NBA Free Agency Opens + Terrance Shannon Jr. to the Timberwolves with Tyler Metcalf of No Ceilings

NBA Free Agency Opens + Terrance Shannon Jr. to the Timberwolves with Tyler Metcalf of No Ceilings

hello and welcome in to another episode of lock on wolves today on the show joined once again by Tyler meaf of No Ceilings this time to talk about Terren Shannon Jr the t’s second first round pick from last week’s draft I want to start with a little bit of a free agency a mini free agency Prim where the legal tampering period opened on Sunday talk about what the Wolves can do this week what I think they will do what roster spots are open we’ll cover all that off the top then we’ll welcome and Tyler to talk about Terence Shannon it’s all up coming welcome in you are lock on wolves [Music] you are locked on Timberwolves your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome to the lockdown wolves podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lockon wolves today’s episode is brought To Us by f make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sportsing like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started happy Monday everybody hopefully had a fantastic weekend today is the start of free well last night was the start of free agency the legal tampering period where teams are allowed to negotiate with players contracts can basically Ally be announced at this point there’s of course less of a of wolves Intrigue to it this year because the Timberwolves are in fact over that second apron so I want to start by talking a little bit about that what they may do What roster spots are available a couple of kind of minor decisions that were made over the weekend by the wolves in terms of just kind of roster mechanics and then uh most of the show today will be Tyler mcha joining of course he was on Friday show we talked about uh Rob Dillingham Tyler is at No Ceilings NBA he used to work right for is hoopus and before that with me at Dunkey with wolves and has an extensive base of Timberwolves knowledge and draft knowledge so he’s the perfect guest to talk about both wolves draft selections from last week so we’ll get to that conversation shortly uh first though a bit of free agency talk right off the top a big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen every day of course lockdown wolves is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find lockdown wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon on Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockone T wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s Two e CK all right let’s talk free agency right here off the top so starts on Sunday over the weekend just a kind of a couple housekeeping type things the timberl allowed Josh minette’s contract to guarantee for next year it’s I believe a little over two million which is a little under what a vet minimum salary would be not a surprise at all because I do think Minette is nearly ready to be kind of a fringe rotation player which is I realize a lot of qualifiers but I do think there’s something he can bring to the table he’s in a bit of a weird spot because well what his skill set is really important and we’ll talk more about this as the offseason continues I don’t know what role he fills with this current team like in my mind he would be in like a Nas Reed type role where he’s essentially a backup big that can also play the three I know Nas doesn’t really play the three other than in the the three Center lineup uh but you know minet minet more of like a a Best cast as A4 that can also play the three can guard threes and fours maybe some twos although he’s really big um but again the energy kind of steals blocks rebounds run the floor lobs transition stuff like the ad do stuff guy and I think he can do that effectively but he’s not better than NZ Reed and he’s not going to give you the scoring punch that naasri is gonna give you and he he’s not gonna pass distribute or be as solid defensively as a Team Defender as say Kyle Anderson so I don’t know what role he has but I do think there’s value there and it makes a ton of sense to have him at you know now every dollar matters right when you’re not over the second Aon it doesn’t really matter if if a guy’s 2 million or 2.4 million but because of the the uh the second apron tax and what they’re going to have to pay saving a few hundred, on the actual salary and there’s the upside of Min not and there could be potentially trade value at some point if if he doesn’t crack the rotation this season so it makes a lot of sense to keep Min not on the roster that wasn’t really a surprise they did not offer a a uh uh a tender to luk Luca Garza which makes sense remember he was actually converted from a two-way to a standard roster contract toward the end of the regular season to fill one of those open spots so gar is a free agent we know that unrestricted Dean Nicks is an unrestricted two-way free agent um incidentally Jaylen Clark does have one more year in his contract his he signed a two-year two-way deal following the draft last year he was last year second round pick likely would have been a lottery pick before he TS Achilles late in the season at UCLA uh last year and the timber rolls got him in the second round best point of attack Defender probably best perimeter