Red Wings 2024 Draft Class, Free Agency, Walman Trade, Kane, Stamkos, Trouba & More | THW Grind Line

Red Wings 2024 Draft Class, Free Agency, Walman Trade, Kane, Stamkos, Trouba & More | THW Grind Line

[Music] it’s time for the hockey writers grind [Applause] line a weekly show covering everything Detroit Red Wings Detroit brought to you by our own iconic Top Line of wings Riders sit back and enjoy the grind [Music] grind hello everybody and welcome into another episode of The Grind line here at the hockey Raiders I your host Matthew zor and as always joined in by my linemates Devon little and Evan Sabin um guys we’re finish up the draft we’ve got free agency happening in a few hours as everyone’s watching this so we’re going to start seeing some deals some contracts stuff going on lots of stuff going on already in the NHL um some trades being done some big trades happening on day2 of the draft absolutely and Eisman of course was busy before that with some trades we’ll talk about but H Devon how’s it going it’s the most wonderful time of the year outside of playoff time honestly um like you just said draft’s done that was a really fun event um and now we’re you know like you said as you’re watching this video we’re probably already starting to dissect who aaman just signed right um this is the time where things happen in the NHL very excited about it yeah and Evan how’s it going yeah man I I had a great time at the draft uh it was an amazing experience to see that stuff there uh really excited I mean free agency tomorrow and we’ll touch on what we just read on social media but uh yeah man it’s like it feels like that feeling like you know when you’re a young kid and tomorrow’s Christmas and you can’t sleep tonight before and you’ve already made plans to go to your buddy’s house tomorrow at 9:00 am to watch the draft and sit on the couch all day and watch un fortunately day off so uh I’m very excited to see what happens tomorrow I think we’re gonna see something good yeah I seems like eisman’s preparing himself for some some big stuff happening and we’ll see what happens I so let’s get going now we got a lot to talk about in this episode so let’s do with our one good one bad and I’ll start with you Evan since you just finished up the draft it’s a good and a bad here um I mean the good it’s been a lot of good this week and and I think I’m probably gon I don’t want to steal the headline here but uh the good is the draft is finally over how long have we been talking about this draft uh it’s it it was an amazing performance that Vegas Put on I don’t understand how any of that stuff works inside that sphere yeah it’s just amazing and it’s it’s almost hard to comprehend until you see it inside because it’s everything’s moving and if you have vertigo issues I don’t suggest going there uh because not only is it a very steep platform inside but uh the whole thing is surrounding and you’re you’re looking around and your neck hurts and you’re it’s it’s crazy but um it was an amazing experience uh just to be there um and getting to talk to some Scouts about you know some of the Red Wings plans was really fun for me uh my bad was I feel like there was Talent left on the board with their second round pick I know we’ll get into that at some point in this show but uh there were some players that I know that all three of us had advocated for uh in our last show that were still on the board uh I was actually during the second round driving home from Vegas uh and I probably only almost got again an accidents as I’m trying to update my phone while driving on the driving on the freeway so um yeah I we’ll get into that a little bit later but there’s a couple picks that uh I think were uh a little confusing for me but uh you know so be it yeah I mean everyone every team that every fan of Team probably has those thoughts that oh I wish they they would have drafted him um it’s just how it goes and and we’re not in the rooms we’re not sure what they’re targeting and how much they’ve seen some these players so I mean just have to wait and see how all pans out and that’s that’s probably five years down the road we won’t even know so Devin what’s H good and a bad for you uh I’m gonna piggyback off of Evans good uh how about a the like giant graft board that the sphere allowed um just even you know from watching on camera like it’s you’re looking up there to see celebrini name I think that’s awesome it’s kind of almost like almost out of a movie or something um and then also just the trade alert um I think that was like the perfect use of the event and everything um honestly like if you know what uh like Evan said there’s actually a lot of good we can talk about um my one bad is going to be that supposedly they’re planning on um not doing a centralized draft anymore um all the teams are going to be just kind of drafting out of Hub kind of like they do um like the NFL andum I think some other other leagues as well um now that’s not confirmed I believe Bill dy’s kind of hinted that they might be back at a an actual venue next year as well um but with just how this draft went at that venue um you got to run it back at the very least you you can’t follow that up by having teams in separate cities that just was such a cool event um yeah I there’s a lot we we got to talk about today I will I will leave my one good and one bad at that yeah I I will say this though real quick I will say this real quick though it was 110 out there um it was really hard getting around Vegas in that in that kind of heat and uh I know I walked with a couple Scouts from uh the linkink to New York New York in that heat and uh by the time we got there we were all ready to go home so 110 is is kind of hard to deal with it’s you’re very sweaty very were you uh were you keeping hydrated oh yeah yeah hydrated that’s yeah yeah it’s one thing about Vegas is the temperature