Florida Panthers 2024 Free Agency Day 1 Wrap

Florida Panthers 2024 Free Agency Day 1 Wrap

all right Panther fans so just a quick video to wrap up what the Panthers did on first day of free agency we just finished the stream now I uh last year I do believe that as soon as we ended the stream and I recorded this video that I do believe we then made another deal so I’m trying to I’m trying to uh get the Panthers to get that one more deal that they have out there so the losses are obviously um unavoidable you can’t um underestimate now I’ll go with the two different sections in terms of the fourth line we lost denin and lomberg we replaced them with noi in Greer now I love lomber but we got better and cheaper um NOK got a little bit less money than what stenin was already making he’s bigger he’s really good in the face off Circle and from all counts uh Greer he’s what 63 209 so the four flying definitely got a little more a lot more size to it um and I got no complaints there I hate to see lber go Calgary was an interesting decision that’s that is one thing I don’t I’m not sure um at what point he was running topless through the streets with the sunshine and the beach and the cup I’m not sure at what point he thought you know Calgary let’s let’s go to Calgary but it is what it is these guys got to go where the money is good he got 2 million that’s too much for Ryan lomberg in terms of what we can afford and so there’s that um let’s see now defensively that’s where we took kick in the nuts couple kicks in the nuts now we kind of expected we’re going to lose Montour um seven years at 7 million to um Seattle I almost said Nashville um oel going to Toronto was a bit of a surprise he did get I I have I’ll have the numbers here on the screen it was either three three and a half um it was like a million and a million or a half more than he was making here in Florida but we don’t know if we even offered him the same amount we might have just said hey can you take a pay cut so Toronto was an interesting decision obviously he wants to win Toronto has a chance kind of is to win right now I don’t know what the tax situation is but with the way that the Canadians are complaining on Twitter about the tax situation I would assume that what oel is going to make in Toronto is not a whole lot more than he made with Florida this year but we don’t know if zitto offered him the same amount the same to an a quarter that he had been making or if we needed him to take a pay cut either way we lose Montour and oel and we replace them with nobody that’s the move I’m expecting I do expect that we’re going to get one if not two solid NHL defenseman in um right now it this is right now you’d be looking at egad forsling Mika balinskis kulakov and born fooot um I don’t think we’re going to start the season with that so I do anticipate us getting one legit top four defenseman I would hope um or at least give me one more experience guy now we did uh sign kulakov to a 4-year 1.1 I believe it was 1.1 um now I know some of you might go oh my God four years for kulakov relax it’s really a 2-year deal most likely um and then I would expect if he wants to retire or if we need to buy him out when Bob’s contract uh goes off the books in a couple of years that’s not going to be a big amount of money that we would have to buy out so that way you can you keep kulakov you get him a little bit of extra money more than you could give him per year and that’s that’s good because um obviously we know he’s we saw what he can do this year right he can he can save pucks from going in the net in the Stanley Cup Final right in game seven so I think I’m I’m very happy that we resigned him um there wasn’t any real action with the forward group other than the bottom other than uh fourth line londell we did uh give him a qualifying offer I’m sure they’re going to have to negotiate a little bit there I have no concerns that we are going to lose Anton londell I’m sure that that situation will take care of itself and we did not make any moves to fill uh what would be the spot on the right side next to londell again I would assume that samusic and Sai are going to come to camp and this year when they compete for a job and one of them makes the team I think that’s going to stick cuz I don’t think we’re going to have any money to put anybody next the lundell and lcer Rin and that’s fine cuz eventually you have to take the guys that you draft and put them on the ice and see if they can play and now that we already have our cup that’s when you do it and if neither one of those guys can cut it then you come to this uh the trade deadline next year and you deal with that situation then um I think I heard teraso went somewhere I think it was tereno was supposed to go to the wild that might not have that might not have happened it might have just been a rumor couple of other things I know duclair um where did he go oh I had it in the top of my head and now I lost it damn it there was so much going on you know what I mean that I don’t remember he got a four-year deal was it the Islanders I think it was the he got a four-year deal at $3.5 million that’s interesting now back to the Panthers the other big loss is Stars obviously he goes again to Toronto um not a huge amount of money two two and a half something like that again I’ll have the numbers up here on the screen Spencer Knight okay that was we we knew today would be the day that we would find out what the team thought of Spencer Knight and his future and he’s clearly going to be the backup now because um if we had traded Spencer Knight that could have probably saved us then Lin and lomberg if we wanted to because you know no sick can Greer I think