What does the center position look like for the Phoenix Suns?

What does the center position look like for the Phoenix Suns?

all right so the Suns they’ve been busy with the center position really really busy um and that includes signing Mason Plumley uh to a one-year deal that’s the one of the reported deals the sons have done so far with free agency starting to be a backup big they drafted rookie Oso igodo uh they brought back buo who’s you know I guess technically a center but really plays more like a four and of course they’ve got nerk coming back as well and you know I look it’s social media so TI it for what it’s worth but there has been a lot of chatter I think on social media today in and around Suns fans and those who cover the team about Yousef nurkic given how much activity the Suns have put in at the center position and frankly given how many centers are kind of already off the board in free agency only a couple of days in it’s LED some to ask whether the Suns a can they revisit possibly trading Yousef nurkic with two years left on his deal and B should they want to revisit trading Yousef nurkic if he’s got and then I guess the other can they should they can they do they want to so much so that gambo on vacation actually tweeted out again I’m hearing the sons have no intentions of trading youf nurkic which is probably the smart play but you do wonder if somebody comes and makes them some sort of an offer are they prepared enough to withstand trading nerk if somebody called and offered them something they couldn’t say no to okay what position would you be trading for you’re trading your Center for you taking point guard right let’s say a point guard point guard okay so yes it but it would have to be the right point guard I think nerk does so many good things for this Basketball Club you wouldn’t just give him up for you know just a second tier or third tier point guard just to get a warm body in that position totally agree 11 points 11 rebounds four assists last year they are plus 13 per 100 possessions when he’s on the floor he does too many good things for this squad I think he’s a balancing factor for some of the other guys last year that um like I said weren’t always happy uh around that team last year nurk always seemed like he was really solid the only time the Suns real had slippages when he missed a couple games in a row and uh you know when they were trying to make that that final push down the stretch to secure that six spot yeah it’s a big big noticeable absence when nurk is not on the floor I don’t know where they find that in Mason plumbley not knowing that you have Mason plumbley from the 2223 season and not the Mason Mason plumbley from last year and you bring look you bring up a great Point first of all it’s got to be said and it needs to be said again this team’s all of their ratings all of their metrics when Yousef nurkic was on the floor versus when he was off the floor it’s night and day I mean it really is he was he truly exceeded my expectations when he came up first of all he played many more games than I thought he could given his injury history and and the things he did on the floor yes he there are flaws he’s not much of a three-point shooter he’s not much of a finisher around the rim he misses a lot of bunnies his you know that kind of drivve you a little bit crazy but they were no doubt a better basketball team with him on the floor than they were with W this is this to me is not a conversation about nerks FL and what he can’t do this is a conversation about his salary and how limited the sons are in bringing expensive Talent onto the roster they just don’t have a way to do it everything’s a vet minimum signing it’s the best it’s the only thing they can do to me this conversation is less about nerk flaws and more about hey here’s an $18 million salary that if somebody wanted to take that off your hands and was offering something that maybe you were missing like a point guard would you reconsider it now that you’ve signed Mason plumbley and now that you’ve drafted Oso igodo and I I guess you make a good point it just kind of depends on who’s offering what at that point right well listen you you you you brought me into the segment basically by saying you know as a 15-year big man in the NBA right I think you got to have an anchor uh on that on that back line there and a big Center uh unless I’m old school I know the the game is played out there beyond that Arc nice to have a c that can knock down threes but at the end of the day you still got to have somebody inside to grab the rebounds to clog the lane uh to put a body on and put the fear of God in some of the drivers from time to time and taking a hard foul so uh unless you got an opportunity to like I say get a tier one point guard you keep your big fow yeah look I mean this time a year ago gambo was reporting and not that gambo was wrong because he wasn’t gambo was reporting they’re not trading Aon they’re not Trading Aton they’re not trading Aon and then they do they traded him because there was a deal that M that you know materialized that was that was brought to them or that they helped you know organize and facilitate however you want to look at it that ultimately made them a better basketball team the Suns won that deal by trading DeAndre Aton and getting Grayson Allen and Yousef nurkic back and it just for all of the nope they’re not trading nerk they’re not trading nerk if some team thought they were going to get a center in free agent and doesn’t and they they think to themselves okay let’s Circle back do we want two years of use of nage at $18 million what could we give you know and like I just it might be no for now but these things do change they always change in this league and I think you have to be at least thoughtful of the but but if they do move him to your point man now it’s Mason plumbley and alsoo a Garo and it’s BB and it’s thin you know you go from having a a lot of guys you can play a little to a little number of guys and you’re not sure whether you’re good enough at the center position yeah like you say you I like Mason palley as a veteran you know if he can get back to that year ago but you’re not going to put a rookie in a position where he’s got to play a lot of minutes back there you go on with Kevin Durant de Booker would not a lot of minutes yeah minutes yes but not a lot of minutes but you don’t want to have a bulk of the minutes that’s for sure thanks for watching Burns and gambo click to see more from the guys and hit the button in the middle to sub subscribe so you never miss a video from Arizona Sports

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. Just wasting time blow it up already is the SUNS front office really this delusional dose James Jones , Me att Ishbia , really think this team is a contender it would take all the so called big 3 being great and somebody to have a career year and Allen to have another career year and probably still would not be enough

  2. Let’s see what happens the first half of the year and then revisit it at trade deadline. Burke works hard and does a lot of the dirty work, I think they are going to surprise a lot of people 🏀

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