What are the Cleveland Cavaliers free agency plans + Cleveland Guardians make major rotation moves

What are the Cleveland Cavaliers free agency plans + Cleveland Guardians make major rotation moves

e right now you are roing with the best n n like right now you rocking with the best n n like right now rock with the best n he like right now you rocking with the best w like right now you rocking with the best w Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd plus da da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show Starts Now booah welcome everyone to a Monday edition of the ultimate Cleveland sports show along with G Bush tyus Powell Mikey McNuggets for 30 minutes and then he goes uh gallivanting off to the Cavs uh it’s the ultimate Cleveland sports show I’m out in the bull it’s a Monday I’m not used to being here on Monday we haven’t had four chairs here in Forever we’ve got Earl and Anthony behind the glass no Steve today he’s speaking of galivan thing what’s he doing is he on another the cruise is he in Seattle he’s in Seattle oh Seattle that’s right he somewhere we’re both going to Seattle this month later everybody’s on vacation somewhere with a t-shirt tucked in some jeans this week you funny no like cargo jean shorts is is he still wearing them same Sketchers oh no them boys is getting all the Run Steve’s the only one that he dress I he only has one pair of shoes there’s no way he’s got two pairs of sneakers I don’t think Steve would wear cargo shorts with them Sketchers yes he would oh yeah and and high white socks maybe I’m giving them too much credit I don’t how why sucks have you seen the only thing missing the pocket protector the next time I see next week when I see Steve I’mma ask him to roll his PS leg up I need to know if he got I got to know if he wear hot white socks hey don’t do this at work hey hey roll your pants up real quick but uh I’m just happy to be here cuz I i’ I was sick yeah I had a fever I I started not feeling great Thursday when I left the show and then Thursday night I got a fever and I and on Friday I was feeling terrible and I said Steve you got to have a plan B for me on Monday we don’t have a plan B he’s like there’s no plan B everybody else is either out of town I’m like I don’t want to get everybody sick know there’s hopefully I’ll feel better well plan B yeah everything’s legal now uh but I by finally by yesterday morning my fever broke and I felt a little better yesterday and I felt feel totally better but true story Plan B was to do a two person show it was which which we did with Jay and Jason you mean to tell would have been just me and G yeah what been just you and G well I I uh a good show if it were Friday or Saturday it would have had to be because I could not have work Friday or Saturday but I I Knew by yesterday I was going to be okay so there will always be a ucss by the way if there is a show scheduled for that day now holidays and stuff if we don’t have a show we don’t have a show it is what it is but there will never be a time where we say we’re going to be on 11 to1 and Technology cooperates enough that we will not have somebody out here right it could be Anthony for 2 hours by himself oh my God painful no that’d be great actually I would we will have a show that you could mark my we will have a show we should have one day the panel should be uh Anthony Steve director Steve and then uh like one of the other nerds that comes in here to do stuff like one of the it guys you’re not a nerd Anthony I’m just saying one of the other nerds like one of the there’s all kinds of guys that come in here they you know I don’t know maybe those guys know Sports I don’t know but we a real rown like we have to give him a real rundown like it’s a Tuesday or Thursday like like we want to analyze Tristan McKenzie spin rate yeah but I want director Steve to do it yeah that would be I mean I think we should and then the next day we should have one of tyus daughters my son and Jason son and see which show is better oh man they trying to get my daughter to sit still she my daughter is shy so she’ll see that camera good on her and she’ll just act like she Aaron would entertain her he’s really good with little kids he’s good he makes the wife but she speaks clear though you actually understand what she say how old is Aaron he’s 11 how old is your daughter she’ll be four next Monday oh okay yeah there’s a difference there that is a kid with a kid but she acts D she acts like 14 now my daughter my daughter acts way older than three years old so yeah he he takes care of like he now is like kind of babysitting the Kids on the Block not like really babysitting but like he play he plays with his buddy who lives next door and they like play with some of the younger kids on the street and they like watch out for them and all that stuff you’re you’re not playing the video game right unplug his controller and then just get your money off they think they playing get out of here he a’t playing he was teaching this little kid on our block Nick who’s like I think he’s five or six he was teaching him how to throw a baseball the other day it was it was really cute anyway lot to get to today Earl we’ll check in with Earl for the first time what’s up Earl what’s up boy how you feeling how was your weekend well besides being sick uh it was nice and relaxing how about everybody else everybody else have a nice we you have a nice weekend I work like I always do I work too and I work five I man I don’t know when the next time I’m getting the day off I just man I went I I I I reshipped my closet around yeah and and then I had some more Range Rover sagas we got we got to talk to them that’s never going to end no this Hey listen we we we we going to come to a resolution you about the part ways with the ain’t no part ways we about to we about to go on the offensive we going we going yeah this boy out there I see them in the back I just like this is crazy I finally talked to him we gonna see what they talking about speaking of I went I seen this video on uh Cleveland remembrance page you somebody got robbed downtown by like right by the station right yeah I got my car Rob no no this was this was that was it was a girl in the with his girlfriend yeah with his girl they pulled up up the fire on him hey give take all this you take it not worth my life W have I have I told the story about when my car got stolen by the radio station no somebody stole the car I’ve never told the story Anthony oh I did Anthony says I told yeah yeah and then I you yeah I remember yours you chased them down he got hit by a car yeah yeah no they used my car to to drive through a wall of a grocery hey getting crazy out here this was a while ago gez anyway Earl what what do you got for us to get us going here we got a lot to talk about the Guardians had one of their worst weekends of the year ever Tristan I don’t ever but certainly of the Year Tristan McKenzie sent down to the miners we’ll hit a little bit on the Browns an interesting article from the 33rd team that we’ll get on later uh but obviously a lot of Cavs to do with the free agency starting go ahead Earl all right BU as you know man I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with Boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long head over to fanduel.com youss and start making most of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball uh before we no no no before let’s get right into the Cavs um so free agency started unofficially at 6 PM yesterday guys that was the time where teams could negotiate it’s like the tampering period in the NFL the differ like everything else unfortunately for the NBA and certainly for Major League Baseball the NFL does everything better than Major League Baseball and the NBA ba whereas the N NFLs has like 48 Hours of tampering and everything that happens in that 48 hours is legit the NBA it’s like it’s a week now before anything official can happen we have these announcements sometimes guys reneg we’ve seen that before it happens every once in a blue moon in the NFL but I I don’t know I I don’t know why they do it that way but it is what it is the bottom line is there’s been a lot of action guys but the Cavs to this point have not been involved in anything including a couple of important moves to determine where their cap stands signing Donovan Mitchell and Evan mle before we get into the emotion and the reaction to the nothing they’ve done Mike give us a little background as to why it’s important why there is time sensitivity to the Donovan Mitchell and Evan Mobley potential extensions yeah it’s important that the Cavs get some sort of clarity on what’s happening with those two in particular because entering the off season if you add all their salaries up and include Isaac aoro and that who’s now a restricted free agent because they they extended the qualifying offer the Cavs have a mid-level exception to use to sign a free agent now the mid-level exception varies from anywhere around 4 million to about 13ish 14 million that you can use but the Cavs will not go into the second apron of the luxury tax this offseason there is a 0.0% chance the Cavs enter that second apron so until they have some clarity on the final numbers of Donovan’s extension and Evans extension and even Jared Allen who’s extension eligible now they don’t know how much of that mid-level exception they can use without putting them in the second apron which then comes with some severe and legitimately harsh penalties at the Cavs and other teams around the NBA really don’t want any business dealing with so until they get an answer on hey Donovan you’re getting the max you taking the full Max which I fully expect him to do hey Evan are you taking the full Max or you going to take something slightly less we saw Scotty Barnes in Toronto signed his rookie Max up to 279 we saw Kate Cunningham sign his for a tiny bit less tiny bit less but still in the max range those little bit less can equal a few more dollars for the Cavs to use in free agency on that mid-level exception so until we get some sort of clarity on what Donovan and Evan and even potentially Jared Allen do the Cavs are kind of hamstrung and handcuffed in terms of signing free agents which is a bummer because we’re seeing other teams in the East improve and there’s still some guys on the board who the Cavs should be able to Target but those names are falling off the list pretty quickly now what wasn’t it Evan that said he wants the full rookie Max or nothing at all or something like that he don’t want to talk unless it’s there are levels to the max but yeah he’s going to get I don’t know has he said that publicly or is that just that was what everybody believes Windor said he heard that that is where it started but he hasn’t come out public and said that so I I guess the question I have is again I I’ve been talking about planning for six to eight months you know you you’ve had an opportunity to to figure out who the head coach was the Cavs had the longest head coach Church um you’ve had a long time to look at who the free agents are and you’ve had a lot of time to negotiate deals with the guys that you you have my question is it seems that other teams around the league are getting those things done and the Cavs are still sitting here late doing a a press run on the coach when time is of the essence yeah Mike you were giving them a pass for that the Cavs made a mistake they should have anoun they should have done this announcement over during the week or even on the weekend who cares um with press the first day of free agency shouldn’t be when you’re having a press conference for the coach well Atkinson’s been in Paris with the French national team he just got back to Cleveland this weekend so don’t do a press conference today I mean I think that’s fair put it off I mean whatever you talk to him whenever like what I asked you before the show we were we were all chatting on the phone I said are there any other players on any other the teams in similar boats to Donovan Mitchell and Evan Mobley that have not signed their extensions that teams are expecting to sign like the Cavs and you said no well Green in Houston yeah is in the same situation that Moy is yeah the top four picks in that draft are four of the five okay Kate Cunningham who signed his rookie match Jaylen green who’s second who has not signed yet okay but who wants a match but Houston’s got a lot of cap space don’t they yes but they have a bunch of guys they have to sign so they’re they’re in the decision process three Moy hasn’t signed four Scotty Barnes has signed so two of the top four picks but Houston’s also not in win now mode as a team but neither’s Toronto or Detroit okay my point is that the cabs are in win mode wi now mode right I I see what you’re saying yeah you’re right and they can’t afford to have holdups now the reality is they’re not going to be involved in any big- time free agents anyway yeah but there’s a list of you know lower tier free agents that the C should be involved with and they may lose their opportunity to be involved with some of those guys they lost out on one this morning already who we’ll talk about in a sec but I don’t have a good answer to why Donovan and the Cavaliers have not come to some sort of yeah what is happening they were able to start this negotiation period legally speaking I’m sure all season they’ve been talking but from the legal according to the NBA by lines and and rule book the day after the finals ended Donovan and the Cavs could start talking on extension Pascal sakam in Indiana signed his $189 million extension which is not the full Max but it’s close the day after the finals ended yeah within 2 24 hours of that open Period that happened that was June 18th it is now July 1st yeah they were out in Los Angeles all weekend with Donovan at his Elite High School Camp I don’t really know what the negotiation is because I’m sure it’s thus you want the max yeah it’s not hey we’re arguing over speculation do we think Donovan’s holding it up I have I how come there’s been no reporting on the Moy extension I don’t have a good they were Moy was out there in LA with him this weekend so I I don’t have a good answer to that side of it but it is weird that there hasn’t been any type of known progress made on an extension that we all know is going to be the max it’s not like a negotiating a certain amount of money the thing the thing about this whole thing is that it’s it’s holding everything else up like like we everybody else is getting better and we still stuck on we we got a done which is the coach now we still stuck on B while everybody else is making their team better you watched two of the one of the teams that you got to compete with in the East make splash moves make big moves now granted they got they got who’s the third Philly kcp that’s that’s a big I was arguing with somebody on Twitter they trying to act like that’s a nothing move the thing with Orlando they got better because kcp is a champion kcp can guard different positions and he’s a shooter the thing that kept us between the only reason Orlando lost that Siri is is they couldn’t buy a bucket down the stretch up 20 they need a point guard too right