Detroit Pistons Hired Bickerstaff

Detroit Pistons Hired Bickerstaff

Pistons fans what’s going on it’s your boy King man we got a lot to talk about today Pistons hire a new head coach they bring in bicker staff previous Cavaliers coach plus today was free agency started at 6:00 p.m. today and it started well we got a lot to talk about [Music] all right business fans so first and foremost big news right probably sure you guys um on all social media outlets and on multiple channels here on YouTube have seen the discussion about the new head coach the Detroit Pistons bring in bicker staff um previous Cavaliers coach I definitely um I definitely am pleased with that um I wanted a younger coach someone who is you know who can who can help our back court you know what I’m saying I seen what he did with that back court over there in Cleveland and I’m looking forward to him working with uh the back court that we currently have here being Kad and Ivy so um obviously it’s free agency so you want to see him also um get a chance to take a swing at a few players if he wants to bring some in here I know langdon’s been doing everything so far we still currently don’t have a GM but I want to see a little bit of Co coach’s influence too so um you know at the end of the day the coach has the work to do you know he has to get the best out of the players out there he has a certain type of system that he wants to run that’s the biggest question mark for me what type of offens are we going to run here in Detroit um I’m not familiar with Cleveland’s offense cuz I just didn’t watch enough of Cleveland except when we played Cleveland so I got a a little research to do myself um but as far as the hiring goes yeah you know another recycle coach I get it you know a lot of Pistons fans are are not pleased with that but that’s just the way it is in the NBA right now um to some extent your coach is just going to be a recycle coach that’s just what it is I know we you know D Wayne Casey got fired we BR him here Monty got fired we BR him here and now bicker staff um listen man at the end of the day I just want a coaching here who wants to be here you guys have to understand that this is not this is not option A B C or D this is option F right now so take him to Detroit no no not Detroit no no please anything with that uh y’all seen how many coaches turned down the option to come here me personally I still wanted some someone like Sam Cassel you know what I’m saying uh with some some experience that’s you know won in his league and and and has done some things but maybe conversations just never um you know either picked up or ever happened between the Pistons and this Camp so um but that was my guy I’m probably sure a lot of you Pistons fans had selections as well but this is where we landed and where we landed is not the end of the world okay so hey we got a young coach that wants to be here so that wants to coach this team that’s a that’s that’s a positive that’s a positive coming from where we we’ve been right so um free agency man the Pistons just haven’t they continue to not be I would say overly aggressive but at the same time not aggressive enough that’s just what it’s been over the years with the Pistons um you know you had options to go out and get a few players that I felt like went quickly and for what they went for I feel like the Pistons had the opportunity to get them obviously the known name is Andre Drummond right 10 million for two years over to Philly um yeah we definitely could have beat that so yeah but we we continue to uh look up for a a backup center a lot of people think we’re looking for a starting center I still think it’s a backup center you see some of the names out there you see hartenstein is meeting with OKC but the Pistons are one of the team that was mentioned with his name you see Tobias Harris continues to get the Pistons buzz but guys like M Bridges is not um a guy to be on a Pistons radar anymore he’s he’s out of that um area right now so you know that’s that’s a guy that’s not coming here um but we have you know several options out there still um like I said I just want some veterans in here that’s that’s been some places that’s done some things um but we still have to fill out that roster so you know with that said you know we we we added a a nice and and young talented rookie along with the core that we already had um we’ll be talking about him in another video but we added Holland along with the rest of the guys we need the veterans we’ve been talking about this for the last month we’ve been repeating oursel over and over and over sound like a broken record well it’s time to see that happen you know we need the results now Mr langon you came in a press conference and you said hey we’re going to be aggressive in the trade market and free agency I need you to be a little bit more aggressive before everybody’s gone so again once again it’s not it’s not destination a but for some of these guys for the right amount and you know the right opportunity they’ll come here they’ll come here that’s not up for us fans to do that’s up for the front office to do that’s their job that’s what they have to go out there and do and we’re going to hold him to that I’m definitely going to hold him to that I want to see results the talk is done we’ve heard the talk we’ve we’ve we’ve not got the results from it we need results simple and plain no other way to put it no other way to put it so um with that said bicker staff joins the Detroit Pistons we already have some solid assistants here um I’ll be interested to see who he brings along um who will be his his uh right hand who will be you know his top assistance that he brings with him um and you know we’ll see what the the Pistons decide to to do with the GM uh spot we we got we still got a lot of building to do we still got a lot of holes to fi and you know I expect the Pistons to do just that um in in these coming week so with that said man it’s going to be a very interesting summer summer league is uh you know the the next thing for the the Detroit Pistons man we get a chance to go and see both of our uh guys in the summer league along with some of the other young guys that the Pistons have BR um listen man we we we got to get it you know we we got to get it man we got to get out of this funk that we in and we got to stop being destination F we got to go and get it and I hope that we can Inspire these players to have that same mentality man to pull themselves out of that dirt that we’ve dug ourself man and uh well I can’t say dug ourself that I’ll say that they’ve been put in to the dig out of the hole that they’ve been put in um and and start moving forward man get some progress going going so you know I hope you guys um I I hope you guys are not getting down too bad on this bigger staff uh ordeal I’ve seen a fairly positive reaction so far a lot of people have a lot of questions I mean it’s okay to have questions if you don’t know you don’t know you don’t have to act like you do know um but don’t get too down on it so with that said I hope you guys have a great night I’ll see you in the next video peace

  1. If I were a coach of course I’d be more tempted by other cities and teams but let’s not act like Cade isn’t a draw. You can work with Cade. Even Ivey and duren present potential as a coach. I mean, I’d rather have this situation than the bulls 😂 but maybe I’m talking nonsense

  2. I like this hire and see him being here for more than 1 year. 😂 We want to see development now and growth from the players who wants to be here. Along with veteran presence.

  3. He got a raw deal in Cleveland, shouldn't have gotten fired. His offense has plenty of cutting. And his teams play defense!!!!

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