The Milwaukee Brewers Keep Proving They Are Without Equal in the NL Central

The Milwaukee Brewers Keep Proving They Are Without Equal in the NL Central

if you don’t think the Brewers are the best team in the division I don’t know what to tell you they keep passing test after test after test I don’t know who’s going to catch them we’ll get to that coming up next on this edition of lockdown Brewer you are locked on Brewers your daily Milwaukee Brewers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day oh how sweet it is as the late great Jackie gleon would say How Sweet It Is the Brewers went another series they’ve taken nine straight series at home that’s amazing they beat the Cubs again not surprising they’re to 50 wins for the first time in 10 years before July first they get the 50 wins and they just they continue to sh sh all doubt I mean they’re the best team in this division they’re going to finish over the 500 Mark anybody who bet 76 and a half over like here truly we are gonna cash that ticket I there’s no Jinx in that there’s no Jinx in that and the Milwaukee Brewers man man are they amazing really they are I mean you look at it and I mean winning two or three from the Cubs this weekend this was the Cubs last chance and the Brewers just go out there stumbled a little bit on Saturday they made one of their players blow up Justin steel they got the Cubs all off kilter and the Brewers come right back on Sunday and get the job done I mean these just guys just continue to roll continue to bounce back just continue to play be solid in all Direction and I know we all think at one time one point or another that the Brewers are going to stumble and this is not our reality that this is some sort of dream but I’m here I mean they’ Prov it enough to me this is not just a great start this is a a real good baseball team I’m not going to call them a great baseball team but they’re a real good baseball team they’re fun to watch eight five grand slams in the last eight games that’s phenomenal five grand slams in the last eight games a team that just sometimes struggles to get out of its way but we know if those bats can get going behind that pitch Brewers are something special they are I mean how about that first time in 10 years that there’re to 50 wins by July 1 that says something uh taking the nine straight series I mean it sound like there were a heck of a lot of Cub fans out there this weekend heck of a lot of Cub fans every time I felt like the Cubs did something I don’t know maybe it was my TV but it sure feels like that volume was cranked up on the mics uh at M fan field on the crowd mics anytime the Cubs did something were there that many Cub fans out there I don’t know I was out there Sunday I didn’t see that I I I didn’t notice any more than normal but to me I thought this was I said this last week this series for the Cubs was a last chance to dance this was their last hope I’m I’m now eliminating the Chicago Cubs Chicago Cubs you’ve been eliminated from the NL Central Division race in my opinion Cincinnati Reds you are eliminated from the division race yeah you you might get in as a wild card both you y all are still fighting for the wild card but as far as the division Cubs 11 and a half 39 and 46 the Cubs are embarrassing the Cubs are flat out embarrassing what Justin steel had to do to his team in the locker room uh in The Dugout coming into the Dugout I don’t remember anybody having to do that with Craig Council managing with Milwaukee so he’s having awful lot of problem s with the Cubs right now uh right now he ought to be embarrassed he ought to be embarrassed that his team is playing so poorly and that he needed one of his pitchers to come in The Dugout and try to motivate his team they have been that’s been a long time coming for them 3946 they are but that’s I’m just telling you this isn’t a Cubs podcast it’s a Brewers podcast but we follow the Cubs closely the Cubs have been eliminated and our guy Craig Council uh what a horrible job he’s doing this year I don’t know I I look at 39 and 46 and I I see I I don’t know whether it’s a GM or whatever I’m not closely following these guys but to me the eye test is they they stink the Cubs are just rotten rotten rotten rotten um mistakes starting pitching you name it the Cubs are bad uh the Reds the Reds aren’t catching the Brewers I I’m bad I apologize everybody here on lock down Brewers I said the Reds were going to win this division God was I stupid I was bought in I thought that they you know made some upgrades in the starting rotation I thought getting candelario who not been bad with them I I thought that this you know they were gonna beat ell Del Cruz