DaRon Holmes Introduced to Denver Nuggets Media, NBA Free Agency Day 2 | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

DaRon Holmes Introduced to Denver Nuggets Media, NBA Free Agency Day 2 | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

Holmes has been introduced as a Denver Nugget we’re going to talk about our takeaways from that presser the latest on Russell Westbrook and some updated thoughts including his perspective on the whole thing around the association the Thunder ad my favorite guy Isaiah hartenstein and then later in the show we’ll have a little fun snake drafting our favorite X nuggets will kyp be picked stay tuned oh man it’s so much easier to laugh when you’re in pain you can do really what is everybody welcome to the dmba show oh my gosh live from the Toyota Lounge driven by your Front Range Toyota store Toyota the official vehicle of dmvr I said this on yesterday show I’ll say it again I rode in a grand Highlander for the first time not just a Highlander a grand one how was it it was like a Highlander but even more Grand on today’s show guys we just came from the presser with donon Holmes it pretty interesting so I’m excited to get to that there’s actually a lot of stuff to talk about why did you dress in all black today is it uh it’s laundry day oh okay yeah I was like I didn’t there are some funeral Vibes but I didn’t know that when I got dressed I just thought it was a normal Monday he showed up and like well I’m appropriately dressed today y uh over here the man with the wind in his hair Harrison wind fellas Goods be back on a Monday just to keep you updated on uh my sleep schedule yeah let me hear it uh 1 hour last night oh one hour of good solid sleep that’s terrible yeah what a trooper man it it’s tough to complain it really is I’m not a complainer but it was 1 hour last no but you don’t you don’t you don’t uh like you say that at the start of the show but some people come in and that’s their whole thing I had a tough day but wind’s very uh steady she goes you get it done you should instead of saying you got 1 hour sleep say I got to spend 23 hours my beautiful daughter yeah 23 well I get to spend all the time with her at night because she just sleeps all day yeah like she’s probably sleeping right now yeah it’s a tough break man deep r right now can’t get that at night though it’s a tough Break um what are you going to do we’re going to open up today by talking about the presser because there’s a lot to get to maybe news will break later on in the show probably not but maybe maybe news will and we’ll kind of push that back as far as we can but today top story Don Holmes introduced this always a special day I mean this sincerely the first time you get to meet the player family comes into town for the players it’s a huge deal you know you think about the moment is I will say this just can we take people behind the curtain yes I think in your mind like you grew up watching movies of the press conference and every it just feels so big you know what I mean like you think about rock Tidwell you know Jerry Maguire what the presser looks like in the lights and it’s theatrical it’s Hollywood the real thing is just like a gathering a small gathering of people in some awkward corner there’s hardly anybody there the technology comes and goes it’s it’s actually so underwhelming I always think about this with players in their mind they probably have a vision of what this feels like and then you get there and you’re like that was that dude I I always thought about it with the guy Christian Brown Right is coming from Kansas yeah Kansas is a big deal over there and in Kansas in Kansas and to those people and the facilities and the money and I think think he got to Denver and he was like huh yeah small media day my all-time favorite was 2017 with Trey ly Li and Monte Morris when they held up the flag cuz they didn’t have jerseys for them to hold up so they just held up a flag that was the all time worst wrinkly flag that actually somebody should have ironed or something a hilarious one um yeah I mean especially when you just walk out there and you step at the podium and it’s just pretty much us yeah you know like there was practically nobody at this pressor today there was like 10 media people this is almost half of the people that were there us three and kale another interesting thing like what do you think that means cuz you are right there are times where the it’s not like there was Broncos practice today where the hell is everybody there’s nothing going on actually Rockies are in season I know but don’t think many media are camping out down there took took note of this pick including the Nuggets players themselves perhaps we’ll get to second well there you go cuz I would actually say of all the thing actually I don’t want to start there that’s too much of a doub a great seg I’ll say this I found a r h home so spoke with him very briefly after we’re just kind of doing the introduction and you know what have you but observing him speaking with him briefly seeing his family he really does seem like a great guy he seems like a Down to Earth super nice guy down to earth um you know good dude and and that’s my number one takeaway from him you’re very young I’ve said this the other day but these guys keep getting younger I think it’s like you’re getting older the Gap they keep getting the Gap is the gap’s he was also his shirt what do you think of his shirt see this is this is why I love Harrison we are different I really I’m a person that believes in personality type I didn’t notice did you notice his shirt kind of a see-through Vibe going on yeah a little like black see-through action going on I thought it was a good look I mean thought it was a good look what so what do you think of this it was something that like a very young gen Z person would wear okay that’s where I was going there you go I agree was good luck what’s stood out to you though Harrison what’s like sort of one of your big big Impressions from it uh don Holmes seems like a really like you said down to earth grounded um respectful like super well-mannered he called Tommy baltis Mr Tommy or sorry Tommy bracelets who was at the Press today Mr Tommy bracelet he’s just like very well very uh well-mannered you can tell he was raised the right way uh very polite and um it seems like he’s got a really good mindset to him I agree you know he was asked a couple questions about his goals as an NBA player and what he wants to accomplish in his career and a lot of his answers were you know pretty much just I just like to keep my feet you know under me I take one day at a time I never feel like I’m a finished product I don’t really like to think that I’ve uh found success or accomplished my goal so he seems driven and motivated and um really grounded I love what did he say I always try to what was it stand where my feet are yeah stay where my feet are at I love so folksy man I love it I did too that’s such a folksy way of saying I was going to go right to the same stuff wind did to be honest the perspective on those answers uh the way he talked about yic and this is a small and easy thing to get right but particularly the line look I’m just going to go and learn from him um that’s something you always want to hear I just thought he was relatively humble and that’s I think for a guy who’s going to you hope is is someone who does the Dirty Work and is versatile and and can plug multiple holes down the line you know the right perspective is important and it’s very easy to win a press conference the work’s done on the floor uh but you don’t want to lose a press conference and I thought he did great I thought I thought he showed good perspective for the the the type of player that he is and the expectations for what he is coming into Denver I I think so as well and I will say nothing incendiary you know nothing you know nothing like that like sometimes you want a guy to come in maybe he’ll say B something hot I did like your note about the goals whatever like he was like I’m not going to think too far cuz sometimes you ask a guy what’s your goal here and it was the worst answer of all time do you remember was it bones no not from a nugget DeAndre Aton said to get a second contract the number one pick you’re not supposed to say that out loud that early too it’s like to get a second contract and