Should the Chicago Cubs SELL at the trade deadline?

Should the Chicago Cubs SELL at the trade deadline?

Cubs might be putting up a for sale sign on the North side later this month here we go you are locked on Cubs your daily Chicago Cubs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked on Cubs part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day alongside Sam olber I’m Matt cozy Sam are lifelong fans taking our passion into a discussion with you on all things Cubs thank you for being part of the show and making us your first listen today and the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day like the video and comment anything below today’s episode is presented by FanDuel the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to sometimes but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit SL lockon to get started as the Cubs sit at 39- 46 in last place in the NL Central and five games out of the third wild card spot it is natural to start to wonder what Jed Hoyer is going to do with the trade deadline and with the deadline four weeks away early indications are that the Cubs are going to at least try to be sellers MLB Network’s John morosi reported Monday in multiple places the Cubs have already signal to teams that they are open to selling and the athletic over the weekend reported that a few teams including the Yankees have started to scout the Cubs as well Sam for as much as I would like to talk about who the Cubs could add to make a playoff push this team is not anywhere close to being in that spot and we’re going to convince everybody I think that they should try to sell some of these guys well don’t put words in my mouth um I um I think that they are doing the right things right now I still think the month of July you know if they were to and we’ll talk about it if they were to you know take two or three from Philly sweep the Angels boom it’d be a different conversation right away but I think with the way things are trending they’re gonna have to have conversations on guys for a multitude of reasons number one because they haven’t produced number two because they have to start looking ahead towards next season this isn’t going to be a selloff per se and adding uh Prospect depth but it also trying to create Financial flexibility going forward through next year because we learn this offseason the Cubs are on a pretty strict uh uh tier one luxury tax budget so if they could trade a guy like tyone and get rid of that 18 million for next year and maybe package a guy like Smiley get rid of that you know whatever it is hap you know that’s GNA free them up to to be more flexible next season uh the name that really popped up that I was a little bit surprised about was Nico Herer today from RI just because he a is that very costly and B you know everyone wants to trade guys when they’re struggling as a fan but that’s not good business right you want to get value and you feel like niiko Horner is much more valuable than he’s produced right now but you know I had you know guys like Brady on Twitter I was talking to today and you know they convinced me a little bit Hey listen Matt Shaw could play second base triantos could play second base Michael Bush could play second base heck Christopher Morell his best position has shown to be second base and a lot of people said why can’t they just trade Morell because you’re not going to get anything for him what what if you trade him and then he becomes really good it’s it’s not that easy uh yeah but you know I I still think they’re going to wait a little bit you know I don’t think any of these moves are going to happen soon I think they’re going to wait it will be a sellers Market because so many teams are going to be buying at the deadline because of that third wild card so it may be good business but we’ll have to see uh we’ll have to see what happens it’s obviously very physically difficult for both both of us to discuss another selloff just two years uh after we took over the show and when we started talking about a selloff and so um you know I I don’t think you’re going to see a lot of guys Tone’s interesting Bellinger Herer you know hat maybe one or two of those guys and you know at the end of the day the irony is even if you do trade one of those guys especially the position players are you even going to get that much worse because you’re going to bring somebody up that might be ready and a lot of these guys aren’t producing so uh we’re going to have to see how goes you know I got to tell you I’m a little bit encouraged just that there’s this much interest in some of these guys uh you know I I didn’t think that that Bellinger would really have a market at that salary and his production value I didn’t think he may not it might just be one team yeah so we’ll have to see um but I’m not I’m not here to convince anybody of anything because i’ like to oh because I just think these the this this could also be done in the off season as well but you know for me it’s just about salary I don’t think you’re going to really get anything back for these guys unless Jed just wants to make the point to the fans that hey I screwed up with this roster these guys aren’t very good yeah the the salary part is important here but I think you know and the other thing would be Sam you mentioned about a six and0 week or even a five- one week I I’d have to really dig deep to wonder if that actually did anything for me yeah because the way this team is playing you always look ahead like if they go 5- one this week then they have the Orioles and Cardinals before the break who’s to say that