Baltimore Ravens add more WR help for Lamar Jackson, strengthen depth at pass catcher

Baltimore Ravens add more WR help for Lamar Jackson, strengthen depth at pass catcher

the Baltimore Ravens added more wide receiver help over the weekend we talk about who they signed what it means for the team and a lot more coming up next year on lockdown [Music] Ravens you are locked on Ravens your daily Baltimore Ravens podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome into another edition of locked on Ravens your daily Baltimore Ravens podcast I’m your host Kevin all striker of ravens while here with with you on the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you so much for being here making locked on Ravens your first listen each and every single day free and available on all podcasting platforms that includes in video form on YouTube where you can like And subscribe to the channel also in audio form whether you’re an apple podcast listener Spotify listener you can find us follow along and subscribe over there and wherever you get your favorite shows today’s episode of Locked on Ravens is brought to you by FanDuel make everyone more as playoffs wind down the sport stop sporting like you want them to but this summer fandel hooking up all customers with the booster bonus daily that’s right there something for everyone every day all summer long lockon to get started we are back here on this Monday and on today’s show the Ravens added some wide receiver help over the weekend now again wasn’t this big name player we’ll talk about what it means for the team though because there is a potential shot if this guy can actually make the roster so we’ll talk about that in the first part of the show who they signed what it means and then we’ll get a bit more into Baltimore’s offseason plan from this offseason more of a more of a look back as opposed to a look forward there’s still some stuff we can look forward to but more of why they decided to do what they did and go the route that they did particularly with free agency and then in the final part of the show we’ll talk about the inside linebacker debate something that I think has been underrated but I still wanted to mention it just talking about treton Simpson Malik Harrison we know about roquan Smith but it’s kind of that filling the Patrick Queen void that I wanted to get into so without any further let’s let’s get into it the Ravens ad wide receiv help former New Orleans Saints wide receiver Keith Kirkwood comes in to Baltimore now again this has no bearing on guys like Zade flowers Rashad baitman Nelson agar none none of those guys this is not a big time wide receiver signing if anything it could even just be a camp body but I do think you let’s look let’s look at Baltimore’s top five right now Z flowers Rashad baitman Nelson agalar devontes Walker and Deontay Hardy I would expect the Ravens to keep six wide receivers if you’ve been listening to me every day on the show you know that I think six wide receivers is like the perfect Sweet Spot amount for wide outs now tylon Wallace would be that sixth guy right now and while apparently he has looked good so far throughout OTAs and miniamp there is still some question marks about what that could be we know the Ravens have a couple of guys who were VY for that last spot because I do expect those first five that I mentioned to be locks especially the first four and I’d be shocked if deonce Hardy did not make make this team with the new special teams rules in place so those are five the six is the question mark we know Malik Cunningham who’s pushed over from quarterback to wide receiver he’s in that conversation couple of the undrafted guys they’re in that conversation and Keith Kirkwood who is look he’s not a he’s not a young guy he’s 29 and a half years old ended up going to Hawaii and then over to Temple over the course of his career again his best season was his rookie year hasn’t really done a ton since his rookie season he ended up playing in eight games That season with New Orleans in 2018 had 13 catches 209 yards and two touchdowns not stats to blow you away but he did average that year 16.1 yards per reception so he can be used as a deep threat type of player but then after that he only played in one game in 2019 one game in 2020 he did have a bit of a Resurgence I would really call it that I mean he played in 13 games didn’t really have a huge offensive role for the Saints last season he went back after two years in Carolina 2022 and 202 23 last year only had five catches for 37 yards so again this is a player that doesn’t necessarily move the needle offensively for what the Ravens probably want out of their six receiver guy now maybe it could be again we saw the success during this rookie season but let’s also phas it we talk about 2019 like it was a long time ago with that Ravens season 2018 was also a really long time ago and was honestly look we can say it’s true 2018 if you didn’t know was farther away than 2019 team is so that that’s something as well but I do think that maybe this could be we know tyon Wallace does bring some special teams value and if that’s something at the Ravens value which we know they do I think tyon Wallace might have kind of that inside track but the Ravens ended up waving Tavon Robinson an undrafted guy so they the Ravens and for those who don’t know I don’t think I’ve even mentioned this on the show you know just general Ravens housekeeping stuff the Ravens actually have a 91 man roster right now because they got a well I get the exemption I think it’s yeah it’s International exemption for David ajabo who obviously is that that it was International so they end up getting the extra roster spot right now for him but again Kirkwood is a player that at the end of the day do I expect to make the Ravens