you’re like you’re the one pick you should get like four contracts whatever uh also what where are you what but you know he didn’t even go there you know it was just like hey I’m going to take the game and I think that’s a good mindset for a guy in his status I do think it’s different if you’re you know Zion Williamson coming in it should be like I want to win championships or that I thought it was good of like I got it just take what gives me and make the most of every situation I’m in I thought that was great I will get to your point though now the biggest stand out to me he was asked who on the team has reached out to him and he said I will remember this for the rest of my life I know and as he said that I’m like oh man this is going to be something absolutely epic okay I’ll remember it for the rest of my life Harrison Julian Str and he’s the only one only one nobody else on the team has reached out to Dall clearly meant a lot to him and it meant so much to clearly meant a lot to him this is f minus Denver Nuggets I’m talking about the players here we’ve lost our way it’s a small note but yeah man the Nuggets way that we that we fell in love with there for a three foure window that would never happen and it did and look it’s it’s a small note it’s not a small note it’s actually my top note well then I’m glad I’m glad we need to sign Monte Morris back just so he can welcome the latest draft pick to Denver to CL coaches front office have reached out that like that the players someone got drafted let me get his phone number I want to welcome the kid to Denver I was going to make the same Monte moris wind but then that also led me to a question of who do we think you know who who should have that expectation on the roster you know who who’s who should we who should take that role on uh with Monte gone uh defin clearly wasn’t any of the starters but shout out Julian good work shout out Julian who we love um chill guy just chill guy and taking on a responsibility far exceeding his years in the league but let’s just go through this because it actually does bother me I think there is something too you always ask who are the leaders of a team who are the guys that reach out jic is currently in Serbia training with a national team somewhat understandable I’m not going to give him a full pass but I’m going to give him a half pass I do think like he could reach out and send a text like hey Cal what’s the number hook me up okay here it goes hey man welcome to the team I’m nicoa I’m busy right now but you know looking forward to getting to know you that’s not like that’s something that’s reasonable to expect of joic at age 29 it is even that said I still would like it’s almost maybe different for the best player in three-time MVP um means more it means more but I mean like maybe people don’t expect it called Anthony black for God’s sake I forgot call back that is a great one well we actually don’t know it might have been a voice recording that’s so true you’re right we never actually almost we never quite got to the bottom of that but I think it was a voice recording the AI boom that that’s actually a good point it’s just worth considering why joic could just like get a AI generated voice recording and send it out yeah yeah but uh or you was deep faked so look Jamal’s with Team Canada yoki’s with Team Serbia we know Aaron Gordon hold on hold on hold on hold no go one at a time here so yic we say like come on man it’s kind of your job here as the captain of the team Jamal Murray unquestionably now I think Jamal Murray’s in a weird spot right now we’re going to get to him here in a little bit but Jamal Murray I think would definitely be a guy that can reach out he has on Team Canada had a rough end of the year half pass for him but not but also I just feel like it’s his responsibility Aron Gordon has had a tough summer you know has had a tough last couple weeks another guy I’ll give him a pass well let’s just give him a full pass although AG does seem like the guy that would reach out and just say hey man welcome by the way you know I guess there’s slight Arizona connection I guess I don’t maybe then after that I was thinking who’s the fourth I guess Michael Porter you could say he’s been around he’s had he’s had an uncomfortable like he’s had to go through that uncomfortable so maybe he would empathize and say hey man I know how hard it is to come into a new team does Mike even know the draft happened though good point after that I was think phone back from Cabo Denver only has four vets DeAndre Jordan technically not on the Nuggets yet so maybe it’s weird or illegal it’s not that’s not no it’s that can’t be weird he’s on the Nuggets so he should have reached out I mean that’s also his job right the vet you should be reached out those are your vets after that I was thinking who’s the next most responsible to do that to reach out I think Christian Brown and Zeke Naji are the two most Zeke Naji is the next most tenured person Zeke’s not reaching out Christian be weird if Zeke reached out welcomed you to the team Zeke Naji like is he on the team still you’re on which team is he coach uh I I kind of View Christian as the kind of default leader of the second core the young group uh he of the next wave he’s the vet yeah um so maybe it’s something he could do but I don’t know man it just feels I’m almost I don’t want to take this too far this is of course just me talking but I’m glad that Jamal is with another team right now and so is yic they kind of needed to get away from the nug I yeah maybe this team’s in it’s been a long time together with a lot at stake and a lot I mean look dad went out for for C milk and cigarettes and he’ll be back any moment look if if we were an obl ated via VIA ad sponsors would we really show up for each other every single day um on this show so I that’s a joke speak for yourself that’s a joke man that was uh I was like uh you guys were supposed to laugh I think so but five years later you guys get it um it’s a little it’s I maybe they need a little break from each other who knows it might be that I it might be that a broader point so first of all unforgivable nuggets in a weird spot perhaps maybe we the fan base is unsettled it’s possible that the team to your point needs time away cuz they too are like man that was rough we thought we had a title and we didn’t get it they even they feel some reverberations that being said one of my bigger thoughts as I was thinking about this was that Christian Brown is like the fifth most senior nugget right now and it’s he’s played two years yeah in the NBA right and when you really paint it like that maybe they end up adding a uh a Westbrook or another vet maybe a couple vets or something like that and it bounces out a little bit but I do think when you start thinking about these types of responsibilities the little things that vetss do you go oh yeah man there’s just not that many on this team and and it’s a nice reminder of all the little things that went right the year the Nuggets dominated on their way to a title like it wasn’t ju everyone was doing every little piece yeah all the way down to the small stuff and honestly even even still like th this time of year you were starting to like the guys are together the guys are excited to be together and um there was something kind of special in the air from the jump and uh I think that’s probably what one of the most difficult things about repeating is you could replicate all of it but do you get that part again you know everyone wants to do all the little stuff it all comes together it all lines up um there was magic in the air that year um real quickly couple other loose odds and ends Don H I was just going to say I’ll give Michael Porter a quick pass as well he’s in the Philippines right now as somebody in the chat said but that’s a pass do you know why he’s there there it’s some type of uh nonprofit work he’s bringing awareness to he’s witnessing firsthand the efforts to combat human trafficking modern slavery modern slavery yep and I’ll tell you what and I think he’s I actually heard a report from from somebody that interviewed or was part of a group interview where he’s actually very passionate about it people were trying to ask him other questions and he was like guys that’s not what this is about I want to do it so Michael Porter interesting cat doing some