The Toronto Maple Leafs Have Traded For Chris Tanev & Are Signing Him For How Many Years??

The Toronto Maple Leafs Have Traded For Chris Tanev & Are Signing Him For How Many Years??

welcome to downtown Sports my name is downtown Steven Brown and in today’s video we have a lot of Toronto M beliefs news to get to you so I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to be doing individual videos for each piece of news or one big video my plan is to film the first portion of it see how long that is and then make my decision okay this is Steven from the future after I’ve already finished filming the video um it’s definitely long enough to justify uh making several videos instead of just one long crazy one I don’t want to Short change anything and it’s also better for me to make several videos than just one so uh look for several videos on the channel this morning and make sure to hit the Thumbs Up Button because that helps And subscribe if you’re new so the first bit of news that we need to get to is the Toronto my beliefs acquiring the signing rights to Chris TANF and I know that this broke Saturday afternoon but it broke just as I was leaving the house to go to work you know it’s difficult to make these videos while working basically another full-time job in sports and the reason why you would acquire his rights on Saturday and not just wait until Monday to sign him is you get a bit of a head start right and then you’re not talking to him while he’s also talking to five other teams and they’re potentially um upping the price and raising the bid so there’s a couple things right away that stand out about Chris tanov and the first thing obviously being his age he’s 34 years old turning 35 Midway through next year and that’s significant because there were only 16 defensemen in the NHL last season who were 35 years or older and that played at least one game and if you go through the names on the screen right now there are maybe four or five guys who are still capable at that age of playing a top four role in the NHL so what Chris tanov is going to attempt to do next year statistically speaking um is quite rare you know he’s going to try to be one of four or five defenseman in the league who are over over the age of 35 and still be effective in a top four role but there is the player on this list that Maple e fan should be familiar with that also plays a very similar style of game to what Chris TANF does and that player is Mark jeno you know both players are absolute Warriors who will do anything to win including blocking shots with their faces um and at the age of 35 jordano actually won the Norris Trophy even at the age of 38 he was still playing over 21 minutes a night in a heavy defensive role for the Seattle Kraken putting up good defensive numbers the offense wasn’t quite there anymore from when he won the Norris Trophy a couple of years prior but Seattle also wasn’t a very good offensive team after going from Seattle to Toronto those offensive numbers actually went up quite a bit and then at the age of 39 he was on the maple Lea’s third pair playing about 19 minutes a night and was still a very effective top six defenseman the only issue being is that uh maybe they played him a little bit too too much maybe instead of 19 minutes and night he should have been around 17 1 12 to 18 because by the end of the season you could tell he was a little bit gassed it wasn’t really until about the age of 40 that we saw a massive drop off in this player this past season he played about 16 and a half minutes a night and was still good still good by the Numbers both offensively and defensively but clearly not an everyday player anymore not a top six defenseman but still a useful depth piece on a good team so the best case for chrisv if he follows Mark Jordano’s career is he’s able to be a top four defenseman playing up against the other team’s better players for another three years and then maybe he’s a top six defenseman after that and then um it might be an issue afterwards and I don’t think that’s going to be too much of an issue for him because the Dallas Stars last year who were a pretty good offensive team but especially a very very good defensive team um were Head and Shoulders both offensively but especially defensively when Chris tanov was on the ice and that’s playing up against the other team’s best players I’ve showed this tweet before but Chris tanov up against Jack eel and Nathan McKinnon in the first two rounds of the playoffs the Dallas Stars outscored both Vegas golden knights and the Colorado Avalanche 6 to1 when tanv was on the ice against those players but the best thing about Chris T of here in the numbers that we showed from the previous clip is that the Dallas Stars were an elite defensive team with them on the ice but they were also better offensively with him than without him because in an attempt to improve the team defensively over the last couple of Seasons the Maple Leafs have sacrificed a lot of offense in order to do that you know a guy like Ilia lbushkin yes they were a better defensive team with him on the ice compared to when he wasn’t but offensively they were much much much worse especially in the playoffs over the last couple of years where scoring has been their number one issue it’s very difficult for forwards to get going the other way and think offense when your defenseman isn’t capable of skating the puck out of his own zone or making a crisp first pass you know the other team puts two four cheers on that side of the ice and all of a sudden you’re hemmed in that’s what happens when you make a compromise like this that was the entirety of both series against the lightning and the Panthers that one year in the second round but with Chris tanov this is not a compromise this is a guy who’s an elite shutdown Defender who is also capable of breaking the puck out of his own Zone and making a first pass so we’ve tackled his age his ability but people still remember Chris tanv as being injury-prone and when he was with the Vancouver kxs yes that was definitely the case but over the last five seasons he’s only missed 25 games and a couple of those games were uh he had some kind of weird Visa issue when he was traded from Calgary to Dallas and he missed one or two games I believe so can you really call a guy who’s missed on average five games a season over the last five years injury prone I don’t think so but I definitely do understand um why he had that reputation because yes when he played for the Vancouver Canucks he was constantly injured another reason why I’m not worried about his injury history is because Jim nil the general manager of the Dallas Stars who has won back-to-back general manager of the Year Awards acquired this player to be his team’s main addition at the trade deadline in order to help them win a Stanley Cup and ultimately Chris tanov ended up injuring his ankle in the third round of the playoffs against the Edmonton Oilers but he played in every single game that the Dallas Stars played in this year’s playoffs and you know what if the Leafs make it to the third round Chris tan of’s ankle can explode into a million pieces and I think we’d still take that and it’s 2:41 a.m. um Sunday night Monday morning when I’m recording this video we currently do not know um what Chris Tan’s contract is going to look like with the Toronto Maple Leafs but we have heard from Elliott fredman that the Maple Leafs are willing to go longer with the term in order to bring the aav down you know if Chris tanov is looking for a certain amount of total dollars you just say okay we’re good with that amount but we need to spread it out over more years to get the average down and I don’t mind that tactic because for a guy like we just discussed who has a laundry list of injuries as he’s getting older it becomes very believable as to say you know this guy all of a sudden needs five surgeries and you put him on Roby Island and again because he’s 34 years old at the time of signing this contract and not 35 the contract that he eventually signs with the Maple Leafs um he’s not going to be subject to 35 Plus contract rules meaning if he retires the cap hit comes completely off the books and you can buy him out and actually receive cap relief it’s not going to be a Patrick Marlo 2.0 situation where you’re forced the pony up a first round pick to get rid of this guy because he’s not ready to retire at the age of 38 or 39 but then Kevin weeks posted this at 8 54 p.m. on Sunday night and again we still don’t have anything official it’s down 2:47 a.m. um but the reason why I’m doing this now and not tomorrow when we do have an official announcement is because I’ll be working for AG and frenzy for TSN all day I won’t have an opportunity to make videos tomorrow so I’m doing it all tonight so I can upload these in the morning but Kevin Wink’s tweet here says that tan of’s New Deal sounds like it’s going to come in around 5 million bucks a season whoa whoa whoa whoaa who whoa whoa whoa Kevin weeks is a reliable Insider so I’m not going to doubt his report here he breaks things all the time um but I thought the idea was to go longer to tack on years to the end of the contract to bring that aav down because $5 million a year on a six-year deal is $30 million total you know so unless there’s another team out there that’s willing to um use this kind of a strategy to acquire this player um who were the Maple Leafs competing with because it’s a guy who’s 34 turning 35 you know if most teams or the majority of the teams out there say you know we’re only willing to give you a four-year deal in order to even come close to this total they’d have to give him $7 million on a four-year deal which would only be $28 million yes more money up front is always better but um this isn’t a deal this is the Maple Leaf’s paying market rate unless um they tried the strategy of giving him six or seven years and the aav really wasn’t coming down enough to justify it and they’ve abandoned it and this is going to be A5 million a year deal on a four-year contract or Kevin weeks is just off a little bit and that’s a possibility but until we have the official number in the morning um um we don’t know but that’s going to be it for the video guys because um we don’t have any more to go off of as of 3:00 a.m. so we’ve covered his age the injury history his ability why the map Lees would want him and all that uh let me know what your thoughts and opinions are down in the comment section below and make sure to like the video uh if you did like it and subscribe for more because um there are several more videos on this channel so go watch another one go watch another one I’ll be here

