Philadelphia Eagles over/unders with Brandon Lee Gowton: Will Jalen Hurts throw fewer INTs?

Philadelphia Eagles over/unders with Brandon Lee Gowton: Will Jalen Hurts throw fewer INTs?

gon of bleeding green nation is in studio for some homemade over unders about the Philadelphia Eagles 2024 season coming up next on the phly Eagles podcast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome to the phl1 Eagles podcast on a Monday afternoon High Noon bow wolf and brand in Lee gon in studio taking the place of Zack Burman blg nice to see you how you doing once upon a time a prodigious Eagles podcaster in your own right that’s right once upon a time uh honored to be here with you both H honored to be you know filling the shoes of Zack I would say huge shoes to fill obviously there’s the height joke in there for people who don’t know I’m 6 foot n yeah shoehorn that in right from the jump uh but big honor to be here with you as well uh not to make you feel old but I used to watch you and CAC and Dave spedo back on eagles live when I was in high school so cool to be here well thank you very much and and and as I just learned back when you were probably using a pseudonym probably we got the whole the whole backstory of like I you know I’ve been wondering and I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time the Lee in Brandon Lee gon is it part of a two-part first name is it is it the middle name is it the is it a league gon at the end and you gave me the story yeah so shout out to my dad who a big Bruce Lee fan okay and that’s why I was named after Bruce Lee’s son who tragically passed away filming the crow but uh I named after Bruce Lee’s son originally was writing under first and middle name because I wasn’t ready to put the last name out there just in case yeah you know you know don’t want to get docks never be too careful but then uh kind of became a full-time thing so had to commit here you are and we’re we got an exciting episode so just like you are stepping in for Zack today I am sort of stepp in for Jimmy kmy in the iteration of a long running game between the two of you in which you guys make up homemade over unders and you and I are going to take part in that I’m excited for it and people just you know you got to play the hits that people want to know uh just so I know is it Paul George or is it George Paul I think it’s uh Paul George okay yeah you feel good about that uh uh I kind of feel like I think like most people do and that like it’s probably the best thing they could have done given the circumstance es that aren’t ideal but I hate to admit it I hate to be negad delphian off the top but the Celtics winning kind of just was like I just don’t know anymore yeah yeah that’s that’s hard to disagree with but you know it is it’s the best they could have done right and they still got a little bit of space left to fill out the the roster we’ll see the guys on the phl6 podcast have been doing an awesome job all week and did a great job on the emergency podcast this morning that I was listening to check that out as we see Zack Burman in the chat live the man just cannot step away I tried to pull down the seat a little bit or adjust it but I couldn’t figure it out so I feel good I feel like we’re at a a reasonable level here like Zach come back to the beach no I gota watch these over unders uh do you want to go first or should I uh I think you should start it off the guest starts and I should mention too these polls are going to be on you know once this episode is posted and whatnot so people listening listeners the readers of BGN listeners of pH Eagles podcast can also participate and get in on the competition as a collective but uh yeah thank you yeah bleeding green I presume that you already know that if you’re watching this episode but yes check it out all right I’m going to start with the the quarterback and here’s my one for jayen Herz for you okay blg uh over under a 2 to1 touchdown to interception ratio for Jaylen Herz in 2024 now just just for context uh he has only done better than this once in his three years as a starter that was obviously in 2022 last year 23 touchdowns 15 interceptions 2022 22 touchdowns only six interceptions and then the year before that 16 touchdowns nine interceptions how do you think that Jaylen Herz basically is he gonna have a good year yeah so let me cuz I’m dumb in this circumstance at least uh what’s better what what what constitutes over or under yeah yeah I think uh over would be he has a good year basically the ratio is more like 3 to1 as opposed to yeah I’m going to take the over on that and I think it comes down to ultimately big picture I think I’m kind of in the middle on jayen Herz which isn’t a fun place to be for the sake of entertainment you know you can’t sit the fence yeah take wise yeah but from a standpoint of I think there are things from last year where people are too harsh on them and I’m like I think that you’re not being gracious enough and I think there are some things where actually he was great and you can’t even complain about him at all and I think that’s a little too favorable so uh I think ultimately I expect the interceptions to come down it felt like a little uncharacteristic last year felt like there was some bad luck baked in there kind of like Dak had the year before yes where last year it was such an a no-brainer his interceptions were going to come down and it also felt like he got a little bit Lucky in 2022 where there were some that he probably should have thrown and so there was an expectation that even in 2023 like he’s going to throw more interceptions it does feel like this should be closer to the middle yeah this time around and by the way uh we’re each going to pick both of these right and because we need to make it just a little bit more complicated uh the two of us each get one best bet which is going to count as two points yes when we look back on this and it can only you can only do your best bet on someone else’s proposal uh so you’re not going to do it just yet but just keep that in mind uh so you’re going to go over you’re gonna say he’s going to do better than that touchdown interception ratio I will also go over but I do think it will be I do think it will be close it’s hard to bet against I mean not that he’s perfect but like I feel like typically the people betting against jayen Herz like that that’s not always on that side yeah yeah uh so I think that’s what I lean towards there are questions again I don’t feel amazing about it but I lean that way okay over to you I’m going to go with the backup quarterback to start out and you know one of these guys is your guy and I feel like you made a mistake here I’m sorry to call you out on your own show I feel like you should have rode harder for Tanner mcke to your credit though because I feel like you were really early on him in training camp last year I know it’s it is a regret it’s not your I should trusted my eyes it’s not your type that’s the problem the same thing that happened with re blankin ship it’s uh you know what the eye the eyes are able to overcome my bies you know just like but if you stuck with it I think it would have been a great call I’m going to go with more past attempts for the Eagles of the season so you know we’re doing over under but some of these I think are either or uh Kenny picket or Tanner mcke who was more pass attempts for the this season no I did have on here Tanner mcke over under. five pass attempts so I’ll take that off the board um I do think that the answer is picket I I I would like to ride hard for for Tanner and you know we we Zach and I were batting around the ideas of like who could they still trade potentially if you were going to trade from strength and not trading for something like if somebody suffers a quarterback injury elsewhere they could they could flip pick it potentially but I just think that part of reason for trading picket is not just because they think he’s better option now but because they see the like the upside of flipping it and that’s not going to happen if if pick’s the if if mck is the number two right they’re trying to rehabilitate his value so I would lean picket but you know I think it should be mcke but I would I wouldn’t for for for this game I’ll take pick so we’re gonna go chalk here early because I agree with you uh I do think I wanted to you know part of the reason of doing this is bringing up topics wanted to touch on I feel like I would like to see Tanner mcke I feel like the eagles owe giving him a fair chance to win the number two they don’t owe him it’s