Big O and Ira Winderman – The Miami Heat Need to Spend the RIGHT Money

Big O and Ira Winderman – The Miami Heat Need to Spend the RIGHT Money

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show um as we start our Acura Penbrook Pines report hockey players are different and here’s the reason and I spoke to an NBA hockey people hockey people hockey people okay yeah yeah and and I spoke to an NBA agent about this and basically and I think he explained it very well in the NBA players are so concerned learned about their own personal brand that often times celebrations become about self and no sooner do they win something then they’re selling you a product or selling you on them or talking about me what we have seen collectively from a week from the Panthers is us and we and when Paul Maurice turned to face his Players yesterday he basically was saying hey all those folks out there might adore you but it’s us collectively as a group and when you think back to every time the way the NBA does their Championship celebration and they invite individual players up to talk to Chuck and you know Ernie and whoever is up there at the time there’s so much more about self hockey is by far the most selfless sport because hockey showed us and we saw this in the Stanley Cup finals you can have the individual greatness of a Conor McDavid but if you don’t have a great team around you you could only do so much there is probably not more of a team sport I know football the defense has to be lock step we know in baseball it’s single pitcher against single batter in the NBA one player can make all the difference hello Michael Jordan we’ve seen that before hockey the Panthers won the Stanley Cup because their third line and their fourth line contributed the depth that they had to roll through four lines and wear teams down including my Rangers really made the difference in the end that’s why we saw even yesterday never broke from that they went as a team today we wake up Sam Reinhardt is back as part of a team yeah and and to add to what that gentleman told you about the difference with hockey players or basketball players or football players or even baseball players and I know that that sport is on its way down a little bit but still the popularity overall these kind of sports these players are they live a guarded life where whereas hockey players they almost live like we live and then they kind of disrobe you by being just like you all of a sudden and then when you’re in front of them they’re acting normal and they’re not guarded from you and then you become guarded from them because you’re afraid that you might you know interfere with this basketball or football player or whatever and their age or but hockey players kind of like you know it you know let me tell you Shaq had that moment he shows up on the truck with a with a with a machine gun water pistol and spraying people and he’s right there in the crowd those are the moments where you kind of start to connect with fans and to me that’s what hockey players or hockey people because it happens with front office and whoever you deal with in hockey there’s more often than not they’re just good people dude they’re announcers or whatever if they especially when they come from Canada and you know it’s just they’re just different people and I think when they start acting like you and kachuck and all these guys are acting just like you it kind of lowers your guard and all of a sudden you saw them they were all walking around people and they didn’t have anything to worry about it was the coolest thing I mean look when Big O Orlando alary lands his next five-year packet from Acura Pim Pines he’s going to light up a stogy pour himself a cold one sitting at the Elbow Room right next to Matthew kachuck that’s the difference they celebrate like we celebrate when you have a moment you say I want to go and get a cold one so do these guys in the NBA and other places they go to the private room at Club live and they have their private party and you’re not walking in there and you’re not rubbing elbows with players that’s the difference the first thing the Panthers did when they won their Championship is head out into the community and embracing everyone the first thing an NBA team does is rent a private club make sure they have a bodyguard at the door and enjoy their moment and if you want to share in it fine go to their Instagram that’s the difference yeah yeah and it’s not NBA it’s NFL it’s Major League Baseball it’s it’s all the you know what and big oh I’m gonna go take a step further and then today if you’re listening today on Monday we see Sam reinhardt’s new contract and if you notice the numbers Big O they’re less they’re less than NBA mid-level money so honestly it’s like is a slightly different world that Sam Reinhardt who sets his Panthers record with his Power Play Goals and just everything he did this season and all of that and you’re saying God bless you and now you’re gonna wind up getting Nikola yovic money it’s just a world yeah yeah it’s uh it’s crazy all right um I don’t know if it’s by choice or it’s because they this they have no choice um but I got to say I I like the direction the heat are going in so far they got to get rid of Butler for me to really complete it but at least I’m not seeing you know I saw Chris Paul signs and uh I see Paul George goes over to Philadelphia now there are players I don’t want here I don’t want them to go go go crazy to trade for somebody just because they’re desperately trying to you know stay I don’t know if it’s relevant or try to fool themselves that they’re going to get closer to a title uh I I’m the dude you’ve given me 25 years of gold it’s all good if we’re silver for a couple of years here and take a take a step back or two I I I’m kind of pissed because I almost feel like the heat puts their own pressure on themselves because they’ve spoiled