good work it sounds like I mean based on little I know last notes on Don Holmes reminded me of Christian Brown how so two brothers look exactly like him this like Christian Brown when you meet Christian Brown and his two brothers they all just look like the same person but slightly different heights I thought that I didn’t even know Don Holmes had uh you know Brothers Two Brothers that just looked exactly like him different strong strong jeans yeah different sizes yeah Basketball family like you can tell those guys are basketball players too no question about it and then who else was there Stan Kony was in the building witnessing I always find it interesting what he attends and what he does not Michael Malone was there of course C booth in route to or probably already in Europe possibly I think going to see vatco chanar so there is a chance that maybe a you know vatco chanar deal gets brokered here before too long any other odds and ends from this um did you get to uh look him in the eyes and see how tall he was he’s tall man he seemed tall to me I was going to say that it doesn’t mean for me I know it doesn’t but I would say that I would I would go walk away from saying taller than I expected seemed legitimately tall on the flip side uh the 2A guys were there oh yeah both both short small both small I missed them Alexander Alexander yeah maybe they weren’t there maybe they weren’t maybe those were just some other guys unofficially all right let’s take a break on the other side the latest on Russell Westbrook a little little update we’ll also continue to talk about that and what it would mean uh guys check out indeed um indeed is a place to look for jobs um indeed is where you can go to see job postings we’re driven by the search for better but when it comes to hiring the best way to search for a candidate isn’t to search at all don’t search match with indeed if you need to hire uh you need indeed indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million Global visitors according to indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates uh very fast so you can ditch the busy work use indeed for scheduling screening and messaging so you can connect with candidates faster and indeed doesn’t just help you hire faster 93% of employers agree indeed delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job 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expect news too quickly it’s always possible you know how these things happen but I actually think this one might drag out a day or two that’s the impression I kind of get yeah after after last night like the nuggets have two open roster spots I think one’s for a point guard one I think is for a center um I think the Nuggets they want to scratch their itch at backup center yeah um there you go and the other one potentially for Russell Westbrook I get it so I think the backup center one happens first that was good I think the backup center one could happen today and I think Russell Westbrook maybe happens in the next couple days if it does happen at all so you actually expect the Westbrook one maybe to be the last Domino the second of two dominoes that would be the last yes yes we he clarified the second of the two the second of to dominoes we haven’t talked to you about this vote Russell Westbrook yeah man um I think when everything was perfect in Denver it would have felt like this type of a move right just the N the notion of Russell Westbrook uh volatile right potentially oh yeah potentially explosive in the volatile cont like in a bad way um maybe this guy changes up The Vibes I think we’re sitting here July 1st in a different situation uh uh first of all the Vibes don’t feel great second of all they need any route to improve that they can and I don’t think Russell Westbrook is anywhere close to the best version of himself and as many have pointed out how a player like that ages he’s kind of a fascinating role player he’s had games and moments where he looks awesome he’s had all other moments where you’re like why does that guy get to dribble and shoot and make choices but Denver does not have a lot of routes or options to to make this roster in this bench better and the bar at backup Point guard’s been pretty low Denver could use a little athleticism he still has that even if it’s deteriorated and they could use some ball handling and he can do that even if he’s a bit of a wild card so you talk yourself into it pretty easily from the perspective of nuggets don’t have many cards left up their sleeve and as of things stand right now the roster’s gotten worse two offseasons in a row um so Russ could Russ can bring some things that they need and if you want to an optimistic perspective on it it’s it’s their best chance at getting better I hate this I’m going to be honest with you I don’t like the roster gotten worse two t two years in a row I still think that last year had more to do with Jamal Murray’s performance than the roster being bad they did win more games they had a better net rating when the nonic minutes they came short of the playoffs because Jamal Murray was his worst playoff run yet so to me this idea that it’s two years around like this year to me is definitively a step back this this year does but I don’t think it’s a thing that has just been a process personally the Bruce thing was a inevitable and B I still think we laughed at everybody for making such a big deal of it now we’re like no using it in the other direction I kind of still think it’s I like I don’t I don’t know how much it changes that’s if the starting five was that bad like no one player really changes anything yeah starting up was a minus 25 net rating orever that would have mattered but listen I have a lot of questions and reservation marks about Russ but I like they need ball handling they need athleticism they need to bring someone in to help the second unit and he might be best left here’s an update thought I have when that wants to come this is an update thought I have I I think it carries tremendous risk I’m I’m going to get out we talked about this yesterday in detail wind and I did on our emergency show my thoughts are in there I think that the downside of this I don’t know if the nuggets have ever had a move should this one be made I don’t know that there’s been a move that I have felt had a lower floor higher ceiling you know what I mean this is a thing that I’m like man what a variable that’s thrown into the equation here but I will say that as a Storyteller somebody who loves like to try to really figure out what’s the story of a season of a team or what have you the russwood Redemption Arc is a really really cool one agreed Fool’s errand here like it really dangerous to sit here and try to play this but you know Kevin Durant James Harden and Russell Westbrook make up one of the most interesting trios in the history of the NBA the the reverberations of that formation of a team that was you know 15 years ago that there’s still a story about these three brothers on a team went different directions and their careers have intersected Westbrook kind of the black sheep of even them all three of them are kind of maligned but even he is like the outsider of Outsiders and there would be something cool of Kevin Durant went to the Warriors and won two championships and no one gave him any credit nobody really cares about it and it’s undervalued James Harden has to tell everyone how good he is because nobody else will agree with him Russell brbr has had his own issues but if he ended up up being the good story of the Three of like oh do you remember when he went to the nuggets and found his home at the end of his career and helped them win a title even in a small bit roll and had a holiday esque Love of the Game I just there is something too when you think about a fan what is it we’re ultimately rooting for we don’t want it just to happen the way we want sometimes you look at it and say okay what would be the best story given what but the de hand we’ve been dealt and to me that would be a cool story given the hand the Nuggets would be dealt it’d be a really cool story and um like there’s anywhere where Russell Westbrook can redeem himself it feels like it might be Denver and next to Nicole yic like it’s really hard for a player to look bad next to Nicole yic mhm it’s really hard man and granted a lot of his minutes probably