I mean but you’re right timely they couldn’t shoot B Carol had no help in that series now and they still pushed it to seven games we’re going to talk about the big picture Cavs roster in a sec but you mentioned T there are some guys on the board whenever the Cavs do decide to dip their toe in for agency who can improve this roster now it’s not going to be the same level Improvement as a Paul George or a male Bridges or a kcp the Cavs aren’t shopping in that bin but there are guys available unsigned at this moment 11:15 on Monday morning who can help the cat and I know we’re going to talk about some of those guys who we think fit best with the C’s current roster so bu you want to tus go who you pickus well I had two out of the names that we had all to choose from the two guys you want to read the names real quick yeah read the names so I just picked it from Chris fedor’s article yesterday on potential targets I think he did a pretty good job covering all the bases I asked you to pick a name from this list buddy hee Malik Beasley Gary Trent Jr Nick Batum sadique Bay Kelly UB Jr who has already signed and gone back to Philadelphia Luke Canard precious atua dariio sarich and Jaylen Smith Smith was my pick we made stats and a canva for him this morning he signed with Chicago about an hour and a half ago so he’s off the board so out of those guys who do you got going I went with either Malik Beasley or buddy Hill the reason I went with Malik Beasley is because at a at a time last year I think he had one of the highest rated 3point percentages and he was doing well now towards the end of the season he kind of disappeared from the bucks but he still provides that shooting that you need and he’s a proven shooter um buddy Hill is another guy that’s a shooter that obviously when he went to Philly he took a lot of shot big volume shooter I mean he shoots a ton of them but he can’t he has the ability to knock those Downs you know in big moments I think that when you think about the Cavs last season it got to points of the game where they got real stagnant nobody could buy a bucket you think about the Orlando losses nobody could buy a bucket um you need somebody that can come in maybe Off the Bench bench maybe even if he is a starter that can come in there and just get a spark just just one you need to see somebody make it and I look at buddy Hill he could be kind of like a JR Smith not with the dunan athleticism but with the fact that when he gets hot he he can be streaky and I feel like you can add that to there and he can be a success and help you win a ton of games so him and Malik Beasley both have good three-point percentages that can come in there and get you some buckets Off the Bench I did see by the way the Nicks lost Isaiah hardenstein he went to OKC great great signing for the sun listen listen the Kelly UB would thing would hurt me a little bit bro I I I like his athleticism he always plays well against the Cavs so he’s off the B off the board Smith is off the board today so listen I’ve always said I like buddy heeld I like the fact that he can shoot I mean he’s going to give you that that that spark Off the Bench I mean he’s not no grade A Elite defender or anything like that but the thing that you really want is you need guys to be able to come off and do something when when George Nang was hitting shots couldn’t offer you nothing else right saman Maro couldn’t hit a shot after after the allstar Break um buddy hild is a guy that that is a a a Bonafide scor in the league um he’s he’s more athletic than people give him credit for he could at least put the ball on the floor a few times and pull up so I out of those names which you know don’t really mov too much to needle for the Cavs I think Buddy Hill to me is the best option he was the guy I chose also but Mike I want your take on this because I was reading that a lot of people thought when he went to Philly he’d be really good on a good team and then it didn’t really turn out to be the case he’s he’s a fine player he’s just a guy who uh provides not a ton of playmaking yeah he’s just a scorer he’s a guy you put in he’s going to get shots you you have to run stuff for him but if he has the ball the chances of it getting kicked backed out are pretty slim in the way Philly played which is a lot of ball reversals because they want to get you on one side of Court than having be go to the other side reverse it around so he gets a more favorable uh post up it just I didn’t think it was a great fit but he can shoot like there’s no doubt about if you’re looking for probably the most prolific scoring option out of that group yeah it is Buddy Hill he wasn’t my first choice but I understand the the the idea and the reason you be excited about but when you think about if Kenny ainson is coming over here with some of that Golden State offense then him or Malik Beasley be perfect you know you got guys that’s running motion that’s running through screens and you setting up plays like that I like you you absolutely would take that these guys is knockdown Shooters so if you got guys that’s running through screens and they going to catch it and shoot then those two are perfect options he’s a better player than stru right who buddy buddy heal yeah maybe offensively he not he doesn’t defend at all yeah offensively they’re they’re they’re in the same vein guys I think and I can’t believe I’m saying this because I’ve been so like I don’t want to watch the Cavs play and I hate the regular season and I I feel the same way but and and G is going to hate me for this it’s it breaks my heart to say this with him here oh man but the Cav’s best course of action at least it seems well yeah is to stay with the core 4 and I don’t even like saying core 4 there still could be a trade here but there could be but free agency is not the way to upgade there could be Mike but the reality is that Darius garland does not have much trade value yeah but you can’t trade him at Pennies on the dollar and Chris Paul just went to the San Antonio Spurs that was one of the places that you could have at least thought like that that they could have got vassel and some picks may but that he’s not long he’s not a longterm option I I get that my my thought this is the problem I don’t think real quick I don’t think Chris Paul takes the Spurs out of the darus Scarlet sup stti yeah it’s not a long time I mean it’s not a good thing it ain’t like it ain’t like oh this is great for the Cavs like I’m not but I’m just saying I don’t think it completely says hey we’re set at point guard for the time moving forward but I listen I agree with you it doesn’t help their chances I think the best chance it doesn’t take them off and maybe nobody believes I don’t even know if this is realistic and maybe you guys don’t think it is I I’m not sure I think the best chance for the Cavs to be a legit contender in the East is that they find the right coach which we don’t know yet and he makes the current not that they shouldn’t get better around these four guys obviously they have to but he gets the most possible out of these four guys together I think that that’s probably the best course of action and maybe that’s not good enough I don’t know I’m I’m definitely not an authority on it but if if he if Kenny Atkinson and his staff can turn Evan Moy into an Allstar player then maybe running it back if you will again not whole roster but with these four guys is the best way to go I I I don’t see a better option obvious option the problem with it all is that that’s the only option left that they came into this with that same mindset you know everybody talked about how we should blow it up how we should switch the front Court how we should trade one of the back court players but in their mind they kept saying that they wanted to keep it together and their action showed that now they have no choice cuz it’s getting thin out there you have no choice but the running back and hope that the coach does make a difference self sabotage at is greatest well that’s what it is see y’all thought y’all was smart y see this is why the Duke of new jerk this why y’all give me these names y’all thought go ahead what you got to say before we get into that next topic let me just ask you all one question to finish this out of the names that we’ve talked about the free that seems to be linked to the Cleveland Cavaliers does any of these guys move the needle for you all at all as far as roster Improvement no it does not move the needle enough to surpass some of the other teams in the East that have made legitimate legitimate additions but no the one guy on the list that we didn’t mention yet that I I actually think does fit is Nick patum who is older and is by no means I am not he is not Paul George he is not male Bridges he is not in that like like I’m not trying to however however he is a 69ine guy who brings playoff experience and can shoot to put alongside either Mo around at the five of that list he’s my favorite J’s about to go off on a rant that I wanted to heal come on let her get the read and then we the because we got to set up the rant though with a quot we got to set it up about to go off it’s 220 is the quote by the way all right y this next segment is brought To Us by our sponsor better help sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased on your life so today I want to say how I really feel about something you might even be thinking about the same thing this week therapy can be different for everyone most of us have bigger problems than our favorite sports team and it’s important to get things off your chest every once in a while if you’re thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entire it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suitable to your schedule all you got to do is visit betterhelp.com locked on to get 10% off your first month that’s better help hp.com locked on G let me set this up for you Chris Fedor of cleveland.com Cleveland Cavaliers beat writer wrote an article I want you to yeah take this quote and I’m going read this quote with you ready last summer has been this helped Cleveland is stay higher in the Eastern Conference advancing to the semifinals where it lost to the champion Celtics but the feeling around the organization this off season has been different there isn’t a glaring roster need the priority lies within their own so G the question is are you buying fedors claim that the Cavs don’t have a glaring KN fedor’s quote or or Kobe’s quote no that is Chris Fedor okay who wrote that in today’s it an article that came out yesterday I gotta clear the my mouth like right here pause PA super wow and with the zoom in too that that was oh God first and foremost I respect Chris Fedor he’s a longtime colleague good dude I respect his Craft um but in this business sometimes you got to call out what you got to call out that’s absolutely ridiculous I’ve never I don’t understand how you could write that um you know if that’s the way you feel about the situation I got a question what what’s going on in the building then because you’re selling me something this has always been a self-fulfilling prophecy they’ve never wanted to break up the core 4 they never wanted to move from them they didn’t even want to fire JB bigger staff we already know that it took them 10 years and they were mulling over it we we might want to just run it all the way back they had from the start sold us on we’ll change the coach but then give us another few more years to handle the core forward so we may be able to get better listen this is ridiculous and this is what happens when you don’t have any true expectations see when LeBron James was here he put you on notice I’m only signing one and plus OnePlus 1es and OnePlus twos and Donovan Mitchell if you watching this the reason he ain’t signed up for nothing this the reason his name on on dotted on ain’t on dotted line right now I wouldn’t sign nothing longer in 3 years you going to get a one plus one from me take it or leave it because I still have some leverage to put your cold in your feet to the fire when I see stupid things like this in what Universe can you say that everything in the building feels better this year how you just got gentleman sweat four games to one you your your your top second best player Darius Garland was a noow when your other two players Jared Allen and Donovan Mitchell were out he showed you nothing the whole they carry your team you got a 6’3 dude and Max stru who’s been a predominant [ __ ] player he’s on the bench now he’s a starter he’s he’s a starter all of a sudden you got 61 6163 and you telling me that’s not a high school back court I can go to to Kent McKinley St vinc St Mary’s and get me 266 dudes and you can’t find a wing now you tell me everything is ready to go and we don’t we we don’t have a feeling that nothing needs to be changed well guess what I’m sorry the rest of the league just keeps running circles around you cuz guess what Paul George is now playing with Philadelphia oh and by the way every time I hear people say about injuries in the core 4 it you can’t use injuries and say well the injuries hit us and and what if we’re what if we’re healthy next year well guess what what if Joel embiid is healthy next year what if Giannis is healthy next year what if Damen L is healthy last year what about what about uh Julius Randle what if he’s healthy what about porzingis didn’t even play the whole series and you got four games to one you sitting up here trying to play me like I’m stupid like I don’t got eyes like we just see you get smoked and the next then Nicks them them dudes bullied you when they didn’t have none of the new pieces how you plan on scoring with they just go get Bridges and and and and as CS fan we can’t hope this is what we do too much of we try to poke po and the moves of other people while they getting better and to make ourselves feel better it’s like you you trying to lose weight and you say well John over there he he lost he lost 30 pounds but he a lose it in the right areas though how many pounds you lose G bus for that don’t count you you talking about what the flaws for the Knicks is and they getting better you talking about Joel andb you talking about all these other guys the reality of this situation is there is no plan there hasn’t been a plan you were late to the party on the coach you were late to the party when it came to free agency and by the way why why do why why why is it the fact as we finish this up why is our roster so bad and we still have no money like what type of bread what why are you strapped with why are you strapped and have no bread with this roster shouldn’t you have something better to show for the money that’s that’s what happens when you give out rookie Max contracts to guys that don’t play like max players and that’s where the Cavs are looking at right now at darus Scarlet where they could be again if Evan Mobley doesn’t continue to progress Donovan is proven he’s worth the max Jared Allen’s up for a $90 million extension G so that’s another thing on the table when he said there’s no glaring need on the roster though that that struck me because they’re in the Eastern Conference right now in the East alone what do these