In this video, I go over the Toronto Maple Leafs acquiring the Signing rights to chris tanev and use advanced stats and contexual information to break it all down. Plus I discuss the possibility of them signing him for 6 years and go over his injury history

  1. Ya, lets get older, slower……sign long term deals to injured, ageing players….perfect, just like in Calgary….this GM – old school, archaic thinking……what a mess….wow.

  2. The Leafs giving another stupid contract. When will they ever learn. The Leafs management were losers before, always signing players to deal for to much money nmc, etc. They gave those contracts and got nowhere in the playoffs. Let’s go in a different direction to make us better and everyone in management said we going to be different , we are going change the way we think etc. Now we see no , the way things are going unless everything changes in the summer, we are not as good as last year. Maybe not making playoffs. Look. At the rest of the Atlantic teams are doing, even metro teams , all doing good moves making there teams better.

  3. Treliving gave him his last contract, so he believes in him. He is getting on in years but If Tanev breaks down in the future, he will go to the Leaf's Seniors home know as LTIR. and MLSE is better funded than most long term care in Ontario.

  4. Eh everyone else does that I wouldn’t be against it .. I also wonder if the leafs instead of getting into a bidding war should they look at Matt Murray for goalie situation

  5. 6 yrs, and the last 5 on LTIR😂🤣 . In his “Whole” career he’s only had “One” where he played a full season. Let that sink in.

  6. They have to. Tampa and Nashville were in the mix and with both states having no state taxes, the 6 years (money wise) balances out the contract compared to those other two cities.

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