Why Demar Derozan Signing UNLOCKS Anthony Davis For The Los Angeles Lakers ft. Lebron & Free Agency

Why Demar Derozan Signing UNLOCKS Anthony Davis For The Los Angeles Lakers ft. Lebron & Free Agency

unfortunately the Los Angeles Lakers missed out on all the targets LeBron James was willing to take a pay cut for with Jones funz going to the Washington Wizards James Harden resigned with the Los Angeles Clippers and now Klay Thompson has made his decision to join the Dallas Mavericks despite reports that raw plinka offered more money on a longterm deal now fans of the prople and gold along with the front office find themselves empty-handed with one last Hail Mary at maximizing under taxpayer midle of exception or via signning trade that player being none other than six-time All-Star Chicago Bulls veteran guard Demar D rozan immediately the drop off from Klay Thompson a seemingly hand and glove fit alongside LeBron James now Demar D rozan leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of many fans and understandably so the Lakers just offloaded the horrendous contract of the failed Russell Westbrook experiment not too long ago but now fans can’t help but to call out the many overlaps between Russell Westbrook and demard d rozen’s game neither are known to be Quality Floor spacers they tend to thrive the ball in their hands and defense has become a hit or miss as both guards enter their mid-30s but even with all that said the pros still outweigh the cons in this potential partnership and in this video we’ll be discussing the exact reasons as to why acquiring Demar de Rosen whether it be the form of a signing or a signing trade would make for a no-brainer move the front office should absolutely make regardless of the immediate red flags that present itself before we dive into that let me know down in the comment section below at this rate of how the Lakers are operating it wouldn’t be a surprise at all if the ended up missing on Demar d rozan as well so if that’s the case what should the Los Angeles Lakers Ultimate Backup Plan be in the event Demar D rozan doesn’t end up joining LeBron James and Anthony Davis this summer first of all before fans even begin to draw comparisons between Russell Westbrook’s tenure of the Los Angeles Lakers and how Demar D rozan will come to the same fate it needs to be acknowledged one of the main reasons why Russell Westbrook failed to achieve any type of success as a member of the Los Angeles lers is because his mid-range and driving ability completely gave up on him walking into the partnership we all knew Russell Westbrook was a poor three-point shooter but even with that Tak into consideration Westbrook seemingly couldn’t get a shot to go down from anywhere on the court shooting only 41% from the field in his last season of the Lakers he was a complete liability on the offensive end and nobody respected him from anyone on the court especially from beyonda Arc but surprisingly from the mid-range and eventually around the basket as well once teams figured out even the slightest contest was enough to deter Westbrook from finishing on point blank looks as for the case of demard D rozan that’s definitely not the case as not only is he a well-respected offensive weapon with his mid-range he’s undisputedly the best sized craft in the area and he remains the elite finisher around a basket last season with the Chicago Bulls he played a career-high 38 minutes per game while averaging 24 points four rebounds five assists and over one steal per game to go along with a subpar 33% shooting from Beyond Arc fans tend to always talk about how LeBron James needs Shooters around him to flourish but ARG Bron’s greatest teammate of all time Dwayne Wade had a very similar archetype to that Demar D rozan late in his career as the hos big three came to an end by no means am I saying Demar D roza and Dwayne Wade are the same player but offensively LeBron James has proven he can more than just Iron Out The Kinks with a co-star who is an elite three-point shooter as for demard D rozan he’s already proven that can playoff ball as he recently had the best season of his entire career playing alongside Lonzo ball and Zack LaVine both guards who need the ball in their hands as well the rose finished 10th in MVP voting That season and Shaw’s career B 35% from Beyond The Arc establishing that he has what it takes to thrive an adjusted role with the Lakers speaking of resorting to older play styles to have proven to work for Demar D rozan he may need to dust off his pick and roll package from his time with Lamarcus alers and the San Antonio Spurs and apply all that knowledge and wisdom to his partnership with Anthony Davis it was D Roan’s time with the San Antonio Spurs where fans really saw him transform from being a dynamic scorer to Elite playmaker as well and over years some of that has gotten lost as Demar D rozan has taken more of a back seat but with the Lakers coach JJ reic will need every bit of D rozen’s underrated playmaking ability especially with d’angel Russell clearly being made available on the trade block which would immediately catapult d rozan as the best playmaker on the roster behind LeBron James at the end of the day the Lakers free agency plans may have taken a massive turn but the bigger objective Remains