I think Braun will be better than KCP.

I think Braun will be better than KCP.

  1. No, that’s impossible. Young players can’t get better. They’ll always be the same. We are doomed. It’s over. *damn near every idiot in here*

  2. I don’t think that’s that hot of a take. KCP had no impact on ant in the playoff and Christian played him great. I doubt we get 41% from 3 from cb but I think we all forget that he shot 38.4% from deep last year so I don’t think 40% from him is out of the question.

  3. I think so too. The problem is depth though. Once Braun goes out with the starters, that second unit is gonna struggle without an upgrade there

  4. Idk if anyone knows this but he was out at Blackhawk gambling the night before game 7.

  5. Idk about better but it’s not as dramatic a loss as some are making it out to be. His defense will hold up and offensively we’re losing 10 ppg in KCP. Surely Braun can chip in 6-8 with starter minutes. Replacing the depth is the concern

  6. From a CBA perspective, it works out better. Braun still has upside and they save a ton of money to hopefully get some good bench pieces.

  7. Braun needs to get more thick-skinned. Seems like he lets stuff get to him. That’s like a death sentence for an NBA player.

  8. Not sure if the numbers showed it, but by the eye test he looked better overall to me already last year

  9. Hes already way more athletic and better defender; just needs to work on his 3 point shot

  10. Braun can get 10-2.5-2.5 on 46% shooting while playing solid D and making hustle plays. Those were kcp numbers. Obviously numbers aren’t everything, but Braun can certainly match kcp there. Braun shot 39% from 3 last year. Kcp shot 40%.

  11. How do people expect us to get better? We don’t have cap space, we don’t have lottery picks, and we don’t have trade assets. The young guys have to get better, and they have to get minutes to get better.

    It’s a big loss but if the young guys don’t get better, we’re cooked if KCP is here or not.

  12. Hope so, but he’s gotta get better on the offensive end. His FT shooting is what makes me the most nervous as that’s usually a good predictor of if someone can improve.

  13. I like that Reddit suggests these pages so I can absorb all the collective cope

  14. Why is everyone acting like Braun would not be on the team if KCP was still on the team?

  15. I’m fine with Braun at the 2 slot. Kcp never got many shots up anyway. I’m more concerned about back up ball handler and center.

  16. What kcp does he is elite at, also don’t think it’s fair to criticize him for his defense on Edwards. It’s just a matchup thing, Braun actually looked like a below average defender for the 1st half of the season.

    However i think there are weaknesses in his game. Every time I saw Murray get pressured full court and struggle to bring the ball up and then see kcp literally doing nothing, i found that super irritating. Your other guard should help in those situations and KCP either choose not to or isn’t a good enough ball handler to help.

  17. Defensively, Braun is on KCP’s level. Offensively though, he is significantly behind.

    In addition to that, you also need to look at overall depth. If Braun is now starting, then who is his backup? Strawther?

  18. Oh no doubt. Braun is more athletic than KCP, has at times outshined KCP as a defender, is just bigger and stronger and is better at getting to the basket and transition plays.

    Really his main weakness and the reason we cant say he is better is KCPs great 3 point shooting, but it aint like Braun is actually that bad at it.

  19. OK. But that is not the point. Without him, the bench will be even worse next year. And the best scenario, nuggets will still only have 5 guys they can depend on in the playoffs.

  20. Ku ball fan here and watched A LOT of kids develop under Bill Self and he was the most surprisingly natural athlete he’s had in a decade. Not the street ball guys that grab headlines. But CB was dunking on 7 footers as a freshman in college. Dude will be all star quality but lack the hype. Let’s hype him up. He’s one of 3 people who won a national championship and nba title back to back

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