Why Dave Wannstedt says Hall of Fame game will be great for Caleb Williams, young Bears roster

Why Dave Wannstedt says Hall of Fame game will be great for Caleb Williams, young Bears roster

we love it when we get the opportunity to visit with our Coach Dave wanstead he is here okay coach we’re a month away from the Hall of Fame game are you starting to to to feel the energy of football coming back absolutely uh that’s that’s the barometer I mean uh uh you know I I think as coaches not when I was in the NFL when I was in college uh now just doing radio and TV when all of a sudden they start talking about kicking off for the Hall of Fame game everyone knows the football season is here and um that’s uh that that’s going to be a good thing for the Bears you know I I personally think I’ve coasted it twice uh you know I uh it’s it’s with a shorter training camp now the shorter preseason games now the Bears being a young football team it really gives you an extra game an extra opportunity to uh to work through with some of these younger players some fundamental stuff you know for the most part and uh the other thing too is you know we get some new coaches we got a new defensive coordinator we got a new offensive coordinator we got all except the offensive line coaches we all know all new offensive assistance so the more that these guys can work together uh in game situations with the officials and the clocks and the headsets and all that stuff that goes with it I think it just gives gives you a chance to work through some of the the rough spots and uh and become a better football team did you get away before the season started because I’ve seen you know video of Caleb like he’s been in Europe and now I think he’s back in La how important is it to get away from football before you know it’s going to be the next six months of your life well I think it’s good you know I mean I love the the schedule that they have right now I I think uh the players do get a break now um you know majority of them are going to do something on their own I remember when I was with the Bears in fact I think two or three years in a row two years I think we went to the Cayman Islands I took my two daughters my wife and every time we went over there there were we were you know staying at a big at a big hotel they’re on the beach and there were four or five NFL players from arounda league with their wives and with their kids and they were just chilling and just kind of hanging out and uh so yeah it’s it’s kind of the Calm before the storm but I definitely think it’s good for coaches players front office for everybody coach in a couple weeks I’m going to head down to Dallas SEC media days is going to go on I’m looking forward to asking a few questions of the coaches and a couple of the players obviously you’re one of the kings of Dallas what do you think about the idea of as you’ve explained it to me Jerry kind of runs things down there whether we’re talking about Frisco or we’re talking about Dallas What would would you advise if if you could talk to the Bears about how they could build their world the way the Jerry has built his Jerry World well you know Jerry bought that land in Frisco it was like the first or second year that we were all in Dallas and at that time now a little bit different uh from the standpoint that when he bought that it was just you know I don’t know a farm country cattle country there wasn’t much going on in Frisco Texas and he bought up three four five I don’t know how many hundreds of acres and now that’s where the star is you know their facility and everything that goes along with it uh and but but in addition to that you know he built hotels and he built restaurants and he took advantage of of everything that he could with that type of land and and I just look at it from an ownership standpoint you know I mean the mcis have an opportunity to really really Step Up out in Arlington I think and and with all that land to to have more to offer more than just a stadium uh you know so I mean I think it could be really something special uh it’s not going to be probably Jerry’s World nothing’s going to be Jerry’s world we all know that but but but you know May and I’m sure Kevin Warren’s been down there enough times you know that that he knows the blueprint and what they did down there and it it just makes a lot of sense it it sounds like it’s it’s kind of going that way uh it sounds like the people in Arlington now you know want to get back to the table and let’s work out something and get it done and uh there’s nothing like owning your own and if George wants to make a long-term commitment with the Bears long-term commitment way but when he’s passed and it’s it’s his kids and grandkids which is what Jerry did now I think you go to Arlington coach I want to play this for you Ryan poles was on NFL Network Cynthia Freeland her podcast recently here’s what the GM talked about about the energy that that Caleb brings to the room check it out I think it’s just the energy that he brings you know he has really put his flag in Chicago he’s been to all of these sports games and really fed into the crowd and he understands the hype that comes along with being the first overall p and just being a quarterback in the city and he wants to do great things here in Chago what you see is is it’s a big deal it’s pocket awareness in feel the ability to take your job climb move in and out to buy time but always keeping your eyes down field that’s critical in this league it’s an instinctual thing you know that you work on but you the special guys have the special awareness and then obviously everyone calls it arm Talent just a strong arm ability to throw down the field and create explosives I mean the first two that we picked here are hilarious cuz both of them are over 70 yards which is yeah ridiculous when I watch him it looks like he’s already an NFL quarterback yeah yep absolutely again that manipulation of the pockets huge um CU it’s it’s hard to buy time in this league with the the pass rush that we have um and it’s one of those rare traits that he has he’s a phenomenal athlete and is a lot faster than people think too so to have that in your back pocket when things break down is uh it’s critical so what do you think there the energy bringing and then talking a lot about the arm Talent aspect of this yeah I mean Ryan PS is right on I love that Super Bowl trophy too in his background there that’s a nice uh nice background but uh you know it’s going to be interesting and I have been totally I’ve been just what Ryan’s talking about in the community and the leadership and him being involved at the other sports events around the city uh it has been fantastic and and you could tell that he brings a lot of energy and he’s figured this out real quick most players it it takes you a couple years to really get into to the tradition and the history of the Chicago Bears and coach halice and and and on and on and the great players and so forth uh not uh not Caleb I mean he’s done his homework he’s smart he’s aware so I think that’s a A+ the thing that’s going to be real interesting you know you see him move around in the pocket like that last year he faced a three-man rush uh in college 20% of the time and uh in the NFL team the NFL averages a little bit under 5% of three-man rush so what I’m saying is he’s he’s not gonna get three guys to rush and he’s not going to be able to dance around back there quite as long the biggest thing everybody wants to talk about you know why he got sacked so much and if he didn’t get sacked he does he doesn’t he’s not a Scrambler can he run yes usually when you rush three the biggest fear that I always had was we rush three oh boy if we’re doing against it a quarterback that’s pretty agile everybody’s dropping off into coverage only three guys are rushing there’s a lot of lanes to step up in just like Ryan was talking about and a lot of times quarterbacks will step up and run for the first time well Caleb does doesn’t do that he likes to hold the ball and make the big play fantastic but I think in the NFL he’s not going to get as much three-man rush and he’s going to have to get the ball lot quicker and I think that running backs and his tight ends are going to become going to have to become a major part of his mentality in thinking as far as getting rid of the football the big play is not going to be there in the NFL nearly as much as what it was for him in col because he’s not going to be able to hold the ball that long and the corners are a lot better so uh and it doesn’t have to be running backs and tight ends I mean Keenan Allen is fantastic underneath working the shallow routs and all that so there’s a lot of ways can do it that’s that’s not the point the point is that I think that part of his game is going to have to become big because things are going to change a little bit as always we appreciate the time and the information coach we’ll see you soon okay I A Time laen congrats you finished the video if you want to build on that success download the NBC Sports Chicago app it’s got highlights exclusive 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On this episode of Football Night in Chicago, Laurence Holmes is joined by former NFL head coach Dave Wannstedt to discuss all things Chicago Bears. Wanny talks about why the Hall of Fame game could be great for the young Bears roster. Later, he shares his thoughts on the Bears new stadium plans and if he thinks the team can build a new mecca like Jerry Jones did in Dallas. Finally, he talks about what he’s seen from Williams so far as he adjusts to the spotlight in Chicago. Fi

#ChicagoBears #CalebWilliams #DaveWannstedt

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