not that they needed to make him the number two automatically but I think they owe him a shot at it and I don’t think he’s going to get that unfortunately because I think Kenny Pickett’s going to be exclusively the quarterback two in training camp and mck will get a chance to show something in the preseason I’m sure but ultimately I think he’s in a tough spot I would like to see mck get a fair chance to win the job I thought picket looked probably better than you did in Spring practices not he looked amazing but I thought he looked solid and better than I expected to be fair my expectations are really low uh so it’s should be a fun quarterback battle unfortunately I don’t think it will be do you think you know like the the the messaging from the NovaCare complex after they traded for Kenny picket was like we don’t this doesn’t say anything about how we feel about Tanner mcke we’re still very high on Tanner mcke this is just an opportunity to get a starting caliber quarterback as the backup do you do you believe that does that pass the uh the sniff test for you I think think it’s just the experience thing for them I think they’re really keen on having someone who’s actually played before I think it’s it’s too much of a projection for them for mck so I don’t think they’re sour on mcke I just think it’s it’s like hey we only saw him in preseason he’s never played in a real game we just we don’t fully trust that because it’s never happened and I think there’s the allore of you know Kenny picket former first- round pick that’s in there as well um so I think it’s more ultimately about just wanting that experience I just think that like the entire idea of drafting Tanner mcke in the fifth round is that if he hits you have a cost you have a cheap backup quarterback right because otherwise they’re going to spend on that position and if you’re paying jayen Herz this is a place that you can save a little bit of money and if they’re now paying Kenny picket which they’re not paying him a ton of money they’re still saving and that’s part of the reason you give up the draft Capital but if pick’s here for both both of the next two years then you’re only getting mcke for one year and then you’re gonna have to pay him even if you like him so I don’t know I think it’s it’s impossible to say that their evaluation of Tanner mck isn’t a factor in some way like if they loved him then they wouldn’t have made that trade but I guess it doesn’t mean that they don’t like him right okay uh can I give you one more Jaylen Herz one yeah let do it I’m gonna this is something of a tush push is question okay 49 and a half rushing first downs for Jaylen Herz in 2024 I’ll give you the the context here last three seasons last year he was second in the entire NFL with 68 the year before that he was third in the NFL with 6 7 and in 2021 he had 56 so I’m dropping it down a little bit here you know I’m baking in some injury possibility and are they going to lean as heavily on him in short guarded situations now that they have saquon Barkley and a different center it’s a great question did you take the over I haven’t decided yet okay because I probably should have written mine beforehand yeah uh I just I worry about being so chalk but I think I’m gonna have to go over think Herz you know wasn’t we all know like he wasn’t quite there with the legs last year like I think you know MH less than he might ever be relatively speaking at least early on in his career so I would expect him to be more involved with that and until I see the tush push like not be the thing with him I’m just going to assume it is the thing with him and they’re going to keep doing that until I see otherwise so um and because of the numbers you said as well it’s hard to bet against it for me I mean obviously to consider the injury and whatnot too um but I’m gonna say over on that one yeah I mean I don’t want to keep picking the same one I do want to take the you know what I’ll go under on this one just because there are there are some paths I don’t want I don’t want to root for him to get injured but I think it’s possible that uh the problem is that like I think he’s going to run more in scramble situations than he did last year but I do think I do think the the tush push I don’t think they’re getting rid of it but I think they may not spam it quite as much as they have do you think they might do that in part as like a like to appease you know the the complaint that would be a silly reason to do it but I feel like there is some like like we kind of have to tone it down maybe a little bit maybe yeah I think that’s possible I mean they’re we know that they’re rabid rabbiter to some degree uh by the way before we give you the next one we have a super chat from uh def fop himself oh my gosh RB Rich Bobby who says shout out to blg and Jimmy kmy looking forward to whatever you both do next podcast wise love you me too which who knows this is the next thing but I look forward to the next thing after that right yeah all right over to you okay let’s do one of the Eagles you know maybe arguably their most prolific offseason acquisition big name value-wise do saquan Barkley do scrimmage yards at 1,263 point5 which that is basically you know what de that’s so 1,263 is what DeAndre Swift had last year so do you think Barkley is gonna have more or fewer in this case or less fewer you’re the expert got fewer than uh DeAndre Swift did last year yeah I mean I I feel like we’re going to continue to go chalk here but I I if he stays healthy it’s hard not to think that that would not hit the over uh I think they’re going to be more willing to give him the ball than they were with DeAndre Swift um I think that’s the entire reason for spending on him so I’m G to take the over but I don’t I don’t feel great about it I’m going to be the villain here all right go the good for you somebody’s got to be the heel the saquon thing has been tough for me to reconcile as someone who also used to podcast about the NFC East as a whole uh the NFC East mixtape for longtime listeners and uh or for newer listeners really I guess who wouldn’t recognize it but uh every year we do like underrated overrated players in the division me my co-host RJ Ooa and like saquon was often my most overrated player sure so it’s not that he’s bad you know overrated doesn’t mean bad I just think because of fantasy football I think because you know The Prestige of the number two pick because he’s a localish person from Penn State there’s just so much I think baked into like the idea of sequan versus the reality of saquan who I think will be fine this year but I don’t have like these lofty expectations and coming up with this one I was kind of wondering like what is a successful season you know for saquin Barkley what is how do you how do the Eagles kind of like what does that look like how does that feel um I’m going to go under on this just because injury is baked in um I think that he could have very similar year to what the have had last year yeah I I think I I don’t disagree that the the idea that like saon Barkley in reputation like it’s outsized versus his production I mean he hasn’t had he’s had two really good Seasons right and one special season and like five and four or five years ago now five six years ago I like it is absolutely true that he has been in one of the worst situations for a running back in the entire league with a bad quarterback and a terrible offensive line nobody else to take the attention away from opposing defenses and now he’s going to be in an absolutely ideal situation like there that is going to change things and I think that he does still have big playability sure um and I think that is what like the Su like is this a success it it probably comes down to are there five plays over the course of the Season where DeAndre Swift wouldn’t have turned this into you know a 30- yard gain and might have got tackled in the back field and he’s able to do that and in the fourth quarter are they able to lean on him and grind out those you know you know four-minute Drive offense four-minute offense type drives that they had in 2017 right where they can give him the ball and they can have a 13-play drive that ices the clock if they can lean on him as like a to to do the things that a uh star running back is supposed to be able to do then I think it will be successful but I also think you know if I’m if I’m betting on is saquon Bara going to be worth the contract that he signed then I’m I’m probably definitely gonna say no right yeah it’s a high bar there especially each what like you know top five