get it I I I think you do have to as Olie marmal make adjustments and realize what you’re seeing right now but man it’s it’s got to be frustrating when you know what he’s capable of when he’s going right but he’s not going right with Gorman it is the good and the bad you got to take one with the other leading the team in homers but has a lower Ops than Matt Carpenter like it genuinely wouldn’t take too many more days of him going down and like Michael canani or even Pedro pz going up on the Ops for them to meet in the middle and that’s why I’ve said Gorman season that’s kind of like empty calories one of the lowest batting averages in the league and people are said well honestly if you take away the stretch where he was otherworldly it’s really an ugly set of circumstances because they there’s no there’s nowhere to hang your hat on if you take away the the one stretch that was like two three weeks long maybe not even that long where he built up a lot of the numbers that he has at this point so what’s the solution then I like again I don’t know if I can pin it on OE marmal like I said frustrating you have this guy who’s just sitting the bench but you know what he’s capable of it’s hard not to pull that trigger especially when like who are you wanting to see get the starts and I and there is a solution to it I think right now it would be Donovan plays second base Dylan Carlson gets more starts but I it’s hard to get up for Dylan Carlson even though though the numbers have been better recently but he’s still hitting like 190 with a 540 or 550 Ops or whatever it is so overall it’s not like Carlson has been you know he’s 198 with a 515 the Ops is lower than I had realized so that’s it’s like just it’s hard for me to get on kind of get up for that argument you know to be able to to act like I believe in it you know Brandon Crawford Jose fine Thomas a JC is not dictated call up at this point with his numbers this year which hopefully he can get it back on track and become a guy that can eventually get up here people might say like call up say Aro he’s a good hitter and a little older in terms of of prospect pedigree what’s his age I wonder is he 25 might even be 26 he turned 25 in May so whatever I mean he’s been in Triple A doing a doing a nice job I I don’t know that he’s going to come up though and and be better than a 700 Ops s which gorin hits a homer tomorrow well he won’t hit one tomorrow because tomorrow’s Monday and they don’t play if he hits a homer on Tuesday his Ops will be like 700 again and you take the good with the bad so that’s why if if there was an obvious solution and maybe Tommy Edmond ends up being that solution he sprained his ankle or rolled his ankle or whatever he did taking a grounder so obviously they’re having him work on infield stuff to be able to be versatile when he comes back in whatever role they need maybe it’s as simple as Edmond just slots back into second base I remember the day that he spoke at winter warmup in January and the rist stuff it was the first time it was being talked about Tommy Edmond and you know everything was like hunky dory then oh yeah I’ll be ready to go I just no timeline but my progress is good we’re going to get there and obviously it’s been a nightmare he’s it’s July 1 and he’s not ready yet hasn’t played this year again I hearken back to anything you get from him in the first half before the All-Star break is a bonus consider it that way and you won’t live your life being mad about Tommy Edmond’s status every day but I remember being there at winter warm-up and Edmond leaving the podium and it may have been John Denton that was still standing there or somebody and made a comment that was like kind of tongue-in cheek about yeah they’re talking about you being the center fielder that’ll probably not happen and Edmund goes I know it’s you know I’m I’m used to it at this point it doesn’t bother me I’ll just end up bringing all my gloves and we’ll see what happens like even when they had the plan in place that yes he’s going to play center field you knew in your heart of hearts like something would happen that it really wouldn’t come to fruition and that’s kind of where we are maybe that’s the answer though Edmund to Second and Gorman take a spell in Memphis to try and sort things out the way that Jordan Walker has had to do ideally this is not the place that Cardinals would be living with the guy that leads the team in homers right now but progress as a young player develops is not always linear it’s rarely linear you don’t have a good year so then that means next year you’re going to get better and have a great year sometimes you go backwards um Nolan Gorman has gone very far backwards to this point and it’s not great but you know we’ll see we’ll see what ends up happening maybe what he just needs is not a send him down but yeah bench him from time to time and do some things behind the scenes in order to find it back I’m not really sure how viable that is like hey you’re not going to play so that’s going to help you get better how much can you do behind the scenes to make that sort of impact I don’t know the Cardinals would have to determine that but if if it really does get and has gotten bad Memphis I guess could be an option I just say realistically right now I don’t see a ton of guys that I’m going oh yeah obviously put that guy in over noan