would come not with Nicole yic when he’s on the second unit but a lot of them still would and it’s really hard to look bad in those minutes so maybe it is on the table I think it probably is on the table but I I am with you like there does seem to be a lot of risk here like if it goes bad that could derail your season yeah I don’t think that’s hyperbole because I don’t think it’s a situation well it could be but maybe it gets to a point where you just have to like cut him or wave him or buy him out or something like that’s an option like that could happen down the road it could also go really well and he does have this Redemption Arc and he is a really important piece for the nuggets as their six man I think both options are possible I feel like it could go either way though yeah I mean it’s the thing about the Westbrook situation not working out is it feels like it would be loud like it it draws eyes it draws tension it draws conversation the only thing I can even remotely compare it to well there were two things one is when the Nuggets had Isaiah Thomas but that was was Zero that was way lower risk yes um because the Nuggets didn’t have really many expectations as that team that year and they stopped playing him they just yeah and he was hurt when he got here I think more hurt than the Nuggets thought and he never really got like on the floor really yeah and then the other one is Bones Highland which is a situation they just rid themselves up very quickly and you know nip that in the butt before it expounded right I just think there could be a cool a cool story line there there could be a cool one there and if it works out it can work out in a great way that actually gains you some momentum and some good will so um the other thing I want to say here that I think is interesting on a completely different note is this on Westbrook no I have one more thing on Westbrook and I don’t I haven’t seen this reported or anything but everybody’s talking about a trade to get Westbrook to Denver oh we opted into his contract nuggets have to trade for him I’m not convinced a trade is what’s going to land Russell West this is why it might take a few days this is why it might not be like any second I think he could potentially just get bought out of his contract and then sign with the nuggets on a minimum yeah um everybody’s been talking about a trade like I don’t I don’t maybe that’s what happens I don’t know if that’s what happens I think a scenario that could happen though is he opts into his contract the Clippers buy him out and then he signs here if you’re Russ that’s the one you prefer right probably yeah I think it I think it means a little bit more for him so who knows that’s why I think it might take a little while and I’m not like sitting by the phone here um although that being said now that I say that there’ll probably be an announcement any second they’re like really good job there there is just a really simple way to put a button on it though for all of the risk involved better than better than Reggie better than the pi than just pick it as an option well and and if it does work out the way wind is saying it possible the risk there is I know the Nuggets would be find waving one of these minimum guys like I I just they they’ be willing to say like okay we gave it a shot didn’t work out all right let’s get it open up a roster spot pay that off and and just go so um I do think there’s a relatively lower risk there I will say this though something nobody’s really talking about other than Brian windhorse who was the first to mention although I haven’t even heard it brought up too much a week ago we were informed that Jamal Murray had been presented with a $28 million super max extension or Max extension Max extension since then he has been participating in practices with the Canadian basketball team but has yet to sign it is this something wind why would you sit on $28 million not sign it and then risk an injury by playing to me that seems like huh that doesn’t seem usual usually you would sign that to make sure everything’s good to go I haven’t thought about this but it is interesting you feel like if that was presented it’d be something that he would sign if I was offered 28 million I’d be like I need to get this into my account the quickest possible to you wouldn’t be like I’m going to go play a basketball game right now I’m going to go risk my I’m going to actually call me later I’ve got a couple skydiving trips I’m going to do and then after that I’ll come I’m going to ride my motorcycle through traffic so yeah it’s interesting I mean what are the possible reasons are we sure that it has been presented yes so what are the reasons that he wouldn’t sign it right now a great you’re asking me to recklessly speculate here which I don’t want to do I just I’m saying it seems abnormal to I mean we could go through the potential reasons I don’t think that’s recklessly like with the Canadian national team so focused and can’t sit down at a table and sign his name doesn’t have time for that that’s one um two doesn’t want to sign it for some reason right um three there’s no way he can not sign it make the allstar team and then get a super max next year because isn’t it two out of three years to be honest with you I don’t know I really don’t know I think you can end up getting more at that point you’re just signing like a 5-year deal but I don’t think you would risk that for an extra year on the deal so yeah it doesn’t really add up to me why he would be waiting on it well the other only other thing I would say is you know we talked about nobody reached out to D Duron Holmes Vibes a little bit low I think everybody kind of needs a break and I just wonder if there’s even a little bit of that of like you know attention of just some type not that he’s not going to sign it again at the end of the day if he doesn’t sign it nuggets still have his rights they still have what they you know what you want with him but there is something too like it’s $28 million it just seems like most guys would sign that immediately and most guys certainly I mean we’ve seen this before with players why isn’t he playing in summer league well he’s got the deal he’s got to wait they’re they got to get the paper work through but once he’s done he’ll participate in practice this is a guy that’s out there practicing with $28 million in sort of a risk and I don’t again I don’t want to try start too much speculation I do anticipate that he’s going to sign it but it is one where I go hm and Wind Horse like I said is the one that said hey you know he did the whole that’s very strange hm why is that and so you just look at that and go all right Marie that is interesting hopefully we get news of that here before we all go to break for Fourth of July well the moratorium period ends July 6th right for him to sign I don’t know if he’s eligible to sign it until July 6 is that right chat was saying that wi horse even brought it up on hoop Collective today although I would say we’re getting the news and reports from wjen shans about other people extending right so I don’t know maybe it right you would think if it’s been agreed upon it would be put out there right it would be official in the form of a tatums just became official I just saw like five minutes ago Jason Tatum richest player in the NBA now richest deal in the NBA how do you feel about that he’s probably got a couple million for you vote well actually I’ll tease it we’ll talk about that on the other side why because the Celtics just won a championship and said second apron no problem he’s not even their finals MVP let’s sign everybody to Max contracts they seem be okay with it on the other side Toyota the official vehicle of dnvr trucks they’ve always been a part of Toyota’s DNA for Generations Toyota has built durable Legends is destined for greatness and perfect for Colorado uh whether you want cars trucks SUVs 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know who you should call and it’s our good friends at Red Haw Roofing best roofers in Denver and a part of the dmvr team quality materials Decades of experience quick response time Colorado’s best estimators and contractors huge dmvr supporters I consider them uh homies drinking homies if you will and you guys uh you could be homies with them too little little Don Holmes talk while they’re up on the