kind of running back money and you know this is such like a small sample thing that might not matter at all but just like even seeing him during the Spring like I didn’t see oh my gosh like that saquin like that’s the difference in terms of like a highlight play again that’s it’s not the end of the world but I just feel like that’s a setting in theory where he might you know pop at least one time he did look like way different than any Eagles running back I think I’ve honestly ever seen his physique like that stood out in a big way um but besides that I kind of forgot he was there sometimes I agree with that and there was there I have a I have a snapshot in my mind of he’s he’s running a wheel route I know you’re talking about and I think it was Devon white was running with him and he’s not running I think it was well there was two there’s one with uh yeah Z right he’s not like running away from him now he’s got a step and also you would think okay if this is part of the offense Jaylen Herz should throw this ball like let’s see what it looks like and he didn’t throw the ball and Jaylen Herz hasn’t historic throwing the ball to running backs and so like the theory of him and we talked about this I talked about this with Fran on Friday of like how is he really going to change what the passing game looks like from a running back perspective I don’t think so yeah I think he’s here to be what he can be as a running back and and less so as a receiver yeah that’s where I’m also kind of a little bit skeptical in that number I don’t think like it’s basically how do you feel about the rushing yards from that projection more than like do you think he’s really G to go off as a receiver all right I have another running back one for you in that case will Shipley Zack Berman’s guy and I think Zack and I are gonna get a little more into will Shipley on tomorrow’s episode okay will Shipley over under 12 and a half catches now Zach is making the case that will Shipley is going to be the number two running back uh here I will give you the catches for the running backs over the last three years yeah last year DeAndre Swift 39 Kenny gainwell 30 Boston Scott four 2022 Kenny G 23 my sanders 20 Boston Scott 5 and the year before Kenny gel 33 my sanders 26 Boston Scott 13 man I’m not like the biggest will Shipley believer but he might have had like 12 catches in that practice that one day like they that that seemed and that’s also not to harp on squin but part of why like if Will Shipley is like doing some things in the passing game in practice like why couldn’t I see like saquon do that one time uh yeah I think so thin at running back I feel like there’s just and I worry about the saquin health a little bit where I feel there’s an opportunity and I don’t think gainwell is so great that you know shiple can’t kind of factor in there at some point so it feels a little like I might regret this looking back when I tally up the results after the season but uh I’ll go over I think they might have some kind of role for him okay I I kind of would lean towards the over but I think I cannot Li myself in the mirror and Host this show and look at you people just for the bit uh I got to take the under just I mean what what else are we doing here yeah all right I’ll let you do one more and then I will I’ll give us an ad ad read so knock and wood not trying to jinx anything here but AJ Brown plus Devonte Smith regular season games played combined ooh so the the you know the sum of those two numbers Max being 34 for this the you know 17 Game season I’m setting at 30 and a half and AJ hasn’t missed a regular season game in Philly since the Eagles traded for him Devonte Smith missed one last year probably maybe could have played if you know the Eagles had something to play for maybe not but you know obviously they’ve been extremely healthy are young in their Prime in theory should be available but it just kind of feels like you know can they keep getting this fortunate especially with the wide receiver depth being like kind of thinner than ever it just feels like you’re tempting fate a little bit I agree with that I have I I also have a combined one which we will get to in a little bit but I mean it’s no fun to bet against Health uh so I’m going to take the over but I don’t feel great about it and I think you’re right like AJ Brown before he came to Philadelphia had a reputation as like a guy who who got banged up often and missed a lot of time and that was the case and you know Devonte entering the draft that was a knock on him I’m less worried about him than than AJ Brown for sure also not for nothing incentive wise both of these guys just got paid right so it’s not like they have to chase a number for their to up their market value like they’re locked into long-term contracts if it’s on the fence they don’t need to push it MH um so like objectively I think I would take the under I don’t want to be that guy so I’ll take the over but I think it’s you you’ve done a good job and this is a nice opportunity for Arbitrage for you because I think as the heel you can you can be comfortable in taking the under so it’s basically like one IR s which is why I picked you know 30 and a half if he misses if they go in IR then it’s it’s the under uh so I’m GNA take the over I’m not goingon to go heal on this one just because I believe in those guys a lot uh but I do think like that is it has to be acknowledged that he have been very fortunate with those two in these cases and I still think even with the receiver uh depth there being kind of a little suspect I mean having one of those two guys is obviously incredible so many teams would killed it just have one so should be acknowledged I’ll give you my other one we we’ll stay on it so AJ Brown and Devonte Smith uh last year the two of them combined for 62% of the Eagles receiving yards just the two of them the year before it was 61.7% all the eagles receiving yards the two of those guys that’s what they did this year I’m putting it at 60.9 so I’m dropping it down a little bit close to a 69 yeah but uh so we’re baking in the injury possibility here but as you talked about they they seem shallower here than ever are the Eagles just going to funnel all their passes even more so to AJ Brown and Devonte Smith well if I’m going with the over here in terms of the games played I’m going to say that you know they’re both healthy they stay healthy and they do indeed continue to dominate the target share here um Dallas SC her so weird such a weird season last year like I don’t think he’s a bad player but the results weren’t really there and again I don’t think either of us are fully buying the saquin being this major factor in the passing game yet so until proven otherwise I’m just going to continue to lean in that direction and if I regret betting on them then I can live with that I will I will zag here I’m going to take the under because there is the injury possibility baked in there’s also if Dallas Goddard has you know he missed so much time last year if he if he doesn’t miss time and like if they find somebody who can be a third option in the passing game if Kell Moore wants to do something a little bit different with the target distribution there’s a little bit of a path here just because they’ve been so high the past two years I’m going to take the under okay all right before we uh keep moving if you want to you want to play this game with your friends just make make up some homemade over unders well might as well suck them back while you’re doing that because a lot has changed over the years but one thing that hasn’t is the Great Taste of Miller Light another thing that hasn’t changed is that it remains less filling so what is the best thing about the original light beer well Miller Light sparked this debate all the way 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superpower of yards after catch he was sixth among tight ends with 5.5 Yak per reception according to NFL’s nextg stats 2022 he was second among tight ends at 7.9 and 2021 he was third at 7.0 so my question for you here is over under Dallas scarts rank among tight ends in the NFL in Yak per reception and it’s four and a half so will he be in the top four so why would it go down you know I mean in terms of like why did it go down last year I think maybe because of where he’s being targeted it seemed like a little bit more um because again it’s hard to is he less physical is it this stagnation of the offense they’re not creating the space for him to utilize as much I guess I’m going to go over just because he’s done it in the