Instant Analysis – Dallas Stars Sign Ilya Lyubushkin & Matt Dumba

Instant Analysis – Dallas Stars Sign Ilya Lyubushkin & Matt Dumba

the Dallas Stars are really good but they made some odd choices today Ilia lushin Matt Dumba not bad names not bad guys no the terms and the money are very interesting but first just want to say brought to you by of course 888 Canada who we love and Jesse how’s the roulette going okay okay it’s going okay listen somebody should have put it put it on red that’s all I’m saying uh so why didn’t you tell me before Adam nobody asked C I thought it was weird when you put it on black you always put it on red I put it on black okay so here’s what we got we’ve got Ilia leushin for two years at $3.25 million per year and also Matt Dumba who if you remember the coyotes couldn’t trade for a more than a sixth round pick at the deadline for $3.75 million I’m sure both of these guys are thrilled great contracts for them great City to play in great team to be on I’m sure their families are real happy yeah did you say 3.25 for dumo no I said 3.25 for B 3.75 for dumo got it I was like no no he 3.25 would also be too much yes so listen we love B in Toronto we traded for him twice uh like what he brought to the Leafs uh throughout the playoffs um $3.25 million yeah man it’s like they brought in two complete opposites they’re both right-handed shots and one guy you’re going to throw out there when you need a goal and one guy you’re going to throw out there when you need El lbushkin right he you you have a offensively minded uh guy who you can play on your power play still got a bomb of a shot he can still hit guys not that great defensively at all and he’s and and you do pay the right-handed shot tax premium yeah yes his last deal by the way in Buffalo when he signed there from the Leafs was two years at 27 five so uh I’m surprised he got a raise uh I’m surprised like Dallas is a team that uh you know I always talk about the Boston Bruins know how to find and sign and keep forever Boston Bruins the Dallas Stars are actually pretty good at that and Dumba doesn’t strike me as a Dallas star Ilia leushin does it’s a lot of money it’s probably too much but that guy strikes me um as a Dallas star um I want wonder if they’re going to be able to has Yanni hawen paaw signed anywhere no so that’s fascinating to me because I kind of want to see those two play together just because it’d be funny okay um but uh I I guess they’re maybe getting ready to replace him it it again it’s it’s two complete opposites and to me it’s not the most efficient way of spending their money because that that’s what seven million combined it is yeah and and and I want to ask guys because Matt Dumba was a guy that a few years ago in Minnesota we were talking about this guy who who was going to get a six or a seven-year deal at five or $6 million a piece what’s happened there he’s only 29 uh but his stock has fallen significantly he’s uh he’s he needs to be sheltered too much and he’s lost a bit of a step um you know you don’t you don’t need to lose too much from your game uh to fall behind because players are always getting better um and they were always pretty good to begin with right you know what I mean the the gap between the gap between the icons of the sport and a normal player is huge like between McDavid and whatever the gap between the good players and the great players I don’t think is is nearly as big I wonder too you know you’ve got highkin at 845 youve got L uh Lindell not lundell uh Lindell at 5.8 million Thomas Harley has yet to be signed although he was offered a a qo really really good for them and he’s going to make a lot of money are these guys just guys you’re like listen we need somebody who’s going we need somebody who’s going to fit in at four and we need a 56 and Brandon Smith’s the other one uh I I think that is kind of it Adam because like I’m looking at it like ah Dumba can play like pp2 yeah no no you’re probably going to do like henon on one Harley on the other it’s it’s an odd Sig because they feel like you’re they’re going to be on your bottom pairing right but they’re two right-handed they’re not going to play together right they’re not going to play together so one’s got to be your third pair and then the other one you’re going to put in the top four and then so I guess petravic is out because he’s he’s he has a minor league deal so you can set him down but he’s 32 and I guess he’s out of the lineup and you have a couple young guys who can fit in there it’s all I just don’t see the natural fit for both of them I understand one but both is a little is a question mark if your Dallas um and you’re confident Dumba can be what he was um then it’s a heist like it’s a it’s a heist Canin you know what I mean um I just I’m having trouble seeing it I I’m I it’s an odd now they did also resign Matt duchaine at three million bucks this year I mean obviously hit a great year with Dallas last year um finished off his former team which I bet felt pretty good felt yeah it felt good that’s a good $3 million to come back after he were successful there that’s a good deal I think he’s how many years one year it was just the one year well uh I think he’s happy even though it’s just the one year I think Matt Duane’s a little tired of be in a suitcase so I I think it might be nice for him to spend a little time in one spot right and he’s made a lot of money uh he’s done the long-term deals he’s seen the buyouts he’s he’s got money so it it may not even be just that um Dallas is in a lot tougher I think this year to win the division than than they were last year obviously Colorado is still good but they’re still waiting on a couple of players one of them unfortunately in the substance abuse program um getting help that they need but they don’t know Colorado doesn’t know if they can add one team that has added a lot though are the Nashville Predators and we’ve talked about this in other videos but I think they’re going to be a serious Contender um and the Dallas Stars knew they needed to add I just don’t know that these are the pieces they necessarily don’t forget Sam steel as well oh yeah the 26-year old $1.2 million for one year okay oh oh they did resign them that’s good okay that’s good uh I mean here’s here’s the good news for Dallas is they have points to give so like if they’re not as solid in the regular season they were one point away from winning the president’s trophy they’ll be okay all right fine so I think they’ll be fine it’s just it’s question like does this make them better you know does this get them because they they lost to Edmonton you know they weren’t one of the fin they weren’t one of the final teams they didn’t win the Stanley Cup does this get you over the hump to win the Stanley Cup adding B and Dumba and bring back steel and duain this is this is not what today is for though and this is what I need to wrap my head around today is for getting through the regular season for most teams and then the trade deadline you go all right we built a good team in June and July uh and August what do we need to do from here what what are the gaps what are we missing and maybe they decide well right hand side’s kind of weak y don’t know if we did that good of a job in July and then they go out and they get a Chris tanov or something like that I like one I don’t like two I like so which one did do you like like b or Dumba either or yeah so you say oh you like them getting one sorry yeah I should I should be more specific I like them getting one I don’t think they have a need for bothan decent way of putting it do Shane found his his his way back right he found found a good spot now is as a Reclamation project do you think that uh do you think that you could see the same here with with Matt Dumba because I feel like that’s got to be yeah but we know like bch doesn’t have that sort of is what he is we know what he is I wonder because Dallas really does like to go shopping for guys that were just bought out so and when you look at guys that were just bought out boquist is going to be up maybe that’s interesting to them the youngest buyout ever wasn’t he yeah I think he is Jeff Skinner was just bought out I wonder if he finds it you know that’s an attractive team to go to you you’re I mean you’re a Stanley Cup Contender every year let’s throw it out there why not throw it out there you’re you’re talking about guys who can score and Dallas is a offensive team Nick Robertson wants a trade oh join your brother I like that I likein your brother swap swap obviously oh yeah no Jason for one oh I thought we would take Thomas Harley but I guess we’ll sell we don’t want that we just want Jason okay split it in the middle ottinger okay hey it’s brought to you by 888 Canada sdpn free agency day

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake discuss the Dallas Stars decision to sign defencemen Ilya Lyubushkin and Matt Dumba.

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  1. You think its bad that they signed both until you realize before signing them they had a grand total of… 0 right shot defensmen💀

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