Hurricanes 2024 Free Agency Preview | Carolina Hurricanes Podcast #carolinahurricanes #causechaos

Hurricanes 2024 Free Agency Preview | Carolina Hurricanes Podcast #carolinahurricanes #causechaos

there is no rest for the wicked as we are past the NHL draft but now it’s all about free agency we’ll talk about all that here on a Monday edition of locked on hurricanes your locked on hurricanes your daily podcast on the Carolina hurricane part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to a Monday edition of lock on her hurri kees your team every day part of the lock on podcast Network thank you to the everyday for making this your first Liston of the day five days a week Monday through Friday talking everything about your Carolina Hurricanes I your host Zack Martin I am the Carolina Hurricanes beat writer over at the hockey Riders I do some AHL coverage over at the CER times I’m also the co- of the sech cast which is a weekly Carolina Hurricanes podcast along with all my duties here at locked on Hurricanes got a very informal episode for you guys on a Monday show as we are going to be talking about everything that is the 2024 free agency resign phase and what goes into all of that and just for the fact that a short turnaround from the AHL draft that just happened on Friday and Saturday over the LA over the past weekend on June 20th and 29th and with a Sunday breather we go right into the free agency period so we’re going to talk about the guys on the Carolina Hurricanes who got qualified offers definitely talk about the entire situation that was J gentel that uh kind of went from he could be back to he’s no longer with the Hurricanes we’ll talk about that just how that transpired between Thursday to Sunday afternoon then we’re also going to finish up the episode with talking about free agency rumors of upcoming ufas for the Hurricanes that might be out the door and possible deals that could be announced as soon as 12:01 p.m Eastern hopefully on Monday this later on today but before we get into all of that today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down not so much for hockey and basketball those are pretty much done but the Sports Stop sporing like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with with boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started so like I said we are into the day one of the free agency period like I said a really quick Turn Around from the draft I know everyone’s win for my reactions to the draft and we’ll get to that hopefully later this week if not probably next week it’s just with the how quick of a turn are going into right now that’s why you’re getting the free agency stuff on the Monday edition of the show rather than what would have been a draft you know reaction hopefully we get to that soon but with the fact that like I said with free agency and the Reign phase starting today kind of had to do a quick turn had to come to the to the conclusion of it’s just easier to get into the free agency stuff and let you guys know what’s going on and we’ll get to the draft reactions and stuff later on at some point soon so with that being said the free agency period does start at noon Eastern on July 1st and one of the main things going into Sunday afternoon at 5:00 pm was the fact that the qualifying offers had to go in now for those who don’t really know what goes into qualifying offers and stuff like that basically a qualifying offer is restricted for agents who the team hopes to retain negotiating rates for and the fact that the qualifying offers are more so one year contracts now doesn’t mean it has to be a one-year contract but it could be where it’s just giving a team more time to keep their guys to have more of a longer period to negotiate and hopefully get longer contracts or maybe guys will accept the qualifying offer which will be that one year when it comes to what the salary is the minimum salary for the qualifying oper depends on the player salary from the previous season such it depends like say if you’re on an ELC you probably looking at ELC price if you’re looking for you know what the minimum is for the qualifying offer they you’re looking at you know let’s say it’s martinich it’s $3 million but for the players they have between noon e know noon Eastern today on July 1st until 5:00 P pm on July 15th to accept the offer now let’s say if guys you know you know they reject the qual off the qualifying offer then you’re going into what would be arbitration and that all it depends on service time and stuff like that now there are three hurricanes that do have arbitration rights we’ll get to them here in a second but guys who can file for arbitration are players that are 18 to 20 years old and they must have four years of NHL experience before they are eligible along with that there’s a player who’s 21 must have three years of experience players that are 22 through 23 years old have two years and then anyone over 24 years of age only has one year and a player earns a year of Angel experience by playing in at least 10 NHL contests now that’s how it usually goes but that’s it’ll be how that usually works on stuff like that so that being said you know there’s guys