defender in the entire country that year in the NCAA so he’s actually he’s gonna play Summer League too by the way so uh there was a report this week I believe actually um uh the Timberwolves Lloyd said uh in his press conference that Dean Nicks Jaylen Clark Josh Minot and then the rookies this year Dylan ham and Shannon are all GNA Play Summer League here in just a couple of weeks so we’ll obviously have a lot to talk about related to that uh but um Jaylen Clark excited to see him in summer league all that to say he’s he’s got a two-way deal he’s the only one of the two the three two-way contract guys from this year that’s under contract for next year they have two two-way spots to fill and then they’ve got um four standard roster spots to fill remember they finished last year but one below the threshold they have the TJ Warren spot and then they’ve got the uh the Monte Morris uh well this is it gets confusing because of course they also drafted a couple guys so I guess starting over like Kylie Anderson Jord mofin Monte Morris Luca Garza TJ Warren are all gone that’s Five Guys they’ve drafted two that’s three um plus you’ve got the open two-a spots and uh the two so actually so three am i counting that right yeah no that’s right that so they’ve got four spots plus the two two-way spots to fill this offseason so you buy that they’re going to bring back you know they’re obviously going to sign another point guard at a vet minimum deal um which is that’s all they can do now is vet minimum deals I I was a bit on this when I talked about it late last week I talked about the mid- level exception now that they have hit the second apron which that that was my miscalculation was I didn’t think that kicked in yet but as soon as they’ve hit it which they have with these uh with the rookie uh with the draft selections in the draft now that they have two first rounders on the payroll they’re at the second apron so they can no longer use that partial bid level that we had talked about on the basketball party that I had talked about uh that’s no longer in Play Because with the two first rounders that they have under contract and you know cap holds and and all that stuff for for free agents they’re over the second apron so they can’t use the taxpayer mid level which is which is you know five plus million but I had talked about trying to get Kyle Anderson to resign for that amount I think that’s still relevant because they’re not going to pay much more than that because remember if they pay him five million it’s actually paying him you know basically twice that because of the of the tax penalties so um all that to say I still think they try and retain slow-mo because the one thing you can do despite being over the second apron is pay whatever you want to retain your own free agents you just have to understand that you’re paying that penalty you’re you’re paying a a penalty to resign your free own free agents but you’re able to do it so I think they try and bring back slow-mo that’s going to be part of this whole conversation they probably try and back bring back Monte Morris but I would imagine that their appetite for paying him beyond the veteran minimum is going be much lower now that they have Rob Dillingham because he’s not necessarily going to be handed a 16 minute a game backup point guard spot he’ll like their third point guard whoever it is Monte Morris or mlin somebody else will probably play a little bit early in the season as they ease Dillingham in a bit but by the end of the year the plan would be for Dillingham to be the backup point guard and you’re not going to pay you know five six seven million plus the penalty for Monte Morris when you could have a vet minimum guy and you have Dillingham and I think Jordan mcgloin’s probably probably could get a little more than the vet minimum on the open market and he may want may want a change of scenery anyway sitting here right now I think it’s more likely mclin’s back than it is Monte Morris because Monte Morris is going to get more than the minimum somewhere mlin might be able to and he might want a change of scenery but there also famili familiarity there and there would be some minutes without Amonte Morris uh potentially early in the season for mclin I know his role being kind of jerked around the last three plus years is frustrating for him but I think it’s just more likely he’s back than Monte Morris I think Kyle Anderson at this point I’m starting to think it’s more likely they bring him back based on all the public comments from Lloyd and from con it’s going to be expensive because of the penalty because of being over the second apron but they may try and bring him back besides that all you’re doing is vet minimum contracts and like there’s a lot of names out there guys that could end up I don’t want to get into it yet because I want to kind of see how the first couple days here plays out because they really are only looking at vet vet minimum guys so we’ll actually spend quite a bit more time on that Tuesday and Wednesday because it’s pretty unlikely they sign somebody right away to AET minimum because most guys aren’t going to agree to minimum right away they’re going to see if they can get more as the week and free agency overall continues then things the Wolves will see how things shake out they’ll