that five in one stretch even does much no no I’m just saying convers conversationally yeah I I have to say you know they they should sell this this mix of players is not working uh you’re set up to have the same team uh next year you can’t do that you can’t bring back the same team they aren’t going to to seriously contend with this group that that’s what has be has become more clear to me uh it’s hard to find a team that has had more go wrong since September of 2023 than the Cubs uh Hoyer needs to use these four weeks hopefully as a moment of reflection a moment to reposition yourself a little bit and if you have to eat some money like the Mets did last year with sherzer and Verlander then that would be what you have to do especially if you’re serious about getting any real return back even if it’s just a one for one uh like let’s say so morosi connected the Orioles with tyion right tyion owed 36m the next two years under control through through 26 okay so you you bring some of that salary down you get one Prospect and and Ty is on his way uh could be similar for for for Bellinger or hap I mean all this stuff is complicated um because of contracts uh you’ve heard Bellinger connected to the to the Yankees as well hap has a no trade clause he’s do 40m over the next two years before he hits free agency um I’m not advocating for a total rebuild um but they need a refresh and and that’s where I’m at right now unfortunately yeah I don’t disagree with you at all um at all I my my point is just I don’t even think it like I don’t think fans need convincing at this like I don’t think it’s a controversial thing I think most most likely it’s going to play out I think it might become a controversial thing if they were to somehow get hot but I just we keep saying it there’s no evidence to that what what they would have to do well you know what I’ll save that for the next segment because that’s July schedule previews perfect well and I don’t think you need to wait till the off season if if you go by the three names and even if you include horer but let’s just say Bellinger ha and tyone those guys would be right contributors in a in a somewhat significant way to their new team I mean they just would Ellinger and hap would start every single day tyone could pitch a game three or game four of a playoff series if you want to talk about that I agree I don’t really know if I’m waiting till December no uh the hoer thing is a trade piece really interesting you know he signed through 26 as well the Mariners got connected to him um you know there’s a catching Prospect they have that could be a return piece for the Cubs I wonder Sam about the Dodgers being a possible spot for Herer um but there’s just a lot wrong right now and is a trade going to solve all ills no um but you do need to to put some new names out of the Hat I think yeah and I think that ultimately you know it it’ll probably be a very easy decision I am just curious to what they can get back and what are they what are the Cubs looking for in trades because prospects at this point you know do you really need more um you know we’re in the process of that and and how much of it how much of the rebuild will be cost cost driven right because I’ll tell you this as somebody that that you know has to talk about the team every day in the offseason if they could find a way to free up like 30 35 million next year and we don’t have to sit here and go oh no well they can’t go over the first luxury tax and actually be a player in some of these bigger free agents that would be pretty nice so yes you know at least it gives us something to talk about as we head towards uh the trade deadline and uh Independence Day and um yeah I mean this stuff is very real um I am pleasantly surprised that there’s this much interest in talk about these guys but I’m I’m I’m all here I’m all here for it and hopefully they can get hot here in July and at least increase their trade value woohoo how much of this do you think especially with Herer is is related to moving Christopher Morell to another position fulltime I really hope not a lot because he has an earn that right to be able to help move chips um until I see him put a full year together offensively I don’t care if he plays second third left bench right bench Dugout or in Triple A Iowa uh he doesn’t have the right um the Cubs don’t need a cater to this guy he’s he’s batting 1 N8 when we start to see a consistent Christopher morel somebody that can play every day and produce offensively then we could talk about other positions for Christopher but we already cost ourselves a couple of wins by by bowing down and putting him at third base for no reason so to give Nico Herer up just to appease Christopher Morell in his position seems a little bit of lunacy to me what would your attitude be if they go five in one this week is it going to change your mind on things or let’s talk about that in the next segment oh that’s right that’s right well that was a good tease by me uh unknowingly I guess uh we got July schedule coming up and then previewing that first part of the July schedule with Cubs Philly preview we start that right after this today’s episode is presented by FanDuel I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs have wound down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whatever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long have you used FanDuel the last couple of years great you get this boost as well have you never signed up but are going to do so as soon as today well that’s great as well so many moves transactions right now going on in the NBA