like I said there’s the guys who could reject qual qualifying offer or there’s the players who can sign it and then there you then you have you know as long as they do between the first and the 15th they can sign the offers and stuff like that so that being said for the Carolina Hurricanes players who did get qualified their offers was re for agents of defenseman Dylan cogin and then Forge Jack jury Seth Jarvis and Martin NES now the thing is Seth Jarvis is the only one out of the four guys who is not arbitration eligible just because the fact that he’s 22 doesn’t Lear meet a lot of the requirements of what an arbitration player is like I mentioned before so that’s just usually how it works with that so Martin EES Dylan cogin inject are all all those guys are arbitration eligible now they have until noon July 1st until July 15th at 5:00 pm to sign the offer or they can declined they would go into arbitration so it all depends on how that usually works out now the other four players who were rfas but weren’t given qualifying offers were Max kah Griffin Griffin Mendel Blake Murray and Tua now for the fact that since those guys weren’t given the offer they will become unrestricted free agents as of right now they already are but they won’t become officially available until at noon Eastern on you know today July 1 so that’s just kind of how it works out with it was a foreg conclusion that you know Seth Jarvis was going to get qualified Jack Jan makes sense too and same thing for martinich there was no way the Hurricanes were going to at least get those three guys taken care of because the fact that you know they want to hold on to their rights and with martinich you with all the rumors of Trades going around and stuff like that you know the Hurricanes want to hold on to his rights so that way they can be able to move him on and get ass ATS back Jack jury hopefully they keep him around I think he’s a really good you know Center who could you know be given more time because last year was his first full season and I think if he’s given more of an opportunity I think he can really threaten with the Hurricanes Seth Jarvis obviously D it makes no sense like this guy’s going to get a contract now it just depends if it’s a bridge or a eight-year deal be it’ll be remain to be seen but it’s a no- bringer for that one Dylan cogin was an interesting selection for the kanes for the fact that he didn’t really play a whole lot for the Hurricanes this past season spent most of the spent most of the Year down in Springfield with the Thunderbirds you know the St Louis Blues of Philly then he did come up and you know when their season was over he was kind of like a black Ace for the hurricanes and stuff like that so didn’t really get a whole lot of time with the team this past season and he hasn’t really done much in terms of playing on the ice for the hurricane since becoming over in that Max pater ready trade for the start of the 2022 23 season so it’ll be interesting to see what the Hurricanes do with him if they bring him back next year as a possible seventh d man or just as defenseman death and he go into the Chicago Wolves cuz the hurricanes have the arhl affiliate again so that’ll be very interesting to see how that all plays out who really knows but it’ll definitely be something to keep an eye on for sure when it comes to stuff like that with you know you got your guys who are have been qualified it’s only four of them now it comes down to will they sign for the one-year deals or do we see possible multi-e extensions for a bunch of these guys and stuff like that and with Mar do we see a trade in this is they just qualified offered so he can keep his rights but then like I said for the four guys who didn’t get qualified offered they’re not going to be undried free agents for other teams to possibly go and snag up or maybe return to the hurricanes and we’ll just have to see how that goes with all of that now you know we do have you know the undri fragrance for the Hurricanes we got to talk about because that’s G be a lot of interesting names they’re going to be possibly leaving and stuff like that too and hopefully there’s also going to be some there’s going to be some extensions hopefully that that does get announced but we’ll save that for later on in the show but segment two is going to be something that we have to talk about because it was a huge Story coming from last Thursday with Elliot Freeman on the on the pat mcabe show up until Sunday afternoon with the news of what went on with Jay gensel the Caroline hurricanes and the T Bay lightning and Cory lavet of the athletic Dro some big news of how this alure inspired and we’ll get to all of that here in a second on a Monday edition of lock on hurricanes you guys know me I love sports and I know you do too we all we all love them so much that we never want them to stop but as the playoffs are now officially over for the NHL and the NBA we’re in the midswing of baseball season we do get fewer games terms of overall sports but we do have women’s professional soccer in the w and all that stuff too and of course with golf and NASCAR so there’s a lot more Sports still going on outside of our major ones