Gorman even though as I acknowledged anybody can go five for 73 if they’re at a big league level or even the triaa level somebody can come up and go five for 73 with 35 strikeouts so it’s frustrating let me know you can vent your frustrations in the comments and I promise to be nice and and to be understanding that uh it is it has been difficult to see from Nolan Gorman lately all right so before we go down on the farm and I will play the drop nobody I don’t think anybody said anything in the comments yesterday the the the sound effect it’s not really even a sound effect that I created but I I am going to play that again and see if anybody has any thoughts on it it’s extra dumb but I like it but before we do that let’s talk Jacob bosiokovic because the Cardinals recalled or I don’t know they selected the contract I think technically of the 30-year-old relief pitcher who came up originally with the Rockies as a first base SL third baseman and then reinvented himself as a pitcher back in 2021 bosiokovic was with the Cardinals in their minor league system had some some solid progress to where you thought maybe this guy could end up reaching The Bigs at some point got injured though in 2022 and I I guess was out of the org at that point Indie ball in 23 independent ball was not playing Affiliated minor league baseball at that point last year and then the Cardinals brought him back he’s he’s got solid numbers in Memphis this season so here he is as the Cardinals continue to Carousel their relievers we did say Saturday night on the podcast that Gordon grapha would not be here by Sunday morning simply because he threw over four Innings and and like 67 pitches on Saturday so there was just no way that the Cardinals were not going to churn that spot and they’ve done it with clenin who was back in the rotation I wasn’t going to talk about him in down on the farm today simply because he didn’t have a great start but like five innings four runs but they’re continuing to just bleed dry the Memphis rotation and the Memphis pitching staff but then they send them back and they got to stay for 15 days once they’re back down so the Cardinals have gone further down the uh further down the list to Jacob bosiokovic who 30 years old former position player is going to get his opportunity here at at some point I think he’ll be on the roster for a few days probably we’ll see if he gets into a game the first time Ryan ludus was on the roster he did not get into a game today was good to see by the way I didn’t mention too much about the the bullpen ride to get to Hesley but kitridge Romero Hesley the Triumph RIT was in was in their form today uh kitridge did have a walk but recorded a couple of outs then the lineup turned to where it made sense to go JoJo he got four outs no hits no runs no nothing allowed uh no walks and then that led into hle so no chance for bosiokovic to come in today because the Cardinal had their their trium brate looking like it looked during the early portion of the season with all guys I mean I think only I think it was only one base runner between the three of them that was allowed and Hesley had the two strikeouts so that’s three Innings one base runner pretty good stuff by the back end today for the Cardinals but certainly an interesting story for Bo ovic and we’ll end up seeing obviously what happens as far as his long term viability the like a three I think that he had in Triple A Memphis I’m trying to pull it up here now let me grab it somebody played the uh the elevator music or the Jeopardy theme would be good just imagine in your head that that’s what’s going on right now this season with it’s so funny the baseball reference page I have to scroll down because the top half of the page is his hitting numbers and he hasn’t taken an at bat this year 3.00 RA in 25 games 30 Innings he’s got 38 8 K in those 30 innings in the miners 22 walks I think everybody walks people in the miners that ABS is the devil I don’t know what it is but bovic he is the new Cardinal reliever uh the the Cardinals to make room on the roster had to designate for assignment a man whose name that I’ve never said on the podcast until now Colton Ingram the Cardinals designated for assignment apparently he was on the 40-man roster and I’ll admit this on the podcast I had never heard of this guy until today at no point during the last month and a half apparently did I pull up the Grid or the Cardinal’s 40-man roster just to kind of take a a lookie and find that this individual named Colton Ingram was on it and I did some digging and I was like how is this possible the Cardinal had a player on their 4man that I had not heard of the reason for that was that when they picked him up off of waivers it was May 10th which was that weekend in May that I didn’t do any live shows because I was best man in a wedding so the Cardinals had picked up a guy that escaped my radar for like 50 days and it was because I was just off the grid the one time that they they did something and I never heard of Colton Ingram I’m like they designated who today I this guy that’s a madeup name they don’t have a Colton Ingram on their 40-man roster but they did and I just had missed it so that’s kind of fun it reminds me I forget who it was now I’m going to want to go back and look at it it was September 2022 and there was some roster move that the Cardinals made