RAW | Viktor Arvidsson 07.01.24

RAW | Viktor Arvidsson 07.01.24

uh Victor congratulations um I guess take me through the process and why Emmon was the right fit for you uh well uh first of all I’m happy to be an an Oiler and it’s going to be a it’s going to be really fun I think the group is great and they’re they have uh something really going for them there and for us so it’s going to it’s going to be fun process was it was pretty straightforward and and I had few teams but I I I know eki for for a long time and and our families know each other well and um he convinced me pretty early and and I think that was a big part of it too so I’m happy and and our family’s really happy to to join the team and uh follow up uh how are you feeling healthwise and then um how important was the opportunity when you look at the depth chart to be a right winger and think that you can play with either uh well probably with dry Sidle as Heyman plays with McDavid but the fact to play with dry Sidle was that a big factor as well as echol no obviously that’s a huge opportunity for me and and to play with such a good great player and like I think the team itself is built really well and uh they have like I said in the beginning they something going and and and I feel like they were really close this year and I hope I can I can help the team move even further thank you we go to Derek van East D congratulations uh on the signing um I just want to ask you about I know last year was a tough year for you uh because you only got into 18 games but when you did play um you you you almost you’re almost a point to game guy I guess what what what are you looking at getting a chance when you get a chance to play with a guy like maybe dry side points wise are you expecting to to you know maybe challenge some of those some of those totals that you had the year before some of the the big totals you had the year before uh yeah obviously I want to get better every year I think all hockey players want to to just do better every year and every every shift every so I think I think yeah of course I want to do that and like you said I I think I if I only played 18 games yeah and I feel like I that was those were my probably my best 18 games of of from from years past too so I think I think I when I played I did a great job just as a followup I want to ask you about what did you think of their their playoff run going all the way to the game seven stle Cup Final what did you think of that no obviously I played them in the first round and I knew it’s going to be hard and like we played them this was a third year in a row so uh I didn’t play the first one but I I I knew it’s going to be a hard matchup and I I know what they’re capable of and uh when they I didn’t watch probably I watched a second round a little bit then we went home to Sweden so I wasn’t able to watch all the games but uh it was it was great I I talked to eki a little bit and it’s it’s awesome to see that that you can you can go that far and I I’ve done it once and yeah that’s that’s a great feeling thank you we’ll go to Daniel n Bowman hi Victor Daniel nen Bowman from the athletic here I just wonder you kind of touched on those last two Series against the Oilers um what did you think of the way the team played in those last two series and how do you feel like you can kind of fit in with that group based on what you saw uh well I like to have the puck and and play play off so I think that’s going to fit me I think that’s what the team does and uh to create offense and create scoring chances I think that’s my game and and and I play a 200 foot game even that too so I think uh I think I just saw a great opportunity for me to to be successful and for the team to be successful question Danel yeah yeah I do have a quick followup um you you’ve seen that Oilers power play quite a bit and you probably know you’re probably not gonna get too much time on it but you have been a guy that that produces a lot at five on five do you think that’s where your um your biggest asset could be to this to this team yeah for sure yeah I I knew I was not gonna play on the power play for sure and I I I I I I know I’m a I’m a great 515 player and I I can contribute that way and H that’s that’s what I’m going to do and and just uh work hard and play hard you know that would much Spector yeah Victor Mark Spectre here uh two things uh your health I know you had back surgery a year ago and then the sort of core hip type stuff last year uh where do you stand healthwise are you 100% coming into the season yeah for sure uh uh I’m 100% I I think I showed that when I was back and at the end and that’s how I feel right now I feel great and obviously uh I know people are concerned about that but uh I I know I’m the only guy who know my body and I I feel great and I feel confident uh this going to be a great year and I’m G to play a lot of games good and tell me about uh the one the one thing about uh Mattias EOL and his wife AA who came here uh they’re they’ve come to Edmonton from Sweden they love living here they want to bring their kids up in Winter City uh it’s refreshing from an Edmonton angle to find veteran players who want to live and spend Winters in Edmonton uh where do you stand on all that uh well I’m raised like that uh from where I’m from I bet you all know Adam Larson and me and him are from the same city and uh so I’m I’m raised like that with with a lot of snow and cold Winters so uh living in Nashville and then La I think something that we that we kind of as a as a family has has missed a little bit U the all the Four Seasons and and stuff like that so I think I think it’s going to be be fun and and and exciting to have have some snow again we will go to uh Ryan M Ryan Jamie can you hear me yeah sorry about that my computer froze up a bit uh Victor just wanted to ask you in the playoffs there there were a couple of games and a couple of shifts where I mean you and Matias were going at it hard I recall you guys steamrolling each other a few times and such uh what do you recall about that and uh of all the things he told you about Edmonton what has stood out to you uh well he probably didn’t want to play against me again no but uh yeah we we’re competitors I I I know that and we uh battled a lot in practices before so um that’s just uh that’s just the part of the game I I feel like and uh I think he just he just told me it’s it’s it’s a great place to be and how the team where the team is heading and and uh he he was really excited for me to come to Edmonton so that helped a lot and and like I said before our family are are know each other well so that helped a lot too

Viktor speaks with the media on Monday afternoon after signing a two-year contract with the Oilers.

  1. Must be skydiving? 1. Known diver 2. Shakey camera. Like the term good player. Cap hit probably ok. Just Stop the dives!

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