but with FanDuel they can they can let me and you keep the sports going whenever we want and all we have to do is open the app and dream up the bets anytime we are in the mood to make them in terms of whatever variety of sports we want in this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost Ora bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head on over to lockon and start making the most of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball welcome back to a segment two of locked on Hurricane your team every day so like I said the end of segment one we got to talk about the Jay gensel Saga story whatever you want to call it one of the main things coming into the into the summer was were the Hurricanes able were they going to be able to rign Jake gensel and that was kind of like a big thing because you know he had a really great season for them you know 25 points in 17 games you know nine points in 11 playoff games you he was really leadth on that line with Sebastian AO and Seth Jarvis in the regular season and then with AO and Andre fov in the playoffs now the main thing was you know as the SE their season kind of ended and we were kind of progressing long sour for agency you were wondering okay what’s the news what’s the offer what’s going on with the whole situation J gensel and the fact that you know Don Mell left Eric tulsky was named the you know interim and then the permanent GM you know we see that Ryan Suzuki gets an extension Jaylen shaffield gets a a 3X3 extension as well and not like going on with Jay gensel so got to have to going by the timeline of everything that happened that transpired over the last few days going back to Thursday Elliot Freeman of you know sportset 32 thoughts and stuff like that he got he jumped on the P back ify show and you know here say that he was hearing that you know the Hurricanes matched the offer that Jay gensel and his Camp were asking for it was G to be eight years by8 million per season hurricans said they were going to match and now they’re just locking down the you know the Minor Details and you know we’re probably looking at if there were signing bonuses or no movement Clauses no trade clauset and stuff like that so from all indications it sounded like you know the Hurricanes were going to match what he was off what he wanted was that 8 by8 and then they were just trying to figure out all the other the minute details going into Friday still haven’t really heard anything you’re wondering what’s going on same thing going into Saturday you’re kind of like okay what’s the deal here you know I know at one point during the summer you know the hurricanes are thinking about possibly you know trading his rights cuz look it sound like they weren’t going to get anywhere and you know eventually like I said the Hurricanes were going to go matches offer and then all we hear is you know Saturday going into Sunday that there’s a possibility that Jay gensel is not gonna come back to Carolina because I guess he changed his mind partway through the draft and he doesn’t want to come back I guess that they were the the main thing was the initial story being that it was at this point because they waited so long that they was going to go to fre agency and see what happens and Elliot Freeman said that you know Saturday night after the draft going in a Sunday that Tampa Bay could be the bigger big players going after Jake Genson for the fact that they know they traded away Mel serf to Utah and got rid of Tanner Jan know that they were saving they were you know the fact that they’re gonna let you know stepen Stam Co walk they’re opening up money to go after someone it seemed like it was be J gensel and being in that two for the fact that Florida is a tax-free state so you could be looking at a 7 by9 9.5 million because the fact that gel wasn’t with Tampa Bay so he couldn’t get that eighth year but if they’re going to give him seven years they can jack up the annual average value that’s why you see that 8 by8 turns into a seven by9 n and a half because you took one year off the contract but now you’re adding one one and a half million dollars per season of course like it said it’s a taxfree state you’re basically getting all your money so now Tampa seem like be the big Runner and a lot of people were thinking well how did Carolina drop the ball did they just wait too long did Jay G I feel like they weren’t appreciating and stuff like that so there’s a lot of speculations like okay what’s going on to the front office do something turns out Sunday afternoon Corey Lavette puts out a tweet saying from what he’s heard was the fact that it was a midweek ask should talking like Tuesday Wednesday by Jay by Jay gel’s camp Tuesday or Wednesday they said we won an8 by eight and we’ll stay in Carolina Thursday hurricanes come back and be like okay we’ll match it we’ll match your eight by eight then sounds like gentel and his Camp said they had to think about it first and see what’s going on from there and then later in the draft so we’re talking like Saturday afternoon somewhere between rounds two and seven Jay gensel and his agent come back and say that they changed their mind they’re going to go