Nashville Predators Draft Eight: Select Egor Surin and Steal Teddy Stiga

Nashville Predators Draft Eight: Select Egor Surin and Steal Teddy Stiga

the Nashville Predators return home from the 2024 NHL draft in Vegas with eight exciting prospects on today’s show we’ll review the picks and tell you why Barry trt’s phone was blowing up with calls about yis laav asgarov your locked on Predators your daily podcast on the Nashville Predators part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to the lockon Predators podcast and thank you for making us your first listen of the day we are your free daily Nashville Predators podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day want to kick off this Monday episode with a shout out to our locked on pred heads those are our everyday listeners who tune in each and every weekday to talk Nashville Predators hockey with us we appreciate your support and we love that we get to spend a little bit of your day with you I’m an Kim I am a writer with Penalty Box radio and my friends I have a partner in crime you do I’m Emma lingan and I am the Predator site editor and reporter for the hockey news on today’s show we are going to review the NHL draft over the weekend that happened in Las Vegas and tell you just a little bit about those eight new prospects the Predators have added into the fold we’re going to review those picks we’re going to tell you just how badly Nashville wanted that player they selected with their first pick plus news broke over the weekend the Predators are going to be announcing a longterm deal with UC Soros today we’re going to tell you what we’ve heard about that deal and we’re going to explain why that news kept Barry trots on the phone a lot this weekend finally free agency starts today we’re going to make our predictions for what may happen with the Predators before we dive into all that want to let you know today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as those playoffs wind down the sport Sports Stop sportsing like we all want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit locked on to get started all right Emma so you were live and in person at the NHL draft this weekend in Las Vegas so want to kick off the episode by just getting your take on how was the atmosphere spere at the NHL draft overall and what was the experience like at the sphere cuz it looked really cool from home it was kind of trippy I’ll be honest it was very like I mean it definitely lived up to the hype I’ll say that I think it was a little interesting I feel like the experience for fans and attendance was probably much better um than for those of us who were on the floor because that venue you’re really it’s better if you sit bit farther back and it’s set up for that but you know a lot of the time and I was talking to Barry trotz about this afterwards too like we’re sitting on the floor but everything is projected you know inside the sphere on the giant screen so you’re like it feels like you’re in the front row of a movie theater like the entire time so it’s like at the end of the day I’m like man my neck hurts like you’re just kind of looking up at it um but I mean for the fans with the the way the seating is set up there they have like speakers kind of embedded in the seating so like the sound was way better for them and I mean it like it was a definitely a cool experience um also really enjoyed the trade alert uh signal they had yeah it was a goal horn I’m very glad I was warned about it uh beforehand um be because in the warning I received I’m just a very jumpy person and so the warning I received uh the person likened it to the Columbus camp um and you got know I was like yeah I need to know that this is coming and uh it it was quite loud and like if you see videos of it or see it on TV I feel like the it didn’t do it justice I mean there were people at one point like people at the New Jersey table like falling out of their chairs like it was very loud so I loved it every time I heard it I was like oh what’s gonna happen what’s gonna happen and it was a lot of like Hey we’re gonna trade this pick for this pick and yeah so it the the news was anticlimactic but man did they do something with that goh horn and the announcement of it so yeah it looked like a cool experience yeah no it was a lot of fun one thing I will say that was kind of interesting uh you know to compare it to last year when the draft was in Nashville and granted you know it’s different because Nashville like most drafts you know host it at their home arena so it it was to me it felt very clear that theid crors were the hosts of last year’s draft you would not have known that the golden knights were hosting the draft this year it just didn’t really feel like it but I think that has more to do with the venue like the fact yeah that’s true their Arena like I don’t know and I felt like the fan bases just kind of across the board were pretty well represented too I I think you know it wasn’t like overwhelmingly Vegas fans um you know a lot of a lot of sharks fans because it’s out west and they had the first pick and yeah yeah I mean was it was cool it was there there were a lot of people there they had a sellout uh the first night I think a sellout for that venue was 14,000 wow so um yeah it was it was very cool I it definitely made me want to see a