bring in a shooter they’ll bring in a Defender they they probably will bring in another big maybe it’s Garza again on a vet minimum deal to kind of shore up their depth across the board so we got the rest of the week to talk about that there is a lot to get into in terms of potential names I’ll give you my favorite potential EV minimum targets there were a couple mentioned last week on the basketball party so I I’ll I’ll bring those back up and talk through my thought process there in the next couple days but don’t expect any fireworks because the Wolves simply don’t have any money to spend it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Kyle Anderson I don’t think that’s resolved quickly I could be wrong I don’t think it happens quickly though so we’ll keep an eye on that to be sure and then uh of course plenty more free agency talk throughout the week now that we’re on the other side of the draft once we get do next week it’s going to be all summer league discussion so uh still a packed month we’re still daily by the way throughout the month of July um daily throughout the month of July so free agency summer league all of the aftermath of that that any additional trade rumors that crop up although I don’t think we’ll see a ton involving the wolves um all of that is upcoming here in the next couple of weeks next though we’re gonna get to the conversation with Tyler metf so we’ll roll right into that here next segment the conversation with Tyler and uh then after that we’ll close the show out and I’ll get you ready here for the rest of the week it’s all up coming here next today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our title sponsors over at FanDuel I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like we want them to and of course the playoffs are all overnight just got regular season baseball regular season WNBA and that’s kind of it right now there’s not a whole lot else Olympic trials if you’re watching those uh but FanDuel lets you keep the sports going whenever you want all you have to do is open 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Tyler metf Again part one last week was on Friday so Friday show on YouTube and wherever you get your podcast we talked about Rob Dillingham today we talk Terrence Shannon Jr let’s go ahead and get into my conversation with Tyler metf of No Ceilings all right joined by Tyler meaf of No Ceilings Again part one of our conversation on Friday’s show we talked about Rob Dillingham The Tib rules pick when they traded up to number eight in depth what he brings to the table on both sides of the floor both ends of the floor today we’re going to talk about Terrence Shannon Jr the T rolles kept their number 27 pick in the draft they came into it with 27 and 37 they ended with eight and 2 and traded all the way out of the second round the trade for number eight I think immediately when it was announced we all thought hey they’re probably trading up from 27 maybe including somebody on the roster uh that didn’t end up being the case they kept 27 they went ahead and selected there with a second you know now a second guaranteed rookie contract on the roster uh so we’re g to talk a little bit about Terence Shannon Tyler I guess first of all first impressions of him as a prospect somebody who obviously was one of the best players in the country for the first part of the year into conference play uh and you know slowed down a little bit had the suspension mid-season the legal issues uh but as a prospect overall like what what’s kind of the the first you what do people need to know about him as a prospect um awesome athlete get got to the rim whenever he wanted and Drew about a billion fouls um all year where I think he was averaging like eight nine 10ish free throws a game incredible First Step some real legitimate defensive upside and potential to his game um and again kind of similar to Dillingham just that that infusion of athleticism and downhill pressure that no one else on the team outside of ant consistently provided yeah I think my my notes on him always start with he just looks the part of an NBA player and that always helps when it comes to um you know where where you’re going to get picked in in the draft um he’s got an NBA body he and really like that’s the thing it’s kind of the opposite of of dealing he’s he’s 67 69 wingspan almost uh seems to absorb contact well on both ends of the floor and he like my I I think what’s most exciting about him from my standpoint is he should be fantastic in transition immediately yes he was one of the best transition players in college and that’s where like to to somebody that didn’t watch him a ton or or wasn’t super plugged into the draft process you just look at it’s like all right he averaged 20 plus like this dude’s like a crazy half court scorer but that’s not really the case he did a ton of damage in transition shot a ton of Threes was more of a volume three-point shooter than a true sharp shooter um really and I think immediately he’s gonna give give some you know really a boost to that second unit for Minnesota they didn’t play fast enough this year and I think Shannon’s gonna um you know there’s there’s going to be a lot that he brings to the table that helps them play faster and more efficiently with the second unit especially yeah and