players have in common Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown Jimmy Butler OJ anobi M Bridges Pascal cakam Paul George Pao banero and I’m probably missing one or two but is that not at minimum and I might be missing some off the top of my head at minimum eight pretty damn good siiz Wings who can play at an All-Star level any given night yeah and we can’t guard none of them and you’re and they just drafted Jaylen Tyson who may develop that but I’m not going to put that on a rookie they have they have no one in that in that realm of Arc Type of a player yeah the Cavs have no one and you look around the league three and D wings with siid are the Premium Gold that is what every team in the NBA is looking for and would die for and we keep talk about these trades and well this player is not as good as this player but positional value you know they’re not giving up up those three and D wings of that mold how can you look at the roster and say we don’t have a glaring KN when you don’t have the single biggest individual most valuable commodity in basketball CU they’ll come back and tell you that Isaac aoro did really well against those guys he was unplayable in the playoffs I’m just telling now his Twitter got hacked I’m just telling you what they saying yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what they say now let me say G good rant as always even with uh Earl and Mike starching your rant by interrupting us with a re and whatever the hell we’re just trying to get paid free agent just trying to get paid you guys should have waited till after his ran he was ready to roll and you kind of sabotaged him a little bit sorry G that’s okay but I think when you look makes the world go around at the end of the day yeah out of the whole quote I agree with you that’s the biggest glare but when he finished it with it’s not at this point it’s what it’s going to have to be it’s going to have to take EV Moy to finally be that guy that everybody expect him to be it’s going to take Darius Garland to get back to who he was a couple of years ago that’s the only way cuz at this point y’all didn’t let everything else fly by the trades didn’t went past the the free agents didn’t flew off the board yeah at this point that’s all you done put all your eggs in that basket if it don’t work like I don’t then it it then the front off now is going to be changes in the front office cuz you sabotaged this he he should have been gone with JB well I’m just telling you at this point he he’s put it on the line that if it don’t work now it you ain’t got nobody else to point at but hell I’m just telling you I’m just telling you I have been on record many times saying I don’t think Kobe alman’s a particularly good GM I think he’s mediocre and we’ll see how this all turns out I I I love G’s rant but I don’t agree with everything he said first of all I don’t think the the roster is not that bad you may seem like the roster’s terrible the roster’s not terrible the the roster’s not terrible but it’s nowhere near competing it’s not it’s not competing I don’t know that it’s I again I don’t think it’s as far were making it seem I I really don’t I’m I’m with you I I and I think one thing Chris Fedor said and I don’t agree with Chris’s comment as a whole but the one thing he said at the end I think he’s right and it makes sense if the Cavs are going to make a bigger and by the way let’s be fair about it and JB had to go and we could debate Kobe I would have let him go but we could debate that the Cavs have gotten better every year that’s a fact yeah yeah that’s not this this my point that’s not the freak goal I didn’t say it was the goal G I didn’t say they reached the goal this is citizenship War wa wa wait a second goad I’m not saying that’s enough I’m not saying yay Cavs here’s your trophy I’m I’m just you think abouts last I’m saying they have gotten better are you more upset this year than you were last year yeah I’m more upset this year because I see when you see something coming from a mile away and you setting it up he telegraphing it well you know maybe this core 4 can still get it this is always been the Plan G let me ask you something all right don’t you think two three four years ago people doing a show like this in Boston were saying the same thing about the Celtics they were no no hold on no no was in every trade rumor for every Star ever hold on when you go back and you look with the Boston Celtics my problem all the time with the Cavs is not having the resolve to make tough decisions the Boston Boston Celtics changed and made tough decisions every single year that they’ve had those two in the roster every year they didn’t win they move somebody they move Marcus Smart they heck Brad Stevens went from the bench to the up in in in in in the front office every single year fira they they fired well no they fired him to do don’t do that M he was inappropriate with wom they made the conscious decision to fire one they could have kept it the reality of the situation is I can’t believe how they hey when when you get in trouble all the time and keep Kim I like that not when it comes to they had Isaiah Thomas they had Kim Walker they had Kyrie IR the C made changes to the the the fringes of their roster no no no these are major changes wait a minute jez be G being a little unfair because he got to remember this simple fact yeah it’s the Celtics they can they people want to come play for Boston what or or they Max stru is the first big quote unquote big name that chose Cleveland hey hold on and and that’s my problem how was Max stru a big name quote unquote that’s th’s Point yeah quote unquote did you not that part ultimately won because of their two young superstars that they didn’t mess with who got kept getting better and better I would argue that they wouldn’t got Drew holiday and porzingis that changed their entire roster to now they’re long and big even play to the finals porzingis is a mismatch waiting to happen and he bowled the entire season the reality of situation is they go out when people say what about porzingis here oh we don’t want porzingis he’s injured but all these other teams is going out making these but the Cavs already have what a third and fourth player that were better than what the Celtics had before this year if you look go go look at the RO I I I think you could argue like no wait a minute except for Kyrie but Kyrie they had to train but this man so you act like it’s just some Drew holidays sitting out there here’s the problem how are they supposed to get a porzingis white what did they do with white that was a development piece right okay okay so they develop him he’s a monster they go out and they’re able to find deals that’s your job as a GM find Smart deals free agency but here’s the thing this off season just started and there’s still time to do stuff that’s my point Bo the Donna Mitchell trade was late in the off season by the way and the uh the Cab’s best J Allen trade was late in the off as much as I and I’ve been saying for six months trade darus trade darus trade darus trade Dar but the reality is if I’m using I the smart the best path for the Cavs to be as good as they want is to get Darius back to the player he was and to turn Evan Moy into the superstar that they believed he can be and if he can’t be that then they’re never going to be that good but that’s The Only Hope Jake I agree with you for a second I’m did you just ask a question can I agree with you yeah well no no cuz I want to tell cuz I agree with I was on team bull here until the last thing you said cuz I there’s a ceiling in my opinion on the current core four they can get better but I don’t think their best version of whatever that core for together is not on the same level as the Boston or what Mitchell’s not as good if not better to know either of those guys who on the Rost if you if you got the this is what this always gets me with the whole whole state p I’m let you get right here the state argument is ridiculous the guys that they’re going against are like 12 years old Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown aren’t like four years old they’re not 100 they are in their Prime and they’re not going what’s a move you wanted to make that would make them better I’ll get that g cuz real quick yeah I agree with you in premise that you can’t just make trades to make trades yeah I I 100% we did all the trade scenarios last year all those trades were awful they were for pieces and and that that’s our point for pieces can’t break it up however I do think there is a legitimate cap and you look around the entire NBA and Boston’s the complete opposite of that where they played five three-point Shooters and having all the spacing on the floor opens everything for what ainson wants to do and what modern day offense in the NBA wants to do there are ways and I’m going to ask Kenny ainson this today how do you get two bigs to help space the floor you can get creative but you still have two non- shooting bigs and obviously he’s going to want to turn into make Moy that player then he wouldn’t be do non shoo or Allan yes and I get that my my point is if you go in and you look at okay we have a chance to develop Moy from a guy who shot 37% on like 1.2 attempts this year to a legit three-point shooter and we could trust that fine if we could turn Jared Allen who’s never been a shooter ever who maybe I can don’t need Jared Allen to do that well you need one of them to it doesn’t have to be mo I’m saying well of course of course it has to be mo it’s not Allan Allen’s been way younger and has taken more threes than Brook Lopez ever did when he got to Ken so it could be either my point is when I look at this roster there is a legitimate hard sealing on two non-shooting bigs there’s just not enough space in but they don’t have to be two non-shooting bigs Mike that’s what I’m saying oh so we so if you’re if you’re going to bet your entire future I one back to the last the last quote of Chris fedor’s article Li it’s inside there is still moves to be made theoretically speaking from the Cav standpoint I don’t think it’s Garland I think it’s Allen and and this whole Ingram Allen there’s a potential three-part deal now working that could still happen but there is a cap on two non- shooting bigs and if you expect in one off seon for one of these guys to go from an AB it took a decade for the they don’t have a decade right now is my point you can’t do it doesn’t H it doesn’t happen overnight who wins overnight the NBA that’s my point yeah well you just said you I said they’ve gotten better every year which is true they have yes and I and I’ve been just as critical as you most of the time I’ve crapped on them a lot in a shade when you flip you see your flipping I’m like who they trading Garland makes no sense makes no sense the more I think about it his contract’s too big of a contract the only guy tra Allen and if they trade Allen the right deal I’m I’m not saying you can’t trade all I’m not saying I’m not saying don’t trade him at all costs trading him just to trade him and switch it up doesn’t I thought you were saying nothing makes them better you have back if you’re saying the right deal you still I can’t trading Garland doesn’t make can’t tra he doesn’t have enough no you can’t cuz Donan said you can’t trade him Donovan’s not signed yet Donovan hasn’t said Donan wants to win for the right deal obviously not cuz he want to keep Allen this this is obviously not where he says publicly doesn’t I’m just I’m just here I’m just here I’m just you see what I’m saying g i i when when when the Cavs played the ncks two years ago how many games did they win zero one okay they they won one game against the Celtics you telling me that you’re eight and2 against these teams and they’re better two and eight two and eight you won two games you was at let me just give you a cold hard that cold hard reality you were down 20 to the magic at home in a game seven do you think that down 20 in game they were down 20 plus in game 18 okay two points away yeah it’s the Bigg back history and guess and guess what it took some it took Donovan Mitchell hbling putting the Superman cape on to even get any dubs and you’re sitting here trying to tell me that it’s just all going to take time and listen Orlando getting better by the way let’s not act like let’s not act like when when we play when we line the teams up the Milwaukee Bucks got a better team than you got talk about it what are you talking about like just cuz so what do you want what’s your solution here’s what we going to do that’s the problem right Your solution is your solution is this I’m going just keep it real go ahead that’s what we like to hear while y’all sitting around here talking and laughing and Kiki and haha and about oh we can’t give so and so no minutes y’all better hope that he returns into some sort of you better hope I swear you better hope the mighty bit turn into that the answer hey who who you that hey hold on this is the crazy part about it you telling me right now George Nang is not better than B put it down George Yang is better than am B that’s on no am George Yang can’t your your prize free agents can’t get off the [ __ ] they can’t even guard nobody G you’re complaining about comparing them to the best teams and you’re number one what I’m telling you is you a you you better start developing these cats cuz you can’t get nobody and you’re sitting there with your hands on your lap like what was us we can’t do anything well they got a new coach now we got to give him an opportunity you know what you can do you can develop Porter junor and get Darius G up out of here you can’t blame the coach for that he’s new no no I’m talking about I’m talking about the whole organization okay well they got start developing who is our who is the guy that we got and we developed in turn deanan what does that have to do with not breaking up the core 4 the core 4 has a ceiling they’re not winning anything you can hope and dream and pray and wish all you want the other teams are better than us they’ve been better than us they getting better the problem is if you don’t have no reinforcements CHS are getting better too where how I don’t know gotten better every year and it’s good enough for a 41 gentleman sweep a come on wait come on I’m just speaking facts that’s what I’m saying you think they were going to win the series Without Donovan Mitchell they weren’t going to win it with D I know that but without him I me what he got a point there they’re not winning yeah I don’t understand it y’all guys got to under just come just get on the listen just get on the train what did you what when the season started you expect them to get past the Celtics in the playoff it is not about my expectation level it’s about what you’re doing in the league right now keep talking as if all these other teams are going to get better in the C and the Caps can’t get better we just talked about why they can’t they can’t trade for anybody they don’t have any draft picks they can’t get anybody cuz they don’t got cap space you just said we just sat here and ran it down the best you got is cwell Pope is making teams million times better and he’s better than what we got a zero