concert there at some point um maybe not you two but maybe not you two yeah no I I’m I’m looking you know looking ahead the Eagles are going to be there in November so if the PRS want like a redo from last that would be great yeah so that’s a good one yeah yeah there was one San Jose Sharks fan and you because you were there you didn’t get this experience but for those of us that watched it on TV I’m sure everybody listening knows what I’m talking about but when San Jose got that first pick there was clearly some San Jose Sharks fan who had taken advantage of the open carry slopen container law in Las Vegas and was right next to a microphone and was just hooping and hollering and eventually of course he I think was relocated because all you could hear was this one potentially inebriated San Jose fan who was really excited about mlin celebrini you know I did I again I could not hear him but I did hear about this and I’m like you know what I almost hope he wasn’t drunk and that’s just his personality I’m like I would love to be just drunk on life like that you know right drunk on hockey baby drunk on hockey well the Predators came home with eight players out of their nine picks we’re just going to review really quick who those picks were just give you some quick overview about them uh later on this week we’re going to dive into more of their story of course A lot of these young players are going to be here in Nashville at development Camp Emma and I will also be at development Camp so we’re going to bring you more information and some stories from them throughout the week as well but the first pick in the draft this was really interesting this was somebody that Barry trotz and the team really really wanted eigor Surin uh and for me Emma um 17year old so a little bit younger this is a Russian player played in the Russian Junior League um 61 190 pounds and I love that he seems to be a player who is a combination of what Barry trots said and this may be my favorite Barry trots quote of all time spit and grit with a a high skill set not gonna see him he’s in uh under contract for a couple more years in Russia but this was a really good pick yeah I think I think it was too it was kind of a surprising pick you know a lot of uh projections and a lot of scouting Services had him going in the second round um kind of farther down again it’s always a little bit of a risk with Russian prospects in the last few years just because the opportunities to to get to see them are are not what they would be for um the you know Canadian or American or even European uh other European players you know there just aren’t as many opportunities to see them play um with the various sanctions and whatnot so um but you know the the Predators are really confident in this guy and they they really liked him and from everything I’ve read and heard about him it just sounds exactly like he is tailor made for an Andrew brunette system I think um which you know has trickled down now into Milwaukee as well under Carl Taylor but like he works his butt off and there might there might be some areas and again he’s 17 years old like there’s time um but there there might be some areas where maybe the the skill is not quite as finely tuned as it could be like the technical skill isn’t quite there but man he will he will give 110% and just work work and work and work and he I think my favorite thing that he said which I think a lot of people picked up on because I tweeted it was he said I like make hit makeit um I I gota give him credit too like his English was good he wanted to so he had the Predators Uh Russian Scouts there to help translate for him and they helped translate the questions but he wanted to answer all the questions himself he didn’t go through the translator this strikes me as an identity pick is the best way I can describe it this like you said this is a player whose style of play personality uh tenacity is sort of tailor made for what Andrew brunette it’s things Andrew brunette talks about he’s talked about last season with other players and these are things that are qualities that eigor has this was a player like you mentioned not necessarily targeted to go where he did but Nashville really wanted him Barry trotz talked about it after the first night talked about how much Nashville wanted to get this pick this is what he had to say he’s got a really good mixture of uh I want to say hard skill um our Scouts were saying you know a player that he plays like is maybe like a Sam Bennett for uh Florida um you know he’s got a good motor high skill set uh driven kid um and and and compete really hard so we’re hoping that all those those those very important elements of a of a player’s game are there and uh you see it on the ice so we’re really happy with the pick we were we were trying to move up a few times and thank God he uh he slipped through where we were able to get him you were trying to move up to get him oh yeah I was on the phone probably for about five or six picks in a row I think you get to a point in the draft where you you want this player and it’s worth giving up more assets to get the player um fortunately no one would take my my gift and uh and we were able to get him uh right where we got him so Barry trotz and The Scouting team got the player that they really wanted worked out well for them