roster probably not but there is still there’s there is a path I’m not going to say there’s no path for him because what if Tyler Wallace doesn’t perform to expectations over training camp in the preseason what if some of these drafted guys don’t step up now personally I would still like to see the Ravens add a little bit more when you know we talked a lot last week about them potentially adding a wide receiver whether that was Michael Thomas Hunter Renfro trade for a guy look I think when you talk about a Saints wide receiver this was the wrong guy when it comes to everybody in the Michael Thomas versus Keith Kirkwood debate but I’m curious because he is 63 right he is a taller bigger body player he’s 6’3 210 pounds and that’s that’s the kind of frame that I think a lot of people in Baltimore have been looking for that bigger body player contested catch guy you know the Ravens have a bunch of those smaller shiftier route Runners they have those guys what they didn’t have was those and look devontes Walker fills that void there are a couple other guys who they’ve brought in who fills that void but I think to me too the interesting part is he did run a 445 so not blazing you know 429 speed or something crazy like that it’s not necessarily uber slow it’s not necessarily super fast either kind of like in the H okay so I don’t know it feels like to me and this kind of opens the debate back up about wide receiver and how the Ravens should address this because and this honestly goes hand inand with the with the second part of the show that I had planned here it’s like what is their plan because it feels like to me they just want to trust the young guys this season and that’s the way they’re going to go which again we’ll talk about in the second part of the show because to me Keith Kirkwood is not pushing Rashad baitman Keith Kirkwood is not pushing Nels SLE I don’t even think he pushes devontes Walker at this point I think best case scenario for him he beats out Tyler Wallace for that six spot and while Deontay Hardy I do expect him to have some level of an offensive role this season they may he maybe beats him out for the Five Spot look we’ve seen crazier things happen right we’ve seen these guys signed with Baltimore who were just kind of thought as kind of his afterthoughts and they go out there and they produce so look my prediction I don’t think Keith Kirk would makes the roster they add they Tred to add more wide receiver help for Lamar just trying to throw some some darts see if the dart throw works and the Ravens have had plenty of Dar throws that have worked for them over the course of their franchise history but I think the bigger conversation here is with that wide receiver room they certainly feel confident enough in it it feels like but should everybody else feel confident in it with it being right now a seconde player in Z flowers who I do think on the field look we know he’s an he’s a star he’s a stud on the field but then baitman who there are a lot of question marks about could certainly make that jump I think a lot of people are expecting it and I think if he stays healthy a jump will be made how big of a jump I don’t know but I think a jump will be made can Nelson agar be a three as opposed to a four four right I think that and I know there’s been some debate for people about who would be the two between baitman and Nelson aglar as the two three like swapping those guys in and out of those roles I do think Baltimore believes in baitman enough to give him that number two job you know whether that’s the answer for you or not or for me or not I think that is what the Ravens are intending to do here and then I think TZ Walker probably opens the season as the four and honestly I think that if he does well enough maybe a hot take is that he and Nelson aglar could almost kind of split wide receiver three duas I think Nelson did enough last season to kind of keep a firm hold on the role but I mean we can be honest here at the end of the day the way the NFL is kind of moving if you’re not a you know a starting quarterback or a starting offensive lineman or very other few positions the term starter or number three wide receiver or something what number three Corner that doesn’t really matter as much right people get snaps it’s gonna you know I guess based off of those snaps you can say oh yeah this guy’s the wide receiver two or this guy’s a wide receiver four or whatever but I think that TZ Walker to me who by the way did have some comments about Cincinnati and him saying that he has a bone to pick with Cincinnati due to the fact that he thought he was going there in the third round they ended up taking Jermaine Burton instead so that’s something to also watch out for is TZ Walker with the chip on his shoulder I think to me TZ Walker is this this sleeper that a lot of people they understand he’s having a great offseason so far great OTAs great mini camp been making the headlines making the news but I still think people don’t expect him to have a huge role because he’s a rookie where at the end of the day even though he’s a fourth round guy if he can be that player for them you can send him on deep routes you can put him as a contested catch guy the Ravens should utilize that skill set so again this kind of goes hand inand we were talking about this all offseason the KE Keith Kirkwood signing six guy bigger bodied player that’s the player that’s the archetype the Ravens needed on their roster and they have certainly added a lot of those guys whether it be through the draft undrafted free agency or with this guy Keith Kirkwood here that’s the type of player they’re adding right now coming up on the second part of the show though we’ll talk a bit more about Baltimore’s offseason plan how they have gone about it and why they have gone