I think they designated a pitcher for assignment okay I found it Junior Fernandez was designated for assignment on September 5th 2022 and it was like the very end of the month or something maybe October 1st if they were still playing games that on that day it was some point later where the Pirates picked up Fernandez or he was pitching against the Cardinals or something happened and I saw a tweet I think Jeff Jones tweeted old friend alert about Junior Fernandez because of somebody picking him up or maybe they were dumping him to whatever it was it was somebody else another team related to Junior Fernandez pitching and I was like what do you mean old friend is is Junior Fernandez not still on the Cardinals but I my son was born in like that week and we were in the hospital all week with some complications after the fact and I absolutely for about a month missed that Junior Fernandez was not on the Cardinals anymore like maybe it was even during the playoffs that the Pirates claimed him on waivers from somebody else or something whatever it was I’m not even going to bother looking it up but it reminded me of that because I’m like Junior Fernandez isn’t on the team when did that happen oh right it happened the longest week of my life and most rewarding of course but still the longest same thing though when it comes to Colton Ingram so sorry if if this is where you get all your Cardinal news you never knew about Colton Ingram because I didn’t never hear about Colton Ingram or know he existed for that matter anyway okay let’s do the fun part where Brendan moves like a cow it’s time to go down on the farm down on the farm where we talk Cardinals minor league action from Sunday is brought to you by it’s not brought to you by anybody but it could be you if you want to sponsor it uh okay let’s talk Memphis first nukan Baker nuk and lukan hit number 23 today another bomb for Baker up to a 920 Ops on the season with Memphis and that’s really after a brutal start for him at the beginning of the year I want to see him up man I don’t have the answer I don’t know the solution or the way that it happens how they get him here whether it has to be via trade I just think he’s deserving of a look at this point I think he deserves to play some big league baseball I don’t want to see luuk and Baker turn into that that guy he’s already 27 turn 27 on March 10th where it’s like he’s 30 years old and it’s a nice story when he gets called up at 30 no like just let’s see a way to make this happen for Luke and Baker I think he could be a legitimately solid DH in in an era where like offense is harder to come by Across the game it seems batting averages are lower production feels lower pitchers are better pitchers are winning more often luuk and Baker I’m not saying he’s going to when he gets a shot but it would it shock me if he came up and had like a seven 80 790 maybe an 800 Ops at the big league level hitting some ters being a DH you know he could I don’t know his first base defense what he’s a DH it’s fine I still think there can be a value to that in the modern game if a guy’s hitting with an 800 Ops Beggars can’t be choosers and I’m not looking that gift horse in the mouth now he could come up and be more like a six something Ops who doesn’t play defense and then he’s got no value and that’s kind of what he did in his cup of coffee with the Cardinals last year I just I don’t know I think he has the potential to be more than that and if he doesn’t do it now so that he can go make some real money over in Japan or Korea or something and and get a contract there once he sees that maybe it’s not it’s just not going to happen for him here I would like to see him get a look but anyway that’s that’s what I got from Memphis cofen Stein didn’t pitch that well it is what it is Springfield big day for Jimmy Crooks at the plate uh he’s the catcher down there in Springfield double A a single short of the cycle which is a little bit nuts three hit had a double triple and a home run pretty solid for the catcher who at dable a this year has an Ops now around 850 so that’s nice to see 22 years old Cardinals prospects or or uh minor leag depth in terms of catching pretty good like pz comes out of relative nowhere to to most people there are definitely people who follow the system who knew about pz last year at least but like decent hit tool at the minor league level still coming along a little bit at the big league level but defensively it’s been marvelous and again he was behind the play today for Lance Lynn caught the caught the game and right now you can only really look at that Michael start from earlier in the week that was a total dud that has been bad among the ones that pz has caught recently so Jimmy Kooks another guy to to kind of keep on your radar in terms of a catcher who’s got some pretty good numbers offensively down in double A and it was the doublea debut for Quinn Matthews the draft pick out of Stanford I always remember remember him as the guy who threw 156 pitches in a college playoff game with Stanford and it was like wow that’s interesting but it also is nice to kind of know that look he’s just a Workhorse type he’s kind of throwback he’ll throw pitches he’ll throw Innings and he’s one of those that maybe the Cardinals don’t have to keep the lid on too much because he was a a multi-year Collegiate player who’s a little