Indianapolis Colts – Bill Polian best GM! Who’s second? Caitlin upsets Taurasi! Pacers keep Obi!

Indianapolis Colts – Bill Polian best GM! Who’s second? Caitlin upsets Taurasi! Pacers keep Obi!

all right the debate of the day is not who is the best Indianapolis Colts GM of all time that’s lockdown that’s Bill poon period under conversation you win a Super Bowl you go into a different class however the debate over number two is a little bit different and that’s between Chris Ballard the current general manager and Ryan grigson the previous general manager were going to excuse Jim ERS and Bill Tobin from this conversation and and talk about the drafts for these two GMS who has had the better drafts you you can grade GMS I think in two ways one’s real easy and that’s one loss record and the other is a little bit more nuanced that’s a draft we’ll talk about that we’ll also talk about Obi toppen signs a fouryear or is going to sign a 4year $60 million deal can’t sign it yet because the the Arcane and foolish uh scheduling restrictions the NBA imposes upon itself it just doesn’t make any sense like nobody can sign until this date because of that and blah blah blah blah nonsensical anyway Obi toppin coming back so this team is kind of coming back intact unless there’s a trade down the pike that uh Kevin Pritchard and Chad Buchanan engineer to elevate this roster a little bit and elevate it they should this roster is not ready to contend in the Eastern Conference and as a result of that they’ve got to make moves to elevate what they do and and get better somehow in some kind of substantial way because like the Bucks aren’t sitting still the Celtics aren’t sitting still the Sixers aren’t sitting still the Knicks really aren’t sitting still you got to get better in order to be able to compete the Pacers they lived in kind of a false Paradise during the postseason winning the first round the second round going to the Eastern Conference Finals in large part because of injuries to the teams that they vanquished yeah what are you going to do they had some injuries too that’s absolutely true but I think you’ve got to get better in order to be able to compete at the same level you did in the postseason this year we’ll talk about the fever Caitlin Clark really good yesterday came very close to doing something no other WNBA rookie had and and she’s in the midst of a really really good rookie season and this team’s coming together in a way that they beat the Phoenix Mercury yesterday in Phoenix Caitlyn Clark beat Diana terazi and it was a little bit chippy as it always is with the fever that makes it kind of fun Paul George is going to sign a deal with the Philadelphia 76ers and while we talk about the 76ers trying to take steps forward we know what they did yesterday in agreeing to a a contract with Paul George they took a step substantially backwards I’ll tell you why this is breakfast with Kent for Monday July 1st 2024 brought to you by the great people at my bookie my bookie oh my goodness my bookie you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere with my bookie and if you use promoe k k n here’s what you get a sign up bonus of up to and including $11,000 uh make sure and subscribe to this Channel and that’s what you should it makes you eligible for prizes that we give away on the regular make sure and like this video because it’s the polite thing to do who’s your hospitality thing to do and if you want to make a Don a donation make a donation include a comment or a question we will answer it in real time let’s talk about the Indianapolis Colts look we we’ve got uh from today 23 days till the guys all report to Grand Park and they have their physicals and all of that for media availability and the first workout is the following day on the 25th so there you go um we’ll see what exactly uh they look like when we get there but what we want to do now is we want to engage in an argument and the argument is who is the second best general manager in the history of the Indianapolis cults I would say it’s Chris Ballard and I would say it for this reason and then I you’ll have time for a rebuttal and I’ll even make a rebuttal on your behalf Chris Ballard’s drafts have been so much better than Ryan grigson’s drafts look the the only way to me you could objectively rank drafts is by the weighted average value of the player as he matriculates through his career now what that length longevity has something to do with the aggregate of those weighted value scores right so if you’ve got a a draft from 2020 where you still have players uh like Michael Pitman Jr and Jonathan Taylor and Julian Blackman still toiling for uh the Colts they should have a substantially lesser value than let’s say the 2013 or 2014 draft where those players have have played their career and concluded their careers right that just makes sense in this case the 2020 dra the top draft of those since Bill poon walked out the door at the Colts complex is 2018 with 244 points and you still have Quenton Nelson Braden Smith um and zier Franklin nahe hin may play again we’ll see he had the jety ski accident we’ll see if he plays again for the bills but those three guys are still playing the 2012 draft of Ryan grigson which included Andrew Lock and T Y Hilton those the the drafts in terms of weighted approximate value 244 in the aggregate for the 2018 draft 196 for the 2012 draft everybody looks at the 2012 draft and says man grigson did good work and he did by trading up for T Y Hilton the draft of Andrew Luck there was only one question are you going to draft Andrew Locker are you going to trade back the Rams they chose to trade back out of that two-hole traded the draft rights ostensibly to RG3 and got a whole bunch they traded back to six and they traded back to 12 and they got a bunch of draft slag in return for those picks um the third best draft ever or since 2012 but ever in the in the runs of of grigson and Ballard 2016 which was grigson’s final draft uh 152 for a weighted approximate value that’s Ryan Kelly but two of the guys did a lot of their best work for somebody else in fact ble did all his best work for other teams he was a seventh rounder Joe hay did a lot of good work for the T Tampa Bay Buccaneers that’s how they got to 152 including Ryan Kelly’s uh contributions as a member of the Colts then you’ve got 2017 at 132 with Malik hooker Grover Stewart and Anthony Walker hooker and Walker have done a lot of their best work for other teams Stewart has remained with the Indianapolis Colts they have a total of 132 next is 20 20 that’s 98 the score for uh 2020 that’s Pitman Taylor and Blackman Pitman Taylor and Blackman are still playing Pitman and Taylor are likely to roll up many more uh approximate value points and that draft will eventually pass the 