it is the desert after all all right uh let’s uh let’s dive into some other stuff and we talked about Eiserman being uh active not on the draft floor but beforehand talking some trades and did a couple things one that I was surprised by but we’re probably not going to be surprised by why this happened uh trading Jake Walman uh to the San Jose Sharks for pretty much nothing uh and you know basically cap d a cap dump and that’s what Eiserman even said afterwards he said that had to move a contract this is how it goes unfortunately this is what needs to be done with the salary cap era and that was a big one of the trades and then trading a top prospect in Andrew Gibson uh to the national predators and got a couple things in return you got a second round pick basically recoup the pick he had to put into the wman deal and then uh used that pick also so he didn’t lose a second round pick in this draft and then got another Prospect in return so for those two trades I’ll start with you Devin uh any thoughts comments concerns about it I mean Jake wman is a top pairing defenseman he’s been that last couple season seasons and now they don’t have them and they didn’t replace him so my if I was going to add on to my one good one bad my other bad is that we still don’t really know why it was Jake Wallman that was the uh the sacrificial lamb here um like you said aaman did say he needed to shed money and he needed to move a contract and we all kind of knew that was the case right we all knew that the redings wanted you know needed to make room on that blue line they probably needed to save off a little or create a little cap space but no one was looking at Jake Walman to be the guy who did that like and and to make matters even more like oh well he makes a lot of money he makes $3.4 million he has two years left on that deal that’s the exact same numbers for Justin Hall who we all were expecting was going to be the guy now obviously we don’t know how these negotiations go we don’t know if you know Justin Hall would have demanded a first round pick to be attached to him for some reason um you know maybe maybe they paid a second round pick because wallman’s actually usable I don’t know um and I think that’s kind of the issue is that we don’t know I I I would love to hear why it was Walman um because I I I get the I get the idea I get moving salary I get moving the contract I just don’t get why it was him um and hopefully someday we find out that information I don’t know if we will though um Good Luck to Jake over in San Jose they they got a good one um and then uh the Andre Gibson one actually is a little it was surprising um and then the Walman thing kind of overshadowed it because that came out of left field but Andrew Gibson’s a really good Prospect um I know I had him ranked in the top 15 the last time I ranked the rans prospects I think I might have even had him at 12 so top 12 um and he was that you know he was that guy the the type of defenseman they love to go after in the uh the second round high potential moves the puck mobile all that good stuff maybe a little bit of longer runway in terms of development but Gibson had a really good season this year and I was um he was one I was starting to kind of key in on as this guy might be something uh and now if he is something he will be something in Nashville so just like San Jose good luck in Nashville Nashville got a good one there um but uh I guess long to long story short it’s all maneuvering right um You Gotta you got to give up assets to get the things you want asman wanted cap space um these two deal helped him do that and like you said Matt they did get a prospect back from uh from Nashville so it’s not like they traded Andrew Gibson and Jake wman and only got 3.4 million back they they got a prospect back but um still uh you know a week or so later from those deals it’s still still a little puzzling what happened there I me they got Jesse kakin H pretty good Prospect from the Predators a forward he’s not a defenseman you read his and you read his Prospect profile and just what reports about him and he he’s a redwind guy like true yeah like I get it yes High motor good skill versatile there’s the three buzzword that Eiserman loves so there’s a got him in there all right Evan I know you probably have some thoughts on this one I yeah we Justin Hull should have been the guy out of here well it’s a key guy in Walman what do you think about these two deals well the Wallman deal is still puzzling and I refuse to believe that there’s not something more there because you know and stev’s been getting killed in the social media for this trade but here’s my conspiracy theory that I I float flew uh floated out uh earlier um I’m I mean is it possible and you guys can you guys can tell me is it possible that those future considerations uh everyone’s talking to everyone we all half of these guys already know what’s going to happen tomorrow tampering doesn’t exist um but but at the end of the day you know if someone gets put on waivers San Jose has the first rights to claim that player and that’s where I’m curious if that’s what the future considerations are um because I just I can’t see attaching a second round pick to wman especially when you saw all these other GMS around the league even going on records saying that they would have had interest in in Jake wman so I I don’t understand why he couldn’t have been just been released and then they had to add a sweetener yeah and then it’s to the so there’s two there’s I feel like there’s too much going on there that there’s something more out of this and don’t you can’t you can’t convince me that that someone’s that uh would just do that especially Steve Eiserman so that was a little puzzling for me as well as the Nashville trade as well you know I thought Andrew Gibson had a pretty solid year uh this season and you know he was a