past I still think the talent is there hold on let’s clarify over you’re saying is better you think he will be top four I think he will be top four because I still believe in the talent there and I’m guessing the offense will give him a better chance to succeed than it did maybe last year I’m thinking that’s possible um it’s just it’s weird again because the results haven’t been there you look at it from the big picture and you’re like just how good is he is Dallas SCD kind of overrated not again not a bad player but just does the reputation precede him a bit uh in this case I’m still banking on the talent I’m going to pull Zach here I’m going to go with the pedigree and The Prestige and say that better more favorable yeah this is tough because even last year when he you know was so down in this category he was still only six so you he only needs to move up two spots but then again top four that’s a that’s a heavy bet uh I’m going to take I will take what is I guess the under in this I will say he doesn’t reach the top four for whatever reason maybe there’s just more tight ends who are turning into Yak guys I was going to say there’s some good young tight ends coming up the porter in there some other ones that I can’t think of at the moment Dalton concade yeah Trey McBride Kyle Pitts maybe this is the year maybe this is the year all right over to you uh I’m going to go with a this is the one I considered cutting but we’ll we’ll include it in here uh Paris Campbell targets at 46 and a half I came up with that number under yeah I there you go that’s my best bet Fair uh again I didn’t feel great about this one I might regret this uh I came up with 46 and a half because quz Watkins averaged about 2.7 the past two years targets per game extrapolated that over the course of 17 Game season it is a easy bet to take the under from a standpoint of Paris Campbell mostly hasn’t been good guaranteed make the team right uh but someone has to be the wide receiver three sure so I will inadvisably go over I will say the one one takeaway I had from training camp and maybe or OTAs and mini camp maybe I’m making too much of this I thought you talk about this a lot uh I’ve heard you talk about this a lot the importance of this like Jaylen her’s trust in a receiver his willingness to throw to a receiver and it’s not like Campbell was a a Target Monster and obviously some of those practices they’re missing Devonte but I saw some level of Jaylen Herz like trusting Paris Campbell that makes me think he will consider throwing to him as opposed to Albert o last year or whoever else so I’m going to go over and then really regret this I’m sure later okay that’s a good one you want to know what my Paris gamble went we don’t necessarily need to count that this one but this is what it was was all of those like de away wide receiver screens in the offense last year right I have over and this is how Paris gell was used with the Giants last year over under F four and a half catches within two yards of the line of scrimmage for Paris Campbell how many four and a half yeah under okay that’s good that would be good for the offense yeah whether he’s on the team or not that would be good for the offense all right should we I I’ll go I’ll give you one more offense you can give me one more offense and then we’ll transition to the defensive side of the would you like a Johnny Wilson would you like a grant calcatera or would you like another AJ Brown Devonte Smith one let’s do with Johnny Wilson I like Johnny Wilson he kind of he kind of showed me something a little bit in Spring I agree with that I would say that he was the one who intrigued me the most of the options beyond the top two Johnny Wilson over under 99 and a half receiving yards pretty boiler plate here only eight sixth round picks over the past three seasons as rookies had more than 100 yards receiving as wide receivers and only three topped 200 yards yeah I don’t feel amazing about the bet I know our good friend sh capati always talks about like the impact of day three receivers and how that’s not great um but I think what Johnny Wilson can do in theory is offer big playability so I’m going to lean into that and we saw that in Spring practices where I thought Isaiah Rogers who had a phenomenal spring uh Johnny Wilson one of the the few people to make a play over him and simply in part because he was just taller than him I do think that’s Johnny Wilson’s game is like being a downfield kind of threat it’s kind of like you don’t think of him as a burner a traditional burner but because of his size and his athleticism I think he has that ability so I’m going to lean into maybe he just has a couple big catches sprinkled over the course of the Season I’m also going to hedge against my Paris Campbell bet here okay and knowledge there’s room for him to potentially enter the offense my heart says over here I mean the the history is overwhelmingly in favor of the under so I guess I’m going to take the under and and not feel super excited about it but I do I believe a little bit in Johnny Wilson think you made the smart bet yeah I made the uh I’m thinking with my heart more than my head in this case uh you’re romantic that’s that’s what people say um I have one that involves one of the bigger not a true Camp battle and terms of its open competition but one of the spots to watch and that is the Right Guard spot for the Eagles on to go with more snaps played at Right Guard Tyler Steen the favorite or the field good line and yeah and it’s I got to be at Right Guard at Right Guard specifically yes this is really good and and if if this was uh at a sports book I think it would you know it would be like minus 130 or something like that for for Steen but I’m gonna take the field o um because I do my Spidey Sense is up about the way that they have treated him since he’s been here we’ve talked about it a lot you know gave him a chance last year didn’t earn the spot that they were hoping that he would get Su Opa starts over him not like they love sua they let him walk in free agency uh then they are bringing in all these guys the draft that they would have drafted over him serani forgets his name um and I think that the Makai beckon possibility is is real so I think Steen is the most likely answer at Right Guard I would if I was betting on is he G to be the week one red guard I would say yes but there’s also injury baked in here um and so I’m going to take the field I’m want to go with Steen um I think that’s the right bet I think they want him to succeed and that doesn’t mean I think they’re like definitely 100% believe in him but I think they want to give him every chance to fail as I guess as how I’ll put it before they insert Beck in or whoever else in there my thing with Steen and I say this a lot on BGN radio and Jimmy and I are kind of you lock step on this and I feel like it doesn’t always get as much talk about elsewhere in the beat is like what if Ty steen’s just a tackle because I thought he looked really good at tackle yeah in Camp last year he so much better at tackle yes and also conceptually like okay and also why he would struggle and I think it’s not the end of the world that opeda played over him last year this is a guy who played defensive tackle in college who then moved to offensive tackle who then had to move to guard it’s a lot of you know moving Parts there so I think it could take him more time I’m not like 100% convinced that he’s an amazing guard and great player uh all around but I think there’s Talent there I just don’t know if they have the right fit for him I don’t know and it might be a situation where like he might be better at tackle but it’s just not super viable because he’s not the ideal frame there so he kind of just gets caught in this no man’s land and I’m kind of worried that’s the case I don’t I don’t believe that like he’s just a bad player and they miss the evaluation entirely I think it’s more about the fit I think that’s reasonable yeah I don’t I don’t yeah I don’t I don’t think there’s any reason to think that he’s not a good player just yet um I just their actions have told us a little bit more than what their words have said so far sure okay all right I’ll go to the defensive side of the ball a very uh down the middle one here Nolan Smith over under three and a half sacks I’m a Nolan Smith guy I really like you know kudos to Zack the biggest Nolan Smith guy for accurately predicting you know the Eagles would draft him in the first round now he’s really celebrating on his vacation another my tie please um I really believe in Nolan