Chris Paul WILL START!? San Antonio Spurs News

Chris Paul WILL START!? San Antonio Spurs News

the Golden State Warriors waved Chris Paul last night and shortly after and I did not expect it to happen this fast our spur signed Chris Paul to a one-year deal worth $11 million what I didn’t expect is it looks like he may start next season giant what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports hope you’re having a great day found this article from Spurs talk this morning that’s going to talk about it looks like Chris Paul is not just going to be a mentor which we expected if he came to the Spurs but also a starter that’s going to see the article according to a team spce I according to a team Source he spoke with Chris Paul was the first free agent the Spurs called Greg poic talked to him and sold the 39-year-old on his vision the Spurs view CP3 as a team starting point guard and as a mentor for Victor wenyama Stefon castle and the rest of the young players in San Antonio the hope for all parties involved is that Paul can reestablish himself as a highquality starter after he spent this season with the Warriors that’s on primly in bench roll he’s going to be 40 this season is he not I hope he still got some gas in the gas tank especially to be a starter it’s actually a bit surprising that point guard agreed so quickly I agree with that statement 100% I thought he’d be a free agent for a little while the common assumption throughout the league was that Paul was going to opt to sign with the contender in the video he did last night for the channel was like is it enticing enough for Chris Paul to be able to play with Wy Mentor players and be coached by top apparently it was to his credit you could have went tried to go of course depends on the other teams that want him but could have you know held out to go to the Celtics the Nuggets any one of these contenders and accepted you know really reduced role in contract and said hey backup point guard I’ll play for you for 3 million whatever it is and he’s coming here so let’s give him a little credit he see he sees something he sees something greater he sees Victor wiama anyway his metor ship alone will be invaluable Paul has a great track record of helping young players find their footing in the league and helping young teams maximize their talents he’s a master in the pick and role and in the end his decision- making on offense has always been excellent shooting wise he’ll be a big improvement over Trey Jones sorry Tre Paul’s a more accurate three-point shooter and lets them fly more often okay everything sounds good so far right defensively Paul at 39 isn’t as quick as once he once was but he still can hang on the end of the Court he’s strong he’s smart and he isn’t one who allows him himself to get bullied unless his athletism falls off the cliff no pun intended Paul will be an upgrade on the defensive end to okay CP3 is the type of leader who will call out younger players for bad decisions that’s actually a good thing adding them to your team is a fast way to improve A team’s Collective basketball like anyone who watched the Spurs play last year knows that smarter play would be very much appreciated yeah yeah there’s also chance that the Spurs could profit by dealing Paul the trade then line to a contender and this is something that he doesn’t really be talking about too much as of yet he plays well as a starter and then we trade him for another asset maybe a second round pick in 2034 I’m not bad joke up too soon um if he looks like a Bonafide starter A desperate Contender could give San Antonio an offer they can’t refuse could he could they pull a first round pick for Chris Paul I don’t know about that but it does you know does open the door does some mentorship for the Spurs up until right before the All-Star break and maybe he has traded then the Spurs didn’t spend a ton of money for a guy that can mentor Stefon Castle still Mentor all our guards and certainly the rest of the young guys on the team I mean I think he’s actually old enough to be the dad of a more than half our roster right anyway I’m off on a tangent the team now has an on court leaner which will make life easier for the 20-year-old talking about Victor wemi Yama I have one with the best PES in league history will also benefit wemi I think safe to say wemy probably going to average over 25 points per game this year and like this news for Castle Stefon Castle said he wants to play point card now he’s got a mentor right there not only in the Spurs organization and pop Etc but a multi multi multiplay allar a great defensive player yes I know he’s not the player he once was some some of you not a fan of some things that happen on other teams with him but we’re hoping best case scenario here he’s a great mentor for Stefan castle with Paul on board Castle can learn firsthand how to run point in the NBA additionally Paul is in a ball dominant guard these days so there’ll be plenty of opportunities for Castle to run the show similar to Derek white starting five is likely what he’s going with Spurs talk Paul Castle Basel soan and wama this is a lineup I have seen posted many times on the Spurs Facebook page looks like Boop looks like this that’s somewhat small starting five but it has potential on both ends of the Court let’s Circle back to this I want to talk about this a little more in death here for a moment that is going to be a small lineup real small compared to some other NBA teams rebounding could be an issue and we could still have an issue with floors facing at the moment Stefan castle and Jeremy soan are not good three-point Shooters however it could be Lob City with CP3 lobing the ball to wemy let’s not also forget Castle lobing balls to Don M Clinton in college so he might be a great lobber to wemy and then you know Vel started getting a good report with Wy at the end of the season yeah this going to open up a lot of opportunities for Wy if teams aren’t double teaming him and triple teaming like they did last season it’ll be interesting to see what happens we talked a little bit about wemy and Castle running the inverted pick and roll where they get on wemy and Castle’s open so I this is going to be interesting to see how things play out with this offense if they go with the starting lineup the size does concern me size does matter here at least and I don’t know very curious how it plays out at the very least if this is a starting lineup this should strengthen our Ben bench unit with Trey Jones and Kell John johnon leaning the way Zack Collins is still there a lot of you want to see him gone I don’t think anybody’s taking on that contract I think Julian champen will do better in a bench roll I don’t think chedy osman’s coming back we’ll see but I think our bench could be a little stronger next season that’s certainly not a bad thing our bench came in and gave up a ton of leads I don’t want to talk about the bench anymore in regards to the last season there you go Tre Jones played well last season but I like them better off the bench all right good we agree there the Spurs should do all they can to bring Juan Nunes over the Spain for next over from Spain next season Nunez looing from Paul would be too great of an opportunity Miss so this is also something I want to jump into is our point guard situation kind of have a lot right now we we’ reverted back to the San Antonio guards if you take a look at our roster Chris Paul this is in no particular order Stefan Castle Trey Jones Blake Wesley Devonte Graham and Juan Nunes who I don’t think he’s under contract as yet but I assume he’s going to have some sort of does he have to sign a contract if he draing stash he’s se’s with the Spurs right now Devonte Graham won’t be here next season I can’t see any way shape or form he’s still on the roster so that’s one taking care of that sounds mean but you know what I mean Nunes appears will be overseas so okay there’s that but what are the long-term plans for Trey Jones and Blake Wesley are looking as Tre Jones as a primary backup the backup this is the last year of his contract he might test the waters does that mean Blake Wesley and what’s that mean for minutes for Blake Wesley are we’re going to see two point guards on on the floor at the same time or is Wesley going to be more of a combo guard more of that Derek white roll where he’s occasionally handling the ball time will tell and then Chris Paul I don’t think he going to be here next season I think this is just a a stop Gap type of situation where he’s going to be Mentor maybe he plays for the Spurs all year Maybe not maybe he doesn’t get traded who knows we’ll see I hope it works out for Chris Paul and the Spurs but next season I think Paul’s off of that thumbnail and maybe gets replaced by a Ford I don’t know kind Cooper flag maybe hopefully no we’ll see and then the last thing I want to bring up maybe I already said the last thing but there’s a second last thing one of you mentioned it and it didn’t hit me right away but um Chris Paul CP3 right uh H will Kelvin Johnson give up his jersey number for CP3 or will CP3 say hey you’ve been wearing this your whole career with the Spurs I’ll happily change my number to I don’t know if he had a different number in college or high school or whatever maybe but kind of curious how that plays out as well Kelling seems like a cool dude who would go up his number but then if that happens then my Johnson is useless I hope I I suppose I could still wear it but it’ll be the wrong number I’ll just have to shove my Johnson in the closet and and okay that’s enough of that Spurs fans let me know in the comments down below your thoughts if this is the starting lineup are you on board are you like I don’t think so DSR he should be coming off the bench I thought it be more of a bench roll what’s this do for us winning games this year do we win more games are we we’re going to win more in 22 we’re going to win more than 22 but very curious how much this affects us moving forward and this is um this is a move I know he’s old I know he’s past his prime he is a big name and he’s coming to the Spurs where a lot of folks said he was going to go try to latch on to a contending team so this is a this is a start of something I’m starting to here starting to see some Lou marketing more more of those room is out there which also would raise a big question if he somehow there’s a big trade made between the Spurs and the Jazz from Markin and where how who who’s coming out of this starting lineup is Castle going to the bench as a rookie we’ll see it’s a fun time to be a Spurs fan I know some of you love this news some of you don’t in the end though one thing we can all agree on is go Spurs go so thank you all for watching hope you have a great day and once again go Spurs [Music] go game [Music] to