decent uh Prospect and especially the right-handed shot which is something you know the Red Wings need but um yeah the whole thing’s puzzling for me it it just it really is and but I I think tomorrow uh in less than 24 hours now that we’re going to know what that was all about because it it just doesn’t make any sense it’s it’s not uh it there there’s nothing that doesn’t make make sense so um yeah that’s where that’s where I’m at with that and you know obviously we got some good news today too before coming on air here so uh it’s uh tomorrow’s going to be a big day I think tomorrow’s going to be be a big day for the organization as far as what the future holds and I think we’re going to see some whe and d and I’m pretty excited for it as we already said yeah like I said it seems like isman has got something in the oven and we’ll see what what he’s what comes out of it um yeah so for my off the rush question since they traded Jake Walman they’re gonna have to have someone to replace him conceivably there’s been talk about Jake another Jacob coming in or Jake uh Jacob trouba coming in from the New York Rangers and that that has been around trouba’s like why am I in the trade rumors he was surprised by it I we’ll see if anything comes with it but there were rumors that a deal is coming that trouba is gonna come to the Red Wing so if that happens or Devon what do you think should it happen I do you want Jacob trouba coming in to the Red Wings I actually don’t mind this move at all um especially if New York’s retaining some of his salary um I’ve seen reports of of them potentially retaining 2 and a half million of his 8 million um so then you’re getting Jacob trouba for 5.5 for two years um I think that’s that’s a better contract or a better deal than what you’re going to get on free agency um you know Matt Roy you know throw out a name he’s someone that they might Target in free agency but you’re GNA give him you know six six million for six years or whatever um and then you’re tied down to that and then you know maybe maybe that contract doesn’t age very well whereas trouba you know you have him for you have him for two years and then guess what in two years AEL C pel is probably ready to go so he’s you kind of just lead right into there um and also for what it’s worth trouba’s from Michigan they love their Michigan born guys um and trouba also is a uh he’s a physical guy um he obviously is kind of known for making some questionable hits from time to time um and the redings don’t have that guy um obviously there’s a time and place for that that sort of physicality um um but that would add a different look to the reings blue line and one that they don’t have and one that you could argue that they need and I’m just to kind of close my thoughts out I think he would actually be a really good partner alongside Simon Edinson um heading into next season just TR can kind of be the physical stay-at-home guy and let Edinson do what he does best and that’s move the puck and engage in the offensive zone he also has a full no movement clause or he did and it’s going to change to a modified no trade includes a 15 team trade list I mean that I I don’t think he would block a trade going to the Red Wings from Michigan like you said I don’t really foresee that um fact that he was surprised by him his name being in the rumors is kind of a thing I think for me but I Evan what do you think about Jacob trouba coming to the Red Wings potentially well I think the Red Wings should start rebranding the team name to the Michigan Wolverines alumni program’s there’s no club that has more Michigan you know and hey that’s great Michigan is a hockey hot bed so um once again I’m late to the party here with Devon saying everything I’ve already wanted to say but uh I’m you know I I’m fine with trouba coming over I like the physical presence and we haven’t had something like that since the days of cronwall you know we need somebody who out there get physical there was too many there’s too many Puck battles lost down low the season too many turnovers and yeah trouba can get a little crazy out there but hey you know what let’s get crazy I think um I I think it’s a good move like Devin said you know for two years left on the deal you know we’ve heard everything from them retaining 25% to 35% up to 30 so uh that could be that could be work really well and hey you know another Michigan boy back at home so I I I like the deal depending on you know how it all plays out I’m I’m confused as to why he wouldn’t love it as much but there’s you know there’s a lot of talk around the rumors I mean the fun part about Twitter right now is just there there there’s so many different rumors that he says she said all the different stuff going on of uh like we don’t know that we don’t know the details we don’t know what’s going behind on on the scenes there but yeah I would like uh I’d like to see trouba here I I I I would love that physical presence that happen on the back end once again you know and I like he said I think he’d be a great great pairing with Simon Evanson let him do his thing and let trouba do his thing so if he comes I’m okay with it I think I I said yesterday I hate like it and uh you know every time I think about TR all I think about is that that hit he tried to lay out on NIS in in the playoffs where he just the flying diving elbow yeah you know that’s something Red Wings need right now we need that grit know so I’m looking forward to it if it does happen that was another thing that people were non I thought it was going to be done deal by yesterday so many people were texting me that while I was driving through the desert and I almost drove off the road seven times but it was yeah I I’m in for that deal if it happens I’m okay with it yeah I mean I like trouba I mean I think like I I agree with both of you guys he does have those questionable hits