no what do you mean we got a zero we ain’t even signed four borderline allars Orlando’s got one we don’t have no you keep you’re talking about Orlando they got one allar poo watch this poo B Carol is the second best player out of the Cavs of the magic poo B Carol is better than everybody else on the roster besides Mitchell okay so you got Mitchell one B Carol two and guess what and watch this and P game B Carol is 16240 and you can’t guard him and we have nobody to guard him and Max stru is guarding him so what is that look like wait a minute who’s guarding Mo supposed to be guarding guard him MO is not I don’t know they name Mo listen see here’s the problem here’s the problem talking as if Darius Garland is garbage and and okay you feel that way fine hey hey hey hey you’re talking as if there’s no room for improvement for Darius and Evan Mobley and if there isn’t then you’re right there’s a ceiling to how good they can be I’m saying I don’t know how how high their SE I I know Darius ceiling is higher cuz he he’s shown you a higher ceiling would you see last year boy in the playoffs this is what I’ll say hold on wait a minute how many times did Jason Tatum suck in the playoffs how many times that’s a good point year after year after year after year was awful we’re start we’re starting with the premise that Jason Tatum and Darius Garland are on the same level they’re not they’re not well that’s fine not I agree with you but I’m not but Darius Garland how is a better one can be better in the playoff just like Jason Tatum was not as good but better on his here’s a better example for you here’s a better example Donovan Mitchell was terrible in the nick Series last year in the that’s true Donald Mitchell and Jason T were on the same level okay 100% and Donald Mitchell was a piss poor performer he called it himself piss poor was how he describ his play against the Knicks he came back in a much better postseason this year and a much better season before he got I’m saying the biggest what I’m going tell you hold on this what I’m going say let me see that camera Anthony cuz this is this is what I’m going say to to G you know how you know how you feel about desan Watson this season you know how you feel about him you keep the receipts you just pray that he goes out there and have a great season cuz you just ready that’s how I feel about Darius Garland I’m telling you right now if Darius come out there next year cuz I don’t think he’s going nowhere if Darius come out there next year and he balls I’m walking in here with a suit and tie with a briefcase I’m I’m a business cross you and I be like aot you better pray that he is just completely not good anymore it’s been a lot longer a lot longer since been good than Dar old between you and I and watch this when I talk about desan Watson I don’t talk about it like like he’s going not going to do what he going to do what I talk about desan Watson I come in with demands I come in and say I need 4500 when somebody asked me what about desan Watson and I told you what’s a good season for Browns I said Super Bowl I didn’t say deshun Watson playing well I said Super Bowl that’s the level of expectations I’m looking for my problem here with the Cleveland Cavaliers is we are here at a point if you want to be a regular team and you don’t have one expectations you should have made the Donovan Mitchell trade you should have kept it on the same track that you had and kept with and figured out and want to progress and get better but the second you brought Donovan Mitchell in here it became time to ball out and and make moves to G’s point and I got a wrong I got to go over to the cast practice facility they made an all-in aggressive move when they made the trade for Donovan Mitchell right and when they did that they had moob on a rookie contract M Jared Allen on one of the best contracts in basketball darius’s extension hadn’t fully kicked in yet that’s like getting a rookie quarterback on a rookie deal and the fact that Cavs weren’t more aggressive yeah in putting top-notch Talent around Donovan during the stretch when Mooby cost nothing Allen was a bargain and before garland that is completely fair and valid criticism and now they’re not backpedaling it just is a way more expensive Bill to put around some of these other guys in my mind the biggest problem with this team is that Moy hasn’t developed like they thought only and the best hope for them to raise their ceiling in my opinion is not to trade Garland and not necessarily to trade Allen but maybe trading Allen will help but ultimately the thing that would raise their ceiling the most is Evan Moy becoming a superstar that and and the only hope of that is that he has that Talent which I think we think he does and and his staff can get the most out of him if that happens I think we’ll look at this team totally different I agree I got wrong that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make moves you still have to make moves you are right the biggest room for growth because we look at the free agents none of those guys are raising the Cav ceiling as much as Evan Mobley taking that giant leap from good solid player where he is right now to Allstar caliber like all all NBA more than just Allstar real quick before I leave anything you guys want me to make sure I ask ainson I get five minutes with him um anything in particular outside of the obvious how do you make two non shooting bigs how do you make two little guards work I got one cool hey kill Mike I’ll see you on in a little bit ear said he has Sho he he can’t hear you I can’t hear you shoot oh just asking you know we we talked about earlier he had some options I think a couple years ago and he turned them down so what made Cleveland the right choice I yeah he he got hired to be the Hornets head coach two years ago went in saw it was under the hood and said I’m going back so and he made the right call Cuz guess what Charlotte’s now fired the coach they hired two years ago already so he made the right call tell him we could School him up on where to go for pizza he’s from Long Island originally my dad worked with his brother for 20 years I found out this morning my dad never told me for 20 years so get out here we’re going to go I’ll see yall later see you later peace and send it to to Earl and then we’ll switch gears to the Guardians all right boy like I told you earlier this morning man I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t Sports and like I want them to FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the moood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily there’s something for everyone every day all summer long head over to fanduel.com youss and start making the most of your summer FanDuel offici official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball boy speaking of which Guardians lost three or four to Kansas City Tristan Mckenzie was optioned down to Triple A but the Guardians are getting Gavin Williams back so two-part question yeah uh is a is a trip down to Triple A enough to fix the mechanics that’s going wrong with Tristan McKenzie Tristan McKenzie and then with Gavin Williams being called up what are you expecting from him in his first few starts okay good questions real quick I just want to say the ultimate Cleveland Guardian show is going to be on tomorrow we didn’t do it this morning uh we’ll be doing it tomorrow and we have a big announce on tomorrow’s show about the ultimate Cleveland Guardian show so guys uh well first of all well I’ll answer your questions and then we’ll get to the weekend too uh I don’t know if going down the Triple A I wish I had a good answer if if Tristan McKenzie going down to Triple A is going to fix him my initial guess is probably not but it’s easy to assume that there’s an injury Factor as to why he’s not pitching well we saw him a few years ago look like a superstar um I’ve always been concerned about Tristan McKenzie because of the way he’s built his frame I never like it’s it always makes me nervous when you have a pitcher built like a string bean mhm um because I mean we see pitchers get hurt so much period MH I like my pitcher that’s big and like I I I joke with this but I want him to have a fat ass I like a picture with fat ass because it shows a a good that’s crazy that’s all right you want that trunk look at the guys like Roger Clemens Nolan Ryan fat asses whoa they don’t get hurt you just digging yourself now to be fair G Williams got a fat ass and he’s been hurt bull I don’t mean that I I’m joking when I say fat it’s not they’re not actually fat just like a sturdy core I’m just letting go you want a guy who’s physically like built you know what I’m saying that that’s C there’s so many pauses at no way you from there’s no way you just you just got de it yeah you started go ahead here start your monologue over bull we give you that Grace so the Guardians keep saying there’s no injury with McKenzie that it’s not the surgery he didn’t have last year his velocity is up and when a velocity is up it makes you think oh a guy’s healthy he’s throwing harder than he has before last three starts he’s thrown the hardest he has his fast ball average velocity has been higher could he could he be overthrowing I think that’s entirely possible I think he is so when you see a great pitcher or or not I shouldn’t even say a great pitcher when you see a pitcher who throws hard and then he goes to the bullpen he’ll often throw harder in the bullpen right believe it or not when a rales Chapman first came in the big leagues he was they wanted to be a starting pitcher can you imagine starting pitcher and most and back in the day Mari Vera he was a starter when he went through the Yankees mining system most great pitchers were St now there’s more specialization but it used to be everybody was a starter and then guys that weren’t as good they would move to the B nowadays if you have you know but if you see a pitcher go to the pen even now even a guy even when everybody’s throwing hard you see a guy who averages 93 94 he’ll go to the pennies averaging 96 97 you’re like why well because he knows he’s only got to throw 15 20 maybe 25 pitches as opposed to 60 70 80 90 well he can go all out on every pitch yeah Tristan McKenzie I think that could be an issue um is his velocity was down earlier in the season he he’s dealing with he dealt with rehab all last year for this injury that a lot of people would have had the ligament replaced he decided not to do it there have been pitchers that have come back without having the surgery not many not many successfully but there have been a couple and maybe he’s trying to Butch up if you will a little bit and and put a little more throw it like he’s throwing 12 pitches well sometimes when you do that everything comes straight you can’t if you try if you’re overthrowing then your mechanics come off and if your mechanics are off then you’re throwing differently every time which could lead to other injuries and it also leads to your fast ball being straight and he doesn’t no first of all even no matter who the pitcher is no matter how hard you throw even if it’s Emanuel class who throws been throwing 102 lately if you throw fast ball straight the best hitters are going to hit it no matter how hard you throw guys will catch up with it if there’s no movement to it at all and he’s never been a a command type guy he’s never been no he’s always been kind of a highw walk guy but he has no command whatsoever on the F everything’s right down the middle and you can’t survive that way okay do you think that sending him down to the minor would be the best option or you think he at this point where he’s headed now that he’s going to become more of a bullpen guy would you add for his career yeah would you have moved him to the bull pin or would you move that’s an interesting fact tyus you know I’m glad you I’m glad you brought that up because just two weeks ago on the ultimate Cleveland Guardian show I suggested they move him to the bullpen so I’m glad you brought that up but I like that they sent him to the miners because I if I were them if he’s not Health hurt and they’re saying he’s not so I mean they they often are shady with injuries but I as far as I know he’s healthy so if he’s healthy I am making him a relief pitcher down in the miners not for the rest of his career but for now I’m making him a relief pitcher and my goal is to make him a value me valuable member of the bullpen after the All-Star break so he’s got three weeks to get ready to pitch in the bullpen until after the how does how does that how does that work because in the bullpen yeah when you bring somebody out of the bullpen you need them to come in cold and throw strikes and if he can’t throw strikes warmed up that’s why that’s why you don’t just move him to the pen and the major you send them that cuz if you throw if you walks guys in the minors who cares Min the what is the what did y’all teach me to other day a couple weeks ago can he be the guy where they don’t start the pitcher for the first ending the opener the open can he be can he be opener I’m just trying to keep him like some value like cuz right now it’s bad so I’m trying to think he could be one of the coldest openers ever yeah yeah they could use him in that way at least sometimes they could find spot they got to see how he does I that’s what I would do I don’t know that they’re going to do that I don’t know that that’s their if if I were running the Guardians and I had free reign of money I would move him to the pen I would trade for two starting pitchers and I wouldn’t worry about it now they may not be willing to trade for starting pitchers so they may try to get him you know but if I were them i’ for the rest of this year Tristan you go one inning a game and you know you know what’s great I love baseball because none of the none of the moves that they talk about in baseball are as contingent as basketball moves like hex they need to steal that conversations for Darius Garland we not going to start you we going to give keep you as an opener they like what that you’re play the first minute you come chill by me and you know what saying like it’s crazy they baseball got them little nuances of words hey we going to send you down to the miners give you a couple rehab stats that starts hey hey darus we G to send you down to the G league and get you some money over there with the Monty B like what right this is not it get his confidence back in turn to Gavin Williams it’s good that he’s back I don’t know why they didn’t he’s not pitching till Wednesday I don’t know why they didn’t call up somebody else for a couple of days till Gavin Williams is pitching they they’re kind of wasting a roster spot but whatever I guess it doesn’t matter uh the qu we’re now four weeks from the trade deadline in baseball four week I think 29 days but and and the question is will will the front office have the ability to add to the roster in they better I saw I got I saw like uh it was either Bleacher Report or like bar stool Cleveland whatever that is I know bar stool but I don’t know bar I don’t NE um put out a tweet like oh the Guardians have the 20 something or the 28th payroll and yet they have this great