roof ask them what they think about the depth while they risk their lives to to fix your roof for you these guys are great supporting your local teams means also supporting local businesses like red Haw Roofing if you’re looking for a new roof over your home or business be sure to check out red hot grouping at RedHot group.com or call 720 771 8921 and told them dmvr sent you back here segment 3 by the way um up on the dmv.com right now I have a film study Deep dive on Don Holmes worked on it over the weekend I like it a lot of Clips on what I think his his parts of his game are going to translate what parts I think will not um he’s an interesting guy and it was fun to get into the tape of it I missed it man I missed it getting into the tape what did you find out about him that you didn’t know before quite a bit to be honest with you he um first of all we’ve been talking about this now for a little bit and put it on on Twitter but he was fourth in college in free throw attempts the guy gets to the line Mr Tommy brought that up today Mr Tommy did bring that up today I think he might have read the article no but I’m sure they had this in the Scout but he’s really good at drawing fouls and he draws them a very specific way he did have a lot of um mark jackson-esque post-ups that I don’t think he’ll get in the NBA level nine dribbles as he slowly backs a guy down and nobody helps and doesn’t really get through the wall um but he also has some things I really like to his game offensive rebounding especially off his own misses ZB bounds as they’re called he’s really good at those I think he’ll learn to play the dunker spot very well I think that I mean he just plays hard his motor and I kind of show some different ways that he rolls to the rim and does different things he hasn’t had a great lob thrower in his college in fact if you look at Dayton they had like Five Guys average the same number of assists they didn’t seem to have a point guard there was like all fourward B point guard Theory give him a good point guard you know and and maybe it’ll help out a little bit maybe just give him a yic uh but my number one takeaway is just that he’s really good at sealing and I talk I compare him I show some clips of him and some clips of Aaron Gordon and say like this is one way that Aaron Gordon plays off of yic really well and donon Holmes is like his number one way of scoring so I think there’s something there and if AG is up for the task and if donon Holmes is up to learn from him I think that there’s a lot he can learn from Ag and how to play that was a really really cool one that was I thought like a it’s pretty easy to just say like oh I like the way yic plays like that’s would be the first and last thing I said as as a rookie but the the AG thing is um especially because versatility is the word the front office keeps throwing around for homes and I just think AG is a really Wise Choice in terms of like trying to position yourself under his wing you know or or viewing him that way uh I think a guy who had a pretty malleable game that changed lot over the course of the years as he searched for the best version of himself on a good team and I just think it’s a really it’s a really cool uh emulation and role model for for Holmes something else that Tommy said about Holmes real quick that I thought was very notable he kind of said he might play some Center you know Calvin Booth was like he’s 100% a four I felt like Tommy bracelets was like he can play a bunch of different positions me too I thought that was the and he even kind of addressed Cal how Calvin had talked about it but I think I think the idea is that they feel like they they’re not boxed into one or the other with Holmes and that’s maybe a lot of the value of the pick I will say that I think that he’s not a lock to play his rookie season I mean you know that this is one thing that I think it’s like okay pencil him in for x amount of minutes he is going to have to earn those and I think rightfully so he’s going to have to earn those minutes he’s not so talented that you just say he has to play you have to give him minutes over you know whoever else else is going to be there he’s going to have to earn him and he is different than the other guys I think they will have as options in those spots he has different skill set but he’s going to have to earn him and I hope he does it’ll be interesting to see I actually think and this is probably a conversation for a little later I think Denver’s front Court battle is going to be a very interesting one I think there’s a lot of guys that could emerge from that dog pile especially if vaco let’s say is back and is healthy I yeah well I I will say that I think the guy that they sign at backup center that guy’s going to be in the rotation every night playing like 15 to 20 minutes very very likely but we’ll see um all right let’s get now to some of the other news from around the association the first one second apron who’s afraid of the second apron certainly not the reigning NBA champion Boston Celtics who are signing everybody to Max extensions yeah they don’t give a [ __ ] curiously enough also for sale two things amazing one two news dump amaz Derek white almost $200 million also we’re selling the team I love the idea of fting enormous checks that asking who wants to buy this team but uh someone will I will say this though he just put the check on uh on the desk unsigned just send it and unsigned uh the Clippers the Warriors the Nuggets there are teams that are hiding from the tax there’s teams that are flirting with it or the second apron I should say teams that are flirting with it the Boston Celtics just blew right past it and said f it this is our Squad and rightfully so like Denver they had a great starting five their Vibes a little bit higher maybe some of their guys a little bit younger I don’t know think that they can have a longer Runway but they seem to be okay with blowing up their salary cap sheet I mean that’s what people want the Nuggets to do yep and I get the argument and you know the second apron [ __ ] is so complicated I still don’t have a great grasp of why the Nuggets want to avoid it I still don’t really I I think I know I feel pretty confident the second apron yeah it’s the difficulty in making any deals I will say this I think the Nuggets view transactions in the con in the uh Calvin era significantly different than Tim I think Tim viewed them as when necessary I think Cal views it as win opportunistic and so I think that for him whether he’s right or wrong he views this as no we’re going to make moves it’s going to happen and if we’re in that second apron it’s almost impossible to I mean it’s interesting because they haven’t made made a ton of big moves over the last two years you don’t think not really um like in terms of got rid of Bones I mean you could do that trade in the second apron so one for zero trade and also as far as situations in which you might talk yourself into doing it first of all the Boston Celtics don’t have to make any moves like if they could just bring this roster back forever I they should pay any dollar amount to do that it’s a great roster um but I do think if there’s a next team in that position after Boston it’s probably Denver who has one of the best players ever in the in his prime and so you might argue like man sure fine if it gets harder in three form years from now it does but like there’s this is an available this is a winnable league go get it um I think part of what’s funny about the Celtics versus the Nuggets is both have a starting five that they absolutely believe in Boston’s bench that just don’t seem like they care Denver it’s like you can’t win without this bench and I think honestly part of this is the the sense of Denver being two teams starter in a bench whereas Boston just doesn’t feel that way they feel much more of a blend between the two but it’s like Sam Hower it was fine nobody cared right yeah and it yeah that is true and then also like they’re another Advantage they have is they’re in the East and so like when it’s January you can just play Sam Hower and not worry about if you lose to team XYZ this is actually I think very pertinent so yeah it matters but here’s my point I’m not saying it’s this simple but if there was a position to be in where you could convince oh let’s just do it let’s just do it