and questionable things but H he is very tough and he’s a great sh at blocking shots too he’s a yes you know physical presence he would be a really good addition to the Red Wings blue line but I’d say how what are they giving up to get them I think that’s always the biggest thing what are they trading and that uh there’s going to be salary retention which is great um but we’ll see we’ll see what how trade goes I don’t think they’re giving up much for him I I think I rers want him off the books to to to pursue other moves so I don’t think we’re going to see much as far as the asking price there so yeah theoretically theoretically if the Red Wings had to attach a second to Wallman to move him what is what do the Rangers have to attach to trouba right I I don’t know that there will be an attachment I think this might be a more complicated deal than we think but you know like like you said Evan I I I think that uh I don’t think Short’s giving up a ton for this no I don’t think so too I mean it’s probably more of a salary thing that’s again the Rangers want to get rid of some salary and uh he’s the top name on that list so um they want to get active in free agency too all right let’s pay the bills and talk about all the drop guide’s done so let draft is done uh talk about the substack uh make sure checking out our Detroit Red substack and all of our stuff over at the substack uh lots of stuff over there with the draft and wrapping up we got draft Recaps from all the teams you can take a look at we also got the premium tier which gives you a bunch of Articles uh every month on a variety of topics that we got going so check that out in the link below all right well let’s uh return to the draft and talk about the Red Wings draft class which uh started with the first round pick and uh pretty actually familiar uh Michael nyard goes uh to the Red Wings very Red Wings pick very Eiserman pick at when he was drafted I’m like yeah it makes sense we were talking about other guys but Becka senica went third overall so he was off the board very early Red Wings had no chance on him I so let’s uh talk about this draft class it had quite a few names uh some interesting ones and I’ll start with you Evan so that uh Devon has to catch up on you can get the first word so uh what’ you think about the Red Wings draft class anyone stand out um players that kind of intrigue you what do you got yeah I mean it definitely Rings definitely have their kind of guy I mean that’s the first thing Devin when I texted him that this you know I wonder what their thoughts were him and Tony’s thoughts were on uh who was left on the board but uh you know I I don’t hate it I don’t love it but um you know I’m not going to lie I I wanted to see a swing on Cole Eiserman I just think the goal scoring ability is uh something that’s hard hard to pass up and we’ve seen so many times where you know Scouts worry about size and uh you know all all those other things with goal scoring ability is just something that just doesn’t grow on trees so um I I I don’t dislike him I think he went exactly where he was I mean if if you all if we all think about all the mock drafts we’ve looked at heading into heading into the draft I mean how many times have we seen this guy mock to the Red Wings it was like since like March this ISS pick so I I okay with it I I think uh I think part of the factor goes into it that he’s uh probably one of the uh you know closer to being NHL ready than a lot of these prospects in the first round so you know if he spends and he’s supposed to play with Axel Sandy pel next season so uh I I like that uh part of it and if if he’s ready after next season to come over you know this guy’s got grinder potential and and he’s got a little bit of offensive scoring touch is he got a guy that’s going to be scored 30 40 goals I don’t think so but I I think he’s going to definitely be a middle impact top six Winger so I did like that now the second round the the max plant pick which I alluded to earlier like I said there were there were guys on the board that I I thought had greater ceilings so you know again I’m not a scout and I’m sure the Red Wing Scouts know a lot more than I do when when you just think about Max plant and I we’ll be writing an article about him this week uh he does have he does have some potential offensively I think he’s more of a playmaker a setup guy than a goal scorer so uh yeah I mean I’m optimistic but if you saw consistently through this draft you definitely see that the Red Wings have a type and they’ve had the same type over the years so uh you know I I digress I I I I think it was you know it wasn’t exciting it wasn’t a super exciting draft by any means but uh you know there there’s a couple guys that I think could come through here and be potential NHL players through it yeah Max plant Eiserman had some really glowing words for him right after he was drafted and as this quote he has tremendous hockey sense moves the puck very well very deceptive skater moves well on the ice but really liked hockey sense and creativity and Chris Draper goes and said character kid you can tell if he grew you can tell he grew up around the game hockey sense again up and down the lineup this is a guy that’s a again sounds like an Eiserman pick sounds like a draper pick it’s Red Wings pick so there you go I will say I talked I did talk to two Scouts yesterday who told me that they were not a best fan of the pick they thought the ring should have went best player available and they just I don’t know they they really we really like Teddy sta that’s that’s the one that I was really hoping for and he did go after so it is what it is you know that’s why they’re drafts we’ll find out in a couple years who’s right and who’s wrong and that’s that’s why it’s you know that’s why it’s exciting and fun for us yeah a son of Derek plant played 450 50 games in