record and that’s great I I applaud the players for that I applaud the manager for that I even applaud the front office for that but I’m not applauding the owner for that I’m not giving him credit for winning with a low payroll I want the owner to spend more and I don’t like when people like some of our local media members get excited about that no we should be condemning the owner because I don’t get excited that they’re winning with a low payroll I think about man if the Guardians had not a Yankees payroll if the Guardians had the Brewers payroll or the Cardinals payroll how good would they be then they’re already the second best team in baseball even with a bad weekend they already have the best record in the American League even with the bad weekend how good could they be if the payrolls 40 million higher I just you know have you ever ever asked yourself tyus why is it that most fans usually side with like the ownership like if the owner don’t spend no money why is it that they they put the Superman Captain Kirk saber Owner Mode on and just be like yeah but but look how much we’re doing we’re not spending no money at all and you’re like but that’s yeah like fans like their chest about yeah why do they why did they take pride in that that’s a good question maybe because it’s more relatable maybe maybe it’s like they doing it they make it I guess you you’ve you’ve grown up with not a lot of money but you made a lot of things work you may you figured it out so they seem to be taking that same mindset and applying it to sports where it’s like we ain’t taking a lot of money but I’m still making it work Ty is balling today and it’s like I can relate to that that’s crazy I think I think that’s my guess I don’t hey I used to come with that’s a crazy an that made total sense to me like it be like they be like listen you we all for the most part grow up with not a lot of things but we we embrace the struggle like you say listen I we my mom worked three jobs and and she she didn’t have all the money but she she made sure I was clean I had my shoes did my thing you know and you kind of take that as a prideful thing and you’d be one to go back and say but your mama probably didn’t want to work them three jobs it would be great if she just work one and and but yeah I guess I guess that is I think people side with owners the same reason they vote against their own self-interest because they think they’re going to be one of those people someday I think a lot of people think I could be a billionaire someday I Could Be A Millionaire someday and I wouldn’t want to pay more taxes and I wouldn’t want to do this or that that’s another one too that’s true I think it’s crazy because most people are not going to be that not a lot of billionaires there certainly not a lot of billionaires you don’t stay Rich by spending it either bull well I mean you got to spend money to make money no that’s true too very true I I’ve never I’ve never seen a I never seen a person say like cuz that’s the premise in baseball where it’s like hey if you guys come and show up you’ll give us more money and then we’ll we invest but it’s like if I go to a restaurant and I and I show up and the restaurant is is brand new and they’re like well we’re not going to spend no money I’m like well listen your steak was horrible CU you didn’t invest in good meat I don’t like your steak so now I’m never coming back right exactly but if you had great Stakes I’d come back and give you more money and attendance by the way has been great attendance is really picking up there was a another there’s a sellout against the white socks this week against the white socks are they are they at home for their next series yeah it’s against the white well they’re playing if you look at their schedule now they’ve really again bad weekend against Kansas City talk more about that in a minute but um uh they have a very favorable schedule going forward here there we go white sock at home then the Giants who are mediocre Detroit’s a mess Tampa is not very good and then I think it’s the All-Star break after that right so did it change your mind uh uh in terms of where where the central is with Kansas City winning three out of four did it change your mind about them like do you feel like City yeah like you think they’re more resilient cuz I thought they was going to fall out what is it six games now we up I thought they was going to be out of here I’ve liked Kansas City all season they were playing poorly kudos to them for winning the series it was a bad weekend for the guardians but the Guardians still have a six-game lead on Minnesota and seven on Kansas City you can’t win every series they’ve been playing so great but it it it highlighted some concerns that I’ve had about this team and that’s the starting pitching and the depth of the lineup those issues are still there and what I’m most worried about with the starting pitching because ultimately I need their starting pitching to be better for the playoffs as opposed to right now but the longer you go where you have only two starters by being and Lively and you’ve gotten very lucky with Lively that can consistently go even five innings let alone more than that the more it’s the more your Bullpen is going to get overwork the Guardians Bullpen is so much better than any other bullpen in baseball it’s like it’s ridiculous the numbers are crazy their Bullpen team ER is like 260 that’s unheard of I think the next best is like a run worse it’s crazy there like it’s like the Guardians Bullpen is here and then the next five good bullpens are here how many innings is a starting pitcher supposed to pitch in the playoffs well depends back day I won seven I won seven dog like 60 years ago nine and if they win 10 Innings 10 you know 30 years ago I would have said seven or eight now if you can get five good Innings I I have I I can’t tell you the last time I seen a picture in the eighth inning like you see eighth inning you’re like okay he does he have a no hitter I think that’s the only way he’s going to be in well take him out anyway the time yeah like it’s I look at it like this for the Guardians the only thing in the back of my head that I keep thinking about is they they are going to get to the playoffs and they don’t have enough batting they don’t have enough power to overcome their starting pitchers like I think that the Guardians well they have more than they did a couple of years ago when they lost the Yankees so and so what I’m saying is I feel like the Guardians can lose games in the playoffs 8 to7 eight eight you know seven to seven to five you like that’s a that’s a lot of run support guys hit two home runs you know people on base they can get nine or 10 hits and still lose the game because the starting pitching is not where it needs to be and that’s very rare that the Guardians are built that way but to me if they kept the starting pitching where it is right now they would have to they would have to continue to produce more runs yeah they got a hit which which been has been the recipe this season where so far we can tell that the pitching is not great but they’ve been covering up for it because offense been clicking some guys been stepping up y some guys the bottom of the lineup you see some guy out of the bottom that’s has a phenomenal game hits home runs and stuff like that so it’s been saving it but when you think about playoff baseball it’s just not a lot of runs it’s two to nothing one to one home run that could be the only score of the game so you got to be able to do something and when you think about the pitching when you think about Allen cookie and and McKenzie it’s like these dudes be out there just lobbing it up and boom it get smacked out had to be the game I’m I’m trying to find I was trying to look up quickly who’s leading the league in like Innings pitched per game so the most Innings pitched is actually Seth Lugo with the Royals who pitched against the guard yesterday and he is averaging let’s see 116 divided by 18 he’s averaging about 6 and A2 Innings per game and he’s leading the league in Innings pitch at six and a half Innings per game W so everybody’s giving you five low the best yeah the best pitchers are giving you six man the best pitchers are giv you six a couple of good starters have made Le you know I would say six to six and a half right now on average when Lively pitch did he go six Innings I think his last start he did I mean he’s been pretty good I know Tanner’s done it twice the last two he I’ll give you the guard so Ben Lively let’s see did he pitch out of the p no I think he’s been pitching let me let me see Ben Lively so far this year I can’t remember if he pitched out of the pen at all this year no he didn’t he’s made 13 starts for the Guardians and he’s pitched 17 71 Innings so 13 26 39 526 39 52 65 so he’s averaging about five and a half Innings per game which for this rotation is pretty good yeah it is you know and Tanner I mean Tanner B’s probably not much more than that he’s been better lately but uh he’s pitched s he has 17 starts and has pitched 93 Innings so 34 51 68 85 yeah about the same about five so by being Lively leading the team averaging about five and a half Innings per start the other guys are probably averaging four or less maybe carrasco’s averaging a little more but he’s not that effective Logan Allen’s been terrible uh so they’re gon to I mean you can’t keep running out guys who are pitching you three four Innings and getting knocked out of the game all right so so this may be a very dumb I mean you know it may be stupid to say and I don’t know if people have done it but what if they just flip it like what if like you start a guy and you go with two starters be like look I’m doubling up on what I’m doing you GNA pitch three Innings the next dud coming in pitching three well it’s not dumb uh teams do that sometimes like C you know if they do that more with like a young starter who they don’t want to throw too many innings yeah and so they’ll have the problem is they don’t have the guys to do it and for so many years that’s been their strength is this great depth of starting pitching they just don’t have anybody that’s any good and that’s why they got to go from outside the organization and if and I when I brought up this thing about the payroll yesterday it wasn’t to kill the front the the ownership yesterday I’ve been critical of them not spending money Guardians ownership does a lot of good things they hire good people that we know that they they they don’t medal they give them they’re patient with them and for the most part it’s paid off because the Guardians have had good managers and they’ve had good front office the entire time you and I have been doing media here yeah right but this year especially this year the front office has I mean the ownership has to be in with spending money and if they don’t I’ll kill them I didn’t want to kill them yesterday cuz we got a nobody’s made any big trades yet in baseball but if they don’t do anything in the nexts I will for that I want to give them a CH to but I brought that up yesterday because it’s imperative if this team I think this team could win a World Series if they add some starting pitching I really believe that I’m not saying they’re the favorites they’re not I’m not saying and baseball is you guys know this it’s a crap shoot in the playoffs yeah it is it’s not like nobody nobody picked the Rangers the favorites in the NFL and the NBA are much more likely to win than the favorites in baseball it’s just the nature of the sport you you I know when I got LeBron James he’s going to play great right he might have one bad game he’s not going to have a bad series it doesn’t happen the best players in baseball can have a Bad series it’s just the nature of the sport there’s more failure in baseball and so even the best players are going to fail more often than in the other sports I have an interesting Theory like my theory is like if you know they so cognizant of you know the the money I think it would be counterproductive the Guardians like really W the World Series I don’t think they would ever I think they would never they would not they would never again they would prove that they don’t need to yeah but you take it though cuz you the world yeah you take it and and there would be years where you just it would just be crazy but they can’t they won’t win the I don’t think they can win the World Series as is I think they yeah age if they don’t add to the payroll at least some and they’re going to have to add to the payroll if they want to improve their starting pitching and and I shouldn’t say they can’t win it as is they could but I I I think they’re a long shot as is offense better be clicking I just tell you that and I think bull bull is is is just as passionate about the Guardians and their opportunity to win like the reason I be killing the Cavs is not because they’re garbage is because I’m like yo all you need is a couple more more more and so with with with the Guardians it’s even higher because there’s a certain level of a crap shoot with the with baseball so it’s like if you get in a tournament that’s the first thing but then if you get in a tournament and get hot you can ride a hot piture all the way to the championship right look at look at last year the Texas Rangers barely made the playoff the Arizona Diamond Back made it on the last day of the season they played each other in the World Series and you’re like just let us get in with a with some ammunition and we can win I me I tell you what even a better example 2016 let’s face it that Guardians team had no business going that was talented that was not the most talented Guardians was up to they got their pitching stamp was devastated they was up 3 to one too and and their team in 2017 was way better yeah and they lost early so you never know baseball’s so strange like that but go ahead T I tell you what Wednesday you say Gavin’s pitching on Wednesday Wednesday yeah that’s a big day that is a very big a big day cuz if he comes out and I I don’t I’m not expecting him to just be lights out like I’m I’m going be realistic about is I’m not expecting him to come out there and just pitch a no hitter like that’s just not going to happen but if he shows some some signs where it’s like I see it and he’s striking some guys out that at least makes me feel better about the going toward like I would feel like I all maybe instead of getting two pitches maybe I only need one maybe yeah I I would still get two no matter what but you could live with one more easily if he looks like a stud and and and Every Day spin that though if it’s just one all right it’s just one we can spend that and Allen is every other Allen got games where it’s like okay I love it but he like he’s like a wild card so it’s like I can see where they like listen we can win like cuz you by the way you going you going to short the rotation anyway in the playoffs to start with so somebody gonna be right now McKenzie looks like he’s not going to be in that role like he’s not with four right now see the hope is that you have VI and Williams mhm and if you have to that Liv Le’s your fourth starter now he’s pushed way better than that yeah but in a perfect