he still strikes out a heck of a lot even though he’s stealing bases but the the Reds aren’t winning this division Reds aren’t division the Pirates give me a break the Pirates go nine and a half hour you the Pirates might have be might as well be 20 out they’re not winning this this is coming down to the Cubs and St leis the Brewers haven’t put the Cardinals away just yet the Cardinals are hanging around they won again on Sunday it’s a two-man this is a two- team Race my opinion right now as of right now wasn’t feeling this way a couple of weeks ago but the Brewers have proven to me that and what they’re doing getting the 50 wins this point 50 and 34 it looks so beautiful to look at in the standings I’m telling you I get up every morning I look at the standings and it’s great to see that it’s great to see them with a cook uh uh the cushion they got so I’m I’m just saying I think it’s St Louis in Milwaukee right now um the Reds and um the Cubs you could fight for that stupid Wild Card birth okay uh but the Brewers really need to get that second seed they’re playing Los Angeles this week the Dodgers they gotta really catch them ain’t catching Philly but I think there’s a chance of catching the Dodgers for that second seed not going to be easy but they need to get to that second seed and avoid that Wild Card round but um the the Pirates yeah I mean I don’t even know if the Pirates can the Pirates are ahead of the Reds and and the Cubs in the division but the Reds the Pirates aren’t going anywhere they’re not going anywhere 42,600 at the ball Ballpark and yeah the Brewers win Friday night lose on Saturday they have the unfortunate escalator accident uh at amfam field 11 injuries horrible thing to happen just want to touch on that I hope everybody was involved in that um you know you’re going to be okay it sounds like no life-threatening injuries but man I was I was sorry to see that you know I love I love going to the ballpark I love being at amam field and I don’t want to see anybody getting hurt and on an escalator and people saying well they’re not going to ride the escalator anymore and I I get that I totally get that but I was just I was just so sorry to see that um come down after the game yesterday I was not at the game on Saturday but to see that that was uh you know again fortunately non-life-threatening injuries but there was someone who broke a femur and that’s that’s not that’s never good that’s a leg U cast on your entire leg that that person is looking forward so whether Cub fan or a Brewer Fan I I just I felt bad for the 11 injuries that U kind of you know put a dam things over the weekend you know the Brewers did take two or three but that was I was sorry to see that um Bryce terang is the real deal Bryce Trang I think we’ve agreed he’s the real deal should we extend that guy is that too soon to say that we’ll get to that coming up next check Freeman here on lockon Brewers part of lockon podcast Network we are your team every day forgot to tell you this episode is brought to you by brought to you by tax Network USA tax Network USA say uh did you know it’s never too late to resolve your tax issues with the IRS don’t wait reduce your tax debt now get the help from the taxes the licensed tax professionals call 1 1800 549 1000 or visit TN lockon that’s the folks at Tex Network USA bringing you this show Chuck Freeman here on lockd on Brewers part of 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alert you every time we drop an episode please follow me on Twitter love your comments check foran F re m u n did not love the comments I was getting from Cubs fans that came at him a little bit you know just tagging them a little bit and they’re coming at me and they’re just saying well enjoy your division title so that’s more I can say about the way things are going for the Chicago Cubs the way they’re shuffling in managers these days um but we’re gonna give you some good news regarding Garrett Mitchell coming up here in a little bit he’s gonna be joining the Brewers we’ll talk about that coming up in our next segment and also this show is brought to you by the the good Folks at tax Network USA and tomorrow night’s Brewers game 740 start you get it on SiriusXM the sxm app search Brewers you’ll get all 162 of the home team call right there in SiriusXM on the app and tomorrow night’s game Monday’s game depending on when you’re downloading this episode 740 with that first pitch all right let’s uh get the Bryce terang you know if I would have told you before the season yeah the Brewers need to the Brewers need to pay up on Bryce Terra they extend extend his contract and you know go right go right now and extend that