you you talk about the transition offense he ranked in the 87th percentile in points per possession and shot over 70% at The Rim in transition so he’s very physical has NBA Wing size um and really fast so he gets to the he’s fear Fearless about attacking the rim too so you know free throw rate of about 60 the the rim pressure we it was awful last year for the wolves in general he fixes that immediately um it’s really his calling card you know we can go into the shooting or ball creation or playmaking in a minute or where you know however you want to go with it but the the big selling point with him is if you just need someone to attack a close out get out in transition or just run a pick and roll or even isolation and just get to the paint get a paint touch and collapse the defense he’s gon to be able to do it more often than that yeah to like the fit with Minnesota is is they needed some additional size on the wing and they needed to play faster and they needed to get the rim to the rim more as you said and get some easy efficient scoring and between him and Dillingham they’re going to play a lot faster and both of them had impressive steel rates although Shannon went down a little bit with Illinois um and I think that maybe just had a little bit to do with some consistency issues on defense for him uh but certainly again looks the part defensively is athletic enough is big enough to be a solid on ball Defender at the NBA level but I think he’s going to be either the one that is turning that defense into offense or he’s like because he’s getting the steel taking it himself or he’s you know getting paid off off by running the floor and getting the ALU dunk or getting the open three-point opportunity transition I just think he’s going to add a ton of that easy scoring in transition for Minnesota I it it didn’t stand out to me like certainly he could you mentioned pick and roll like I felt like uh he was pretty good there um but he wasn’t like a a it was a ton of I I believe his um I can’t I don’t have his three-point rate in front of me I should have pulled it up but it’s something like nearly half his shot attempts were threes weren’t they um it seemed he had like 11 per 100 possessions which is pretty high yeah um so a lot of that was was uh you know shooting off the dribble in the half court also catching shoot you know but just got those shot attempts up what did you think about what he is able to do offensively in the half court because that to me seemed like something that for somebody who scored as much as he did it just didn’t seem like there was that much true production creating for himself in the half court but what’s your take on him when it comes to that yeah and that that’s where my biggest questions kind of come into to play so I when you just look at Synergy 95th percentile as a pick and real ball handler but so much of that is utilizing a screen and just getting to the rim because you know that screen frees up a little more space and the counterargument to that is cool Rudy goar’s pretty darn good at screening so awesome um but Shannon also had the ball all the time he basically acted as their point guard and everything on offense ran through him I don’t think that’s going to be the case in the NBA especially with the Timberwolves with Conley Dillingham ant cat Nas you know it’s a pretty long list before you get to Shannon and you’re like hey why don’t you go initiate um so I’m just not entirely confident in how his game translates to more of an off ball role the spot up shooting was really solid you know this year 80th percentile overall shooting off the catch he was solid um you know just kind of average though shooting off the catch and there’s no cutting there’s very little off ball movement there’s the athleticism to get downhill and attack so it’s kind of like a all right were you just expending so much energy when you on the ball getting to the line getting to the rim over and over and over again that when you off ball is like I need to breather I need to catch my breath or is it because there’s just not that aspect to his game so it it’s kind of a tricky balance yeah and that’s my like that that’s one of my hesitations with him and I had him he was one of the players I I talked about un lockdown wolves as somebody that I’d consider at at 27 I think I had him eighth out of 12 guys that I talked about and I had some concern with somebody who scored so much and was so successful in college doing exactly that which is not having an on theball role like will he be willing and able Able’s the the the bigger one to accept this sball role where he’s GNA be they’re gonna ask him to be maybe a super siiz version not super siiz that’s the right maybe like a a souped up maybe version of a three and D Guy where like hey you’re you’re probably never going to guard the number one option on the other end of the floor because we got all these other guys who are awesome at it but you’re a big body we think you’re we you could be a plus Defender we know you can knock down catch and shoot threes we know you’re going to run in transition but offensively we need you to up the activity like you talked about he didn’t cut he didn’t do anything because he the balls in his hands so often was the main reason I think but is he is he able does he have the um