to free agency and see what happens there now you’re looking at the situation where it’s like this is what they wanted hurricane said okay we’ll offer it and then it’s well you know never mind we’ll see what happens in free agency so now it just seems like that they were just now going on peer speculation here it sounds like they were just trying to drive up the price and see what Tampa Bay might do or another team might do because there is tampering rules but let’s be honest every team talks to a certain guy who’s going to be free agency before that time period goes no one really no one’s really going to say anything unless it’s super egregious but it’s just an interesting aspect of how the fact that you look at J G on this Camp early in the earlier in the week said that this is what they want the Hurricanes a couple days later said okay FAL match and now you’re talking two days later in the middle of the second day of the draft and they’re like no never mind we’ll just go to free agency instead and now you’re now it just comes down to okay so you’re you just wanted more money you didn’t really want to stay you were just trying to figure out how to get more money out of the contract now it’s kind of like okay now it’s just kind of like a initially it was be a bad look on the on the on the front office but now it’s like well the FR offer said they’ll go give them the money that they wanted but now the player in the agent seem like they’re backing out so it’s is it Jay gentel saying no or is his agent saying no or is it a mutual thing so that’s just a very interesting situation to be in so with all that the Hurricanes also on Sunday afternoon announced that they traded his rights to Tampa Bay for a 225 third round pick I know a lot of people are going to be upset with it for the fact that okay that’s how can that be all you got after giving up giving you know the guys like facil ponomarev and Michael Bunting and draft picks and all this stuff at the time that was the asking price because it’s Jay gensel nothing you could do there but honestly it’s a it’s a smart move by the Hurricanes okay well instead of letting you walk for free you know they were looking at other teams with the last few weeks saying who who wants to get his UFA rights to have a chance to talk to him before free agency kicks off so that’s the thing like not I don’t think a lot of people knew that that was possible because you know RFA right trades is is one thing but you don’t really think of Ufa trades because he’s already going to be a free agent but you get the opportunity to actually talk to him before free agency actually starts you have that time period of okay let’s say it’s noon on Sunday now you have 24 hours from that noon on Sunday to noon on Monday to get a contract and that way when it hits 1201 boom here you go here’s your contract you’re done you’re ready to go we just got to announce it and it’s you know agreed upon on principle before it’s officially official to the league so that’s why the Hurricanes did that and like I said it’s a smart move you know you’re not going to get him back you know there’s going to be teams are going be desperate enough to want to try to get to him first and get the contract done before you you get to free agency and then you’re going into a bidding war and it seemed like Tampa was willing to give him whatever contract that is so that’s why you know Eric tulsky and them had make the decision kids like all right you don’t want to come back to Carolina fine we’ll going to trade you to someone else they can go handle your possible extension and we’ll go from there and that’s basically what it comes down to so the Hurricanes did get at least something out of it they didn’t let him walk for free you got a third round pick for next year which honestly isn’t a bad thing overall it’s a pretty good get for the fact that you got a guy who doesn’t want to come back and you got a third grounder next year you know you’d wish he would stay but in the end he didn’t want to and there you go that’s how it worked out and now Jay gensel is probably G be with the Tampa Bay Lightning because you know not even an hour ago it’s sounds like that the deal is contract you know agreed upon now they just got to make it official at noon so wish that the best for the Jake you know it’s he’s at least he’s going to be The Atlantics so you’re noten going to see him a whole lot I know the preseason games and the first game back at PNC it’ll be very very interesting to see how that works out with uh how the fans are going to react to him for the fact that you know he he asked Hurricane’s match they said never mind instead so that’ll be very very interesting but definitely was something that you didn’t it was a crazy few days going from Thursday to Sunday afternoon where you see it’s like okay a possible deal might get down with Carolina nothing nothing nothing turns out they change their mind and here’s why they Chang their mind and the hurricanes are like all right here’s your trade go to Tampa Bay and figure that out so a very crazy few days with the whole J against situation now we’re also now we’re gonna finally jump and talk into the fre Agency rumors