Indianapolis Colts – Edgerrin James best non-QB in Colts history! Jalen Smith chases cash to Chicago

Indianapolis Colts – Edgerrin James best non-QB in Colts history! Jalen Smith chases cash to Chicago

you know if you’re going to talk about the best player in Indianapolis Colts history you’re talking about pton Manning we know that there’s one Statue Guy that’s it one statue in front of Lucas Oil Stadium and that’s pton Manning so let’s not talk about pton Manning best player in Colts history non-quarterback Division I believe it’s Edan James I think Edan James not just pton Madden called him the smartest player he ever played with I think he was the best player that he ever played with I think Eden James is a Hall of Famer absolutely for a great reason and there are several great reasons there’s some guys who are really good with the Colts Hall of Famers also like Marvin Harrison Dwight freedy sure Reggie Wayne gonna be a Hall of Famer hopefully Robert mattisse one day is a Hall of Famer but I think Edan James the best player not named Payton Manning in the history of the Indianapolis Cults we’ll talk about that we will talk about maybe some players who might threaten Edge at some point as the best non-quarterback in Colts history we’ll talk about NBA free agency we got some free agency news as it relates to the Pacers we know that Obi toppen has signed a 4year $60 million extension do you know how long it would take a teacher making $60,000 a year to earn $60 million that’s right going to take what is that ,000 years that’s a long time that’s a millennium Randy Smith said can’t you’re right on PJ is just a brand of course yes I I’ve talked to you know what all you have to do is look into the eyes of a a person sometimes you’re like ah this guy this is not my kind of guy as Frank castanza would say and that’s the way it is with Paul George Paul George is just a brand Paul George is going to make over the next four years $212 million that is a lot of money for what Paul George brings to the table I don’t know how you justify that kind of expense to your owner I don’t know how as a general manager you can call the owner and say hey I got a line on Paul George yeah the guy who’s never won anything yes but at the age of 34 through 38 one of these years he’s going to win right here that’s because we’re smarter than everybody else we’re smarter than they were in Indianapolis we’re smarter than they were in OKC were smarter than they were with the Clippers and Paul George despite the fact that he what he play a maximum of 55 games the first three year or first four years he played with the Clippers he played 74 last year in his contract year ha what do you think about that I know what I think about it Randy Smith says are the 76ers favorites now no they are the opposite of favorites they have been eliminated from consideration for going to the NBA finals because Paul George is not a guy who wins he’s not a winner that’s not what he’s doing we’re going to talk about Jaylen Smith jayen Smith not a winner now I don’t blame Jaylen Smith because Jaylen Smith hasn’t made at the end of this deal for Paul George he will have made like a half a billion dollars playing basketball jayen Smith is in that company not yet so him going to Chicago and chasing the cash makes a little bit of sense but we know the Bulls are a dumpster fire that they’re not going to win him leaving Indianapolis to go to Chicago you know what maybe it was prompted by the Pacers who said we got enough of what we had last year uh Jaylen we’re thank you we appreciate your efforts over the last couple of years you are free to sign wherever you like please exercise your player option to get out and go somewhere else maybe that happened maybe that prompted Jaylen Smith I think he’s chasing the cash we’re going to talk about Lorie marinan Lorie marinan as a target for the Pacers is kind of interesting because they’ve got a guy who they could send to Utah in Miles Turner and get back marinin marinin only counts 18 million against the cap next year Turner is like 19 million so that’s a really good fit if you throw in like a first or a couple of second rounders on top of Miles Turner maybe they would give you marinin but the question with marinin as we’ll go over is he the worst play or the best player on a bad team or is he a really good player on a bad team there’s a difference between those two things he was certainly the best player on the Jazz the past two years but does that if he comes to a good team with guys who can play like zakum and halberton does he then recede easily from scoring that 23 points a game to maybe scoring 17 points a game but hitting for 40% of his threes like he did last year with the Jazz and going and getting a bunch of rebounds we’re going to talk about that too uh a lot of things to talk about Pacers summer league roster announced this is inside Indiana Sports now for Monday July 1st 2024 brought to you by the great people at my bookie you go to my bookie and you enter promo code K NT that’s Kent you unlock a sign up uh bonus worth up to an including $1,000 bu bookie where you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere let’s go my bookie want to make sure that you subscribe because if you don’t subscribe you can’t win prizes and if you can’t win prizes why wouldn’t you want to win prizes come on hit the thumbs up that means you like the video that’s the polite thing to do who your polite to their core we are polite so of course you hit the like and if you want to make a donation as Randy has twice today you are more than welcome to do so uh Eric Gordon did go to the 76ers and good for him he’s made about $200 million Eric Gordon right now is a Hired Gun I’m glad he’s going to have a chance to at least win 15 games and then flame out in the playoffs but like I like Eric Gordon I really do I don’t like Paul George so I’m a little conflicted over what’s happened over the last few hours with that team let’s talk about the Indianapolis coltson Edan James give me Edan James as the best non-quarterback in Indianapolis Colts history I’m in I Ed is the best unbelievable productivity uh before his knee injury he was on track to annihilate running back records until that injury he had averaged 103 rushing yards per game you want to know what EMT Smith the all-time leading rusher in NFL history averaged 81 yards per game Eden James 22 yards more than that that’s Edge uh after his recovery he had five straight how about this you destroy your knee you have it surgically rebuilt you rehab the living hell out of that thing you come back and you have five straight years where you run 310 times or more that’s unbelievable like we people talk about load management now with running backs and they’re like yeah you know two and a quarter a year that’s kind of a sweet spot that’s pretty good Eden James you give me the ball and I will get you yards and yards and yards and more carries and more yards that’s what he did he had uh four 1500 yard plus Seasons he excelled in 2004 and 2005 particularly 2004 uh because despite Manning having perhaps the best season in quarterback history prior to the rule changes and alongside teammates Marvin Harrison Reggie Wayne and Brandon stokeley who each caught passes for more than 1,000 receiving yards three receivers with more than a th000 yards and Edge still putting up huge numbers 1,500 yards rushing uh James also had 51 uh receptions for 483 yards out of the back field that year um of course you had Marvin Harrison who is terrific fifth alltime in receptions ninth alltime in receiving yards Reggie Wayne 10th alltime in receptions and receiving yards you had Dwight Frey 26 all time with 125 a half sacks Bob matthys 28th with 123 uh sacks good Heavens maybe Jonathan Taylor maybe Anthony Richardson uh Le Tatu maybe ad Mitchell we don’t know who the next great Bevy of Colts are going to be Randy Smith says AR’s up to 255 PBS I hope that helps him stay healthy I think he’d have a better chance of staying healthy if he were lighter like if you got