their goddamn fan base so much that it’s almost like oh my God if we take a step back they’re going to kill us and they’re going to criticize us and you know what man sometimes you did it in 08 and 09 and it didn’t bother me you got the best coach in the business he’s going to make you know chicken salad out of whatever you give them anyway so you know I I I just hope they do the right thing here and not the desperate thing that they keep well also and not the older thing and not keep cycling old and I was concerned that if the he’ made the move for Chris Paul I would be here on the Elder elder care of Penbrook Pines Miami Heap report starting on Monday because I know you love us sponsorship opportunity but the thing is that’s the thing is two things you can’t get older you just can’t I don’t mind Kevin Love he was here he’s part of the core I’m okay with that two you have to spend your money in the right place I wrote this yesterday my in my ask guy people are bitching about Mickey Harrison spending or not and I pointed out the heat had the seventh highest payroll in the League last year last season the heat were one of seven teams to pay at least 15 million in luxury tax because of that the heat did not collect the $1 million payment they would have gotten if they were under the tax so the heat forfeited 30 or $26 million but here’s the deal and I wrote this it’s not that you’re spending or not spending you have to spend the right dollars so whether it’s Orlando alary saying Jimmy Butler at 36 years old getting 50 million is misspent or people having had issues with the Duncan Robinson extension with the Tyler hero extension you have to pay the right money at the right price and that’s why I love that bamat bio took his extension and didn’t wait for supermax and said hey 50 million on the top end is enough because there was a permutation if bam made supermax and waited two years to reup the final year of his extension would have been Big O $78 million and as much as I love Big O as rather I love uh bamat bio as a two-way player if B bios taking the court and earning a million dollars a game that’s when even I might have a little bit of an issue yeah no I’m say yeah definitely some guy was telling me Oh you gotta trade Jimmy and Bam I’m like no dude I’ll call him the super role player but I I appreciate him for what he is you gotta have him on your team he’s he’s a star he’s not a superstar right it’s not your problem that’s that’s my point with B more than anything else he’s not your problem the problem is you give away first round picks like it’s going out of style the problem is you got a star that doesn’t help you in the regular season anymore you you can’t do that anymore and and speaking of the star that doesn’t help you in the regular season sure and now that Paul George has gone to Philadelphia so that takes that out of the out of the mix so what happens here at with with the situation with with Jimmy and then the on the bside of that or the followup to that is if you’re the heat you just got a guy that coasted on you for two years in the regular season and he tells you now he wants to come back and have the greatest year of his life so he could get that Max contract so basically he’s coming back to work hard for one year to then Coast the rest of the way because once you commit he’s got you by the balls again and he gets the coast again so to me there’s a risk of that again with Jimmy and that’s where one it’s risky to let him bring him back and he’s going to go balls out to try to stay in the lineup his body may not respond and if it crashes then you’re never going to be able to unload him or if it works out magically and he stays in one piece throughout the whole year and then you give him that deal he then goes back to coasting once again because you’re locked in so I’m just wondering I don’t know you get to talk to them behind the scenes how do they feel about this because I just don’t trust this situation at all I think the petri dish is going to be especially prevalent the first three months of this season for this reason bigo the Jimmy Butler threat is I’ll walk and leave you with nothing which to you is not a threat because you’re getting back 50 million on the cap so I know Orlando alary is fine but there is a concern because it’s hard to replace the first three months of a season I not only have to watch Jimmy Butler from a basketball standpoint I need to get a team psychotherapist next to me and saying is this sustainable in other words if Jimmy is great in November December and January head of the feruary trading deadline I need to know is this the start of a new Jimmy can I trust it you’re gonna have to talk to your whole panel there examining body language and social media and everything if not the trading deadline becomes a time where you know there are teams that will rent a great player for one playoff run the he’ have tried to do that at times also and think you’d have to consider a trade so I think when I’m doing our Acura P Pines report at the start of the Season we’re going to be analyzing not only did Jimmy play well but is it sustainable and is this in Earnest or is this him simply trying to get the best possible deal you know this bigo in any sport football baseball even hockey a player in a contract year is a different human being he knows what’s at stake he’s playing like we talked at the top of the show for himself so what you have to say is this real is this Earnest or is this just a moment I don’t think that he can wait till next July to decide whether to exp extend a or new contract at that time or to move them I think they have to decide by the February trading deadline we know this team gets seduced by success two years ago they reached the deadline they said to themselves we probably going to lose Max stru but we’re good enough to make a run and they were right they got to the NBA