Panther fans are going to be happy with the style that they play and the um the faceof percentage of no siick and the size of Greer you know I mean we’re all going to we all love Ryan lomberg we’re going to miss Ryan lomberg but in terms of trying to repeat in terms of trying to repeat there’s one hole on this team right now and that is uh on the second pair next to Nik Mika now some people kind of thought that maybe we’d be looking at ghost G despair is going to have to take a lot less money than he was making last year last year he was making 4 and A2 could we pay him two two and A2 I don’t even know if we could pay him that maybe we could maybe but we got to pay londell we got to see what that number comes in but ghost and SP has not been signed anywhere else now the biggest thing on the ice that we lost today was both power play quarterbacks we lost Montour and oel now yes you could put forsling up there um somebody on the stream also brought up just run five forwards and have barkov and londelle be the defenseman on the power play that’s not uh it’s not the worst idea but I’m sure that there’s another move or two here to be made I am not even a little bit concerned um that zto is done there’s still money to be spent he has to find the right guy at the right price but I’m sure he will so again just like last year by the time I put out this video I don’t remember which player it was but there was one player that I had to put in the subtitles um that we had just signed while I was recording the video so wouldn’t surprise me to see that all of that put aside let’s see did I forget anybody else we lost Montour oel stol ours stenin and lomberg now cousins has not been signed anywhere um aoso I don’t I don’t think there’s I I would assume he’s going to retire I don’t think there’s anything going on there and you know we already resigned um Reinhardt so the top nine is is set if you consider sevage or sordi as the last piece next to londell and again londell’s we’re not going to lose lundell so we’re good there um in terms of the ability to repeat as long as we don’t have to play Nashville which should be yeah Nashville signed everybody they signed St Coast they signed Marshall so marsho at 5 A5 million Vegas let K Smite marsho go at for a half million dollar raise sound like they don’t want him anymore so Nashville definitely going all in for the Home Run pass but uh in terms of our possibility to repeat nothing happened today that makes me say there’s no way we could repeat we’re still going to have the same issues of the Stanley Cup hangover and and all of that you know how the guys have had two long runs right how’s their bodies going to be how long is it going to take them to recuperate from the last week of drinking all day every day but past that there’s nothing that happened today that makes me to say oh my God there’s no way we can repeat the one little thing is that okay so you lose Montour but if we would have signed oel I say okay that’s okay because oel was mtor’s replacement when he was out anyway um but we we we lost both so if if we could get one more guy if go the spare would come and we could afford him and we could play and he could play for us I think I would look at the this year’s roster and last year’s roster being this year being 25 um I think I would look at it as kind of close to a wash close I somebody that’s going to depend on is does how much does Zito believe in balinskis Bourne fooot all I think somebody I’m I’m mispronouncing that um but I don’t remember how somebody had told me to pronounce it so I apologize for that somebody had corrected me it’s not borf foot there’s another pronunciation but I can’t remember what it was so I promise to get it right by the next video but remember he was a first round draft pick he does have some NHL experience he’s not not played but I I’m assuming that we’re still going to get one more guy so that’s it for day one of free agency um no real big surprises you kind of would have liked to keep oel considering you lose Montour but that’s about it I think the fourth line in the end I think we will have improved that fourth line Greer 6329 I love Ryan lomberg but that’s that’s a big that’s a big difference okay that’s like Hall and Oats okay that’s a big difference there um nothing nothing to worry about and Spencer Knight I don’t I hate to call Spencer Knight a question mark he better be I hate to say that I don’t want to say he better be good but we just lost several guys because we’re paying Spencer Knight $4 half million so he better be good I mean it’s you know you know what I mean he he looked like he was going to developed then he had the issues he went to the player assistance program that’s all fine it’s a wash but now you are a $4.5 million backup goalie that is supposed to be the air parent to bosski who’s going into the Hall of Fame and just won us a cup so pressure is on kid the pressure is definitely on there let’s hope he can handle it all right let me get this up and out so that zitto can make his next move and I’m sure I’ll have something up again tomorrow thank you all for coming out to the stream real quick fluffy update he’s doing better than he was yesterday he’s slowly kind of improving I don’t know where that going to lead to because with his condition it’s not like he he’s not going to just like suddenly get better and leave to be 17 so I don’t know I’m just enjoying each day with him all right we’ll see you again tomorrow

#floridapanthers #NHL #freeagency
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  1. I dunno how to take this as a win or loss. But I’m for sure gonna miss the guys that are leaving!! I kinda figured not keeping everyone.