the NHL so oh the Sabers huh yeah so okay Derek plant won a cup with the Stars in 1999 so yeah he’s he’s got some NHL Bloodlines and 450 games quite a few games I was around so there you go all right Devon over to you uh what do you think about the Detroit Red Wings uh draft class I know I messaged the channel right after they picked FR Niger I’m like there’s an Eis pick right there we talked about him so what you think about the class ah oh boy uh so I think yeah like I said to Evan I think that um rings have a tit and uh I think moving forward you know a year from now when we’re we’re doing mock drafts you know for for our sites and um even just like as we’re communicating with other people in the hockey Community I think um I think I it’s going to be almost easier to like predict who the Rings are gonna are G to pick because at this point they kind of keep picking the same type of guy so as long as you find that guy next year uh you can probably just go yeah that’s who they’re gonna pick you know they’re probably gonna pick that guy um so I guess in terms of me me looking smart I’m looking forward to finding that guy for next year but uh no so to be serious though I think Bren steeg nyard um I think If he if he hits his max potential if big if he’s a Marian HOSA um and that would be a very welcome addition to um this Red Wings Prospect pool and I do want to say real quick too just while I have it on my mind as much as we kind of joke and say oh they they keep picking the same guy you know Casper and Danielson and now BR nigar they’re all the same player not really um they have a lot of the same traits they have those Red Wings traits that were referring to but I think banstead Niger banstead nyard is a better scorer than the other two I think that Danielson is a better playmaker than the other two I think cper is kind of that probably the best two-way guy out of the uh the three of them I think um so as much as they all kind of look and play the same they do have their Specialties that kind of set them apart I think that nyard could be a thir goal scorer at his Peak uh maybe he’s a 3030 guy I’d welcome that out of the first round especially with the 15th pick you when you’re picking 15th it’s very rare you’re going to get you know a slam dunk you know 100 Point uh season player um if you can get a really good second line player that can maybe play on the first line I think you got you made a good pick um now to talk outside of the first round um I think the thing I like the most is a just getting players at every position pool or every position they even pick p a goalie and I wasn’t I wasn’t expecting that um but like I get it you want to keep your depth right Co is going to be graduating soon Augustine’s going to be moving to um the pro level at some point so it’s nice to just kind of keep guys in the system um but then also you know like I said BR nard can be a scorer um uh the guy they picked in the this sixth round yeah sixth round Charlie forsland um he actually reminds me a lot of Bren s nagard plays a very similar game also a bigger guy 63 212 likes to shoot the puck and score and he’s the Red Wings token Suite of the draft as well um so they have their two guys that can shoot the puck and then um you know like you said with um uh plant and uh their third round pick Andre Becker um they’re both Playmakers they’re they both like to create from the perimeter and um set guys up so they got some SC they got some passers they got some they got a goalie they got a defensive defenseman they got a guy who can move the puck from the blue line they got a little bit of everything honestly um while staying true to the traits that they’ve identified that they really look for in prospects so um I’m sure if you’re you know if you were to walk up to little C’s Arena um tomorrow and ask you know Steve irman and Chris Draper how they feel they did in this draft they’d tell you that they did really well they’re very excited because they got a bunch of prospects that fit their mold um and I guess what that means is we’ll have to wait a few years to see if they made the right picks because Lord knows Detroit’s very patient with their guys um but you know I I guess to kind of finish the thought I I remember being a little little disappointed in the Casper pick and then a year passed and then I was like actually you know what I think they made a really good pick with Marco Casper and then they picked Nate Danielson and I was like ah they should have picked somebody else and then year has passed and now I’m like man M mate Danielson might be a player might be like top Center somay and now yeah maybe Brent SE nard wasn’t the most exciting pick they could have made but if tradition holds a year from now I’m be like that Brent St nard guy I said Maran HOSA I think I was right yeah I I’ve liked BR sigard talked about on Prospect Corner quite a few times and I really like how he plays because he is a very already kind of a seasoned player in a two-way sense that he could like you said Evan playing the NHL sooner than some of the other guys and that’s a good thing to have especially for a team that wants to be a little bit accelerated on that road right so you want some prospects that are a little more easier to get in and I said that about Nate Danielson last year too that he’s probably the NHL a lot sooner than some of these other guys because he’s more mature two-way and Casper I think I said the same thing about him they’re all three guys and again that’s that’s Red Wings picks they they like these guys bit more ahead of the curve I think and that’s what seems like the last three first rounders have been and great and the goalie they drafted too of course is six foot five Landon Miller in the fourth round I didn’t see him taking the goalie in the fourth round but yeah they like their big goal he not too so yeah and of course