contract I would you would have told me I was a fool but it’s a reality Bryce Trang is one of the most important part P parts of this team and I didn’t need this series to tell me he said two grand slams in the last eight games I didn’t need that to tell me uh that Bryce Terra the guy is slick Fielding at second basem he’s one of the best second baseman defensively the Brewers have ever had the Brewers haven’t had many second basem like that save Jim ganner some of you all out there have never seen Jim ganner play but I’m telling you the guy was amazing at second base stealing base hits going out the short right field and the way Gumby was he was amazing the man from Eden yes maybe the greatest defensive second baseman of in Brewer history but Bryce Trang is right there Bryce Trang is right there so not only did he always bring the A++ glove but terang is also hitting the ball all right he’s driving and runs he shortened up a swing bet a 218 last year but terang is so good you look at the metrics he he’s right there he is the real deal and Murphy said this during spring training he said BR terrain isn’t as good as he’s going to be showing a lot of faith and I don’t know if that’s Murphy just once again throwing his weight in back of his of his team which he likes to do which is fine by me but moring uh but Murphy said terang has got a heck of an upside to him and I think we’re seeing it right now from the leadoff spot look at him in that leadoff spot stealing bases I didn’t even I didn’t get get to that how efficient he is and how smart he is got a high baseball que IQ as most of these guys of the Brewers do he gets on base he hits at the top of the order he steals base and he’s amazing at the top of the order I’ve seen enough of Bryce terang that you know if they want to buy him out of some arbitration and extend him beyond that that guy is my second baseman for the foreseeable future I’m going to call it right now Bryce terang let’s give that guy long-term contract extension all right I’m not willing to go there with a couple of the pitchers like you know I’m not going there with Tobias Meers just yet okay long-term him and buy him out of uh you know some of these arbitration years but I am going there with Bryce terang terang that guy can lead off for my team for the foreseeable future nothing has told me at all where I’ve second guessed anything about this guy I didn’t think he’d be this good but I’ve seen enough he is this good Bryce terang terrific at the leadoff spot I want Bryce terang um at the top of the order for me for the foreseeable future no doubt about that couple of injuries we got to talk about Garrett Mitchell coming back to the Rockies Murphy has already said Tyler black is being optioned down no surprise there I was thinking maybe like last week I was thinking you know somebody asked me on one of the shows I was on would it be monasterial but he’s too valuable monasterial is too valuable around the infield as a utility guy you can play him in the Outfield too if you need him you can play him anywhere but catcher I would say but he’s he’s a um he could use him in a bunch of different spots he had the game-winning base hit last week uh last Wednesday but monasia would not go down um it’s it’s Tyler black but Garrett Mitchell coming back for the Colorado series I feel like Garrett Mitchell has been on the longest rehab assignment in the history of sports I feel like he’s been rehabbing like since April he broke his finger uh earlier in spring training uh but he’s ready to go it’s been a long rehab assignment few setbacks but Garrett Mitchell has shaken off the rust and he is ready to go Jared Kenny going on the answer list my God one I mean add this to the pile of injuries that the Brewers have just had to absorb you know they get some guy on a roll some pitcher on a roll you know throw throwing great throwing great and what happens like um or Robert Gasser they come up with an injury now right now they’re saying for armed tendonitis and God when I hear that forarm is injury I’m thinking right away the worst I do and it happened with Gasser uh so far they’re saying for armed tendonitis so we’ll see where that goes he’s a valuable part of this Bullpen valuable part of this Bullpen as you all know 15-day injury list let’s hope this kicks it out and U he’s back ready to go but Jared canning just another one of these guys who’s huge for this team un unsung hero didn’t expect a lot out of him you know I thought going into the same into the season my guys coming out of the bullpen the the guys who I was really looking forward to in addition to Williams before he got hurt but as far as setup guys I looked