bit older so when they first had him at like the low levels of the miners I think he started in low a he’s 23 almost 24 years old he’ll turn 24 on October like that’s way higher than the average age of That League at 23 turnning 24 years old uh according to baseball reference he’s 0.9 years old higher than the average age of that Florida coast league but had a 1.47 ER struck out 52 batters in 30 Innings so they bumped him to Poria and in Poria which is high a at this point 2.68 ER 43 Innings 58 eight strikeouts so they bumped him up to Able a now and he’s put together some nice numbers so far in just two starts and today was another example of that for Quinn Matthews five in a third Innings two runs none of them earned I think the second one was actually scored uh given up by a relief pitcher so Matthews wasn’t even on the mound but in either case no earned runs today did walk Three only three strikeouts but good to see him holding his own if nothing else at the Double a level as he continues to rise levels that’s good to see again going to be 24 years old so it’s not like he’s a spring chicken in terms of you know like Prospect age but this is good to see that he elevates a level can still continue to get guys out let’s see how he acclimates there over a few more starts I think with all these guys that are having success at Double A Quinn Matthews now I’ll put into that bucket Tink hin obviously when healthy still kind of working through some things Cooper jery is another name of a guy who it seems like every every week he is throwing another hitless outing into the fifth or sixth inning just continuing to do some really really good things for doua you look at this crop of guys and again we’ll wait and see what the deal is with Tink hen he he left his start on the 23rd after just an inning was a little bit concerning and and I haven’t heard anything since then I’ll try to do some digging in the next couple of days but these guys are maybe making an impression to where we we can start to think about them in the context of what’s it going to look like and when in the big leagues for guys like Matthews tin Ken and Cooper dery I do think it’s too early to anoint them for 2025 in a big league rotation spot kind of way but I like that any of these guys are ascending to the point where if they finish strong this year they could come into spring training next year at a minimum with a chance to really get noticed at Big League camp in 2025 in February like they’re inching close enough to where if nothing else they’ll get longer looks have more of a genuine chance not like to make the team but to make an impression at least so we don’t want to put a timeline on it there is a chance though that you’ve got some good ones in this Bunch if you can develop them and continue to get them on that track which is why you don’t want to rush them but guys like Quinn Matthews like he’s the one of the three that I think could actually make it the soonest just considering the experience and the age and the the the caliber of his arm as a Workhorse type of guy in college doesn’t really scare me as far as the Innings that’s kind of what does so but we’ll see a chance to develop some of these guys this could be that that Trio could be the crop and guys like tar Robi have had you know a little bit of a setback this year in terms of some injury not really quality performance only made Seven starts so far I think he’s on the shelf right now with injury but that group of three tin Kent Cooper Derpy and I’m going to put Quinn Matthews into it could be maybe that next crop as right now we see guys like coffen Stein and grao and maybe mcgrey is going to get his shot in the big league Bullpen at some point point and we try to figure out what are these guys and and where do they fit in the organization long term that next group could be on the rise to where I’m not going to say 2025 but I won’t count it out for that I just don’t think you should put the clock on it that way but by 26 certainly I think you could end up seeing the elevation of all three of those guys if their paths take them to the the level of Big League starter so we’ll see but that’s down on the farm appreciate you guys for indulging me with the silly uh the silly C drop but that’s that’s the level of production you get with B shave daily eventually this show I would love to think that 5 years down the road this show is a lot more well produced and a big prominent part of my career and that would just be great but for now enjoy the homemade cow sounds that I did into the microphone and then recorded it and now I’m going to keep putting it in the episodes all right appreciate you guys as always for listening that is going to do it for this edition of the show thank you thank you so much for all the support Monday there is no cardal game it is my birthday I will be on the Big Show solo so we’ll talk a lot of cardinal I’m sure on ktgr um I say solo Andy won’t be there producer Chris will be there shooting the breeze with me so I may post something from that to the YouTube channel but I do not know that I will record a bsha daily tomorrow night simply because there won’t be anything new and I will hopefully be drinking a beer or three so that’s going to do it for this edition of the show thank you guys so much as always and we’ll talk to you next time on b sha daily peace

