Zach Edey is a PERFECT FIT for the Memphis Grizzlies – NBA draft pick reaction and player breakdown

Zach Edey is a PERFECT FIT for the Memphis Grizzlies – NBA draft pick reaction and player breakdown

Zack Edy was taken ninth overall in the NBA draft to the Memphis Grizzlies I want to give you a round of applause cartel you predicted this one a month before the NBA draft uh and I went back and listened to the morning of the draft we put a video out that was like projecting the best fits for Zack Edy we both mentioned Memphis as a good landing spot so I think uh in summary we are ecstatic for our guy Zach Ed that he’s landed here Purdue fans seem very happy about this Zack e has opted off the Olympic team so he can get with Memphis and start hooping already uh he he looks like the only Center on this roster things look good for Zack Edy they look as good as he looked in that picture at painter’s house with the bottle in front of him and everybody else around him just a great night happy for Zach uh let’s break down this fit though what what what is your breakdown on the fit of Zack eating the Memphis Grizzlies uh my initial fit is that Brandon Clark needs to come up off that 15 Edan 14’s not doing it for me I’m sorry I it’s just it’s not fair uh he should be in the 15 for Memphis with with that said like I said in the video I I think this is to me it’s a perfect fit it is this team needed a center they have one of the more Dynamic point guards in the NBA who I think works great in the pick and roll like johnar getting screens from Zack Edy is going to free up so much for him and uh Ed will be a lot threat he’ll take up space he like he’ll open things up uh I I just think it it works out completely well it gives the ability to move jiren Jackson to the four which I think that’s where he operates best out of um I I I I truly love this fit for Edy and for the Grizzlies um and like I think it’s a fan base now given you know the Tennessee volunteer fans were a little upset but outside of that I think the Memphis Grizzly fans will be able to kind of embrace Edy and and it’ll be like it’s it’s going to be a really fun team like a lineup of johnar Desmond Bane not sure you want to throw the three like maybe Marcus Smart or something like that and then with jiren and Edy like I I really like that starting line I think it’s gonna be a really good team yeah the door is wide open that’s the thing here like Edy I think is g to get every opportunity to play a huge role on this team immediately like I I don’t I think the Grizzlies drafted him to start at Center and I I don’t think there were many teams in the league who would have done that even with our belief in Ed like I it would have been a lot safer for a team to just say like oh we’re gonna draft this guy we’ll bring him off the bench we’ll see what happens and if he’s good and warrant it we’ll play him more but we don’t need to worry about it the Grizzlies have like made room for him like they have carved out space for Edy to like kind of be their guy at center from day one I think that speaks to a belief their franchise has in Ed the player but uh too it also like is just such such a good good spot for Edy man like I I I think it’s the only team in the top 10 that would have kind of carved this roll out for him immediately and you know he seems to be running through a wall to try to capitalize like this is why I think he’s stepping away from the Olympic team um I think it’s a smart move I I think he’s the best big man on this team right now and I think when he starts setting screens for John marant they’re going to be really really hard to guard hump your breaks jiren Jackson is the best big on this team are we sure about that yes why why is jiren Jackson junor the best big on this team yeah why why is Zack e the best big because he’s if jiren Jackson’s so good why didn’t they just want to play him at the five is it because he’s being a little Primadonna about his position and you know maybe maybe isn’t willing to do the things at the five he needs to do is a special shot blocker is it because he can’t stay out of foul trouble really he’s just a stretch big all I can do is shoot I think it’s a realization that he is a player who he can stretch the floor a little bit more than Edy he’s also better defensively than Edie as well like I don’t know why we’re ignoring that he can stretch the floor a little bit better than Ed is a crazy sentence yeah you can’t look jiren’s very good uh how many Playoff Series have the Grizzlies won with the jiren jackor um uh they and have they won one I don’t know yeah I’m not sure either we’re BL that on jiren I’m just wondering I this I I get it I understand what you’re doing here but you’re just taking a little bit too far well I just I think like I wasn’t sure we’re even calling jiren a big anymore seems like he wants to be more of a three it’ be a little wing step step out and shoot a little bit gotcha gotta again I don’t like where this video is going right I’m just saying the back to the basket abilities that Zach has and the pick and roll stuff is going to change this team fundamentally from some limitations it has had with jiren and Ja as the guarden big Duo yeah sure jiren should be ecstatic that like if we’re listing the people who should be happiest that Zach Ed landed in Memphis jiren should be near the top of the list because Ed allows jiren to do everything jar wants to I don’t think I don’t know if he should anymore why because now he’s the second best big on the team I I think Ed’s presidents allows jiren to do what he wants to do which is be a little Primadonna going out to the wing which is not be a big jiren doesn’t want to be a big that’s what I’ve been told the whole the Memphis needed a center because jiren’s not a center jiren wants to step out and shoot it and zachie is gonna allow him to do that right yeah jiren’s the second best player on Memphis for sure so he’s the second best player second best player on Memphis but he’s also the second best big I’m not sure he’s the best big on the team I don’t because I don’t know if he’s a big all right got it I don’t know if he knows he’s a big dog uh okay can we talk about so it’ll be jah jiren two other Shooters in theory like Dez Bane who else and it’ll be it’ll be J Edy Bane Mark yeah and then jiren throw him in there at the end all right this is what we’re doing sorry sorry you made me mad I just it’s gonna be it’s gonna be like three Elite Shooters around John Mar and Zach like I can’t think of a better basketball fit than that true and I mean then they got young guys with promise like GG Jackson was good last year so like yeah they they got something like if if jiren can stay healthy if J can stay off Instagram like this team could do something yeah I think uh I’m I’m just ecstatic because all of the super Rosy projection stuff you and I did pre-draft like I think we’re going to get to see if we were right like if Zach had just been taken by some bum organization like the Pistons or the Hornets we never know it’s it probably would have hurt his career and instead now like I’m we’re gonna find out if I’m right that there’s like a a 1% chance this dude’s sha 2.0 like I think there’s a chance and uh if he’s that good we’re g to find out very quickly it’s really exciting um zachi is gonna be so good in summer league too very quickly like I can’t wait oh he’s got he’s gonna dot like who’s well he’s gonna be going up against the centers that he went up against in college basketball mostly most likely nobody who can touch him also uh so Grizzly’s fans seemed obset they didn’t take Dalton connect and Purdue fans are taking a pretty big Victory lap over that are you happy with that move do you think Grizzlies fans were stupid what do you make of that uh I I don’t know about Purdue fans taking a Victory lap like oh the connect verse Ed thing like that it’s an odd Victory lap to me um but also like if I’m a Grizzlies fan I don’t know how you just don’t like this fit like I get I I mean I is the tennessy volunteer love that great yeah I don’t know like they took Jonas Ado would they be jumping over like brick brick walls or something like that yeah I don’t know it’s it’s it’s it’s oddd yeah I don’t know I don’t know um I yeah I don’t know I get like Purdue fans should be laughing but like Grizzlies fans should be happy about Zack Ed so I don’t I don’t get why we’re Victory you guys got to come together like why are old Edy fans and new Ed fans like beefing you know yeah like what are you gonna do like hope Ed’s awful like if you’re a Grizzlies fan that sounds unbearable we got to focus on the real Ops out there Aaron Torres still exists okay and what’s her name Kristen Peak yeah we got Ops still to address okay Ed fans let’s lock in together and get through this

The Sleepers discuss Zach Edey’s fit with Ja Morant and the Memphis Grizzlies!


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