like is he going to be willing to I said able is the key word willing is really the key word that’s what I meant to say yeah um is he to do this stuff in the half court uh I think the athleticism there’s enough of it there there’s enough size all that stuff but is he going to be happy playing off the ball and will he still give you that you know the effort level again I think consistency is one of the things on on uh well off the ball uh offensively but also on the ball defensively I don’t know that it was super consistent as the on for Illinois either and so some of those areas like is he going to be able to to say okay I’m a role player on a really good team um can he accept that role is a big question yeah and that’s kind of where I land too my My Hope Is that he sees how successful Nik has been kind of doing that same role where so much of nil’s offense is now off ball it’s spotting up in the corner it’s cutting it’s being a second side Creator and then being just an absolute Menace at the point of attack on defense and once he kind once nille kind of had that those point guard duties stripped from his game he was able to kind of divert his attention and you know his energy resources to doing those ancillary things that aren’t necessarily the sexiest or really pop in the Box Score but they contribute to winning they get you paid at the end of the day so my hope is that Shannon kind of sees jadden doing that he sees nille doing that and he sees how impactful they are to the rotation by doing those things consistently he has all the tools to do it it’s all it’s just about all right you’ve been at Illinois for two three years now running the show doing whatever you want now you’re going to have to take a huge step back and just be that Terror of a point of attack Defender like you were at Texas Tech and for you know stretches at Illinois and then cut off ball be a second side Creator do the little things kind of continue to hone your shooting mechanics get out in transition it’s not always going to be the sexiest or the most joyful but it’s going to lead to winning so I My Hope Is that he’s not necessarily a future backup point guard or anything like that but that he can translate more into that nille role um because Nel’s probably going to be far too expensive after his contract’s up for the Wolves to retain him but if Shannon can kind of fill th fill those shoes then it’s like okay this is a much more seamless transition yeah and that’s actually a pretty good place to close and I’m going to put you on the spot a little bit with this related to the the Wolves bench unit but um it’s more specific wolves it’s related to to having both Dyan ham and Shannon on the roster but you mentioned Alexander Walker and The Wolves looking ahead to next offseason and Alexander Walker will will very likely be gone um you know this team’s got Jaylen Clark on the roster excited to see him at Summer League he hasn’t played basketball in over a year um and so that’s gonna be a ton of fun but they’ve got Jaylen Clark they’ve obviously got Dillingham now you’ve got teren Shannon there’s also I mean Josh manet’s a different player but like he’s in the mix what like there’s the next year thing which is we could argue that both Jaylen Clark and um Shannon are are both kind of being uh like prepared to perhaps take over the Alexander Walker role or you know if Kyle Anderson comes back or something like that maybe assume that role next year but what do the wolves do I mean like right now you’ve got your top seven guys returning Kyle Anderson you know with so so seven of your top eight returning you’ve got Kyle Anderson’s a free agent and you’ve got obviously mlin and Monte Morris a free agent you assume Dillingham becomes one of those top eight guys you still need at least one more player and really two that are rotation players uh maybe Shannon’s one of them um when it comes to free agency for Minnesota really only having the mid-level exception it seems like Shannon’s going to get a real shot at also at getting minutes it may not be as much of a sure thing as Dillingham but can they get slowo for the midlevel exception or is he gonna you know get more somewhere else which I think is pretty likely or you know are they looking for a point guard that’s more than the vet minimum how do you think they kind of fill out this roster and I guess related to to the to these young players is I guess maybe that helps answer the question like if you can’t get slow-mo for mid level go find somebody else and and you know maybe Shannon doesn’t have to play right away but um what do you think the the thought process is for the Wolves front office going into free agency I I I’m assuming they’re going to do everything they can to run it back with Kyle and bring him back um and maybe if they get Monte or mlin on a you know minimum contract I I’d be pretty surprised if Monte comes back on a minimum I would imagine he gets you know a couple million somewhere else or plus uh M Laughlin maybe just because his role has been so inconsistent in Minnesota you know does another team really want to gamble on that but I I think it’s really going to come down to can they afford Kyle or not and if not then the that kind of toolsy forward rooll in the rotation gets a little murkier because I don’t think Josh Min