[Barry Jackson] Heat brings back “Dru Smith” on a two-way contract after cutting him five previous times (once because of last year’s knee injury). I’m not kidding.

[Barry Jackson] Heat brings back “Dru Smith” on a two-way contract after cutting him five previous times (once because of last year’s knee injury). I’m not kidding.

  1. What kind of blackmail material does this man have on the organization? You seriously can’t sign a younger undrafted guy or someone who fell out of favor with another team? Point guard is the deepest position in basketball, you couldn’t find someone better than Dru Smith?

    It’s a two way spot they could always vacate but this is still hilarious in a bad way

  2. Somewhere, there’s a heat fan convinced this means we’re getting Mitchell lmfao. Riley can’t even go to LA fitness anymore he has to sift through the trash bin on his 1998 Macintosh to find players now

  3. I really don’t care about the deal, A. It’s a two way and B. He was showing improvement pre-injury, but this is the funniest possible time to announce it.

  4. The only thing I’m interested in is if he managed to sue the Cavs arena for that injury. That hole in the floor was some bullshit.

  5. One of the worse players I’ve ever seen play pro basketball. This FO is completely lost.

  6. I’m not sure what all these reactions are about. Dude can easily get cut for someone else before November if Spo think he’s not it.

    Also, it is a 2 way contract. This shit is inconsequential. Is it overreact to everything time?

  7. It’s a 2way and Dru was honestly pretty decent for us before his injury last season. Don’t get the hate rn

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