finals last year they waited to February and they said to themselves we’re good enough to make a run and they were wrong and they kept Caleb Martin now they’re getting nothing for him in return when he most likely leaves they’re going to have to make that assessment in Jimmy and you’re right it is not easy but if the heat let me ask you this bigo Jimmy’s playing great ball he’s averaging 27 points and you go my God Ira I thought Jimmy was 26 instead of 36 would you trust it enough or would you say to me on February 6th so let’s get picks for him let’s get something for him even if we crap can the rest of the season are you willing to do it that I can tell people at ask skyed folks I think the he could have contended but Orlando alary of the Big O show told him to get rid of Jimmy so it’s all on him can you live with that yeah I can live with it I I I I think it’s time to turn the page and and I gotta tell you the only caveat I would add to all of this is you’re taking a major Risk by bringing him back next year because his body has proven it cannot hold up and we have not seen him play for three straight months in over two years and so that’s a problem that I have that’s a concern I have with him and if he gets injured in November and December and and all of a sudden now he loses his trade value and then you’re you are headed for a guy that at the end well no at the end of the year he’ll then opt into his player option if he’s dealing with if he’s right if he’s hurt and bad you know it’s hurting down 50 million dollar I get that also although you know what this I gotta tell you Big O today’s a very good example this league has shown that even when something goes wrong guys get paid anyway and I’ll give you an example playoff Paul playoff P supposedly crapped out in the playoffs for the Clippers and still got his bag anyway guys get their bag anyway in this league so who knows Jimmy Butler could have a crap season it only takes one team to create a market as you’ve seen in of sport but but his problem is that he chokes Jimmy’s problem is that he physically doesn’t show up cannot hold up and that’s that’s the wear and tear on his body that’s my only I’m not concerned about choking with Jimmy that’s not in his DNA that’s not who he is you know I’m not worried about that I know he he’s can come in clutch but that’s Paul George’s problem Paul George isn’t necessarily a sack of injuries this guy has got a we and now all of a sudden he’s going to try to play three months straight four months straight that’s going to be that’s going to be a challenge for him Ira man he do this guy doesn’t play a day a day after hanging out in the sun at a tennis match I mean the guy doesn’t even play the third game of the season I I don’t know I I I I just find it very risky for the heat to try to ride the Jimmy Butler thing I I just think you have milked it for more than what it was worth already as it is man get off the gravy trained now I I don’t know but now the whole Philly thing where what are the options golden state is that what we’re looking at I mean look it’ll we’ll have to it’ll have to be a trade it’ll be someone clearing their books there is an option right now folks I’m not putting this out to be aggregated but if the Clippers turn the Paul George move to the Sixers into a sign in trade they create a trade exception from Paul George that would be big enough for them to take in Jimmy Butler straight away nothing the heat can get F picks back from the Clippers I’ve said throw in Norman Powell also so you have a scorer in the interim who you at least have then his contract goes away he’s only 20 million Jimmy goes out at 50 you get 30 million in space you all of a sudden can do a mid-level player so there are possibilities right now at this moment I’m just not sure and I don’t think the heat are ready to just give up on Jimmy they still have the Hope because as you pointed out Orlando if they didn’t they probably would have done something at last February’s trading deadline I think the heat still are holding out the hope they might be wrong but we’ll see if not we will do a Jimmy Butler segment only next season you will get a hormone therapy replacement sponsor you’ll make more money Jimmy you’ll be healthier I hope so I hope so uh they look around they see what the Sixers did they see what the Knicks doing they see everyone got better everyone got better I just posted at I know you always ask me what I’m working on the Knicks not only added Mel Bridges and resigned OG and anobi the Orlando Magic and cavius called well Pope didn’t send anything out the Indiana Pacers resigned Pascal cakam and not only did the Sixers go ahead and add Paul George they added Andre Drummond arguably one of the best backup centers in the NBA and they added Eric Gordon another shooter so they really took another step remember the he played the Sixers in a playin game last season they’re not meeting in the playin next season because Philly ain’t going to be in the playin next season the Heat they might that’s uh that’s insane all right what are we expecting from the heat then are they going to outside of the Jimmy possibility what what are we expecting because they did at least the the Kevin Love deal I do like by the way because he has proven to be a very good player the way they use him and four million a year is a joke and he can and he has proven that the role that he’s in they they they you you know SPO knows how to use him so I’m good with that what else is there for for Miami I think it’s going to be bring back either Hayward heith or Caleb Martin if they don’t bring back either that’s problematic and then they really are going to be up to 13 players they only carry 14 and probably wait around for the best end of free agency pickup at the minimum and they’ve had some Bargains there and they’ve got remember guys like Gary pton at the end you might not have