coming up Emma and I are going to tell you about the rest of the picks that Nashville came away with from the 2024 NHL draft we’re also going to talk about the news that leaked over the weekend an announcement allegedly coming today about a long-term deal with UC Soros we’re going to talk about that coming up in just a minute first want to let you know today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel look love sports I love them so much I don’t ever want the off season to come but as the playoffs have wound down we are here with fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there is something for everyone new customers old customers every day all summer long so head over to lockon and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right Emma so the Predators got more than eigor in this 2024 draft uh their next pick was at number 55 overall Teddy tell me this name again stas s Teddy Teddy sta Teddy sta he is from the US national development team he is a Winger he’s headed to Boston College next year and this is a guy that a lot of people were really high on to but weren’t sure where he was going to go in the draft yeah I mean if you honestly it seemed like most places had him even either going in the first round or very early in the second round to me this was a steal of a pick for Nashville um that he fell as low as he did now you know people might ask well why did he fall as low as he did couple things number one he’s not the biggest guy um he’s you know he’s got maybe you know a little disadvantage there in his size but he also had been sort of inconsistent uh prior to this year and um but he just had a stellar performance at the world juniors with Team USA and he was you know has kind of that clutch Gene for you know showing up when it really matters um and again hard worker and he you know he’s kind of been described as a guy who is a perfect compliment to like an elite scorer like I said that was the steal of the draft I think that Nashville got a really good one there I love what you said about being clutch rusco and who is he’s co-host of the locked on Flyers podcast but he also very involved in prospects and uh he messaged me after the Predators picked him and said love this guy and he said he is a clutch goal scorer he is the kind of player the coach will want on the ice when the team is up a goal or down a goal he’s that guy so you know comes with a glowing review like you said maybe not the biggest guy but a lot of upside to him with the 77th pick uh the the Predators selected vgo not mortensson gustofson he is a Defender 62 194 pounds here is my favorite thing about this player right now when asked whose game do you sort of compare yours to he said Matias eolm and I said welcome to Nashville yes come to my house for Thanksgiving so you said you are now my favorite you are now my favorite I will take care of you so yeah Veo gust ofon um another guy that’s younger this is a young Prospect but you know a great pick at 77 87 this is a player a lot of people are pretty excited about Miguel margz what do you what did you take away from this young player yeah he’s he’s one that’s um you know I think that he also kind of like Stiga he had that potential to maybe go in the first round um again there you know maybe some consistency issues with this play but again nothing to be too concerned about right now because of how young he is um and that that those are things that can be coached and and will come with time and I think that he I mean he’s explosive and he’s fast and he’s you know he looks like a guy who could really make an impact you know once he kind of hones that consistency yep another WHL player that the Predators took with their next pick at 94th heroki gok he is a right- Winger there’s a lot of him to like 63 198 pounds and really good at using all of that size this one he seems really personable I’m excited to get to know him he he makes a great first impression he does and uh one thing you know for talking about on Ice that is probably his claim to fame right now he’s got a really deadly slapshot so he you know when you think of you know bigger guy kind of that can really just like Let it Loose like that I’m you know again you want him to see and kind of develop his other skills a little bit more but like that’s a sneaky good weapon to have too 99th pick the Predators selected a goenda melod 61 170 pounds won’t have to listen to anybody talking about how he’s small for his size if he makes it to the Nashville Predators net mining position um he’s from czechia uh so a goenda to like bringing another one in yeah he uh and he was he played uh this last season was his rookie season in the qmjhl uh he played primarily as a Backup goenda backup made the all rookie team uh and you know really he’s it’s interesting I I found him to be an interesting one because I feel like this is not something that you hear a ton about goalies but it seemed like the the skill or the asset that he has that everyone was really high on was his skating which I think is so funny because like normally you don’t hear about that but you know specifically talking about his footwork getting around the posts and things like that and being able to kind of block those weird angle shots and it’s like that that’s interesting like that’s something I wouldn’t have necessarily