Sengun working out in Turkey again with the national team trainer (but in Jordan instead of Rockets gear 🧐, heh)

Sengun working out in Turkey again with the national team trainer (but in Jordan instead of Rockets gear 🧐, heh)

Sengun working out in Turkey again with the national team trainer (but in Jordan instead of Rockets gear 🧐, heh)
byu/ST012Mi inrockets

  1. Is Turkey Men’s Basketball going to compete at the Olympics this year? Had hard time finding the answer. Would be awesome to see Alpi on the Olympic stage.

  2. All these videos he’s posting- all involve a lot of core stability stuff which is cool. The actual weight lifting he does is killing me though. Those partial reps are leaving gains on the table. Not that he necessarily needs to bench like an OL or anything but if you’re gonna do it… do it right?

    He’s so quick and flexible for a big man though. Cardio is obviously a key too he’s looking pretty trim.

  3. With all the core exercises he’s doing, I wouldn’t be surprised if his vert went up. On chest press, he can go lower in his range of motion to achieve better tension on muscle in stretched position. Will grow more muscle like that & 10x better/safer than locking out elbows

  4. No matter how much he works out, his muscle mass does not seem to be increased. Probably because he is doing them wrong, like the chest press.

  5. It’s these guys job to be in perfect shape. I don’t get excited when I see them work out, just like when I walk in the office no one should thank me for showing up.

    Not attacking anyone for posting these, but I hate offseason workout videos. Hell, we lost our shit when Carmelo put a hoodie on.

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