  2. Today was a win we kept Reinhart skipped out on OEL and Montour was too pricy. We also replaced Stenlund w Novak in good shape, Sourdif will make the team, as will Sammy. Defense Balinski will take over and Mahura will get an offer probably

  3. I think Jeff Skinner could be a good option for the Panthers. I don’t who’s still out for 2nd pair D-Men. But in my opinion while I do hope for the best for Knight, let’s not kid ourselves but he has a lot of pressure to match up to what Lyon & Stolarz has produced in the last couple of years.

  4. Wish we could’ve gotten Stenlund and OEL. I wish we could’ve had Lomberg too, but I mean he was a ghost on offense so 2×2 is an overpay but he’s a great clubhouse guy. But I completely trust Zito, he’s a wizard at making a team.

  5. Gonna miss Stenlund and Lomby big time. Goddammit. Hey, at least I hope Tarasenko stays… and Lundell. If Lundell goes, I'm fucking rioting like it's 2011 in Vancouver

  6. Toronto downside will always be media and fan scrutiny. Oel and stoli will be missed. Kinda shocked kuli resigned even cheap. Lomberg and montour will be missed too,that room may have just gotten gutted. But the kids need to step up. The only real loss and missing part is a real thug guy,someone that will protect the top guys. And gadjovich is a good guy,but not really that good at fighting if needed. Preds will be a juggernaut if they stay healthy.Go Cats.

  7. I was a big Alex Lyon supporter as a backup and he was the reason we got into the playoffs the prior season when we were dead in the water.. Then Stolarz puts up Vezina numbers as a backup, and he gets the boot for 2mill a year while we continue to pay Knight because he has "potential". Absolutely hate this move if we cut Knight we could of saved 3.75mill on our cap.. could of paid stolarz a lil less than 2 mill because of our no state income tax and still have a couple mill left over.. I love Zito but we continue to hold on to Knight just have to vent my frustration

  8. Jaws, I'm still really worried about our defensemen situation. Losing both power play point men is a kick in the nuts. Someone knock on Zito's door to find out if he took a nap. Im gonna miss Lomberg.

  9. Guys are getting their pay doubled. Gotta feel good for them.

    Player 23-24 24-25

    Montour $3,500,000 $7,142,857 204%

    OEL $2,250,000 $3,500,000 156%

    Stolarz $1,100,000 $2,500,000 227%

    Stenlund $1,000,000 $2,000,000 200%

    Lomberg $800,000 $2,000,000 250%

  10. Overall not bad. Zitos still got it. We didn't overpay Reino and gets a fair deal. AJ Greer is an upgrade. I'm assuming if we didn't match that Stolarz deal Knights getting the call. 😂 At that Montour deal, I wish him the best. Stenlund is a loss, only actual mistake by Zito today. Kuli retiring a Panther is adorable

  11. Vlad hasn't signed yet, I think that's what Zito is waiting on, Cause I would have signed Skinner already, he's totally Bill Zito reclamation project material

  12. gonna miss lomberg the most think it would’ve been nice to keep stenlund but I’m so glad those guys r getting paid. THE RETURN OF DREIDGER

  13. Tough day…. (except for Fluffy!)

    I think it can only be saved if Tarasenko stays and we shore up Montours loss with an equivalent or better.. I don't think that's a possibility though. Maybe an overseas player??? Looking at the draft board (outside of Rhino) Boston is spending… several teams are, but it's all quiet on the South Eastern front. It's scary… hard to be the best defensive team without a deep defensive bench.

  14. my entire post just got deleted – un-F^cking-believable. DAMNIT… for the second time my comment got erased. I am NOT typing this all out AGAIN…. FFS i'm sick of all the censorship.

    4th line upgrade.
    Cats signed Driedger to battle with Knight for the backup job. I originally made some good points …. UGH I hate the internet

  15. The Leafs really wanted to bleed us dry. They had their eyes on Montour too, but Seattle massively overpaid. They probably would have tried for Reinhart too if Marner left lol.

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