of current hurricanes that might be on the Move possible hurricanes that might hopefully stay and then a possible extension that we’ve kind of known about but we’ve been waiting for so we’ll get into all the free agency rumors here in a second on a Monday edition of locked on hurricanes welcome back to a segment three of locked on hurricanes your team every day so like I said the end of segment two we’re going to jump into the free agen see rumors of current hurricanes that might be on the move that we do know of for the most part and then hopefully some possible contract extensions that will kick in at noon when free agency opens and stuff like that so the first guy we got to talk about is Brett pesy so during the draft the t uh the New Jersey Devils traded John Marino to the Utah Hockey Club basically opening up some room for cap space and what Pier LeBron of TSN is saying along with all other people is the fact that it’s an indication that from you know the rubers that have been going around for the last week or so that Brett pesy will be going to the New Jersey Devils now no one knows exactly what the contract is of is of yet but from all from what it sounds like it’s agreed upon in principle now they’re just waiting for the official announcement so it looks like Brett pesy will be going to the New Jersey Devils and reuniting with former teammate douge Hamilton who also get who also went to New Jersey for a huge contract at the time back at the back a couple seasons ago so they’re going to be back together if that’s the case nothing wish nothing but the best for Brett it’s gonna be interesting seeing him for a few times every season for the fact that he’s staying within the division now he’s just going to be in New Jersey with the Devils you kind of wish that it worked out for the guy who came over who was drafted by the Hurricanes hopefully was able to stay and finish the story out but it just seemed like the New Jersey was giv a contract he really really wanted the Hurricanes maybe weren’t comfortable giving him and it looks like in all intents of purposes he’s going to be on the move to go to New Jersey now the other things that have been rumored is that Pier LeBrun thinks that while there’s 60% chance that Bray Shay might go to free agency there’s still a good chunk of chances of like 40 45% that he could stay in Carolina it’s just you know you know what type of contract he’s looking at you know between six and a half and 7 million I know AFP and Al predicted projected a little over seven hopefully if you’re the Hurricanes you can kind of figure out and you keep him you keep him in Carolina that means you have like five of your six defens and coming back from last season and then you look at you know do you bring someone else in or do you just bring in Scott Morrow and figure out how where you slot him in within the lineup so hopefully the news works out that the Caroline hurricanes keep BR shape but that’ll be very very interesting in terms of that other than than that type of news you haven’t really we don’t really know what else is going on trades wise with martinis no one really knows what’s going on with that you know everyone knows that Seth Jarvis is GNA get signed it’s just you know got to take care of the UFA ufa’s first and Seth has even said he understands that the unrestricted fras is need to get take care taken care of first now it just comes down to is it going to be a bridge is going to be a seven or an eight-year deal say we may to be seen now the main deal that everyone’s waiting on that Elliot Freeman talked about back in mid June was the fact that there is a that he was hearing rumors of a Jacob slaven extension being agreed upon in term but cannot be officially announced yet until July 1 and I’ve talked about on past episodes but for those who haven’t heard that yet the rumored contract that Jacob slaven and the hurricanes have agreed upon it’s but we don’t know the official numbers yet is they’re looking at a eight-year $6.5 million per season which you’re talking the great you’re talking about one of the best defensive defenseman in the NHL and you’re keeping him under 9 million that alone is a steal but if you keep him under seven that is the greatest team-friendly deal I’ve ever heard of and every player on that on the hurricane should be buying him steak dinner for the next like however many seasons for the fact that he left a lot of money on the table to stay in Carolina which would basically lock him up until he’s he’s 29 now he’s going to be about 37 by time the contracts done you basically lock him in as a hurricane for life and at six and a half that’s a really good deal because even if he’s like 34 35 he’s still going to be a really good top four guy you he might not be on that top you know defensive pairing but you’re still talking about a guy who can fit within your top four and be still that Cornerstone player so if it works out that is an absolute steal for Eric tski and the and the hurricanes and it go it just give credit to Jacob slaven and goes to show of how much of a team player is the fact that he wants to be a hurricane for life but he’s also not going after the big money he’s leaving