about it the way that they have stay tuned we got a lot to get to here on lockdown Ravens first this episode is brought to you by FanDuel I love sports I love him so much I never want him to stop honestly but as the playoffs widen down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t really sportsing like I want them to but fand lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood in this 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your days as well Peter covers all the sports so football baseball basketball hockey you name it Peter hasn’t covered over on locked on sports today of course part of locked on podcast Network your team every day let’s get back into the Ravens Baltimore’s off season plan and again this is more of a look back as opposed to a look forward we will talk a bit about kind of what to expect over the rest of the offseason as we head into trading camp and preseason and beyond that but I feel like this off season for a lot of people first of all we can go all the way back to right after the agent championship game if we really want to which I know we’re not going to spend too much time here but it just it felt like to me everybody was so entrenched with winning the Super Bowl myself included this past season because the roster felt so perfect in the coaching staff felt so perfect and everything just kind of lined up and it felt like yeah this is almost like a team of Destiny and what’s going to happen after this year at all of sports it’s like you you have a team and then that you’re never going to have that team again you’re you’re not going to run it back with every single player from that team and coming up on this offseason everybody knew what this offseason was going to be they’re going to lose multiple coaches they’re going to lose multiple players a huge amount of players being honest and that’s just kind of what the situation was so for Baltimore and them not getting it done this past season they go and they they they lose Mike McDonald and they lose dard Wilson and Anthony Weaver and then lose all these vets you know Patrick Queen goino still and jvan Clowny Ronald Derby etc etc Odell Dobbins Edwards you could you name it zitler I could literally go on and on and on and on now it felt like for the Ravens we knew that after the Ravens signed Lamar to that deal two things had to happen one the Ravens had to be able to hit on veteran almost minimum or close to it signings which they did an exceptional job at last season and two hitting on draft picks and it felt like like the Ravens didn’t really go after the free agent Market as hard as a lot of other teams did they signed Derrick Henry on the second day but then that was really it I mean Josh Jones berar Hallman Keith Kirkwood we just talked about like fact like residing aside obviously that’s a different conversation but if we’re just talking about outside three agents it felt like the plan all along for the Ravens and as this offse offseason has developed it’s kind of felt this way and it really is looking this way the plan for the Ravens was to always trust the young guys whether that is the right decision or not we will see I would have preferred to have a bit more veteran additions on the roster but there are two ways we can look at this one is yes the Ravens lost a lot of talent this off season but two they didn’t lose any stares this off season what was what was the closest thing to a star the Ravens lost this off season and again this probably depends on you know you listening or watching in what you think it is or who was good I mean is it Kevin zitler is it Patrick Queen is it javian Clowney you know there are a couple more names you could add on to there as well but is it Mike McDonald like was that the Ravens biggest loss I mean if I if I had to go we’re going across coaching and players I’m probably saying Mike McDonald was the Ravens biggest offseason loss not look I’m not trying to disrespect any players that the Ravens lost they they’re going to have to replace those guys and it’s going to be tough in some aspects they lost a lot of talent and the players they lost were good but you still have Lamar you still have Roan Smith Kyle Hamilton resigned Justin metab BK you have Z flowers you have Tyler linderal you have Mark Andrews you have your stars essentially you have your stars so I think what the Ravens were probably thinking here and this is again just my interpretation of the whole thing is Baltimore probably said we have all these young guys we’re bringing in all these vets it’s essentially it’s almost like an it’s time type of thing as I’ve been calling it all offseason it’s the the replacement plans the the promotion plans whatever type you want to call it this this has been the year of rep of replacement plans where wide receiver wise Odell leaves you don’t bring in another vet receiver it’s Rashad Batman’s time offensive line you lose three starters you draft a rookie and it’s all the other guys you know Ben Cleveland Vorhees whoever it’s those guys who are already on the roster defensive line you know like outside linebacker Edge types Clowney leaves well now it’s on David ajabo to step up right corner you lose Ronald Derby all right well here we go it’s time for the rookies Nate Wiggins and TJ Tampa to step up safety they haven’t signed a safety yet you lose goo still all right Ard darus Washington sui Kane Bo braid it’s your time Patrick Queen all right Trenton simps let’s go you’re up which we’ll talk about in the final part of the show it goes on and on and on that way an organization in any sports or any sport has to figure out the the delicate balance between signing enough veteran Talent if you’re a contender and making sure your young guys can develop because while everybody right we’re all focused on 2024 for the