so we got another big fish or Cottage or a camping or whatever LeBron if the Predators can finalize things with March or so 5 years 5.5 aav per wow so it’s nice this is crazy like this is exciting they’re they’re they’re definitely going into this mold of like no they want to take the next step and they have all these young prospects that are going to be coming to their system they’re like let’s try to win now and we’ll and we’ll continue being a good team because our younger guys are going to be good by the time these contract works are like starting to get a little I guess the question though is like does this make them take the next step like I know these are solid players um like Stam Coast really good March so really good all Nashville Predators should have Life Alert I think it I think like what else could you ask what else could you ask for to take it to the next level that was absolutely insane I’m just going to stick these I think why do we grade someone no I think the issue though it’s not the issue but like these guys aren’t in the primes of their careers anymore so like them falling off production wise going into a new place this guy thinks they’re going to fall off in some other way like that’s wild you don’t you don’t know how much you don’t know how much they’re going to fall off production no for sure but that stco scored 42 goals last year or 40 goals Maro scored 42 goals last year they were playing with like eel and COV and Braden Po and all these guys who on Nashville right now are those guys they’re going to play with each other well that’s fine but I I’m just saying like this is why I think you can be cautiously optimistic of it taking the ne Next Step because the falloff could happen at any point and they’re getting older but like but like what like what else do you want from them they have all this c space to work I’m not saying they’re bad moves though I’m just saying like I think that’s why fans probably would feel cautiously optimistic rather than like wow we just signed like Steven stampco and Jonathan marcho and Chandler Stevenson like we’re going to be amazing next year it’s like I I think there’s still reason to be like you might not be good or you still might not get the first round I think that’s I think that’s kind that’s kind of like that’s such that’s such like that’s so obvious though man like of course they’re aging there’s a little risk with it but it’s like dude you have all this cap space you’re swinging on some older guys who combined for like 82 goals year it’s like man like if I’m an asro fan like if the Jets did this I’d be like holy crap like I am fired up right now how exciting is this for asro if we’re going from excitement point they got to be an you know what I’m not excited about she Banu aani I’m not excited about guy and like I’m like not overly excited about p and I like the Logan I think for I I I I’m not I’m not like I’m not disappointed by the P thing but I’m not like I’m I’m looking I’m curious I like I like them kind of taking a swing on something like that yeah I’m curious I’m curious about it uh but like I’m not like they have your curiosity I don’t I I don’t feel good or or bad about it um where we at let’s go rank uh and also this team Remains the worst jerseys like they need to just go to their reverse Retro Jerseys full time if we’re being honest like it might be see that’s in the G not a good curler wow C’s Fair yeah I think that’s fine okay well I mean that all that was a lot of Racket for a SE um okay well why don’t we move on to someone else then Luca who would you like to rank I don’t know well that’s not an answer so we’re g to give you the we’re gonna go Calgary also $5.25 million from Mar so coming off the year he had is pretty nice deal got versus what he got like obviously that’s great Value Calgary um I don’t know the Vibes probably are not great really well wasn’t thought they had a really good draft Yeah I was going to say if we’re if we’re taking the draft into account I I thought had the best draft like yeah a lot of people love their draft they did really well I love Zan per so I didn’t know he was from Noble I found that out two years in a row fanan corre sitting on a plane with someone from Nobleton everyone from Nobleton knows each other he was like who what’s your friend from Nobleton and he was like oh yeah lug is Aunt cuts my hair yeah so whoa It’s that kind of town also it’s a magical place cuz one time we did a shoot there and then when we WRA shoot they just lit off fireworks for nothing it wasn’t it wasn’t like Canada day it wasn’t Victoria pachio shoot we did a wonderful pistachio shoot and we like it was also just amazing cuz we were like we were like oh like how will we get enough people we had to do like a baseball thing like how will we get enough people to do like a baseball team luuka was just like oh my cousins will do it they they just play baseball sometimes you’re like how many cousins you need 18 people to play baseball G guys on a side note Paul George has just signed with the Philadelphia 76ers on 22 that in NHL terms uh we we’re we are doing that later by the way we are doing the signings in NBA terms I swear the Paul George thing had happened already as well that was from earlier today did it I see it hard to the Rockets we’ll go B hard to the Rockets because yeah I think I’ll explain later I think the hard to the Rockets I think the draft um definitely helps them I think if you’re a Calgary fan to see where your team was like three years ago and to to see where it is now is probably a disappointing feeling um cuz they took some swings they took some well they lost so many players what’s the B base off of like draft pretty that feels high for a Vibe check no like I feel like I’m still very like not OP like peric is the like their the draft this year was like the one thing I’m like optimistic about but other than that I’m like it’s kind of sad this team is this team is like not in a good place yeah it is it seems like they’re kind of fully committing to like a rebuild but that that’s not they’re commit to they’re committing to a rebuild build with $20 million tied up in like guys that are past their price and former if you’re rebuilding like having money tied up and stuff doesn’t really matter your former star player with the team that you trade with just wins the cup too like I don’t know how like great great you’d feel an example it’s like it’s like it’s like Kadri and hubero right now for like $20 million or stamco and Maro for like $13 million I I will say I was sent a graphic by my friend Austin who it was the graphic where it was like the Flames had and it was like a crazy list of guys where it’s like kachak obviously Adam Fox um there’s Adam Fox guys they’ve lost the Adam Fox is that even really kind of count though didn’t he kind of dictate where he wanted to yeah but but they drafted him kind of true I more just was there at least and it’s still a thing to be like like I don’t know seeing the state of like some of these incredible players that they all had on the same team at one point and seeing how sounds elsewhere but that’s like from years ago C I’m gonna say is c yeah C Max that that can’t be a b that’s too high but like the question is like is it Vibes going into the season is it just Vibes right now after the draft I mean you got be feeling good though after that draft do we have any Flames fans in the chat cuz I’d love to hear also what did you guys think about when he was like and for the Flames fans out there like couldn’t let Edmonton win like it was kind of nice but also like it’s like buddy you’re not with our te anymore yeah he chose to leave stop trying to like make a with the team that no I mean I I don’t blame him saying it’s funny that he says it it’s it’s a good move but like I definitely wouldn’t care if I was a like yeah h i mean you do hate the though it’s it’s not like Paul Maurice giving his boys from Winnipeg a shout out after the win how about that I’d love to I’d love to know how Flames fans are feeling in the chat maybe this is a little too optimistic based on where they are but I just don’t think it can get really lower and if it does get lower like that’s a good thing like get a get a top pick again sorry I just keep laughing at things in the comments every now and then like hardford wher has been real quiet lately yeah it’s very stupid but I laughed you know flam fans how Flames fans how are you feeling like let us know we want to hear what the Vibes are y yep is B too high should it be a like I I would I don’t think I’d go D but I could go C also P for beak wear the thickest glasses in the game today like that guy’s glasses take up his entire face it’s the craziest thing ever so toley with the sharks is official four years 6 million aav this guy went to Wine Country to LeBron and then Sam laferty is heading to the Sabers according to Chris Johnston so say again Sam lafy Buffalo Sabers see again I’m like toi for four years or Maro for what he’s getting paid Mar is getting paid less that is crazy like that’s a damn good deal for Maro uh for doing sa all Age based probably right like the because like Maro would be Maro two years older than Devi is that it I think so I think Maro is like uh an 80 a 90 or an 89 yeah that is that is a good deal

Are the Nashville Predators having the BEST free agency of the year? Luca, Corwin, Jesse, and DZ give their live reactions and grades to the Jonathan Marchessault signing.

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