they pick a guy with a a good name too John Whipple I like that absolutely not St Brad nard is a pretty great name too it’s gonna be yeah it’s going to be great for mickeey to hear try to say that absolutely I think they’re just going to settle on MB there’s no way that that they’re gonna have go with that name just gonna be mbn mbn and and ASP yeah shout out shout out to the guy asp asp to mbn that’s right and shout out to the guy who had the build the Branson niggard Jersey after the draft it’s like the nard a game play Rainbow on his back so shout out to that guy that was great yeah let’s see that all right well I I like the draft class I mean like you said there’s some intriguing players some interesting ones and um we’ll see how it all plays out in the next year and we’ll see how they all progress and we won’t know for like I say the fiveyear mark seems to be the time you kind of look back and say well some of these guys may not be working out or ones are close to the NHL and we’re starting to see that with a few of them already so we’ll just have to wait and see and uh and that’s that’s the that’s the Mantra of prospect corner it’s wait and see because that’s what’s gonna Happ all right let’s uh move from the draft back to free agency which uh again if you’re watching this probably could be around already be happening you could be watching it a few hours before free agency um but we’ll talk about it and we’ll open it with an update we’ve alluded to it through the show Patrick Kane is expected to sign a one-year deal with the Red Wings and by the time you watch this it’ll probably be confirmed I not sure about the money at this point uh probably gonna be over the 2.75 that he made definitely um but the key thing is he’s coming back to the Red Wing so quickly before we get to some uh predictions and stuff uh Devon what do you think about it you like it oh for sure uh I think you know if if the rubbings could or if if Red Wings fans could pick one player of all of their unrestricted guys to bring back it would have been Patrick Kane um you know and and there’s there’s a lot of guys there that that are worthy of at least considering so that speaks volumes to Patrick Kane but um you know we we said it a lot in the show when as soon as he joined the team it took him a few games to get going but then once he did he looked like Patrick Kane um and he added just a certain something to the team that they haven’t had and honestly probably since since they were making the playoffs on a regular basis um I think that this kind of shows because it’s also a one-year deal which is crazy because it seemed like hayne’s big thing he was gonna be trying to get was term yeah not necessarily dollars but term now I’m sure this deal is gonna be full of bonuses and whatnot so I’m sure it’s going to be pretty uh lucrative for Patrick Kane but um for Detroit to get him to hey just get him back but then also to get him on that like on a one-year deal I I almost don’t even care what the Gap hit is um you got your guy you get you know all the people who bought Kane jerseys aren’t going to feel um disappointed about it that they you know return on investment type of thing um and then also you know like we said he he probably was a really good influence on Lucas Raymond this year does that influence continue and who else can he kind of you know spread some Showtime magic to um I don’t think the Rems could go wrong with this deal the only way that could have gone wrong is if they didn’t get him signed so I’m good on Steve irman for getting it done yeah now Evan I know you’re happy about it you’re talking about him coming back that we worried that he wouldn’t um he obviously sees that the Red Wings have a chance still doesn’t want to go to a more contending team um what do you think about uh Kane resigning here um I felt well you guys all saw Selen Deion announced the pick for the Canadians that’s where my heart was thinking when I saw that King was resigning you know you’re [Laughter] here nothing I um I’m just glad that he’s back I was gonna try to do Michael Buffer because you know you saw him do for the Philly one but like that you can get sued for that yeah trying to do get ready to rumble he’s got that trademark to the nines yeah I mean obviously it’s not 100% sure but when Emily Kaplan says it then I’m all in uh yeah Showtime’s back baby and that’s uh that’s what we wanted and that’s what we need on a one-year deal it’s even I I have a hard time believing that no one offered him more than one year or that’s or maybe it’s just he wanted to be back in Detroit but it works out perfectly for the team uh I think everyone’s going to be happy about this and uh I mean what more can you say Showtime what he did last year it was just a uh an energy uh in the building atmosphere that we haven’t felt in a long time even since the death Days by the way I got a story for that after but I already told de so never mind um yeah I’m really excited onee deal Patrick Kane let’s go baby let’s go and uh you know to see what Steve could uh couple him with tomorrow depending on who we sign uh it might be time for some uh you know pre-playoff talk again heading into next so I’m I’m really I’m through the roof on this and uh I don’t feel as bad about my can Jersey purchase I I just want to say real quick I’m really curious if this now kind of sets them up to kind of do what Dallas did with Jill pavelski um they Joe felski signed like three or four one-year deals with Dallas and just kind of every year they reassess the situation and signed a one-year deal and then reassessed it a year later yeah I’m kind of wondering if that’s where Patrick Kane what Patrick Kane’s about to do with the Red Wings um N oneye Deals get a bunch of bonuses um and just kind of like keep it going as long as you can viously has that hip obviously he’s not as young as he used to