Smith but and I think I mean he should have played more than he did last year I don’t I don’t care yes like even if he was there was times he was struggling and it was I think they tried to shoe horn him in a little bit in a way where like I wanted to see him rush the passer more than they did especially you know they cut Barnett like the opport they were hurting for someone to take snaps and it’s not a good signal that they didn’t trust them to do that but I think part of it is on this coaching staff too which has been reluctant at times to play young guys to a detriment to a fault and now I think they’re in a spot where it’s kind of Synchro swim they have to use him more than they did um I thought he flashed a little bit enough for me to still believe his best game was probably the playoff game yeah I I I think there’s some juice there and I think it’s weird because I think probably the only person on the entire team who can say that yeah well wait in the playoff game that his best game of the season was the playoff game maybe Devonte too but yeah up there okay uh but sure like one of two uh I think there’s some pass rush juice there and I think you know in theory the liability with him is oh he’s smaller can’t defend the Run he’s really I think he’s really at the very least I think he’s really good at defending the run is the pass rush there is the size a concern um there’s a lot of question marks but as an noan Smith guy I have to bank on the over okay yeah I mean if you if you were talking to yourself when they drafted him and you said in year two can he get four sacks and that would be seen as like a something of a success that would be pretty disappointing right a a first round pass rusher the expectations are extremely low um yeah like let’s say they didn’t have the jayen Carter pick like they just like no one was their pick at 30 and that was your perception of their first round that year yeah it would be a disaster um I think I’m gonna take the under I’m not I’m not going to feel good about that like I think I think there’s probably it’s probably more likely that he hits the over here but um if you know if if Zach’s guy Josh wet is taking all those snaps and Bryce Huff is playing a lot more maybe Nolan Smith’s role is less as a as a pure third down pass rusher and more of something that you know Vic Fango can play with a little bit in space maybe that’s what they lean into more um and I think maybe that is his value and less so just as a as a peer go get the quarterback kind of guy so I’m GNA take the under but I don’t feel I don’t feel great about it I have one that is along the lines of sax it’s I’m I’m going with higher sack total here Milton Williams your boy yeah not Zach’s boy right safe to say he does yeah who does Zach hate more um Devonte Parker or Milton w i mean Devonte Parker I feel like that’s Z Zach’s uh entire vacation is paid by the him betting against Devonte Parker the time they sign the minute they signed him that’s true um Milton Williams or Derek Brown okay well let me look at this now Milton Williams had half oh sorry I have the context for you yeah yeah Milton williiam had 6.5 sacks in his career over three years he only had half of a sack last year Derek Brown has eight over four years he only had two last year oh so it’s it’s close oh you’ve baited me nicely here because I have to take Milton Williams this is good um I mean yeah certainly the odds would be in favor of Derrick Brown but yeah give me Milton he’s in a contract year Derek Brown just got paid I’m gonna go Milton too I think you’re I think you’re thinking the right way uh it’s a big year for him and uh I didn’t know Derek Brown’s sack totals were so low when I looked up I was he’s a pro Bower last year sacks aren’t everything but like yeah he’s eight in four years Z is the fifth overall pick on a on a Jordan d run stuffer uh I was originally between Davis and Derrick Brown but I had to do you know your side of the table appreciate that here’s my Jaylen Carter one for you uh one thing that we have talked about a lot this spring is uh what might be a tension between the way that the Eagles typically want to rotate their defensive line and the way that Vic fangio has done it with the defensive tackles that that he has had in the past right Christian Wilkins last year played more defensive more snaps than any defensive tackle in the League last year Jaylen carer played 48% of the snaps and for context Fletcher Cox led the group with 59% of the defensive snaps I’m gonna say 58% of the defensive snaps for Jaylen Carter oh I’m gonna make this my best bet I’m gonna go over yeah I think you’re gon lean on him hard I think yeah I mean that was like a big big time I mean Jay Carter himself said like not that he wasn’t focusing on technique and getting better but he he was like to the point of like that was my number one thing was conditioning and Vic fangio being coming out right and saying that basically in his press conference and then what Jordan Davis had to say like they’re very they’ve set the table very much for like hey you’re going to have to play like a lot of snap so you better be like in tip top shape and also you think that’s a good thing I mean I I think there’s a point of overusing him but conceptually like he’s their best player so he should be on the field I think more than last year sure uh but I think not a good thing when it comes to the point where they were at last year when the pass rush died I think in part because the guys were exhausted from the weird scheduling and whatnot but also just because the rotation wasn’t heavy enough yeah I agree I I I think it it might be a short-sighted thing now you know Vic fangio knows infinitely better than I do but the E like I the Eagles for so long have leaned so heavily into this rotation it’s part of the reason I think that they have had successful pass rushes over the years even when they haven’t had like stars MH and so it’s it’s very on my radar as a potential concern but I guess I will I guess I will take the over here but I don’t I’m a little bit skeptical but I’m going to take the I’ll join you on the over okay uh this one I hope I paired it right because I was playing around with it I was trying to make it so it’s not too obvious trying to make it 50/50 more defensive snaps played so these are combos oh the combo of Isaiah Rogers and Cooper de Jee or the combo of key Ringo and quinon Mitchell the latter okay qu Mitchell and ke Ringo I don’t think it’s easy because in theory those two guys are competing with each other right so I think it’s most likely that one of those two is the starter but I’m I mean I like Isaiah Rogers my understanding is he was the star of the Devonte Smith softball game this weekend uh big offseason for him big offseason for him but even if Cooper de is the nickel week one he’s not on the field every snap and I think it’s much more likely that one of Ringo or quinan Mitchell is on the field every snap so give me give me that duo okay you’re making me feel like I did pick it I did organize it well hopefully because of what you’re saying there the reasoning I think you know it is either key or quinan starting uh from those two I’m gonna go I’m gonna lean into Isaiah Rogers though interesting I really I just I don’t want to make too much are you is are you the reason are you the man behind the Isaiah Rogers hype I don’t think I was originally okay I was also kind of like you know let me see it I the way he moved I think he looked he had he had a fantastic spring there’s no doubt about that I’m I’m not trying to be like too like football guy like I just saw him with my own eyes and you know I the way he moved and but honestly the way he broke on the ball it just looked different to me than the other quarterbacks the one the the interception he had of Jaylen Herz on that it was really really nice and he read that perfectly well and I thought otherwise was pretty active now I again the although he mostly had a good spring the he’s only 510 that worked against him in the Johnny Wilson situation that would work against a lot of players but especially him only being 5’10 as opposed to key who’s like 62 61 quinan quinan right around there as well I’m going to go with Rogers because I think he has a legitimate chance to start I think the veteran might have the edge with fangio uh and the way this coaching staff has hasn’t always like loved playing young guys and the fact that Cooper de jeene could have a role as a nickel wherever I feel like they’re going to fit him in somewhere so I will get some kind of snaps there