Cavs’ Koby Altman on Donovan Mitchell extension talks: “We feel good about Donovan. He’s in a great space. He’s invested. Hopefully soon we’ll have more of a decisive answer on that for you. But he’s pro-Cleveland.”

Cavs’ Koby Altman on Donovan Mitchell extension talks: “We feel good about Donovan. He’s in a great space. He’s invested. Hopefully soon we’ll have more of a decisive answer on that for you. But he’s pro-Cleveland.”

  1. Sounds like no extension today, but still plenty of optimism from the Cavs that the deal gets done

  2. Not sure how we don’t have an extension in place yet if he wants to re-sign? You put the deal in front of him and he signs it if he wants to re-sign. Seems cut and dry? He should already know what the max offer looks like, what is the holdup?

    Did Koby go to work these two days?

    Paul George is ready to move to Philly before Donovan is ready to stay where he is?

  3. This is an interesting way to find out Sam Amico has me blocked on Twitter despite me never following him or commenting on anything he’s ever posted.  

  4. There are only a couple of possibilities here. This isn’t the NFL where they are haggling over contract amounts and guaranteed money. He already knows how much he can get.

    That means either he is trying to hold the orgs feet to the fire to get something done with the team, or he has no intention of staying after all.

    We better pray it’s the first one, because we have sat here and done nothing trying to get this extension done, while all the big peices are being moved around. If he leaves and we did essentially nothing, it would be a historically bad offseason.

  5. I’m getting worried that he still won’t commit… we’re only hearing encouraging stuff but why not just say it….

  6. Koby is clearly delaying this so then we can’t trade garland and he gets to keep his “core 4” together. I choose to believe this conspiracy. 

  7. Not sure the logistics of when it can be done/official, but if it is doable now and it isn’t done this is a bit concerning. Can’t really hit the ground running with free agency / trades if you don’t know the future of your best player. Not to say we are exactly going to make a splash in FA, but delaying this only causes more problems

  8. “he is very pro-cleveland” is not really the language you want to hear from your FO at this point.

  9. Not great to hear considering the extension could have been a done deal today. I know it can’t be officially announced yet but it would have been reported on if it happened.

  10. Until i see a tweet confirming he’s signed, this is all theatre and not reassuring in any way

  11. For all of the people worrying, it’s not a purely simple decision like a rookie max extension is.

    Mitchell could simply be deciding whether or not he wants to sign a 3 or 4 year extension. A 3 year one allows him to be ready to sign a bigger deal sooner while a 4 year one gives him more security.

    If it were a guy like LeBron was in his 20s for example who never had injuries, it would be a pretty easy decision to go with a 3 year deal. However, Mitchell has had enough injury issues that taking the security of a 4 year deal over worrying about 1 more year is most likely worth it rather than the risk.

  12. The writing is on the wall. Donovan Mitchell is not signing with us.

    Koby may be the worst GM in the NBA. He signed Jordan Poole type inefficient players who should be on the Detroit Pistons and not contending for championships (Garland, LeVert, Strus, Niang). Why would Mitchell sign with this horrible roster whose ceiling is the first round?

  13. July 6th is when he can officially sign. Lmao many are missing this point and I’m not sure why it’s going unreported outside of Brian Windhorst.

    Anything that leaks is one thing but neither camp can make anything official to the public.

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