at ybe who’s injured and did not have a very good for that was not very good and pamps who’s going through a heck of a slide right now pamps is struggling um gave up the two-run home run on Saturday and I put out a tweet I’m beginning to Lose My Faith in pamps I hate saying that because I love the guy last year but man in the last several weeks I don’t know pamps maybe he needs a trip down to the minor leagues but he is struggling but Jared kig need him back hope this is a short stay again let’s kick out the tendonitis work him back and get him ready for post All-Star break uh but Jared kany uh that was sad to see that news uh over the weekend when we return who’s going to be the pitcher of the month who is going to be the pitcher of the month in Major League Baseball I’ll tell you who that one’s going to be that’s an easy one and we’ll look ahead to this Colorado LA Dodger road trip for the Milwaukee Brewers Czech Freeman here on lockon Brewers part of the lockon podcast Network we are your team every day FanDuel you know I love sports but I’m not I’m not gonna lie to you you all know me if you knew if you know me and you’ve listened to Chuck and Winkler in the morning over the years you know we like the bet on games I like the bet on games there’s no secret about that and I by the way I told a buddy of mine a buddy of mine was driving to uh the ballpark today and she called me up said frams I am going on the Cubs and I said don’t do that I had I don’t do that I the Cubs are taking two or three in the series this is a desperation for them I said don’t do that don’t do that so Cubs take a one- nothing lead he texts me man I can get the Cubs at even money right now on the live line I said don’t do that and when do you know it the Bucks the Brewers put up a seven-run inning terang hits the Grand Slam Yelich gives them lead and I texted him back I said I told you do not bet against the Milwaukee Brewers if you go to FanDuel do not bet against the Milwaukee Brewers you this series against the Dodgers next weekend don’t bet uh against the Milwaukee Brewers FanDuel hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long head on over to lockon start making the most of your summer but hey man if you meet a bonus or a boost don’t waste it going on the opponent of the Brewers hey the Brewers I have to think through 50 what 81 games of the season so far they have to be the number one team in major league baseball to bet on so far they’ve probably made the most money for anybody I you got to believe winning nine straight series at home are you kidding me and their numbers are rather low FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball hey get on all the action go to and check out all customers with a boost or bonus they’re hooking all customers up that right now at FanDuel Chuck Freeman here on lockon Brewers part lockon podcast Network we are your team every day all right down the home stretch we come Chuck freen here on lockon Brewers part of the lockon podcast Network we are your team every day SiriusXM coming up on Monday night Brewers late nights again now 740 is not so bad 7:38 the Brewers used to have week night home games at 738 back in the 70s and 80s I think back in the 70s they had like some 8 o00 starts as well but 740 Sirius XM the sxm app search Brewers you get all 162 of Brewers baseball all right I was telling you who’s going to win the June pitcher of the month in the National League it’s going to be G to be Tobias Meers got off to that little rocky start on Saturday but bounce back quality start six Innings three runs kept this team into the ball game Pam gave that two-run blast in the eighth uh to hap uh which um you know Myers didn’t get a win or loss that one the my the pamps but Myers 4-0 in the month of June uh he’s great show me a better picture in baseball ahead of Myers Myers will get the June picture of the month in the National League we’ll be talking about him coming up not telling you any insight but I’d be stunned if Tobi Myers who wasn’t even a 40-man roster isn’t named the June pitcher of the month those Awards come and go not a big deal to me but it’d be kind of cool to see him get that um Colorado the Rockies are throwing Austin gumber to the hill uh a one in5 record a 4.63 earned run average uh I’ll say this uh don’t take him lightly these are the kind of guys that give the Brewers you all know that these are the kind of guys who give the Brewers some problems so Austin gomber I don’t want to be sitting here tomorrow night talking about you going six strong against the Brewers hopefully the Brewers uh in that air in Colorado can attack him Bryce Wilson listed as the starter uh I got