thought of but I think that you know that he’s above he has above average skating ability for a elected 99th which by the way so is a guy we love UC Soros so we’re going to talk about him in a minute uh the final two picks that the Predators made Victor ninger a Winger Swedish here for it 632 pounds this is another really young draft he just kind of snuck in agewise into this draft and with their final pick they chose a center Eric pulson 61 um plays in the US HL as anything jump out to you about those two players Emma well Paulson’s an interesting one he’s we were talking about the younger guys he’s an older guy uh he’s 20 years old I think or about to turn 20 I can’t remember but he’s uh like you mention played in the USHL he’s committed to the University of Minnesota uh and what’s interesting to me about that is that is also where Matthew would last year’s first round pick is going to be playing this year he transferred from Yukon so I think think it’ll be pretty cool pretty interesting maybe to see those two guys playing on the same team well coming up this week we are going to tell you even more about these young players we’re going to hear from them at development Camp we’re going to look into their statistics a little bit more and talk some more about what we hope to see them grow in as they get ready to join the Nashville Predators hopefully in their future uh also this week we’re going to give you our reaction to whatever may happen starting today free agency kicks off and look if you are somebody who is wanting more conversation about the Nashville Predators now and throughout the season we want to invite you to join our locked on Predators Insider program via subtext you’re going to get exclusive content from Emma and I we’re going to give you some in-game analysis we’re going to give you immediate reaction to breaking news and the best part of all we’re going to get to have some one-on-one conversations about all things Nashville Predators as well so you can join the locked on Predators Insider subtext program through the link in our bio and in the show notes so check that out all right Emma we’re talking about you know a goenda picked at 99 who made his way to the Predators roster UC Soros word leaked this weekend Soros signing what is rumored to be an 8-year 7.74 million long-term contract what four I mean can I just tell you I’m 100% here for that whoever negotiated that in thank you I’m here for the symbolism here what is your initial reaction to the deal it is about dang time that is my initial reaction because now everyone can shut up with all the speculating because again as and I mean I know I’ve been saying this for weeks but as long as he remained unsigned to an extension he was going to be at the center of every single trade rumor um which again I understand for like Barry trots that’s a effective bargaining tool um but for those of us more in the know um it it does get a little old it gets a little trying to just be like all right we’re really talking about this again he’s not going anywhere people um no I think it’s good I think a lot of people though are letting you know I just seeing fan reactions and what not people are having some some feelings about the term being eight years um given that he is 29 years old um but to that I say a couple of things number one if you thought that the pr were going to get him for less than eight years like that’s you’re you’re crazy like that is just not want to get him for four to six years if I were UC Saros I wouldn’t sign that deal no and no way and the Predators knew that they know the only way we’re getting him is if we sign him you know to this term which I think frankly he’s earned um yeah and also like given all the projections for him being around like what heluk was go what I think hauk’s eight eight and a half something eight and a half half yeah granted huk does have a vzna trophy but I I mean I still think people upset about the term you know being eight years the fact that they got it done for under 8 million a year is you got to give Barry trots and the Predators a lot of credit for that you also have to give juice credit for that because that he really wanted to be here he wanted to stay here so he’s like I will take less than eight um and so I think that’s good but also I think people are just letting their recency bias kind of shape their opinions about this deal with like oh it’s too much you know too long too much he’s okay again to this I say yes statistically he is coming off of his Worst season in the NHL I will not argue that however UC Soros at his worst take it home girl finished fifth in the vzna voting this year fifth in his worst SE Worst season preach it okay so I’m just like all right if that’s his worst then like I’m feeling pretty good about that I will take that Gamble and so you know and then of course people are upset about ascar off and he is the fut he was supposed to be the future I just truly believe that anyone who is saying that ascar off is ready to come up and play in the NHL now has not watched him correct enough you haven’t watched him enough because I think like yes we see the Flash of Brilliance like with the skill that he has I mean that’s undeniable but he’s not there and I think it was really interesting what Barry Trot said on the radio last week regarding a scar