this team is good enough we’ll get one of the next two uh you know Denver does have yic that you could argue they’re in that position yeah I just comparing the Nugget situation to the Celtics situation I don’t see how it’s that different I agree you know and it’s just interesting how you know the Celtics view it as yeah we’re fine not being able to make any moves during the season and the Nuggets view it as that’s would not be fine which is crazy though because I’m with you when they don’t really make moves anyway and look I again I think you know this we could look back at this and the Nuggets will look be looked back on as very smart for avoiding the second apron I’ve I sure we could get to a scenario you know down the line where Denver looks back and what they did you consider it the the right decision like we could get to that so I mean yeah yeah you’ve got to trust that they have a good feel for what they’re doing in now um but it’s just interesting that two teams in pretty similar situations it feels like to me chose different approaches totally that was my first reaction to the Derek white news and I will say Denver’s slightly older I will say that’s the one thing two years older between Derek white and kcp which is at that position in particular a little more meaningful even if I still the bo stuff is funny because I a lot of people don’t like it and I’m not saying anyone has to they don’t he did just straight up get up there two years ago and tell us right this is how it’s going to go um this is how it’s going to go so this is the plan it is a longer term plan you know you buckle up if they’re back in this finals this year you you might even like wi said come all the way around and feel good about how they’ve handled it but in the meantime in the last two years there were decisive Champions who looked considerably best than the rest of the league um and one of those two teams was like I’m keeping this team together and the other team is a little more comfortable with the with the turnover and that’s that there’s that’s just the facts whether you agree with them or not um Colin Gillespie by the way breaking news no way way dude Colin Gillespie has agreed on a two-way deal which is kind of funny with the Phoenix Suns good for him with the Phoenix Suns it’s kind of funny a point guard so There He Go you might end up having a p that somehow bums me out I know it actually does that does bum me out I think the Suns might be the team that I like you’re kind of hate them the Celtics I know why I hate them so much the Lakers I know why we hate them so much the Suns I kind of just do even before I could explain it to you I just don’t I don’t care for them I mean he’s kind of Tyler kicky oh that’s right and that’s who they kind of wanted in the draft that’s true it would be hilarious actually if I I wish they played in summer league a picket Callin face off for all the marbles in a meaningless game would actually be pretty hilar Michael Malone coaching one side Calvin Booth coaching the other Michael Malone’s come down to coach the Phoenix Sun submer League team would be ridiculous dud can you imagine giving the biggest deal in NBA history to not your finals MVP oh my God we can’t do this you got to take L on this you got to take L cuz you’re going to curse us to another Celtics title like I I like this idea that it was my fault not the Nuggets I’m not saying it’s not the Nuggets were supposed to stop them that was the problem well you want to know the real deal we haven’t even talked about here Isaiah hartenstein my guy it’s on the Oklahoma City Thunder for $87 million 3 years by the way Goa Paz just got 25 million cers right now very in demand Center getting all the money um but first of all I’ll tell you what I put this out a week ago I’m kicking myself for seeing this one around the corner Perfect Fit I hate this one and I’m worried about the thunder you guys actually take it or not with me no the Thunder are good and they got better no I’m saying with tonstein I think that is a to me I look at that and I go they have a twin towers Chad is a phenomenal weak side rim protector in the The ruy Adjustment he’s a a great ruy adjustment player hartenstein is a good person to throw at yic as the number one you know like you’re going to use up four fouls in 26 minutes but he’s good he’ll make yic work he rebounds his ass off he runs the floor he works hard I just look at that and I go man now they have the formula on top of all the other stuff they had hardstein starting for them I think against Denver he would I don’t know if he I mean I assume you who’s there for do you really Chad it was Jaylen Williams they played small with giddy there but now you take get rid of Giddy and you move everybody up a spot Jaylen was kind of a stretch right a stretch four so now now he’s a big three does this give someone for yic to guard you probably got to start hartenstein but if you I so I think they do they’re giving him 90 million I think they’re hang does this give yic someone fly up to Oregon for 90 million that’s not pick the thing is is that hartenstein does he is maybe number one in the NBA in the run to the left wing set of screen roll hard right into the right wing like it’s actually exhausting to guard him even if he’s not good although I do think he is good like he actually can pass and do some stuff and he rolls to the rim and he’s up no you’re right it’s not just he’s like a stationary guy he’s not posting up a good point so I just look at this and I go man I love that move for them I I saw it coming because I was thinking about once they signed Mel Bridges I was like Haren Stein’s out where could he go so I look at this one and I go I love that fit I think it makes them great and then Klay Thompson to Dallas I actually don’t know how I feel about this one I love that fit for Clay Thompson man I mean that’s that’s a great move for Dallas like they needed a little more Firepower needed another scorer they needed another threat and like they got Klay Thompson man it’s it’s a great move that is all true and yet they also had a lot of possessions in the finals where I was like does this team even have a coach and I don’t know if like late stage clay has a little bit of like yo watch me do this watch this one footed off off the wrong foot and I’m not yic but I could also see him just being a catch and shoot God again and there’s maybe something Clay is such a weird guy psychologically there’s maybe something to him needing to get out of what Golden State had become uh and and like a fresh start man where he because like guys just want him to shoot and no one’s mad at him uh maybe it helps him maybe maybe it helps him a lot yeah um so those are the moves I think some teams definitely getting better it’s kind of sucks to see but um hartenstein to me is the big one that one that one hurts all right let’s take a break on the other side we’re going to have some fun by snake draing X9 actually is this fun it it might go both Calvin Calvin’s got to get get he’s got to get his backup center he’s got to get in the kitchen and just get one you know get in the kitchen I can’t believe we’re doing this also everyone’s going to be like not even a center but whatever that’s fine here we go um manscaped guys check out manscaped get set up for the summer with manscaped you can check out the lawnmower 5.0 it comes in the uh performance package 5.0 Ultra a lot of stuff comes in there lawnmower 5.0 you get the beard hedger um you get deodorants as well you get the shed travel bag too tons of great options from manscaped in that performance package 5.0 uh you need it for the summer just like the lawnmower the beard hedger is also waterproof so you can handle your beard grooming right in the sink or shower as well without worrying about water damage with up to 60 Minutes of runtime and an LED charging indicator you’ll never get caught mid Trimm with a dead battery so you get that in that performance package 5.0 Ultra get 20% off plus free shipping with the code nuggets2 manscape.com 20% off plus free shipping with the 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featuring the trolls band together hell yeah dude bring your kids to that one gapes open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 7:00 p.m. movie goers are encouraged to bring their own chairs blankets and pack coolers