2017 draft uh then you’ve got listen you can’t claim to be a great GM the 2013 draft 38 total points Hugh Thornton the best player in that draft in terms of approximate value Hugh Thornton then the next best player bjor verer wow that’s not a good draft that’s a definition of not a good draft then 2014 is just ahead of 2021 which is the uh draft with quiddy pay will friy and da odango which is going to Rocket past this draft that had Jack mewhort and Dante monre a wasted draft they didn’t have a first-rounder because of the trade for Trent Richardson which I don’t gripe with uh Ryan grigson took a shot I I don’t gripe with that but these drafts substantially Terrible by Ryan grigson and really not a great one even the first one wasn’t a great one and and so you can’t you can’t look at these two guys and say that why was Ryan greggson fired well first of all stylistically he he was a tough nut and then number two what draft you going to hang your hat on and if you’re not going to build through the draft how the hell you going to build a championship team because of the drafts in 2014 201 uh 13 prior to that 2015 with Philip Dorset good Lord uh in 15 you you had Philip Dorset uh Henry Anderson Denzel good those are the three Keepers from that draft that’s three drafts without really a a even a complimentary good level player that’s why you saw the erosion from 11 and 511 and 511 and 5 to 8 and8 and 8 and8 because the the Colts drafts didn’t fill the needs moving forward it didn’t regenerate the talent level that needed to be regenerated for that team to be competitive and so the Colts at the right time made the change to Chris Ballard Chris Ballard has engineered some uh good drafts and a couple of really good drafts I don’t think maybe 2018 is a great draft but a lot of good with Chris Ballard and I think that includes a 2024 draft I think Leu latu and AD Mitchell are going to be terrific I think that are going to show the Ballard can can pick guys who can make a direct impact on the game not just complimentary defensive tackles and offensive linemen so uh but still you do have the fact that Ryan grion tallied a 47 and 33 record and Chris Ballard has not Chris Ballard is still under 500 over his Seven Seasons as the GM of the Colts so if you’re going to go by winning win loss record and why wouldn’t you you know what uh-huh you know what you you might favor uh Ryan grigson but if you go by draft value and future kind of prognosis for for the CTS you go by Chris you say Chris Ballard plus stylistically holy cow I mean Chris Ballard is light years ahead of Ryan Griggs and let’s talk about the Pacers and Obi toppen they have agreed to aord 4E $60 million extension he’s not a starter he averaged about 10 uh 10 points a game in 21 minutes uh non-starting players are now making $15 million a year to play basketball that’s quite a thing Obie Obi toppen is not going to start next year they they took him last year kind of as a a a a piece that was going to help jerus Walker as jerus Walker became whatever he’s going to become they thought Tobin buys us a year and and we’ll see uh then we’ll we’ll give jerus Walker a shot not really so they’ve they’ve signed Obby top and to an extension over the top of jares Walker what does that mean for jares Walker that’s a hell of a good question uh but Topp and coming back they’re negotiating as we speak an extension with TJ McConnell there you go uh the Pacers going to run it back and we’ll see if they make a trade we’ll see if they deal the only like ill-fitting piece is Miles Turner I know people get mad you’re a Miles Turner hater I don’t hate Miles Turner I just don’t think he’s a very good basketball player James Harden two years $70 million yikes to keep Jame James Harden he’s going to be 35 years old he averaged 16.6 points a game he is in Decline makes no difference to Steve Balmer and the Clippers they are going to throw 70 million bucks at this guy uh Paul George he is going to sign a 4-year $212 million deal at the age of 34 to go to the 76ers the 76ers can’t help themselves people look at Paul George and they say hey you know what PG-13 what Paul George has helped Clippers do over the last three years lose in the first round of the playoffs twice and not qualify for the playoffs in the third and not this past year this past year I think he played 74 games but the season the Four Seasons prior to that he was with the Clippers he averaged fewer than 50 games that’s Paul George contract year I’m going to show up for work the four years prior to that you know what if I get some a and pains maybe I’m going to sit on my ass that’s what you get with Paul George fever 8882 yesterday over the Mercury outscored the Mercury 50 to 33 in the second half five and double figures for the fever Clark 159 12 and six turnovers you got to you got to get these turnovers under control Aaliyah Boston 178 and four aiyah Smith 12 and 15 uh Clark was 2 years 4 months old to the day when Diana try made her WNBA debut she was two years four months old tomorrow night they play at Vegas 9:30 on ESPN it’s fun because the fever bring out the worst in their opponents opponents do not like the fever and they come out and they play with some violence and that’s kind of fun you got people being knocked around it’s kind of like 1980s NBA games you watch the like the highlights of the Lakers and the Sixers and the seven or in the Celtics and and the the Pistons and the Bulls it’s kind of like that kind of basketball and I dig it uh Cubs lost again 7 to1 they’re terrible uh in half misplayed a Fly ball in left field I don’t know what the hell he was thinking honest to God he looks to find the wall looks up can’t find the ball ball lands on the warning track and that really put into motion a seven run fourth inning for the Brewers that was just utterly miserable to watch uh let’s celebrate some why are we talking about the Cubs I get complaints every day complaints in the comments that say why are you talking about the Cubs I completely agree but the reason I talk about the Cubs is I don’t like Tom rickets and I want Cubs fans to know and I want sports fans to know and I want Tom rickets to know we see through this nonsense and understand he’s all about the cash and not about baseball Andrea crane happy birthday David Barry Hill Bill Gerald’s John Stewart Greg fullhart Scott Springer happy birthday Kevin Cook Jim McCoy Peter CIS a great Peter kles happy birthday uh Brett Brisco Michelle Yoder Crane and Greg Coleman happy birthday if today’s your birthday you celebrate like H if it’s not your birthday you celebrate somebody else that’s best done with an honest and specific compliment radio showing about 4 minutes on wgcl and inside Indiana Sports an now this afternoon at about 4 I can’t wait to talk to you