the immovable object hitting the uh whatever Force I think you got problems 255 into 300 that’s a lot of foot-pound right I I like him lighter but hey what the hell his body is his body and and as long as he doesn’t get hit he’s going to be okay but more weight can mean more problems that’s just the way it is it doesn’t mean less problems you look at skinny quarterbacks skinny quarterbacks tend to stay a little bit healthy heavy quarterbacks sometimes not so much I don’t know whether there’s a cause or effect or not to tell you the honest to God truth Randy uh but Edan James was a guy you gave him the ball he got you yards he you could throw it to him he was a hell of a blocker he understood how to play I would say Walter Payton’s the best running back I’ve ever seen best football player I’ve ever seen Walter pton was an unbelievable team first guy edrian James if I’m putting together threats to Walter pton in that Realm I’m not going to say that uh Edan James is the second best running back ever I think that’s a bit of a stretch I think you know what you got to give the flowers give some flowers to EMT Smith Barry Sanders certainly but Edan James I’d have in the top five he was just that good and without that knee injury holy hell Hall of Famer ding ding ding ding ding absolute Hall of Famer as a human being and a football player and teammate and it was a shame that uh the Colts let him go to Arizona and didn’t resign him because with him I think that Super Bowl winning team is even better all right uh Jaylen Smith Jaylen Smith three years 27 million uh with the bulls typical Bill bulls overpaying for mediocrity he’s a former Pacer for a reason people and uh the Bulls they refused to cough up for excellence but they will overpay for mediocrity that’s what they do AP second best I don’t think so I don’t have that I don’t think Adrien Peterson Adrien Peter what I like out of a running back like Adrien Peterson if he had 20 carries and 150 yards it was because he had 18 carries for 50 yards and then Two Carries for 100 you know what I mean and that and that a lot of running backs are like that but Edge was a guy who would go get you five or six on the regular and that’s how he put together his big Seasons it wasn’t a bunch of like take it to the house runs Adrien Peterson was one of the more exciting running backs ever I’ll give you that and a guy who could take it to the house at any moment he was absolute magic when he was playing there’s no question um Jaylen Smith the Pacers aren’t going to miss him he would have played in the postseason if they were going to miss him the Celtics are extending Derek white he’s getting four years 125 point 9 million geesh are you kidding um good good for him he deserves it man you know what he’s a guy do the Celtics win that title without him yes they do but it would have been closer uh Klay Thompson three years $50 million deal to go to the Mavericks okay 34 years old you hope he’s got some gas in the tank and if he does and you put him with Kyrie and uh with Luca you you know what the West can be had East can be had too uh Paul George here the thing about Paul George I’m going to go off on Paul George for just a minute all right last season was a contract year 74 games played the previous four years he played 48 54 31 and 56 games for a total of 189 that is 47 and a quarter games per season 47 and a quarter that means missing 35 games on the average per season and 56 as a high Watermark do you think that Paul George is going to suddenly come to Philadelphia and in the first year of a four-year extension where the fourth year is a player option not a team option but a player option and all that money’s guaranteed you think he’s going to play 74 or you think he’s going to play 50 I’ll tell you what he’s going to do and you know what absolutely hold me to this he’s going to play between 5050 55 games this year that is what Paul George is going to do because that’s who Paul George is Paul George talks about winning I owe this organization winning he said it here he said it in OKC he said it with the Clippers and he had delivered on it once that’s Paul George that’s what you got Philadelphia you’re excited about it you’re excited about what Paul George is and that’s a brand not a basketball player not a championship basketball player but a brand oh look I’m PG-13 people going to be able to remember that people are going to be able to remember the suits people are going to be able to remember all the crap that doesn’t amount to a hill of crap when it comes to winning that’s Paul George make no bo I got nothing good to say about Paul George I hope the Pacers get the 76ers in the playoffs I do too because there’s no way the Pacers don’t run them straight out of town Jo lmb are you kidding me now hey Maxi can play Maxi straight up can play and and I like Maxi Eric Gordon I don’t mean to crap on Eric Gordon but when has he won anything like he’s been the best player on terrible teams he’s been a contributing player on a good team I don’t recall him ever playing on a championship team um Lori marinan and I don’t mean to like Eric Eric’s great I like Eric Eric was the most dominant eighth nth grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade basketball player like non Greg Odin that I’ve seen in Indiana high school basketball he was Unstoppable when he wanted to put the ball in the bucket the ball was going to go in the bucket he was on a on a night where he was wired in Good Luck stopping Eric Gordon impossible um Lori Markin uh can the Pacers Pony enough Pony up enough to win the auction would Utah be tantalized Enough by Miles Turner would marinin make the Pacers better or did he excel in Utah because Utah wasn’t very good he is a 40% three-point shooter Miles Turner close to a 40% are you just kind of shuffling tables on the Titanic with Lorie marinin for Miles Turner I don’t know it would be interesting it would bring some interest to this team that doesn’t exist because of uh you know Miles Turner I suppose I and and again is s Miles Turner hate I just don’t think he knows how to play basketball I don’t think he understands the flow of the game in a way that allows him to function within it and and do things instinctively that cause winning I just don’t see it and I really didn’t see it against the Celtics if you want to beat the Celtics I don’t think Miles Turner can be a part of that operation Randy Smith are you 18th in the way too early ESPN top 25 I don’t know you know what uh my mood is turning a little bit as to the hooers because of Mike Woodson’s Behavior with those Hooser hysteric swing nuts um I I just I don’t I don’t like what happened I don’t like a coach that’s defensive over a couple of Cs just Rog guys who aren’t really even part of the media I I’m not they nil functionaries who who tried to you know brand themselves inside the Indiana basketball world and then when they got a little bit critical or Brian Evans did on their show then Mike Woodson goes haywire and bans him from from contact with the players what are you doing why do you care I I think that that shows sort of a wrongheadedness that bothers me a little bit we’ll talk about that as the off season continues uh Pacers can they tread water and get better can jerus Walker and Benedict mathine and Tyrese halberton hopefully healthy for a full season can they lift that team to a higher place without making a major move and acquiring somebody like Lorie marinan that’s really interesting to me and that’s what we’re here for get your popcorn right uh Pacers you got uh Jer Walker Oscar sheway Ben Shepard Newton Tristan Newton uh Dakota Maas I love Dakota Maas it’s awesome Purdue boiler maker Lance Jones Purdue boiler maker uh Fury Brown Freeman summer basketball a week from Friday they got their first game I’m digging it I I like that’s going to be fun to watch I’m looking forward to seeing jarus Walker can he go get a bunch of rebounds in Vegas we’re going to find out tomorrow morning breakfast with Kent can’t wait to talk to you then as always