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Brenden Schaeffer breaks down the Cardinals 2-0 win over the Reds from Sunday, June 30, 2024 at Busch Stadium.

Lance Lynn reached a milestone in his scoreless start, becoming the 6th Cardinal pitcher to reach 1,000 strikeouts in a Redbird uniform. Lance Lynn 2K for his career is a milestone just around the corner next.

Cards got what little offense they needed to set up the Triumvirate for the slamming of the door, as Ryan Helsley converted number 30 on the year.

We go down on the farm to discuss Luken Baker’s power and the Springfield debut of lefty starter prospect Quinn Mathews.

And unfortunately we need to have a more detailed conversation about the struggles by Nolan Gorman. They have reached biblical proportions. And not good bliblical… Like the parts about the plagues and stuff.

I hope you all enjoy the final podcast of my 20s!

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for St. Louis Cardinals coverage all year long!

  1. Is there a rule that cardinal catchers must be little bitches? It’s amazing to me the amount of whining and crying that comes from the Cardinal catchers throughout the years

  2. This Reds series is the perfect example of this season. We eek out 1-0 and 2-0 wins and get shellaced in the other two. Our starting pitching has been so inconsistent, even Gray lately. A picture will look great for two or three starts and then abysmal the next couple. Only Gray and Gibson have strung a number of good outings together. This is a .500 type team and has no chance of competing against the top teams even if they do squeak into the playoffs. Only an aggressive and competent GM could make the deals to make this team dangerous. And that's not Mo.

  3. Nearly 50% strikeout rate is appalling. No serious team would have him anywhere near the big leagues. He clearly isn't preparing properly…I'd say he needs to go to Memphis and be tutored on plate approach, but I dont think we have anyone in the ranks that can teach that. We are seeing it with Walker, and I cant think of any hitters who have actually gone to Memphis and "figured it out."

  4. Happy 30th Birthday, Brenden, love you sir. Proud of you, so happy for your success.

    I don’t think you know how high your ceiling is, but it’s higher than I think you think.

    Great work, sir.

    They’re playing better than what I thought they would. I think their record is better than how they’ve played, overall. If I’d said Nado & Goldy would be sub .700 OPS, you’d have said “Last Place”. IDK, BS, it’s hard to vision a Sea of Red with this group.

  5. I'd play Edman at 2B again if Gorman continues to struggle. I'd keep Donovan in LF where he's been thriving defensively. I love Siani in CF where he will have a good shot for a Gold Glove! Burleson needs to keep playing the way he's hitting so keep him in RF. I'd make Gorman the DH mostly, and play 2B when Edman needs rest. Nootbaar could platoon with Burleson perhaps?! Carlson stays on the bench, and late defensive replacement perhaps for Burleson.

  6. Oli said a few days ago that Gorman's problem is his pitch recognition. Then on top of that, you can see his frustration building up. Maybe a trip down to Memphis to work on improving his obvious difficulty with recognizing pitches.

  7. 25:27 I'd be genuinely interested in seeing how many times that Gorman has struck out for out number 2 & 3 with RISP. That for me would be the biggest decider whether he gets benched for a spell. Like you said, anyone can come in and at least hit a few more than 5 for 71.

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