maybe not the ceiling isn’t as high there but I think there’s like a there’s an easier floor to reach with Cooper to jeene snaps so I’m going to go with the combo of Rogers into Jee over key and quinon yeah I mean I know that that Vic fangio might lean towards the veteran but I mean we’re talking about a guy just investment wise who was signed as a like a hope in a prayer versus a guy who they traded a third round pick to draft and a guy who they drafted in the first round yeah I just the long term I’m going to bet against that okay uh well today’s real estate market is ultra competitive and prospective home buyers perhaps just like you are missing out on opportunities to win the perfect home but why well it’s because you don’t have mortgage CS in your corner it might be news to you but the mortgage company you choose matters more than ever even if you are already in the market you can still explore your options with mortgage CS this 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see it with noobe which is like a long time and maybe it’s taking maybe this this is the year he takes off but coming off the two foot injuries not even being guaranteed to start based on what we saw so far in Spring practices and I know you know maybe working his way back in there a little bit I just I feel like I’m comfortable betting against him and if he proves me wrong great for him but I can’t I can’t put any faith in him I know it’s a low number but I’m going to take the under on it yeah I made it one and a half Oh no you’re taking the over then oh so you’re taking the do you think there will be more games at least two games in which he’s active but not a starter betting against noov Dean yes um I made it want to happy because I think there’s a chance of like a like a Kenny gainwell week one thing from last year we’re like what are they doing where you know Vic fio lets Zack Bond play I think it’s more likely that he’s displaced by like a trade acquisition or something like that or maybe somebody who they sign later I don’t believe that they’re really going to play Zack Bon or Orin Burks over in Dean if NCO Dean is healthy then again if he gets hurt again then maybe he comes back and he doesn’t have a he doesn’t have a job so I actually I think you’re making the smart bet but I’m going to take the under just because I I don’t know that they have somebody they can really play over him although maybe it’s Jeremiah tro JR this is a deep cut I like a Brandon Smith he’s kind of like really like deep you know very deep cut don’t even know if he’ll meet the roster but had a good special teams tackle last year saw some things in practice he was running with the twos I think with noobe at points and spring practices so much different body type I say their biggest linebacker like I think I just believe in the size a little bit uh so you’re biased I it’s name is Brandon too so you know big Brandon all right I’ll go against you on that one although I yeah I mean I I would say I’m generally fading to Kobe Dean a little bit but yeah I think that’s fine over to you I’m GNA go with in the color scheme of the phy Eagles podcast the Kelly Green Eagles announced their kelly green games last week we have at least at least two in theory there could be three right probably just two they announced the two which were week nine against the Jaguars and week 17 against the Cowboys they went two and0 in their Kelly Green last year wins over the Dolphins and bills I’m going to set Eagles wins with kelly green jerseys this year at one and a half are you taking the over or under I mean a objectively you should take the under because you pretend that every every game is close to 50/50 so it’s more likely they’re going to go one-on-one uh Cowboys should be good I don’t think they’re going to lose that Jaguars game I’m gonna take the under just because that’s what the math tells me tells me to do I’m gonna go over because it’s a superpower C green looks great it looks great it does look great I think the players get excited I think they like it I think there’s uh something to them having the juice for those games I don’t don’t worry about them coming flat in the Kelly Green game uh so and they’re big games and I can’t hate on the team too much or else everyone’s going to get mad at me in the comments so I’m gonna say over uh on the one and a half Nick serani oh over under 05 apologies for his sideline Behavior this season so yeah how are we constituting this like like publicly like he he actually has to do it he has in a press conference he can’t be it’s not like it’s not he’s not like reading like I am so sorry but he’s like yeah I shouldn’t have done that like I I overreacted it’s not like schfer reported he apologized he has to be a firsthand account yeah but but in a press conference yeah or uh even caught on mic or something like that sure he he he walks back something that he’s done on the sideline well okay uh well on Mike opens it up to like he’s he’s apologizing in Mass it’s not just like to one player right maybe like I think he might yeah that’s fair fair okay um I’m take over because I think you lur talked about that at the owner meetings like and I think you know he can’t fully I want to say he can’t control himself but I think he does get emotional worked up naturally yeah I mean I don’t think that he can fully control himself in those situations and I think you know uh again it’s natural I think there will be a time he’s more cognizant of it and he does have to he does apologize at some point I’m going to go over with you just because this one this one’s hard to litigate and so if we’re on the same side then there’s less uh less fuzziness uh I have a few more here uh I’m bouncing around got uh Eagles kick return touchdowns they haven’t had one since 2016 do you know who did it 2016 who can you name oh yeah two can name now that’s the year that I was not paying paying attention as much 2016 would it have been Darren sprouls it was another Chip Kelly favorite who not Chris pulk that was that was earlier who played at the college he coached oh Kenyan Barner no no uh not Bryce Huff oh Josh off Jos uh yeah so half you know shooring the new kickoff rule in here do they have their first kickoff return touchdown since 2016 I’m going to say under the safe bet I’m going to go for fun I’m going to root for it that’ll be a fun thing to for and then when it happens you can tweet me it’ll be good yeah the smart B is under I literally have underwritten down here but that’s not fun to to bet against so I’m going to go over okay uh how Roseman on the fire here uh the round the highest round of a draft pick included in a how Roseman trade from now until the trade deadline coming or going four and a half so over would be like three through one or a four okay yeah four four sorry four through one so will how Roseman the same will he trade a third or fourth round pick at the deadline to get a guy he’s dying to light a pick on fire at the deadline dying to obviously how he’s done a lot of good with the deadline stuff man it’s been it’s been rough other than what like the J trade really and things that you really like yes or think it’s a win uh they traded a fourth for jard Avery so like sorry jard but and we know we know you’re watching the the bar is not very high to clear here I’m going to say yes absolutely over I think technically this would be under because we’re talking about the number but yes I agree with you say yeah tra one through four I agree with you and I think that this is part of the like actual roster planning that they have like at wide receiver if a wide receiver gets hurt one of those guys we talked about then I think they’re going to be ready to to trade one of those picks and you know they they they acquired one over the course of the draft so they have a bit of a surplus here I will I will agree with you I think that H Roseman will be sending out a fourth round pick this year yeah I think those extra picks they got weren’t just about we love the 2025 class it’s like this is good ammo for us to have for a team that’s in their Super Bowl there are there are a few important places where they are shallow tight end as well um and so I think I think that this is a real thing and it’s a buyer Market apparently like a lot of these veteran trades right like I mean although less so at the deadline usually it costs more at the deadline but yes how so this is from now until then yes okay uh all right another trade one for you oh okay true or false Hassan reic trade conditions are met for the pick elevation so that is oh