Sam uh it’s always good to take a Peak at at some 24 25 odds uh you can always check out the NFL slate coming up as well golf every weekend Olympics coming up baseball every day and more head over to locked on and start making the most out of your summer with FanDuel America’s number one sports book the Cubs play the Phillies at 7:05 pm. Central Tuesday and you can hear every pitch of the Cubs Hometown broadcast on SiriusXM by searching Cubs on the sxm app all right Cubs until the All-Star break uh Phillies for Three Angels for three Orioles for three Cardinals for four remember the Cubs will be at 98 games played at break after the midsummer classic the Cubs host the Diamondbacks for three and the Brewers for three then they go on the road and play the Royals and reds three games each respectively for 25 total games is in July I’m not going to do any win loss goals uh because that’s dumb I’ve learned my lesson and rude entry to July which we’ll get to next segment playing the best team in the sport uh Sam what what stands out to you about this July schedule with the five days off in between for the break I’ll do a record because I haven’t learned my lesson um and and not to say what the the question is just because I just think we have to play Both Sides right the first segment we talk about selling what do the Cubs need to do in July to avoid a selloff because at the end of the day there’s no reason to rush there’s no reason to rush doing it because you lose doing some math here you lose leverage the answer is simple you don’t have to do any math I did it already uh it would be 16 and nine that if they were 500 after July heading into August they probably wouldn’t sell got it um is that going to happen so 16 and n you at 55 and 55 right and just my guess just be just because they could do a lot of things in the offseason maybe they still trade one guy but you know I don’t think they I don’t think they’d buy or sell I think they would just stand pad at that point now the Cubs haven’t showed any signs of that um in fact they haven’t won three games in a row since late April umre so I don’t see how that’s possible but I just thought that as as reporters of the show 16 and N probably is what you’re looking for and there’re it’s literally get it literally will have to be a replica of last season they’re gonna have to get white hot at July before the deadline and force Jed’s hand they they’ve learned no lessons or anything like that um they are playing the Phillies at a pretty good time with no schwarber no Harper what does that matter they probably have to go two out of three Philly sweep sweep the Angels okay they’re not you’re going to lose two out of three B Baltimore so chalk that so it got one and two right there and then and then you got to go into St Louis win three out of four before the break to to get to to get things changed I mean no it’s I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s extremely daunting and and not going to happen but you know you might as well just report it you know because people always call me you know I’m I’m the pessimist hey Cubs are going 16 and nine is that what you want to hear everybody so that’s that that that means the Cubs will go 9 and four till the midsummer classic yeah and you what isn’t it so crazy though if they split St Lou then they’ll be eight and five yeah that ain’t good enough um you want to know what’s so crazy though okay what’s that how bad they’ve been for so long and the only thing they would have to do to turn things around at least probably to avoid a sell off would be 16 and nine it’s not even that good of a stretch it’s just like you know what I mean like like it’s that’s what they started the season at it’s crazy like if you just go back and you look at this stretch when it really started to turn sour like to me it started to get to a point where okay something’s not right here when they lost in Cincinnati and and it was like oh man like this is really bad here maybe even at home against Cincinnati whatever it was and then like if you just those two Monday nights against the Giants like what they’ve had to do to put themselves here is truly remarkable it’s remarkable and so um it’ll be very interesting to see how it goes I I’ll tell you this we always hesitate to use the word must-win well Tuesday night is the first of many must that’s a must-win with wheeler and Sanchez Wednesday Thursday they better win that game Tuesday night all right well let me write that one down as well and I don’t even know yeah and and and and and and and and Wiki’s picture so 16 and N in July 9 and four till the break I’m going to keep track of these uh maybe we’ll tweet that out we’ll track them no don’t tweet it out don’t tweet it out certainly not game by game but why out because I don’t want to give the idea that I think it’s gonna happen I just think it’s fair to say right you know now if they’re 55 and 55 are they gonna stand pad or they actually gonna acquire players that help the club I would say stand Pat okay so mean what are we talking about here we’re talking about pack do you get the wor of both World well then maybe we should preview this Philly series and you rock out the show the Phillies are 55 and 29 and you say they should they have to win Tuesday’s game of course they do then they got wheeler and S the Cubs haven’t hit a home run against the Lefty starter since 19 n yeah April the last time they won three in a row was late April when they actually won four in a row they swept the Astros and beat the Red Sox um absurd absurd Hey listen I’m just trying to keep the options