world he’s your fourth starter in the playoffs yeah so you at least need to get a third if Gavin Williams is good I’d still get two more no matter what but if Gavin Williams is good okay I’ll live with one but get like one legitimate number two number three type starter and then get another guy who can eat some Innings even if it’s for the regular season to a guy who can go out there you can throw seven Innings give up three runs like a better version of what Carrasco like giving him some Innings hey where contro at where he at the Rockies tearing it up although funny his last start he had a shut out going into the fourth inning and then he got smoked in two straight Innings but overall he’s pitched very well I say he been good with the Rockies this year really great for the Rockies where’s the dude that I didn’t I where Happ him no the guy in the um in a bullpen he just been the hurt the whole year um I’m drawing a blank what is K yes he’s been hurt the whole year where the heck he been at I’m like man he’s a lunatic yeah he’s crazy but yeah he hurt Earl what do you got all right before we move on to our next topic I just want to let you all know that our next segment is brought To Us by our sponsor at better help sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased in your life so today I want to say how I really feel about something you might even be thinking about the same thing this week therap therapy can be different for everyone most of us have bigger problems than our favorite sports team and it’s important to get things off your chest every once in a while if you’re thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designated to be flexible and suitable to your schedule visit betterhelp.com lockon to get 10% off your first months that’s betterhelp hp.com lockon all right so John Kenzie know well who was who was struggling with his name the other day oh Mike mikeen jansy he johans joh johans um somebody said to me who said this the other day that uh if if the Guardians decide to send him down they should send him to the Browns instead to play uh defensive line yeah he’s he’s kind of big he’s a big dude Miss so he is the my early impression of him is he’s Fran M Reyes right he when he gets a hold of it it’s going to go yeah he hits the ball a long way um but he swings at some terrible pitches yeah when he came up the other day I think it was in his debut when he came up with the opportunity to like TI Game Boy he swung at like he swung at some pitches I was like you couldn’t that was a predetermined well last night I don’t know how many people watching I’m swinging no matter what the game last night they were down 62 in the nth cuz in the ninth he swung at two pitches in a row that bounc and by the way he swung at a pitch I don’t I can’t remember if this was in the ninth or earlier John Kenzie swung at a pitch that bounced then it hit his back for a foul ball went into the crowd when you got after it bounced in front of the plate I said bro you got you so far out in front that that got to be a predetermined like oh listen he throw his next one yeah I he can’t be he can’t be looking W the pitch he struck out on was like 8 ft off the plate and once you once you get a reputation and I’ll swing I’ll Chase anything oh you’re going to throw him a strike they listen he going to see everything outside breaking pitches out sliders it’s his old for he’s already sent two of them out of here two hom right he’s got he’s been up to the plate what the hold I think 14 times he hit the grow so he he’s been up to the plate 14 times he has three hits a double and two homers Y and he has seven strikeouts he struck out half the time did walk once uh but he struck out half the time so he’s going to be a feast or famine guy I can live with that though if at the bottom of the lineup yeah I could live with that uh I you know they have a lot of guys that get on base and run the bases I’m o listen I don’t know what guy if he’s a good guy in the locker room and and the guy I I I got no problem with it I I if I can I would find I would carve out some pretty regular bats right now for him I don’t have a better option let’s go I want see him play do you like him do you like him more than you liked Oscar Gonzalez uh yeah okay yeah that they be bring listen they be bringing is he still with is he still with the Yankees I think he’s in their Min only League system I can’t remember the fact that they schneeman they brought him out of nowhere I never heard of him this guy I’ve never heard of they just I’ve heard of these guys they’re both decent prospects not top prospects but you know the fact that they not top prospects and they getting the opportunity yeah I find it kind of yeah they’re calling guys up giving guys opportunity that’s good is he more impressive in his ma in the majors than uh Kyle manzardo has been uh I mean I guess so he’s h two home runs already that’s the only difference I think K Kyle manzardo longterm I like his swing better and I think he has a better chance to be a higher level player but you never know I mean I I it’s only 14 trips to the plate I’m not going to judge a guy that too much how many did man zardo get before they more than that oh he played a while about a month no but I’m being I’m saying like he’s swinging at some crazy yeah I a’t talking like that you can’t get away with that but I’m not going to say that’s all he does when cuz I didn’t watch him play in the minors I heard about him and I read about him but I never saw him play so I I I don’t you know I he’s got you got to have some discipline in your swing some but uh but if the guy can hit with the power he has I’m going to give an opportunity cuz he gets a hold of one in a in a big spot he’s going to knock it out now if he swings at everything off the plate then eventually he’s going to get nothing good to hit will you think we’ll see uh deluder probably uh I don’t think so you think they because I think because well he was hurt for a while so he’s kind of set back I think they got enough guys I mean I I still trade for a veteran hitter I’m still hoping they’ll trade for two pitchers and a hitter maybe I’m crazy to believe that but dang you want two pitchers and a hitter hey I’m I learned from you man operation stockpile let’s go Hey listen I like that I want the Guardians to win the World Series nothing less they can I’m all in baby I want to see a cub Cubs suck let’s see a Cubs Guardians trade get Cody Bellinger get Jame let’s go you know what I you know what I realize and this is crazy yeah it just it hit me about a week ago due to the nature of baseball and like who the guardians like have yeah the Guardians are always going to be more fa to win a championship over the Cavs always unless LeBron’s here unless LeBron and and the reason is they they still got Quan so they have Quan Ramirez but they could lose those guys at some point they got they but the nature of baseball is like this year they got a new manager they got new players they bringing guys up don’t even have that great starting pitching but they got the best one of the best records in the league yeah so by default it’s less it’s it’s easier to to win a world series for the Guardians than it is for for NBA because it’s easier because of the randomness of it yes the randomness right that in baseball if you make the playoffs you got a legit shot to win the World Series in the NBA that’s not the case in the NBA seven games is just seven games you going to have that’s going to come out the better team the better team wins more often in the NBA yes so you basball there’s less of a diff and there’s less of a gap between the the quality of the teams and like you it’s not like pile up the most Superstars and that’s why I’m not saying the Guardians have to have a $200 million payroll I’m just saying allow the front office to add a good starting pitcher an inning eating an Innings eating starting pitcher and a good hitter that’s it I’m not looking for Su a million Superstars when they traded for was it Miller Andrew Miller yeah was he a lot of money did it cost a lot of money not crazy no no no it was like I think he was making now again that was at this point almost 10 years ago so money was different but he was making I want to say I don’t think he was making more than like 8 10 million but the owner had to dish out some more yeah yeah yeah yeah and and he so there so there is a willingness to do it yes absolutely it’s been since Co that there’s been a lack of willingness to really significantly increase the payroll change I have never seen I’ve never seen a a relief pitcher dominate that was like that like that whole strategy of yeah I got this relief pitcher and he going to be the man and like he’s going to come in and Pitch backto back days and then give me like five innings like until we can get to the B until we get to the closer like I don’t i’ not haven’t seen that since Andrew Miller and aralis Chapman have both never been the same since then right Miller’s out now he’s gone Chapman’s near the end of the rad they pitch backto back days man Tito was in playoffs Tito was just back toback in the regular season closures what are you talking about and but they were pitching multiple multiple Innings that’s what I’m talking about Tito C coming in I’m talking about Andrew Miller’s getting up you like it’s the fifth Innings he though he we want five through eight I think in the World Series I think in the World Series clubber Andrew Miller and Cody Allen pitched almost every year we got we got to put Josh Tomlin in for two innings that was that was the real are we really putting Ryan Meritt on the mound that was the real core for oh my God yeah right that back all right from the uh from the from the C the Cavs to the Guardians to the Browns we haven’t talked about the brownies in a while yeah we don’t we talk Guardians man they in first place love it yeah we don’t even let’s go let’s hit some Browns there Earl we get to our Cleveland Browns topic for today this is a good time to let you know about the Cleveland uh the ultimate Browns show that comes to you twice a week subscribe to get notifications on the day and time G Bush always got some fire content if you missed any of the ultimate brown show from the past week just visit our YouTube channel and go check that content out yes inde so the 33 the 33rd team is back at it again I repeat I say this and I’ll repeat this is not a QB ranking this is not a QB ranking okay Earl said they’re back at it again like he was pissed you know you know they be they be they be throwing stuff in the game though Earl people hot so what they did was they list the top 10 QB situations for the 2024 season and what they did was they took an account of the play caller the weapons around the quarterback and the offensive line Deshawn Watson came in seventh on said list do you all agree with where he’s ranked is that too high too low or just right can we see the hall yeah there it is okay okay okay they didn’t got they didn’t got their mind together tius look look Willam still in front of him but it’s not again guys not rank he is Cayla Williams is in a better situation situations around the quarterback I don’t care what situation Patrick Mahomes is he always got the best one I’m sorry no that’s tough eight this ranking has nothing to do with the quarterback at all zero it’s the it’s the pieces around it’s all the pieces around the qu eight does sound cuz it’s still Andy Reid is is it on offense or they talking about defense too this offense off just offense he should be hired than a dang that’s harsh we were killing their weapons last year I know and they still won it all CU Patrick Mahomes is a that deserve that right there alone deserves better today monster but we can’t factor in him being a magician in this list you but you could also factor in who’s calling the plays and he’s he’s the best he is but well him in number one well number one keep they get better didn’t they add somebody at wide receiver worthy and uh Maris Brown Hollywood brown brown Hollywood Brown and the the Texas receiver that broke the 40 time they they got the fastest fastest they got the fast two fast re talking about James Worthy I’m like he’s a little old I think his name is Xavier worthy the year uh that the Dolphins kind of low they they got Wadd and and they got a track team they got OD too and Mike McDaniels came from San Francisco he called he put up any points last year and T Higgins still play for the Bengals he might be mad he he ain’t got no money but he’s still going to suit up this kind of high D the Kirk the number five thing is dicey because yeah yeah you got Kirk Cousins all right let’s start with this guys go go ahead finish your thought then you got kurk cousins there and it and it sounds who’s the play caller we can’t factor in kurk cousins who’s who’s the play caller right right we just I don’t even know who the play caller that’s my point that right there is my point yeah now I don’t know how much I don’t know if you know this Earl I don’t it might not be in there I don’t know how much they weigh the play caller versus the weapons this is what takes this to me has to be like weapon related okay so but then that can’t be because nine and 10 shouldn’t be there you mean they should be higher yeah yeah okay see I think both the Bengals and dolphins are too low I don’t understand why either the I would have both now let’s think about the Browns dolphins and Bengals let’s compare those three teams the Chiefs are in their own world I can’t even like think about them compared to other teams let’s think about the weapons around Desa and the weapons around burrow and the weapons around Tua and let’s really compare what we think who’s got the best we do it by position yeah yeah so running back this list has to be assuming that Nick chub is 100% I’m about to say if Nick chub’s 100% then you know where then I can see where we kind of they trying to we can’t assume he’s going to be 100% at the start of the Season well if that’s the case he it won’t be them it would be you have to give it to the guy you have to give it to the running back that scored with the second most touchdowns in the NFL last year Raheem moard but he’s old shout out shout out to raah my boy everything doesn’t translate from year to year some guys go up some guys go down Raheem moard seems to overachieve every year people like poo poo him plus they have Dev a chain who when he’s healthy was pretty special too fast the Bengals backfield is okay it’s not anything special no they got Chase Brown too who I like I like I like you know it’s it’s we don’t know how good it is I think it’s okay um the Browns running game outside of we just don’t know because we don’t know what like in my mind I’m thinking okay maybe it’s 75% chub to start the season and by halfway it’s 100% I don’t know that’s it go I guess everybody’s going to decide for themselves I mean if I’m going to trust anybody be healthy it’s Nick chub but you know he’s going to do everything he possibly can but it’s still science it’s still an injury you just you never know so when you look at the receivers I I would I it’s I would have to have the Browns third out of those teams