what is it so what the Eagles get right now no matter what is the 2026 third round pick unless reic plays 67.5% of the Jets defensive snaps plus has at least 10 sacks in 2024 does he meet both of those conditions does that pick good second I say no that even when it came out that that percentage is so high and that was also like I think right around where the like I think I forget which of the Jets defensive end was it might have been John Franklin Myers who was like right around there he was like right just around there so was re like coming in and like being the top guy definitely this year and staying healthy and I’m G to go true because I think R’s a great player um I didn’t love the trade I got to say I understand I understand the reasoning how dare you you don’t understand how dare you apparently not yeah that’s that’s definitely when you know too you’ve made a move you’re in love with defensive it completely triggered yeah I’m going to go over it’s also kind of a funny thing because it’s like usually you know you trade a player away you’re like you you don’t want that player to do well right that stinks right uh but it’s like you’re actually going to be like please reic do well do good uh so I’m gonna say true that does convey I do think it’s an important part of fandom uh that there’s always some trade condition to root for or against like you know whether it’s a a team to do worse or or something to to hit and it’s always good just have something else to keep your mind occupied on Sundays the Eagles have been great with that in recent years sa and whatnot yeah how many more do you have I have two more all right I’ll give you two more as well uh let’s see I’m GNA give you Cooper deine we talked about him a little bit over under 33 and a half 33.3% of the defensive snaps that’s a good number that’s a good buer last year was at 30% even though uh no not bued uh what’s his face the nickel the nickel the new the who only shows up on Prime Time the old nickel uh Bradley Roy Bradley Roy yeah I’m going to go I think I have to go under I think it’s going to be right I think this is a great line I think it’s going to be like 34 or 32 it’s going to be like right just right around there I he’s gonna have a role he’s gonna play on defense they seem to I mean Jeffrey lurry you know thrilled uh to be drafting him I think he’s going to have a role but I don’t know quite how big it’s going to be because I still think they like ion a lot too not so much that Cooper deene can’t unseat him but not that that’s also just guaranteed and also um there’s just so many cornerbacks on this roster so many corner there’s so many that like what if they’re trying to find a role for Mitchell and that kind of eats into playing time for deene or yeah I’m gonna go under on that okay I’m gonna go over he was Vick’s guy he’s gonna find he had a specific thing in mind for him potentially and I like Avante too but Avante does get hurt soes get hurt I will take I will take the over on Cooper uh my penultimate one here is Eagles undrafted rookie fre agents on the week one roster so not necessarily making the original 53 but like it’s game day okay week one this player doesn’t necessarily have to play in the game but they are on on the active roster not not an elevation I literally wrote here not including practice squad elevation that would not count so you know with cvy whatever in the past like that wouldn’t count but I will say the context here and I have it at one a half so basically just one the context here is the Eagles have had a udfa on every week one roster dating back to 2013 except for the co year in 2020 which was you know a very unique circumstance in a lot of ways eag the only team the only people uh negatively impacted by Co famously um but yeah they’ve had at least one in 2022 they also had three so uh it’s usually just one couple years where it was two uh but usually definitely at least one over or under it does seem like there are a slightly fewer roster spots to be won at the moment um and you know they spent so much time talking about how shallow this draft class was like it was not a great draft class but I’m going to take the over I think I think they like to be able to tell that story as well like it’s it helps with recruiting undrafted free agents in the future if you can have a guy um and I think part of the reason that they didn’t have a guy in the co year is because there were no preseason games yeah so there was no there was no concern of like you the league got to see this guy on tape you need to keep him in order the in to keep him this year there are going to be preseason games somebody will pop somehow and so I I’ll go ahead and take the over call your shot who is it or who do you think has the best chance I think and if you need me to buy you time just one sec I’m gonna say if I had to pick a guy right now I think I probably would go Dana oh you like a Dana I like a Dana um I mean Gabe Hall is probably the betting favorite I like Gabe Hall they are they are pretty light at defensive tackle depthwise so especially if there’s an injury there that’s that’s a good bet yeah and then I think uh I think Andre Sam has a shot I like an Andre Sam too especially I mean they only have three safeties you would say are locks right now right is it Andre Sam or is it Sam Andre I think it’s same Andre that’s right uh okay what are you what are you taking on this one I think I have to go under just because I don’t it’s a smaller class uh the actual draft class is larger the draft class is larger udfa class was small I when I did my latest 53 man roster projection coming out of the spring I don’t think I had went on there things can change in training camp injuries can happen but I think it’s going to take something like that I think as it’s currently constituted I think Sam like has the best chance from like yeah they only have three safeties you feel like are definitely locks but they could sign Simmons they could sign um uh Eddie Jackson they could bring in someone there maybe not for week one maybe after week one but I think I have to lean under just because I don’t know exactly who it would be but I do agree I think gab Gabe Hall is Andre Sam we’re kind of looking at that okay all right my last one is uh not the most interesting but it’s a fun one to track potentially Bryce Huff fourth quarter Sachs three I mean if this was red it could be easy it’s closer clutch uh three even three even wow you don’t have going to do like three I guess I should made it two and a half because then it’s it’s a 10 sacks you’re dividing by four but I do think that maybe some sacks happen more in the fourth quarter because there’s no running game to worry about often times I’m G to go under I think uh it’s not that I’m down on Bryce Huff but it’s just kind of we haven’t seen this player be a full-time player yet so I don’t know exactly what that looks like um I do think they’re going to be good this year as a team so that in theory the opportunity should be there to to kind of tee off on other quarterbacks to get the over three but I guess like again I was familiar with reic I knew he could come up in those big moments I don’t know that about Bryce hu yet I haven’t seen enough Jets games to know that for sure yeah well they haven’t been in enough close games I’m also sure I don’t know those situations have existed so I want to go lean under here okay I’ll take the over just for fun bet on Bryce off uh coming in proving to be a good investment why not I chose that in the end instead of uh combinations of head coach and coordinator over the course of the season one and a half um I guess I would go under there I think you have to but it’s a possibility all right what’s your last one worth bringing up my last one is Eagles playoff wins one and a half buys don’t count obviously yeah win like have to win a game under wow it’s not fun but I mean overwhelmingly the odds would be in that favor so I’m gonna have to do that I’m also going under I think they get one if you gave me half I’d go over and half I think they win a playoff game but two tough I think that’s the thing I I believe big picture here to make it about serani for a second I don’t think it’s like eag’s going to be a disaster this year and you can clip this for when that happens and then throw it in my face I guess although I don’t think you’ll want to do that I think it’s more about the ceiling what is the ceiling with Nick serani my big issue with him is I wonder she always likes to phrase it how does a coach give the team an edge never heard of that person