be um but if you can kind of just take it year by year I I don’t know how you could be mad at that hey now we can start our hip Gods t-shirts the hip Gods yes we can hip gods have another year of being prayed to and worship we’re good there yeah I I think so I think he’s probably be doing those one-year deal things I mean it just to see how he feels every year and if he still wants to play and of course you in a familiar place that you know you’re successful in why not just keep going instead of trying to restart and reset somewhere else that you don’t know if you’re going to be able to fit with anything and there you go all right well let’s talk about some some things that could happen for the Red Wings and uh of course this is going to age really quickly because uh some of these guys we’ll talk about maybe signed already by the time you’re watching but let’s do it I Evan I’ll start with you who do you think the Red Wings are going to uh sign tomorrow or today I mean if you look on Twitter any social media now everyone’s talking about Stam Co and I I don’t know what that deal would look like but I know a lot of people maybe a little apprehensive of a guy who’s he is 34 years old uh but he still scored 40 goals this year uh he does train with Gary suder during the off season and for those who don’t know Gary Suter the former Flames uh defenseman is probably the craziest workout guy you’ll ever meet and and Stam Co is definitely a guy who is as he’s had injuries in the past he has rehabbed and rehabed his ass off to bounce back from them so uh there’s just so much speculation about it but I I’m again like you know he’s he’s towards the end of his career now and even if he does move with Tampa Bay you know Tampa Bay’s they’re in a weird spot for me right now because it seems like they’re moving out a lot of players but then jakay gensel do they want to keep you know do they want to try to hang on and keep going with Hedman and coocher off and point and gensel is there something there and vasileski maybe but it’s to me it’s it’s it’s kind of strange to see the the Steve St stanos you know the captain of that team uh 15 years 16 years what is it you know a guy who is probably the franchises or is the franchises best player of all time just to walk away like this so I’m curious to see what happens with him tomorrow but man it’s all over social media again you know I you remember like back in uh was that 2016 or 7 when he was a free agent and the the hockey news had that magazine out him in like seven different jerseys I’m sure there’s G to be a lot of contenders that are coming after him too I’m just curious why there’s so much Redwing speculation outside of you know Stevie being in Tampa Bay with him um if it was up to me I I would really like to see a guy like Jake debrusk brought in just because of his age and his grittiness I mean just the last name de Brusque if you knew his dad from back in the day Louis de Brusque Just DE brusk says like grit to me or something and he has that physicality and and he can score and and he’s a lot bigger a left Winger um I think there’s going to be a lot of teams after him he’s always had that weird relationship with the Boston Bruins it seems like every year it’s either a trade demand or he’s staying going um that’s a guy I would be interested in um outside of that I mean I I’d like to see another uh maybe a defenseman in I know you’re hitting towards maybe Jacob chitan as well this week but I I don’t know where he’s going to fit in I think they’re going to have to move out I mean I there’s so many possibilities where this roster could end up tomorrow uh I think a buyout might be coming as well whether it’s Hull possibly cop um that’s just something a lot of people aren’t talking about you know Eiserman said he’s trying to move money and it’s hard right now it’s hard to move money right now but you know it’s tomorrow it’s going to be a big indication and and as we as we all know Steve Eiserman you know he keeps everything close to the best so who knows what could happen tomorrow and I think that’s the most exciting part about it tomorrow because I have no clue I I you I can’t tell you or speculate as to anything as what he’ll do tomorrow I can tell you what I hope but I know we can all say we have no clue K it’s your turn I’m lost man my brain’s [Laughter] gone you know I uh it’s it’s hard not to like at least like Meander slowly down the the stam Coast Road right like the connections are all there and it does sound like stamp Coast is gonna go to market um you know it’s not just Eiserman too it’s Derrik theone right um it’s uh I I think I I don’t I’m not willing to say the reings are definitely going to sign Steven Stam coast today tomorrow however youone to look at it um but I think that they’re going to be in there and I think he’s going to consider them um I think that he might be one of those guys that they moved money for to be honest and you know let’s say your top line is Larin and Raymond and the brink um is your second line Stam Co comer or and Kane or you know I mean that’s crazy that’s like it’s it’s that’s one of those things where like you’re you’re playing a video game or something it’s kind of crazy um so I I mean I think we’ll hear it until Stam Coast either signs with Detroit or signs with someone else to be honest um I do think they are still doing their darnest to sign Shane gos to spare I wouldn’t be surprised if they get something done at the last minute I don’t know how I feel about it but I think that uh they’re at least gonna try and try and try until they can’t anymore um but I I guess if I could throw out one other player that I would I personally would like to see them shoot their got with uh Chandler Stevenson actually of uh the Vegas golden knights uh he’s one of those it’s it’s kind of funny because in a lot of ways he kind of fits the same mold