[Meirov] Note: Under the new CBA, holding out is virtually impossible. Players are fined $50K each day they miss, and those fines can’t be waived off. Also, the player will lose an accrued season toward free agency by failing to show up for camp or by leaving camp for more than five days.

I see posts that say Cee Dee Lamb may hold out of training camp if he doesn't get his extension. Could Brandon Aiyuk follow CDL's hold out? This seems to say no way as the season doesn't count towards their contract. BA also has not said he'd hold out.

  1. Good. Sick of seeing divas holding out. Play on the contract you signed.

  2. This is 3 years old. Doesn’t count during the 5th year discussions. Fines are still waived

  3. I believe you have to play a certain amount of games or lose the season. Holding out is still possible but more financially painful

  4. They waived millions in fines for Bosa, but they also think Bosa is magnitudes more important to the team being successful than Aiyuk is.

  5. They can still be waived if the player is on their rookie contract

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