Ravens and what that can mean for them and how important it is for them to win this year this is not just a one-year thing for the RAV and obviously you can do what the Rams did a couple years ago in trade all your draft capital for stars and vets and that can work but we know this Ravens philosophy we know they don’t do that we know they don’t want to do that they value their draft Capital too much and why have the Ravens been one of the staple organizations in this league it’s because they value their draft picks they value comp picks and it’s a consistent influx of young talent that when you talk about replacement plans a lot of guys are ready for that now is it realistic to think that every single one of these plans is going to work out no it’s not like there’s probably going to be some struggle here and there where whether it is on the offensive line safety whatever it is there’s probably going to be some struggle with some young guys either not getting up to speed quickly enough struggling with adjustments or whatever it may be but there are going to be players that do it’s a two-way street here again I would prefer more veteran talent I would prefer they have signed someone else other than Derrik Kenny but let’s also remember here the Ravens don’t have necessarily a ton of cap space to work with they could certainly create a little more you know whether it be restructures or whatnot but they did a lot of that and whether it was Ronnie Stanley cutting that last year off his deal and taking a pay cut or whatever it was it it’s hard to keep pushing that money down the line if you want to and I think Steve bash ended up saying that you know the restructure thing like yeah it works but if I remember correctly he said that’s not the way the Baltimore wants to do it he doesn’t want to keep pushing that money down the line so it’s a tough spot to be in especially after losing and that’s just the thing right you can’t keep everybody so the offseason’s not done yet looking ahead they could still add a safety they could still add another vet wide receiver offensive lineman whatnot but that’s why I’ve been saying for the last couple of months I’m really not expecting too much here because I think Baltimore’s pretty set in their way of they believe that the stars are there the stars are continuous they didn’t go anywhere it’s about replacing those other players who were good players but trying to find that value in rookie scale contracts or vet minimums which is the plan that is what they have to do but you know gone to the days where Baltimore can just go out there and sign Five Guys to fouryear $30 million contracts it doesn’t work that way for them right now because of the way that their roster is constructed which is fine but they’re gonna have to rely they are going to rely so much on these young players it it’s going to be interesting to see what that does for them because there is a risk involved with that but there is also such a huge reward which again is that balance between how much do you want to risk it when you have a contender do you just want to bring in those vets and have it be is is that the more stable option but then there’s that ceiling of all right what if young player just absolutely balls out and breaks out so it’s it’s tough It’s a problem look I guess it’s a technical good problem to have because you have so many young guys you believe in but on the flip side of that it’s what if guys don’t step up so we’re not going to know obviously till the season starts but I think training camp in the preseason will give us a decently good idea of just where our guys are right now now coming up in the final part of the show though we will talk a bit more we’ll focus it on one of those positions the inside linebacker position stay tuned play to get you here on lockdown Ravens first this show is sponsored by better help and there are plenty of times where you can tend to compare your life to others and I think social media plays a really big part in that but at the end of the day whenever that happens to me which doesn’t really happen a lot but when it does because I think it happens to everybody at some point I think you just got to take a step back and look at what you have accomplished so when you talk about you know comparison it could be the thief of Joy it’s easy to Envy other people’s lives and might look like they have it all together on their Instagram but in reality they probably don’t therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so you can start living your best life 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here un locked on Ravens be sure to subscribe in video form and audio form let’s talk a bit about the inside line backer debate because I know ran Smith we’re not talking about ran you know ran is an absolute baller absolute stud one of the best if not the best I personally think he is the best inside linebacker in the league but it’s about the spot of Patrick queen queen is now the Pittsburgh Steelers we all know that but what should the spot next to ran Smith actually look like well I think that this answer is a little more complicated than some people might think it is because we know the Ravens in a lot of different spots and during a lot of different seasons have I don’t know if prioritized is the right word but they have almost felt the need to go with a veteran over a young player to start the year and then maybe that young player steps up and figures it out but look and particularly the examples I’ll use are on the offensive line I know every position group is a little bit different here but let’s look on the offensive line where James Hurst ended up starting in place of Orlando Brown Jr during his rookie season and that just it shouldn’t have happened but I think the Ravens just liked