Edgerrin James is best all-time Indianapolis Colts not named Peyton Manning!
Former Pacer Jalen Smith benefits from Chicago Bulls stupidity!
Lauri Markkanen for Myles Turner would give the Pacers AND Myles a fresh start!
Paul George to the Sixers removes the Sixers from contention in the Eastern Conference!
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  1. I thought Mike Vanderjagt was going to be the all time greatest colt among other teams haha 😂😂how many opportunities did that guy blow in the most important moments? MArvin harrison has to be in that conversation as well Dwight freeney. Reggie was great but not all time

  2. Point; the Colts record was 3-13 in Peyton Manning‘s first season, but after the drafted Edgerrin James they improved to 13-3.
    Now I’m not saying he alone turned the Colts around, but he certainly helped.
    And, why can’t the cheep ass Simons put up a statue for Reggie Miller?

  3. Harrison is in the top 3 ever to play his position
    Edge can’t say that
    Nor can he say he’s the best RB colts ever had. When you have Marshall Faulk as well as Eric Dickerson

  4. He is definitely the best running back in Colts history but Marshall Faulk is close to him for that. I think it is either Marvin Harrison or Reggie Wayne as the best non QB in Colts history.

  5. There were a lot of players in Baltimore better than James , but Harrison , Freeney , Mathis , Wayne were all better than Edge imo in Indy. He lost something after that knee injury in his 4th , 5th season.

  6. I say raggie Wayne, best none quarterback in Colts history after all James left the Colts they won supperbowl thank to Raggie and Manning not James

  7. The Paul George slander is crazy.. he's a very good player and got the pacers closer to the NBA finals than they have ever been since reggie.. I'm not saying he didn't do the pacers FANS dirty, but it's a business.

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