not’s ready necessarily I don’t think Leonard Miller’s really ready necessarily um so what I I I I’m not entirely sure what direction they go in other than it’s probably going to lead to a lot more minutes or especially early in the season for these young guys to kind of battle it out and just see who’s ready who’s going to take these minutes because Jaylen Clark was one of the best defenders in his class and probably would have been a first-rounder if he didn’t teres Achilles um Teran Shannon probably would have been a lottery pick if he didn’t have that legal trouble um which he was found not guilty of so much smarter mind have better words than me on that so um you know it’s It’s Tricky there there’s a lot of talent there’s a lot of athleticism and a lot of Youth deep in this rotation and they’re just going to have to be willing to potentially sacrifice some games early in the season by letting these guys play through their stakes and make sure that you have answered your rotation questions come January February March all right uh any final words on the Wolves draft or I guess draft draft nights what they did between Wednesday and Thursday uh to uh to to end with it all I thought it was a fantastic draft um I I never really considered you know I was on uh with I was talking with Dane Moore the the other day about you know just kind of going through some some of their targets and we didn’t even bother talking about guys like dylian hammer and McCain because we figured it’d be a really aggressive move to jump up and it would cost a lot ended up not really costing all that much I know if unprotected first round pick seven years from now maybe it’s an awesome pick but who cares it’s seven years from now their timeline’s like today um so I I thought this was a fantastic way to kind of circumvent some of the salary cap limitations that they have their limitations with future draft picks so now they’re walking away with two you know potential Lottery top 20 talents in the same draft and going into future years where they might might not have a a first round pick for a couple years so I I thought it was a great use of assets of resources of salary cap knowledge and just overall roster construction to address some very specific weaknesses that kind of knocked them out of the playoffs last year yeah I agree 100% I thought it was it was really masterful done by Tim Connelly and and we’ll see but he’s got a really really great draft record to date so we’ll see if that continues here with the Wolves really appreciate it Tyler uh appreciate you coming on the show and uh make sure everybody goes to check out No Ceilings on YouTube and uh and the the blog too right you guys have have both print and not print but you know what I mean blog and and podcast right yeah uh no sealings the the vast majority of what we do is free we do have a par tier with exclusive articles uh you get the preseason draft guide for free discount on the draft guide which is still for sale in case you want to read and catch up um access to our private Discord where we share a ton of Intel um yeah and then just No Ceilings uh podcast No Ceilings NBA on YouTube Twitter all that good stuff awesome really appreciate it Tyler likewise all right there you have it my conversation with Tyler meta no Sealand NBA Tyler does a great job as is the whole no Sealand crew so go check that out uh on you know their site on Twitter on YouTube those guys do a great job covering the draft over there so uh as I mentioned earlier off the top on Tuesday we’re going to talk more free agency if anything breaks I’m recording this on Sunday so if anything breaks on Monday we’ll always potential for a quick emergency POD at some point Monday evening but likely on Tuesday show we’ll cover anything significant that happens Monday uh there’s of course the Paul George Saga you know lots of free agency meetings getting set up like it’s I don’t know 2013 or something uh so lots to talk about surely on Tuesday’s show that we’ll get to uh but if there’s anything major wolves we’ll cover that otherwise we’re going to talk all things potential vet minimum signings for Minnesota my prediction for what the Wolves will try and do my favorite targets for vet minimum signings and then um we will get into the rest of this week we’ll start to turn our attention towards Summer League as I’m sure we’ll start to find out which players will will be in Vegas for Minnesota so lots to get to here throughout the week again daily throughout the month of July big thank you for making lock on wolves your first listen every day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockone T wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s Two e CK a reminder that lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s 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NBA Free Agency opened on Sunday night, what are the Minnesota Timberwolves even able to do with no cap space? Plus, Tyler Metcalf of NBA No Ceilings joins to discuss the Wolves’ selection of Illinois wing Terrence Shannon Jr. Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) breaks down the Wolves’ cap and roster situation as free agency begins, plus asks Tyler about what Shannon brings to the Timberwolves from Day One.

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