open for everybody July was supposed to be the fun month you know it was supposed to be fun well it’s all supposed to be this is now the second time we’ve talked about ha possibly being traded in our run this is the second time we’ve talked about Bellinger uh we’re trying to clear Ty’s money off the books it’s it’s crazy hey remember when we swept the Astros and uh it was fun and everyone was saying oh you know the Astros are yeah the Astros are back to two games over 500 now uh and they’re thoroughly they’re thoroughly in the thick of the playoff race usually true Talent wins out the question hand and the answer has been that we might not have a lot of true Talent that’s correct can’t believe you asked me on live on air do you think Herer being traded you know is to help Christopher Morell more I’m so tired how about set Morell down and figure out how to get a base hit to Right Center well him playing Third Base has hurt the team of course they need to move him yeah but how about how about DH or when you you learn how to play a position and hit before you get to to decide anything so you think they should send him to Triple A I think I think that Christopher Morell should have no say and the Cubs mov should he doesn’t have a say but I’m saying that the Cubs moves should have nothing to do with him right now nothing got got he he he should be working on Fielding throwing hitting so all parts of the sport yes gotcha I think they could hide him in left once they trade half to the Braves You Can’t Hide anybody in the big leagues well left field is about the only place he could uh the Phillies why you tell that to ha on Sunday well he can’t it’s not my problem he can’t catch yeah well you you couldn’t hide him I mean he’s got two pieces of hardware on his mantle yeah but I’m just saying you hide Morell out there I remember Morel and left field it wasn’t exactly you know a beautiful piece of art well Center is where he really struggled he struggles at every position but maybe second base and he’s hting right second base he’s fine 90 eight okay coming up next the Phillies have a lot of uh star players two of them are actually out right now uh they’re two- two so far without those guys let’s preview that series next this episode is brought to you by prize picks prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app it’s the easiest and most exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players pick more or less on two or more player stats and then watch the winnings roll in baseball season is officially underway has been for quite a while about halfway through the season to be honest don’t miss your chance to add your favorite players from 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their lineup and really on their whole 26 man roster well how can the Cubs win this series Sam Ah that’s easy um don’t do anything that you’ve been doing you know except the starting pitching so you know get off to a good start you know you you could try winning an opener of a series that might be an easier path if they win their first game of a series I don’t think they’ve won a first game of a series since Dwight D Eisen power gave his uh mil military-industrial complex speech what was that around late 50s yeah so I thought it was that Jared Jones game May 10 but it was uh the opener of the Brave series I think it was like May 20 something yeah so that was the last one that was well over a month ago so um they have to win Tuesday’s game win a series that be great because imaga wheeler could be fun yeah I hope hope so um could be wind blowing out and you know some things could happen there but yeah I’d like to see them win Tuesday’s game I for some reason I have like a hunch that they could win that game and then and then if they do that then all they have to do is win one of the next two and then at least when the Angels come to town this weekend we have something to look for all right let’s sweep these guys there momentum happening here because I believe they’re off again they’re off again on Monday too they are so they could be really aggressive with the bullpen but then they have a double header next weekend yeah but then they go to the all-star break true so you know let it out Let it Loose let it let it eat right well with who Jorge Lopez Jorge Lopez is is Tyson Miller home hey shout out to Ethan Roberts who made his return on Sunday yeah Tyson Miller could be a good trade piece for a contending Club he’s under control through 2029 maybe the Cubs could get some value there okay oh it’s going to be a fun month talking about trading guys is it though no it’s sarcasm maybe out of protest we don’t even go live to break the news when they trade Bellinger to the Bronx well we got we got we got a business to run here right uh you know I thought July was going to be about hot Sunshine balls flying out of Wrigley funnel cakes hey what huge big time reliever are they gonna get at the deadline to solidify and stop on Central we’re two and a half we’re two and a half up on the Brewers and and now it’s time to go put an exclamation point at it instead we’re talking about another sell off another selloff which I think they should actually do all right well that’s the show thank you so much for checking out this edition of lock on Cubs you give us minutes looking you all things Cubs with the laugh or two along the way we’re gonna beat the Phillies be sure to hit subscribe on YouTube smash the like button for the algorithm and leave a fivestar review on Apple Spotify everywhere you get your podcast sure he’s Sam olber I’m Matt cozy this is locked on Cubs

