Happy Rick DiPietro day!

One of our biggest “What If?” scenarios. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Glad to see him overcome and end up on the other side of the whole endeavor with his head held high. Love seeing him thrive under his new career.

  1. Yeah glad he stayed on the island, listen to him and Rothenberg almost every morning, they are great together and Rick is just hilarious.

  2. If by the extremely unlikely chance Rick sees this, I hope you have a great summer Rick and we hope you’re well

  3. For a time where nobody wanted to come or be here he bled orange and blue.

  4. Every time I think about the fact that it’s gotta be tough being mocked and regarded one of the biggest draft busts of all time I remember that he’s basically been set up financially for life which probably makes it sting a lot less lol

  5. apart from the usual comments about the infamous contract – it was basically a deferred salary arrangement at the time of signing – the AAV wasn’t bad and who expected him to play 15 more years?

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