the team the flexibility to go build the roster around him Sebastian Alo Andre fov hopefully Seth Jarvis so big props of Jacob slav that’s the actual deal so that’s kind of the one main extension that everyone’s kind of you know waiting an anticipa anticipation for is that Jacob slave an extension like I said an8 by six and a half you you run and run to the bank stamp it sign it whatever you need to do and fax it to the league get that sucker done as fast as possible so that way speculation done and you’re good to go from there so that the actual deal fantastic job on both sides mainly for the hurricane was just for J slaven for the fact that he was able to you know be okay with taking that type of money and giving the team flexibility that it really needs so other than that that’s kind of really the main rumors they going around just with you know like I said with Brett pesy and Poss going to New Jersey now with you know Jay gensel no C with with Tampa Bay and the anticipated contract extension of Jacob slaven as you know noon hits we’ll start getting some news for the Hurricanes throughout the week we’ll try to keep I’ll try to keep as much as I can you know with whatever guys get signed we that whatever day they get signed on expect an episode the next day of us talking about it you know when the episode drops and stuff like that hearing you know what the deal was and all that so and then you know if you want to keep up with all my writings I will be at over at the hockey Riders fiercely typing away way every news that we get of guys who are going to be staying who are either resigning with the hurricanes or the free agents who are going to come to Carolina so it’s definitely going to be a busy week so make sure to keep locked in here on locked on hurricanes and also at The Hock rers we want to catch on my writing versions of that as well so there’s gonna be a lot going on in terms of just talking about everything and anything that’s gonna be with free agency this week so like I said whatever day guys are going to get signed expect the next day with an episode talking about whatever that contract is and also check out the writing site as well and if you want to keep up with me personally you know on social media you can follow me at X at1 true Zack you can follow the podcast at _ hurricanes there is a link Tree in my bio where you can find out like I said all my articles and newsletters over at the hocky r there’s also some AHL content if you check that out at the caller times there’s also my other podcast the search cats where you can check out the links to where to listen or watch and for this show specifically there’s a link to where you can listen to the show and all podcast platform forms and if you leave a fivar r review I might just do might just read it on the show now the YouTube side of things we are at as of before the recording started we are at 899 subscribers We Are One away from 900 which means we are 100 and one away from a thousand and if we get to 1,000 I might just do something special for you guys so make sure to subscribe hit the Bell notifications you miss the show hit the Thumbs Up Button let me know you let me know if you like the show and you know let me know what you think about the qualifying offers you know who do you hope that you know stays with the Hurricanes you know let me know what you think about the whole J against situation and of course all the you know free agency rumors with slaven and peshi and Shan and all that stuff so let me know what you think but that will wrap up a Monday edition of lock on hurricanes I know you know like I said unfortunately we not jumping into the draft stuff right away just because of with fre agency just starting today two days after that it’s a quick turnaround so I said hopefully get to the draft stuff but I hope everyone enjoyed this free agency preview of what what goes into qualifying offers you know talking about the you know contract extension when those can kick in for certain guys on on July 1 that are eligible to do that and of course all the rumors are going around and all that stuff but I hope everyone enjoyed the episode hope everyone enjoys their Monday hopefully it’s not super crazy for everyone in terms of key keeping up with anything that is the free agency period but until next time as always let’s go canes

It’s a Monday Edition of Locked On Hurricanes as it’s Day 1 of the free agency & re-sign phase for the NHL. The Carolina Hurricanes qualify offered four players to keep them as restricted free agents and to prevent them from becoming unrestricted free agents. Talking about the Jake Guentzel situation and how all of that played out. What are the latest free agency rumors surrounding the Hurricanes going into July 1st?

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  1. Dundon needs to focus on being an owner not an owner/GM/coach. There is a reason you have GM's and coaches. Jake's failed signing falls purely on him, the non signings we haven't seen yet, for jarvy not to have been signed yet is just BS. Step away Tom and let our GM and coaches sort this and you just say yes Eric.

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