off he said look you’re ready when you’re ready and it’s not when the media says that you’re ready and it’s not when the fans say you’re ready it’s not even when you say you’re ready it’s it’s when we say you’re ready and like even even yaros over marinated for a little bit in in the AHL when they had and that worked out pretty well so people I think there were just some kind of overreactions about like oh well now that Soros is signed they need to trade a scar off like they need to get rid of him now while his value is highest no they don’t no they don’t there is absolutely no rush to do that I mean he’s still on another year of his ELC so they don’t have to trade him I understand they don’t want to let him walk in free agency but he’ll become a restricted free agent they still have exclusive bargaining rights with him and you know there’s still always maybe you package him as part of a trade at the deadline next season I don’t know but I’m just saying there are other options people are looking at it as very black and white like oh we signed sorrow so we have to trade a scar off now right no you don’t I agree with you 100% on what you’re saying I get the term makes people a little Twitchy but UC Saros would have gotten that term and a higher aav anywhere else so thank you very much yuss Saros for wanting to be here the other thing I will say when I look at that term is you have to remember yuss Soros has not had any sort of major injury yes he did miss the postseason was it two seasons ago but that was a an injury that is not a recurring it’s likely to happen again it’s going to hurt him long-term injury he he you know this is somebody who is very very healthy I’m now gonna need everyone to just knock on the closest wooden object you have now that an has just spoken this into into the world but yes but you’re right you know so this is somebody who I think you may say but you know the age he’s gonna be so look UC SOS has got a lot of good miles left on him the other thing I will say too for the people that were like it’s askarov time we needed to trade Soros UC Saros gives you the best chance to win in two separate windows there is a small window for Nashville becoming a more uh more likely Contender I’m not willing to say that they’re GNA win the Stanley Cup but but I think you know depending on what happens today you know they could get closer but that Ryan O’Reilly you know Roman Yosi Philip forsberg kind of generation with yuss Soros that you stand a chance of becoming a a better contending team with UC Saros and net be you know more so than yavas scarv and later as this team transitions in three to five years UC staros is your better bet as you transition to the younger players and I agree with you this doesn’t mean that trotz has to trade a scar off but I will say according to Barry trotz it did mean that everybody all those GMS wanted to know if he would and Barry trt’s phone was blowing up with uh GM’s calling about a scar off and trotz did not hear anything that made this worth his while and Friends it doesn’t have to doesn’t have to and I’ll say you know being present at the draft that was the question I was getting the most from everyone else in the media you know they know I’m there for covering Nashville they’re like oh is the scar off getting traded tonight and I I said and I truly believe this not unless like well specifically on the first night of the draft he’s not getting traded night unless the return includes a pick in the top seven like I I guarantee you that’s not happening and by you know by extension that means it’s not happening because no one with a top seven pick is going to trade it like especially tonight it’s not gonna happen so that was that and then the next day people oh do you think he’s going to trade him again the return would not have to be picks you know they they don’t want more picks they want highly touted prospects and they want proven NHL Talent um and so the only way that a scar off was getting traded on day two of the draft was if the return included any of those things and as we saw with a few exceptions with you know Tampa Bay trading sergachev and and Tanner Jano and things like that it was mostly picks getting traded for other picks and right that’s not the kind of deal that Barry Trot was looking to do for a scar off and so of course he’s you know it’s the responsible thing to do to listen you know like yes I will listen to the offers but we have the upper hand here we don’t need to offload this guy right now so we’re gonna abolutely you know just hear what the offers are my thing that I think we need to keep an eye on and and you said it you really cannot over marinate a goal tender you know I that just doesn’t hurt a goal tender’s game but y laava scar off may not feel that way so it’s going to be interesting to see his reaction and see what happens in the future with Nashville um in net but as of now UC Soros is the long-term piece for the Predators Emma real quick before we wrap up free agency kicking off today of course we will be covering it all so stick around with lockdown PRS we’re going to cover any sort of breaking news moves what is the deal you are looking for or wondering if it could happen well we know how I feel about Chandler Stevenson and Brandon Montour on defense he would be the one that I would like to see