1-On-1 – Ryan Lomberg | 01.07.24

1-On-1 – Ryan Lomberg | 01.07.24

all right uh pleased to be joined by another new member on July 1 here of the Calgary Flames and this new member just happens to also be a past member of the Calgary Flames and also most recently now a Stanley Cup champion he’s got that title to his name Ryan lomberg joins us a two-year deal with the Calgary Flames and reunited after spending the past few seasons with Florida and obviously win winning the Stanley Cup uh just last week in fact the parade is uh probably just wrapping up now but Ryan joins us from Florida uh congrats man congrats on all of it but uh let’s start with the New Deal two years coming back to Calgary why did it work to come home yeah thank you and it’s it’s nice seeing you again um it’s for for so many different reasons um you know management coaching stuff guys on the team trainers um relationships are kind of already there um it’s you know and and I’m I’m excited to to be a part of this team again um love the city love the fans you know like uh love the coaches and managers and management and players just like I said so um I’m I’m incredibly excited to to be a part of the Flames again maybe uh just from your perspective because I know you know obviously it’s been about a week since since you guys list lifted the Stanley Cup but what about now in the back of your head knowing that this was coming up and just what the process was like as you were trying to you know find out where you’re going to play next yeah I was uh it flew by it you know from going from the like you said from the F finals to winning it to celebrating to signing today things things have happened um you know pretty quickly um but just just you know incredibly excited to to get out of the way and it’s funny I was uh I was saying earlier that yeah I wish Camp were were in a week I mean I know it’s hard to believe because I just stopped playing but I I really I’m just excited to to be a part of this group again and to see this see the guys and be in the locker room and and just um you know grow those relationships and you know for the guys that I have’t met to to build that Bond and and that relationship I just I just want to get after it already well it’s funny because um you know obviously you know you weren’t here that long in Calgary but and yet uh everybody you know every time we talk about you it’s h it’s fond memories and everybody loves your style of game I think you know you’re always a fan favorite while you’re were here I mean is that kind of do you get that feeling of you received a bunch of messages or what’s what’s the love been like after it’s been announced yeah yeah I have I have I’ve felt the love obviously it’s it’s a bittersweet because of of um you know the relationships and everything I’ve formed here so I’m obviously gota put that behind me but um I’m yeah just just incredibly excited to be a part of of the uh Flames organization again so many good quality people around um great fans it’s um it’s it’s definitely very exciting how about uh let’s just for a minute think about the run that you guys went on I mean you mentioned the celebration we obviously got to see it and uh and and Flames fans watching probably as well but what about what about the run the ride and uh and then the fact that you’re a Stanley Cup champ now yeah it’s it it was you know it was crazy all year we had a pretty good team um we were playing well and you know every every team believes that they’re they’re um they have the potential of doing something special um but to see everything kind of come together and all the Stars the line it was a remarkable um remarkable run something we’ll never forget uh the the finals itself was was incredible the fact that you know we could have swept them then it end up going to seven um you know game seven sanica finals is is something that you know everybody dreams of that’s the situation they’re playing out on the road hockey on the streets when they’re playing Road hockey or or the outdoor ranks and in the basement wherever you’re playing mini sticks that’s uh that’s the game you want to be playing in and you know you’re thinking about playing your whole life so to to be in that was um it was a a different feeling for sure um and to come out on top of it we because we were close to being on the wrong side of history there losing losing four straight in the finals after being up three 0 so incredibly proud of of being able uh to stand on that Mountaintop and um yeah the the parade and post festivities were uh they were you know everything you dream about um I don’t know if you know or not but it was like downpouring too for for majority or not I don’t say majority but for a lot of our parade um and everyone still showed up and showed out and and um you know was going nuts and it was uh yeah it was uh it was like fairy tale type stuff um you know something that every kid dreams about and I’m sure I’m going to be getting in that locker room and telling all the boys how much fun it was just to add a bit of that extra motivation to to strive for it well you know I was going to say I mean the fact that earlier in your career when you’re here in Calgary you know younger player now you know you are a cup champ you’ve been in the league a while do you feel like you know you’re coming back with a little bit of that experience a little bit more of a veteran role to play here with with a potentially younger group in Calgary yeah yeah for sure um for sure I think I think um you know obviously they have great leadership there already um but on on great teams everybody has to be a leader in one way or another um you know so I’m I’m getting excited to I’m excited to get in that locker room and and be around these these great leaders and and you know try to help wherever I can and for me it’s just about being myself um being a competitor being relentless being an energy guy upbeat positive great teammate I’m excited to encourage every single one of my teammates to to get better and and I’m excited to to show them how hard I’m going to work well you guys uh you guys were monsters in game seven your line was uh was awesome to watch can’t wait to see see you here in Calgary again in the very near future get some rest get some uh get some liquids in you and can’t wait to see you here coming in September awesome man thank you I I can’t wait to be back there

“I’m excited to be a part of this team again. Love the city, love the fans, love the coaches and management and players. I’m incredibly excited to be a part of the Flames again.”

Welcome back Lombo πŸ₯Ή

  1. Got to watch him in 2016 young stars tournament and been a fan of his game ever since. Glad hes back as a flame πŸ₯° my favorite 4th liner in the league

  2. This might be a bigger signing than it comes across as at first glance. Talk about a mentor for the Flames youth.This guy is a warrior, and still young himself.

  3. GREAT SIGNING Craig. He'll be great for Pospisil. I can hardly wait to see the two hitting duo perform. They'll clear the way for Parekh on his way to Calgarys first rookie of the year since Makarov way way back in 1990. Keep up the great work Craig.

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