but and they’ they’ve uh obviously won a lot under serani I don’t think it’s that he’s terrible but I don’t think and and I’m scarred by the Super Bowl and I know ultimately and Zach’s not here so I can say this it’s obviously Jonathan ganon’s fault but the the not going for it on the fourth down and not only not going for it in that situation and having like the game awareness of you just allowed two 70 or five or whatever 70 yard scoring drives and you’re putting the game in the hands of your sorry to relitigate this your your punter who was injured and your defensive coordinator who was struggling over your MVP quarterback is like looking awesome I just don’t like love that conceptually and also his defense of that yeah I think when you maybe asked about it afterwards was like 32 out of 32 coaches would have done that and that really lost me at that moment CU I was just like 32 of 32 coaches don’t win the Super Bowl every year like they haven’t been doing this all year long and yeah exactly so anyway uh I feel good about the team’s floor I guess I feel good about the Eagles floor their ceiling I just think I don’t know if serani can give them the edge to get over the top it’s interesting I actually feel the opposite huh uh not from a serani standpoint from but from a I I think think this team has a huge variance like I think the floor is pretty low um just because we’ve talked about like the frankensteining of the coaching staff like there’s a chance that none of this stuff works at all just turns into a disaster I mean they were the they were probably the worst team in football over the last month of the season right that’s a pretty low floor right um and I think the ceiling is pretty high because if if all of their Stars stay healthy they should be among the most talented you know starting 22s in the NFL and if Jaylen Herz can play like he played in that Super Bowl then they could win the Super Bowl sure but I think there is a real chance of like things bottoming out potentially if things don’t start well and then you get to a situation like the end of last year and and everybody’s just sort of out on the coach I think that’s possible definitely there’s I said It reminds me a little bit of 2020 in the too many cooks kind of deal like there’s there’s an element it’s not the exact same but there’s an element of that that worries me and the feel um and a little just like too good to be true of like well we got Vic fio so that fixes it and we got K Moore so that fixes it it’s definitely fixed that was the only issue I think you know when we look when we talk about the 2023 eag goals and what went wrong I think um you know sha Desi and Brian Johnson get a little too much blame relative to um I think what actually why well certainly Desi as far as I’m concerned I yeah I especially Desi I would say actually but uh yeah yeah I agree with that um this was a really football heavy episode I know disappointing July 1 I know is there is there some non- Eagles Take you’d like to get off your chest oh a bunch yeah um off the top of my head um I did see someone I’m I’m pulling a Zach here reading the comments and maybe much here yeah I don’t even know that Zach does this during the show so you’re you’re one uping him someone asked me to name my top five Food Cities oh that’s good I don’t know if I have a top five but I love Chicago if I don’t if I didn’t live in Philadelphia I think I would I would live in Chicago great City the Winn that seems untenable yeah but legitimately Great Food City um don’t have a soft spot for their sports or anything really but just I think it’s it’s a beautiful city and uh so I’m Pro Chicago here all right this question was asked to me we know we live close to each other see around the neighborhood every now and then uh someone’s coming to Philadelphia yeah I want you to I want you to set them up for uh dinner Friday night okay uh breakfast Saturday morning I love this dinner Saturday night and then lunch Sunday before they get out of town so four meals two dinners a a breakfast and a lunch um I’m a little biased here and obviously not everyone has access to this if you happen to know someone who can get into py Social Club it’s a great spot to go to it’s not for everyone’s access so if you didn’t have that somehow I would say saloon the strong okay a good alternative um that’s for Friday dinner Saturday breakfast yeah one of the weekends as a breakfast one is a lunch okay yeah let’s do one breakfast I’m going to go I’ll do a same Morning Glory okay I think their their biscuit uh phenomenal and also like it’s it’s I feel usually easier to get in there as opposed to some other places are like mobed I feel like typically you can get in there even if there is a weight it’s been reasonable for me um it’s a good hot spot you’re by the Italian market too it’s just a good area I think in general to be in um you have to do Angelos at some point I mean they’re that’s the suay and pizza John are my 1 a 1B in some order probably that order in some order in terms of like faor Philly pizza okay Elite cheese steak is obviously great at Angelos I’m a wood Rose guy that’s my cheese steak I would say you have to go to Wood Rose on South Street um and then what was the last one one more dinner another dinner so I did Italian so I don’t want to double up on that you could do a second lunch if you’d rather do that this is tough this is see this is getting it’s tough because then now I’m naring it down do you have anywhere you’ve been recently that you like that you can buy me time to think of that’s a good question I have a list I will say I I haven’t been recently but I would like to go later this summer uh because last summer the uh the summer menu at river twice you were yes is like the best meal that I’ve had in in at least a year um probably more so that would be my that would be my go-to but I don’t I don’t know what the best one I’ve had recently um and I kind of you know like zahav and like that’s all kind of you want to give it a little yeah yeah uh and also harder to get into potentially I’m gonna go royal Sushi I think Royal Sushi is fantastic I I love a restaurant that has a menu with the pictures it’s huge for me I want I need to see it I have to see what I’m getting uh Royal Sushi every time I go there I feel like I don’t go there enough it’s fantastic um haven’t gotten into the exclusive omasi in the back yet which I hear great things about but don’t even need to I mean if you can great but Royal Sushi is fantastic and you’ve kept you’ve kept them in the nice neighborhood here you’ve done a good job I did all right so if you do that tour you as a chance you to see blg Super Chat from Jaylen all day all sicko di mad day who says Zack Zack Z Zack z z Zack so if Zack made it this far on the episode that’ll be a nice pleasant surprise for him uh all right uh that’ll do it for this episode of the PHL y Eagles podcast blg tell the listeners if they are new to you where they can read you listen to you watch you smell you got the logo on the Hat right here yeah there the close-up so you can see a little bit better is where you can check me out also on Twitter Instagram Brandon gon on the podcast front on our side who knows what the future holds fingers crossed hope to have news for people uh what is dead may never die and everything uh so we’ll see stay tuned and uh we’ll see okay sounds good uh we will be back tomorrow at noon Zach and I undertaking the flit Squad draft wherein we draft rosters based on the actual Eagles roster we’ll see who comes out on the other side see how much Zach’s willing to pound the table for will Shipley uh and then back on Wednesday at noon with handsome rich and then on Friday or off Thursday for the 4th Friday is Zack and Rich at noon so noon the rest of the week thanks everybody for watching and listening most of all thanks to blg for coming into the studio and spending his time with us check out the article on if you want to play along on these over runds and as always we love [Applause] you like May

It’s the heat of the silly season, so we’ve invited a friend along to play a game. Brandon Lee Gowton of Bleeding Green Nation joins the PHLY Eagles podcast for a round of made-up over/unders about the Eagles’ 2024 season. Will Jalen Hurts improve his TD-INT ratio? Will Tanner McKee throw a pass? Will the triumvirate of head coach and coordinators remain the same all year long?

Join BLG and Bo Wulf for a fun July episode on Paul George Day.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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