the veteran presence or you look at even a couple years later when Tyre Phillips was supposed to win that Right Guard job but the Ravens St DJ Fluker week one and that was kind of a surprise to some people so when everybody looks at Trenton Simpson who I think is the name a lot of people kind of look to here I think that he will by the end of the season have the role and be the guy next to ran but I wouldn’t be shocked if earlier in the year we end up see being some level of a split between Simpson and Malik Harrison which I know is probably not the popular opinion I think Simpson If he if he earns it during preseason in in training camp give him the spot right I don’t think there should be that type of a of a split if Simpson earns it but this is based off of past history with the Ravens where I’m just saying I I would not be shocked if they were to do that Harrison’s a player who was back well he is back in Baltimore on a one-year deal and decently good value has been a key special teams guy for them but to me where his role plays value is he can line up at the same position Baltimore when tyus Bowser was still with the team ended up training him to be Bowser’s backup at that spot so he can rush the passer a little bit as can Trenton Simpson by the way at Clemson he did play that role so I’m curious to see if the Ravens want to use either of those guys in that specific role but the thing with Queen leaving and I’ve said this before on the show if you’re and every day you’ve heard me say this is that there is not necessarily there’s not a marriage that has to happen in anymore between the Ravens and putting a second inside linebacker on the field if they want to use dime linebacker looks they certainly can if they want to bring in more defensive back packages more corners and keep ran by himself they certainly can ran roquan doesn’t need another inside linebacker next to him right I think the whole thing was well ran is is the elevator of the defense he brings everybody up on that defensive unit obviously that included Patrick Queen who look and I know you know with him going to this Ste and all this happen I know this isn’t necessarily like the popular thing but he was starting to show Queen was he was starting to show Improvement but we can all acknowledge once ran came in it it just buffed him up and put him on a level that I’m not sure a lot of people anticipated he was going to get on so ran gives that but to that point the look of two inside linebackers on the field at all times if you have two great ones you play them and the Ravens felt really confident in that pairing of ran and Patrick Queen and that was the right decision they should have been on the field together almost all the time they were that good they played that well off of each other but that doesn’t mean that with Queen gone if sson isn’t living up to that billing or if there are some struggles you’re not forced to play him at all times now I think the difference between roquan and Patrick Queen and roquan and Trent Simpson is that Queen already had a couple of years of starting experience before rwan came in now Trenton Simpson this will obviously be his first starting experience in the NFL at that spot but he’s such a versatile player and someone that I do expect to have a big year to me I think that he’s one of the keys that can unlock yet another gear of this Ravens defense there’s been all the conversation about is this group gonna fall off you know they lost all these guys and this that and the other again the stars are in place ran Kyle Hamilton m b Marlon Humphrey th those guys are all still there I don’t expect a huge drop off they should not have a huge drop off but to me I think at the end of the day what the Ravens have right now is an opportunity to figure out because Trent Simpson he’s Uber athletic can run sideline to sideline that is a skill set the Ravens do need on that defense but he’s also a hard hitter he can do a bunch of stuff but for him it’s just about how does he adjust it’s about the adjustment that’s what it is for the all these young guys talked about that in the second part of the show how do they adjust to the NFL level in a bigger role and so to me if if he’s not cutting it early on the Ravens can’t afford to start slow you give these young guys a Runway but we have to be honest they’re competing for a Super Bowl you can’t just let them make mistakes throughout the whole year if that’s costing you games or costing you points consistently so that’s the balance that John Harbaugh there D Costa the organization have to figure out and I’m curious to see how they end up going about it in 2024 it’s all I Havey here lat though un locked on Ravens thank you so much for tuning in today be sure to subscribe and follow along video forum and audio Forum coming up tomorrow of course more Ravens content stay tuned St right back here tomorrow on lock down Ravens

We look at the Baltimore Ravens adding more depth at wide receiver for Lamar Jackson and adding more wide receiver help, discussing what Keith Kirkwood brings to the table and more. We also discuss if the Ravens approached the offseason the right way, the debate at inside linebacker with Trenton Simpson and more.

Baltimore Ravens add more WR help for Lamar Jackson, strengthen depth at pass catcher



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  1. I'd rather our Ravens not add anymore wideouts to the Wr Corp than to keep adding players with no value which appears to be a complete waste of time…

  2. That AFC championship game is still difficult to think a/b or watch, the Ravens let that opportunity(🏆) slip through their hands!! The game plan/play calling needs to b strong & firm……..that's where they slipped up last season!!

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