The Cubs are 39-46 with four weeks until the trade deadline. Should they sell at the deadline? Would could be traded? What would prevent them from not selling? Plus: Looking at the schedule this month and previewing Cubs/Phillies.

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  1. Nico is one of the few guys that could bring a solid return that doesn’t have a no trade clause. Unfortunately, it makes a lot of sense

  2. Cubs are in a shit position because of just how awful they've played all year…but I do think they should sell. Bellinger/Happ seem the most obvious. I think they should look for younger, relief pitchers that have upside (Yankees ~!). They need some identity; it should be defense, pitching (Morel can't play 3B anymore going forward) and Build around Steele, Shota

  3. Bellinger's salary is not an issue due to the length of the contract. The fact that he could opt out after this year will limit any kind of return.

  4. So this team was a contender last year, but not this year. If they can go from being a contender, to shit………why do you say they can't roll into 2025, with the same team? Who says they can't revert back to 2023 form? Now, don't get me wrong, changes need to be made, but I don't think they need to tear it down, like they did in '21.

  5. Just play all the young players and rebuild for next few years. Pointless talking about off-season signing unless you talking signing more Swanson type players 😂 because cubs can't get the big names they cost too much for this owner. Just go full youth movement but keep shota . I would trade pca as well he can't hit he a amazing Outfielder but he can't hit we just had outfielder who couldn't hit.

  6. You just pay the remainder of the 2024 salary any Player traded , that money is already committed anyway and that alone will increase the return and Yes You do take more prospects because prospects are the most valuable commodity to acquire ML Players in the offseason

  7. What is happening, right now, is why they didn't want to go over the luxury tax this year. They will cross that threashhold when it's warranted. This year was NOT that time.

  8. If they have a winning record no matter what, they should sell. This is how they are and always will be until we get rid of guys like Happ, Hoerner, Taillon, Seiya, and so on.

  9. I think we should get rid of these lack luster bullpen guys, Bellinger, and Happ. Nico is part of the youth movement, so he should stay along with Morel. Hendricks should be an option. Let’s bring up the young guys!!!

  10. Just started rebuild a few yrs ago. Need to do another one already. Too many bad contracts. $230 mil and still have holes. Bad roster construction.

  11. You ever pick up a beer at a party and it’s full and you go oh yeah and drink it? Then that great tasting beer has a cigarette butt that goes in your mouth and you gag. That’s the Cubs right now.

  12. I can’t believe anyone can make a list of players the cubs should keep. Lmao! They are all sooo bad. Maybe keep pca but he can’t hit. None of them can’t fing HIT! Has one player on the team went 3 for 3 or 4 for 4, even 3 for 4??? I look at the box this year and am amazed when someone has more then one hit in a game

  13. There should be a lot of money coming off the books at the end of the season. Hendricks, Gomes, Smyly, Barnhart, Wisdom and I believe they may be others coming off the books.

  14. The Cubs are a mess. When will they get sold.? They will not be good until they get an owner that wants to win. This is pathetic. To be so close to playoffs last year and now last and selling. A team always reflects attitude of manager. Asleep at the wheel.

  15. Team sucks. Disappointing season is all but over, with this group showing no life. Sad that they could sell just about anyone and we won’t even care.

  16. Even if they win every game from now until the trade deadline, they still need to sell. If not, it'll be the same thing next year. Nico should retire a Cub.

  17. The Cubs need too clean house, the F.O. needs to be cleaned out, Jed Hoyer and Carter Hawkins need to go. Some power in this lineup is needed, and some power arms are needed

  18. I'm with you, Matt! Cubs need to sell so we can see what our better minor league players can do at the major league level. We just need to be certain to keep PCA, Steele, Imanaga, and Busch.

  19. A lot of changes needs to made to this organization. Front office, coaching staff, half the players, the DJ, and the boring music. Pick players that can bring a must win attitude, has fire and passion, good chemistry, and some swags. It’s like watching strawberry shortcake and friends play against the Justice league. I miss going to games, but ever since Theo left, the players and atmosphere has dropped down a well. I have more fun watching the Padres than the Cubs. The Mets and their musical teammate was fun to watch too. I hope do sell regardless if this team miraculously wins any games before ALB.

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