a feeling they might use a starter in this game you know an opener I should say and then you know they did it last time uh I think it was Milner that pitched last week and then Bryce Wilson came on and pitched six strong uh Bryce Wilson’s going to be pitching the majority of the Innings Brewers are about a 160 favorite going into this game and then the Dodgers coming up this weekend uh the Dodgers coming up more late nights against Los Angeles hey but you know what it’s Fourth of July week vacation week in the great state of Wisconsin you’re watching me there you know you all G to be up at your cabins or whatever or getting away for a few days and all that and it’s late night Brewer baseball that’s okay for me it’s okay for you hopefully you have off on Thursday and Friday and we’ll all enjoy some late night Brewer Baseball Brewers with Colorado and then Los Angeles I think of the Rockies and the Rockies are just terrible they are but you know this is the kind of team that’s going to give the Brewers some problems last was it last year yeah last year the Brewers I believe got swept in Colorado yeah they got swept in May in Colorado yeah and and they weren’t very good last year but they’re even worse this year they did beat the white socks another bad team yeah the Rockies and white socks played in series of commiss this weekend or white socks park or whatever they’re call it Guaranteed Rate or whatever um and but Colorado won 5 to 4 on Sunday but they’re not very good but can’t take anybody lightly you all know that hey that’s going to do it for the show Google Spotify Apple run all the major downloads wherever you download your podcast we are there the number one Brewer podcast on the network because uh on the internet because you great Brewer fans please hit me up on YouTube search locked on Brewers on YouTube hit the Subscribe button hit the bell and by all means man Twitter I love follow you’re seeing what you guys have to say on Twitter even you Cub fans hey man don’t blame me don’t blame me for the situation don’t blame Brewer fans don’t take it out on us we got Pat Murphy leading this ship and things are going good it’s a two-man race it’s a two- team Race right now in the NL Central the Brewers and the St Louis Cardinals everybody else is playing for wild card the Pittsburgh Pirates don’t worry about them at all in the Wild Card Chase Brewers won’t have to about worry looking at the Wild Card standing Brewer fans don’t have to look at the Wild Card Standings because this is the division to win for the Milwaukee Brewers and now I’m telling you they got to do some damage by catching the Dodgers and get that second seed in the NL Central follow me on Twitter Chuck Freeman FR m u n d that’s going to do it for lockon Brewers part of the lock on podcast Network we are your team every day have yourself a great Monday everybody

Is there anyone worthy of catching the Milwaukee Brewers in the NL Central? The Brewers just took another series after plowing thru the Chicago Cubs on Sunday.. The Brewers now at 50 wins!! How about extending Brice Turang?? Garrett Mitchell is coming back…Jered Koenig is a huge loss.. We have alot to get to on this episode of “Locked on Brewers”

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  1. It's unbelievable how well the pitching has held up with all the injuries. I hope Hall, Ross and Williams all get back into form over the next 3 weeks. All the arms will be needed during the dog days of July and August. Go Brewers!

  2. Let's hope this team doesn't fall apart yet again this year due to injury, after last year I had it and got rid of all my Brewers gear except for one jersey, and Chuck your the best just behind The Big Unit!!! in my opinion. 🎉🎉

  3. Manager makes all the difference. Counsel is not raising the level of play of all the players. One piece of evidence is Chuck Freimund saying that Justin Steele had to come into the locker to give a motivational speech to the team. That's Counsel's job! To quote the locked on Cubs guy, "Counsel is a broken man." I agree with all this. I think Pat Murphy has really made good decisions and put a successful plan into play this year for the Crew. In fact, I'll go one step further and support Yelich's quote upon the Brewers naming Murphy as the manager, "Murphy is the straw that stirs the drink." Damn right! Pat Murphy(good manager) raises the play of all the players, while Counsel (bad manager) does not.

  4. Koenig, huge loss. I asked Cotroneo if he could give us some comfort with Zastryzny coming in as replacement. I just remember a few preseason games when Zastryzny got roasted.

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