Looks like Chris Paul will start next season!

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #wemby

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  1. Even though physically he's not the best option (being short), if there is one thing in Basketball that is important, it's your brain. Chris Paul has that, and that is why depending on his situation, he can still easily be your 3rd best option, since he's always been incredibly skilled. Fantastic signing, as well to make us better on court, but more importantly as a mentor. I was thinking we should bring in someone like Patty Mills, but Chris Paul is even better.

  2. Paul should play the majority of his minutes with Wemby. It’s not a shock to me if he starts. We know Tre is more than capable as a starter so he’s a great backup. Paul at 39 will probably be playing less than 30 minutes a game. His value is going to be felt if he’s on the court or off the court.

  3. I think there's a possibility that CP3 retires as a Spur, and came to SA to mentor, but also to start a coaching career. Maybe he could join Pops team, and eventually take over? Could be his easiest road to a chip, not as a player, but as a coach

  4. I’m okay with him on a 1year. Btw, sawsome clips of Rilex Minix. Heck of player (shooter) 8ft out to three point line. The guy can bang while creating his own shot.

    Was quite surprised. He is 6’7 230lbs. He is bulked up

  5. I would've just kept Dollingham the guy they drafted. Chris Paul is to old. But I will take him but I would've rather kept the draft pick

  6. How did Castle make it into the starting lineup? Y’all talking about him like he’s young Kobe or Ant Edwards. I’d start Branham over him and I hate Branham. Cidy plays defense and is bigger. Why you guys decide to hype Castle is wild.

  7. INGRAM, people are discounting him. We'll see. Now for Paul, I can see why they would have Castle and Paul out there at the same time, coaching by doing (hands on coaching). I can see the same with Wesley. A shorter time with Tre. Less and Less as the season and players progress.

  8. Chris is here to teach Castle and Wesley how to be PGs in the league. I can see Coach Pop trading Jones away for Nunez as the backup point guard. I can see Wesley as a combo guard. Castle is the main point guard after trading Paul to a playoff team at the trade deadline.

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