with their favorite snacks man I want to go now please leave grills and glass containers at home for those not bringing food onsite food trucks W offer delicious options for purchase and here’s the fun part all movie Nights in 2024 are free that’s right F RE 2 a 10 don’t miss out on this fun familyfriendly event at Infinity Park all right there you go time to snake draft Boys kcp Gone best yic ERA nug well that’s not how this is it’s best X nuggets X nuggets nuggets who have come through but are no longer here oh he’s going to live edit let’s go dude that’s why he’s the best and this isn’t like best as in who the best player was no favorite I should actually be favorite yeah it’s really just however you want to draft no make it favorite so people don’t think like your team sucks what you got W hey man sh Harrison can’t shoot well I really liked him so Thomas Welsh what are we doing here it’s a favorite how’s kale not in this draft there’s not yeah that’s so true CU we didn’t want to have to get Ian Clark on our list we need to have four people in the draft they’re so true all right number one pick is win cuz he was the win in the last one and they have set the order made me last as they always do um they scared baby they they scared yeah we’re scared of the guy that’s never never one yeah you sound like a Lakers fan I think there’s a clear one-1 pick here there’s a clear number one I don’t in my opinion and um I it was between two guys I think but then it became obvious that there was a clear one one and um it’s a guy who had longevity who meant a lot to this franchise wow the suspense is killing and um who was the original Mr nugget and that’s Gary Harris I knew it and I would have done the same thing really I am blown away by this what why Gary Harris is the number one X nugget cuz he wasn’t on the championship team I mean so so Gary Harris is probably the highest approval rating of formal nuggets what are you going to take Thomas Bryant in the first round he was on the championship I’m the third pick of the wait and see who who has a higher approval rating yeah Gary Harris first ever Mr nugget first ever player who learned how to play with Nicole yic had an alltime iconic moment as a nugget the game-winning shot against OKC um he clearly I think is the first pick in this draft okay all right vote I’m going to go with a fitting second pick here because it’s just a slightly worse version of the first overall pick Monte Morris we still love you brother I am blown away I am so blown away by this this is incredible I’m I this is why I always lose the draft just to be clear it’s the first and second ever Mr nugget so it’s not that outlandish yeah Monte very high on my board not the second guy on my board though I’m doing it I’m taking kyp number three are you kidding me the guy was UN he was an option already cuz it’s sad we just talked about that before the show it’s actually the reason we’re doing I know I forgot to faor him into the I’m going to take kyp and then I’m going to follow it up and take Bruce I got Brucey B kyp and Brucey B all right I am going to take another one of my personal can’t believe I just got two I can’t believe this draft you actually might be winning after your first two pick I’m going to blow it I can’t wait to blow this um I am going to take he is look the ones who’ve been around since the show started uhhuh this one needs no explanation Oli star Alli star coming through give me fan Favorito nnin Gomez let’s go baby it’s a good one I think you think you reached I think you could have gotten him when he came back around no I was going to take him next historically bad sign for you Adam but I do think I but I actually think you’re off I don’t think you’re getting the uh the meing of this draft my favorite IP and Bru right after the best conversation he’s just drafting the best team he can all right here we go wind um man I feel like this is where the draft drops off a little bit there’s a drop there’s there’s a real drop off here yeah so you know I’m going to take a guy who is maligned by some portions of the fan base paku not on my board um but you know this guy if you’re a real one if you’re a real nuggets fan in the yic chair you know how integral this this guy was um the beginning and I’ll say middle stages of of this era and that’s Will Barton great pick oh man I think I I gu you’re going to lose the vote on that one you are it’s a good pick because you’re following your heart but that just you got zero vot I’m not about pandering yeah that’s that’s the thing in the bad pick that’s how I know you weren’t here why you weren’t here bad pick guys one show oh you guys don’t even know H maybe you actually were here and you just earnestly disagree that’s that’s also fine it’s gets really hard after this guys all right where you going wind um third round I might be jumping on this guy early but I just know he’s not getting back to me so I got to take him here another early yic era guy another guy who was very early on the Nicole yic is good bandwagon and that’s Mike Miller oh I can’t believe he took him from me that was my guy but I like it I love earlier than I wanted to take him but I knew it wasn’t getting past you guys I know you weren’t going to get him on the way back that’s a great pick man that’s a great pick I thought I could get him all right I’ve got one but sh by the way shouts in the chat Bobby Gonzalez shows up to Summer League with a Mike Miller Jersey he has a Mike Miller nuggets Jersey man you might think it’s Andre Miller nope it’s Mike Miller Mike Miller okay I’m going to go for man this is if you were outside of Denver you just looked at the numbers and you thought what is that contract for those of us who have been here for the life of the yoka chera great contract great signing great presence Paul milap put it on the started typing before even it’s tough because it’s that’s kind of the boring one but it really is the good one it is a good one like he’s a great yoka he is a little boring but I also feel like we all quietly loved Paul do you remember that when he used to be so good at Magic and and his Tik remember D dad like Paul milap is a guy who needs to get taken in this draft but he’s not an exciting p happens every draft we’re like dang it that’s why like third round feels good third round feels good I’ll take Walker kler um I’m going with PJ doer how did he fall this far PJ doer we have are you talking about PJ composure partisan Legend ad I’m just trying to build a team PJ doer come on there are much better players out there I love PJ doer that’s a good pick and now man this is where it gets really tough I enjoyed there was one year where this was actually incredible the yic to fared combo was really fun oh it’s a good man I’m taking Kenneth fared I didn’t always love Manimal but he there was that one year he was great with yoke I’m taking him that’s a good pick not bad not bad vote [ __ ] dude it’s getting tough we’re gonna get some not so great players coming up it’s see it’s tough cuz fifth round you can do like a fun kind of joke guy pick but fourth round’s a little early I feel like I got to make a real pick here oh man dude I feel like this guy could play right now for the nuggets and help them jir Nelson shout out Jamir Nelson I love jir Nelson a tiny King this is so wild you remember jir Nelson honestly no I don’t actually I want to change my no I don’t want to change my pick or do I that’s already written down all it’s already written um man I feel like I got to go uh Talent here in the fourth round I know this isn’t a best players draft you don’t have to good talent I mean at some point Talent kind of outweighs the Mystique of some of these guys um so I’m gonna go Danilo gwari that’s a good pick I think that’s I think it’s a good pick so by way he didn’t sign the ball but he was still instrumental part of this era I don’t know man he’s like maybe the one guy that didn’t get along with Y I was going to say so Jeff Morton you is watching along with this the homie and he’s texed me and he goes you got you know got to take Gallow or whatever and I’m thinking I loved Gallow before yoke but I didn’t love Gallow after yoke you know what I mean like he was more the the staple of the pre yoke era but I don’t know didn’t sign that ball you guys remember that it’s not that I don’t I don’t think it’s that Gallow hated