loved it you know in in the afterthought but they got Dion Waiters at the minimum at the end of free agency one year so there’s going to be some patients who’re going to be talking through July and August in our Acura Penbrook Pines report there’ll be an interesting name because guys always fall through the cracks so if you’re asking me Ira how are the Heat going to contend with mostly the same roster it’s going to have to be growth from within it’s gonna have to be guys showing up for work regularly and the one thing big oh you have to recognize also they have yet to fully explore the Terry Rosier possibilities he played a month then he got hurt remember he was not available for the play in or the playoffs I still don’t know what a hero Terry Rosier back court looks like because I’ve barely seen it I know internal growth is not sexy I know guys showing up for work is not sexy but that’s basically what the heat future is they’re a good team big old let’s not forget one thing with that I I don’t know why people would have that’s just spoiled Heat fans they finished 10 games over 500 they finished 10 games over 500 they were 46 and 36 and yet when you reflect back people are man the heat had a crappy season no like Orlando alary said you are very very spoiled people out there yes and I I don’t understand why it’s like a disease to take a step back when it’s a smarter thing to do for the last few years you keep trying to think that you’re in the game for this star or you have enough you know ammo to trade for that guy or whatever no you’re not in the conversation you’re not you know the whole Donovan Mitchell thing that the Heat fans started building themselves up for that why why are you building yourselves up for that you’ve got no shot at that guy if he gets out in the open market unless somebody is willing to pull a James Harden that’s the only way you’re going to acquire a star here because you don’t have the ammunition so you’re going to have to have a guy that’s going to become a son of a and say no I am only going to Miami and Miami only and whatever what what what Lillard wasn’t willing to do that’s really the only way you’re going to get a start or trade Jimmy Butler for a young player who become a star like a Jonathan kaminga and then you go from there but basically to sort of wrap it up here I’d almost give now people might have to look this up a sfist comparison of this as the heat keep trying to push that boulder up the hill the more older players you add the heavier the boulder becomes the more bad salary you add the heavier the boulder becomes you remove bad salary you remove the older players and instead of pushing a boulder you’re just pushing a rock that’s where the heat are right now oh and by the way stop giving away first round picks like it’s like your Oprah please especially when the last two years have provided Nikola yovic haime h j and I think you and I both at least have hope for khle wear that he could become another contributor also three straight first round picks I I just have more hope now lately in the last several years here because they’ve been able to unearth Talent that’s drafted and undrafted so I don’t know what’s happened but they’ve done a marvelous job now for several years of finding Talent all over the place so if you’re that good doing that let’s not get stupid in the trading Department let’s not get crazy in the in the old man Department let’s get a little bit more and I don’t have a problem for the next year or two where you kind of reset and and develop these guys and create space so you can make some moves man come on dude I mean I just think the Jimmy move would be a blessing actually more than we will see but for now I think the move I think the power move for the heat is simply to buy around for everyone at the Elbow Room but we’ll see all right all right follow him on Twitter at Ira heatbeat anything else you’re working on God I gave you five stories I’m working on already so I just sure I just want to make sure before I let you go push my product and I’ll push Acura Penbrook Pines appreciate it Big O thank you you got it Ira heatbeat on Twitter Ira will catch up next Monday my friend appr next week from Vegas summer league yes sir there you go that place is hot bro that Vegas summer league is hot damn as Sean that right right in between the two Arenas there’s a there’s like this pit of heat that develops there that is just nasty nasty nasty by the way uh speaking of acur Pembroke Pines they’ve got their 16th anniversary sale going on right now and the 2024 Integra is 319 the 2024 RDX is 419 a month you can get 3.9% financing for up to 60 months Sean and I were there on Friday the lot is overloaded with cars folks so you’ve got a whole ton of new cars and then also a great selection of certified pre-owned vehicles and as I tell you all the time if you own or lease anacura Mike Chan and Jordan Ferber do a great job there at their service department and you’re going to love dealing with those guys so if you go see Mike or Jordan tell them that Big O sent you they are absolutely phenomenal people at 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines finest dealership in the business baby it is Craig zins Acura a pimo Pines [Music] [Music] this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old show [Music]

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  1. This team is injury prove, expensive, unmotivated and key players don’t fit together. What is the fccing reason to run in back for a 4-5th time??? This is insanity!!

  2. Panthers players celebrated with the community. Heat players including Jimmy consider that a chore. Just a different mentality

  3. Jimmy has to change his game to remain healthy throughout the season…less banging and more jump shots…all the greats have done it to prolong their career

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