the Same get enough support so that Anthony Davis and LeBron James could be well preserved for the postseason and let let the superstars take it from there so let me know down in the comment section below is demard De rozan the top free agent remaining for the Los Angeles Lakers if not which players should be at the top of their list also what should be the Lakers Ultimate Backup plan if the front office misses out on demard De r rozan as well but that’s it for the video take it easy guys I know loyalty is one of your strengths and at the same time to see this season end the same way it did last year you talked about that plane ride last year from Miami to see it end when you know no jimmmy opportunity there does it make you rethink your future that do I really want to be a part of this or do I need to chase something bigger is this going anywhere is this thing stuck in quicksand I mean what’s your immediate gut reactions and I know this is right fresh off a loss but what’s your immediate reactions of okay what about me now um I don’t know man it’s pretty sure over the next couple days couple of weeks you know um mind emotions everything going to be you know all over the place you know um sometimes you got to kind of let those emot emotions come down so you can think logically um you know I can feel all type of negative ways right now um that I may not feel next week you know um you know I always try not to react off an Impulse you know um or speak off impulse no matter how I’m feeling you know it’s just it’s going to be a long regardless a long season I mean summer for me um you know it’s kind of like you crawling up that hill you get knocked back down and you take that look up the mountain you say SH damn I got got to do it all over all over again got to figure it out you know so I don’t know it’s just it’s just going to be a long long long summer for me just you know thinking about a lotar just to follow up on that and I know this is raw and this is a difficult time because of the season lost but you’ve been very consistent in calmer moments about your desire to be back for sure is that still where you are yeah that’s still where I’m at you know but you know at the end of the day I hate losing hate missing opportunities you know um I think you know it really hit you after the season you know when you look up and last seconds run off and you you you know you you don’t have another game and next time next time I play a game will be my 16th season you know um you know you you realize the window closed for you personally you know um um I ain’t trying to play 25 years or nothing like that but you know you just want to give want to have the opportunity to give everything great in you opportunity you know and um like I said like my my mind my stance on you know when it be here still the same but you know just want to win you know you know more more more than anything just have the opportunity to win and not you know got to go home and see the first round of the playoffs second round of the playoffs you know you know it’s frustrating how much um Mark must have been a lot of ambivalence for you about this season because um you know once kind of once Zach went out every the load fell on you I mean know it’s disappointing obviously the way it’s ending as you’re pointing out and what you have to go through but at the same time you played this extra orary number of minutes which is sort of record your age and all I know you don’t mention that but you know you were there all the time plays went through you you know team relied on you down the stretch fourth quarter story you know it did it tear you to both ways that and that you know you couldn’t succeed in the end but you you know you called on to do so much and you were able to produce that yeah I’m I’m I just always try to overly prepare myself every summer to be ready for whatever you know so you know for me it wasn’t it wasn’t surprise anything or something that you know I I felt like I couldn’t do you know I work I work my butt off in the summertime for for whatever’s you know called of me you know um I always try to be one of those guys that’s available that’s able to play able to always want to be out there on the floor so you know um I work my butt off in the summer for for for moments like that you know um and I don’t I don’t look at like a age as being something that slowed me down because you know I take care of myself and you know I work my butt off so um you know it’s just always a challenge that I’m always up for be honest with you Jamal what would you like to see from this franchise this soft season as you’re making your decision

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  1. DeRozen is a Hooper. He actually wants to be a LAKER and was a target already. We have long range shooting in Kenecht? I can't spell his name and Reaves. We need a healthy Gabe Vincent, Vando, Dinwiddie. Id like to bring in Chris Dunn too for backcourt speed and defense. This team looks good on paper so we shall see.

  2. He aint going to the lakers any way.The only free agents the lakers are getting is the scraps.They messed up their free agent signing by sending their best quality players to differentvteams if levron didnt like you.

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