y he he he was just the best yeah a fun narrative to spin though it is a f Nar when when I’m trying to win this draft so nice pick loser all right I have kale I have a pretty my pick pretty oh yeah it’s your pick and then I go oh El I’m furthest I’m the furthest from the pick all right go ahead there’s a bunch of guys I’m debating here it’s so tough our last picks are getting real tough Jack White Jack White’s on my board we’re we’re right now look wow looking to see if Jack White should go all these guys are kind of the same player all these guys are kind of the same player um who are you thinking between it’s said last pick so it’s shout out in the chat know what you might as well share who it who you think you’re not sha Harrison not Jeremy Grant not Randy Floyd he he was pre yic I think you still got bbo not on my board you’ve got a uh tweeted recently do you remember summer league b bowl that was fun for a week oh no more like a day I love hardenstein but I don’t know that he was a great former nuget he’s definitely not dude everyone hated him he had a hunch um I’m gonna go with d Arthur oh great pick no it’s not yes it is Darth guy we like but the normal fan what the nor what do you mean the normal fan are we not the normal fan I’m just saying we like you see him behind the scene nice guy the average fan he just was a guy play darell Arthur great pretty good player in the early yic years now an assistant coach just the true nugget and um early believer in yic okay man I don’t want to do it but I don’t think he should go undrafted I want to make my fifth round joke that’s going to lose me the draft if I haven’t already but I also feel like there’s another name that needs to go here there’s two more names I think I got my guy unless you take him right here um [ __ ] it also darell Arthur first ever guest on my first podcast hell yeah I’m not Los I’m not winning this draft it’s time to stay true to myself let’s do it yeah no close it’s the original bit Thomas Welsh put it on the board Thomas Wells the original bit I’m going to round out the show by taking being one of the few guys whose names has been chanted at this very Bar Austin Rivers taking Austin Rivers and it really is like I was thinking I almost I really wanted to take bones I really wanted to take bones but it’s like it kind of ended so sour you can’t take them you can’t take bones now Austin Rivers did give us an incredible game he gave us a series win he filled in at the last minute he loved yoke he gave us think about all the stories he gave us he gave us great stories about yoke one of my all-time favorite yic stories letting him go on the side Court uh everybody [ __ ] with Mike you know he’s got some great all he was just really warming up for the ESPN gig he really was so that’s my squad I’m sticking to it we’ll put it out on social you can let us know or you can let us know in the chat can there’s a couple we forgot already yeah let’s go through honorable mentions Tory Craig and well not you think I was going Chandler Wilson Chandler was on my board I thought I thought I thought about like Jamir could be Wilson instead to be honest highest on my board in order right now are bones Highland Wilson Chandler Mason plumbley Malik Beasley faku bubo have t not on your board well then Tory Craig and then after that nobody nobody serious then you get into Jack White hartstein Jeremy Grant van I’m gonna get like s% of the vote but the real ones the real ones will appreciate my draft all right that does it guys maybe some news breaks here um before long in the meantime check out the.com if you want to see the Scout oh we do have super chats and they’re all from fromed just kidding just this one no vote we need I love how he just starts by telling someone no I don’t even know what it’s no too no vote we need our ultimate glue guy kcp it hurts but hopefully homes is good enough to help us also I don’t care we need to trade someone to keep Aaron Gordon maybe could have just paid them all sir Lobo 92 Ola Amigos I have been a little detached from the NBA since game seven still not very fully recovered hi from France we understand man I’ll tell you what I believe there are some nuggets coaches Executives owners and players who are not quite over game seven yet yeah and they also might agree with this next thing he says which is stupid second apron I hoped for four or five seasons of the same starting five the NBA has miscalculated in my opinion team continuity is one of the long ter is one of long-term value for the league but I guess they won Twitter for the weekend I agree man I don’t even know if they won Twitter to be honest it’s kind of boring oh like free agency yeah like Twitter was actually an underwhelming free agent I feel like usually it’s way more interesting I know I know Bobby Gonzalez Warriors and Clay situation shows how much the CBA has changed League nuggets did what they had to do it’s not popular but it’s for the best days is coming when they have to pick between mpj and AG oo spicy I will I will say this I remember because I followed LeBron’s career because a lot of people are like that’s it windows closed team will never be good again yok’s career’s over and I just remember everybody doing this about Lebron in 2011 he’s still playing right I don’t think yok’s going to play till he’s 40 but I do think the perspective of oh my God it’s all over nothing everything that’s happening now will just extend for the next 8 years it’s like I don’t know guys things go like this right they didn’t stay good forever they won’t stay bad forever we should play bingo with all of the um insults that get thrown out by nuggets fans right now they’re feeling it man let them feel let them feel Calvin wasting jokic’s Prime window closed yeah ownership cheap in the meantime BP 44 are paid to say this honestly I’m okay with everyone thinking Minnesota Dallas and OKC are better than Denver the team plays best as underdogs they certainly didn’t do great as favorites uh makahu makahu maharu bring in Russell Westbrook I think the bench needs his confidence I like that angle Bon pton needs to keep him as a mentor and develop in my opinion just like kcp was to braon Brown what the I know sorry what are you okay are you all right I’m sorry guys excuse me Christian Brown and it’s spelled Brown all right Cedric Exquisite why can’t we get Gary Harris back to Mr nuggets just like just stack them all up dude you missed it on yesterday’s show somebody said Russell Westbrook will be the next meet not a chance Ty here give us the initials of the C of the center Denver is signing no no I’ll tell you wouldn’t gave you enough hints many hints V don’t curse that shake my head oh the the Tatum thing hash guys they already won the title # Shut Up And Take My Money all right okay I will I will say um on the Russell Westbrook front one guy who he’s very close with on the Nuggets is pton Watson that’s right I forgot about that both from Southern California Russell Westbrook was actually like one of the first bigname guys to go to pton Watson’s high school games that’s crazy that is crazy one of the first signs I thought maybe pton would be too Hollywood for Denver but maybe they’ll team up we’re bringing Hollywood to Denver yeah the new Denver Jay says do you like it more if Joker and DJ want Westbrook I mean of course it doesn’t mean everything like but it is I’d like it a lot more than if it was like yoke had no thoughts on it I listen I was all in on jichael green once yish told us he wanted to play with him for the rest of career that’s it that’s it all right outro music everybody thanks for hanging out with us uh we’ll be back tomorrow hit the like button on the way out we all cting like the May

DaRon Holmes met the media today at his introductory press conference. The DNVR Nuggets podcast team shares their perspective on the presser and shares some notes from around the team. Plus, the latest on the pursuit of Russell Westbrook, and the team in the West that scares us most after one day of free agency.

Start – 0:00
DaRon Holmes presser takeaways – 2:45
Who reached out from the Nuggets? – 8:30
The latest on Westbrook to Denver – 20:30
Why has Jamal not signed his new deal? – 30:00
Adam’s Holmes film study – 35:30
ATA – 39:40
Ex-Nuggets snake draft – 53:00
Superchats – 1:05:00

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