as Andrew cop and JT Comer where he can kind of play all over the lineup and he’s a center he’s a Winger he’s a two-way guy he can play power play penalty kill blah blah blah blah um but I also think that he is one of the more under underappreciated players that was on that uh golden knights team um he’s he was a second line Center for them um and I know that like both cop and comer had were a second line Center for um other teams as well but Stevenson was a second line Center because he was their second line Center not because somebody else was injured or you know whatever um and he was a second line Center on a Stanley Cup winning team too so um I don’t know I I think Detroit loves their versatile forwards I think Stephenson is that um and I think that he’d be a sneaky get if uh Detroit was to Target him but I I’m not I’m not predicting that um who I would go after if I was Steve Vegas isn’t loyal to their players either so they they will care I don’t know if you heard this story but I I did see at this sphere Logan Thompson was uh signing autographs front for upper deck and he got traded and he found out while he was signing the autographs and told told the F you might need a new jersey after so you know that’d be an interesting one I like that Devon yeah Chandler Stevenson is a again a Red Wings type player too so yeah definitely would fit um it’s funny how those two names have also been talked about with the Canucks here too um Stam Coast now too because he has a little bit of a connection with Rick toet coached him in his first year so um I don’t know if it’s as big of a connection as as his coach from not that long ago or assistant coach from not that long ago and his GM so it kind of is a bigger one in Detroit but I I was dreaming I was like what would stanus look on the Red Wings what would stanus look on the Canucks they both places look pretty good absolutely so yeah we’ll see we’ll see what what a has of his sleeve we’re probably G be wrong on maybe right on this St Coast one I mean that that does feel like it would really fit and that he would sign but so okay real quick I just want to throw I just want to throw throw this out there if the Red Wings sign Steven SOS and they acquire Jacob trouba as well as you know resigning Patrick Kane how do you feel about the Red Wings offseason you know they have other stuff to do but how would you feel about that I think it makes them competitive and and it allows times for uh time for the prospects to develop especially if these guys you know they’re not going to be on long-term deals or anything I Stam Coast maybe a little longer I think he’ll age better uh just because of his his Fitness that I talked about but I um yeah I mean it it makes him a very competitive team and you we we’ve seen teams make runs in the playoffs that you don’t really expect to and and I think it could be really interesting and it all it’s also going to depend on some of these young guys stepping up you know what kind of year is Evanson gonna have where can Casper contribute uh you know down the road with with some of the other guys I mean it gives it buys them time and it also makes the team very competitive and I think that’s what the organization is is looking for right now and we as fans want right now so I’d be excited I’d be excited and and you know it’s yeah I think that could be really fun I agree I think those two things definitely like Stam Co like you both mentioned is that he can still score he’s not he’s not on the decline he’s not looking like he’s over the hill he could still score 40 goals I think he you know he still could score could still score 20 plus on the power play I don’t know like and then there’s the alert of Patty Kane setting him up for one-timers so him and could get jealous and kind of you know I don’t know it could be amazing so let’s hope man I keep your phones on tomorrow I’ll be texting yeah Happ well they also need them like Ean said he also needs the money to resign two big free free agents next year um so Lucas Raymond marce cider those who are they we haven’t even talked about them they got their qualifying offers today so they got their qualifying offers that’s that’s that’s all has happened so far but yeah it’s going to be a fun day we’ll we’ll react to it all if there’s a lot of big things maybe getting together for an episode before our normal time we’ll see but uh thanks Devon thanks Evan for coming on talking Red Wings again um lots of stuff to come make sure check out everything at the hockey uh we’ll react to all the free agent signings that as they happen when they happen and um see how many big things H big things go and but until our next episode we’ll see you on another episode of The Grind light

In this episode of The Hockey Writers Grind Line, Detroit Red Wings writers Devin Little and Evan Sabourin get together with producer Matthew Zator to discuss the Jake Walman and Andrew Gibson trades, the Red Wings’ 2024 Draft class, free agency predictions, the possibility of acquiring Jacob Trouba from the New York Rangers, and more.

0:00 Intro
2:05 1 Good, 1 Bad From the Past Week
6:38 Yzerman Trades Jake Walman to Sharks, Andrew Gibson to Predators
13:23 Should the Red Wings acquire Jacob Trouba?
19:51 Thoughts on the Red Wings’ 2024 Draft Class
31:58 Patrick Kane Signs 1-Year Deal with the Red Wings
37:13 Who will the Red Wings sign in free agency?
44:58 If Yzerman adds Trouba and Stamkos, is that a successful offseason?

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Evan Sabourin –

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1 comment
  1. Great show as always.
    Getting stamkos would be a huge boast to our offense.
    Trouba would be a great 2nd pairing guy with edivinsson
    Also can’t the wings just waive pretty and holl and call it a day with those 2?

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