yeah definitely they you know I like the Dolphins and and then the Bengals they probably those two teams probably got the best two receiver well the Eagles is up there Phil Philly now now I would say Texans is up there now um and the Bears is up there and I would say you combine him with the tight end but the the the Aman Rod Sam leaport combo in Detroit it’s nice it’s nice it’s pretty nice too Jameson Williams have a good year but I yeah the Dolphins and Bengals are pretty close in terms of wide receiver at tight end the Browns have the best tight end now in the joku yeah yeah um I do think the Bengals upgraded there with Mike ceki but he’s not as good as David njoku and who’s the Dolphins tight end I don’t even I can’t remember I don’t know a Jag yeah I think they had a guy who was like serviceable last year but the Browns have the Browns definitely have a better offensive line than the Bengals but the Bengals offensive line should be the best Burrows had this year uh but I still think the Browns o line is better I don’t know the Dolphins o line well enough to know I only know I think it’s close I I mean the Browns clearly have the third wide receiving group but if Jerry Judy can be you know like at least I we could debate how good Jerry Judy is the one thing we can all agree on I think is that unlike last year Jerry Judy at least is a legit number two yes he at he may not be a great number two but he’s a legit number two Elijah Moore wasn’t a number two the jury is still out on that one no but we know look know it’s got to happen made me look crazy it’s got to happen we know now they have it he’s he’s trying he’s trying he’s trying hard snuck that one in I was like he’s trying hard we know that at minimum Jerry Judy worst case scenario is a serviceable number two at worst 890 yards worst worst three touchdowns right so the Gap at at second wide receiver now obviously jayen Wadd and T Higgins are way better than Jerry Judy at this point in their careers correct but it’s not like compared to Elijah Moore is all right right they moved the floor up a little bit hey hey hey hey this year eight ball eight ball this year watch what I say I I think that I do think I think the Bengals dolphins and Browns are all very close in terms of talent around the quarterback I don’t think there’s a if you add it all up play caller running backs tight ends offensive line wide receiver I think those three teams are very close they are um it’s you know you could put them in any order I think that just goes to show you that that this is more of the fact that they really feel like they got a roster they like they looking at the Browns like okay they got for you to put them that high means that you like you got real feelings for them like that’s crazy that’s legit yeah you’re in the top 10 on that list you’re legit that’s like you know look at the top Ian show the rest of that list again Earl if you could or or or Anthony I mean look at that the Niners we know are loaded the Lions we did it there was one day where I wasn’t here where you guys were talking about the next quarterback to win a Super Bowl jar and I put Jared gof and I think you guys laughed and I was like I like Jared G I think he’s underrated but I love the talent around he he hasn’t won a Super Bowl right he got there no but he’s gone to one and last year they blew it should have gone and the Lions play a style that’s like hard to I love Dan Campell they play a hard style Dan Campell no no I love uh I forgot his name now well I love him I mean him he’s onwe oh but the the running back what’s his name that they got last year he was Dynamic my goodness from Alabama yeah that man I had it and you just messed me up I did to oh was his name what’s the lions running back girl can you look that up real quick I just are you talking about Gibbs Gibbs jir Gibbs that guy is unbelievable and they split he split carries with David Montgomery now David Montgomery’s gone is he right they brought somebody else I’m say he still there still there yeah they still got that onew punch I well I like that too I like that because David is a good grinder between the tackles guy and then this guy what he does on the on the outside and he can run the inside too but when you get him the ball in space he is nasty so they got they got a good offensive line Sam leapor is probably the best young tight end in the NFL um I wouldn’t trade him I honestly wouldn’t trade him for any tight ended football I think I think they have the I think they have the best offensive line in the game now I think they got yeah I think the lions got the best offense they’ve been trending that way for a few years I they got two we know what the ners bring who are some of the other one more time Anthony if you put that up one more time oh the Texans we’ve talked about the Texans I’m not a believer in the Falcons as much I love Kirk Cousins but I their still position talent to me is a little overrated in terms of wide receiver I don’t love their one who is the other is it Mooney Drake London and Mooney yeah they got Drake London they got Kyle pitcher tight end I like Kyle p i we argued something about Kyle Pitts recently and I like k j should be on the list over over but Kyle Pitts has not performed now he hasn’t had good quarterbacks but he hasn’t you know I love be I mean bejan Robinson he legit he’s going to bust out and have a monster year I think they got you know if they could get if they could just and didn’t they drafted a receiver yeah they did somebody yeah yeah yeah they did they must have let’s see they no that was crazy they drafted pinnick and they could Falcon depth chart because they could have got like what the hell were they drafting cuz they they could have got they should have got a DN they should have got that dude from Alabama that defens end Dallas so their starting wide receivers according to their D depth chart right now are Drake London Darnell Mooney and Ron Delmore like that’s that’s not very good they drafted uh they drafted somebody in the what round R Bois they drafted Casey Washington I don’t know what round he was drafted in they way too hiding in that case I don’t what I said when I see might have them T might not practice for and I don’t even know who they play is yeah yeah they a little too high the Bears yeah they legit but I honestly I would move up I would have the Browns Bengals Dolphins probably 5 six7 in some order and then I’d leave the Chiefs eight and then I’d have the Falcons had the Bears nine and then the Falcons 10 or whatever you got the Bears nine who’s their wide receiver they got DJ all they got Swift as a running back Cole K as a tight end yeah like I’m not as I got IND UND the receiver from Washington yeah all right that’s if if Caleb Williams don’t break their you guys hot here today by the way totally I left field I am sweating my ass off today no but I usually am and for the first time I’m actually cool I got this Browns trash bag on over here and I’m cool try quick sidebar out yeah man I know my man Earl was watching the end of that WNBA game yesterday were you watching that which game the Britney grinder game the the the fight didn’t want I didn’t I was watching the Atlanta Dream versus the New York Liberty fan over I watch that game no nobody saw the end of the Indiana game well first of all I couldn’t I had to shut it off with like 12 seconds left because the last 90 seconds of the game took an hour and a half and I was just like this I can’t do it anymore who won the game I assume that Indiana won because they were up by three and they had the ball with 12 seconds left but I don’t know but at one point they did a closeup on the referee cuz they were checking a technical foul the refere looked like right before he came on camera somebody poured a bucket of sweat on him an entire bucket it was the most disgusting thing i’ ever seen in my life like somebody give that guy a drink it’sot Buck hot in there it’s hot is scary by the way I I would not mess with her man she was out there what she doing out there just be just beasting blocking shots and man I saw some picture the other day of uh what’s her name oh my God the rookie in Chicago what’s Angel Reese and she look smoking hot in this outfit they I shouldn’t even say that that’s not speaking of Angel Reese she set a WNBA record for most consecutive stes in the season 10 straight I saw that I saw that by the way every time and they Robb Clark cuz she was supposed to get the triple double and they took her out she needed a rebound I think her team sucks by the way the rest of her team is garbage they can’t play it all who whoa Kelsey Mitchell there go Bucks shout out to Kelsey they suck shout out to Kelsey suck hey man that’s anyway why did I bring that up oh cuz the last cuz I can’t take I hate this about the NBA but college basketball is the worst with this the fouls at the end of the game the coaches think they’re Geniuses they got to talk to the players every 10 seconds these women are profession I don’t need time out every 8 seconds let’s go somebody put some Diana terasi somebody put some thoughts and prayers out there for uh your boy Darren Waller oh yeah he broke up with what’s what an idiot Kelsey gorgeous yeah he’s uh he’s he came out with a music video he’s been losing about two weeks three weeks yeah he’s he retired too that’s crazy that’s a bad move had the worst one ever said had some something about a zodiac his zodiac read something about zodiac signs or something and it gave him Clarity that you know he need to retire from the game man he might I don’t know I think he’s smoking a lot of Pop shout out to uh shout out to the um you know you know the plums out there you know what I’m saying all right Earl so let’s move on I think overall we’re okay with what where the Browns ranked seventh that’s fine yeah could be a little bit higher maybe lower I you could make the argument for either way but seven like they’re in the right spot I think if the I think if like Kevin stefansky was smart cuz you know we all know he’s smart but if he actually became more creative and play MJ Emerson in the slot the Browns will probably be up on number four in this list you want him on offense now offense defense special team turn kicks the sh backup the whole n Earl may be on to something here you you know MJ Emerson speed is like a 86 right stop the cap I mean he ran like a 4 five or something I think he ran like a 453 M it’s all Jam technology 86 speed and ain’t giving up no touchdowns it don’t even matter a big QB completes a percentage around 41% it it’s a big year for him it’s a big year for him he want that we going we gonna find out about him this year for sure I hope he I hope he get them for 120 I got to mention a couple of so I was sick during the weekend as I mentioned earlier so I didn’t really do much I was watching a bunch of movies mhm so a couple of movies I saw this weekend and one you went to the theater no no I was not up to go to theater I was I just didn’t move from the TV most of the weekend I need I need some movies to watch so i w we watched a my wife and I watched a movie called fancy dance which sounds terrible the name sounds terrible but it’s a very interesting movie about um a Native American woman who’s missing this who and that’s a big problem in in the in those communities kidnappings of of girls and women in the Native American communities on the reservations you guys heard about this no no it’s scary it’s horrible anyway the woman who produced the movie and stared it is um I forgot her name she’s very good it was a it’s a you know is this on Hulu it’s on Apple TV oh I got that then I watched a movie great movie another one which was a little heartbreaking but also great called swimmers this is based on a true story um it’s about two teenage girls from syriah mhm like from what’s what year is it 2024 remember all the uprisings in the Middle East where the people were like fighting back MH it was during that time these two women were being trained by their dad to be Olympic swimmers in Syria they were great well one of them in particular anyway then all hell breaks loose in Syria I don’t want to give too much away but it was a I didn’t know the story it was a fascinating story was a tearjerker at times but a great movie it’s called the swimmers you watch movies and cry no I mean I didn’t cry I mean I have cried yeah I cry at the end have you watched a movie and cried uh real men cry hold on hold stop it hold on stop that let me let me give you this one this almost got me shout out to the chat if you I um kind to shout I was watching you know them little films where you be on YouTube and they give IMDb film like little like they give you like little short clips and it was the it was the movie with moli caulin um when uh Home Alone Home Alone called my girl oh yeah oh God you got to cry with that one seen never heard of it he he got stung by them bees uh spoiler alert and then she was at the funeral and the funeral was like at the house or whatever and she was like the girl didn’t understand like he was dead and she was just like yeah he can’t see without his glasses like his glasses are off sad and and I’m and everybody was sitting there and was like like just they wouldn’t they wouldn’t say I’m like why was the girl there and she just broke out and left it was it was crazy like I’ll tell you two movies that make me do make me cry number one far gum when when Jenny dies I cry cuz he finally got her he fin finally got her he loved her his whole life yeah yeah and she finally he finally got her and she died yeah and number two when Kevin coer and his dad play catch at the end of Field of Dreams ah that always makes me choke up you I’ve only cried on one movie and it was like a small te was it Friday Night Lights when he didn’t get that yard at the end and they got stopped on the goal line that was the sadest it’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in a movie ever I don’t know B and I’ve seen some sad ones but that right there I don’t know if this was sad hurt me deep but it was it it it pushed my mind back like like born on the fourth of July where where Tom Cruz is melting down like like he goes back home and he’s melting down down yeah that movie is great and you’re like he pulls his catheter out and then like he I was just like man like he he was just performing you could tell he was like I’m like man he’s spiraling out that’s that’s the that’s the face of a man who’s been disillusioned he was so that propaganda and it just came back to him like his mom and dad I was like man I ain’t never going they about to draft me I’m pulling the Ali enlist it was W it was tough man what you got Earl oh no we gonna go ahead and skip the topic now we got enough time U by the way let me since since we don’t thep of the topic uh Bull’s upset at us because he found out out today that African-Americans don’t do sleepovers and that is crazy well first of all I’m not mad why would I be mad not mad he’s shocked he’s shocked that we don’t do sleepovers well but I I was going to get in but I don’t want to discuss the details right right right right yeah yeah because of the response to it yeah but uh yeah yeah yeah but you see