them go and get uh on the back end I will be honest though I have come around to the idea of Stephen Stam Co on the Predators and I I wrote about this for the hockey news yesterday and I you know what people and and rightly so people kind of bck at his age he is 34 he’s going to be 35 this season so I understand why that would give you pause as it should but I think this guy still came off an 81 point season with Tampa come on he has captained them to two Stanley Cups he is still an incredibly effective player that he can you know that he was able to you he can he can drive offense he can drive a power play like he does all these things for a team that Des desperately needs more star power in the top six um you know like if you if Stephen Sam Co is your onec or your two c if you have your your top two centers as Stephen Sam Co and Ryan O’Reilly come on like 100% it changes what this team is capable of and I think and the reason I’ve come around to it is because you talked about having kind of those two windows of being competitive and I think about it we’re like you know what yes you people often times see the you know signing these older players as blocking a spot for a younger player which I think is shortsighted because to me if I look in Milwaukee right now aside from the obvious like Spencer Stasney there really isn’t anyone that I would rather have on this roster than Stephen Sam Co right now come on because I think and I’m not saying they’ll never get there but I’m saying like there are I’m not saying that they don’t have any talent in the pipeline I’m saying they have some really good talent in the pipeline it’s just not quite ready yet it’s still cooking still marinating still cooking it’s it’ll be there but it’s just not there yet and so bringing in a guy like Stam Co buys you time it allows those players to continue developing into those kind of player and then they come up and they learn from a guy like Sam Coast like that to me is huge and and I think that it’s it it really does like I said it kind of buys you time but but it also helps you stay competitive now because you want to take advantage of you know the UC soses the Philip forsbergs the the Roman yosis who are all not getting any younger and you want to utilize them you know in their Prime too so I think that to me I I have come around to it I was admittedly one of the ones at first that was like oh 34 I don’t know but I I’ve come around to it depending depending on what the deal is you know I true I will have to see I truly have no idea on that because the only really comparable that we got was what he was reportedly offered by Tampa but you know that that was you got to take that with a grain of salt just because of you know Hometown discount and and all kinds of things like that so I’m with you I have really come around to the Steven Stam Coast this is a guy who has had seven seasons with 40 or more goals I’m sorry what um the other thing I like about him I think he is another great culture piece as the Predators are kind of re resetting not just you know young players in a roster but resetting a culture I also love that he is somebody who played last season at times with Nikita kucherov with Braden Point who also at times played with a couple of relatively young guys Brandon Hegel and Anthony Celli and you know I’m like this is somebody who knows how to play with highend Talent Talent veterans but who also can do some really impressive things with young Talent around him as well so we’re going to keep our eye on it Nashville is rumored to be a team in on conversation with Stam coast of course we will be following all of this uh as it happens today so stick around with locked on Predators you can follow us on social media lore Predators you can of course check out our videos on YouTube we will have breaking news videos available as well whenever anything develops in the meantime Emma where can everyone follow you and follow your work you can follow me on social media at Emma lingan and you can follow my work online at the hockey news and give me Steph stamco centering a line with Luke Evangelista oh my gosh like I get excited think about see my dog’s excited she’s here she’s here for is here for this yes so you can follow me on social media and korama on Ice you can find my work at penalty boox again stick around today with lockdown Predators we are going to be following all the breaking news we will be back tomorrow with an all new episode as well so be sure you tune in then hope you guys have a great Monday we’ll see you

The Nashville Predators added eight players at the NHL Draft this weekend, and on today’s Locked On Predators Ann and Emma talk about the picks. They’ll share what Barry Trotz was willing to do to make sure the young Russian Egor Surin landed with the Predators. Teddy Stiga may wind up the steal of the draft, and they discuss what it is about his game that makes him so appealing for the Nashville system. They also introduce you to the other six picks as well. An eight-year contract extension for Juuse Saros is expected to be announced today, and they share their reaction to the deal and the future of Nashville in net. Finally, free agency kicks off today and Ann and Emma tell you what moves they want to see the Predators make.

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