RAW | Jeff Jackson 07.01.24

RAW | Jeff Jackson 07.01.24

okay Jeff uh maybe just start with uh with two of the offensive players that you added in in Skinner and arvidson uh and just maybe a thought on where potentially they could play in your lineup and and if you’re happy with you know the level of offense you were able to add in these two yeah no I’m uh we’re very pleased to add both uh Victor and Jeff to the you know our top six group um I think that they’re complimentary players to to the guy that we already have in those roles uh you know Victor’s you know great speed very tenacious uh Puck battle winner uh scored he can score so um we really like him and I you know I don’t know exactly you’d have to talk to Chris and and I’m sure they’ll they’ll they’ll jig things around a little bit here and there during the season but you know we probably see him playing on right side with Leon um and we think that’s a good fit and and then um with with Jeff Skinner obviously a guy who has had a long career scored a lot of goals in the league um couple years ago had you know almost 80 points um very good player very very smart player can play with lots of skill uh and play with skilled players and so um the thing we really liked about him too is he’s he’s just like vior they’re good five on five players they they they produce they score goals and produce offense at five on five so both of those guys um are going to add like a really nice element to the our top six so we’re we’re we’re super happy very pleased to get both of them and um look forward to next year with them in in that group quick followup Jee just on on Evander Kane um we know he was dealing with something in the playoffs there do you have any update on you know what this offseason is going to look like for and if you expect him ready for training camp um you know he was dealing with uh you know an issue with his hip as we’ve said and and um we’re just going through a process right now to see what we need to to do on that front so he’s getting the best care I can get uh an advice from our doctors and we’re we’re GNA talk to his agent consult with both the Vander and his agent Dan milstein just to to make sure that we’re um you know getting second opinion opinions and things like that so that’s sort of where it’s at we haven’t uh nothing’s planned a as of yet uh beyond that so first is really a consult sort of with a specialist yeah but planning around his money being on the books no LTI or anything like that stuff no I mean we we you know he’s he’s in our roster and on our cap and we got to take care of his health first and foremost just to make sure he’s healthy that go to Daniel Bowman hi Jeff uh you made some some moves to the right side of your defense notably uh adding Josh Brown I wonder where you’re at with that group and uh there’s there’s something out there about Troy stetcher possibly coming back and also if you see um Phil uh Philip broberg as a right side option or or you’re planning on starting the year with him at right defense I should say um again that’s going to be we I mean he played r d with primarily Darnell and playoffs and and played very well I but again it’s going to be you know it’s going to be a coach’s decision we’ve got to we’re gonna find uh we’re gonna find room for broby to play um so that’ll sort of sort itself out as we get through and into into Camp that’s uh but that’ll be a coaching decision at the end of the day um somebody will probably have to move over to the right side um it might be broby um yeah adding Josh Brown uh um you know we we we felt like we needed we didn’t we we knew we weren’t going to be able to bring back Benny um for cap reasons so we knew we wanted to go out and get some size um he’s a you know he’s a hard player to play against he’s good boxing out in front of the net he’s he’s tough he adds that element um great teammate uh we you know we did our due diligence and talked to coaches that he’s had in the NHL and and so um we added him for that element um and we see him fitting in there and then um yeah I mean we’re looking we’re looking to add depth we want to make sure our D are we have a a very deep Decor so um we’re still exploring that stetch is one of one of the guys that’s an option for us for sure um not quite done on anything there yet so but um you know we signed Conor Carrick uh played NHL games in his career you know uh great skater High character um that you know that he adds to our group have a chance to play um you know ad him to cam Denine and and gleon down in Bakersfield um we feel really comfortable with our call up group so yeah we’re working on a couple things still but we we’re we don’t have anything to to sort of announce okay and uh it’s not Germaine to free agency but there was pretty big news in the NHL today with uh Stan Bowman being reinstated uh not can’t be can’t be hired until next Wednesday I just wonder if he’s in consideration at all for the vacant GM job um I I to be honest I was so busy today that I only sort of heard about it when we finished up some of the things we were trying to get done so I haven’t really thought about it I mean s’s uh obviously a long time jam and successful and um the NHL reinstated U all three of the guys today so um I’m running a bit on fumes here because of the schedule with the playoffs and then the draft and free agency so I I haven’t given any of it any thought to be honest I gotta sort of decompress for a couple days but um and then I got to move forward with my GM search so um to be honest I I can’t comment right now fa thanks thank you for that would Robert K you I’ll unmute first hey Jeff um get getting players to come here or in some cases stay here um did you find that that was maybe a bit easier in the wake of going to the to the Stanley Cup Final is that currency uh showing itself already yeah I mean it helps go into the finals for sure I think but at the end of the day like um there’s two things I sort of see is we’ve got players like you know Conor Leon yeah Hees NJ great players great teammates nury eki B like we’ve got a great group and that goes around the league so players know that and then the players that are here playing there that we resigned they they know it obviously they they lived it um and I just say you know Kenny Holland built a really good culture here over the last five years a winning culture um so you know it’s it’s become a destination place and um in in in many ways and when the team is as competitive as we are that clearly helps um so you know it’s a combination of things I think so a lot of these were short-term deals is that kind of the new normal for the mid-range guys or is that just kind of the way it worked out just with the age of some of the players and and yeah I mean um I think it’s preference for uh sometimes players preference um to do short-term deals just based on timing and stuff and um the guys that you know we did today that just aligned with our you know our ability to manage the cap and and project out into the next two or three years so um you know to get a deal done with anybody all of that stuff has to align and and that’s sort of what happened today with all the guys that we’re either going to bring back or were able to bring back that you know like Brownie and and yany and um um someone sliping my mind I’m sorry um and yeah and and then the guys that we brought in that they wanted those sorts of deals so it worked out well all right thank you Tony bar we’ll go to you and speaking to those guys Conor Brown Corey Perry Matias Yanmar Calvin picker even last week how much do you sense the feeling of continuity will help this team grow with the foundation I was able to kind of set this season uh well I mean I think it’s critical the be it to to go as far as we did and then you know to have players scatter that’s um that’s tough like that’s always tough and I think these guys all believe in their teammates they’re a extremely close group of guys uh tight-knit group is which is sort of a to me is like probably one of the most key elements of having a team that can win is just how how much you love your teammates um because you’ll you know you’ll do anything for them um and that’s the way our group was so all those guys coming back tells me everything I need to know about this team and we’re happy to have all those guys back it’s uh it’s great followup Tony or is that it that’s it for me thank you Jeff you’re welcome hi Jeff just looking at the uh the cap pitcher in the math that seems unlikely but I just wonder if if there’s any possibility of of trying bring back Adam Henrik um I would say we’re still working on that um it’s to be to be determined so we would love to have him back we just got to find a way to do it um if he’s uh I’m sure he’s got interest from other teams he’s a an outstanding individual and he he’s a very good player veteran player so um we’re working on it um but we’re not at the finish line yet so we’ll see how that goes

Jeff addresses the media following a busy first day of free agency for the Edmonton Oilers.

  1. The Oilers should have enough Cap Space to resign all of their RFA and Henrique if they're smart enough to put Evander Kane on IR for the whole season. Obviously to not allow Kane to completely heal will make the difference between a USEFUL PLAYER and a USELESS PLAYER during the long though grind towards the Stanley Cup.

  2. I'm a Canucks fan and I absolutely love the Skinner signing. This is great news.

    Now please promote Paul Coffey to head coach. Or just increase his influence in the coaching staff.

    Thanks from Vancouver!

  3. I’m so happy that 90% of these comments are about not hiring Bowman! The club will alienate a ton of fans if they do that!!

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