Chris Ballard has had better drafts than Ryan Grigson, and it isn’t close – but Grigson’s Colts teams had better records, and it isn’t close.
Caitlin Clark just missed a triple double and led the Fever to a win over Diana Taurasi’s Phoenix Mercury.
Obi Toppin has agreed to a four-year contract extension to stay with the Indiana Fever – while the Sixers have agreed to pay chronic underachiever Paul George over $50M per year during his twilight years!
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  1. Caitlin is taking A LOT of unnecessary shots. But, Michael Jordan did as well and look at what he turned into. Even though Caitlin doesn’t deserve any of the abuse she’s received, I’ll take it since she turn out to be the female Michael Jordan.

  2. The Pacers don't have the cap space to participate in any big trades. I guess the Pacers front office is hoping that bringing back the same team minus Jalen Smith is going to be good enough. I'm not judging until I see them play on the court this year.

  3. Ryan Grigson easily…… go by record……..Grigson ……however, Ballard run isnt over yet unfortunately….so if AR pans out we may end up contending for a Super Bowl.

  4. is the thing…..a GM’s Draft, is not the sole thing that you grade a GM on……..Record is what you should judge it on. Grigson never went 4-12-1………..Grigson had Andrew luck Polian had Manning……..if AR pans out for Ballard then we can begin to compare.

  5. Under Grigson (who was an offensive lineman,) drafted lineman that went on to play well with other teams…… you just heard………that would be on the coaches…..developing them….he obviously drafted some starters on that line………….

  6. I think Ballard likes and focuses on the draft moreso than anything except filling out the back end of the roster…HAHAHAHAHAHA……….WIN/LOSS record..period….Grigson is better overall…..Ballard has had 7 years and hasnt done shit……and who cares if he is liked or not. Or his style. Winning games is what matters. Most.

  7. Kent, I agree that the TO’s are a problem ! But with that being said, the women’s game just isn’t as clean as the men’s! TO wise! Sorry Ladies, I apologize for sounding chauvinistic!
    I’d like to hear what DT had to say following her 1st match up with CC!

  8. Grigson vs. Ballard..battle of the witless egos. Throw Irsay in there you got a trifecta of incompetence…you don't gripe with trent Richardson trade, what? It's the worse trade in colts history!

  9. I was interested in the response from winners of Olympic trials. No mumbling or shyness. Belt out who they are, what they representThey are belting out their brand. It is different world with amateur?? sports.

  10. Ballard is a rocket scientist in comparison to Grigson. Grigson had his QB handed to him and a core of vets two years removed from a SB and all he did was shuffle the deck and put so little into the o-line that Luck had to overachieve by design. Wasted opportunity doesn't even begin to cover what Grigson did. Ballard is just mid, he's not bad, but he has an idea about how this works that I don't agree with. He wants to build the 80's Bears or something. Throw the ball to score Chris.

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