you can’t speak for an entire Community well I’m telling you it’s three of us here all three of us and by the way you’ll never see three black people I will say this I when I was a kid I didn’t really do sleepovers CU I didn’t like sleep in other places I agree with that statement I just didn’t like it and I didn’t like having people sleep over my place I like bedtime was bedtime I didn’t want anybody else around in general in general we I don’t like a way game but I’m sure there’s plenty of black kids that do sleepovers Earl you let your daughters have sleepovers yeah my daughters have sleepovers there you go so that you’ve been proven wrong already like my daughter had like 50 kids at her house for her 16th birthday how would and they all spent sleep over did they uh about half of them did well how how you you got what you got a poal stat how many of what was the split between male and female it was all female okay well I’m not say I’m not you know that would never happen I say that right now leftt over his friend’s house this weekend yeah so like was just two boys it was her 16th birthday she had this catered event catered house party photo shoot the whole nine yeah a lot of the boys uh football team basketball team and track team was over but none of them dudes stay yeah you can’t have you can’t have I don’t know I mean everybody does their own thing I I look I I look at it like this it won’t there is a reason so my mom always told me this yeah when you like you don’t when you when you raised a certain way yeah she got to be comfortable with with with their peoples right so they got to know there’s different there’s different religious things like there’s certain things people don’t eat there’s certain things that happen like there’s a lot of stuff with your kids that like but that has nothing to do necessarily with a sleepover I mean just hanging out of the house yeah but I I need to know see when you hanging out at my house my house get locked down at 9: the alarm go on there a no it’s lock down like the gates Clos and everything some people be having weird people coming in and out of their house oh that’s just the next door I do what’s called the double lock I me I put I got two locks on the door I double lock I put my alarm on I’m I’m alarm stay in like it’s a WAP like if ain’t nobody going outside like it’s done so sometimes other people’s houses Ty they be having oh that’s Uncle Jimmy n no Uncle jimmmy like why but I only let my son sleep over friends houses that I that I trust that you know you got the people’s and the same thing like I his friend sleep over our house I don’t know my thing is when my kids get older the reason that I would not want them to have anybody to sleepovers because I have a fear that if something happens you going to go to jail exactly like if they if they was playing and she break her arm or something like like that’s on me no wait a second what the sleepover could just that could just happen when the her friends are playing at your house that’s my point I don’t want nothing to happen oh stop your wife is not putting up with that from from you come on what you mean my wife ain’t put I pay the bills sleep I pay the bills first of all I’m surprised by you right now good sweet guy pay my taxes I pay the bills when your when your son asked to sleepover who we go ask you or his mom whoever is there oh you so you just happened to be I think you cosigned it you cosigned the sleep I got no problem with the sleep there it is he’s around you more he you you he he asked that ask came from Hey Dad it’s cool I see but we discuss it yeah right he so he called my mom cuz he was at his friend Reed’s house MH and he called my wife and said can he asked if he could sleep over so my wife came to find me and we discussed with okay we discussed it mm is because my my in-laws were staying and we wanted to make sure you know I would have to see we had a rule my mom told me I don’t know if y’all had this rule my mom said don’t you ask me nothing in front of no other people that’s going to take a conversation between me and your father so it was like don’t don’t be like don’t hit me on the spur like I’m I’m I’m chilling it’s after a baseball game and I’m like can I go speak can I hang out at Johnny’s house to sleep that’s fair whoa you need you need he at the at the PO residence I tell everybody I run it like I’m the president my wife runs everything she could do everything but I have veto power I usually don’t say anything but if I don’t like it you say this yeah if I don’t said agrees with this yeah it’s what it is it’s just what it is like I my wife does everything she runs everything and does a great job but if it’s something that I don’t want to do or I think we shouldn’t do we ain’t doing it we ain’t doing it that’s it and if there’s something that you want to do and she doesn’t want to do it she’s not going to just put up with that no the p z the situation I you know I you know I kind of it’s the same thing like I kind of I don’t never say no to nothing that’s what I’m saying I rarely say best person in the world like she could be like yo I’m about to go spend this amount of money today and it is what it now there’s only a couple things that I that I care about and if I say something she can be like oh well he don’t never say nothing so he might he care about that like but sleep over look after a certain age after a certain age you kind of know your kids you know what I’m saying I would have a is like I would have to know him like that like you know what I’m saying I would have to I have to eat birth you got to you got to eat birthday cake with them what I mean by and I understand like when I have kids when I have kids over my house and I’m responsible for a lot of kids cuz I coach L yeah and I’m coaching fall ball I know a lot of these kids really well now when they’re at my house they’re my responsibility I treat them to some in some ways like they’re my own kid I if you know if they were in danger I’d protect them the same way I protect my kid you know and so there is a responsibility in that you don’t want to see anybody get hurt when they’re at your house I get it exactly but whe but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let your kid have my mama did it to me well and I’m fine did what to you you no you ain’t sleeping over you ain’t nobody sleeping over here I know that you I was like that’s fine I know you want to be a better parent he used that reverse that no that is a reverse tactic I like that you but you want to be you are a better parent I you want to be better than your parents and so wait wait wait wait by the way your girls are going to so down like that you want to be you want to be better than that talking about Dukes hey I mean I will say this yeah he got when you got girls or you got daughters there’s a different protocol you got I he yes that’s fair you got to think about that protocol you guys have girls I don’t know nothing if I had girl maybe i’ think different so you got plus here’s the way I think about it too there let me give you a quick example yeah so my ex my ex-wife um she was she had her best friend she was the ma of Honor in our wedding um I like I known them for years I’ve I’ve Babys set her daughters since I was she they would come over the house they would play video games or whatever me and me and uh my ex-wife got a divorce and I still worked with with the maid of honor that was in our wedding okay we work closely same Department everything like her kids was like yo like she got she has two girls right they say can we go over Uncle G Bush’s crib can we go over there we going play games and we and at the time I was saying by myself in an apartment and I’m like nah uhuh well yeah I get yeah no no like they got a like in no disrespect they they have a father right like and like here’s the thing like obviously nothing everything is above board and like you know I’ve seen these kids grow up but after a certain age there’s a place where there’s a demarcation like I don’t need to be like around tas’s kids I don’t need to be around Earl’s kids like I don’t like you got your own kids and your own that’s different than this we sleep I’m just say I’m just saying the Rules of Engagement tas’s daughters will wear him down eventually all right I’m sure Earl’s daughters do things not I’m not saying anything inappropriate but I’m sure he lets them do things that maybe he didn’t think he would let them do when they were younger isn’t that fair I mean yeah but I got a 16y old and it’s soon to be 13y old so that’s what I’m saying I’m not saying he’s going to they’re going to be you know but I just want uh say say a couple things before I read these uh super chats one tyus the chat is saying man if your wife is watching when you get home she might twist your C oh my god with that whole veto power you he do got veto power you better hold T his mom is not you better hope her his mother is not watching don’t we all want to be better parents than our parents it’s just listen we talking about women here with like like tyus mom might roll up on us came little sexist that was that’s shocking to me how did I come off sex you have no veto power we’re all equal we’re all equals we are that’s the problem in this country everybody thinks they’re better than everybody else we are but I at the end of the day if I say no that’s just what it is like and it should be at the end of the day if she says no that’s that’s fine if she want to say no that’s fine but I understand why the chat’s reacting that way and yeah yeah that’s hilarious and I would love to know how your wife feels about sleepovers have you guys discussed it you want to you want to call her after the show no I mean no we can ask her together right after the show yeah I’m curious we ask her after the show all right shout out to Sean Woodland man who gifted 20 uh Cleveland sport ultimate Cleveland sports show memberships man shout out to him it’s been a while since we had that shout out to Al uh sent a super chat in says we can complain about the Cavs all day saying we aren’t competing is a joke we were second in the East for half the season know your limitations you have no choice but to give it time wake up G respond to that real quick damn yeah going all in on you here’s the way it works so yeah that that second part was cool in the beginning where’d you end at second of all uh at the where did you end where did you end at dog like listen I used hey I used to be uh 250 lbs in high school where I’m at now me too what three something oh I killed for 250 250 I’m like it ain’t where you started was where you end big boy I’m trying to get away from 250 and the final Super Chat of the day says it comes from Eric Spicer that says boy wants all our pictures built like Jake hun LOL you know all our starting pictures built like Jay hunk basically he’s ensuing that Jay hunk got a fat ass hey bro this is crazy y i a never he said I Ain never I have never heard nothing like that man all we could do a whole you could do a whole parody off of what I said in that one segment you just kept going I just said you just D it deeper I was all in that’s another pause you can’t be all In come on y’ he out of line today God man bumped his head before he walked in here yeah uh Little League playoffs this week we got a big game tomorrow I got some things planned listen you got some you you you I I got some tricks up my sleeve first of all first and third steel no no no I got I got a kid I’ve who’s been my best Fielder all year I played him in shortstop I’m playing him in center field there been a lot of fly balls lately first thirsty and I’m taking my that’s aggressive I’m flip-flopping within the inning my left fielder and my right fielder when there’s a lefty up I’m flipping my left field to the right field I’m gonna call out something like some goofy word and they’ll know to switch man our our go-to move was if you had somebody on we get a we get a dude in a rundown and then and hopefully like you know the first guy between first and third throw the ball and throw it away and then we can at least get somebody to come home we can’t do that in Little League only because really in Little League you can’t steal home unless a throw to get another Runner goes into the Outfield so even pass balls you can I’m about to say not a wi not home not home only that’s CRA that in Fall Ball you know which we’re doing in a couple of weeks you can do that they really tighten up in my leag you can run the catcher over I did that in PR I ran our catcher smooth do you guys you you guys make them go from the stretch or they can do whatever they can do whatever like most kids throw from the stretch but yeah like okay all right well you know hopefully you that get get get that uh win all right what are we doing at overtime does anybody know so apparently the Home Run dery change the rules yeah all right I don’t even know we can freestyle it you know yeah yeah you never know we could be talking about sleepovers we could be talking about movies I got make a I guarantee talk about tus wife being mad at him now I want to say uh rip to one of the best villains in TV my man Duda Duda is dead R the dudah you know what I mean my boy my boy n came through and stole the kill and he the man show is that the sh I don’t know that K Deon shumer everything Merk de I have shumer B I haven’t about this man I know

NBA Free Agency is officially underway and the Cleveland Cavaliers have yet to make a move (as of 8:10 am ET).

What is Koby Altman’s plan to improve this team this offseason, as he awaits on Donovan Mitchell to sign his extension?

We list a number of FA targets for the Cavs to consider, so who makes the most sense?

Kenny Atkinson will be officially introduced today as the Cavs new head coach. What are you most looking forward to hearing Atkinson address during his time at the mic?

The Cleveland Guardians have sent Triston McKenzie down to AAA Columbus and promoted Gavin Williams to the major leagues. Can McKenzie’s issues be fixed? Can Williams be the missing piece of consistency this staff desperately needs?

Does Jhonkensy Noel need to be a mainstay in the Guards lineup moving foward?

Plus, does Deshaun Watson have one of the best QB situations in the NFL heading into 2024? The 33rd Team ranked their top 10 and the Cleveland Browns are on the list, but are they placed in the right spot?


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  1. Tbh Cavs are screwed…Altman has been holding his nuts instead of making moves. Knicks, 6ers, & Magic all got better; Celtics are reigning champs…Cavs shouldve traded for DG for Bridges as soon as they got Mitchell. It's been common knowledge for 30 years that unless your name is Isaiah Thomas, MJ, or Curry, ypu can win with a guard being your best player…Cavs fell behind the league & now we have no trade assets left & Ingram just isnt gonna cut it (dude can stay healthy & isn't good with the catch n shoot)…not to mention, their draft pick is undersized no matter how feisty he turns out to be…congrats, the Cavs will be a playoff team for the next 3 years but we wont get anywhere bec we're too small.

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